Stereotypes about men and women. The man is not able to catch the frequency of a female voice. It is generally accepted that women are more emotional. This is true, if we are talking about expressing emotions. But who decided that men are insensitive and are not motionable?

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A real man should never anyone else ... And only naive women believe in another ....

The whole truth about male stereotypes told a practical psychologist, the sexologist Ilya Shabshin.

About sex: always wants, must and can

A man always wants and ready for sex - this is perhaps the most important stereotype. In fact, this is not the case. First, each of us has a different sexual constitution, which is the basis of activity in the sexual sphere since the birth of the Basis. Someone is powerful, someone has no.

Men with a strong sexual constitution earlier begin to be interested in the opposite sex, the first sex happens rather early, they need more often, they usually have more partners during their lives, and sexual activity is preserved until old age. In men with a weak sexual constitution, everything is different - they are significantly less than interest in sex, therefore their debut happens later, the possibilities, as well as the needs in this area, they have less. If it is easier to speak: someone needs four times per night, and someone once every three days is enough.

Secondly, the sexual sphere is quite a thin, and one-time mischief can occur from any man. The reasons for this can be found a million: fatigue, stress, just did not configure, recalled for some reason and so on.

Thirdly, health problems can also affect the sexual possibilities of a man. In addition, there are drugs that do not have a direct relation to the intimate sphere, but lead to a decrease in potency.

All this man should know, take and in the case of "misfires" do not make any negative conclusions. From the partner at such moments, you also need an understanding and tact. Especially in situations when she showed the initiative, and he could not pick it up. Otherwise, this can lead to a quarrel, annoyance and psychological problems.

About success: not lower than top manager!

Many unmarried women aged from 35 years old are experiencing if they are not married and they have no children. The man of the same age, first of all, suffers if he failed to succeed in the fact that he was engaged. And the society here gives a lot of parameters, which must be configured to be considered successful.

You work for yourself or "on Uncle", you are a major employee (perhaps even international) company, or your labor dust in the company "Rog and hooves". Are you a manager who has subordinates, do you take responsible decisions or are you just sending documents?

And how many success markers relating to the money: brand of cars, branded clothing, resting places.

All this is also important because even close people often evaluate men on the same parameters. What did you take place? What reached?

However, all these stereotypes. It should be understood that the stereotype is spitting on the unique uniqueness of each individual male. A stereotype is a generalized vision that does not take into account the man is in fact, what is its resources, opportunities, personal projects.

I know cases when men stop moving through the career ladder, realizing that they live their lives. As a result, they began a new life. And they did it right, because it made them happier.

About emotions: Men do not cry!

Since childhood, boys are brought up as girls. If the girl can be offended and praised when she took her doll or she broke the knee, then the boy in a similar situation would say: "You're a man and should tolerate, men do not cry."

This gives rise to improper attitude towards emotions, that is, that they must be clamped. Then this position is actively supported in school. "What are you roaring like a girl," a teenager will tell anyone to the teenage, shaving his sincere feelings.

It turns out that women have socially-approved channels through which you can issue your feelings. Men do it prohibit it.

So the emotions are sitting inside the men (after all, they can not experience them). As a result, all this is reflected on health. In the worst case, the man is waiting for an infarction or stroke, in the best - an explosion of anger.

About the attitude towards women: yes you are a tear!

With male emotions in general, the paradox. On the one hand, society does not encourage when men show their feelings, but at the same time women accuse men in an insensitiousness. After all, if she broke the nail, and he did not show sympathy, it will certainly be called "Sukharykh". Such a crucible contradiction.

But not only that men are accustomed to clamp their feelings, so also the approach to various situations they have more active: it is necessary not to worry, but to solve the problem.

About life: You're a man - you should!

Often, women (most often young) declare: "You're a man - you must ...", and then follows the list. At the same time, a man "must" literally from the threshold! So, many women are confident that the man does not have the right to come without flowers. It doesn't matter that they have not yet communicated, it does not matter that there is no talk about any sympathy of speech. "Must" and that's it. Where is the logic here?

All men are different, and therefore it is not worth it to apply the same pattern, putting such beaten stereotypes into the chapter. Let's pay attention to their individuality and features.

