Recipe for happy relationships: the main ingredients. No need to rush the events. Recipes of happy relationship

Destroy the relationship is easy, whether it is a relationship of a romantic or friendly content. Sometimes just one error is enough - and sobs on the ruins of the former fabulous relations are provided. However, there are people who manage to maintain relationships for 20 years or more, in connection with which a natural question arises: how do they manage it? Recipe happy relationship Everyone has its own, but all of them have common ingredients, without which it is difficult to maintain communication with a person on long years..

Recipe of Happy Relations: Basic Ingredients

If you think that you have found your happiness in a person who today is with you, but you are afraid that your happiness can destroy one day, try to find the very recipe for a happy relationship, thanks to which they will last a very long time. And do not forget about the ingredients below.

  1. Objectivity

Find out the whole truth about your relationship. Think about all their aspects: your feelings and thoughts, feelings and thoughts of your loved one, about their external manifestations. If you notice that you are trying to try from the truthful assessment of any of the aspects of relationships, it is he who can become a stumbling block in the future. Try to see the truth as soon as possible so that it does not sabotize your relationship in the future.

  1. Understanding

One of the most huge mistakes in the relationship is to believe that the feelings and thoughts of another person are identical to yours. It is necessary to understand that nearby a person can differ very much from you in terms of thoughts, emotions and reactions to what is happening.

  1. Honesty

The best communicative strategy, especially in personal relationship, is honesty and openness. Without this ingredient, the recipe for a happy relationship does not exist. Do not hide your feelings and thoughts, remove all barriers, do not be afraid to seem stupid or vulnerable. If you want to embrace you - tell me about it, do not wait for the signals to the space you will take a non-existent partner's brain antenna.

  1. Emotional sonproof

During communication, listen not only words, try to catch emotions that are hidden under them. Pay attention to the voice tone, body language, read between the lines - and soon you will learn to understand your loved one with a half-clow.

  1. Analysis of relationships

Select time for strong and weak Parties Relations - So you will learn about what kind of aspects you need to work and how can it be done. For example, once every two weeks can be analyzed together for this period of time, tell each other, for which you are grateful, what actions you are upset, etc. At the end, be sure to express your gratitude to each other and treat yourself a tasty dinner or other pleasant pastime.

  1. Confidence

Repeated studies confirm that without trusting the recipe for a happy relationship will be incomplete. Always remember that mutual confidence in the reliability of a person is the key, without which the door will not be able to open a joint happiness. If you have serious and reasonable reason to believe that it is impossible to trust this person, think about whether you need such relationships.

  1. Borders

Under the borders and their observance, there is a personal space, the privity of a beloved person. Thanks to technical innovation, it became so easy to track each other and always be in touch. However, each person has moments in life when he is best to stay alone or, let's say with a friend. Such a choice of beloved must be respected.

  1. "Healthy" conflicts

No conflicts are no relationship. If you think otherwise, you are waiting big surprise. Therefore, it is just necessary to learn to solve them correctly: to emphasize that the person is dear to you, express your feelings about what happened, and not just rush mutual accusations. Be prepared if necessary to recognize your error.

  1. Own goals

Try not to lose yourself in a relationship, weigh your thoughts and feelings, do not allow yourself to manipulate.

  1. Compromises

It is necessary to find the golden interlaced between its desires and desires of your loved one. Happy relationship is impossible without concessions to each other. Try to put yourself in the partner's place, understand what is happening from his point of view.

the site believes that the recipe for a happy relationship is simple, the main thing is not to forget the most important ingredients! Do not forget that relations are always the work and efforts of two people, whose goal is one - joint happiness.

Family couples who have been happy in marriage for many years, share their secrets how to make love endless.

  1. Works and gender married 35 years: "I once read in very old book About marriage: "Always feel your husband as the most honorary guest in the house." In other words, your behavior should be the best. It changed me, and the husband answered me with reciprocity. And my personal opinion about the marriage is: " A good relationship Are built from thousands of small good deeds for each other. "
  2. Steve and Cheryl married 20 years: "Never discuss acute questions when you are hungry or tired. And to improve communication, eat marshmallows. What can you do with the full mouth of the marshmallow? Talk. And communication is more listening than to talk. I always tell my wife, if I can interpret twofly to me, and one of the options grieves you or angry, then I meant another option. "
  3. Stephanie married 18 years old:"We specifically sit down next to the sofa every night. My father told me to do it like that when I married. Because then you touch each other, you feel the cozy warmth and energy of your loved one. "
  4. Rita and Kurt married 27 years:"Watch your manners. Too often, we show more respect for strangers than those who love. Parents often expect a good pass from their children, although at the same time they themselves do not show it among themselves. "Please give me this plate" sounds much more gentle and kinder than "give me it." Be kind, you could not, please, sorry - it magic words. And they are not only for dates. "
  5. Don and Estelle married 50 years: "Our main tip for newlyweds is to watch only forward and look back only on good times. Each of us has disadvantages and have their own mistakes, and therefore, if all your attention is focused on past unsuccessful times, your marriage can turn into a heavy burden. Remember and drop your success.

