Problems of large families in modern society. Problems and opportunities for a large family. Analysis of the regulatory framework

Many people dream of having more children. married couples. What could be better than a huge friendly company of family? But the problems of large families stop, if not everyone, then many. What kind of help can parents expect from the state and should they expect outside support at all? What forms and methods are there for solving the problems of large families?


Families with three or more children under age are considered to be large. Stepsons, stepdaughters and adopted children are also included in this concept. Statistics from 2017 show that there are about 1 million 250 thousand large families in Russia. Unfortunately, such data is not at all encouraging, because all experts say that they are at risk. The chance of becoming a criminal for a child from a large family is 2-2.5 times higher than for someone born into the average social group. In addition, heavy financial situation only increases the percentage of offenders every year. Let's try to understand the main problems of modern large families.

Material security

In a large family and its main problems, an important role is played by cash. After the birth of a child, every woman has the right to maternity leave. But if children appear 1-5 years apart, then there is a high probability that such a mother will not return to work soon or never at all. All worries about provision fall on the shoulders of the father. A family with three children can still count on a fairly decent living on one salary. But only a very wealthy person can dress, put on shoes and teach 5-10 children. Therefore, the lion's share of large families falls on the stratum of society with a low standard of living. The average family has only 1.15 children.

Some rely on monthly child benefit. But these payments are so meager that the child will not even have enough to buy bread. Children have to go outside with their hand outstretched. It is not customary to feel sorry for such families, and one can often hear the following phrases: “They gave birth, now raise them yourself,” “They breed poverty,” “You should have thought before multiplying in such quantities.” Modern society has forgotten that large families are the backbone of the state. The birth of a second child in a family is already rare. The decisive factor was and remains the issue of material support.

Due to the fact that incomes in large families are extremely low, there are problems with providing the most necessary items: clothing, shoes, school supplies. Children are not able to visit kindergarten, A summer rest unaffordable for most large families.

Housing problem for large families

It would seem that the state should support its citizens and encourage their desire to have children. There are programs to improve housing conditions, subsidies are provided, but all this is done on a first-come, first-served basis. Money for these needs is taken from the regional budget. In some regions you will have to wait 20 years or more. But not everyone will be able to get this housing.

Improve living conditions those families whose house or apartment have an area less than required in a given region can. No less important factor will be the financial situation. The family must be recognized as low-income and unable to purchase housing on their own. If income exceeds the subsistence level, a refusal will be received. The exception is families that do not own any housing at all. Status low-income family and the absence of your home will have to be confirmed every year.

If in rural areas the picture does not yet look so pessimistic, then in cities the problem has already reached colossal proportions. The scale of housing construction is declining; it is not possible to buy an apartment with your own funds. Families with a large number of minor children are forced to huddle in a small number of square meters. Growing up children find themselves constrained in their movements, which can lead to passivity in the development of the child’s individuality. Often, the lack of personal space is reflected in the internal moods in the family. Frequent scandals and conflicts also have a bad impact on psychological state children.

Social side

As a rule, large families for more comfortable stay create their own social circle. Sometimes it is even a closed society - only relatives interact with each other. Children in such families avoid contact with peers, preferring to spend time at home, while other children receive the necessary skills social communication. The reason for this behavior lies in a banal reluctance to face ridicule and bullying. Old or out of fashion clothes, lack of toys, expensive phones, pocket money- all this can become a reason for the manifestation of negativity on the part of children from more prosperous children.

Parents suffer no less. For the most part, society does not approve or understand this way of life. The state is unable to solve the social problems of large families. Everything depends only on society. Mothers of many children face condemnation and misunderstanding of their position in life. Instead of support and friendly participation, they receive puzzled looks and outright contempt. This is due to the fact that in last decades women have become increasingly interested in careers and developing their own potential. The vast majority still fulfill their main purpose, but almost no one strives to give birth again or start a large family.

Such women can be understood, because in such a hard time It’s not easy to raise even one child. But this does not mean that we should condemn those who decide to have a large family. According to statistics, already out of 100 women of childbearing age, 25 refuse to have children at all and want to devote their lives only to their needs. Therefore, a mother who decides to give birth to more than one child should not cause condemnation, but approval from society.


This is one of the main problems of large families in Russia. Health directly depends on immunity, which simply cannot be strong due to the lack good nutrition. In large families, products such as fish, fruits, vegetables, and meat rarely appear on the table or are completely absent. If one child gets sick with the flu or other viral disease, then with high probability the whole family will get sick. Living on a small number of square meters contributes to this. And if you consider that the time of infection can be different for everyone, then the disease can settle in a family for several weeks or even months!

Few people decide to go to the hospital for help. In large families, home treatment is preferred. Calling a doctor is postponed until the situation becomes critical. Since there is no money for high-quality antibiotics, grandmother’s recipes are used. Often the result of such procedures is hospitalization and even disability of the child.

Infectious childhood diseases pose a great danger to the mother herself. Especially if at this moment she is in the process of gestation next baby. For example, rubella can lead to the need to urgently terminate a pregnancy. There is also a small plus - if one baby gets measles or chickenpox, then everyone else will become infected and get sick at the same time.

