What does a guardianship and trusteeship specialist do? What does a specialist of guardianship authorities do? I. general provisions

More than half of child welfare professionals have been working in this profession for less than five years, and 16.5% - less than a year... According to the Ministry of Education and Science, at the end of 2016, 11,374 people worked in this system. In total, 2,446 guardianship and trusteeship bodies operate in the country. Moreover, 443 of them (18%) have only one employee. Due to this situation with personnel, it is not uncommon for the guardianship staff to help the family in difficult situation, just take the children away from their parents. Lack of professionals leads to human tragedies. One of them is the story of the Ageev family that has thundered throughout the country. Now Anton and Larisa Ageevs are waiting for the next decision of the European Court of Human Rights. They hope that the ECHR will help them return their children who have been living in an orphanage for eight years.

Member of the Board of Trustees social sphere under the government, Elena Alshanskaya, president of the Volunteers to Help Orphans Foundation, told Izvestia that one of the main problems of Russian care is staff turnover.

Therefore, it often turns out that a person who does not have training and special education, decides the fate of strangers to him, makes decisions that are vital for them, - Elena Alshanskaya explained.

This year Gleb Ageev turned 12 years old, eight of which he spent in an orphanage. It should be reminded that it all started in March 2009, when Anton Ageev brought his four-year-old son to the children's hospital with burns to his face. According to the parents, the child crawled under the table, touched the wire of the electric kettle, and boiling water spilled on it. The day after hospitalization, a photograph of the burned boy was shown on all central channels. The footage that the doctors handed over to the journalists was not retouched, and the child's personal data were made public, which is prohibited by law. Parents were accused of bullying Gleb and his younger sister Polina.

The prosecution alleged that the boy's mother had beaten him with a red-hot kettle. “Izvestia” then wrote in detail that there were many questions in the case, but few people listened to the calls to sort it out. Many politicians, social activists and social media users demanded immediate reprisals.

The reprisal came soon: Gleb and his sister Polina were taken away from their parents and placed in an orphanage. In 2010, the charges of bullying were not confirmed in court. Anton Ageev was fully acquitted, his wife Larisa was sentenced by the court to a year and eight months of correctional labor for causing minor harm to health and improper performance of parental duties. But the repressive legal machine was set in motion and failed to stop.

For eight years the Ageevs have been trying to get their children back. Russian courts of all levels denied them this. However, the European Court of Human Rights in 2013 sided with the parents. In Strasbourg, they saw in the decisions of the Russian authorities unjustified interference in family life... According to the judges of the ECHR, there were no sufficient grounds to select the children, the Russian courts violated the right of Gleb and Polina to a family, and the case should be reviewed. In addition, the Ageevs were awarded € 55,000 in compensation and € 12,000 in reimbursement of legal costs. However russian court refused to reconsider his decision.

According to Anton Ageev, there is no need to complain about the living conditions of the children: they ended up in one of the best orphanages in the country, and they have everything they need. Except for the parents. For the past eight years, Anton and Larisa have been talking to Gleb and Polina on the phone every day and visit them almost every week. Now children are resting in a summer camp in Crimea.

Gleb and Polina understand everything perfectly and are patiently waiting for the age of majority. Because they know that they have almost no chance of breaking out of the orphanage.

During these eight years, they have asked us thousands of times when they can leave the orphanage. They were promised that this should happen in the summer, after the New Year, after the next trial ... But in recent times they stopped asking this question, - says Anton Ageev.

And parents are worried that Gleb and Polina were deprived of what almost all domestic children have - affection, trips with parents, circles and sections.

Gleb's musical ability, and Polina is actively involved in sports. However, pupils of even the best orphanages have practically no opportunity to fully engage in high-quality circles and sections, says Anton Ageev. - But this is not the most important thing. We must see their joy when we come. They know that there are dear people in the world who love them, and it is very difficult to experience separation. Now they, of course, already have their own hobbies and interests, friends. Fields is fond of floristry, constantly discusses flowers with her mother, asks to bring some special ones. We try to keep them active life... But parting is always difficult. When we leave, they almost cry. And they ask when will we arrive at next time... They would like us to be there all the time.

Do they still call you Mom and Dad?

Anton Ageev told Izvestia that another lawsuit is awaiting consideration in Strasbourg. But this is not a quick matter, and it is possible that the children will return to their parents before the court's decision - they will simply reach the age of majority.

