Mental state of a pregnant woman. Durable connection. About how the psychological state of a pregnant woman affects her future child


Chapter 1. Emotional state of a woman during pregnancy

1.1 Pregnancy and its influence on the emotional state of a woman

1.2 The concept of neuropsychic stability

1.3 The concept of anxiety. Causes of women's anxiety during pregnancy

Chapter 2. Methods for researching the emotional sphere of a woman during pregnancy

Chapter 3. Results of the study of the emotional sphere of a woman during pregnancy


Bibliographic list



Features of the mental state of women during pregnancy over the years attract the attention of specialists. It is noted as an emotionally negative role of pregnancy and positive. Another hypocrat wrote about the beneficial effect of pregnancy.

When pregnancy, a woman changes the psyche, her attitude towards others, pregnant in a special person responds to external and internal stimuli. The psyche of a pregnant woman is filled with its own sensations, it affects the function of the neurohumoral system, neurotrophic metabolism, as well as on the synthesis of enzymes and other biochemical indicators. Largely changes the reactivity of the entire body of a woman, including mental shape

Like all the times of intensive change, pregnancy puts new, sometimes completely difficult tasks. The very fact of her occurrence often makes you experience a whole storm of emotions, in which it is difficult to understand. Emotions come completely different, contradictory, even if the woman pregnancy planned, premonish and waited. Often, in the presentation, the pregnancy is happy time, deprived of concerns and problems, and in reality it turns out that, together with its offensive, and anxiety comes, the fear of changing life, family relationships and with her husband, regret something unfounded. At the same time, the woman continues to live his life, full of different experiences, problems. An even more difficult to look like a situation where the pregnancy is unexpected, and the family situation is not so stable as it could be. From the point of view of physiology, the beginning of pregnancy is also difficult time: in the body of a woman there is a powerful hormonal restructuring, the pace of formation and development of the child is very high, all this affects the well-being of the future mother

The problem of motherhood and, in particular, such an important stage of preparation for motherhood as a pregnancy in scientific literature is not very fully presented, attention began to be given only in the last decade and the consideration of this problem can be found at the limited number of authors (Filippova G.G., Meshcheryakova, S.Yu., Brutman V.I., L. Stone, L. De Mouse, E. Shoretter, D. Shelkov, F. Ajes, J. Kagan, M.S. Radionova, E. Badinter, V.A. Wagner, N.A. Tikh, E. Erickson, D. Vinnikot, M. Malener.)

Would like to note relevance Studying the problem of changes in the emotional sphere of a woman during pregnancy.

Hypothesis Our study: the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman is characterized by emotional instability, increased anxiety.

Purpose Our study is to study the characteristics of the emotional state of the woman during pregnancy.

Object Studies are women of different age during pregnancy.

Subject of study - Features of the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman.

To achieve the goal of the study, we raised the following tasks:

1. To explore literature on the problem of the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman

2. To study the level of neuropsychic stability and the level of anxiety of pregnant women and women who are not pregnant.

3. Analyze the relationship of neuropsychic stability and the level of anxiety with future maternity.

To carry out the tasks, we used the following methods:

1. From the organizational - they chose a comparative method, since the anxiety and neuropsychiatric sustainability of pregnant women and women who are not pregnant are compared.

2. From empirical methods used methods for determining the level of "neuropsychiatric stability" and "anxiety level" by J. Taylor

3. U is used for mathematical data processing. Mann-Whitney criterion was used.

The study of pregnant women was conducted on the basis of Roadoma number 7.

The study was carried out in an individual form. The study took part 15 pregnant women (aged 18 to 39 years) and 15 women who are not pregnant (aged 18 to 40).

Chapter 1: The emotional state of women during pregnancy: theoretical approaches to the problem

1.1 Pregnancy and its influence on the emotional state of women

Pregnancy - very special time permanent change, transformation. The process of development and growth of the child occurs in the mother's uterus, and the woman herself is changing during pregnancy and childbirth - becomes mother, hesitates his female destination. This process of transition to motherhood flows at all levels: physical, mental, emotional, transformed body and shower of women. The hormonal background of pregnancy can lead to frequent mood shifts, an increase in anxiety, changes in libido, fatigue and tear, to other unexpected emotional changes. Sometimes quite a lot of tests delivers her general life situation to a woman. All this, which is happening inside and near a pregnant woman, requires often a lot of strength from her. At this time, the quality and adequacy of the support that a woman receives is very important to be the professional assistance of a psychologist, midwife or an experienced woman who has passed the experience of tooling and the birth of a child.

