7 years since the wedding congratulations cool. Seven years of married life. Copper Wedding

Seven years flew unnoticed
But nothing passes without a trace.
Now I know all your habits,
We often see similar dreams.
Let our life, my dear,
It will always be sweet and clockwork.
Let every moment be mystery,
Let me go to the exile.

Copper wedding expensive
We want to congratulate you
And the gift is unusual
Of course you will be equipped with you.
Year eighth cunning very
They say that he is complicated
That even crisis is possible,
Where someone is not in love.
So keep your feelings
Do not worry often
You are in harmony
Every day and every hour.

We lived, loved, together not so long,
You happiness gave me a lot.
Love me every day gave
Flowers you gave me.
Today, my turn come today,
I wish to move you forward.
To always give you joy to everyone
And together we are smoothly seven.
Seven years have given me warm me,
And it helped in life.
Well, today, angel,
I prepared a congratulatory here.

Substitute you will soon basket,
Mediques there are more quenching.
To each you bring success and happiness,
Family drought discord and bad weather.
With a copper wedding, I came to congratulate
And I found a beautiful couple here.
Peace, peace and many sweet years,
Here I give now I am advice to you.

We lived a lot,
Happy seven nails.
And I'm not tired at all,
From our life days.
You gave me a lot of happiness
Smile also my own.
I wish you to live for a long time,
And always make a relatives.
My favorite hubby,
Read my gentle congratulations.

I wish you a friend of happiness and luck,
In family life, let luck waiting,
In good wish you wish you
And let you in all matters luck!
Let the joy waiting for you incredible
Seven years live - not the field go,
Let a lot waiting for you more pleasant,
After all, the best, of course, ahead!

We are with you seven years old, dear.
All your habits are good I know.
We have become one for a long time.
We will always be fine with you.

The key is happy you yourself found,
And it was securely saved.
No one secret was opened
Gently, she was hidden.
Wish we want, so that after years
Did not penetrate the castle of adversity.
7 years together, give copper pelvis,
The rest is already with you.

Native, good,
You are a real my hero.
We live with you seven full years
Without tears, without sorrow, without trouble.
I want to congratulate you
And congratulations to send soon.
So that you were strong and happy
And me, of course, loved,
I give a spoon of copper to you,
I want to add: "I love you"

Let the fate smile
Give a lot of happiness to you in full.
And let gold be copper
And happiness best with heaven will get.
Family anniversary soon meet,
With love you are taking it.
Let the seven-year fairytte you will turn a fairy tale
Success, good luck calls calls.

All seven years of our life,
I spent with you in a fairy tale.
You endured all the tricks, whims,
I did not approximately.
On his hands wearing and admired,
And with me in a difficult minute was,
I have been trying gold golden
And about our anniversary did not forget.
On the copper wedding invited
We are all those who are dear to us.
And give each other did not forget
Small, but cool congratulations.

Copper wedding, nectar full,
Love infuse bonded hearts.
They are young and that's fine
We slam congratulations with copper ringing.
Let years pass and it is not scary,
When there is love and participation between spouses.
We wish you happiness, love and heat,
Oak wedding Mark Friends!

There is a number "seven" and the letter "I",
There is our friendly family
And there is my favorite and there is a cozy house.
And, if honest to be at all,
There is just a date, just seven.
And this is the date how many years we live together.
And you, my cute angel,
Rechange from husband Congratulations!

Today is a wedding copper
Let life be not poor.
Let nights are hot
And paints are always bright.
Husband - the car is fast
Wife - Fluffy fur coat,
Your family is wealth
And life will be sweet.

At least household trivia sometimes
Bother to sail a large ship,
I'm from you, my beloved, I will not hide -
You still love you all over the years!
Seven common years - after all it is so little
Let the flower flower blooms!
We have one family, one road.
Here is a kiss and this congratulations!

The first indecisive metal appeared,
This in the family, after all, everyone waited.
Your strength is rooted here,
In the copper anniversary of the family became turned.
Let the copper basin, the dishes will be
And from family plans will be sense.
Mountains hostess copper will bring sufficiency
And the path of the family will be only the rag.

To happily marry
Or cool married
You need to learn to everyone
So knowledge take care!
Passion love in full swing,
And whining and boredom - the fight!
Congratulations to your couple
With the anniversary of the seventh!

Copper wire will not give you,
But the destiny we will thank here.
She tied loving two hearts
So that they beat the same, infinitely.
Seven times will die, alone,
But only the root of love is not to resign.
You have lived seven glorious years,
Live together you until hundreds of years.

The wedding anniversary of 7 years is a copper wedding, already quite strong, established. Copper - durable and soft metal, which is not able to break. From this copper alloy you can make and give any form for the relationship. However, copper is still turned when this stage is suitable for completion, the metal can turn into silver, and then in gold.

What a wedding is a copper anniversary, customs and superstition

Copper The second metal, which has gained its name in wedding anniversaries, but until complete strength, it is still necessary to pass the complete transformation. According to traditional antique beliefs, the copper anniversary was celebrated with rites, rituals. According to beliefs and customs from antiquity, it is believed that the number seven is a magical, bringing happiness.

The seventh wedding anniversary is associated with copper, durable, but not precious metal with the properties of strength and plasticity. This is what is a tip for spouses, that relations and bonds, if there is a desire and the desire is quite possible to cut out, thus they want to see in the final result. In fact, there are certain traditions of this anniversary, expressed in the following:

  1. coins were focused through the doorway, then they were laid out on all corners in the house - attracting money on the anniversary;
  2. gifts to children in the form of copper coins running on the neck. During the anniversary day, children should not have shifted these coins;
  3. the grains of wheat and copper coins were put on the bottom of the plates, covered with a cloth, watered, said conspiracies of prosperity;
  4. copper is a metal, personifying family wealth, good, domestic wealth. On this anniversary, it has long been granted a family of copper coins, household accessories from copper. And the spouses were given to each other with coins. Metal gifts were also expressed not only in coins, but also in belts, decorations, household items;
  5. for welfare, in the seven-year anniversary of the spouses trembled with coins.