There is still no program in the country higher education to train guardianship staff. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia explained to Izvestia that, as a rule, specialists with pedagogical, psychological, pedagogical and legal education work in this area. Last year, a professional retraining program was developed for the specialty “Specialist of guardianship and guardianship bodies for minors,” the press service of the ministry noted. But such specialists will not appear in the guardianship authorities soon.

This year, we are developing educational and methodological complexes for the professional retraining program, and we are also planning to hold a scientific and methodological seminar for teachers of advanced training institutes for educational workers, the ministry explained.

The ministry also said that since 2013, the Ministry of Education and Science has organized and conducted advanced training courses for five thousand specialists on the protection of children's rights.

The standards and staffing of the guardianship authorities are determined not by the Ministry of Education, but by the regional authorities. For example, in Transbaikalia there are 138 specialists for 265 thousand children (one specialist for 1,920 children), in the Magadan region - 28 for 30 thousand (one in 1,067), in the Moscow region - 484 for 1.27 million (one for 2 619 children), and in the Tyumen region - 86 per 848 thousand (one per 9 855).

Aleksey Rudov, a member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, believes that the main problems in the regions are low level training of care staff, high turnover and lack of clear guidelines.

The bulk of their work is endless accounting and reporting, - he explained. - With minimal automation, it takes almost all the time, and the minimum is left to work with people. In addition, the guardianship employee depends on the opinion of his superiors and is afraid to spoil the statistics. therefore the best way “Do not get caught” - do nothing and wait until the last. Or do only what leads to a comfortable result for the specialist, and not for the child.

According to Alexei Rudov, for last years the number of cases when children are unjustifiably taken away from their parents has decreased several times. However, each such story attracts great attention and worries many families.


How to behave in a situation when representatives of guardianship come to your home.

I don't remember where I got these recommendations from (if there are authors, write to me, I will definitely link to you), how to behave if they come to the house, there are suspicions that representatives of the guardianship authorities might come. " on large families for far-fetched reasons, for example

la_angel , at ledydara ... In my opinion, families have already made mistakes in communicating with social workers. Therefore, we carefully read and remember. We hang about front doorWe conduct conversations with children about not telling anyone what is happening at home. Forewarned is forearmed! So:

Unfortunately, not all parents fulfill those assigned to them by God, society and the state. parenting responsibilities properly, not everyone cares about health, physical, mental, spiritual development their children. Article 77 Family Code Russian Federation grants the guardianship and guardianship authorities the right to take the child away from the parents in the event of an immediate threat to the life or health of the child. No one doubts that taking care of children is the main responsibility of the family and the state. I do not presume that all children will get along well with us. However, this article of the UK gives the right to take children from ANY family, if someone wants to, and not always from families where parents do not care about the health, physical and mental, spiritual development of their children. Theoretically, representatives of guardianship can come with a check to any family in relation to which a "signal" from a doctor has been received, from educational institution or from neighbors in order to make sure that the child is okay.

To avoid most of the signals, you should simply not neglect the observance of the procedures established by the law: you should not leave the hospital without discharge (you can always get an extract "on receipt"), and also ignore the need to get vaccinated (instead of writing a refusal from them), delay visiting a children's clinic and obtaining a birth certificate. Look at these situations through the eyes of the guardianship staff - and you will understand the interest shown in such a situation in the family. For example, if the pregnant woman was not observed in antenatal clinic, gave birth at home, and then did not rush to register the child - this can equally likely mean that she adheres to the theory natural parenting, and the fact that the woman missed the deadline for an abortion and wants to get rid of the baby after his birth. The "tacit" refusal of vaccinations may indicate not a conscious position, but a banal carelessness. Therefore:

Prule number one : do not give the guardianship authorities unnecessary reasons to come to your home. If your child is studying in the karate section

or boxing - you should know this school teachers (so as not to interpret the bruise received in training as a beating of the father / mother); if you use the services of a paid pediatrician, notify the head of the children's clinic about it. Believe me, they are very seriously asked for vaccinations.Don't consider yourself the smartest.

If, nevertheless, the visit did take place, it, again, should not be taken with hostility, as an interference in private life. But you shouldn't behave uncomplainingly if your guardianship is not entirely correct and prejudiced towards you. Rememberthat in accordance with Article 25 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation home is inviolable... Against the will of the persons living in the premises, access there is carried out only either by a court decision or in cases established by law. The only statutory case applicable to similar situations, - this is the right of police officers (but not custody!) enter, in accordance with subparagraph 18 of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Law on Militia, into living quarters if there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed or is being committed there (for example, a child shouts loudly and hysterically, asks for help). In any case, parents have the right to find out from the police what grounds they have for such assumptions.