Studying the psychological state of women during the nursery of the child (V.I. Brutman, A.Ya. Varga, M.S. Radionova, G.G. Filippova, I.Yu. Khamitova, etc.) suggests that there is one's own pregnancy Having inherent in the dynamics of exacerbation and weakening the problems that have a woman. The first trimester is updated, and problems with their own mother and other objects of affection, problems of relationships with her husband are sharply experienced. In the second and third trimesters, a pronounced avoidance of negative emotions appears, the problems of the first trimester are clearly weakened, the fear of childbirth and their incompetence in the postpartum period become relevant. At the beginning of the third trimester, the "nest arrangement syndrome" is expressed, which manifests itself in increasing activity, the desire to streamline the problems. The direction of activity during this period to prepare for childbirth and the postpartum period correlates with the favorable dynamics of the course of pregnancy and the value of the child, the activity that is not related to the child is with adverse dynamics. By the end of pregnancy, the fear of childbirth, its incompetence, is most often weakened, the voltage of all other problems is reduced. The inverse situation reflects the pronounced adverse dynamics of the experience of pregnancy and the value of the child.

The first pregnancy crisis on the subjective level may be accompanied by negative emotional states. These include irritability, emotional instability, special sensitivity to stressful factors, vitality promptness, lonely feeling. Faced with this crisis, often a woman is trying not to notice how her life situation changed, although it may feel unhappy, experiencing depression and disappointment. The complete absence of negative emotions, a serene experience of pregnancy can be a symptom of refusal to overcome the crisis. Women who ignore difficulties, exaggerating positive feelings during pregnancy, did not subsequently believe in themselves as in the mother, they had worsened married relations, it was harder to go beards, they more negatively treated breastfeeding, their children were worse than others.

The change in the self-consciousness of a woman is largely due to the action of evolutionary developed biological mechanisms for the formation of a maternal attitude towards a child (affection). An important role in the formation of attachment of the mother plays a special role "paracoperative" experience (i.e. experience associated with the feeling of the mother of the movements of the fetus, causing a feeling of "condiction" with his own child). (Fundamentals of family and family counseling psychology)

Considering the pregnancy, you can highlight the main distinguishing features of this period. In our opinion, the changes affect three levels of human life: physiological, psychophysiological and psychological. Consider the psychological level of change.

Psychological changes during pregnancy are manifested in the so-called pregnancy syndrome. With regard to pregnancy, the syndrome is a new psychogenic condition, limited to a certain period of time, which begins not on the day of conception, and when a woman is aware of his new position and ends with no birth, but at the time of pygmalionization of his child. Pregnancy syndrome is experiencing a woman at an unconscious level, has certain temporary borders and is characterized by the following symptoms

At the first stage, the affect of awareness of themselves is most often experienced. As part of this symptom, as a rule, the following difference manifests itself: The higher the pregnant woman is a social and intellectual level, the more it is independent and professionally successful, the more questions about the meaning of childbearing, it will be in front of them, the harder it will be decided to become a mother.

The next step in the development of pregnancy syndrome is the reflexive adoption of a new one's own image: "I am in the position." This stage is characterized by the recognition of physiological changes in its body. Real biological and neuroendocrine changes, accompanying pregnancy, can have a deep psychological influence on waiting mothers.

A pregnant woman and her husband stands "on the teeth" to know the features of different periods of pregnancy and, if possible, take them into account in the family life.
For no one who has come across a pregnant woman at least once with a pregnant woman, it is not a secret that its character changes, and strong enough.
But if this pregnancy is for you, and the whole of your family is the first, then you may be surprised and even shocked how much the psyche of the future mother is changing.
Many traditional cultures (for example, Chinese, Indian, Roman) were characterized by a completely special attitude towards pregnant women.

They created special conditions for them, as it were, perinatal clinics, in which the future mother was surrounded only by beautiful things, sounds, even smells. It was believed that a calm, aesthetically sustained atmosphere could harmonize the inner state of a pregnant woman - and physical and mental, mental.

