The wife is always unhappy with everything. Why does a wife constantly nag her husband? Saw woman - what is she like? Relationships in the family as the cause of the wife's dissatisfaction

Although each of us undoubtedly strives for harmony and mutual respect in marriage, it is not always possible to achieve such an ideal. In the life of spouses there are difficult periods and unpleasant twists and turns. But they are all surmountable if there is a spiritual relationship between partners and sincere feelings... But in some couples, situations may arise where one of the spouses very often or almost constantly expresses dissatisfaction with the partner. The reasons and methods for overcoming the wife's constant dissatisfaction with her husband will be discussed in this article.


Relationship psychology married couple is by no means simple. The expression "cute scold, only amuse themselves", indicating the frivolity of conflicts and quarrels, is not true in all cases.

Often, married men are faced with the fact that they are forced to live in a difficult and hostile atmosphere. The wife is always unhappy with her husband, often insults for no reason, makes far-fetched and unreasonable demands and claims. If there are children in the family, such an unfavorable environment has a very negative effect on their emotional and mental health... Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for men in such a situation to simply break loose in response, showering their soulmate with reciprocal rude words and reproaches. As a result, scandals exhausting both partners occur in the house almost every day.

Both spouses should approach the solution of such a problem with full seriousness. It is important for a man to figure out what is the reason for this behavior and the almost constantly inflated state of his partner. The wife also needs to work on her psychological difficulties... She should try to find a way out not in the sphere of scandals and systematic humiliation. loved one, and in rational methods of correction and control of psycho emotional state.

Consider possible reasons discord family relations in a couple, because of which the wife is always rude, insults and expresses dissatisfaction without objective reasons.

Oftentimes, these kinds of relationship breakdowns are caused by problems in the sex life of a couple. Being long time unsatisfied with sexual relations, but not being able, embarrassed or unwilling to express this, the woman gradually accumulates emotional stress... Over time, stress only grows, and the spouse begins to unconsciously look for relaxation in the everyday sphere. Many women do not bind at all sex life with his psychological state... This makes it very difficult to recognize and then resolve relationship problems.

A barrier to improving family life is the shyness of one or both spouses. Partners are not ready to competently discuss sex, express mutual wishes to each other, indicate any negative points. A similar situation when a healthy pair is absent sex life, satisfying both partners, greatly complicates the relationship outside of bed.

Emotional remoteness of spouses, absence common interests and opposite of characters greatly complicate family life. It is not uncommon for a man to choose for marriage, which was somewhat forced. Unfortunately, even today, marriages of convenience or at the insistence of parents are still being contracted. The reason for such an inappropriate union may be unplanned pregnancy... In any case, it is almost certain that such partners, living together in marriage, will be deprived of a sincere spiritual relationship.

Lack of common interests and common ground will complicate normal communication... But living side by side, it is impossible to ignore each other's existence. Therefore, the reasons for communication, in this case- negatively colored, just thinking about it. This results in nagging, reproaches, insults from one or both spouses.

The reason that a woman scolds her husband may be that family environment that she observed as a child. In other words, a girl or a woman, having married and starting life together with a man, unconsciously repeats the scenario of building a relationship that she saw with her parents. Often, in such cases, even children's psychological trauma if the girl had to watch difficult scenes of scandals and even violence.

The parents of the wife can also inflame the situation in the family. Most often, the mother interferes with the daughter's relationship. The mother-in-law may speak negatively about her son-in-law. Often grown woman may even embark on adventures in order to humiliate the chosen one in the eyes of her daughter. The situation is further aggravated if the spouses live in the same house or apartment with the wife's parents.

The reason for the sharp and rude behavior of the wife may lie in the negative character traits of the man himself. The spouse is thus forced to defend herself or defend her interests. Often husbands openly show unfounded jealousy, possessiveness, restrict the freedom of the second half, preventing her from realizing her interests, engaging in hobbies. Deprived of communication with friends, not having the opportunity to do something interesting for herself, in addition to work and family, a woman in response tears off her emotional stress on her spouse.

Severe consequences for psycho-emotional sphere women have experienced episodes of violence, including sexual violence, by a man. It can be beatings from the father, violent fights with an older brother, rape by a partner, or by a stranger... If the woman did not receive psychological assistance and could not cope with the trauma on her own (which is possible in very rare cases), then fear, resentment, helplessness in front of brute force remain in her subconscious for a long time. This is a very difficult situation that requires long-term rehabilitation and work with a psychotherapist. Women are most often ashamed of such experiences, and the husband may not even know that the wife has ever been abused. Therefore, it cannot even conceive that the root problem behavior the second half is hidden there.