Man is a unit of society, therefore it is obliged to obey his laws and orders. Life in society has many advantages, but concludes an individual into a rigid framework and imposes norms called stereotypes. Stereotypes indicate the requirements for the level of personality level, pointing to functions and place in public relations. They affect the image of people's thoughts, their self-determination.

Some stereotypes firmly entrenched in consciousness and sound like their own thoughts. A person is afraid of exposing himself to negative criticism of the mass, tries not to stand out and remain within the "norm". So he approxes the generally accepted position, which does not understand or condemns. There is a doubt whether it is worth it to be a prevailing stereotypes, forgetting about uniqueness, or try to rebel, defending the position.

Boys - Blue, Girls - Pink

One of the popular groups of stereotypes is gender. They imply sustainable images and symbols and behaviors imposed by representatives of different floors. The emergence and preservation of stereotypes is due to the centuries-old evolution of gender relations, where the sexuality was raised above the qualities of the person of men and women.

We are accustomed to putting men and women with the same features and social roles, forgetting about the individuality. Public prejudices establish the degree of compliance of women and men with a generally accepted standard. Often it becomes a reason for misunderstanding between a man and a woman.

Consider the 7 most famous (and often erroneous) gender stereotypes that pursue us everywhere.

Girls on shopping, boys on football

The thesis is a gender stereotype that women and men have psychological features. These features affect the circle of interest and taste habits. Femnost (The designation of psychological qualities attributed to women) implies typical female properties of character:

  • friend;
  • softness and sentimentality;
  • pink preference;
  • addiction to economic cases (cleaning and cooking);
  • interest in melodramatic series;
  • love for shopping;
  • ability to chat a few hours on the phone.

BUT masculinity (The designation of psychological qualities attributed to men) attributes men such features:

  • pottleness
  • determination
  • a responsibility
  • the ability to pay for yourself (to start a fight)
  • love to Football
  • interest in cars.

Paradoxically, most of the listed serves as an example of a false understanding of femininity and masculinity. These qualities and features reflect only figurative associations associated with a specific floor. The accuracy of prejudices questionable: surely you have familiar men who love serials, or women who hate shopping.

Thoughts logical or silent

Do not divide

In ancient times, a true man was considered a leader who has strength and ability to influence others, subordinating weak. In the modern world, the authority is considered an ineffective method in the fight for rights. But men still inspire the need to be dictators and lords, even if it is not typical of them. On the other side of the prejudice - women from which they require unconditional subordination to the representative of a strong sex. Such is the reality for many women (in particular for the sequence of Islamic religion).

Social status

In Russia, there was an idea that the woman is a caring and dyed custodian of the hearth, loving wife and mother. Male - head of the family, minider and defender. Representations led to the appearance of symbols reflecting the separation of social roles. A woman is connected with the kitchen, children, house; Man - with money, car, family. Due to standardization, conditions are sound: "If you have a small salary, you are not a real man," "While you have no children, you can not be considered a woman."

Patriarchal views entered the traditional vision of the perfect family. Couples seeking changing social roles face condemnation and misunderstanding from the environment. But there are already many families breaking the stereotype. So, women, leading business and family providing men appeared, and men who took up the upbringing of children and housekeeping. Do not regard the position of things as a degradation of family relationships. Spouses must, having consisted, choose those responsibilities to which they are prone.

Championship problem

The established arguments who love to be guided by men and women are "order" to perform actions in the development of relationships. Stereotypes from the category "The man should offer to meet", "a woman should not call the first!". Think about whether it is necessary to adhere to specific "laws" of following, prompted who and what should perform first. The effectiveness of the approach has not been proven. Is it important who will write SMS today or trigger when meeting. Forget about the competition and act as the heart prompts you!

Women want love, and men - sex

The believes that women dream of marriage, because they need love, and men want to drag a woman in, as they don't know how to truly love. It is customary to assert that the love of men is physiological, so he needs a constant change of a partner, and the love of a woman is romantic, because it keeps the faithfulness of a man. This argument is justified by the polygamy of men and the monogamion of women. Although in reality it is not.