    Ignore the moments when you failed. Do not try to impose a guilt on the problem, try to find a solution. Love is like a boomerangu, throw it into the spouse, and she will return to you. "

  6. Don and Tony married 32 years:"Always find, what to laugh. Laugh together. Times are cruel. Problems happen in all families, and not always in life everything goes smoothly. But if you find a way to laugh at it, then there will be unity between you, and you can overcome everything! "

  7. Nicholas and Raphael are married to 82 years old:: "Always respect each other and try not to attach of particular trifles. Our parents also lived for many years in happy marriage. Our family does not know what divorce is. Education family values highly an important part Cultures. "
  8. Judy and Jeff married 22 years:"Remember: women want to be loved and adored. And men want to feel respect ... Even more than love. It sounds strange, but it is. Do not deprive your male masculinity. Do not perceive your woman as something of granted. Life becomes boring and tense.

    Your marriage will have times when it is both strong and weakened. Regardless of what you did at the beginning of the marriage, as a result of which later laughed at this together, take time to repeat the same things after 10.20, and 30 years. Read each other excerpts from your favorite book, see your favorite films together. "

  9. Dave and Rosa married 32 years:"In a pair, everyone should strive to do good for another, and not fight in the style of" And me? ". And then with experience comes a mutually beneficial solution, when each person gives and serves another. "
  10. Chuck and Mellin married 41 year: "When we encountered a distressed situation together, it brought us closer. Caring for children was also powerful. And as soon as your grandchildren appear, family communications Strengthens even more. "
  11. Charlen and Rick married 18 years:"Divorce is not a solution to think about, speak and consider a response to the problem. Almost all problems are short-term. Divorce is a long-term answer. If money becomes a reason, discuss it immediately. Family life is not a garden greens, these are values \u200b\u200bthat generate contradictions and disputes. "
  12. Paula and Dan married 26 years old:"Continue to locate. Since we are married, we try to spend one evening a month as a couple. When the children were small (up to 6 months), we took them with themselves, we never sat at home. And it is not necessary that you are only together. Meet other people or couples. It will give you the opportunity to interesting full communicationrather than a long discussion of home problems. "

  13. Julia and Mark are married for 15 years: "Be not indifferent, patient and accepting what is happening in your partner's life. We always knew that it was important to always remain an individual person. There are things that we would like to achieve personally. We would like our goals in the work not only understood, but also supported. And it is not always easy.

    My husband survived the 2 stage to get me higher education and a change in work in 5 companies. And I planted him today in a plane flying to the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities, to fulfill its military debt. I have an ambiguous view about sending our troops outside the homeland. But I believe in my husband and I know that it is important for him. "

  14. Rick and Jen married 14 years old: "Forget your old" best "friends. Now you have a new best friend. Give each other unforgettable moments. "
  15. Nancy and Don married 16 years: "The most important thing for long and happy family life "This is primarily to know yourself before entry into marriage."
  16. Beverly and Pablo married 33 years old:"Relive yourself from friends, families and situations that negatively affect your life and family, and let your husband goes the same way. Keep your intimate life interesting. Listen to the fantasy of each other. Do not be afraid to show sensuality in sophisticated bedroom. And be sure to plan to spend a delightful vacation. "
  17. Ralph and Teresa are married 17 years old: " We - best friends. When sex becomes not so important, it is best to enjoy, making something together (what was previously done by one). We, for example, travel a car for several days to get to the exhibition of cars. And we start to like each other even more. "
  18. Lisa and Brian married 12 years old: "We concluded a contract not to quarrel because of money. Financial difficulties lead to divorce. And we do not want our relationship to deteriorate because of such an insignificant issue as money. We passed through financial ups and downs, we survived the times of unemployment and huge loans. But we never accused each other and always calmly discuss financial questions

  19. Doren and Tim married 20 years:"We are so different how partners may differ in a pair. But instead of annoying from our differences, we enjoy them. We consider the fads of each other's character infinitely funny, as if watching exotic animals in the zoo. No day passes so that I do not die with laughter from the fact that the husband rises something that I am doing. We often tear up each other. And it never looks low and dimly. We are for each other - the best psychotherapists. "
  20. Lanny and Christine married 23 years: "You must have a common one. When it has a couple, any tubercle on the road to her will be guides to the goal. Without dreams, any obstacle on the way will be a huge vertex for you to climb. Find your destination on this planet, make a list of values \u200b\u200bof your life, take a step on the perspective and forward! "
  21. Anna and Dean are married 25 years old:"If you think that you are created for each other and are going to live a long, happy life, develop and grow together - you need to always stay in close spiritual intimacy with each other. Otherwise, as a result, you will find that you do not know your spouse at all, because he / she changed over all these years.
Write in the comments, and how many years in marriage you and what is the main secret married life Can you share?!