How to build relationships?

Sure, loving spouse certainly wants to return a calm and friendly atmosphere to his family. However, it is worth setting yourself up for the fact that it may not be possible to do this as quickly as we would like. In any relationship, marital or premarital, important role patience plays. It is this quality that is important to stock up on, aiming to preserve and strengthen your marriage.

Psychologist's advice for men

Help your wife find a way out of difficult situations for her, support her during problems at work. All this will help her relieve stress and calm down.

  • Don't ignore problems in your sex life. Talk to your spouse about her feelings during intimacy. If both you and your wife are not ready to discuss such an issue, do not be afraid to contact a specialist in sexual relations... Worldwide married couples visit such consultants, and this helps to strengthen the marriage, establish mutual understanding, and often prevents divorce.
  • Objectively assess your behavior, habits, manner of communication with your spouse. Introspection of their personal qualities useful in all situations. Often we reproach a loved one for what we ourselves regularly do.
  • Often, husbands make the mistake of trying to please the other half in everything in any conflict. Of course, you need to make contact and correct really committed mistakes. But here indulge in unreasonable demands, insults and nit-picking is still not worth it. This will not get rid of the essence of the problem.

How to behave during quarrels and conflicts with your wife?

There are simple tips to follow.

  • Try to be calm, do not respond rudely to rudeness, do not escalate the situation. Constructive, adequate communication is much more effective than a heated quarrel.
  • If the spouse cannot calm down and does not make contact, perhaps you should leave her alone for a while. Leave for a while in another room or go for a walk. Before that, gently tell your wife that her words are very offensive to you, and that you are ready to give her time to recover, and then calmly discuss the problem with her.
  • Learn techniques for controlling your emotional state. For example, breathing into account. To calm down, do not quickly count to yourself to 4, taking a steady breath, hold your breath for another 4 counts at the same pace, then exhale evenly for 8 counts.

2-3 minutes of this exercise is enough to bounce back. Tell your wife about this or another technique that is effective for you and do it together during a tense situation.

“I would like to understand: why women, and especially wives, are always unhappy with everything? Whatever you do, no matter how much you earn, no matter how hard you try to please, your wife always finds a reason to grumble. And this situation has developed not only for me, but for everyone married men that I know. Why is this happening, and what needs to be done to make the woman happy? "

Yes, indeed, when you start discussing this issue with men, a heated discussion always arises in which men are outraged by "insolent" wives, actively listing what they do not like in wives and what irritates them.

We will not discuss all the family problems that both husbands and wives have to face. We will answer this question in a global sense.

Why are women unhappy with everything?

In fact, everything is very simple.

Men have it in their minds: "to feed, protect, provide" and - that's all

Whereas the female essence requires much more. It requires development, and not only physical, but also in feelings. Feminine essence strives for the development of feelings, for emotions, for improvement.

Nature has decreed so that a woman can fully raise her children.

Due to these aspirations, women motivate men to take action.

A woman, with any of her discontent, always provokes men to do something.

Even when a wife leaves her husband, she still provokes him to something. Thus, most men have achieved success in life only after their wife left them. The question arises: what prevented them from doing this, living with her? There was not enough motivation.

A woman is that engine in the universe, thanks to which the world will not stop developing, because men will not stop doing everything for its development for the sake of women.


Good afternoon, dear homebodies. As often happens, a wife is unhappy with her husband, his behavior or attitude towards her. "You do not help me much around the house!" - this is one of the most popular female claims to a man.

Wanting to at least slightly reduce the daily bay of his beloved woman, a man resignedly takes on more and more new responsibilities, but this does not change the situation for the better.

What's the matter? Why or depressingly silent?

Let's clarify!

Housekeeping is a job. And it so happened historically that a woman does this work.

Undoubtedly, this work can be greatly facilitated by equipping the dwelling with a washing and dishwasher, washing vacuum cleaner, food processor and other modern things. Actually, most men see this as their contribution to the creation of home comfort.

It seems to them that the woman is now required to exclusively press the buttons with manicured fingers, without looking up from the magazine.

As you can imagine, things are a little different. AND it comes not even that the dirty plates themselves will not scrape off the remnants of goulash and will not line up in even rows, and someone still needs to sort out smelly socks from lace panties.