Attractive appearance - female prerogative

The appearance is adjusted under the parameters. But the requirements for men and women are disproportionate. The true lady should have expressive features of the face and a slim figure, be able to professionally make makeup and depilation, wearing stylish clothes. For many years, the only requirement has been presented to the gentleman - to be "a little prettier monkey." Although now men's attractiveness began to measure the size of the biceps, the presence of bristles or beard, tattoos and other attributes of this male. This perverts understanding male and female beauty.

Understand one thing: look like you want. If you feel comfortable in your own body, then this chase behind the ideal appearance parameters for nothing.

Adoption or protest

Stereotypes will never disappear from life, so you need to decide: approve them or not. You can accept and take a massive system of values \u200b\u200bif they do not contradict views. And you can refuse and build your reference system. The second way is more difficult, but more productive: it is not necessary to take the views with which they disagree and pretend to those who are not. Here you will come across a misunderstanding and hostility from people who think of stereotypes. Be calm and loyal: stick to your opinion and tolerantly treat someone else's.

But the main thing - be unique and stay yourself!

Have you ever wondered why one person in spoken English Called "Human Being"? And why do we say "he" about one person from a group of people, where men and women are present in the same extent? Is it fair?

There is a feeling that the English language has its attitude towards a man and a woman, - and this is quite true. There are certain stereotypes that include certain features only to men and others - only to women.

There are a number of stereotypes that society connects with individuals of male and female. They can be clearly seen in the language - which, by the way, reflects the nature and culture of his carriers, in our case - the nature and culture of the carriers of the English language. In colloquial English speech, such stereotypes are called "gender".

Examples of gender stereotypes in English, attitude to a man-woman:

Gender stereotypes are cultural and social views (beliefs, opinions, judgments) about the characteristics of the nature and norms of behavior characteristic of "real" men and women. They work in our consciousness on the principle "correct / wrong". The data of the prerequisites form a certain form of behavior, the same features are attributed to different estimates, depending on which sex we belong to this characteristic.

So, for example, if we say a woman that she has "Men's Intellect", we will make it a compliment.

On the contrary, if we say a man that he has a "female character", we are insulting it.

Examples of gender stereotypes of practical English

We give more examples from modern colloquial English to make sure that the "gender" (male or feminine start) prevails in it. We take, for example, a group of synonyms "Humanity" - "mankind" (which clearly does not include WOMANKIND). It is known that the word "man" we can replace these words in any sentence, but the word "Woman" never.


"Humanity's Great Achevements"

"Mankind's Great Achevements"

Only not "Woman's Great Achievements"

Thus, the woman is excluded from the concept of "Humanity" (humanity). In practical English, asymmetry is manifested in the fact that the words "Woman" and "She" resort much less frequently than to "man" and "he".

The influence of gender stereotypes is particularly noticeable in conversational English when comparing some lexical couples of words. Take, for example, the words Spinster - Bachelor. Despite the fact that SPINSTER (old Virgo), and Bachelor (Bachelor) have the meaning of "One Who Is Not Married", they laid absolutely opposite connotation.

While Bachelor is a neutral term denoting a free man who can make a choice between crowds of fans, Spinster is used by native speakers as a negatively painted judgment about a woman who is not needed to anyone and is already too old to build his personal life.

As can be seen from the above examples, colloquial English has a more favorable attitude towards male gender behavior. Nevertheless, the language of gender language remains open, as the authors of most studies are inclined to the conclusion that the main part of the English words is absolutely neutral. That is why there is no category of genus in English.

Analytical table will serve as proof of English neutrality:

Men's Gendrene - neutral Women
By mental abilities: Gifts, mind
1. Cocky - hotshot
2.HotShot. - Dressing perspective small
3.Pundit. - Scientist husband
4. Smart Aleck. - Smart Small
5.Whig - Scientist husband
1. ADEPT. - Expert, expert knowledgeable
2. All-Rounder. - versatile man
3. Bookworm. - bookworm
4. Brain. - clever, "head"
5. Brainiak. - clever, "head"
6. Dabster. - Expert, specialist
7. Dig - Diligent student
8. Erudite. - Erudite, scientist
9. Expert. - Expert, specialist
8. Fancier. - Expert of something
9. Generalist. - Erudite, a man of extensive knowledge
10. Genii, Genius. - genius, ingenious personality
11. Grinder. - Zubrila
12. HighBrow. - 1. Intellectual; intellectual man; Far from life scientist, intellectual
13. Intellect. - The clearer man
14. Intelligence - Thoring creature
15. Judge. - connoisseur, expert
16. Know-all. - Nessenike
17. Latitudinarian. - man of wide views
18. Literate. - competent, educated person
19. Longhair. - Intellectual
20. Mage. - Wisdom
21. Mastermind. - outstanding mind
22. Master - Spirit - a man of an outstanding mind
23. Maven (PAZG) - Expert, specialist
24. MAVERICK. - a person with an independent opinion, dissent
25. Moralist. - Moralist, Highboring Man
26. Mug. - Zubrila
27. MUZ (Z) - Zubrila
28. Natural - Gifted man
29. NERD - zubrila
30. Philosopher. - man with a philosophical approach to life
31. Polyglot. - Polyglot
32. Polymath. - Wide-based person, major scientist
33. Prodigy. - Gifted man
34. Sadhu. - Wisdom
35. Scholar - Dimensions, Expert (Razg)
36. Shark. - a brilliant connoisseur of something
37. Sharp. - Expert
38. Smarty. - Nessenike
39. Solomon -sage
40. Special - Talent, gifted man
41. Speculator - thinker
42. Sponge. - a person who is quickly learning knowledge
43. SWOT - zubrila
44. Talent - Talent, gifted man
45. Thinker. - Thinker, philosopher
46. Virtuoso. - Talent, gifted man
47. Watcher. - Expener, researcher
48. Whiz-Kid. - Gifted man
49. Wiseacre - Sage, smart
1.Starlet - ascending talented star
2. Bluestocking. - Socked woman, "Blue stocking", Pedanka (Iron).

To know more about English, order

Stereotypes - a terrible thing. They live in the head of each of us, and we all guilty about it. Stereotypes concern absolutely everything: how we should look like talking in certain situations, how to handle things and how to behave. Including stereotypes exist about us, men. Nothing, only often, they are not often poisoned by us, because in the eyes of others, for some reason, for some reason, we must match these stupid criteria. And if you do not want? So do not, dude. In total, what is listed below, you can not do with a calm soul: it is absolutely not necessarily for men.

1. Men are lying to women

Like a woman - especially beloved - it is not easy (at least one should not be such). However, some men whose moral values \u200b\u200bare largely distorted by watching serials and reality shows, can lie to women with relative ease. This becomes truly disturbing when such men consider a lie to the subject of pride and are not shy. Real men are responsible for their words and deeds and tell women the truth.

2. Men driving

Men often believe that the more beer or liqueur they can accommodate into their stomach, the more men they become. Do you know what sounds more courageous? A glass of whiskey with a cold winter evening next to his beloved woman. If you compare this with the absorption of one beer bank per minute surrounded by drunk friends, followed by the prospect of waking up next to the toilet - what wins? In my opinion, the answer is obvious.

3. Men love football

Men - from nature people competitive. Since the time of gladiators, the men were proud and enjoyed, fighting and defeating each other in anywhere. Today, some men believe that football is a true embodiment of masculinity: yes, it is based on strength, speed, skills, and often pain. This is a sport for men. This is a sport who brings fame, money and women athletes. However, any sport, what is sin to hide? And if football is interested only at the level of viewing the game on TV, then all the masculinity disappears at all.

4. Men do not eat salad

All, even women, know that men need to eat meat. A peasant need to prepare meat, the meat makes strong, meat meat meat. And you knew that no potency increases, and tomatoes and celery? Did you know that vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber? In short, you eat salad and jujoy.

5. Real men come off together

This is superweight: in a huge company, borrowed to the bar, gallery, drink, or even to poke money in the underwear strippers - a real male rest! It can not even believe that during this course someone can plan a hiking route in the forests - and this is, meanwhile, much more male.

6. Men are constantly changing women

Imagine: in the morning with a hangover you wake up next to a woman who barely know. Not very beautiful. And her breath in the morning is not very. You spend the next 15 minutes by trying to extract your underwear from under her pillow or her clothes scattered on a dark bedroom. Finally, you decide that the devils with them, with these shorts, you will find when you dress up to the end. You stuff them in the pocket of the jacket, kiss it in the forehead for a farewell and you are making home with these invaluable memories. And now repeat. Here it is, the life of the womanizer. Not really manitis, and?