Intestinal infections are also the main problem of large families - as soon as one gets sick, the whole family will be forced to go through this ordeal. It is necessary to monitor the hygiene of all children and control the quality and expiration dates of products. Toys brought from outside should be treated with detergent.

It's no secret that children from such families are prone to bad habits. Having associated with the wrong company, they start smoking and drinking alcohol early. Now both of these bad habits successfully replace drugs. From an early age, they already begin to sniff glue and smoke weed, and later switch to heavier drugs and mixtures. This problem of large families in the Russian Federation leads to an increase in the number of juvenile delinquents. It is almost impossible to keep such teenagers under control: even if they end up in juvenile detention centers, they emerge as hardened criminals and continue to lead a marginal lifestyle.


This is another of the main problems of large families in Russia. Parents are unable to give preschool education and prepare the child for educational process due to lack of funds. Often children do not even attend kindergartens and have limited spiritual and cultural development. This leads to knowledge gaps and low levels of education.

Another problem is the lack of personal study space in the house. The large number of children and the lack of square meters make it practically impossible to have privacy and sit at textbooks. Noise, din and other factors also do not contribute to completing homework. Even if a child remembers everything quickly enough and understands what the teacher is talking about, he does not have the opportunity to consolidate the material he has learned at home.

Ending high school does not mean at all that this will be followed by studying at a higher educational institution. To enter the budget department, you must have a very good results Unified State Exam or a decent amount of money. As a rule, the child has neither one nor the other. The problems of large families and ways to solve them in the field of education fall on the shoulders of a social work specialist. The work of such people brings tangible results, since in recent years attention to the needs of the child has increased significantly. Timely intervention by specialists can give children not only a chance to get a good education, but also avoid many problems in the future.


This is a pressing problem for large families. Getting a job with several minor children is almost impossible. Even if you have a lot of experience and required level education. The main reason for refusal may be the employer's concerns about regular sick leave. Even assurances that the spouse stays at home and will provide proper care for the children will not help. Everyone understands perfectly well that an employee has the right to take sick leave, and no one wants to take risks.

According to statistics, 48% of large families have an income below living wage. 31% of able-bodied people do not have a job and are not even looking for it. Rare and insignificant assistance from the state does not cover all needs. Flexible work schedules are rare for enterprises in the Russian Federation. It is practically impossible for mothers with many children to find a job - such workers are undesirable in any field of activity.

Legal and Legal Issues

Despite the fact that large families know that the state is obliged to help them solve problems, the majority do not understand what actions this requires on their part. For years they have been trying to cope with the difficulties that arise on their own due to insufficient information. Of course, the state cannot take full responsibility for solving the problems of large families, but it is quite capable of significantly improving the standard of living.

Ignorance of the law sometimes leads to the fact that people do not even try to get the benefits and subsidies they are entitled to. Large family and problems in it social security are the main sign that parents are not interested in what is rightfully theirs. To avoid getting into such a situation, you need to contact a social work specialist. He will tell everyone due to the family cash benefits and help solve most problems. Often, parents do not know that they are legally entitled to receive free hot meals for their children, clothing, shoes, and basic necessities. This is not all: payments, benefits, allowances, improvement of living conditions, education, medical, legal and psychological help. The list is quite extensive and covers many areas of life.

A timely request for help can not only significantly improve your financial situation, but also solve the problem with your living conditions. Collecting certificates and documents will not take much time. But the sooner a family asks for help, the greater the chance of timely support from the state.


Keeping track of even two children can be difficult. But what if the mother has five or even ten of them in her arms? If there are 1-2 children in a family, then the parents have time to understand all the problems and needs of the baby. Without close attention normal development child is almost impossible. Even an experienced teacher will not be able to raise children without devoting enough time to them.

In such families, the child does not feel like an individual - only part of a large team. He will have problems with self-realization, and, most likely, in the future he will begin to prove his uniqueness and assert himself by any available means. Competition between brothers and sisters is no less evil. Fight for attention parents are coming constantly. It is necessary to send children to kindergarten. For large families, benefits are provided and the cost is reduced to 30% of the total amount. Considering that the child will receive four meals a day, good sleep and communication with peers is not such a big price to pay.

Psychological problems of large families are also of great importance. As a rule, the role of head is assigned to the pope, and he is considered the unquestioned authority. But in a family with many children, a woman often takes on this function. She is always there, participates in all children’s conflicts and sorts out all situations. Without the proper influence of their father, who is forced to work from morning to night, boys grow up with displaced concepts and will not be able to correctly build relationships with a woman in the future.

Inexplicable but the fact

Research has confirmed that the higher the level of income in the family, the more often the goal is to have one child. Good living conditions, prestigious job and full social package They do not guarantee that tomorrow will be the same. Families with average incomes are much more likely to decide on a second, third, or even sixth child. All this is quite simple to explain - everyone different needs. If in one family the availability of food in the refrigerator and winter clothes in the closet is a sufficient standard of living, then for others the birth of another child and the refusal of an annual trip abroad or the purchase of a new car is a significant blow to material well-being. People who have every opportunity to create a large and quite wealthy family consciously refuse this, making a choice in favor of entertainment and excesses.