In addition to copper, durable personification of seven-year anniversary, another symbol of this date is wool. In essence, seven years of marriage point to heat, warming spouses and their children. That flame that has connected two hearts, already poketed, and is now a measured and even heart rhythm. Therefore, this anniversary is called woolen. Woolen or copper anniversary have strength and warmth, however, copper is a non-degree metal, and the wool barbed, so the spouses are important to be able to have patience, excerpt and the desire to strengthen their bonds.

How to congratulate spouses and celebrate this anniversary?

Usually a memorable date is celebrated quietly and measured, but it is likely that it can be celebrated and wide, with a scope. It passes the anniversary on the following principle:

  1. meeting with guests;
  2. direct celebration, including food and dance;
  3. congratulations to the spouses with the seventh anniversary;
  4. presenting the family of gifts;
  5. games and contests.

The famous game has long been held in carrying out an unusual presentation. This presentation was carried out using a coin with a blacksmith. The blacksmith spawned the names of the spouses with the date on the copper coin. This event was an unusual, and it is also possible to get a wonderful souvenir of memory.

Stages of planning and conducting

The organization of this anniversary in Russia and was congratulations to the spouses. Planning and celebration implied the following steps:

  1. place celebration. This place must coincide with the preferences of the married couple. It can be a variety of cafes, a chic restaurant, a small family dinner, a country house with a bunch of surprises and intriguing scenario. Moreover, for each individual place, the number of participants on the family dinner will be only relatives, in a restaurant or in a country house invited may be a huge amount;
  2. the design of the room is carried out with a variety of copper things, the tumors. Also, the pictures in the topic and the style of the celebration are suitable;
  3. clothing of spouses for this day should be ringing, that is, the man put on the daggers and other metal decorations so that the suit "sounded." Women kprped coins to the dress. This is done so that life is cheerful and scared evil forces. Today, festive costumes are put on this day;
  4. the celebration of the anniversary is invited to close friends and relatives, though, if desired, the list may be more diverse;
  5. the menu on the seventh anniversary is filled with a variety of dishes. In conclusion, dessert decorated with a number 7 is served. Decorate the table with copper with courses, candles, coins;
  6. the script is thought out to the smallest detail, or invite the lead.

Congratulations on the copper wedding between spouses is to give birth to gifts.

Copper wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

Your best wishes can be expressed in the form of a toast, raising a glass for the health and happiness of the jubilees.

I raise a glass for love, the only alchemist who is not pursued by the law, who found a way to turn mediques into gold. Let me wish you good health and long, long life, and let every day your future life will be as wonderful as this one. Live happily seven more than 7 years and as much as much!

My dear, take sincere congratulations on your copper wedding day! It is said that the number 7 has a special magic value, so let your joint life be filled with the magic of good magic and the miracle of eternal love. I wish you to live always in full luxury, prosperous and happiness!

Dear anniversaries! Seven years have passed as you are married. The husband became the support and protection of the spouse and the kids, and the wife is a good and caring keeper of a homely hearth. It would seem that there is no need to prove and confirm your love, but do not forget that you have a copper anniversary. And copper has a habit to fill up and darken if it is not possible to recover periodically. In addition, copper is a very fatty metal, dents and scratches remain easily on it. Therefore, try to in your relationship to disappear with a bright gloss of copper: speak to each other tender words and compliments, give flowers and gifts not only for holidays, take care of each other. Do not leave on the copper of your love dents from scandals and scratches inattention to each other. Keep your love and strengthen to the condition of the strength and beauty of the diamond!

Today, our perpetrators of the celebration are a copper wedding, the seven-year living together! Congratulations to you with this event! It is said that if the family survived seven years together, it means that it is forever. We wish you that this belief is turned, and nothing could break your strong family bonds. Let your love be the same gentle and hot, as in the first year of family life, and from year to year it becomes stronger and cleaner of the diamond. Be happy! Bitterly!

Copper wedding, today you have! This is the seven years of the joint, lived life. Together, experienced grief, joy, lack, sadness, luck. You have already survived everything together! So that day, I wish you, do not fall in spirit, let the love of each other supports you in the most difficult moments! I admire your love! Know while Live Love, while the meaning of life exists! I wish you joint happiness, inspiration and victories. Let your love, which has already passed through a lot, inspires you to feats! Let your home are filled with harmony of good and joy. Thank Lord for finding each other, and take care of your love!

Today is 7 years old your family, I congratulate you on the copper wedding! Let this anniversary give a bright shine of your life, let it in it there will be a lot of happiness and good luck, sincere joy and respect, durable love and mutual understanding. I wish you a strong toast family, good wealth and well-being!

I congratulate you, dear, with the 7th anniversary of family life, with a copper wedding! I wish you to be for each other with all the seven wonders of the world, I wish to live in wealth and harmony, I wish for all seven troubles to always find an answer, I wish to always fill the family with comfort, happiness and joy!

We are in a hurry to congratulate you on the holiday, copper wedding! After all, you have been together for seven years, we live in the soul! So for you, I want to wish something special, beautiful, gentle! Let your hearts never get rid of this wonderful feeling of your love! We wish you all the troubles that you survived, turned into an invaluable experience! After all, the fact that you found each other, this is a miracle! After all, you are ideal for each other! You are just created for each other! Happiness to you our relatives!

They say the family is the eternal war. When you met, you conquered each other when you got married, you fought with the outside world for the happiness of your family and with each other for the television ...

