When you can get pregnant after medication. If a woman decides to give birth, then complications are possible. Unplanned pregnancy after medication abortion

To make a decision on artificial interruption of pregnancy, a woman can push a wide variety of circumstances: from banal unwillingness to become a mother specifically in this life period before medical testimony, non-compliance with which represents a threat to the fetus and the woman itself.

If the abortion of pregnancy is inevitable, the most gentle method recommended by experts is more often compared to others, is a drug abortion. Modern pharmacological I industry offers a fairly large range of means that can provoke spontaneous miscarriage from a woman.

Along with this, even a relatively gentle drug abortion is associated with some risks, first of all, which reduces the likelihood of successful pregnancy in the future. That is why many conscious women who do not respond from motherhood are interested in what is the likelihood of pregnancy after the pharmacological abortion and when you can count on a successful re-conception. With information on this occasion you are invited to read further.

The mechanism of drug abortion is extremely simple:

  • a woman consults with a specialist;
  • the patient is recommended the most suitable means for its case;
  • the woman takes appointed tablets, under the influence of which her body turns into a fetal egg, i.e. There is a miscarriage.

Under the influence of the mentioned drugs, the normal hormonal background of the patient will inevitably suffer, with the result that the stable development of pregnancy becomes almost impossible. It is important to understand the fact that the appointment of funds for the pharmacological abortion should be engaged exclusively qualified by the doctor, because In some situations, the reception of such drugs is categorically not recommended and even dangerous. The main contraindications include the following provisions:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • liver and heart pathology;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract organs, etc.

In addition, drugs for drug abortion show their effectiveness only if they are used to 7-8th weeks.

In general, the abortion of pregnancy using special pharmacologically funds causes the body of a much smaller harm than surgical intervention, haunting similar purposes. Along with this, experts still do not recommend hurrying with repeated conception.

In general, doctors agree that there should be at least six months between the drug interruption of pregnancy and the new fertilization, but sometimes specialists reduce the recommended period of up to 3 months.

Pregnancy in earlier periods can be dangerous for the fetus and mother. Often there are ectopic pregnancies and various kinds of pathology for the development of the fetus.

In general, recommendations for patients who have undergone pharmacologically, similar to the Soviets that specialists provide women after surgical interruption of pregnancy: to regularly observe the doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid stress.

When can repeated pregnancy occur?

It is important to understand that the previously mentioned 6-month break is a deadline, after which the woman's body is restored, and the chances of successful fertilization increase. However, the conception may occur also to the previously marked date.

The female organism regards an abortion not only as a large stress and a powerful impact of life forces, but also as the beginning of a new cycle. Consequently, if the uterus has time to develop the required layer of endometrial, and the deadlines of the offensive of ovulation remained normally, the recent interruption of pregnancy will not be an interference with re-fertilization.

Along with this, each person's body is individual, therefore the reaction of a particular woman on an abortion may differ from the development of events characteristic of most other patients. Someone can get pregnant immediately after the renewal of the cycle, others have problems with conception last for several years and more. In accordance with the averaged statistical data, the problems of conception after an artificial interruption of pregnancy have to face about 10% of patients, especially if the abortion was first and at a young age.

In general, instructions for further pregnancy planning will give a gynecologist. That is why the task of a woman comes down to finding a good, "his" specialist whose recommendations can be believed.

In addition to medical advice, it is necessary to be able to hear their own organism. To increase the likelihood of maintaining a normal reproductive function, a woman who has transferred an abortion, you need to follow a number of important recommendations, detailed information for which is shown in the following table.

Table. Tips for women who suffered an abortion

After an abortion passed several daysAfter the specified time, a woman must be referred to as a doctor in order to verify the state of the uterus. If necessary, the doctor prescribes medicinal drugs that reduce the likelihood of inflammation and scars.
After an abortion passed several yearsIf a woman decided to become a mom several years after the artificial interruption of pregnancy, before planned conception, you must consult with the doctor. When identifying such a need, a specialist will prescribe treatment that contributes to facilitating the process of conception.