7. Men have "their own style"

How much attention we pay our clothes! Then you are metrosexuals who and steps can not stand, without correcting a T-shirt on yourself and without assessing their reflection in the showcase or car glass, then, on the contrary, dude in dranny jeans and diverse sneakers with a pecker's caps back - such as such a shirt-guys. Dude, why should you take care at all about the image? Dressed? Decently? Conveniently? That's good!

8. Men are scattered with money

You can buy a yacht for money, and a naked cat-sphinx, and the chips with the taste of pizza - but you can't buy happiness on them (if you don't like chips with the taste of pizza most in the world). Most men from the young age understand that their main role in this world is to be breadcrumbs, which means to spend money - this is a male trait. It is true that the real men are quite pruded to curb their passions regardless of how much money they have. Will in fist!

9. Real men are Muscle Mountain

Pitchings convince everyone that they are the reference men that they are the perfect type of all the girlfriends. But muscle is not the only decoration of a man. And far from the most important thing.

10. Men fighting

We still do not fully understand why some men believe that we need to wave fists to prove that they are men. Probably there is nothing more barbarous than to brush each other's muzzles. I don't understand whether the fight is primarily self-defense, and it should not be running from it. However, beat someone to face, because you like the blood flowing from the nose looks like is not a male, but in idiot.

Stereotype: women are better coping with several cases immediately
Actually: not true

Let's start with the female multitasking - the ability to make several cases at once. We are always talking and next to us that women can paint lips driving, at the same time follow the child and cook food, talking on the phone and simply search for anything in the handbag - and all this thanks to the special structure of the brain. In the popular literature, female multitasking is explained by the large size of the corpus body, clusters of nerve fibers, which binds two hemispheres among themselves. It is assumed that the best connections between the hemispheres facilitate the execution of several cases at once, albeit to the detriment of the quality of each specific task.

If you turn to scientific items, there are little from these statements. First, in a number of tests on the multitasking of a woman showed the same or worst than in men, the results: when it was necessary to control the machine simultaneously, to solve the arithmetic examples and call the previously heard words, both gentlemen coped the same (the car, of course, for purposes The security was virtual).

Secondly, more accurate and accurate measurements of the volume of the corpus body did not reveal a significant difference. Scientists used magnetic resonance imaging, the brain was investigated during openings and came to the conclusion that, even though the male brain and more female, the relative sizes of the corn body bodies in them are the same.

In real life, an example of the fact that men can do well with many cases at the same time, pilots and air traffickers are served: with rare exceptions, these are men's professions (although here the causes of such a skewer are most likely historical). And the pilot and the air traffic controller should simultaneously monitor the devices, negotiate and keep the location of many aircraft in the head.

Stereotype: men are better developed spatial thinking
Actually: true, but there is a nuance

This statement entered most of the textbooks: women are worse coping with tasks
"Mentally turn the figure." And, judging by the data of scientific research, this statement is true. Although with two reservations.

The first: In 1971, anthropologists studied spatial abilities from Inuitov, indigenous people of Greenland and the northern part of Canada. It turned out that this people had men and women to cope with tests equally, perhaps because they are equally engaged in hunting, which perfectly develops spatial thinking.

Second: It is proved that the results of such tests are determined including the context in which they were conducted. If participants and participants in front of the test are given to read the story with stereotypically courageous or stereotypically feminine characters, the difference in
The results of men and women.

Another example is the tests that were given to students under the guise of "one of the tasks for the selection of military engineers" or "the test used to select the fashion designers". Despite the exact same task, in the first case, the young men marked the girls noticeably.

Stereotype: women coped worse with accurate sciences due to a special brain structure
Actually: not true

Usually this statement is supported by the lack of a large number of women engineers, mathematicians or physicists in the history of humanity. However, such an argument is unlikely to be corrected: until the 20th century, in most countries, women trite did not have access to higher education. Emmy Nonor, the greatest female mathematician and author of Theorem Nether, in 1916 could not receive the post of Privat-Association of the Hettingen University, and before that, from 1900 to 1904, was forced to attend lectures as a wideller - the university did not accept women students .