During these 7 years, you have learned the theory and tactics of the Cold War and the fighting in urban conditions, intelligence in the fight and interrogation with the addiction, partisan actions and espionage. But the main thing is that you have mastered - these are the foundations of diplomacy. You still love each other, and for you it has not been a secret for a long time that the best of the wars that did not take place. Only in this war two winners. Now you are not just a couple in love, now you are already allies and friends. I offer a toast for your friendship, your mutual understanding and patience, mutual support and wisdom! For your love that made you even better!

Congratulations on your copper wedding, with the happy 7th anniversary of your family life! I wish you, lovely, restless light of good and good in your home, good health and sincere joy of your family, undoubtedly good luck on the next joint path, eternal love and peace!

Great age - seven family! You became bigger, and happiness also became more at times. On this glorious anniversary you presented evidence of your mutual love, respect, patience. Let these feelings of your heart retain for many years of life! Happiness to you!

"When you love, do not want to drink another water, except the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In marriage without love in less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter, "so said one wise man, thinker! Today you have a holiday, a copper wedding. You are married for seven years, and still love each other with pure love. So I wish you today so that it does not fade, and even more flared! To remember your wedding, you gotten your soul with cold winter evenings! Let the happiness that sparkles in your eyes at the sight of each other gives you confidence to defeat any difficulties, because when you together, you will overdo it! Happiness to you!

Dear guys, today is the happy date of your happy family life, today your copper wedding! Together, for whole 7 years, it means that you have passed all the tests and overcame all sorts of barriers. Be always happy and friend your friend, live in full, mutual understanding, respect, well-being, peace and harmony!

Congratulations on a wonderful copper anniversary, with the 7th anniversary of your family life. I want to wish that the number 7 is happy in your life and filled this year with family warmth, joyful events, happy moments, rainbow mood and bright good. Live in the world yes love!

My dear (Names of spouses)! Congratulations on your copper anniversary! Getting to the Golden and Diamond Wedding - it's like climbing Everest, despite all the difficulties of the path and bad weather. However, do not share, you are still at the beginning of the way. You managed to work out not complete yet, but the proximity is spiritual and physical. You have established life, distributed duties, organized joint leisure and mastered the basics of the most important profession in the world - to be parents, that is, you passed the most difficult, stormy and dangerous stage of the formation of a young family. And, despite all the sorrows and difficulties, you did not have to smile. I sincerely admire you! I admire your tenderness in relation to each other when (the name of the wife) waves his hand after going to work (her husband's name) or prepares his favorite dishes, and (her husband's name) constantly says (wife's name) compliments and gives flowers. I wish you to continue to remain as in love with each other. And I wish you to save or have developed such qualities as tolerance for disadvantages of each other, impairment, innovation, willingness to help in any case, the ability to limit your desires for the other. Be happy!

Today is your family's birthday, which in 7 years has managed to grow up, strengthen. Live just as friendly, remember the consent and compromise, do not break under the onslaught of turmoil. Let there be wealth in your home, let the children's laugh sounds in it and gives you happiness!

Congratulations on the cherished seven living together, with a copper anniversary! I sincerely wish to always be in the seventh heaven from happiness, shine the brightest pair on the sky of the big stars. Let the family reign in your family and understanding, let every day please you with pleasant surprises and only good events!

Dear spouses, today your family life has become exactly seven happy years! All these years have you been glad for each other, support and support. We wish the fire in your family hearth roofing hot and even that love did not leave your hospitable house so that your family becomes stronger and more!

Copper wedding is considered stronger! After all, you have lived a considerable period of time under one roof, experienced difficulties, troubles, happiness, bad weather, joy and other situations! But at the same time you are together because you love! So let, in your this holiday, you will remember your first feelings that forced you to beat your hearts in a new way! Today, we will wish you, despite all the surprises, cooked to your life, stay together, to love and take care of each other! Just admire each other! Happy wedding!

Seven - a happy number! You have lived together 7 happy years! How much is a lot! How little is it! You lived them like happy dososholat, you had certainly broken knees, and quarrels with each other, and cheerful games. And now it's time to grow up, you have become wise enough to learn at school of life more complex things. You have a great future ahead! This world is yours, and we wish you to keep the youth of the soul and freshness of feelings, survive all the sorrows and joy, save something that sometimes we really do so little, - family happiness and school of life, and in institutions, and in graduate school, and Being crowned with laurels of the Golden Wedding Academicians!

Congratulations to the seven-year living together and express our appreciation for sending faith in people and the hope that love and strong family exist on this light. Only you know that you should create a real "cell of society", which is proud of the country. We wish you the fulfillment of your desires strongering with the years of love and bright positive impressions of life!

Copper Wedding! I congratulate you from the soul with this holiday! For seven years you live soul in the soul! Seat and respect each other! Cherish and warm the warmth of your hearts. So, on this day is a festive, I wish you, remain the same as when you meet, in love and inspired! Let joy comes to your home every day. Mountain and bad weather, bypass your home side. Let your love, always helps you in difficult situations. Happy holiday!

There was a time when people had not yet known metals. What did they use in everyday life? Tree, cloth, stone, leather ... Once a strange stone hit the fire. The warmth of the hearth melted it, and the outflow in the ash found the copper ingot. She was precious for those people, and now - this is your highest jewel. There will be another time of silver and gold, precious stones, we all sincerely hope for it. And now I suggest a drink for my relatives and friends of this house. Their warmth, friendship and support warmed our anniversaries and helped them go through this long way to a copper wedding!

No wonder they say that 7 is a happy number! After all, it is precisely this amount of together for years that can be called truly happy time. Years fly as moments, and moments - dissolve in eternity, shook two loving hearts with copper rain. Your wedding anniversary opens up a new way to perfection before you, stepping on which you will never drive from the intended path. We congratulate you on a copper wedding and wish your life to be the same noble as a metal that personifies this day!

Congratulations on a copper anniversary, with a happy digit of living life - with a seven! I wish your family prosperity and well-being, strong and mutual light feelings, understanding and prosperity. Continue to support each other in everything, enjoy life and successfully achieve joint goals. Health Your family, comfort your home and long years of life!