It's about management. What, you ask, management can be in a banal wash? You don't even think about it, but for your wife, every wash is a real project!

  • Is there enough laundry
  • are there any complex ones that require preliminary processing,
  • will the noisy spinning of the child wake up if you start washing late in the evening,
  • will there be enough space on the dryer if you wash everything in one go,
  • whether to boil all whites separately, or wash together with light colored items at medium temperature,
  • whether there is enough powder for 2 come in or do you need to run to the store ...

Yes, these decisions are made automatically, but this happens every time and before every button press.

Cleaning, washing dishes, going to the store, preparing food, caring for animals and plants - all of this is as demanding as any other job.

The more household chores, the more carefully you need to think about the strategy. And that is what turns a woman into a housewife.

Step one.

When a wife is unhappy with her husband, appreciate your contribution.

Situations are different. It so happens that the husband works two jobs, and at home rushes about like crazy, following the orders of his unemployed wife.

And it happens that he sits on his pope in front of a computer in the office and drinks coffee, and his woman rushes after work in kindergarten and a shop, and spends evenings at the stove. Nevertheless, it is still possible to divide responsibilities so that everything is fair.

Determine what household chores you are ready to take on completely and completely, and what work you will not touch even at gunpoint, and discuss it with your wife.

Step two.

If the wife is unhappy with her husband, then do your job inside and out.

You must understand that if the sharpening of kitchen knives falls on yours, a woman should not plan this work.

Knives have to be sharp, period. If she screams from the kitchen "honey, the knives are stupid!" - she has already taken over some of your work. And every time she flattens a tomato with a blade blunt as a finger, she has every right to bite.

After all, the knife sharpening that you took on includes not only maintenance, but also preventive maintenance.

If a woman asks you to do your job, then you have not relieved her of this work 100%. Believe me, it's better to do one thing without waiting for a request than 10 things at the behest of your wife.

Step three.

If the wife is unhappy with her husband, take the initiative.

No, it's not about how to take on the whole homework, freeing your beloved to watch TV series. If you have already divided the responsibilities equally and do each of your own things, and your wife does not have to plan your own work for you, it's time to learn one little trick.

It consists in the fact that from time to time you will participate in the planning of her duties. For example, you dripped ketchup on white shirt... You can throw it in the laundry basket. You can wash it yourself.

Or you can say: “Honey, I have a stain on my shirt, and there are a lot of white things in the basket. Maybe we can wash them today before the stain is dry? "

The same goes for food preparation. When your wife asks what to cook for dinner today, she's not trying to please you at all.

Do not try to ease her with the words "whatever you want, then cook" - this is the worst answer! By choosing a dish to your taste, you help her plan her work.

Step four.

If the wife is unhappy with her husband - ask and remind

It so happens that objectively the wife does much less than the husband, but continues to methodically nag him. In such a situation, you can take on the role of a tactician and strategist, regularly reminding her of her responsibilities.

And if earlier, when she could not get a nail driven into the wall from you for months, the truth was on her side, now that you have learned how to do your work inside and out, it's time to put her in her place.

At the same time, you can be in her shoes and feel what it is like to constantly ask, remind, demand and not get any result. With women who are economic, responsible, and most importantly, loving, this technique usually does not have to be resorted to.

Enjoy it

The distribution of roles and their clear implementation allows you to reduce conflicts on the basis of everyday life to a minimum. After reading women's forums, you come to such a simple conclusion: women are annoyed not that a man does nothing, but that he does nothing himself.

After all, you yourself like it when your wife makes your life more pleasant (in a sense) by own initiative, not after you ask her a thousand times.

If a wife is unhappy with her husband, you need to have a heart-to-heart talk, what are you doing wrong in her understanding?

Happy family life!

I have wonderful husband... Sports, without bad habits, does not change (not physically, not spiritually). Together all my life. But I, 27 years old, do not work and do not know who I should be, since it is difficult for me to work. No, I don't want to be a salesman, I want a prestigious job. But alas, I am not the lucky one who gets any chance. To achieve something lazy. I - unhappy wife and want more. Just.

I always think about having fun, smoking, drinking. And I suffer from the fact that I'm bad. I don’t clean my house, I don’t cook, I think and dream of another life. And he is handsome and dreams of children. He always works, earns decent money, but everything is not enough for me. I have no girlfriends, friends - this is an indicator of me. So I am uninteresting, selfish.