The only exception is dysfunctional families. Even experts are unable to understand why an alcoholic mother gives birth to children one after another. She does not turn to social services for help and does not respond to the arrival of employees from the guardianship service. For such a woman, having children is simply a given. She got pregnant in a drunken stupor and gave birth. There is no money for contraception, and there is no desire to terminate the pregnancy. Children from such families can be seen on the streets of the city. They are dirty, tattered and walk in a small flock. At first they ask for alms, and when they grow up, they start stealing. In addition, there are frequent cases of sick and disabled children being born to an alcoholic mother. As a rule, such a child is taken to an orphanage and then to a specialized clinic.

Problem solving

All the difficulties associated with education large quantity children have already been expressed more than once in petitions and raised in discussions in State Duma. Some issues are being resolved, but not as quickly and not in the same way as most Russians would like. The problems of large families and ways to solve them should concern deputies first of all, because they are the backbone of the state. Demographic situation leaves much to be desired, and such issues should always be a priority for consideration!

Based on numerous proposals to improve the quality of life in large families, we can highlight several key ones and voice ways to solve them:

  1. Give children the opportunity to attend clubs and sections for free.
  2. Define by law the concept “ parents with many children" and "large family".
  3. Restore the right to priority receipt of land plots.
  4. Provide for children free receipt school uniforms, supplies and textbooks.
  5. Exempt one of the children from military service.
  6. Provide the opportunity to enroll on a budgetary basis in higher and secondary vocational educational institutions.
  7. Free trips for children to summer and winter holiday camps.
  8. Preferential queue for housing or improvement of living conditions.

Even small changes like these can make a difference great benefit large families and strengthen their position in society.

A large family has both its own specific problems and those that are typical of any other family (with one or two children, incomplete). She endures all the “diseases” of a standard family, but in her they are much more severe. This is one of the most important features.

It is necessary to note several fundamental points directly related to large families.

Firstly, when speaking about this family, we must mean not only the problems arising in it itself, but also the problems of children living in such families.

Secondly, the problems of a large family vary depending on where it lives: different regions country, city or village. There are significant differences between high-fertility regions, where there are therefore many such families, and low-fertility regions, where there are few. That's why effective help large families should be provided taking into account local conditions, opportunities, wishes and opinions of the population.

Thirdly, large families do not represent a homogeneous mass. All of them, despite the presence common problems, differ sharply from each other.

The main problem of large families is financial. Currently, with the birth of each child, family income decreases sharply. Numerous studies show the closest relationship between the number of children living in a family and the income per family member, and more generally, the degree of impoverishment. For large families, wages are the main source of cash income, and its share in total income is comparable to that for all households. However, it is significantly lower than that of families with 1-2 children, therefore, parents with many children have a weaker position in the labor market.

The second important conclusion is related to cash benefits, the share of which in the income of families with many children is 6.8 times higher than the Russian average, and 3.4 times higher than that of families with 1 or 2 children. We can say that the birth of a third child in a family in the overwhelming majority of cases leads to poverty.

For large families, the self-sufficiency strategy is largely related to personal farming. This is partly due to the fact that half of families with 3 or more children live in rural areas, but in most cases this is due to the presence of barriers in the labor market that are insurmountable for them.

Large families have previously been a financially vulnerable category of the population, and modern inflationary processes hit them harder than society as a whole and force them to save on the essentials - on many food products and almost all industrial goods. Most often, such families also have poor living conditions.

Having many children often has a detrimental effect on children. The issue of children's health is raised sporadically and assessed ambiguously. Today teenagers from large families talk about chronic disease and about frequent colds more often than adolescents from small families. Among teenagers from large families, there are many smokers, both boys and girls. Starting from the fifth child, the likelihood of an increase in infant mortality and the birth of a defective child, that is, with developmental defects, increases sharply. At least half of children born in large families fall into the group increased risk according to medical and biological indicators.

All children from large families also have a common social problem, specifically associated with having many children. They more often have low self-esteem and inadequate ideas about the meaning of their own personality, which can negatively affect all their subsequent fate. In large families, there are about 10-15% of “problem” children and adolescents. They should be the primary focus of action. social worker, but not because they are “bad”, but because they feel bad.

According to experts, in ten out of a hundred families with several children, the moral and psychological climate is not always satisfactory. Back in 1988, S.I. Golod, in his article “A large family in the mirror of statistics” in the Ogonyok magazine, wrote that too many children in one family is not as good as it seems at first glance. According to research by doctors and lawyers, it is clear that in urban large families there is a higher percentage of offenses committed by minors; This is where pedagogical neglect is most evident.

From the above, it becomes clear that it is the development of children in large families that needs priority attention from society.

All experts unanimously classify a large family as a “risk group” family. As a rule, these families are economically disadvantaged, especially in cases where parents (one or both) are disabled or unemployed, one of the parents is absent, parents have low wages, the family has physically or mentally ill children, the treatment of which requires financial costs.