Copper is a strong metal that is no longer so easy to spoil or break! This is the material from which now is your marriage. After all, you are together for seven years, and this is a period. The time to understand that a friend - without a friend you can no longer be, the time to understand that you love each other in real. The term to understand that you love soul mate with all the advantages and disadvantages! After all, this is the term that gives you the right to celebrate this day, and thank each other for care, loyalty and happiness, presented in marriage! Let your marriage become only better, richer and stronger! Let nobody and nothing can destroy it!

Congratulations from the heart with a copper wedding! In the happy seven years of your life, I wish you big victories and brave forces, restless love and faithful happiness, great hopes and major good luck, well-being in the house and peace outside the window!

Today you have the seventh anniversary of the wedding - a very serious anniversary, although this is not a round date! Copper is a flexible metal, because the "copper" anniversary is a hint that the spouses are still ahead, but also the years have lived together - great merit. Be proud of this anniversary and know that you have a more "expensive" wedding ahead. I wish you on this day, worthy and tightly keep your marriage, because every year he is growing, it becomes more and more reliable! Let this day brings you only joy and only happiness. Let all the wishes, of course the good, told you today, be carried out! Happy Copper Wedding Holidays!

Congratulations on your next anniversary! You have been together for 7 years, and let the next my all over the years please you, I wish you attention and care for each other, the nights of hot, love gentle, children of healthy and days of the rich on smiles, fun and joy!

Dear and beloved (names of spouses)! Today you once again proved that there is love in the world. 7 years have passed since the day you swore in loyalty to each other. During this time, you learned to understand each other with a half-clow, forgive the insults and not to throw evil, but cover everything with love. But remember that you have a copper wedding, and copper has the property to fill up and is quite vulnerable to scratches and dents. So do not forget to attach brightness to your relationship, and not to know their clarification of relations, so that love has not started dull. Cheating it as a bonfire, and maintain the flame constantly. After all, love lives, the family will be the hardest union on the ground!

Copper wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

So let's drink for a strong man

And for his beautiful woman!

For their seventh anniversary

From the day when they were heard!

Here is a copper money - you are no longer poor!

But silver, so that it was good!

Here is paper money - so that you are important!

But Zolotishko, so that there are kids!

Congratulations to you guys

From the copper wedding from the soul!

You are already married seven years.

What are you good!

How much faith, how much light

In your joyful eyes!

Let him not go off his happiness

Let love live in the hearts!

Seven - the best number

It brings happiness!

For the wedding of copper after all it

As an umbrella from all hasty!

Live long and loving!

And be only better!

From snow hitch and rain,

Meet the sun ray!

Fire and water, and copper pipes

For these seven years I had to go!

Let it be smaller steep tests

On your family day!

With a wedding copper!

You are caressing

Love infinite

And life careless!

Live beautifully

Kee down playing

And remember forever

Heat first meeting!

Seven years as life joint

Took for you the beginning!

You lived, known to us

Happy days a lot!

You have a copper birthday!

To no offense and false

Love and respect

Have you reigned in your home!

Lies in the palm of gentle palm,

The words of love quietly whisper lips ...

You went through water together, and fire,

And copper solemn pipes!

May the fate of victories send you a lot

Let the way be your joy embraced!

And even if with the course of happy years

Copper will turn into silver and zlatto!

Your family is now exactly 7 years old

You are so beautiful, no happier!

Copper wedding to visit you came,

Joy wonderful to the gift brought!

Let your confidence grow up

What is only the best awaiting!

Let both in fact hurry to you success

So that you lived wonderful everyone!

Seven years is a copper wedding,

Your marriage will not split already!

It is no need to prove

That feelings are fixed doubly.

I wish you a bigger health,

Love in your home, warm!

Luck let it stretch longer,

After all, your marriage is created!

Copper - noble and valuable metal,

Strength he gave a happy brand!

Let you envy couples around,

Do not blur the hearts, shower and hand!

With copper wedding! Let forever

With you will be left beauty,

Believe, love, give warm,

So that everything is bad from life left!

You congratulate you with a copper wedding

And you wish you love, love!

Let the feeling seem like a flight

So that together were forever,

So that the days glittered gilding,

How wedding two rings!

"Seven years after all the date is not easy!" -

Let's say smiles not tai.

Let it be tighter than everyone in the world

Your beautiful family!

7 years old - happy number!

So that every year happiness increased,

Do not work too thoroughly,

At least once to fall in love!

And so love lives for 7 years

Since they gave you vow!

Having passed through water, flame, copper pipes,

Your dreams are fulfilled!

Today is the seven years of your wedding -

Happy this number!

We congratulate you today

And wish you lucky

So that the house reigned happiness,

So that wealth would always be

So that the bad weather was dissolved

So that you were kindness!

You lived seven years old

We will tell you "Hurray"!

And it is clear to everyone that no

For you, friends, barriers.

For years, let the family

Your marriage will not end.

Appreciate your family

Which gave the start!

Seven long years go together,

And all adversity, misfortune!

Love always let him remain in the heart,

Happy only moments for you together!

And the copper anniversary is called.

Copper is soft, but also durable metal.

Let the quarrels do you all smooth

No wonder God sent you to each other!

We wish longevity!

And from the whole relatives familiar

Come on you, we are huge!

You have been married seven years old!

Be happy guys!

With a seven-year anniversary!

Kiss quickly!

Seven years not a lot and not enough

They say that copper anniversary,

We raise the toast at first,

So that feelings were all stronger!

So that in this house was happiness,

Shalily children sometimes,

Hurried past all bad weather

And the world for many years!

With the anniversary of you, friends!

With your seven-year wedding

From the heart I will congratulate me!

Couples in the world there is no paintle!

You are beautiful. Keep it up!

In this holiday wedding copper

I want to wish you

Life is bright and comfortable!