When he is not at home, I go out into the entrance and smoke cigarettes, he does not know. And I hate to be myself, but I cannot change. Why? Yes, because I don't want anything. No, I want a lot, but these are dreams: my own business, a Mercedes, renovation, an apartment in the center of Moscow, a yacht, a dacha on Rublevka, to make lips and boobs. It's disgusting to be me. I want to close my eyes and wake up as a different person. I do not like myself, my appearance is an indicator of my soul.

What I want? I want someone to tell me how to live, and I felt in my heart that I had changed. I want an easy way. It's disgusting.

How to live, because time passes, and being alone is suicide. And right away I want to say that I used to help look at the life of a stranger who lives worse, and it immediately becomes easier, but this does not change me. I am not changing. How to understand and start love your life? How to change values? After all, it is not at all happy to go to work in the morning, to pick up the child from the kindergarten in the evening.

Oh, and also, I don't have an instagram, because I always look at the lives of other people and think how lucky they are. And after that, the soul is so bad that you are here, and she is there. Traveling with beautiful face and rich in body. And my plus is that I can be happy and not envy the happiness of others. It’s insanely boring for me to live. But my soul is not at all happy to be the way I am.

Nobody cares.

See a psychotherapist, you have depression.

Tin! Millions of people dream of a life like yours. Someone hunched over at the machine in the morning to pay for rental housing and feed the children, someone spends all the money on medicines because they are sick. You are just a bum, such a man needs another woman, with different values, leave him, do not waste his health and life. In short, give him his address, I will take him to my place, and this is me serious.

Sad. You really got drunk.

Go to the club, swell and have sex with the hookah man in the toilet, life will sparkle with new colors.

How did he not leave you yet? If you continue lying on the couch like this, doing nothing, but dreaming about the luxury of life, then you will also be left without your golden man. You are an empty person and unworthy of it. What do you have.

I read it, and right at the very hands dropped. And laziness became. And what to do. Of hopelessness post. Why bring such negativity to the masses?

- How to change values? For me, there was a reassessment of values ​​twice, when they wanted to rape me for the first time and, perhaps, later to kill me, for the second time 2 guys tried to steal me at night on a deserted street. Drag it into the car. I grabbed the T-shirt and began dragging me into the car, and while I was struggling, the second came out, and I managed to break free, tearing the shirt, ran at such a speed as I had never run. And somehow soon after that, I was going at 7 o'clock in the morning in a minibus to study, the mood was terrible, I did not get enough sleep, there were few places, angry, I was going, I feel sorry for myself, a fucking minibus, I don’t want to go to couples. And suddenly a voice in my head interrupts me and begins to scold me with obscenities - "you, bitch, say thank you that you are generally taking this minibus to study, and not lying somewhere in a ditch." Everyone has their own impetus, after which a reassessment of values ​​may occur, and these are not just words.

Life is pain. Disgruntled woman wrote a post and went on to smoke. Only you can help you.

What have I read?

"I have dreams, but I'm too lazy ...."

Except you, no one will tell you how to live.

I am sincerely sorry for your husband!

Modern girl has a lot of opportunities for self-development, and you are wasting your life.

I don’t know, I don’t understand when I have a loved one next to me, so I’m not just wearing, I’m running, fluttering! I want to do everything, I am happy and do not whine. I can not understand. what's wrong with you!

You are degrading, dear. And the reason for everything is your laziness. Go to work, you are simply bored at home.

Not life, but a dream. I wish I could be a woman, but with such a husband.

First, you don't love your husband. Secondly, you, apparently, are of the same breed with me. It's never enough for us. Believe me, a Mercedes and a personal business will not stop you from desiring. What should I do? Pulling claws until she gets pregnant. Work hard at work, change yourself. Life is on the move. It is already short, and you gray it out. (For some it is happiness, how you live, but not for you). Modern woman dreams of such a life, but everything is not enough for you. It's about you.

If you don’t want to work, don’t work. But at least try to become a good wife for your man. Prepare for him, clean up the house, watch yourself, give birth to children, and then you will immediately have things to do. Be glad that you have such a man! If he is athletic, so go in for sports with him, go to gym... And there are tons of things to do at home.

Don't match everyone up to you. Someone dreams, but for someone it is happiness to plow in and be needed by society.

That's almost all about me, only I am still working, I like to calculate my profit - this is my motivation. I overcame laziness a couple of years ago. And depressive thoughts are gone, which is what I wish for you. A modern girl can easily change her life and overcome laziness.