Conclusion: thus, we can say that a large family is in most cases low-income family. The real income of large families has fallen sharply, which has led to an increase in food costs and a decrease in all other types of expenses. In the structure of income, the role of child benefits is not great, although it does provide some addition to the family budget. The problems of large families affect both intra-family relations, and on the relationship of the family with the social environment. Knowing the negative consequences of having many children is necessary for timely preventive and correctional work, both at the level of national federal programs and the activities of a social worker with each specific family.

A very interesting article by Yegor Kholmogorov was published on the problems of large families. True, part of the article is devoted to criticism of the statements of Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov), ​​but it aroused my interest primarily by the description of the problems that large families face. From my personal experience I know that the vast majority of people (even those close to me) do not have the slightest idea about the essence real problems faced by large families. People do not understand what parents in large families are guided by when making this or that decision, but at the same time they often criticize, give advice that seems very correct to them (but they may be correct for a small family and completely unsuitable for a large family) and are very offended if they advice is not accepted because they cannot understand the logic of decision-making.

The author’s opinion that the main problems are infrastructural ones is simply to the point. Large families need spacious vehicles and more spacious housing. Large families have a much greater need for kindergartens and extended day groups in schools, as this increases free time parents and relieves them of part of the burden associated with monitoring the child, and so on...

Read the article. The suggestions at the end are very relevant.

Egor Kholmogorov: Become a large and poor man

The reasoning of Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov), ​​which caused a lot of noise (although not as much as the mufti’s call for circumcision), that large Orthodox families need to prepare for poverty, but still strive for large families, providing for children by reducing consumer spending, contains There is a logical and sociological error in the fact that it links large families with poverty into an indissoluble connection. “Become large and poor!”

This link is a distortion of the completely fair demand not to despise people with many children for poverty and not to condemn them swear words like: “We need to give birth less!” It turns out that those who say this are, in fact, right. They just put up a different sign.

The call to save on rags for the sake of having many children betrays an absolute lack of understanding of the real infrastructural problems that large families face. These are simply problems of a different order, which cannot be solved by saving on handbags and restaurants.

First, there is the issue of parenting time. To be at least poor, and not die of hunger on the street, you need to work. This requires the working hours of both parents. This means we need nannies, nurseries, kindergartens, after-school care, and our system of social care for children, in general, is collapsing. And instead of advocating support for this system on the part of the church, the venerable bishop calls on us to prepare for the earth.

Secondly, there is the problem of housing. Large families simply have nowhere to live. The Soviet household standard automatically dictated small children. Post-Soviet even says: die on rented apartment. The only option for normal life a truly large family (that is, six children or more) is to build yourself big house. That is, the site, plus construction, plus communications. This is a lot of money.

Perhaps the respected hierarch called on the state to promote the introduction of mortgages with a regressive rate, a special loan for families with many children, a proportional reduction in utility bills (which are already really turning into hell) depending on the number of children?

No, instead, just like in the parodies from the magazine “Atheist,” it turns out that the church only calls for people to come to terms with their poverty and prepare to be children of the slums.

Thirdly, there is the problem of transport. “Have many children” means “walk.” Our trip to Crimea included mom, dad, two girls, one boy, and a nanny. The boy can still ride on the nanny’s lap, but this won’t last long, and we set out on the way back separately: me by plane, the rest by car, since the Kuban traffic cops, of course, won’t give a damn as much as the Crimean ones.

That is, a large family is either an expensive minivan, or you can walk, which is what is expected. Why do you need to go somewhere? Why do you need to show your children Crimea, Suzdal, Uglich? You have to stay at home.

Fourthly, the problem of keeping children in school and school fees. Beggars with many children literally doom their children to countless bullying and humiliation from richer students and often teachers. Let’s add to this the persecution from juvenile social services, which often affects families with many children.

Since this call is addressed to Russians and Orthodox Christians, the following picture actually emerges: give birth, Russian people, and be poor, subject to bullying and humiliation, while other multinationals, who have become rich due to subsidies, have both money and large families. okay, they will laugh at you in your face.

The socio-economic model itself, to which Bishop Panteleimon appeals, looks frightening. This is some kind of post-industrial anarcho-capitalism of the 90s and developed Thatcherism. For traditional agrarian societies, each child in the family was not a factor of poverty, but a factor of wealth, a labor resource that entered economic circulation very early.

The works of the great Russian economist Chayanov established the economic strategy of traditional Russian families: a constant amount of work divided by the number of workers. That is, the larger the family, the less each representative worked.

Russian men didn't earn that much more money, how much effort was saved by expanding the family composition. The same model persisted in early industrial societies, where it was allowed child labour. There, every small worker in the family not only provided for himself, but also made a small profit.

Only in modern societies since the beginning of the twentieth century, in socialist and social-capitalist societies, has a child become a net loss - nothing can be earned from it, but it requires colossal financial investments. A happy and carefree childhood is recognized as perhaps the primary goal of the family. Protecting children from social horror becomes the main parental virtue.

Behind this there is also a certain socio-economic strategy: developed industrial states needed highly qualified educated personnel, so they need children who received high-quality school, professional and higher education, which is only possible with a fairly carefree and happy childhood.

In need of such children, the developed countries of Europe, the USSR, and the USA went to create an entire industry of carefree childhood, subordinated to the idea of ​​education. States began to provide kindergartens and schools, money or benefits to families for raising their children to a certain standard.