Thus, the question of whether to let the guardianship staff into the apartment remains at the discretion of the parents.

Second rule... Before you let the guardianship staff into the apartment, you should make sure that they are really in front of you (this is, in fact, a universal recommendation). Do not hesitate to check the documents of those who came (ID and passport) - after all, it is you who are responsible for the safety of your baby, and you must be sure that it is the representatives of the guardianship who are letting into the apartment, and not the scammers. It will not be superfluous to write down the last name, first name, patronymic of the persons who came to you, so that later you do not remember painfully who exactly you communicated with. It is also necessary to call back to the guardianship authority by phone, previously written out from the directory, and clarify whether the specified people work there, and whether they were sent to your address with a check. You may feel a certain amount of embarrassment, but sometimes it is better to feel embarrassed than being the victim of a crime.

During the visit, proceed from the basic rules:

1. The child has a daily routine, and the visit of the care staff is not a reason to break it. That is, if the child is sleeping, it is not at all necessary to wake him up.

2. If it is customary in your apartment to take off your shoes, wash your hands - then the guardianship staff must do this. You should ask them politely but firmly. In addition to the purely practical, it is also psychological moment: in most cases, a person without shoes immediately loses his “bossy” tone. If you refuse to take off your shoes, do not hesitate to put the visitors out the door.

3.All people in your apartment should be in your field of vision at the same time. For example, if someone refused to take off their shoes under the pretext "I will stand in the hallway" ask him to leave the apartment and lock the door behind him, continuing the "tour" around the apartment for the rest. Attempts to "split up in order to quickly inspect the apartment" should be immediately stopped: "Please follow me", "I did not invite you into that room", "I will show you everything, but please, in my presence."

Tune in to the fact that the owners of the apartment are still you, and you have not done anything that would give strangers the right to independently look into your refrigerator or underwear drawer.

4. Any "oddities" noted by the staff of the guardianship, for example, the absence of a baby carriage due to the use of a sling, should be explained and insisted on fixing these explanations in the inspection report (more on this below).

5. It will be good if the inspection of the apartment is carried out in front of witnesses, for example, you can invite neighbors to be present. If possible, try to record the entire visit on video or dictaphone. Feel free to warn that everything will be recorded on video / voice recorder.

6.At the end of the commission's visit, insist that the so-called "Act on the inspection of living quarters" be drawn up right there, in your presence, in two copies, and each copy is signed by you and the members of the commission. It should not have "empty space", cross out or fill in all spaces before signing. If representatives of the guardianship refer to the fact that they have 7 days to draw up such a document, draw their attention to what you are asking to draw up not an act on the examination of the living conditions of a minor, namely inspection report, these are different documents.

7. If the guardianship wants your baby to be examined by a doctor - remember that you are obliged to travel with the child in the same ambulance car, to be present at all medical procedures that are performed with him. Moreover, according to article 32 of the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on health protection, no medical intervention (including a banal examination) can be carried out without your consent.

8. Any disagreements with the guardianship (guardianship came at an inconvenient time for you, for example, when the child is asleep; you had to refuse to visit the apartment due to the fact that those who came refused to take off their shoes) it is better to decide in writing... Immediately after the end of the visit, write a corresponding statement (“After 22-00 my child is asleep, and I see no reason to violate set mode his day. I ask you to prevent the commission from visiting at night in the future "or" I ask the guardianship staff to have a change of shoes with you in case of a visit to my apartment with a check "), remove a copy from it and take it to the guardianship, having received a note of acceptance on the copy. If suddenly they refuse to accept such a statement, it can be sent by mail with a valuable certified mail with a return receipt with a list of attachments.

And the most important. Take away, that is, "remove child from a family ", is possible only on the basis of the relevant act of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation... AND in the absence of this act, no one has the right to touch your child.

In the event that for some reason the inspectors entered the apartment without your consent, do not respond to requests or try to take the child by force without the appropriate documents, do not hesitate to call 02 with a message that unknown persons broke into your apartment against your will and kidnap (take) your child. Upon arrival, the police will make sure, of course, that these are guardianship officers, but insist that you did not invite them to go to the apartment and required documents they are missing. Insist that police officers help you protect your legal rights.