The situation and the psychological climate of the big city is often distant from those ideal conditions that our ancestors strove, and now many competent future parents are striving. But the pace of a large city - torn, nervous, oversaturated - still makes itself felt. Around us, too much - impressions, the most varying information, people, with their contradictory internal states.

Often, all this does not contribute to the calm, harmonious confusion of a pregnant woman.
Let's try to imagine the dynamics of the emotional state of a pregnant woman, connecting the changes taking place in her psyche with such a touche like a term of pregnancy.

The first trimester is big change.

It happens that a woman still does not know about her pregnancy, but already feels that something happens to her. Moreover, for most women, the changes of the first trimester of pregnancy are not ordinary.
Many pregnancy specialists consider her first trimester by time revolutionary.
Too much changes in the metabolism, and in hormonal status, and in physiological, and of course, in psychological sensations.

There is still a bit to get used to: for example, taste addictions change, maybe a completely different color gamut and music of those genres that have not previously caused a response can begin to begin.

In my opinion, one of the essential factors determining the psychological state of a pregnant woman is an early toxicosis.

It is very difficult to enjoy life and be pleasant in communication, when almost all the time is nauseous, and even all the usual products are unbearable. (I apologize for the sharpness of expressions).

Women who are the first three months perceive the world through a veil nausea over a third.
As a rule, expressive toxicosis is associated with an depressed state, sharp drops of mood and even depression.

The first trimester can not be called in any way. One of my familiar experienced midwife said that the situation of the first three months of pregnancy is revolutionary. This is when "the tops cannot, and the bottoms do not want."

And to realize the fact that it is not enough for a mom soon enough. Moreover, the child can be planned, and even the long-awaited one - but human, and especially women's, the psyche is arranged in such a way that it takes time to realize and take pregnancy.

And it is not worth it to condemn and execute for the moments of confusion and anxiety in those first hours and days when you just learned that pregnant.

Good, in my opinion, the way to talk to girlfriends, familiar who already given birth to women. And from many people who have passed the path of pregnancy and become good mothers of women, you will definitely hear about a complex attitude to pregnancy at first.

What you did not immediately delighted, does not mean that you will not like the child, and that of you do not get a mother, but the echidna.
Just give yourself (and, of course, the father of the child is time). You get used to big things gradually. And this tiny child inside you is a very big event.
The main task of a pregnant woman is at least by the end of the first trimester to take the fact of pregnancy and begin to actively rejoice.

All disgusting:

Speaking a more loyal medical language that does not reflect the essence of the process - the woman changes taste preferences and fad appear. In one of the eastern languages \u200b\u200bthere is even a special word denoting the quirks of pregnant.

It would seem, what is the connection with the psyche - solid physiology.

But if in the morning you can not gladly drink your favorite coffee just because you are sick - it may just be a blow to life stuff.

You feel that some side of life escapes from you and habitually rejoice in the taste of your favorite food does not work. What previously delivered pleasant taste sensations - at the time of the day, I don't want anything.

It will take several weeks, and you are quite comfortable with these changes.
True, I did not have to meet people who would like toxicosis.
Increased sensitivity to smells and its impact on a psychological state:
Pregnant can feel strong and unpleasant odors everywhere. Especially disgusting the refrigerator, and sometimes - preparing food.
Favorite spirits and smells of close acquaintances may become opposed.

Toxicosis can sometimes be distributed on her husband.

I want to sleep uncontrollably:
Sleep rolling a huge wave and covers you. You sleep very deeply, sometimes so deep that it is difficult to wake up. Sleep can be without dreams, but can dream and surprisingly bright dreams.
In general, if you sleep - sleep on health. "Soldier sleeps, and the service is coming." Many unpleasant sensations and experiences of the first trimester of pregnancy are easily treated with sleep.

Mood jumps:
The emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester is rather uneven.
Happy, euphoric states are replaced by repressing periods and depressions. These fluctuations in the mood, as a rule, do not have a weighty cause. External events are often just a reason for entering outward emotions.

Do not be afraid and not be surprised by this mood jumps - they are due to sharp changes in your hormonal state.

Sometimes there is an occurrence, insecurity in the future, the feeling that you will not cope:

It is difficult to get used to the thought that quite soon your life will change that the next summer you can not plan as usual. The idea of \u200b\u200bthose new things and events that you will have to cause uncertainty.