Sometimes to come to a happy family life, it has to overcome many vital difficulties. Yes, this path is a thorny, but what award is waiting ahead!
Over the years, we begin to idealize the beginning of relationships with a spouse, telling children and grandchildren family legends and showing beautiful pictures in frames. And how was it really?

Strength habit

Olga is divided by his story: "I came to the capital and entered the university for preparatory courses. There was almost no money, and here it is impossible to appear by Dima, my friend younger brother, and kindly suggested to indelicate in his two-room. For almost a year we lived soul to the soul. He played the guitar and prepared me in the morning a magnificent scrambled eggs, and I washed dust from his CD.

Then I entered the university and moved to the hostel. We continued to communicate with Dima, but no longer as before. He had his own life, I have my own. At some point, I realized that I still catch myself thinking about what I miss Dima. According to his scrambled eggs, songs ... And once he raised me after her occupation and suggested: "Maybe we will move towards me? I miss you so much ... "I answered consent. When I finished the university, we got married and now raising a beautiful son. "

It is believed that the habit breaks love. But it happens on the contrary. Not in vain in the old days, marriages were built on the principle "extinguishing - wipe", there is its own wisdom in this. Today it is not so difficult to fall in love, how to find a person with whom every day will be comfortable to fall asleep and wake up.

Love affair at work

Tamara has its own story: "We worked with Igor in one company, but they rarely saw. On the corporate parties He invited me a couple of times to the dance, but I did not give it any meanings. Then I met with a young man-exported, taut, well dressed, and Igor was not in my taste: lean, high, in the same thing svetera. Once I descended the stairs and turned up my leg. I almost fell - thanks, Igor walked to me towards and picked up on time. Bied half an hour I tried to get through to my groom. And then he took the phone and said that he was busy and could not take me from work. Igor again helped me: I was brought to the trauma, the rest of the day I sat in line with me first to the surgeon, then to x-ray. All this time, he tried me by hand. Fortunately, I did not have a fracture. Igor took me home, and I suddenly realized that he was the same person I was looking for all my life. "

Sometimes you do not need to go to the edge of the world to find my soul mate there. It can be near, literally under the side, unnoticed and unpleasant. We do not see it, as we are in a constant pursuit of external attributes and status. But Saint-Exupery was right, when he said: "Zorkko is one heart, you won't see the most important eyes."

From hatred to love ...

Nadya recalls the history of his acquaintance with her husband: "Once my best girlfriend Threw beloved. They met for just a couple of months, but he managed to break her heart. I have never seen before the woman be killed because of the man, and hated him with all the soul. Moves the best friendly feelings, I found out his address and decided to express everything that I think, but at the same time to meet - before that we have never seen. The door opened me a pretty young man and invited coffee to a cup. We told three hours, Oleg explained the reason for his care (a friend parallelly revived an affair with another man, which I did not say). After the conversation, I was entirely on his side. I confess, I went home in disheveled feelings. And when the next day he called and invited me on a date, he could not refuse. Of course, I lost my girlfriend, but it found the most beloved man in the world: with Oleg, we have been happily married for eight years. "

Women sometimes are very impulsive and emotional. They know how to love as passionately as hate. That is why representatives of weak gender need to calm down before taking important solutions. After all, coming to yourself, they can understand that what seemed deep hatred, in fact strong love.

Hello, dear viewers and subscribers. In today's video, which is a continuation of the previous one (and which contains information about ), I will tell you in detail about the second stage in the development of relations and the component that is necessary for its successful passage.

The video itself is located just below. Well, for those who like to read - the text version of the article is, as usual, directly under the video.
To keep up to date recent updatesI recommend you to subscribe to my main youTube Channel , since all new materials I do now in video format. Also quite recently I opened my own second Channel entitled " World of psychology "Where brief video materials are published on the most different topicsilluminated through the prism of psychology, psychotherapy and clinical psychiatry.
Familiarize yourself with my services (prices and rules of psychological online counseling) you can in the article "".

Hello, dear readers. In today's note, I will continue to talk about recipes of happy relationship , namely - to talk about three stages in the development of relations and three basic componentsnecessary for their successful passage and who are strong foundation of harmonious and happy family relationships. You can familiarize yourself with the first part in the article called "". Well, today I will talk in detail about the second stage in the development of relationships.