The downside of this carefree childhood was the reduction in the number of small “users” of this service - even rich families could not provide a childhood according to this standard for ten, and childhood according to a different standard began to be squeezed out of rich countries. That is, even those who were ready to work on children from the age of ten, actually could not do this.

Now, unfortunately, we are witnessing a crisis of this model of carefree childhood. Demand in developed countries for skilled labor is falling as it is replaced by automation. The demand for unskilled labor is satisfied by migration: migrants are raised in another country, and we do not bear the costs of their education - it turns out to be more profitable.

In other words, modern states see no reason to support the “carefree childhood” program for their citizens and are trying to cut social spending. Well, so does the number of users. Hence the monstrous demographic dynamics both here and in the first world countries.

In fact, Bishop Panteleimon invites Orthodox Christians with many children to take this postmodern capitalist anarchy for granted, to come to terms with the fact that the state and society do not need our children and that they are even hostile to them, and to take a stoic pose, reproducing in poverty, no matter what. It is not difficult to guess that such a position will not be particularly popular.

It seems to me that our pastors should learn not to parody the cliches of Bolshevik propaganda, which portrayed the church as a bridle of humility for the common people, but to actually get involved in the struggle for the social realization of Christian values, including the large family.

And for this we need to achieve not the fight against consumerism ordinary people, but the fight against theft and embezzlement from officials, smart social spending on maintaining, and not reducing, as now, infrastructure in demographically depressed regions.

Here is the story of 2013, how a woman was driven in an ambulance for more than 100 km throughout the Yaroslavl region, as a result, her child died - this should be the focus of pastoral attention. And no good will come from calls for poverty addressed to the already poor Russian people.

Russian Orthodox Church must be in defensive positions social state, a state that takes on part of the care of children and support of demographic growth. And the reason why the church should do this is very simple: to increase the number of people being saved. Let us be aware that all utopias about how the Chinese or Zulus will become Orthodox are fantasies.

The only demographic hope of Orthodoxy in the world is connected with the Russian people - their numbers and upbringing. Therefore, the more Russians, the more Orthodox. The more Russians there are, the stronger our statehood and culture. The more Russians there are, the stronger our army is and the stronger it is against the external enemies of Orthodoxy.

Therefore, the church must be a constructive social and national force for our society, instead of just alienating people with anarcho-capitalism, covered with traditionalist rhetoric.

And now, if you want, I'm like your husband mother of many children I’ll write a list of several programs that would actually increase the number of children.

1. Free plots for large families for housing construction. There is a program, but it barely works. We are standing in line in the Kaluga region and hoping. But in reality, this program should work throughout the country, and work quickly.

2. Regressive mortgage rate, tied to the number of children, in regions with negative demographic dynamics for those who have lived there permanently for more than seven years.

3. Regressive rent, starting from the third child. This exists somewhere, but not everywhere. For example, we don’t have such joy, and when the apartment bills arrive, we all become sad.

4. Tax deduction for the services of kindergartens, nannies, etc. The tax deduction, although it takes a lot of fiddling with, is actually a really convenient tool that greatly simplifies your financial situation. Now it is given when buying an apartment, paying for education and treatment. I think that the direct costs of raising children should be included in this list.

5. Sale of minivans to parents with many children at a reduced rate. State subsidies for relevant production facilities of automakers. With, say, Volkswagen, come to an agreement so that they can develop this line with us. Now, they say, in some places minivans are given free of charge at the birth of the seventh child. But, sorry, space in the car ends at fourth. And the fifth and sixth ones have low chances for this reason.

6. For the poorest. The introduction of those very American-style food cards that Tkachev is lobbying for. There would be a double benefit for both children and farmers.

Here are a few simple moves that Bishop Panteleimon and the entire Russian Orthodox Church could support, and we would have many more children in our country, many more Russian children, many more Russian Orthodox children. And this would bring joy to the angels in Heaven...

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ................3

1. Large families............................................................. ...............................................4

3. Problems of large families.................................................... ...............................6

4. Social assistance system for large families....................................................11

5. Benefits for large families.................................................... ...........................14

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ..........16

Bibliography................................................ ...........................................17


The family is one of the systems of human social functioning, the most important social institution of society, which changes under the influence of socio-economic and internal processes.

This is small social group connected by marriage or family relationships, common life ( Cohabitation and housekeeping), emotional intimacy, mutual rights and responsibilities towards each other.

The family reacts very quickly and sensitively to all the positive and negative changes occurring in society, revealing the humane and inhumane meaning of the processes taking place in society, assessing the processes that are destructive and creative for the family. As a society, the family was created, modified and developed along with it and, in turn, can influence the course of its development.

1. Large families

Currently, there is a steady decline in the share of large families in the Russian population. This also coincides with the trend towards few children and childlessness in general. There is no clear system of social support for large families. There is negative and even negative attitude society towards large families, especially with an increase in the serial number of births. A new pregnancy with more than two or three children in a family is regarded as something out of the ordinary, as a deviation from the general rules.