Uncertainty on many everyday issues also does not add confidence. After all, often the relationship between future dad and mom is determined and drawn up precisely with the onset of pregnancy.

Second trimester

Calm middle pregnancy:
Getting used to the "new format" of your body.
Many who are accustomed to follow their future mothers change the volume of the waist and the hips causes a mental shock of varying severity. Of course, you guessed that your figure would change, and even waited for it. But when a suddenly beloved skirt or trousers become small - this is a surprise.
Take and love the changes of your body, feel like a new beautiful and beloved - this is what you need to strive in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Changes in attitudes towards the physical side of love:
The child is growing inside you - a whole person - and few sensations remain the same. This is especially true of the relationship of floors.
Staying alone with her husband, you will again feel that someone is the third with you. And some couples can interfere with these sensations.

Racing level of self-esteem:

Often, the future mother can feel almost the Queen, and the next time - not an interesting Cinderella.
Euphoria is replaced by doubts.
Swimming pendulum of the hormonal background of pregnancy.
Often rolling the waves of strong emotions for insignificant reasons.
You need to take these changes in yourself, how do you make movements within you baby.

Amazing calm and harmony:
If all changes mentioned above occurred, pregnant women have all the possibilities to just enjoy life, herself, to a child, listen to new sensations and enjoy their new states.
In many cultures, a woman with a rounded belly is a symbol of beauty, harmony, full of life.

In the middle of pregnancy, you can experience the states of blissful rest, integrity, harmony.
Take care of these moments.
Third trimester
Immersion in yourself

The psychological features and conditions that arise at the end of pregnancy have a "main thematic line" - immersion inside itself.
If everything in the family is safely, if a woman is confident that pregnancy is not a disease, and childbirth is not a surgical operation, if support for loved ones and attentive doctors is obvious - there are changes in the emotional world of a pregnant woman, and they are very important for subsequent harmonious motherhood.

In the last two months of pregnancy, you can regularly observe as a pregnant woman as if he listened to something inside himself.
But to listen to what - after all, at this time the movement of the baby in the stomach is very and very noticeable.

The concept of "binary psyche of a pregnant woman" perfectly explains many states of the end of pregnancy. Mom gradually gets used to that it is not alone. And this someone inside it, now already obviously has its own desires. Sometimes he does not allow to fall asleep, pushes and spinning, and sometimes you want to sleep uncontrollably, because the baby fell asleep. Sleep and wake rhythms at mom and baby are connected. But the child sleeps much more, and it can cause increased drowsiness in mom.

Immersion in internal sensations:
Suddenly you are distracted and focus on the movements of the kid inside your womb. And it is these, sometimes not very strong movements become most important for you in the world. It seems to be changing the focus settings (like a camera or camcorder), and it becomes clear what is inside you, and the rest of the world seems to lose sharpness. It becomes not important.

Dreams and fantasies about the future child:
Often, a pregnant mother can think-guess - what he will be, this little man, whom no one has seen and did not hold on his hands.
These thoughts can interfere with falling asleep or express in bright colorful dreams.

Reduced sociability:
You may stop walking to attend noisy companies, museums and exhibitions. This is normal, and is associated with a large focus on the house and the future child.
Do not be afraid of reducing sociability, and overpower yourself. Just all his time
And on the contrary, a desire may appear all time, finish and transforming:

Many pregnant women in the most recent terms suddenly appear colossal activity - as if the jet engine turned on.
I want to finish everything, all to have time, surpass myself.
Nearby are childbirth - like a mountain ridge, and what kind of her is unknown, despite all active training.
Therefore, I want to catch everything here and now, while you are still on this side.
This is a good hurry, but it is important not to drive yourself and others, trying to finish repairs, visit the diploma or quarterly report.
The worried woman may not have enough strength to give birth.
Therefore, direct loads with the number of time and strength.
Instinctive avoidance of all unpleasant, ugly:
A woman at the end of pregnancy instinctively avoids complex situations. Intended relationships, spectacles overloaded with strong effects.
The future mother appears a clear feeling of the "right" and "wrong". And the cat is incorrect almost nausea - as during toxicosis.