So, The second stage begins with kisses hugs (Ie when you started hugging-kissing, no matter on what date, and no matter how long (it can be after the first 5 minutes of the meeting, for example, at some party or disco, or on the first-second-third date after exploring the Internet, etc.). Those. from kisses - hugs (the beginning of this stage) and, if you decide that you man will suit at least for sex or even for closer mental relations, then to a full sexual intercourse, i.e. including sex, and absolutely no matter what type it will be - vaginal, oral, anal, manual or some of their combination. Also, this stage includes a further intimate life with this person.

Here, of course, the most important component for the successful passage of the second stage in the relationship is definitely, sexology. As for the latter, for its competent systemic study, I highly recommend the video of the sexologist Alex Maja. He has material for both men and women. I left the link to the channel in the description to the video on YouTube. It is also possible that on the Internet spaces you will find any other interesting and useful, responding with objective truth and having an adequate Practical use, information in terms of intimate Life and sexology. Those. I do not insist on the channel by Alex Alex, but, however, I recommend it very much.

You can also get acquainted with 8 notes with the most common and most commonly encountered. sexy myths Our life: "", "", "," "," "," "," "and" ".

In general, of course, now information on sexology on the Internet is more than enough. The main thing is that it reflects the objective truth and corresponded to real reality. And then you listen to some pseudoguuru, like Mikhail Litvaka (who, not being able to try to satisfy his women in bed, he imagined himself a great sexologist and lasted in his belts on this topic of such Achinea, that it was scary to read), and such firewood that mom is expensive. Links to sexual adventures of Litvaka, I also leave in the description to the video on YouTube.

Returning to the essence of this video, it should be noted that here, at this stage of the development of relations, we are already revealed before the partner in a much greater greater extent than at the previous stage. The main goal This stage, in addition to the skill, how to initiate a partner, deliver it sexy pleasure And he himself receive pleasure from him, is the ability to determine as soon as possible, whether you come true this man For sex or not. Does he attract you emotionally, physiologically and psychologically so much to lie down with him in one bed or not? On the this stage After a full tactile contact with it (i.e., in fact, the foreplay in clothes) you have to decide - whether it is suitable for bringing relations to the level intimate intimacy (i.e. sexual intercourse) or not worth it. Those. Your task is based on the foreplay - determine whether you will be well in bed with this person or not.

Of course, determine whether a person is suitable for sex, it is absolutely impossible for the appearance. Happens, for example, so (I will say now with male point vision, with a male position) that, for example, an externally, a girl can look very and very beautiful. But, however, with direct communication with it, it can very quickly find out and become quite obvious the fact that in bed, it is most likely to be a complete log - i.e. It communicates very clay, shy, shy, will have a whole bunch of complexes, and also inadequately react to your sexual touch, etc. etc. As a result, when it comes to her yet to kiss, cuddle, you immediately clearly understands and acknowledges that: "It is I, as a woman, absolutely not be excited - I absolutely do not feel it no passion, and I'm simply not worth it, i.e., despite all her very much and very attractive appearance, physiology does not work at it at all. " Or, for example, another option (again for men): The girl can be, again, very, very beautiful, but absolutely inept in the foreplay or in bed: for example, she kisses well, just disgusting - with a bunch of saliva or is trying shove your tongue almost in a throat, or she smells badly out of his mouth, or when she kisses you, then absolutely not calibrates and does not doses the power of a kiss and simply makes it hurt you, or, during kisses (for example, when You gently and passionately kiss it in your ear or in a neck), she suddenly begins to lead some completely ridiculous and inappropriate, terribly distracting you conversations. As a result, all this becomes either unpleasant to you, or simply prevents relaxing. By the way, about the huge number of such female mistakes I told in detail in detail in the article entitled ". Who wants - can familiarize themselves with it.
And it happens (again, here I will speak from a male point of view and from a male position), what happens exactly on the contrary: in appearance, the girl looks quite usually, simply or, I would even say, completely non-pie. There is such an ordinary one, anything inconspicuous and unsuccessful girl, whom dozens or even hundreds of thousands are absolutely in every city. In a word, nothing outstanding. But when you touch her, you clearly understand that you have it so that Mom is dear. And you really want as soon as possible, it doesn't matter where you are with her: in a cafe, in the park, on the sea, on the street, invite her to your home and do with her passionate sex. And for such a girl you don't just have thin, it's too much (once a hundred years, and even that, with sin, in half) - No, you have to her, really, very strong sexual attraction, desire and sea passion. Therefore, it is natural that It is a choice for sex only such people to which you do not just feel weak sexual attraction, but you really feel the passion and the sea of \u200b\u200bdesire. Without passion, without excellent physiology, you will definitely fail in sex in sex. - Women will remain without orgasm and suffer the so-called. psychogenic "frigidity", and men - there will be no normal erection, and they will suffer to the so-called. psychogenic "erectile dysfunction", or "impotence".
By the way, about who and what can interfere a man to choose the girl and who influences his choice, as well as a lot of many other things you can read in the article "" - there I am talking about this in sufficient detail.