I certainly didn't write myself anywhere. My life is my life. The author himself declares his inferiority.

She wants a prestigious job! A piece of meat, apparently, has forgotten what it is like to get your ass off the couch. If you buy a business like that, it'll get pissed off and feel sorry for yourself. Mercedes, oh. Come on, collect your snot in your Chinese washing machine and find a job that will at least take you.

Well, why not change? You have nothing in this life except you, no husband, no dough, nifiga, for this is all passing, and you will always be with yourself. Yours today determines your future, and these are not just words, so do not tell here and do not build castles in the air, just do it in silence. You created your boring world yourself.

Lazy ass! With nothing to do, you don't know what to do with yourself, how you can be like that!

What can I say, stay in the ass! The world is not for lazy whiners, but for those who strive and achieve! If you are both bored and sad - your problem.

For some reason I thought for a moment about the work of a hookah maker.

I just remembered a story about a chick who fell in love with a hookah man and left her rich husband. Here's the answer - what to do if you're bored. And what - extreme!

I recognized myself in this post.

The husband, apparently, is completely stupid, since he is satisfied with this foreverdisgruntled wife .

Until life pokes you in the shit well, no way. You will never begin to love, she herself was an eternal dissatisfied miracle until I realized that it can be really bad, and life is not so bad if you are healthy and not completely poor, say.

The fact that you adequately reflect and realize the problem is already good, think about what you would like, but not from a global type of yacht, Mercedes and so on, but to begin with, little things. What you can do, for example, you write that you are dissatisfied with your appearance - so take care of it, when you see the changes, you will be proud of yourself, and success will motivate you for further changes. The main thing is just start doing something. The path to a dream consists of small goals, set them and act. And your boring world will be transformed.

It seems to me that some drug addict wrote this. Or an ordinary parasite. Go at least to learn at least something in order to have at least something as a result! Go to the gym, imagine how your dear man who supports you, who does everything for you so that you do not need anything, will be delighted with your progress! Cook deliciously, rip out the apartment from ceiling to floor! As my mother used to say: there will be no boredom if your hands are busy. Find something to do at home.

Oh, just a lazy ass, and does not like anyone but himself, what is there to talk about!

I sometimes do not understand why such individuals live and occupy land and resources? Kill me. But such a person will never do anything useful for society and for himself, and if he takes up something, he will only spoil it. Even if it doesn't even smell of personal self-development and at least some interests, I don't understand how this is possible, I don't understand. I live relatively modestly, sometimes there are not enough resources for simple entertainment even, but constantly, in completely different areas, I learn something, spin, make acquaintance, rejoice like a child, if it works out. I am never bored at home, because I am constantly busy with something. And yes, I, too, have already spent my entire adult life with my man, but I have no desire to escape from him to smoke in the entrance. The author on me some kind of turbidity directly caught up with his text, already hard after reading.

Who wrote this post from me? It turns out that I'm not the only lazy sheep. I, too, sit on my husband's neck, I do the housework when I really need it, but I also have a Mercedes, my husband even gave it to me, if only Alyonushka was happy and did not shake her nerves. But I'm not happy, even sitting in a Mercedes, everything is always wrong. I don’t know what to do with it. I want to go in for sports, but it's hard for me, I'm made of wood, and my endurance is not on fire. I have a boring, monotonous life. Ugh, sick of you and myself! Why the hell were you not too lazy to write this? Only once again reminded me of my stupid being. Speaking of travel, we fly to have a rest 2 times a year, but! Tadam! I'm not happy there either!

In general, you need to beat you on a constant basis. This is the only way out.

- "And yet, I do not have an instagram, because I always look at the lives of other people and think how lucky they are and after that it is so bad in my soul that you are here, and she is there. And my plus is that I can be happy and not to envy the happiness of others. But my soul is not at all happy to be the way I am .... "You contradict yourself about envy, no?

Yes, just a snickering dumbass!

I remembered:

One man dreamed of winning the lottery. Every day he came to the temple, got down on his knees and asked God:

Lord, help me win the lottery!

A month passed, the second. One day a man, as usual, came to the temple, knelt down and began to pray:

Lord, let me win the lottery! After all, others are winning. What does it cost you ?!

Finally, buy a lottery ticket!