If for 6 months attempts to get pregnant, no positive results were obtained, you need to re-consult a doctor. In general, experts recommend women who have suffered an artificial interruption of pregnancy, to regularly attend consultations, take the necessary tests and undergo treatment, if recommended by the doctor.

The probability of successful conception and healthy development of pregnancy can be reduced under the influence of various factors, among which the most common and significant are the following provisions:

  • long-term reception of oral contraceptives, especially budget and low-quality x;
  • menstrual cycle failures;
  • uncharacteristic allocations and bleeding from the vagina of an unidentified nature;
  • diseases and other uterus pathologies arising due to the transferred abortion;
  • painful and uncomfortable sensations in the field of back and abdomen having an unidentified nature;
  • constant stress and nerve experiences;
  • lack of normal rest.

At the same time, nerve experiences are one of the main obstacles to normal conception and healthy pregnancy. After an abortion, many women stay in a negative psycho-emotional ohm setting, experiencing a sense of guilt and remorse. Conditions for re-conception, while not the most favorable.

If a woman is configured to become a mother, she, first of all, you need to try to stop to blame yourself and get rid of thoughts about the desire to get pregnant. The main task during this period is to be in good spirits and follow medical recommendations.

What if re-pregnancy happened before the recommended term?

It is important to understand that even a relatively safe pharmacological interruption of pregnancy is a stress for the body, and after such a procedure it needs a certain time to restore. It is for this reason that, as noted earlier, between abortion and repeated attempts to become pregnant should pass at least six months.

The exact time will help determine the doctor based on the results of relevant surveys and observations.

As a rule, repeated pregnancy after interrupting, which has previously recommended by the period recommended by experts, is associated with large risks - the body's reserves simply do not have time to recover to nourish the fetus for 9 months, which is fraught with the development of various pathologies and related problems.

In the case of the pregnancy happened before the mentioned semi-annual break, a woman needs to approach the upcoming period with full responsibility:

  • to take place in a timely manner in the women's consultation;
  • report a doctor about the recently transferred drug abortion - a specialist will select and prescribe the optimal restoring u therapy;
  • adhere to medical advice.

Following the recommendations to the above, the future mother will significantly increase its chances of successful conception and trouble-free tooling the child throughout the 9 months. If certain life circumstances and pushed you to make a decision on the holding of a pharmacological abortion, do not despair: adhering to the advice of a doctor, you will definitely give birth to a healthy baby. You only need to wait a bit and gain patience.

Be healthy!

Video - after medication interrupting pregnancy when you can be pregnant

Maternity gives a woman the happiest period in her life.

However, it is not always possible to carry a kid without complications and give birth to naturally.

Unfortunately, sometimes a woman for one reason or another resorts to an artificial interruption of pregnancy (abortion).

In such a situation, there are concerns about the probability of subsequent pregnancy.

Medical abortion and its features

In medicine, "medicine interruption of pregnancy" is called abortion provoked medicinal preparations. For the first time, the certificate for the use of the Medicoznaya Preparation "Miphprovon" appeared in France in 1988.

Today, the method of drug abortion is used in many countries. The effectiveness of this method according to statistics is up to 98%, however, its application is limited to six weeks of pregnancy.

In some cases, for medical or social testimony, a woman cannot be avoided. In this case, you need to choose the most secure option with your doctor to avoid negative consequences.

It is described in detail about the menstrual cycle, its features, as well as about such nuances, as the probability of becoming pregnant immediately after menstruation.

Medical interruption of pregnancy is important for those who have pregnancy firstThus, you can save all the necessary functions of the female organism for the subsequent conception of the child.

Advantages of medication abortion:

  1. Allows you to avoid the injuries of the walls of the uterus, which happen with a surgical abortion.
  2. Eliminates the likelihood of infection of the body.
  3. Does not require anesthesia.
  4. Does not require inpatient stay.
  5. It is calmer to transferred from a psychological point of view.
  6. The drug is excreted from the body of a woman quickly.
  7. This method is recommended by the World Health Organization.
  8. Does not affect the subsequent pregnancy.