As for sexual skills and skills, many girls, for example, there is quite a serious misconception about the fact that, allegedly, if she gives a man not on the first date, but, well, let's say on the tenth, then on the tenth, In the eyes of a man, it will look like a smaller log than on the first and, as such a girl believes naively, it will turn out to be much more ingenious in sex. Of course, it is absolutely wrong. Yes, I can still understand when the girl itself can be more relaxed and liberated on the tenth date (although it is also far from fact), but to be more skillful and less, let's say, the log - and this is, you excuse me, But already exactly fairy tales. Yes, you will definitely feel somewhat more of your partner for the tenth meeting, yes, more likely to liberate, most likely, you can also more. But, however, a certain basic level of sexology is desirable to show and show after all. Otherwise, the second chance for this can be simply not introduced. After all, a man or woman, who most likely, were not alone before intimate relations, literally immediately understand and evaluate, what is your level of sexual skill, i.e. What or how do you find yourself in bed. - As far as you are better or worse than those sexual partners or partners who had before that. Therefore, here, of course, it is very important to distinguish between and remember, shining in front of your partner with its sexual skills and skills. So, if you demonstrate here high level, then your sexual partner wants to meet with you again and again (well, at least for sex), and with a fairly high probability share (if you have at least more or less decent intellectual and cultural and spiritual levels of development) he will want to go with you on the next, i.e. On the third stage in the development of relations - go finally towards real confidence, sincerity, frankness, openness and true mental intimacy. More about all this I will talk already in the next video.
Those. It is very important to understand that getting rid of the logistics and manifestation of photographing and ingenuity in sex, requires the development of a number of skills and skills. And just like that, in a flat place, out of the air, they will certainly do not take, and by themselves, from nowhere, it is exactly not exactly appearing. And on the number of dates with a man (or female), it is this particular characteristic that does not depend absolutely. So, girls, do not think that if you give a man not on the first date, but, say, on the tenth, it will make you more skillful mistress in his eyes. He still literally will immediately appreciate and understand, what is your level of development of sexual skills and skills. So the experienced man you do not lose this and do not spend. Although most likely an experienced man Even even during the foreplay and the first kisses, hugs with you, it will be fairly definitely possible to determine which you will be in bed and whether you have to deal with you at all.

By the way, the women are also fairly quickly and easily (i.e. almost immediately) can determine whether a man like them or no: no matter how beautiful it is, but: if he does not smell his mouth, or is it nasty smell Skin, or he - bold, squeezed, shame, shy and compacted, or you pushed it to his caress, i.e. You, like a man, he is not trivially attractive, then, of course, to fall with him in one bed you are definitely not worth it. Nothing good will definitely succeed. Just because a cool sexual partner who is able to deliver the enjoyment of his woman should not be simply well-groomed, but also quite attentive to her and her desires in bed, and also be able to competently caress her body. And how much he knows how to do it or does not know how - you can feel literally almost immediately. "In particular, how much you caress his caress, for example, when you sit with him in the park on a bench, and will be a fairly significant indicator how well you can be in bed.
By the way, about what, in addition to sex, you need to pay your attention when choosing a man, I tell in detail in the article "". - I highly recommend you to get acquainted with it.

As for the answer to the question about whether it is worth waiting for a person to master sexual skills and skills (of course, provided that he wishes to learn) and / or sufficiently liberately be bred in the presence of any internal gross (that is . Wait until he gets used to you and starts trusting) - i.e. To spend on all this its time as a whole or, on the contrary, do not wait - everything depends on whether you plan to build close trust relationships with this particular person (i.e., it is suitable for the third stage in the development of relationships) Or not. If so and you make a big bet on this particular person, then yes, then, of course, wait and see what it will work out - it is definitely worth it. But, however, if you bet on this concrete person Do not plan and consider it exclusively as a sexual partner - i.e. It's just that it is obvious that it is clear here to wait here clearly and if the quality of sex is already initially for some reason you have not arranged a lot, then, of course, it is very desirable to stop any contact with this person as soon as possible. If you still decided to wait, then I recommend that you wait here not more than 3-6 months - i.e. Maximum - until six months - just because during this period of time, a person is quite capable of you and get used to you, and to liberate, and learn everything that is necessary for more than quality sex (provided that you yourself give him everything you need at all three stages of relationships). If, after six months, this has not yet happened, and your sexual partner has not learned so much, and did not bother (i.e., as it was terrible in bed, it remained), then normalize and harmonize sexual relations You already have hardly possible. Therefore B. this case It is also very desirable to part with this person as soon as possible and look for a much more suitable option for you for class sex. - just because it will be quite obvious here the fact that this partner in best side In sexual terms no longer change and will not change - if it never happened in six months, it is further counting on any improvement in the sexual aspect of relations on his part - simply meaningless. And hope for a miracle here is definitely not worth it. Therefore, you are very desirable to part with this partner as soon as possible and calmly, as it is called, with a clean conscience, look further.