Increased psychological fatigue, care from unnecessary impressions is only one of the reasons why a woman is removed from all non-harmonic.
Just a natural sense of measure returned to you.

Learn to trust your intuition, the feeling of measure and taste. It will help you in the first months of your baby's life in the first months.
All or almost all the interests of a pregnant woman in recent weeks before childbirth focus around the house - around the hole, where a young one will soon have to appear.
Moreover, a similar period can even worry about the most uncommon and mismanagement, for which the household has always been only a burden.

Pronounced changes in intellectual activity:
99% of women experiences serious difficulties in strictly, consistently and relatively quickly to think in the last 2 months of pregnancy.

A few words to actively working future mothers

Main changes in the emotional palette of a pregnant woman:
There are changes inherent in most pregnant women. They can appear on a wide variety of pregnancy, with different intensity.
If you have not manifested anything that is listed in this article - it means you just a happy exception confirming the rule.

Qualities of the psyche of a pregnant woman who may make life difficult:
Tears can appear from the most minor experiences and impressions, in those places of books and movies in which you have never cried before.
It is not necessary to shy your tears - it has already increased the overall emotional sensitivity, which will later help you understand your baby.

Anxiety, approaches periodically, is most often due to the idea "something maybe not so," with a child, with the flow of childbirth, with family relationships. With alarms, you need to be able to cope, and each pregnant does it in its own way. It is worth remembering that the presence of anxiety is absolutely normal. So, do not worry because of the alarm!


Often the words of another person, spoken with the authorities and the inner force, produce an indelible impression on a pregnant woman. If you know this feature - try to take a husband with you to all sorts of "difficult" places, feel free to use his defense, be a my husband.

Sensibility, leaning to unmotivated tears:
These tears "do" from anything "can scare and puzzling your loved ones. It is most likely to relate to these "precipitation" as quietly.
The best way is to remember your, usually far from a calm condition before menstruation. Treat these "precipitation" as short-term.
Try to be distracted, switch attention, do not stick into a tear-offended state.
Do not give my husband to think that you are incorporated by nature.
Brief "offensive" of pregnant women men suffer easily. Loading - much worse.
Do not attach great importance to such insults. They arise from scratch and are only a projection of your inner state.

Strengths of the emotional world of a pregnant woman:
Surprise and intuitiveness:
A pregnant woman is a sensible sensor capturing emotions from other people.
Opportunities to sympathize and empathize in pregnant women is much better than all other people.

Manifestation of creative abilities:

Mom, waiting for a child, unexpectedly for himself and others can start drawing, sew original clothes, compose poems and even music.
Different creative abilities can make themselves to know during pregnancy.
And science is not yet known that the reason is the first manifestations of the talent of the intrauterine child, or that reliable fact that, starting with the middle of pregnancy, a woman has an activity of the right hemisphere of the brain. And the right hemisphere traditionally communicates with the work of fantasy.

Special attitude to her husband and house, manifestation of designer abilities:
The future mother suddenly becomes interesting and important many things for which before, moving in a rapid pace of a big city, could not miss attention, time and strength.
You are becoming extremely involved in the situation of your home. Mass of thoughts causes the task of the situation and the color range of the entire living space that you are planning for the child.
Designer abilities in the last trimension of pregnancy flourish.

And the psychological state of a pregnant woman is very dependent on the feeling of comfort or uncomplicity.
There may be attentive attitude to her husband and the desire to take care of him, almost maternal.
Well, if you manage to strengthen and make your relationship saturated during pregnancy. After all, the first months of your baby's life may require both immersions in completely different things and care.
Let the period of pregnancy (at the end of the toxicosis) will become a real "honey half of the year" for you. This imperiousness of each other is very and very useful for each other.

What do not forget about:

Remember that mom and kid are connected by a single hormonal current through the placenta, which means all the basic states and emotions of the mother kid knows what is called, from the inside.
Remember that not yet born baby "is made" with a large margin of strength, and a single stress situation cannot damage him. Only systematic, day-to-day, repeated stress can cause any violations in the development or physical well-being of the baby. This means that we need to avoid systematic stresses and at home and at work.
If it is difficult for you to abandon one or another harmful habit, or classes that the future child may not be useful - think about the fact that 9 months of pregnancy is such a small period of time (although it often seems huge). And it is in these 9 months that prerequisites

What situations are better to avoid:

Viewing aggressive television gears, and just too scary or strong plots - not the best occupation for a pregnant woman.
Overwork of all kinds and chronic stresses of pregnant women are contraindicated.
What should I do:
Ensure that the support of reliable and quiet pregnancy and childbirth experts should be as early as possible. This will help you feel that you are in safe hands and the situation control.
To try to find time for a full-fledged rest, and. What is equally important, full walks.
It is understood that systematic overloads in work (studies) is not at all what is useful for the psyche of the future mother and the intrauterine child.