The gender gap between men and women in science and engineering has been significantly reduced, but did not disappear. March 8, 2014 is one of the most quoted scientific journals, Nature., released a special one dedicated to gender discrimination. Its authors referred to experiments in which the laboratories received fake summaries signed by men's or female names and a lot more often denied women in comparison with men.

In favor of the fact that the lack of women scientists are not to blame for their brain, but discrimination, says the comparison of schoolchildren's abilities. Regular testing of students in different countries showed that the difference between boys and girls is far from everywhere, and in a number of countries, girls cope with mathematics even better. Cognitive differences between the floors were studied repeatedly, but in the sphere of mathematical abilities they could not be revealed.

By the way, about stereotypes

In the middle of the XX century, a typical female profession was programming. Even the magazine Cosmopolitan wrote about the naturalness of programming for women, and experts - for example, Grace Hopper, the developer of the first compiler, - in every way supported such a point of view. Moreover, the program for managing moon ships "Apollo" wrote a team under the leadership of Margaret Hamilton; In those years, it was believed that "typical scrupulsiness and attentiveness for women" are key to programming qualities.

Stereotype: women are better distinguished false, because their brain is programmed to social interaction
Actually: not true

At a minimum, it is not true in terms of the "congenital tendency". A number of experiments with the participation of the tests of both sexes of different ages rather suggests that women with age are better learning to recognize false; This can be explained not to the brain device, but a way of life - for example, women do more time with their children.

Stereotype: women better distinguish odors because it is recommended to better distinguish pheromones to search for a better partner
Actually: semi-truth

This statement is particularly interesting because the person's pheromones have not yet been discovered: no matter what the manufacturers of perfumery say, to allocate these substances still failed. The only more or less intentional candidate is the secret of the nearby glands, but it attracts the opposite sex, and infants. No less strange and the opinion that women should distinguish pheromones to choose the best sexual partner: for most of the human history, it was the men who choose a partner for breeding.

To determine the challenge characteristics of the immune system of a potential partner, people (and any sex) really know how: we tend to choose those who have different from our own main histocompatibility complex - the offspring of such a connection will have a stronger immunity.

At the same time, most studies confirm that women really feel smells better. Does this value be outside the laboratories, the question is already controversial, because there are many men among the tastors and perfumes.

Stereotype: women are better distinguished colors
Actually: almost true

The genes responsible for the color perception are located on the X-chromosome, and this means that men will rather suffer from their mutations (in women with X-chromosome two, therefore, the "spare copy" is almost certainly). Most ranges are men; In addition, women are higher than probability to get four different photosensitive pigments instead of three and due to this distinguish between more shades.

There is also data (for details, see the "attic" material) that men otherwise have a visual bark and the sex hormones are to blame for this, so that people of different floors really look at the world in different ways.

What does not interfere with men to be artists, designers, specialists in the selection of paint and photographers. And until the XIX century, there were practically no great artists, because on the way to the vertices of art, women were faced with a lot of obstacles; They, in particular, forbidden to learn due to the mandatory artists drawing nude nature.

Stereotype: women better notice the details like rearranged books on the shelf, men - chapels in the bushes
Actually: truth

This observation is confirmed at least some studies: in the virtual labyrinth, women noticed more details on the sides. In addition, men fix small movements faster, and a number of researchers associate this feature with evolution: if we assume that men are more often hunted, the ability to notice the movement of production was an important factor in natural selection. This version is seriously discussed on the pages of scientific journals, but it is early to recognize the only explanation: in a number of cultures, for example, the same Inuit, the hunt is not exclusively male affair, and some of our ancestors and at all have known the fact that the prey of larger predators worked. There could be no acute vision, but the coherence of actions during the protection of carcasses from giant hyenas.


Most of the statements that the male brain differs from female and therefore the men should do something, and women are, at best, half a truth. Even where there is differences, their value can be too small for any practical conclusions. Or, which also meets completely and nearby, these differences can be very specific and manifest itself only under conditions of a carefully planned psychological experiment. It is not possible to say that girls cannot succeed in mathematics or that men are unable to distinguish between the emotions of the interlocutors - it means to sneak against the truth.

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