Large families at the beginning of the century made up the majority of the Russian population. They were quite common in all levels of society from the poorest peasantry to the nobles. This was due to the traditions of the Russian people and Orthodox morality. The birth of children was not planned, it was perceived as a “gift of God,” there were no contraceptives, and abortion was not common. It was easier to survive in a large family. Society has always had a stable positive attitude towards large families.

Currently large family A family with 3 or more children is considered.

1. Conscious large families.

In families where family or religious-national traditions are strong.

2. Birth common child when the father or mother remarries and there are other children. This category of large family has the beginnings of an “incomplete” family in raising children.

A large family (consciously large family) usually has strong family traditions, a clear internal structure, fairly strong protection, a traditionally respectful attitude towards elders. In such families, problems and conflicts are resolved more easily, and parents do not experience lonely old age.

The psychological atmosphere of the family is mutual understanding, the same vision of problems and ways to solve them by both spouses.

3. Dysfunctional large families.

Most often observed among parents leading an antisocial lifestyle: alcoholics, unemployed, mentally disabled, where children are often a means of receiving material and in-kind assistance.

In such families, parents have a lower educational level and social status.

3. Problems of large families

Material and household (financial) problems. Large families are the least affluent, with a low average monthly income per family member, which leads to increased costs for food, clothing, etc. In the income structure, child benefits are small, although they provide an increase to the family budget. The share of costs for food products is higher, and the nutritional structure is less diverse. Such families receive less fruit, berries, meat, eggs, fish, etc., and insufficient receipt staple food supply is of great concern.

Due to the constant rise in prices, there are extremely limited opportunities to satisfy needs, and a shortage of the most necessary items: shoes, clothing, school writing supplies. Rare natural and material assistance does not solve the problem.

The budget of such families does not have funds for education, cultural and sports development of children, musical and artistic education, and even for summer vacations. In every fifth family, children do not attend kindergartens due to lack of money to pay.

The problem of parents' employment. When the mother does not work, and the father does not receive a salary for a long time, child benefits are irregular and insufficient, the problem of finding a new job arises. This is often aggravated by ignorance of the laws and information about the benefits that such families are entitled to.

Dynamics of the number of unemployed registered with the employment service in the Russian Federation (thousand people) - parents with many children in 1991 - 1.2; in 1996 - 107.4. A family with three minor children (according to estimates from the laboratory of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF) with both working parents receiving salaries at the average level, it turns out to be below the poverty line, in 1996 about 76%.

The dependent burden on the family has changed the structure of its income. A large place was occupied by income from business activities, sales of agricultural products, as well as social transfers, which indicates a decrease in the economic activity of large families.

Survival of a large family in modern conditions perhaps by increasing one’s own income (personal initiative, secondary earnings, teenage work). In almost 50% of such families, the work of teenagers brings income to the family, but this is fraught with violation of labor and civil legislation, and dangerous influence " criminal world"and the renunciation of a number of needs, which is an unaffordable luxury in modern conditions.

The housing problem, always acute in our country, especially for large families, has now acquired paramount importance. Housing conditions do not meet standards and cannot be improved through municipal housing. In addition, the scale of housing construction is being reduced; purchasing housing at their own expense is not enough for most families.

Payments for housing and communal services are increasing. If this problem is not systematically resolved, it may become one of the factors in increasing social tension in society.

Psychological and pedagogical problems. In a traditional large family, children are in an equal position: there is no lack of communication, the elders take care of the younger ones, and, as a rule, positive moral qualities are formed, such as sensitivity, humanity, and respect for elders.

But due to the heavy workload of parents (the father works a lot, is practically never at home, the mother does not work, but is busy with household chores), there is little time left for raising children, and yet in such families it is possible to determine the internal hierarchy of relationships.

Problems of distribution of responsibilities are based on gender and age; they are individual and therefore vary in scope and complexity. The head of the family is the father; household chores - on the mother, guardian hearth and home, organizer of household chores. Lack of time and lack of knowledge about raising children create a certain problem in such families. A lack of education leads to the fact that children grow up with low self-esteem: anxiety, self-doubt, inadequate idea of ​​their own personality; older children strive for leadership.

A small opportunity to satisfy one's needs (for clothing, entertainment, goods, etc., which peers have) develops a feeling of envy, a demand for the impossible.

The majority of children in large families leads to a decrease in the social age of older children. They mature early and are less closely connected to their parents.

As a rule, in such families there is no respect for the personality of each child, there is no personal corner, no small territory with respect for boundaries, personal favorite toys, i.e., the autonomy of each, and often leads to protracted long-term conflicts between children.

Conflicts also often arise due to children’s poor performance at school, hence frequent absenteeism; Teenagers usually get involved in household chores early and often drop out of school.

Not only teenagers aged 15-18 years do not attend school, but there are also cases of children aged 7-14 years not attending school; start working early, have a greater likelihood of acquiring bad habits(smoking, alcohol) and other “deviant” behavior.

Such families have a difficult psychological climate: a low level of mutual understanding with parents and at the same time an increased need for parental support.

Large families, especially single-parent families, are characterized by greater neglect of children. Children spend most of their time outside. There is a problem of communication between both adult family members and children, especially teenagers. This complicates the socialization process and interferes with later life.