Many women like the state of pregnancy. It seems to them very comfortable psychologically and physically.
Almost all pregnant women are beautiful and exterior and inner beauty.
Those future mothers who managed to accept and love those changes that the pregnancy brings simply lightly from the inside.
And there are no such women whose psychological state would not change pregnancy.
We really advise you to introduce the materials of this article of the future dad, and in general, all relatives with whom you closely communicate.
Up to many, your husband will not be able to think of himself simply because he is not a pregnant woman, and he does not even have those internal organs that would help him understand your states.

The psychologically future dad requires much more intellectual and emotional tension to become closer to the proxy process, closer to the "irresistible" wife and the future child.
I would like to say that it is not necessary to think that all these, truly volcanic changes themselves will be held after delivery.
The psyche of a nursing mother and its emotional states is a completely special topic, but very many changes that happened to the woman during pregnancy are preserved during breastfeeding period.
Moreover, almost all changes in pregnancy - internal preparation for motherhood, a unique "School of Mom", whose program wrote the creator himself.
Wearing a child and be a mom is very interesting.
Ekaterina Burmistrova,
Children's, family psychologist. (Published in the magazine "My Child", №11, 2008.) ....

Pregnancy is a new state for a woman, which in addition to absolutely logical in the body, affects the psyche of a pregnant woman. During the nine months of waiting, the future mother may experience various emotions: anxiety, emotional rise, joy and fear, and understand why mood changes sometimes not die even the most woman.

What changes in our own behavior costs Pregnant woman As in connection with the "special position", relations in the family will change and how these changes prepare parents to the future birth of a child, let's try to answer these questions, based on the traditional periodization of pregnancy: the first, second and third trimesters.

First trimester of pregnancy

It does not really work out in a woman to work with a complete return: there is a constant distracting factor in her thoughts, the future mother dreams, reflects, he plans something and thinks. If a woman is worried about poor well-being or it also does not add optimism and performance.

Consultations for the Future Pope : The first reaction to the message of the wife of pregnancy is an important factor capable of changing the relationship between spouses for a long time. And if your reaction to the words: "Dear, you will soon become dad," was not joyful enough, you just stayed in shock and did not know how to behave, be sure to try after finding the right, the necessary words that could convince the woman that you really We are glad to take the future child, ready to take care and responsibility for it and family life in general.

Another psychologically difficult task of the second trimester: take those changes that have already happened With female body, feel your new condition, beauty and style. If you have become familiar clothes - take it as an excellent opportunity, colors and materials. It is important not to perceive yourself from a negative point of view, experiencing about the loss of an aspen waist or clowder of weighty gait, and see your new inner beauty and enjoy the harmony, feel the keeper, and a real woman.

Consultation for future dads : During this period, her husband still needs to be continuously involved in the life of his beloved wife, not to be eliminated during the discussion on the choice of a doctor, even if you don't understand this in anything, it is mandatory to attend with a pregnant ultrasound, accompany during the surrender assays. Of course, a lot of female experiences will be too emotional and not completely understandable male pragmatics, but in any case demonstrate their wife willingness to respond to her requests, listen to too detailed story and not criticize excessive emotionality. Do not forget to talk to my wife about what she's beautiful, how do you love her, notice her, how maternity goes, and with what impatience you are waiting for meetings with your baby.

Be that as it may, but when a pregnant woman has a tummy, and she begins to feel the movement of the child, the mental instability of the first trimester is inferior to a place of some internal absence, specific Protection from External Alarms , strong stimuli and experiences.

During this period, the future mother may brighten with his mom and grandmother, try to try move the experience of older relatives , ask about how they proceeded pregnancy and childbirth that they thought and felt. Rapid in relationships may come with mother-in-law: the pregnant wife is beginning to be interested in the questions that she did not pay attention before, for example, some features of his beloved husband in childhood, his habits and character. In the second trimester, a woman can feel the desire to take part in family holidays and matters, feel their unity with his family.