And a few more tips.

  1. 1. If there is a suspicion that juveniles may come to you, consult with lawyers in advance how to behave, what documents are better to start collecting, etc.
  2. 2. Document everything. Photos, videos, etc. Hence point 3
  3. 3. You should always have video-photo recording equipment ready. If you understand that they are beginning to press you along this line, put hidden videos cameras at home and turn on as soon as the doorbell rings at your door. Expensive. But you have no other way to protect your children.
  4. 4. Be prepared to operate with articles of laws. Learn them. At home, you can create a folder "Custody" and store copies of all necessary laws and other legislative acts. Keep the folder near the front door. The fact of having such a folder should show the social worker that you know the laws and that you are prepared for protection! You are not going to share "evidence" against you with a social worker. They have no right to do so other than through the courts.
  5. 5. . Write everything down, if possible, on paper. Feel free to insist that the guardianship staff wait while you write everything down. You have every right to do so.
  6. 6. Fix in notebook every contact with any social worker. Don't stop there! Prepare in advance and stand firm when dealing with them! After each contact, write a letter (some recommend notarizing such a letter) detailing what happened, and ask the social worker to confirm or deny the facts. Such a document can later be used as evidence in your favor in juvenile court.
  7. 7. Do not invite social worker to the house - you have the right to refuse him. By law, you have the right to privacy in your home. No employee of any government agency is allowed to enter your home without your permission. We know of many cases where the entrance was forced by statements "let me in or I will take your children." Do not give up! Don't be intimidated! Stand firm on your own! If your rights are not respected, you can sue them later, but it is better to stick to your interests now. The only exception is when the Guardianship officer came with a bailiff who has a search warrant.
  8. 8. Remember once and for all - the guardian comes to your home for CERTIFICATION. You don't need to help him. The guardianship usually does not have sufficient physical evidence to remove your children immediately. They have no reason to obtain a search warrant. As a rule, he will act on the basis of a statement, a call from one or those who want to take action against you. It can be a neighbor on the entrance, whom you prevent from parking the car at the entrance, or a neighbor smiling at you on the staircase, envious of you. If you talk a lot, your words will be distorted in such a way that they can be used against you in court. Also, if you allow this person to enter your house, then he will most likely find something to find fault with and this will be used against you in court. A sink with eight unwashed plates may show up in his inspection act as "a sink full of dirty dishes in a dirty kitchen." Of course, this will put you in a bad light in front of the judge. Therefore, do not let these people enter your home. You have no idea what they will make the problem out of.
  9. 9. Don't trust the guardianship officials. If this social worker works in the department that adjudicates cases and makes decisions regarding the removal of children, then naturally that person will be suspicious if he or she has never removed a child! To demonstrate that he is busy, this worker will have to remove and place a certain number of children in custody ... Remember, even if you like a person, within every pleasant person there is a need to be faithful to the system.
  10. 10. Do not admit anything. Force them to PROVE their cases in court, in a FULL COURT. Do not only agree to hearings, where you will knowingly only have to agree to their terms. They will try every trick to get you to agree to their disgusting "service." You have to stand firm and firmly say no when they ask you to betray your legal rights.
  11. 11. Get ready for pressure. Better to say "No - I want a full trial - you have to prove your charges!" If you succumb to their pressure, you will be jumping through their hoops for many months. If you bring the trial to the end, there is an opportunity to win your freedom from this government interference in your family's life.
  12. 12. If you are undergoing a forensic examination and your child is declared a public ward, then of course you should make every effort to complete every part of that examination before the next court hearing. This plan will most likely include psychological testing. It may be necessary to undergo psychological testing in advance by an independent. respected specialist. After a court hearing, if social workers try to force you into “services” (such as a drug test) that are not part of a court-ordered plan, you can refuse to cooperate. You are only required to do what the judge ordered. You must record any such illegal offers of additional services that were not requested by the judge. You can ask to speak with the Administrative Law Judge. Likewise, you may find social workers trying to interfere with or delay a court-ordered service program. You should document your repeated requests for such services and the excuses that social workers give to delay the start. Care staff have been known to delay services in order to make your case last longer. If your child is on public care within 15 months, your parental rights can be selected on that basis alone. Your goal will be to get your child back at the next court hearing, so don't let the delay!
  13. 13. Speak as little as possible! Be mindful of what you say. Because any word can be distorted and used against you!
  14. 14. Do not under any circumstances tell the guardianship that you or your spouse has ever been in public care yourself. When you tell them that you were a foster child, first of all, they learn that they have a case against you, from which they can get documents to use as “evidence” against you. There may be a mark in the file that you bit when you were injected into kindergarten or primary school... They will present it as innate aggression or cruelty towards all people, and especially towards children. If you tell them that you were a foster child, it characterizes you as a victim and makes them think that you may be more actively pursued by them. It really isn't their business. You don't have to open your mouth to help them find evidence against you.
  15. 15. Do not give the phones of your relatives, friends, doctors, lawyers, colleagues. Let them search for themselves.
  16. 16. Always say NO.
  17. 17. Keep all receipts, incl. and for the purchase of products. Great if you do home bookkeeping using one of the specialized programs. In this case, you will have proof of sufficient provision of children with food, clothing, etc.
  18. 18. Get your child's health statement annually. The so-called epicrisis. You must have on hand medical documents confirming that your child is healthy, that you fully comply with all the prescriptions of doctors.
  19. 19. Remember always - THIS IS A WAR!