What can be the negative consequences of medication of pregnancy? One of the disadvantages of this method, specialists call the probability of an incomplete yield of a fetal egg From the body of a woman, as a result of which bleeding may occur after drug interrupting of pregnancy. In this situation, the doctor prescribes the clearance of the uterus by scraping.

Some statistics

Percentage of medical abortions in some countries of the world:

  1. France - 70%.
  2. Sweden - 50%.
  3. Switzerland - 50%.
  4. Finland - 30%.
  5. USA - 25%.

How to prepare for subsequent pregnancy?

The theme of re-pregnancy after an abortion, even so gentle as drug, worries many women. After all, the word - abortion - as a rule, is associated with danger more never get pregnant.

Medical interruption of pregnancy can be appointed by a doctor for several reasons: Infectious disease, oncological disease, upcoming radiation or chemotherapy. In this case, it is necessary that the abortion will be the least affected by the ability of the body in the future to conceive the child.

For re-pregnancy after a drug abortion, the hormonal background of the female organism also has an influence and how fast the hormone level will be restored after the abortion of pregnancy. In this question, call exact Recovery period After drug interrupts, pregnancy is impossible: for someone it is a few weeks, and someone has to wait for many years.

Only strict adherence to all prescriptions of the doctor will allow without complications and difficulties to wait for a planned re-pregnancy:

  • First of all, it is important that the body fully restored the forces spent, it is required At least six months. It is for such a term that the mucous membrane of the uterus and the hormonal background of the body is normalized.
  • Reliable contraceptive method - This is what you need to remember throughout all six months after the medication abortion.
  • Frequently a year later medical examinationIn particular, check the level of hormonal background, as well as the presence of venereal infections that are most active after an abortion.
    As for infections, the examination must pass and the man, the future father of the child.
  • Completely eliminate everything bad habits.
  • In the presence of excess weightYou must adjust the power and menu mode. It should not blindly follow the erroneous belief that a pregnant woman should eat for two. An important amount of vitamins and trace elements in food is important.
  • Fully eliminate any stressful situations.

What if pregnancy is unplanned?

First of all, doctors warn that early pregnancy after such a procedure can lead to the smallest consequences. In addition, it is possible Pathology in the development of the fetus complications During pregnancy and other troubles, threatening with a repeated abortion.

In the event of a re-conception of previously six months after interruption of pregnancy, you should visit the doctor and undergo a survey. Often, in such a situation, a woman is left in the hospital.

It is important to remember that the weakened Mother's body is not yet able to provide future baby protection and custody in which it needs. Also possible incorrect fetal attachment To the wall of the uterus. In this case, the doctor prescribes a re-interruption of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that during the studies, it was not possible to identify the negative impact of the re-drug abortion on the health of the woman and its ability to dry out and the birth of a child, one should not once again expose their health at risk.

Attention to your own health and organism, as well as strict adherence to all Soviets of specialists are Pledge of timely pregnancy, Which will leak happily and without complications.

In modern conditions, medicine more and more women resort to abortion using medicines. This interrupt method is quite safe compared to alternative, but has certain health risks.

Many concerns the question whether normal pregnancy is possible after the medication abortion. How much should you wait before planning the next conception after interrupting?

Pregnancy after drug interruption may have some features and complications. This can be avoided, correctly planning the upcoming conception.


Before you know whether it is possible to get pregnant after the metabath, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the procedure itself and its complications. To stop the course of pregnancy by medication, it is possible until the period of gestation is 6 weeks, at this time the rest of the fetus and the accumulative organs may without consequences to separate from the wall of the uterus and go out.

During the procedure, the doctor applies medicines with an anesthetic effect and drugs that reduce the muscles of the uterus. As a result, the fetal egg is rejected, which goes through the genitals.