Seven years in marriage as copper pipes -

That's a wedding of copper name!

Congratulations, native spouses!

Let only comfort reign in the house!

Let not and hear about the quarrels!

Let peace and love be in the family!

To every year with each wedding

We could congratulate you again!

We celebrate the "Seven" digit -

The term is big, but not quite!

Let me wish

You first "twenty five"

And multiply them into two -

Zlata nice time!

And then another third.

And at the same time not to get old!

Seven years - an impressive term

But this is just just beginning!

You have created the farm rich in the future,

We wish it expanded -

To grow up the house, so that the family grew,

So that happiness all the time shone!

And love in your house reigned!

Copper Wedding! Seven years old, anniversary!

Fastened and fastened family union!

Let your feelings be avalanche,

Well, all days flow under the blues.

Joy to you, incredible happiness!

Let the side bypass the bad weather.

You inspiration, worst fly!

Figure 7 - good sign,

Your marriage lives so many years!

Here we want to congratulate you,

Family Institute to glorify!

Copper wedding there is a sign

After all, no wonder this is this

Gave name anniversary

There is a good reason.

Means durability, value,

Copper always glory

And family of your priceability

Do not lose weight!

This day is special for you -

Family birthday!

And I wish you to

There was a lot in him love!

A lot of tenderness and affection

Relationships warm!

Let him pass like in a fairy tale

Seven year anniversary!

Seven years - a lot and a little,

But still the main thing - to love,

To go your dear

And life is happy to live!

Health, children and their home,

And a couple of warm good words

Say to each other in the evening -

And happiness you are ready!

All this will let you,

And even more, so that with the breath!

If only fire in the hearts did not GAS,

It was stable, not an outbreak!

Congratulations on your copper seven!

Although the name is not very glittered,

It means a lot

And about many others says!

Speaks about love and trust,

About Healthy and Strong Family!

Be happy, be beautiful

And live like a fabulous dream!

Seven years - a happy number

Promises you a lot of happiness!

I wish you lucky,

Love fire burns let in passion!

Always understand each other!

Appreciate, love, adore!

Let you wait for happy days

Love each other Do not get tired!

I wish you happiness and luck,

Let you always have luck in everything waiting

In good wish you wish you

And even if you are lucky in all matters!

Let joy waiting for a completely incredible,

After all, live so many years - not the field go!

Let a lot waiting for another

After all, the best, of course, ahead!

Seven years go hand in hand,

Seven years your family exists,

We wish you to never

You have not touched troubles and problems.

We wish you happiness and love,

Patience, good and prosperity,

Together thoughts trust their

And do not make disappointment!

With a wedding copper congratulate

I want you today, friends

Family to glorify

You can not forget about you!

I wish you happiness in this life,

And together haggles,

Fun in this world

And never lose heart!

In marriage seven years - do not boom!

You stayed together forever,

Loyalty in marriage distinguished

With the disadvantages

So calm in your home lives,

So let him calmly swim through the storms!

To happily marry

Or cool married

You need to learn to everyone

So Knaging Take care!

Passion love in full swing,

And whining and boredom - the fight!

Congratulations to your couple

With the anniversary of the seventh!

What a lucky seven

Shines copper anniversary!

Let a fur coat of gorgeous mink

Love warming you fun!

And we all wanted everyone,

So that the date is boldly "7 and 7"

You are old people, we will warm up

Light with happiness gentle everyone!

Under the marches of the copper orchestra,

Shiny festive lights

You are again like the groom with the bride!

You have an anniversary today!

We wish your pair of cute

To drive sadness and though

We wish you enough love

Live seven more seven times!

Seven years - Little lived!

And this is, of course, the indicator

The fact that the common way to you roads and pleasant,

No wedding of copper metal!

And, it means that a gift should be copper.

Each other you need to please try

Let the fate smile

Give your happiness in full!

And copper help you let it be

And good luck to you from heaven!

So celebrate the anniversary

With love, mark together!

Let the seven-year fairytte you will turn a fairy tale

And happiness in your life bursts!

Congratulations with the wedding copper!

Celebrate family growth!

For ensuring that life has been sisside

Let's say toast again!

Native, you wish love

But its main ground is not.

We dream next to you

Only give advice only:

Rings you beautice admire

But the main thing is the brilliance of your eyes!

Guys, bitterly! Kiss!

Uslada you for our eyes!

You congratulate you on the anniversary of the wedding copper!

Seven years - has passed a considerable time,

And you love you are still tight

Each other happiness everybody acquired!

You won a lot of difficulties together,

And the joy was divided - all together!

So let the luck will not lose you,

And happiness will come forever in your home!

Years lived in married seven -

With this we are, friends, congratulations!

And guests here gathered, all

We seriously declare:

Walked in love and consent days

With a durable and friendly Lad,

Became pride, happiness relatives

And "dressed" a baby - a fold!

May not be each other relatives,

You live rich and just

Millions are still miracle days! ..

You live in marriage to one hundred!

Today we raise the glasses

For your precious union!

In love your strong believes

And in the strength of the binding bonds!

Today you have an anniversary,

Seven years already your marriage lives.

And we walk again at the wedding.

The people of her copper calls.

Metal This durable and valuable,

How strong your family.

We wish you prosper!

And happy be friends!

7 happy years of hope

7 beautiful years of love!

The most kind, most tender ...

The heart of the chest is torn!

Congratulations to you guys

With the best in the world of copper day!

From dawn to dusk

Be happy together!

So that adversity and sadness

We went by the party

So harder you shout

People together with the whole country!

Seven years - a serious time!

You have passed it successfully

Saving the love of the Zada \u200b\u200b-

Before God, you are sinless.

You're happy together?

Let only joy enters the house,

Let wealth won't lose!

Soon we will congratulate

You are with a golden wedding!

For now - keep it up!

Bitterly! I drink for you "STO"!