If you have time to prepare for your visit in advance, you are very lucky. Most people do not take the threat of government interference in their lives seriously until it happens to them. If juveniles want to take your child, let them explain what kind of immediate threat is hanging over him? Let them see that you know the laws!

For example, if they claim that something happened on Monday to your child, but they are on Friday afternoon to pick up your child, you should tell these social workers that there is obviously no "immediate threat" or they would react to the message immediately! If you do not stand firm and point out their mistakes, then they will step over you, and will break their own laws different ways... Yes, your child may still be withdrawn, but if you show them that you know their laws and can speak their obscure jargon, they will think twice before choosing you as their new victim. Do not help the Guardianship staff find a reason to blame you.

Interview with your Child.

The care staff will want to talk to your child. Say NO. Tell the staff that your child has the right to be provided by a lawyer, and that if they insist on an interview, then you and the grandparents and lawyer will be present and the interview will be recorded, preferably on video. Of course, if your child is attending school, you may not get a chance to say no. What happens is that the social worker will go to school and, behind your back, will receive permission from the teachers to speak with your children. You can leave a letter in advance at the school stating that you do not allow such interviews, or anything other than the main educational activities... However, you should not completely trust the school staff. Your lawyer can write a letter to the school prohibiting interviews with the Guardianship staff. Inspire your child that talking to strangers is dangerous. Especially if they are interested in family. Make sure your kids know they have the right to say, "I don't want to be interviewed without my parents, a lawyer, and a tape recorder." Social workers will not remind your child that he or she has the right to do so. If there is still time, you should teach your child how to deal with government officials. Encourage, teach children to call you immediately if someone tries to talk to them from the guardianship authorities or the teacher about what is happening in your family. Make sure your child is aware of the implications of interviews with the care staff. If children say something wrong, then they can be separated, perhaps for a long time, from their parents, siblings, friends, hometown, from their pets, and everything else that they value in life! They will be traumatized by this separation and may be pumped up with harmful adult psychotropic drugs so that they can behave more calmly. If they complain too much about the fact that in the state orphanage they are like prisoners in prison, they can be placed in a psychiatric hospital, or immobilized, which, as you know, can be fatal. “Teach your children well,” as the old song says. We live in dangerous times... We must explain this to our children to help them learn to deal with government agencies that can harm them. Remember, children are eight to ten times more likely to be abused in shelters and foster families... But we, for some reason, are not too zealous in teaching our children self-defense measures.

If you suspect that your children want to be removed.

Algorithm of actions:

1. It is necessary to write to the higher authorities a complaint against the official who insulted your honor and dignity by saying bad parent... The complaint should be sent only by registered mail with notification. In this case, you must answer.

2. If you are not satisfied with the answer, then you need to write to the higher-ranking authorities. And so to reach the very top.

3. If they did not help you anywhere in the specialized instances, they did not stop the offender. Contact your deputy.

4. Create an initiative group (this is a total of 6 people), which will confirm that you - wonderful parent, and a bullying is organized on you.

5. All this to give maximum publicity.

6. Prepare evidence that you good parentwhat do you have great relationship with kids.

6. All of the above can be done without a lawyer. But it is desirable to “connect” it IMMEDIATELY !!!

Most of us are faced with the guardianship authorities only, and some annoying unfamiliar aunt is demanding something for our child. We know better what the child needs, right? But for some reason, these aunts from the guardianship department are needed!