Large families report discomfort with work colleagues and are often deprived friendly attitude in a professional environment; with relatives, often the husband, who do not approve of the fact of having many children, especially in modern conditions; negative attitude Children from large families experience peer pressure - difficulties in communicating with other children, divergence of interests, etc.

Large families prefer to create their own social circle. They devote little time to organizing leisure activities together.

Medical problems. A difficult psychological climate, as a rule, affects the health of children. There are 10-15% of problem children in such families.

The development of children in large families requires priority attention from society.

The social vulnerability of such families and the constant decline in living standards create a pessimistic social well-being. There is a low level of sanitary culture in large families: 53.8% of families are at risk. The health of all family members suffers, and chronic pathology spreads. Fathers get sick 2 times more often than in other families. The mother's reproductive health suffers, poor knowledge of contraception, poor social orientation in sexual life, non-compliance with intergenetic intervals between pregnancies. There is unsatisfactory sex education for children and relatively early sexual activity among adolescents.

You can trace the direct relationship between the health of children and the health of their parents. There is a low rate of systematic monitoring of children, late referral in case of illness, self-medication, unsatisfactory medical examination and “coverage” by other specialists, and insufficient sanatorium-resort treatment.

There is data on the incidence of children depending on the ordinal number of the child’s birth - the likelihood of influence prenatal factors, starting from the 4th child, the overall morbidity rate becomes higher. Children of the first 3 birth orders are more than long term are breastfed, but their diet and quality of nutrition suffer. In the structure of morbidity among children, respiratory diseases (ARVI) are in 1st place, nutritional and metabolic disorders are in 2nd place, and diseases of the nervous system and visual organs are in 3rd place.

Noted high level diseases of the central nervous system in children of high birth orders: delayed neuropsychic development, varying degrees of mental retardation, neuroses. Teenagers have below average health.

4. Social assistance system for large families

The social worker communicates between the family and the subjects of social assistance.

The employment service provides priority employment for parents with many children; ensuring, where possible, flexible work schedules; organizing training and retraining of parents to obtain another specialty; employing children and obtaining a specialty, attracting teenagers to work, obtaining the status of unemployed, and attracting them to work year-round.

The bodies of public education (ONO) are entrusted with: opening free sections and clubs, establishing preferential prices for the purchase of textbooks; organization additional education for the development of children's potential, free or discounted recreation for children in a health camp, family leisure and interest clubs; opening of a pedagogical lecture hall (with consultations of a psychologist, teacher on family education).

Organs social protection(OSZ) are engaged in organizing benefits, benefits, providing family vouchers, opening family assistance centers, targeted social assistance, material assistance, allocating preferential loans for the purchase of durable goods, preferential allocation of plots for individual construction, and timely information about benefits.

The lawyer provides legislative justification for resolving issues of benefits, subsidies related to housing, organizing one’s own business, issuing cash loans, and soft loans.

A psychologist helps you decide psychological problems families, including using a helpline to receive advice from a psychologist or teacher at the right time.

Health authorities (OH) provide a discount on the purchase of medicines, organize visits of specialists to the place of residence, appointments at medical institutions out of turn, vouchers to a sanatorium, therapeutic fortified meals, and preventive health care for family members.

Trade organizations sell goods and food products at discounted prices and provide preferential loans for the purchase of durable items.

Charitable organizations provide material and in-kind assistance, the church provides charitable and psychological support.

The executive city government ensures the timely issuance of salaries and benefits for children, provides the opportunity to improve housing, creates conditions for self-sufficiency of families (development of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, farming, allocation of cash loans, soft loans, land, building materials), provides assistance in organizing an association mothers of many children.

Similar families participate in the creation of the Association of Large Families, the organization of mutual assistance (communication, clothing, shoes, toys, etc.).

Neighbors create public opinion, provide assistance.

The parents' place of work provides an opportunity to improve housing, receive financial assistance, organize home work for the mother, a part-time work week or an additional day off, a flexible work schedule, and the possibility of retraining.

The Association has a territorial management structure and conducts quantitative and qualitative studies of the condition of all large families.

A card index has been created, various types of large families have been identified, attention is paid to legal literacy, and regulatory documents are systematically studied; psychological and pedagogical education of parents is carried out, conversations, lectures, consultations with a psychologist, teacher, family holidays like a business game are held; cultural leisure activities for the family are organized (free tickets to the local theater, meetings with artists and poets).

Parents get rid of feelings of hopelessness and loneliness, feel each other’s support, their social circle expands, the organization of family life becomes more conscious, and they get the opportunity to pedagogically competently shape the personality of their children.

5. Benefits for large families

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures for social support of large families” dated May 5, 1992 No. 432 defines the following benefits:

A discount of no less than 30% of the established payment for the use of heating, water, sewerage, gas and electricity, and for families living in houses that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased for heating within the established standards;

Free issuance of medicines for children under 6 years of age according to doctor’s prescriptions;

Free travel on intracity transport, as well as on buses on suburban and intra-district routes for students of secondary schools;

Admission of children to preschool institutions in the first place;

Free meals (breakfast and lunch) for students of secondary schools and vocational schools educational institutions at the expense of funds from universal education and deductions from their production activities and other extra-budgetary contributions;

Free provision in accordance with established standards school uniform or a replacement set of clothes for attending school classes, as well as sports uniform for the entire period of children’s education at school;

One day a month free entry to museums, cultural and recreational parks.