The advantages of this abortion method:

  • The greatest security compared to other methods.
  • No need for anesthesia.
  • There is no mechanical damage to the wall of the uterus and the extension of the cervical canal.
  • The risk of infection of the genital paths is minimal.
  • High efficiency of the method.
  • The risk of serious bleeding is less than with other types of abortion.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to apply a medication method. Contraindications are:

  • Pregnancy term for more than 60 days.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance to interrupt preparations.
  • Lack of liver and kidneys.
  • Availability in the uterus of myomatous node.
  • Anemia is even easy severity.
  • Disruled blood coagulation.

If there are listed states, they first produce correction of somatic pathology. After that, choose which method to carry out an abortion.


Even such a modern and efficient method of abortion, like drug, can seriously harm the body of a woman. All complications of the procedure are divided into short-term and long-term.

The first group includes:

  1. The intolerance to the drug and the reaction in the form of vomiting.
  2. Allergic rash or subcutaney swelling after receiving means.
  3. Strong pain due to active spasm muscles of the uterus. Eliminated by the reception of spasmolitics.
  4. Uterine bleeding. It can be quite abundant and lead to significant blood loss and anemia.
  5. Incomplete abortion. Pieces of the fetus remain in the uterus cavity and continue to cause unpleasant symptoms.

Other reactions to the drug and the rejection of the fruit egg can be: pain in the head, diarrhea, nausea, increasing body temperature. These symptoms take place independently and do not require treatment.

The most dangerous to health women are long-term complications:

  1. Violation of hormonal background. A sharp interruption of pregnancy leads to loss of balance between progesterone, estrogen and trop hormones of the pituitary gland. Preparching the consequences of this condition is quite difficult.
  2. Inflammatory diseases. At the site of the spinned fetal egg arises a defect of the inner shell of the uterus. This wound can become a focus for the penetration of infection and endometritis. Inflammatory uterus diseases are associated with big risk for subsequent pregnancies.
  3. Infertility - the result of the states listed above. The most severe complication of drug abortion. A woman cannot become pregnant due to hormonal disorders or inflammatory processes and their consequences.

It is possible to prevent the listed complications of abortion, but some of them are unpredictable. To minimize the risk of consequences, it is recommended:

  • On the day of the procedure remain under the supervision of a specialist at least two hours after receiving tablets. Despite the fact that the procedure is an outpatient, it is necessary to control the state of a woman on an abortion day, since the development of bleeding or intolerance to the drug is possible.
  • Control ultrasound examination must pass all women after 2 weeks after an abortion. During the procedure, the doctor is convinced that the drug interruption took place, and parts of the fetal egg left in the uterus cavity.
  • Avoid sex contacts for two weeks after interrupting. Any impact on the injured bodies of the reproductive system can cause the development of bleeding and inflammatory diseases.
  • Create conditions for healing endometrial is not to drink alcohol, do not smoke, spend more time in the fresh air. Do not deny the role of proper nutrition. It is also recommended to avoid additional stressful situations.

For reproductive health, these simple rules are very important.

Unplanned pregnancy

Is it possible to get pregnant after a medicated abortion? Random conception after interrupting can occur pretty quickly - already during the first month. This is one of the most adverse situations for the female organism.

Immediately after the previous pregnancy, the reproductive system did not have time to recover, and another stress situation arises for it.

After medication interrupting pregnancy when you can be pregnant? The minimum recovery time is about six months. The way, how much woman needs to be conceived with conception, solves the attending physician. It depends on the overall condition, the presence of chronic diseases, age.

If still an unplanned pregnancy occurred, consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will appreciate the health of the woman and will help to make the right choice, whether it should be prolonged.

Pregnancy planning

The greatest problems with conception are observed in women who have undergone abortion complications. Inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs and the violated hormonal background are the main causes of infertility after drug interrupt.

If the abortion procedure passed without complications, then normal pregnancy is quite possible. It is necessary to postpone with attempts to conceive from 6 to 12 months, at this time it is necessary to progress and apply the most effective methods of contraception.

Planning concerts after abortion:

  1. Compelate with your doctor and start passing a medical examination.
  2. Exclude the presence of endometritis and hidden infectious diseases.
  3. Check the blood on women's hormones to determine the hormonal background.
  4. Consider the treatment of chronic diseases.
  5. Completely manifold, take vitamins, folic acid preparations.
  6. Avoid stress and physical overload. Do physical education, spend more time on the street.