Reconomica I talked with a specialist in the department of guardianship to find out what this government organization really does. You will find out what care professionals do, what situations they have to face at work, and also how much they get for it.

Briefly about me: I am 31 years old, experience in the profession - 2 years, guardianship department of the administration of a city with a population of one million, position - leading specialist of the department.
Unfortunately, I cannot name the true data about myself and the place of work - and this is the first feature public service.

Since 2017, a prerequisite for undergoing public service (and work in the department of guardianship and trusteeship is just such a type of employment) is to inform the employer of information about his activity on the Internet. The HR department must submit data about your accounts in all social networks and other portals, dating sites, to report the facts of registration in messengers, where at least some personal data about you is indicated.

Thus, I can only tell honest information about this profession without specifying full information About Me. Unfortunately, I cannot attach photos of the workplace, for the above reasons. Non-disclosure of any information related to our work is an element of control of the city administration's security service.

What is guardianship and custody? About the profession in your own words

Specialist of the Department of Guardianship and Guardianship - is a representative of vulnerable categories of citizens: children, disabled people, disabled citizens, elderly people, the main task which - to monitor the observance of their civil rights.

Skills, abilities, education required in the profession

Teacher education is a mandatory requirement in this profession. Legal is desirable. Although it is knowledge legal framework, legislation (in almost all areas: land legislation, labor, family law and the criminal code, not to mention the specific laws in the field of guardianship and guardianship) is the basis of this profession. In addition, you need to confidently understand the judicial system, know the filing procedures statements of claim, appeals, cassations, appeals, reviews, etc. Understand the structure trial, both in criminal and civil cases.

Knowledge of psychology and pedagogy is necessary to work with the results of examinations, conclusions issued by narrow specialists to our clients. For the same reason, it is necessary to have a basic set of knowledge about psychiatry in order to work with mentally ill people, to be able to distinguish between symptoms and severity of the disease in order to competently involve further work a social worker or a psychiatrist.

Paperwork is a significant part of the functionality of a specialist in the care department. Confident possession of Microsoft Office, 1C significantly reduces the time allotted for the preparation of documents and reports.

Employment methods

The only way to search for this job is to participate in competitions for filling vacant positions in the state civil service... Information about these competitions is posted on the websites of city administrations.

It's almost impossible to get to such a vacancy from scratch. It makes no sense to come directly to the personnel department of the city administration, all the more to send your resume. The overwhelming majority of employees of the administration are arranged there "by acquaintance", this is not a secret to anyone. A small percentage of people got a job in the administration, having been transferred from supervised organizations (we have this complex centers, social assistance centers).

The employer hires people on the recommendation of already working employees, most often at temporarily free rates (specialists who are on parental leave). And if an employee performs well, he is transferred to a permanent rate.

There is no labor training. They explain to you the direction of your functional: children under guardianship, incapacitated, identification, adoption, etc. And then you yourself build your work in this direction from scratch. IN best caseusing tips from colleagues. There is no concept of “young specialist” in this profession. Most often, a leading specialist with an average salary in the department is immediately accepted at the rate.

What does a guardianship specialist do?

Only a third of the entire department is involved in guardianship. Our powers include the entire cycle of protecting the rights and interests of vulnerable categories of citizens. Registration of custody of orphans, placing them in state institutions, identifying dysfunctional families and working with them, protecting the rights of the mentally ill and verifying the activities of psychiatric institutions, monitoring the actions of guardians, participating in transactions with property, resolving family disputes.

For some specialists, work with documents is the main one. They check the packages of submitted documents and issue opinions, maintain databases, issue certificates. The majority of them have a traveling nature of work: we travel to courts, we participate in processes as legal representatives, we visit addresses where, according to the information received, families live in difficult life situations... Police departments, prosecutor's office, ROVD, registry office, MFC, ERKTs, pension funds - we travel everywhere, transmitting and collecting requests necessary to protect the rights of our clients, we participate in investigative measures and legal proceedings.

You have to visit the most unsightly and gloomy places of the city: psychiatric clinics, pre-trial detention centers, crime scenes. Be present at interrogations and court hearings... Monitor the content of clients in psycho-neurological boarding schools.

All those stories that flash on the central channels with sky-high ratings are our daily work: the murder of their children by the mother, theft of funds in orphanages, the abuse of psychiatrists, constant litigation over the separation of children, disputes between spouses, and other dirty linen in public. When getting a job in the guardianship authorities, you need to be prepared to see life from the most unsightly side of it every day.