She just smokes the sky, an extra person. I'm sorry for her man loving girl does not behave like that. I wouldn't be surprised if her husband has normal family on the side. There is more benefit from a pet than from you, author.

Damn one writes about me. Others comment on the post with my own thoughts. But I did lift my lazy ass and work as a saleswoman, you have to start somewhere, and you start, but do not reproach yourself, but praise, first for the little things, and then you will become an incentive for yourself.

Everything about me. But I so began to suspect that these were problems with thyroid... I will go to the examination soon.

You even whine here. Maybe this is the whole point ?!

There must be a goal for self-realization to please you! Set yourself a goal, a task, and go to it, no matter how lazy and when you start to get something, you yourself will notice changes in yourself, and they will inspire you. You know, anything can happen in life, and you have to be ready for any situation!

Some moments are right about me. But I still don't permanent state... There are periods of such dissatisfaction with everything around and terrible laziness. When you do not want to do anything, but so that everything is.

Because you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start moving towards something. The modern girl has unlimited possibilities self-development. So you can sit and whine until old age, and your man will run away and not even turn around.

- "You will meet bad person- have pity on him. You have to endure him - nothing at all, and he yourself - all his life. "Let's take pity on her.

As it is written about me, I only have Instagram.

You are stupid. Poor man, how can he put up with you? Take up self-development at least to begin with.

You don't love your husband, a loving girl doesn't behave like that. Beyond my understanding post.

You just said that many people dream of such a life. As you can see, not all of them.

A lot about me. Only we both smoke. I constantly sing, draw, write, photograph, save animals. But I don't feel like I've made any progress. It's like I'm at the bottom. I cook deliciously, I try every day for him, I do design projects for my studies (but no matter how hard I try, no one takes me seriously, because I skip, lie in my depressions, sometimes I participate in competitions and win, prizes are encouraging, but not for long. I don’t love myself. Then I just lie there and don’t even want to open my eyes and go somewhere. Self-esteem is at zero. And suddenly, when the problems have accumulated, and I’m already in full ass (Nikki Minaj), something clicks, I stop feeling sorry for myself And I work in a new way. It's like a phoenix. There is no fucking harmony. I understand that my problems are complete garbage, and I am ashamed of it. Advice - do what you are rushing. It's not for long, but it helps.

To a psychologist, dear, to a psychologist. I'm serious.Depression in womencan take on ugly forms.

The author, this happens from an excess of free time. They say correctly - labor ennobles a person. Personally, I like traveling and volunteering. Helping others is, in my opinion, the best that a person can do in this world, plus - you feel that you are not living in vain. Start small, helping an animal shelter, helping children or abandoned old people

Go to the wipers.

Some kind of horror. Problems sucked out of the thumb. You dumb bastards. If you were on the street with your bare ass, you would immediately fall in love with life, and warmth, and comfort. And so freak out with fat, creatures. That's all I wanted to say.

You are nothing. Loving people they don't do that at all! And so, it seems to me this is such a whim. No respect for himself, nor for his peasant. How do you live? And in no case should children be allowed. The swamp will worsen, and the psyche of the child - even more so.

This is all from idleness.

Everyone wants to live well, everyone wants to live richly, the only thing they don’t want is to do at least something for this! Author, go out the window - and that's the end of it, don't torture a normal guy.

It's just that not everyone is made to work. Some are destined to plow, while others are destined to be an ornament in someone's life. The author, if plowing is not yours, then become an ornament in the life of another person, and you will have whatever you want.

Go to an oncological clinic, where people in terrible agony from pain are slowly dying, but they are fighting to the last. Maybe you bitch will stop suffering such garbage? And how are you not ashamed to write this still?

In the animal world, these are called drones. I wonder how he still hasn't kicked you out? An empty man, nothing!

If your husband makes decent money, then ask him for your small business. Open a shop, do it. The path can be easy only when you like it. See a psychologist, let him help you decide in which area you can develop. Traveling and appearances will not make you happy. You need self-actualization. You already have a man. Why do you need lips and breasts if he loves you the way you are? Self-actualization will restore self-confidence, help to love yourself. A person is built in such a way that he loves himself for some kind of merit, but you really do nothing.

And after all, normal men always get skins.

You can live modestly and happily, if not for long and with your loved one.

You're just a lazy lazy person. Degrading personality - I don't even feel sorry for you. Even if you commit suicide, the world will not lose much.

Fool, go to work, I have one answer for quitters like you.