It is also very important to understand that if your sexual partner is always pleased with something, if he is always not like that (but for some reason he does not leave you), if he shifts all responsibility for quality, quantity and result intercourse and also accuse you and criticizes how much in vain (and all this instead of constructively give you feedback (On how psychologically competently do it, I will tell in detail in a separate video)), then, of course, from such a sexual partner is also very desirable to get rid of, and this is also as soon as possible. If all the responsibility he shifts on you (speaking as a fadack of neurotic and psychologically - "you are experienced" or "you are experienced", "and I can afford to be a selfish log, not to learn anything and do nothing") - then losing this person Boldly - you can't do anything good with him. And he will not learn anything to learn, since sincerely believes that being anonymous and log, as well as shifting all the responsibility for the outcome of the sexual act on a partner - it is very cool, and that he considers himself so cool and great that it has full right All this will afford it. In general, leaving such a sexual partner immediately. - It is tormented and to tolerate all his inadequate tricks here, definitely, is clearly not worth it.

Further. Men are very desirable (if a woman is 100% sure and not ready for this), on the first date the woman is still not to urge the sex - there will be sex - good. But if not - nothing terrible. Yes, to sell, of course, it is possible (especially if the girl is clearly interested in you), but in this case it will assume that it simply stupidly raped and that you needed only sex from her, therefore, as a result, further development Relations here can be extremely and extremely difficult. In this case, it is better to meet with her without sex 1-2 times - so that she will be someteer to you, relaxed and made sure that you are also interested in it and as in a person, and that you need not Just sex, but also long-term serious and soulful relationships with her.

Returning to the successful passage of this stage in the development of relations, it should be noted that without practical knowledge And the skills in the field of sexology, without the skills of the ability to delve pleasure in sex to their partner, to be natural, free, relaxed and liberated and to experience the pleasure of the process - any further attempt to build normal sincere close and trusting relationships - nothing will definitely lead to anything good. Moreover, she will surely doomed to failure. Just because, if a man in bed is ineptly ineffable chubban, an emotional tear or a short-legged egoist, and a woman in bed is a complete log or, which is even worse, has obvious problems with the presence of orgasm (i.e. so-connected "Psychogenic frigidity"), then there cannot be something good for such sex, and any attempts to build close and trusting relationships in this background, and in general, try to bring your relationship to a qualitatively newer and high level of development - will be 100% doomed to failure. Just because the lack of quality sex is capable of being guaranteed and quickly destroying absolutely any, even if very good, close and trusting relationships. So develop in this direction And improve your sexual skills and skills, otherwise your sexual partner is unlikely to be delighted with any awkward and absolutely inept actions during the prelude or already directly during intercourse. It will also not be delighted with your grips, custody, shyness, shame and a whole heap of complexes and cockroaches in your head.

It should also be noted that, since here, at this stage of the development of relations, it is necessary to reveal to the partner already to a much greater extent, then the second stage can be quite safe, and sometimes it is necessary to combine with the third stage in the development of relations (t. e. stage of building close trustful sincere warm and peaceful relationships). Also, in a number of cases, the situation will be possible when the third stage will precede the second (i.e., it is first necessary to create mental proximity, and only then, as a result of this very intimacy and trust, go directly to sex - yes, sometimes it happens ). In a word, here everything is quite individually, because in not large quantities Cases with men and in a fairly large number of cases with women, without a certain level of confidence in your sexual partner - Men will threaten psychogenic "erectile dysfunction", and women are at least lack of orgasm, if not something worse (for example, unpleasant or even pronounced painfulness Due to excessive grip). Therefore, it is necessary here gradually or even immediately (depending on the situation), firstly, to trust your partner any of its secret intimate desires and sexy fantasysecondly, to be able to psychologically competently give him feedback, if he does something wrong, and, thirdly, to start gradually share with him any close mental experiences, emotions and feelings, openly and honestly talk about Those complexes that may interfere with you to fully enjoy the process of passionate sex. Those. In general, it is gradually disclosed before your partner, slowly, but correctly exposing your soul to him. But, again, in order for you then it was not painfully painful (ie, so that you simply do not spit there), it follows the most carefully and very, very slowly and gradually - at the beginning, tell your partner about something less important and less painful for himself, then be sure to look at his reaction, and if it is all right (i.e., there will be a complete understanding and accepting what you are talking about, as well as participation, peaceful warmth, care and support), then only in this case, i.e. Only then can you continue to share with him much deeper and close mental experiences. If you do not find understanding, acceptance, care, warmth and support from its part - in this case, in this case, you hardly makes sense any meaning and further disclose your soul to such a person. Therefore, if you have sex with it without mental intimacy, you do not plan, then any contact with him, if possible, it is best to finish, and this is preferably as soon as possible. - Love and appreciate yourself and your time.