Wedding copper meet

You are talking today,

You are 7 years old with each other

Closely so familiar.

Soft copper bend let

Characters of spouses

Examine managed you

For 7 years each other.

You sometimes do not need words,

Enough just look,

I wish love

Always been there!

You are before the wedding of red, copper

The trail got a victorious:

Divided your love!

Passing at the dark thumbs

In the corner of her secluded

Keep your family!

We respect you for it,

7 - not a digit, but a sign,

What keeps you the sky, God,

Worked out nice, a lot,

The right found road

You are from a variety of roads!

Sign good - digit seven,

He brings happiness to everyone

Copper anniversary,

Let there be a fireless!

We congratulate the spouses

Together we always wish

To the wedding anniversary

You only lived more than fun!

Seven years - Divine Date!

We met you sometime

And understood - this is fate

The meeting was given to us before!

Let's keep warm and love

A moment every feel

Appreciate what is given to strive for dreams

Let it be happy hearts of our temple!

Seven years has passed like you

Given the rings at this hour!

And you are happy spouses,

We congratulate you on it!

And in the anniversary of the seventh yours, copper,

For you we wish all the soul

Happy life and madden

Love beautiful and big!

Congratulations to you guys

With a copper wedding from the soul!

From dawn to dusk,

Wear people, dances!

You have a happy seven

Founded on the shoulder!

So let it be bitterly!

I'm happy to cry!

Copper wedding expensive

We want to congratulate you!

And the gift is unusual

Of course you will be equipped with you.

Married year cunning very

It is very complicated he

That even crisis is possible,

Where someone is not in love.

So keep your feelings

Don't worry you

And in harmony live

Every day and every hour!

Seven years passed, and you are still

Look into each other

And this is important, it is important

Skave you together!

We and in the copper wedding we dreamed,

Bunch and golden,

And let your path be painted

Love, happiness, warm!

Keep care of love,

After all, you are created for each other!

We will not pick up the others we words

You are perfect spouses!

7 years passed as you got married,

Note the copper anniversary!

How many things happened to you

Love has become stronger, and you are wise!

Appreciate each other, respect!

Nude spiritual wealth,

Yes, and from money, sin would have refused.

We wish you good, in the house and in the soul,

You have only joy ahead,

As they say - paradise in the slash,

Just housing, let it be better!

This is a copper wedding, Copnie Infusion -

This year is our honey, the line is small!

We are still splitting on the whole world with silver

And then play your golden ...

But then let this ringing copper rings -

It's not a trifle at all - to overcome seven years!

This is a ringing happiness, which fell to us,

To note, we will call our friends.

This copper frontier is more fun.

Because caught us such young!

Seven gentle years rallied you two

And now they came to the threshold of the wedding copper,

Let the folding be life like this verse,

And heat - mutual and response!

Let anything introduce you to sadness,

Nothing grieves, does not disturb,

Let the nerves be strong as steel,

Cheaper money, and love is more expensive,

Let only the joy of your eyes

Happy eyes that they don't know how to cry

We congratulate this bright hour.

Wife and husband with an anniversary of marriage!

Sound louder, copper pipes!

Your day today, there is no dispute.

We remember exactly and probably

What together you are already 7 years old.

Not pipes together - you, kind,

7 years ago went to the registry office,

Prints in the passport useful

All putting in front of everyone.

And wedding copper, beautiful,

You celebrate - Forward!

Let there be copper for you happy

Let only happiness bring!

With a copper anniversary of you

Time quickly flew

And today here is now,

I congratulate you, I feel free!

Happiness, joy family,

For many years I wish you a pair

So that in agreement lived

So as you did not know the sadness!

Copper wedding is not a joke!

In marriage seven years - this is not boosters!

Difficulties were even trouble,

Together with each other you were always!

Loyalty in marriage you distinguished

And with disadvantages they soon have come,

The world and calm in the house lives,

Your house, like a cruiser, swims through the stormies!

Seven years lived you two!

We are happy anniversary!

And let you in your nest

Live without regret!

We wish you love deep

And passion until the condation of days.

We wish the positive only

On your beautiful anniversary!

Let these warm couple lines

Bright and shine and chic!

Let them be happy

Days spent together!

Let each time the arrival of spring

Brings tenderness of words to your home!

Let them kiss passionate

And the night are the most beautiful!

With a copper wedding congratulations!

Together you have seven years old!

You wish today

Together to live, not knowing the troubles!

Do not swear

The spark of passion not to lose

More often gently hug

And kiss each other!

Lived together for seven years

One love sacred is connected!

For all the two you carried the answer.

Good for your marriage and warmth "anointed"!

Let children and only please

And you love them with all the soul!

Spring flowers, or leaves fall,

Alone live - with his family

Beautiful, kind and bigger!

Seven years you have lived together

Term This full test!

And the hotter warms you fire,

Beautiful words - in love confessions!

You have become older and wise

Patience you learned!

And let the harmony reign

Find which they strive!

And seven years old, as you are together,

Shins cops this date ...

Let him directly like in childhood

You will be glad to be award!

We wish you a sea of \u200b\u200bsun

And the light ocean of smiles!

So drink you need to don

For happiness, at least not without mistakes!

Seven years you are together, kids grow up

In the rays of love of the offense quickly!

Could you resist you won -

All because loyally loved!

Temptations never give in,

All morning you kiss you meet!

What do you like to say, do not forget!

In everyday life - help, remove and cook!

To give each other to give up, do not stop!

Copper looks like gold,

That's just fading from time to time!

When you leave us,

It happens, feelings fad.

And on the day of your copper wedding,

When you love you so heins,

I wish you wish you -

Let it never agitate!

I want to congratulate you

My favorite, my native,

With the anniversary of our wedding!

With seven-year, dear!

I love you, as before

And sometimes even stronger.

You are beautiful, smart, gentle.

You are alone in my fate!