Girls, here you are, of course, angry! A person asks for help - they have driven it, they want death through one, wow! Our Russian mentality, or what? Where does so much anger and hatred come from? Everyone is so perfect and cool, successful and ambitious - there is no one to send straight!

You are a snickering and envious creature. What's stopping you? Hands to feet - and go! You just got drunk from idleness. Brains swam. It's boring at home - go and work!

Throw your husband, gave him up to a good, decent girl.

You are nothing. Go my floors. Too late for normal operation. If new higher education, then at 30 no one will let you start from scratch somewhere. You fucked up your life. Pray that your husband does not leave and leave you with a bare ass.

Clinical case. You should go to the doctor, otherwise I want a lot of things, but I don't want anything, and that's why this is such garbage. Worthy man deserves a decent relationship, he needs a loving girl, not you. So turn on your head, otherwise when you really want something, it will be too late.

Wait, the roast cock will bite soon.

I would pay to have such a husband!

Well, among all this rubbish you have good husband who loves you. Apparently, you are not that bad. in order to understand yourself, it is better to go to a psychologist, you cannot cope with such problems on your own, it is not to consider it from the inside, but to consult with ordinary people there is little sense, since there is a high probability that they simply will not understand you, and even if they want to help, they will not be able to.

How do people like you find normal men? You are both bored and sad. And you yourself are empty and sad. What keeps him by your side?

In all this trash, the main mystery is - how hasn't her husband left her yet? If the author is the way she writes about herself, I really don't understand. how is such a man still with her?

From idleness and lack of entertainment, all this garbage. The husband is to blame for the fact that you are sitting alone at home and do nothing, and apparently, you are still not having a good time together.

You need to be shaken well. For your husband to kick you out of the house. A modern woman should not sulk and whine like that.

Go to the hall to pull the iron and make the children. There is no purpose in life, children will help. The age has approached this, already under thirty. The crisis.

I don’t understand something, the house is a full cup, but do you envy travels on Instagram? There is money, but you cannot improve your body and appearance by a little straining, plus connecting salon care? I do not understand. Really, there are tons of fun things to do at home.

In this story, I least of all understand my husband. Nafig him this drone with an eternally displeased face?

Maybe the man is really a pervert, or is he keeping her instead of a pet?

A 30-year-old woman does not know who to be, drinks and smokes like a steam locomotive, and also dreams of beautiful life, which will be presented to her on a silver platter, and she will not lift a finger for this. Or this is the fattest stuffing, or someone will soon show the way to three letters.

Go to a psychotherapist, do not suffer. You are really bored with life.

How easy it is to provoke people. Are you all that stupid? This is the fattest stuffing!

How would we all live without such important information?

Well, if you have such thoughts, then this is already good, not all is lost. Some people live like this all their lives and do not know. Well, the man will quit. You will begin to appreciate both him and life. I just haven't lived in shit yet. Here you are, a disgruntled wife. Appreciate your husband!

Oh, author, I love you, I am the same, and I understand you perfectly. I really don't have any special material goods and so on, but there is a man - beloved, ideal, I myself do not know how to deal with my apathy, in fact, this is not funny, otherwise everyone teases and so on. Well, at least do not be burdened by the fact that you are the only one and do not scold yourself for being you. Everyone has their own life, their own character, their own mentality. And there are times when life is boring. I wish you peace of mind and find yourself, if you have such a wonderful husband and loves you so, then it’s not just that.

The book helped me, I advise everyone to read it, train your dragons is called, read it without fail!

As if I was writing. Only I don't smoke. I already have real depression from my life. What to do?

Read above, advice has already been given.

Lord, such nonsense! It looks like a fake.

Do something - sports, go to work that you more or less like, you will feel like a human being.

Damn, everyone is so sympathetic: "Poor husband, such gold, and you are such an ungrateful rubbish!" Apparently, he is not so awesome if his woman spends time and emotions whining! Provides - a young man, but with a clever man who shows interest and skillfully addresses, the woman will flutter and glow, and not sit in depression (no matter which one, I think, she herself has driven herself for uselessness). Hence the depression and thoughts about suicide. By myself, I judge - from disappointment and lack of attention, such apathy found that even like a wolf howl, no ambition saved.

Oh nafig, it doesn't happen like that!

What a stupidity!

Is that what I just read? Does that happen? I want to believe that this is stuffing!