The draft Federal Law “On State Support for Large Families” is currently being discussed.

A family whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level is considered low-income.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for providing benefits for intercity travel to children in need of sanatorium-resort treatment” dated April 9, 1999 No. 406, the right to a 50% discount on the fare is granted to children under the age of 18 who are in need in sanatorium-resort treatment according to the conclusion of state and municipal health care institutions, who have vouchers to sanatorium-resort organizations and live in low-income families.

This right extends to one of the parents (the person replacing him) accompanying the child to the place of treatment and back.

Types of transport:

Railway (trains and carriages of all categories, with the exception of branded trains and luxury trains);

Automotive (public);

Aviation (in the absence of railway communication).

List of required documents:

Application from an accompanying person;

Conclusion of a state or municipal health care institution on sending a child to sanatorium-resort treatment;

Ticket stub;

Travel documents of the child and accompanying person;

Documents on family composition and salary (income of each family member).

Reimbursement of the reduced fare is made by the social protection authority at the place of residence. The expenses provided for by the resolution are financed from the federal budget.


In conclusion, we can say that currently time is running destruction of the values ​​of family, marriage, motherhood. Social differentiation of society continues to worsen, all large quantity families fall into poverty. Therefore, society and the state must change their attitude towards the family as a social institution in order to preserve it.

Special care and assistance to motherhood, legal protection of the family, creation of social conditions for its normal functioning, ensuring the harmonious development of each child, taking into account his physiological characteristics, are necessary.

A social worker must help overcome difficulties, maximize all social assistance resources, attract funds from charitable organizations, churches, and various societies; teach the family self-help and mutual assistance, family business.


1. Zubkova T.S., Timoshina N.V. Organization and content of work on social protection of women, children and families: textbook. allowance for students avg. prof. textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2003. – 224 p.

2. Family education: Reader: textbook. allowance for students higher ped. textbook establishments / comp. P.A. Lebedev. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2005. – 408 p.

3. Bocharova N.I., Tikhonova O.G. Organization of children's leisure in the family: textbook. allowance for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing house. Center “Academy”, 2006. – 208 p.

Articles like this need to be taken down! They only incite hatred and envy towards large families, where the atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and mutual assistance is much greater than in families with a selfish child.
Well, point by point -
1. There are no funds for education and even kindergartens? What is this supported by? What kind of places don't have a family for kindergarten? As far as I know, the average fee for personal care in the country is 1000 rubles. per month. Large families pay only 30% of this amount. (you can correct me with the laws if I’m wrong somewhere. But I don’t think it’s much) a total of 300 rubles for three or four meals a day and development.
For what reasons do children from large families stay at home in this article is not clear to me.
Summer vacation - what about the grandmothers who have already been “fired” and their dachas demolished?
Or is a summer vacation now considered complete only with a visa to Mars?
2. I haven’t studied the problem of parents’ employment, but it certainly exists. Because the danger of sick leave in this case is greater. And although this probability is not supported by anything (in such cases, there are older children who can help with younger ones, there are relatives.) employers are afraid to provide jobs to people with preschool children.
As for a large family with two working parents with an average salary, why is it below the poverty line? Who drew this line and at what level is it? It is not clear and not justified by the author.
3. I think I agree. Payment for utility services increases quite noticeably. But we are not registering a relative from Saratov, we are registering a newborn.....
4. Lack of knowledge about raising children - a mother with several children has much more knowledge than parents with one child. And if a mother does not have enough time to read numerous books after the birth of her fifth child, there is no need to cross out the knowledge that has already accumulated in her. Let’s not forget - this woman once had no children at all and had a lot of time to read all the literature she needed, information from which, over the years, she also reinforces with experience.
“Older children strive for leadership” - I don’t understand... Usually the younger ones strive to be the first.... They still have little success compared to their elders... Therefore, I will not continue further, the author’s idea is not clear.
A small opportunity to satisfy your needs does not develop a feeling of envy, but the need to achieve what you want. With the development of this feeling, such children will be more successful in their studies. They have motivation. Sometimes children from wealthy families do not have this very motivation at all.
The lack of personal space is completely delusional nonsense. Every family has beds and personal corners, and even more so personal favorite toys. I don’t even see the point in continuing...
Teenagers, as I wrote above, will have an incentive to get out of the bondage that the author described to us here. In this situation, they will begin to study and work and help around the house. They will have no time left for bad habits, the only goal may be to carve out their corner and at the same time they can achieve a vacation on Mars.
You know, I now feel discomfort in this communication with the author. And I obviously don’t want to be his friend or even know him. Everyone creates social circles. Everyone tries to find friends based on similar interests, and not the other way around. By focusing on the circle of people with many children, the author only wants to incite hostility towards this group. Provocation.
5. Data about problem children is provided from somewhere. What is this? Where are these percentages from? What are we even talking about? Or is this a consequence of the points above?
Well, in this case, even more problems will arise.

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