The most important point is the right psychological attitude of the future mother. In modern conditions, medicine is capable of cope with almost any cause of infertility, so it is safe to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy and not to create an additional stressful situation.

Proper rehabilitation after abortion, planning of conception, preparation together with specialists - this, which will make it pregnant and successfully endure the long-awaited kid.

Pregnancy is a natural process for the body of a woman. The period of gestation completely depends on the Outmone. From the moment of conception, the hormonal sphere is aimed at a safe tooling of the fetus and childbirth. If the hormones responsible for preserving the fetus for some reason is not enough, then there is a threat of interrupt. In detail, the importance of this hormone is written in the article. Often the hormonal background violate the previous interruption of gestation, regardless of that surgical it was or a drug interruption. It is believed that the pharmacont is caused by a larger blow to hormones, so the subsequent pregnancy, after the medication interruption of pregnancy, may be problematic.

Other factors affect the adverse course of gestation:

  • Inflammatory diseases of women's organs.
  • Chronic diseases of a woman.
  • Diseases of organs that produce hormones.
  • Stress, depressive states.

Restoration after pharmacet

A pharmacont implies rude interference in a hormone background. In particular, the drug of the mifepristone, blocks the production of hormone progesterone, without which the gestration is impossible. It is progesterone begins to be produced from the moment conception, and conception, and ensures reliable fixing of the embryo in the uterus and its prosperous development.

After interrupting the gestation that has passed without complications, no less than half a year is required for recovery. During this time, the feminine and the establishment of the menstrual cycle occurs. This will be the indicator that the hormones came to normal.

If after a medication interrupt, complications arose, the recovery process is delayed. First, you should get rid of the consequences, and then after 6 months, judge the restoration of the body.

Each patient, after the completion of the abortion procedure, the doctor must provide recommendations on the restoration of the body. These recommendations include a ban on sex life, in particular on the classic sexual intercourse and explains in detail when you can be pregnant after drug abortion . The prohibition will lock from the new conception and will restore the inner layer of the uterus.

Traditionally, recovery includes:

  1. Compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, especially in sexual proximity.
  2. Medicinal therapy in the presence of complications.
  3. Vitamin complexes, preference specifically designed for women.
  4. Healthy lifestyle, rational comparison of work and recreation.
  5. Getting rid of depression if it takes place.

When maybe a pregnancy after drug interruption may occur?

Many believe that after an abortion by drugs, for a certain period of time it is impossible to become pregnant. But this opinion is erroneous, because The conception can occur even before the first monthly arrival. Usually, the egg cell is highlighted on 14 days, after a medicated abortion. Based on this unprotected sexual contact, it may contribute to the development of a new gestation.


Immediately after the pharmacet, you should use a verified method of contraception!

Early pregnancy after medication abortion. What is the danger?

Early pregnancy, after medication interruption of pregnancy, it happens often. Vegetables for various reasons neglect the recommendation of the doctor to ban sexual intercourse, after drug interrupt. As a rule, the newly occurring pregnancy, turns into a new stress for the body and depression.

Any finite result of pregnancy has arisen earlier than six months after the medication of pregnancy, most likely , will have unwanted consequences.

If a woman decides to give birth, then complications are possible:

  • Not to wear due to hormonal failure or insolvency of endometrial (inner layer of the uterus), from the preceding abortion. Often in such a situation there is a natural interruption, or miscarriage.
  • Feto placental insufficiency, which arises, against the background of a distorted feature of the placenta. This may occur due to hormones and often increased tone of the uterus.
  • Hypertonus of the uterus is due to the fact that from the pharmacist spent shortly before the new conception, the uterus was in a tense state. In a short period of time, it did not have time to come to the new gestation. The newly emerging pregnancy provokes voltage growth.
  • The lag in the development of fetus fetus is determined by the complications above. The consequence of the lag in development is the birth of an unworthy, often weakened baby.
  • The ectopic arrangement of the embryo, which arises due to the violation of the functioning of women's organs, against the background of hormonal "stress". This complication describes in detail.