You also need to understand that you must include and add both before and after or even during sex and foreplay, all those skills and behavioral algorithms that have been needed to pass the first stage in the development relations (i.e., the phase of pickup and sterlology). This is one of the main recipes of happy relationship . - About it it is very important to remember - do not forget, do not score and be sure to embody it into life. To a greater extent, I have these words addressing men - simply because very often you can fall into a serious mistake and be mistaken that if you have repeatedly had sex with a girl, then now I give her any emotions now, Spark, Drive, Flirt, Game, and also do it compliments Before, after or during the foreplay and sex, you seem to have no need to be completely - well, indeed, it would seem, and why, if she is already given to you. As a result, you mistakenly believe that it is no longer necessary to invest in it. At the same time, such men completely forget that they have sex with this girl because they had occurred that they were invested in her that they gave her to her the necessary emotions and feelings, and, as a result, they caused her relevant psycho-emotional states. "That's why she gave you in bed guys." I.e., in one word, such men, firstly, absolutely not able to analyze and identify causal relations between phenomena, but, secondly, completely forget that in order to get something, It is first necessary to give something at the beginning, i.e. If they are planning to receive sex from the girl, then every time they want it, before that they should be in it as emotionally to invest. - Yes - yes - just so and nothing else. - Moreover, it is in this I see chief Principle Construction of relations: At first you find a person you need, then you insert into it and finally you get our dividends from him. By the way, about how to invest right, I wrote in the article "". Although this material It was written specifically for women, I strongly recommend familiarizing with him also to all men - it contains very and very Important information (Although in a pickup on this topic, it is also described in detail in detail).
As for men who cease to feed their women with emotions, feelings, compliments, playing, lighting and flirting, Pikaper Vladimir Chillired Podlov spoke about such men: "Well, all, I gave her emotions. Everything. Excellent. And now - everything. To business, to business! " (I.e., to sex, to sex !!). Those. You completely forget and score to the fact that at the beginning with your woman every time (once again it is emphasized, it is very desirable to do it every time (well, or at least 3-4 times a week)) it is necessary to initially install the normal verbal (ie. verbal) contact (for example, quietly questioning about how the working day was held, listen, understand, accept and maintain (if it is in her this moment really need)), normal i-contact (i.e. contact with eyes), give her some emotions, ignite in it a light of passion flirt, game, compliments, etc., and not just stupidly immediately like only she came to you, say, after hard labor day Or after 4-5 pairs from study, immediately poke her, I'm sorry for my bad French, a member in the face. Just because even if you do a long prelude (for 30-40 minutes) with good tactile contactThis, for your tired physically and morally, women still in some cases may be simply not enough and all sex, without the fact that you give her elements from the first stage, so, all sex simply can go to the pump. Remember this, please! And do not forget - sex skills are great, but without a combination of them with pickup skills, you are unlikely to learn to go well in the second stage in the development of relationships.

It should also be noted that it is not worth staring only at the sex stage, it is definitely. It is another one recipe for happy relationship . Psychologically mature personality Be sure to move on. By the way, most of the women are firmly stuck at this stage of the development of relations (more about the neurotic scenario of the womanika, you can read in the article "") - Primary skills on how to meet, lay a girl in bed and even deliver sexual pleasure to her (which, by the way, speaking Even among the womanists is already going much less frequent) they still have, but as for "further" (i.e., the transition to the third stage in the development of relations associated with trust and soulful near) - Well, so, as for "further", here the overwhelming majority of women are stuck everything, and quite tight. Therefore, such people (women) very often feel themselves in the soul very lonely and deeply unhappy personalities - it would seem that the girls like him, and around him sparkles well, just the sea, but, however, he absolutely neither Can't, can not and simply be afraid to do it. And all because it does not know how to trust women and competently move on the third stage in the development of relations - i.e., firstly, as a rule, it is not able to build, but secondly, it is afraid of soul close and trust relationships. But I will tell about this in the next video called "".

Well, on this, I have everything today. I wish you success and to new meetings.