We are sitting on a couple!

Guests of the guests are raised -

Speacks are swallowed

Copper wedding arrived!

Seven nodes love to you

All do not go anywhere.

Inseparable we couple,

We are each other like gifts!

The key is happy you yourself found,

And it was securely saved!

No one secret was opened

Gently, she was hidden!

Wish we want, so that after years

Did not penetrate the castle of adversity.

7 years together, give copper pelvis,

The rest is already with you!

Seven years not a term, but still the date

Which is worth noting!

We met once

Since then, we are happy with you!

You, love, congratulations

I am with our wedding anniversary,

Let happiness be in our lives,

Good luck without reason.

We have passed the copper path with you

And it's not so simple.

I hope we will live together

With you until the golden wedding!

As one minute, the seven years flashed!

Today it gives the sun bright light,

And for us with you bloomed flowers.

I confess you - in the heart only you!

The best spouse in the world will not find:

You will always support, you will always understand.

Hundreds of kisses I give you.

With our copper wedding! I love you!

My native, diamond man,

I am seven beautiful years - your wife!

And with our common copper anniversary

I congratulate you on the heart!

Let our happiness be limitless.

And for two - joint dreams!

Let in our life will only be fine.

And remember that everyone is better than you!

Seven years - Divine Date!

Our paths awk it once

And more we did not part,

Friends and loved ones!

Thank you, my husband, I will tell you

For what met in fate

For happiness gave

Love and teach learned!

We are with you seven years old, dear!

All your habits well i know

We have become one for a long time.

We will always be fine with you!

Divine date - seven years we have with you!

You have become me loved, girlfriend and wife,

I love you immensely, appreciate, idol,

I wanted unusually live with you all my life!

My tender flower, my dove you are mine

And all you want, I will fulfill for you,

My star, burn everything brighter and shine,

With its beautiful light feeling fill!

We have a copper wedding today,

Seven years have lived with you!

My wife, I am a huddle

I sing to you with all my heart!

For your wisdom endless,

For what you store your family

And for your love is your heart

Thank you for everything!

My dear, my native man,

My favorite, beautiful wife,

Seven years today our wedding,

Seven years crazy I love you!

And this copper bright holiday

I wish you to patience!

I am glad that I am a favorite your chosen one.

I am glad that I really need you.

Still my wife, I wish,

You will not be sad at all.

I congratulate our anniversary.

Let me love all my life!

Any anniversary is always nice to celebrate

And even if it's not a round date.

Seven years of family life as seven wonderful notes.

Trombones and French troms sound now for you

And let the pipes of the pipe, they play waltz.

Let your life be more beautiful,

And feelings of a hundred times stronger,

Let tenderness never fade away

And the anniversary smoothly goes into the anniversary!

With copper horseshoe we came to you

Holiday is special in the house -

Copper Wedding and Soul

We congratulate newlyweds!

These seven years you love shore

I kept your family

Many happy days gave,

Much taught.

So save in your heart

This love is forever.

Let alone agree fill your home

With the wedding of you copper!

Seven years of family life -

Oh, copper you, wedding!

Coins of copper spray

To the house and on the estate.

And your relationship

Plastic and soft.

We wish to blame them

In diamonds dragged!

Seven years live - do not go to the field.

She and copper, she and wool.

You have no seven along the becks,

And good. What to strive to eat!

With holiday, my relatives,

Newlyweds expensive!

Not the first year you are together

Union Your connected celestial ...

And again this bright holiday -

There is a copper wedding ...

Seven years - as if infinity,

The sacred number is eternity.

He is so loved, respect

In the pledge of the coin leave,

So that husband and his wife exchanged,

And happiness so as not frightened,

And arrived from year to year, -

And so that you are too lucky!

Kids grew up for joy, -

And the relationship was fixed.

Do not know you sorrows and troubles,

And to keep the holy vow ...

Copper Wedding - Seven Year's Marriage,

Strong, as if copper is already the Union!

You and storms and winds and winds,

And the overall gestures are first cargo.

Seven - the number of families, joy, lucky,

Let it accompany you.

And leads forward in the right direction

You will be in everything for one thing.

Woolen still called a wedding

After all, you are so close and warm to you,

Let even in the centuries feel feel

Together will be "bitter!" You and good!

Troubles and sadness on the road behind

Stars only happiness predicted.

Copper wedding - as many as 7 years!

This is love and fun dawn.

Let the sun, the sea and palm trees,

We'll look at the beautiful distance we,

Where the star is gold like fate.

Let lead you to luck path!

Let congratulations on the anniversary

Weddings are burly like a glass of cappuccino.

How much do we wish you!

Joy, happiness, all good deeds -

Only success and incarnation!

Let there be a holiday like a ringing singing!

Sign digit now

However, not only one year;

Guard the seven of you

Each other every friend goes.

First, of course, love,

And behind her - the desire of the family;

Wisdom so that you can only again

Test all your feelings.

The power that in life leads

The joy that keeps your hearth;

Understanding that won't come

If you go to meet - no way.


But no less important is it;

Here is the guards of your hearts,

What united in one thing.

Happiness and health, family!

Many years and sunny days;

Saving friendship, friends -

Will become a friend of the relatives!

After seven years, marriage celebrates a copper wedding. On the seventh anniversary of the wedding day, the spouses take congratulations on a copper wedding or also called woolen. Seven years is an indicator of the stability of relationships, but also a seven-year-old pure psychologists are called dangerous for marital couples. A gift for a copper wedding invited guests and relatives can prepare any, if only this product contained copper, even in small quantities. These can be interior decoration items, baubles, creating comfort, or luxury objects: candlesticks, dishes, decorations, bracelets, statuettes, beads, perhaps even some ethnic products, antiques.

Glittered copper
Like gold flickers,
Today you are newlyweds again,
We congratulate you from the soul.
We wish peace, happiness and heat,
Good luck, you sincerely wish you joy
Let your dream come true
Let Nadezhda never leave.