One of the original psychological features of a pregnant woman can become desire to all have time up to the hour "x". An intuitive woman understands that at a certain month, the usual course of her life will end and a certain other will begin, what it will be exactly not known, and therefore pregnant trying to make as much as possible. Complete an important project, open the store, add a diploma, protect your dissertation, finish repairs or buy an apartment - every woman has its own list of important issues that you need to have to decide before childbirth, and the maximum efforts of pregnant will be thrown on their fulfillment. Trying to limit the woman in her activity is not worth it, everything will happen by itself, in the third trimester of pregnancy, according to the inner wishes of the future mother.

Third trimester

By the end of pregnancy, the woman worries the surrounding fuss, she stays in a state of listening to yourself , your feelings and movements of the child. And the impurbs with tiny handles and legs are already quite tangible that it cannot but not attack the future mom's thoughts about his future life with a bloha.

To meet the kid at home with maximum comfort and comfort, pregnant woman starts training : Bought stroller, bed, clothing for crumbs and all other necessary accessories. The process of choosing the necessary things passes in a pregnant under special control : The future mother does not want to make a mistake and rechecks everything several times, learns opinions and reviews about the selected model of a carriage or crib, carefully examines the labels on bedding and clothing for crumbs.

On this work on training does not end, mostly during the period of the third trimester in families of future parents begins repairs and alterations in the apartment Committed necessary purchases , for example, washing machine or multicookers that will help facilitate future mother care care.

Many pregnant women in this period begin to sew, knit, enjoyed with embroidery, build to the baby toys with their own hands, seeking to give her future baby to the best, natural and safe.

With the approach of childbirth, even the most psychologically stable pregnant women may have anxiety and aggravate fears. In this case, a patient understanding husband, a scheduled survey and consultation with a specialist, who will confirm that with the baby, everything is fine or, if necessary, will prescribe appropriate treatment with the baby, acts as an excellent and already proven tool.

To instill in pregnant as you can more confidence There is no reasons for excitement, her husband or the closest relatives would be less likely to accompany the pregnant during visits to the doctor, not to leave her one on one with situations requiring rapid decision-making.

The situation when a pregnant woman works in fact until the birth now is not uncommon, but from a psychological point of view it would be right to take a month or two to relax, tune into a new program , calmly decide before childbirth all the necessary affairs and comfortably enter the new rhythm of life with the baby.

As far as pregnancy and childbirth are not natural processes, they must be prepared, and sharp transition From the life of an actively working woman with a wide range of communication to the role of a housewife and the mother of a tiny child, which at first spends almost all the time at home, is fraught with emotional and psychological problems, for example, postpartum depression.

Consultation for future dads : If the lion's share of the wife's attention belonged to you rightfully, the third trimester is the best time to gradually, taking care of his wife and supporting it, realize that soon most of her attention will be switched to your baby. Learn independence: find out where the nearest shops are located, try our own hands to cook soup, deal, where you can buy diapers in your neighborhood and how to get to the nearest children's clinic. Soon all these knowledge will be necessary for you, because the roles in the family will change, and from a reckless husband who does not know where his things lie, you have to become an indispensable assistant for a young mother.

We tried to draw up a list of several criteria, adhering to which, Your psychological state during pregnancy will be the most positive :

  • Do not oppose the changes that pregnancy brings, better try to feel how pleasant they are.
  • Feel free to show weakness and ask for help, it will not reduce your attractiveness.
  • Tell your husband about your alarms and joy, but only words, not splash emotions, and before sure to make sure he is ready to listen to you.
  • Start learn special techniques for relaxation, such as autotraining, yoga, breathing exercises. This will help you cope with emotional drops during pregnancy.
  • Keep the sense of humor, thanks to which you can win in an absolutely any situation.
  • Do not change your lifestyle Carefully: Meet friends, keep interesting things, open new knowledge and skills. Pregnancy is not a reason for imprisonment, but a way to know yourself in a new way.
  • Do not be afraid of your emotions, do not drive the dark thoughts in the depths of the soul, but let them come out. If you want, pay in pleasure, perceiving it as therapeutic prophylaxis.
  • Immersing pregnancy, remember that besides the child you have a husband, and it also needs your attention and warmth. Do not perceive the man only as a means of consolation and execution of your desires, discuss the exciting questions, believe in your husband, maintain in its endeavors and aspirations.
  • Try to rest during the day and hang out with the idea that the mood change is, of course, is part of the "interesting position", but this is a temporary phenomenon. Soon after the birth, emotional bursts will not be disturbed by a young mother, because a small miracle will appear on the world, which will bring you happiness and joy.