Woman arriving in a state of depression, from a new pregnancy, often decides to interrupt it. However, this option may entail an extremely unwanted complication - infertility. Other reasons for etogonedugu will learn from the article.

In suspected of a newly emerged unscheduled gestation, after the pharmacist, it is necessary to urgently visit the doctor and hold an ultrasound. Tests often distort the results, because The concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine decreases slowly, which causes a positive result.

When can I be pregnant after a medicated abortion? Right approach - planning

To the abortion, the woman pushes the circumstances, sometimes independent of her desire. Many, after this unpleasant step, plan to endure and give birth to a healthy and strong kid. To this, it is necessary to refer to this, the pregnancy must be planned.

Planning begins after 6 months from an uncomplicated abortion. The beginning of the planning will be a thorough examination of future parents, in particular the future mother. Prior to access to a specialist, a woman must at least several cycles lead the "Women's Calendar", fixing menstrual cycles in it.

An examination, with a history of pharmaceutical, will differ from the standard. With a complex of analyzes can be found in the subject. Practice attention, the doctor will turn to hormone performance, cyclicity of menstruation and ultrasound. If violations are noticed, correction is required. After the surveys conducted, based on the results, the doctor will say when you can get pregnant after the medication interruption of pregnancy. To this period, be sure to use a reliable method of contraception.

To safely endure and give birth and give birth to a healthy child - this is the purpose of each woman. And nothing should prevent this this. In most cases, welcome and planned pregnancy aftermedical interrupt pregnancy , Ends the birth of a charming fortress.

Publication author: Olga Lazarev

The birth of a child is a miracle. But there are situations when something goes wrong, and a gift for fate threatens the health and life of a woman. Pregnancy In this case, doctors recommend to interrupt. How should the woman behave before and and what to do to get another chance for the birth of children?


If you yourself came to this decision is consciously - it is better not to hurry with actions and everyone is well thought out more than once. Loss of a child, even if the unborn is heavy burden for a woman for a lifetime. You still may not be aware of this, and it seems that abortion is the best solution, but it will not always. Life will certainly change, and the fact that today scares you so much, after it can become an impracticable dream, because the consequences of the abortion of pregnancy are unpredictable. Yes, and there is no woman on the planet that would not regret your abortion.

If you were in a situation where your attending physician recommends that it is better to listen to this advice. Before rendering such a verdict, the doctors estimate all possible risks for the baby and his mother, and only if the threat is really great, the pregnancy is interrupted.

Advantages of femolation

  • no need for anesthesia;
  • reproductive organs are not damaged;
  • a fruit egg is expelled from the womb naturally;
  • psychologically transferred better;
  • reduced the risk of infection and inflammatory processes;
  • the body is faster restored;
  • the chances of pregnancy after the medical interruption of pregnancy is significantly higher.

How is a drug abortion?

A woman must pass a complete medical examination to identify possible contraindications or other diseases. If limitations are not detected, a drug abortion is appointed. Tablets are issued by a doctor, their reception is carried out under the control of a specialist. It is impossible to buy such drugs in pharmacies, they receive only specialized medical workers who have a corresponding permission.

The effect of the drug is to exfoliate the envelope of the fetus and bringing it from the body. The muscles of the uterus begin to shrink hard, artificial miscarriage occurs. The specialist control and further examination is strictly mandatory to identify possible deviations and timely provision of medical care.

Contraindications for abortion

Only a specialist can assign an abortion after passing all medical analyzes, and only if the patient is healthy. A woman may not be shown by medicine abortion if:

  • pregnancy ectopic or dates for more than 6 weeks;
  • pregnancy occurred during the use of the spiral;
  • there are diseases of the genital organs and the digestive system, the mioma of the uterus;
  • chronic or acute liver and kidney disease;
  • the use of corticosteroids;
  • intolerance to the drug;
  • anemia, porphyria, hemostasis violation;
  • breast-feeding.