Per last months my colleagues ran away from an angry alcoholic who poured boiling water from a kettle on them, I personally tried to calm the old man while waiting for the ambulance team, while he beat all the passers-by on the head with a stick, leaning out of the window. And today a girl came to my appointment with a request to place her in a boarding school, because her stepfather had been shouting at her all morning. In parallel with this, in the office, another specialist was trying to find a temporary compromise between the potential guardians of the child, whose father killed his mother, after which he committed suicide. And this is just a small fraction of the problems, not the most serious ones, that you face every day.

Remuneration for labor in the guardianship department and working conditions in the civil service

I got a job with a salary of 17 thousand rubles, now it is 23 thousand. The salary consists of a salary, 6 tr., A monthly bonus of 60-100%, the amount of which is appointed by the head of the department, a regional coefficient. In addition, there are quarterly bonuses of 5,000 rubles. Full social package, vacation 30 calendar days.

In general, there are social guarantees.

Pros and cons of the profession

The main advantage of the profession is its relative prestige; after all, the department of guardianship and trusteeship is a structural element of the city administration. The ability to more or less freely dispose of working time. In the course of official movements, you can simultaneously manage to do small personal affairs (this is unofficial, of course). Social guarantees, white salary is also a plus.

The disadvantages of the profession are a large degree of responsibility, high price errors, constant stress, potential risk for good health. In our department of guardianship and trusteeship, travel on business errands is not paid, sometimes 300 rubles a day are spent on trips. Thus, I have never seen those 23 thousand, in reality we have low wages.

Career growth

The career ladder assumes the following steps: leading specialist of a department, chief specialist, head of a department, deputy head of a department. With the number of department employees 40 people, the only possible increase - to become a chief specialist. This is possible upon reaching more than 5 years of work experience, subject to the conscientious performance of their duties.

Parting words to applicants

Social work, in my opinion, is the same vocation as medicine or pedagogy. It takes a lot mental strength, tolerance and patience, and of course, philanthropy. And given the more than modest salary, a specialist in the department of guardianship and trusteeship is more of a civil position than a profession. If you feel in yourself the strength to go through all the difficulties of this matter, then, doing it, one day you will experience real joy from realizing the benefits that you bring to people.

Appendix 7 to the order

Heads of the city


leading specialist of the department of guardianship and trusteeship

department of guardianship and guardianship of the city administration


1.1. The leading specialist of the department of guardianship and trusteeship of the department for guardianship and guardianship of the city administration (hereinafter referred to as the leading specialist of the department) is an employee of the department and participates in organizing the work of the city administration with minors wards (wards).

The leading specialist of the department is a municipal employee in a senior position municipal service category "B", it is subject to all warranties, rights, obligations and restrictions, provided by law about municipal service.

1.2. The leading specialist of the department is appointed and dismissed by the Head of the city on the proposal of the head of the department for guardianship and guardianship of the city administration.

1.3. The leading specialist of the department reports to the head of the department of guardianship and guardianship of the department for guardianship and guardianship of the city administration.

1.4. In his activities, the leading specialist of the department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, including "About general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation "," On the basics of municipal service in the Russian Federation ", The Civil Code Russian Federation, Family Code of the Russian Federation, Labor Code Of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, other regulations of the Russian Federation, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, bodies local government of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, related to the specifics of the department, the Charter of the municipality of the city of district significance Nizhnevartovsk, Regulations on the department of trusteeship and guardianship of the city administration, department and job description.


2.1. Carries out:

High quality and timely execution the responsibilities assigned to him;

Within its competence, the implementation of decisions and orders of higher authorities, the Head of the city, decisions of the City Duma, fulfills the orders of higher leaders within the limits provided for job description;

Accounting for provided benefits.

2.2. Provides:

High organization and discipline of work in their work;

Confidentiality of information received in accordance with current legislation;

The required level of workflow and storage of documents in accordance with applicable law;

Competent preparation of documents, compliance with the terms of their passage.

2.3. Leads:

Registration of children under guardianship (guardianship), according to the established documentation;

For the disclosure of information that is protected by law and other regulations secret, as well as information that became known to him in connection with the performance job dutiesaffecting the privacy, honor and dignity of citizens, including after the termination of municipal service, within the limits provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

For non-compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations;

For non-compliance with the restrictions related to the municipal service.