For nine months of pregnancy, you have to survive a lot of physiological and psychological changes, but the main task of future parents, change your relationship so that you can easily accept the child and from the married couple to become a real happy family.

Pregnancy - This is a time of change and not only physical, but also emotional. During this period, women begin to feel at all other things, find a new meaning of life, see the world in other colors. All wines - a little life that grows in the tummy.

Many women can not understand where they have during pregnancy changes mood, Tears are rolling on the eyes during the hundredth of the film, which did not cause such emotions before? Or why sharply covers rage, and earlier not disturbing jealousy suddenly begins to manifest? Do you feel happy one minute, I don't want anything else? And is it normal such incomprehensible condition? In this article, we want to familiarize you with certain periods of mood change.

1-2 month

In independence, on the first one is the second or third pregnancy in a woman, she will at first feel almost the same. There are several explanations for it. The first - a pregnant woman comes to understanding its current situation. From now on, her life will change dramatically: a small person appears in the family, requiring attention, care and responsibility, for himself and his career will remain less time, and she will acquire a new profession, the best, but also the most complicated, is Mom. Also immediately arise the thoughts on how to inform this joyful news closest and how they will respond. All these reflections arise against the background of constant fluctuations in hormones caused by pregnancy, as a result - sudden bursts of rage, irritability, or on the contrary, joy and euphoria.

3-4 months

For 3-4 months emotional state of pregnant Women are distinguished by special calm. This is due to the fact that she finally takes its position and dissolves in the euphoria from understanding that he will soon be able to hold on his baby. During this period, pregnant can be a little forgetful. This reaction is caused not only to the fact that it flies in the clouds from joy, the reason is also the fact that during a woman tooling a woman decreases the number of cells in the brain, but fortunately, it is temporary, soon everything will return to the circles. There are sharp drops of mood, as well as irrationality in behavior, nothing strange, because the hormonal background is still in an unstable state.

5-6 months

Most often, in this period, women do not feel special changes in their emotional state, perhaps because less accustomed to everything that happened to them, the last six months and learned to suppress sudden bursts of irritability. But it is not necessary to forget that pregnancy has an additional burden on many vital organs. The load on the muscles increases, the need for blood, oxygen and nutrition increases; Kidneys, heart and lungs work with additional load. In the period of 5-6 months, it begins to be particularly felt, so all the same changes in mood, although not so powerful, remain relevant.

7-8 months

The third trimester passes under special excitement in women. Nothing amazing, because during this period she is "the most pregnant" - with a large round tummy, sparkling eyes and full love and maternal care in the heart. A woman is constantly thinking about the child, it worries well that he felt well and was born healthy and strong. And, if in the early period of pregnancy, it was possible to distract a little thoughts from the crumbs, now he is constantly reminded of himself, kicking mother with legs. In addition, the pregnant women disturb the thoughts about how she suffers childbirth, and how after will come into shape. All this, of course, affects its emotional state. In addition, the forgetfulness inherent in pregnant women continues, irrationality in behavior too. Often, women arise a desire to surround themselves with all bright and brilliant.

9 month

This is the most exciting and restless month throughout the pregnancy. After all, a woman understands that every day brings her to the most important meeting with his beloved baby. Pregnant in this period is characterized by increased anxiety.

To stabilize the emotional state of a pregnant woman, attention and understanding from relatives and loved ones, as well as the adoption of what such a state is normal and, if you do not fall into depression and fierce bursts of emotions, it will not harm the baby. Nature Everything thought out and instability in the mood of pregnant is a positive experience for a child, so he still in the womb begins to prepare for real life with all its problems and anxieties, without this, children simply would simply be born unprepared. Therefore, relax and enjoy your position, and nature will take care of everything.

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