  1. Never forget to ask your partner how he passed his day. These subtleties of communication will never lose their action, even if it turns into a daily routine. At the end of the day, even if you are very tired, your partner will know that you are not only a matter of it, but you want to know all the details. And he will strive for you to share them.
  2. Quarrels happen. But they should not destroy everything. You can madly love a person and also madly angry with him. Pay off the glow of passions. Quarrels and verbal battles do not mean that the end of marriage came. Couples that remain together choose friendship and peaceful solution of conflicts. Recall the saying: thin world Better than good quarrel.
  3. Admit that the relationship is pulled by some obligations. Perhaps you do not want to do everything that your partner wants to go somewhere in the evening, watch football or perform some kind of assignments. But you need to know that your presence is next to make it happy. So maybe it is worth it for this to overcome your "I do not want" and go to meet his requests? All this will strengthen your union.
  4. But be honest in what events your partner is obliged to attend with you, and which is not. Not everything must be mandatory. Partner is entitled to tell you that it is very important to attend all the holidays of his family throughout the year, but it will survive if you reject the offer to go on a bowling party to his friend. You both must be fair to each other. Do not forget about little gifts - they remember them for a long time. Pleasant trifles Play big role In life, especially attention signs. Does your partner like ice cream with mint chocolate? Buy packaging when you shop in the supermarket. This will show him what you think about him even, committing such routine affairs, as the replenishment of milk stocks.
  5. Do not insist on parties with others. married coupleWith which one of you is not friendly. You do not have to have the same friends. This is normal when each of you have your friends. And you can meet with your girlfriends alone, even if you have a wonderful husband. And he can spend time with his friends. The husbands of your girlfriends are not obliged to be friends with each other because you are friends.
  6. More often kiss each other when meeting and farewell. It's so beautiful if he, very early to go to work, does not forget to gently kiss you, trying not to wake. Or when he escorts you to the door if you leave for business. And the evening kiss, when you meet at home, means you care about each other. Family traditions that strengthen marriage.
  7. It is sometimes to give up invitations to stay together. The rhythm of life today is very filled and busy. Do not seek to fill out the calendar of the week with unnecessary meetings and invitations. It is sometimes to abandon some invitations to spend it. free time together with loved one
  8. Treat his family as your. His relatives will be pleased that you consider them your family. And your partner will happily see that you feel about them as native. From time to time, call them or send messages. Visit them or arrange a meeting in a cafe when my husband is departure. 60 words that will improve your relationship with mother-in-law.
  9. Should I often say "I love you"?These three words will never endure. They are always nice to hear. Speak them more often, do not skimp on words. Good is not too much.
  10. Show sympathy when your favorite sick. Maybe because of this, you will have to cancel the plans for dinner at the restaurant and instead to boil the broth at home. Maybe you need to run away in the pharmacy behind the copper from cough. Do not complain. No one hurts specifically, and if the situation was back, he would also take care of you.
  11. Take more domestic things when your husband has a breath at work. No, you do not want to turn into a launch, but you do it to facilitate your partner's life. And taking more things from your overall responsibility list, you will have more chances to do what you love, together when his schedule will be less tense. In addition, you may have a crazy period at work, and he will also help you. All this is balanced, because you are a family.
  12. No need to joke or mock each other. It is especially not necessary to do this in the company, and at home too. Be respectful to each other and think about what you should share in the company, and what is no, because it is your favorite person, a partner in life, and not an object for jokes.
  13. Do not be late! How much meaningless quarrel could be avoided if people were not late at dates and meetings! Start painting your eyes 20 minutes earlier than usual. Perhaps your partner or those to whom you go to the party are very punctual, so be on the spot on time, what time you have agreed, so as not to seem coarse and unprecedented.
  14. If someone speaks bad about your half, always protect it. Even if you are too polite to adjust other people or drive them for rudeness, sometimes it is worth making exceptions, to show character and not be polite. Loving people Must protect and support each other.
  15. Keep each other in the course of your personal plans. Are you going to drink a cocktail with a girlfriend after work? Great, have fun. But inform the partner to know where you are. It is necessary in order to, first, he did not worry, but secondlySo that you can build your own plans for the evening. This is not a question to ask permission is a question of courtesy. Because you, and he want to be calm, knowing that your partner is alive, healthy and did not get into trouble.
  16. Try not to scandal during trips and travel. The luxury hotel that you booked was worse than you expected. Or your husband forgot to pack your cosmetic accessories, although promised. You can get angry and turn into that pair that scandals with each other at the airport, but you can pay everything to joke and say that in the future you will be remembered. Keep yourself in your hands!
  17. Be spontaneous - try to surprise. Suddenly Book a table in a restaurant for your dinner. Or move your beloved to the restaurant and offer to eat behind the bar. Surprise early morning sex. Or prepare a surprise in the form of tickets for a concert. Making such spontaneous, unexpected actions you make your life with your loved one more interesting.
  18. Love each other unconditionally. Sometimes it is really so simple.
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