Today you are newlyweds again,
Eyes from joy shine
Friends with great pleasure
Congratulate you from the soul rushing.
Today is a copper wedding, take congratulations,
Let your life brings only admiration
Let luck do not leave you never
In love and consent, you always live.

7 years you live in one family
The path of life is trough by you
Let it be wide and long by the trail,
Let luck will always be with you.
Congratulations Take from the heart
Let all the spells be good
Let the sun shine brightly
Let the boat of love blowing the backward wind.

Happy Copper Wedding Day Congratulations I heartily
I wish to live to gold with all my heart
Let peace and love reign in the family
Let happiness comes to you again and again.
Let feelings be decent always,
Let the cherished dream come true,
We wish you happiness, good luck and heat,
Let the fate give you enough.

This day is special for you -
Family birthday!
And I wish you to
There was a lot in him love!
A lot of tenderness and affection
Relationships warm!
Let him pass like in a fairy tale
Seven year anniversary!

Seven years is a copper wedding,
Union will not split already.
It is no need to prove
That feelings are fixed doubly.
I wish you more money,
Love, in your house heat.
Luck let it stretch longer,
After all, your marriage is created!

With a wedding copper congratulate
I want you today, friends
Family to glorify
You can not forget about you!
I wish you happiness in this life,
And together haggles,
Fun in this world
And never lose heart!

Seven years go hand in hand,
Seven years your family exists,
We wish you to never
You have not touched troubles and problems.
We wish you happiness and love,
Patience, good and prosperity,
Together thoughts trust their
And do not make disappointment!

Together lived seven years.
How many joys and troubles
You have been experienced,
But from the eye of others hidden:
Dispute in the family - not at the bottom,
Not for curious eyes.
Seven years live -
Not a seagull together to drink
Not easy this date:
Right guys ...
It is not clear, the thing is what
Life led iel feelings?
You are before the wedding of red-copper
We got a trip to the victory:
Saved your love
From trouble saved the family.
Copper Jesva Odarim

Years lived in married seven -
With this we are, friends, congratulations!
And guests here gathered, all
We seriously declare:
Walked in love and consent days
With a durable and friendly Lad,
Became pride, happiness relatives
And "dressed" a baby - a fold!
May not be each other relatives,
You live rich and just
Millions are still miracle days! ..
You live in marriage to one hundred!

Marriage 7 years, got the name " copper Wedding" No wonder for the name such metal is chosen as copper. It should be noted that copper is not only a solid metal, but also valuable. This suggests that seven-year marriage is not only strength, but also considerable value for his participants. Of course, there are more noble metals than copper, but the spouses still be referred to this face, they are all ahead.

Invited guests to the seven-year marriage can safely give spouses from copper. For example, copper decorations for a wife, a belt with a copper buckle for a husband and any other copper products that serve as souvenirs. The most acceptable gift will serve the copper horseshoe, which brings happiness and well-being. Also from guests should sound congratulations and good wishes relating to the future life of spouses.

As for the spouses themselves, given the old traditions, they must exchange copper coins so that their future family life is happy.

You congratulate you with a copper wedding
And happiness to you, we wish love.
Let the feeling seem like a flight
So that together were forever,
So that the days glittered gilding,
As wedding two rings.
"Seven years after all the date is not easy!" -
Let's say smiles not tai.
Let it be tighter than everyone in the world
Your beautiful family!

Seven years you are together, kids grow up
In the rays of love of the resentment quickly.
Could you resist you won -
All because loyally loved!

All morning you kiss you meet.
What do you like to say, do not forget.
In everyday life - help, remove and cook.
To give each other to give up, do not stop!

Congratulations on a copper anniversary, with a happy digit of living life - with a seven! I wish your family prosperity and well-being, strong and mutual light feelings, understanding and prosperity. Continue to support each other in everything, enjoy life and successfully achieve joint goals. Health your family, comfort to your home and long life you live.

Lies in the palm of gentle palm,
The words of love quietly whisper lips ...
You went through water together, and fire,
And copper solemn pipes!

May the fate of victories send you a lot
Let it be the way your joy embraced.
And even if with the course of happy years
Copper will turn into silver and zlatto!

You are together seven wonderful years,
What I cordiously congratulate you!
Love is more important no feeling,
You wish you almost happiness!

May the world and the field in your family
Always reign in relationship
The fire of love is voiced not Gus!
Tonite in joyful moments!

Congratulations to you guys
From the copper wedding from the soul!
You are already married seven years.
What are you good!

How much faith, how much light
In your joyful eyes!
Let him not go off his happiness
Let love live in the hearts!

The anniversary came and came
Wedding copper you have!
There is a wonderful reason
You will congratulate you on the same hour!

Let your couple be
Firm like that metal
But compliant and soft,
Like that Red Mother.

Let health and good luck
In your house, the name will find!
Let good events
Many times happen!

Seven long years go together,
And all adversity, misfortunes.
Love always let him remain in the heart,
Happy only moments for you together!

And the copper anniversary is called.
Copper is soft, but also durable metal.
Let the quarrels do you all smooth
No wonder God sent you to each other!

Seven years, I will say, the term is not small!
Have time you will quarrel more than once,
What for these years only did not happen
But the main thing is that together you are now!

And this is a sign - love is just stronger,
She behaves forward in life.
Adversity everything will always overcome
And from everyday storms will save.

So happiness to you huge like the sky
Let him envy the avid bachelor.
How did not sound bearing, ridiculous -
Let the eyes glow, and the heart beats in the beat!

You have passed fire and water
For 7 years with each other,
And today, the anthem is pipe
Copper pipes for you.

We are at the wedding copper to you
I wish happiness
Let love keep your home
Kids grow up.

Let you please dawn
And the rest are rushing,
Let today's copper
Will be gold once.

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