If custody has come: how to react correctly?

If your family is visited by a guardianship, police or juvenile commission, remember that you have a number legal rightsimportant to know about.

1. Never open a door without knowing who is behind the door. Also, teach your children.

2. If you are told that you came from the guardianship or the commission on juvenile affairs or the police and other authorities, it is better not to open the door if you are not ready for such a visit or if you are at home alone or alone with children.

  • What does it mean to be ready for a visit by the guardianship or the police in the event of a possible removal of children?

You should be with an adequate witness - husband, boyfriend, lawyer. You must have a voice recorder or camera.

You should have order at home, children have their own beds, toys, clean clothes for the season, ready-made food and food in the refrigerator, relative order in the closets. But the children are better off staying at a party.

  • If all of the above is in order, you can open it.
  • If not, then it looks like you are not ready for a visit from the guardianship and other staff.

In this case, inform that you cannot open the door (for example, your child is sleeping, your husband has forbidden to open it without him, or the daily routine does not allow, etc.), and you yourself urgently call your friends-family-lawyers. The main thing is to show that you know your rights and that you are not alone (not alone).

Politely ask the name and position of the employees outside the door, ask to transfer and agree with you the date and time of the visit by phone.

3. It doesn't matter if you are registered in an apartment or rent it. The police or the commission from the guardianship authorities can enter the apartment only in two cases: if you allow them yourself, or they present a court decision or an order signed by the prosecutor. If such a document exists, you should be informed of its reasons before you decide to open it. And even in this case, you can always say that a lawyer or your representative is coming to you. It doesn't matter, even if an adequate neighbor plays this role - it is much better than you alone or alone, and there are many of them and they want to take the child / children.

4. If you decide to let caregivers in, watch the child, hold it by the hand or in your arms, or pass it on to someone who helps you. The child may be picked up unexpectedly. Unfortunately, there are such cases.

5. Carefully check before admitting to the apartment the employees' IDs, write them down for yourself or take a photo, as well as documents (acts, orders, etc.) regarding the visit to your family, especially the reasons for the visit. Take a photo of all documents there, right on the stairs. If they do not allow you to take pictures, carefully and slowly rewrite all the data of the submitted documents.

In general, you have the unconditional right to take photos, conduct audio and video filming, since employees are at work, and you do not violate their privacy. And you have the right to report that your lawyer asked to shoot everything for him until he could come in person.

  • But employees are not allowed to shoot or record without your consent.

7. If you've already let employees in, invite them to take off their shoes in mandatory, close the front door with a key, outerwear also ask to remove - as you have children and cleanliness is observed. This is important for many reasons - this is how you take care of the children, find yourself in the role of the master of the situation and prevent employees from abruptly hiding with the child.

8. In the apartment it is important to keep an eye on everyone who enters, so do not allow to enter the room without your escort. We can say that the lawyer warned that the inspection of the rooms and housing conditions takes place only with the owner.

For all assurances that your lawyer is an illiterate idiot, agree "Yes, but I believe him."

  • For all possible threats don't react - just write them to the recorder for your lawyer)

9. Refuse to travel with the child to the hospital if everything is in order with his health - it is more difficult to control the situation there. Say you will bring a doctor's note tomorrow. In fact, feel free to make an appointment with your doctor and see him when it's convenient.

10. Don't sign anything, not even the apartment inspection certificate. Tell them that you will sign it in the presence of your lawyer, but he, as luck would have it, is now unable to drive up. Study this act later, in a more relaxed environment, if necessary.

  • It is important to know that according to Family Code RF guardianship has the right to take away children only in case of an immediate threat to life or health:

"Article 77. Taking away a child in case of an immediate threat to the child's life or health

1. In the event of an immediate threat to the child's life or health, the guardianship and trusteeship body shall have the right to immediately take the child away from the parents (one of them) or from other persons in whose care he is.

Immediate removal of the child is carried out by the guardianship and guardianship authority on the basis of corresponding act executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the act of the head of the municipality ...".

  • If you notice that the guardianship or police officers do not show you documents, they communicate impolitely, exert pressure, etc., write a statement to the prosecutor's office after their visit.
  • If they tried to take or take away the children, tell friends and family, write a short and clear text on social networks asking for help and repost.
  • You can also contact our Center. Our lawyers have the necessary experience and will try to help you.

Arina Pokrovskaya, director of the Pokrov Human Rights Center.

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