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The question is asked by andrey - N., Russia

Married for the fourth year. The further the more difficult, the main problem is the difference in characters and age (10 years). I am 35, I am the head (head of the department) work a lot. She sits with the child (does nothing else) is constantly unhappy when asked what, she says she does not know. I'm reluctant to go home, I constantly think about divorce in recent times... I understand that it is a sin, but already on the brink. Can you tell me something, maybe pray .. Thank you.
With all respect, Andrew.

Denis Podorozhniy answers:

Hello, of course I will definitely pray. But most of the responsibility lies with you two.

Your situation is quite serious, but I am writing this not so that you are burdened and "loaded", but rather the opposite - in order to prioritize places, and undertake certain actions and efforts to save marriage.

You don't just need to understand that divorce is a sin. But to be convinced that 1) it is a sin; 2) this is not a solution to the problem; 3) it brings new problems. After all, you can, of course, say that the wife is to blame for everything, and that it is she who is unhappy with something, and you are doing everything right .... But that would be wrong.

What caused the dissatisfaction? Why doesn't she "herself know"? Perhaps she knows, but is closed so that you can talk about her problems in the shower. It is possible that, on the contrary, you are closed to listen and UNDERSTAND her.

Be that as it may, there are always reasons for dissatisfaction and cooling of relations. It is them that you need to solve. Without dealing with the roots of emerging problems, you will constantly see them repeat, and figuratively speaking "step on the same rake." And no divorce, no creation new family(do not even admit these thoughts!) Will not help you!

If the reasons remain, then the consequences will remain the same.

Why is your wife in such internal state? Have you tried to speak to her not from your point of view ("Well, what else? What else are you unhappy with? I do everything for you!"), But trying to SERVE and HELP her.

Seeing yourself unhappy, perhaps you do not notice her sorrows and pains!

Could there be such a layout? - You got married 4 years ago, both somehow imagined their family life, cherished certain dreams ... But then reality came. You yourself are at work. Life is in full swing around you, you have to make decisions, people, business, problems ... She is at home EVERY DAY. And every day is the same: cleaning, washing, cooking, raising a child. EVERY EVENING you come home from work tired ("I bring money to the family" - you explain your responsibility!), And therefore certain discounts are made to you. She understands this. But inside I want it differently. But as? Unclear! No exit!

This is how internal dissatisfaction is generated. And there is no one to blame. She understands you partly, but partly EXPECTES to be understood ... But you don’t understand ...

Can such an alignment be present in your family? Or maybe I'm wrong? God forbid!

Just double-check! Try to talk to her, not in the spirit of a showdown ("What don't you like?"), But in a sincere desire to understand her. Ask her about her dreams and goals. Do this not after a conflict or during household chores, but at the most appropriate moment.

No moment? Moreover, everything becomes clear. THEN YOU HAVE TO ORGANIZE THE MOMENT: take her to the restaurant. Agree with relatives or hire someone to sit with your child and spend time together (OUT OF HOME!).

Chat! Listen to each other! You should mostly listen to it. Let her talk! Perhaps only then you will begin to understand something!

Do not even try to keep the thoughts of divorce in your mind! Leave it! Repent that you have allowed such thoughts. START DOING WHAT YOU CAN DO to SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE!

If the inner emotional needs and expectations of a woman in marriage are not realized and not met, then it is not surprising that family life begins to crack. (However, with men as well, BUT (!) You need to pay attention to those things that YOU MUST DO TO YOUR WIFE)

Before you find this book, I will list these five basic needs of a woman in marriage:

1. The need for tenderness and romance

2. The need for communication and the ability to speak with the husband (and not on his terms)

3. The need for a husband to be honest

4. The need for the husband to be financially responsible for the family

5. The need for a husband to be good father for their children.

It is possible that some of your spouse's needs have been met by you, but precisely those that are not met and can make themselves felt (By analogy: if you are hungry, then you fresh air not enough to satisfy your hunger. If you are in a stuffy room, then you will not feel good just from the fact that you are full).

Think about how to make marriage and life more interesting and varied for your wife! May God give you creative ideas! Ask her what she dreamed of and what she dreams of? Help her realize herself! And by doing so, you will see how your family will be strengthened!

All the best to you!

Stay in touch! I believe that you will break through, and then I expect a letter from you with a testimony!


P.S. Do not forget to contact and consult with one of the wise church clergymen. In addition to consulting in the virtual space, it is VERY important to have and real communication with those who could listen to you carefully, and give sensible advice, and pray with you and for you! It is important!

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