After abortion

The body is experiencing the strongest stress if the pregnancy had to be interrupted. After a medication, a woman must fully focus on his health and restoring forces. The attending physician will appoint additional reception of drugs and vitamins to improve health, but also the patient must comply with some simple rules:

  • It is recommended to postpone the sex life for a while, ideally - until the end of the next menstruation. This will protect the body from possible infections and will protect against the onset of a new pregnancy.
  • The specialist will appoint contraceptives. Pregnancy The field of a drug abortion may occur soon, even before the occurrence of menstruation.
  • Limit sports and strong physical exertion at least a couple of weeks. The muscles of the uterus must come into tone and grasp.
  • At first, it is not worth visiting the pools, swim in the reservoirs and take a warm shower will not give the opportunity to penetrate into a weakened body by bacteria and will minimize the development of infections.
  • Full and timely nutrition will help restore forces. Eat more proteins and fiber. Additional intake of vitamins will appoint a doctor.
  • Refuse to eat alcohol, especially if you have additionally appointed the course of antibiotics.
  • Strictly observe personal hygiene. Underwear should be free, no synthetics. Change daily gaskets more often and remember that during this period the body is weakened, the slightest infection can lead to a serious disease. Dress up warmer, avoid drafts.
  • With the slightening of the state, contact a specialist. It is recommended to visit the doctor of mammolog and psychotherapist, especially if it was the first drug abortion. The specialist will help get out of depression, avoid disruptions, and they are not uncommon, especially if the abortion was a forced measure.

Two strips?

It happens that soon after interrupting pregnancy, the woman passes the test and sees two stripes, and it often scares. In this case, a positive test can be interpreted incorrectly, it still does not mean that the woman got pregnant immediately after an abortion.

The test determines the presence of a hormone in the urine, which appears through the formation and function of the placenta. After expulsing the fruit egg, the hormonal background begins to recover, but it happens slowly. A few weeks after the procedure, tests may show positive results, after the pharmaceuta, this often happens.

It will be better if the woman turns to a specialist. After conducting a small study, he will be able to dispel concerns or reveal the fact of progressive pregnancy. The probability is very small - 2-5%, but still it exists.

Again pregnant

Even if the first abortion was forced, and the long-awaited kid did not appear on the light, they need to wait. A woman can get pregnant after an abortion very quickly, but in a short time the body cannot recover enough and is not able to give the fetus full nutrition and protection.

Often emerging complications: the threat of interrupts and unbearable or fetal fetus, ectopic pregnancy, the improper development of the fetus and the location of the placenta, rezes-sensitization and others. If the pregnancy came, and the possibility and desire to keep it precisely large enough, it is constantly under the supervision of a specialist.

We plan to kid

Chances for each woman after a medicated abortion get pregnant purely individual. They depend solely from the body, and no one can predict his behavior in advance. However, plan and strive to re-conceive. Drug abortion is considered the most gentle, however, after it can occur complexity.

Gynecologists recommend planning pregnancy six months after a femoiling. During this period, the body and hormonal background are fully stabilized. It is important to approach the planning competently and well prepare as a future mother and father.

Tell your doctor about what you want to make a baby, and, strictly adhering to the recommendations, start training. Future parents will be appointed a complete examination for diseases and infections, you need to pass tests for hormones and check the endocrine system. All diseases must be cured, and the immunity and body forces are as functional as possible. Refuse bad habits, eat right, arrange hiking outdoors, take vitamins. Moral calm is extremely important, even such a trifle, at first glance, as depression, can be an obstacle to pregnancy.

Waiting for pregnancy

Pregnancy after medication interruption of pregnancy can come far from the first attempt. The most frequent problems faced by married couples are the impossibility of conceiving or having a child. Often, this fact is even more depressing the feminine psyche and reduces so small chances of zero. At such moments, the support of loved ones and faith is extremely important in the fact that children's laughter will certainly sound in the house. Perhaps you have to resort to substantial medical care in search of solving a problem. In some couples, the struggle for the appearance of the baby takes not one year, but often ending the victory.

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