How to become easy to communicate with a man. How to attract the attention of the opposite sex? Do not try to show in communication that you are superior to a man in masculine qualities

Maintaining interest in a relationship between a man and a woman is a more difficult task than winning a person's attention. And here, as in any dynamic process, it plays important role constant personal growth representatives of the fair sex, continuous development her individual positive qualities and the ability to build a dialogue with a loved one.

A psychological feature of all men without exception is the desire to hear their echo and see their shadow. This does not mean that a woman should turn into one and the other unconditionally, but the fact that you can win the attention of a loved one only from time to time by copying his steps and speaking in his words is the absolute truth.

What is men's interest based on?

Male interest in a person of the opposite sex is not always dictated by the desire for a serious relationship. After all, the first assessment a man gives to a woman he likes is still a tribute to visualization (how the lady looks, how desirable and attractive she is). In second place in importance is the manner of communication, represented by two complementary processes:

  • Verbal transmission. This is what a woman says when communicating with a man in person or writes when typing via SMS.
  • Nonverbal transmission. This is “body language”, which naive men perceive as a completely unconscious factor and which a woman can easily turn to her advantage, having at least a minimum of information about the psychology of communication.

In 9 cases out of 10, the man initiates an acquaintance and invites the woman to continue communication, obeying her invitational signals. And, on the contrary, only 5 out of a hundred people are ready to invite a girl on a date who is opposed to this individual with hidden hostility. All this says about great power implicit, visible from behind the framework of moral conventions, non-verbal communication.

It is important for any man to know that he will not be refused when trying to get closer, so he will always wait for a sign from the girl that could be interpreted unambiguously. He will wait for exactly such signs in the future. If a woman understands this from the very beginning and does not reproach her partner for being a “rag,” but skillfully leads him in the right direction, the relationship can be considered strong and established.

But often even a vigorously begun romance ends in nothing. The collapse occurs at a turning point in the transition of a relationship to a new stage, when both partners overestimate their mutual influence on each other and eigenvalue in the eyes of a companion. The world of sensations ceases to bring novelty to relationships, accumulated experience gives way to the first conclusions. And during this period, it is very important for a woman to learn how to build a dialogue, first of all, a non-verbal dialogue, in which a man will want to participate.

The combat arsenal provided by default to every woman and which can turn any situation in her favor is:

  • voice (timbre) control;
  • meekness and tenderness;
  • patience and care;
  • unquenchable passion for a partner;
  • self-sufficiency.

As can be seen from the above, only last point contains qualities that a woman will have to really develop in herself. The remaining qualities are easy to learn and introduce into everyday life, like good habits, even if sometimes you have to pretend (and sometimes you have to).

Psychology of a man in a relationship with a woman men's secrets

Voice control is half the battle

If you can name our words and phrases addressed to a man, front side communication, then the timbre of the voice, its color in warm or cold tones - this is the wrong side, which, as everyone knows, should be soft, comfortable and not sting. There is information about one old study conducted back in Soviet times. The male subjects rated their internal sensations listening to voices different women coming to them from handset. During the few minutes allotted for the experiment, they managed to listen to several phrases from 5-7 women unfamiliar to them. Here are the conclusions drawn:

  • 95% of the subjects, after just 8 seconds of communication, were ready to openly admit their sympathy to the owners of a deep, “velvety” voice. This timbre inspired them with calmness, self-confidence and pictured in their imagination a beautiful, slender lady with an integral nature.
  • Almost all the men admitted that female voice, slightly hoarse and aspirated, aroused erotic fantasies in them. This affected not only the subconscious level, but also the physiological one.
  • Girls with a sharp, shrill voice were considered attractive only by individuals who unconsciously strive for the role of a child in the family. These are the men who welcome the dominance of women in all aspects of life and are quite content with the humble position of “the husband of their wife.”
  • High-pitched, childish voices, on the contrary, attracted those who are not ready to put up with the equality of women and seek, rather, to “adopt” a life partner, providing her with care and attention, and in return demanding unconditional submission.

Of course, there is a lover for every feature. But if we're talking about In order to tie a man to you for a long time and remain invariably attractive to him, it is better to influence his predictable sides, which invariably respond with the “correct” reaction.

Compliments to a man

Psychology of conversational communication for maintaining relationships

Not only does a woman’s appearance transform after entering into serious relationship, her manner of speaking also changes, and almost always not in better side. But such a mistake is worth many destroyed family or pre-family ties. Psychologists warn: if before the start of “close” communication with a man, a girl is still allowed to experiment with a shocking manner of communication, while the guy is so in love that he is “blind and deaf,” then this is a new period for both “ adult life"should be associated exclusively with pleasant emotions.

And in the first year family life, and in the second ten a man’s perception of the intonation of his partner’s voice will not become dull. He will not like shrill screams if he was initially drawn to the girl because of her quiet voice and taciturnity. It is impossible to get used to this, but to force a man to cross the point of no return, when the sound of the voice of his once beloved wife becomes hateful to him, is quite possible. Don't let it fade strong feelings, to control a man’s love, strengthening it at the moment’s desire is within the power of any woman.

Several things can help in developing this ability. useful tips which are applicable at any stage of a relationship: at the beginning of a pleasant acquaintance or after many years of marriage:

  • A girl's voice should never drop to the point of lifelessness, which will be perceived as indifference.
  • Gestures and facial expressions must correspond to words. If a girl talks to a guy about pleasant moments, nonverbal language should not show hysterics.
  • If a man shows uncertainty in some matters, the woman’s voice should sound stronger and more emotional. This speaks of harmony and mutual support.
  • A man needs to be listened to, no matter what he says, and constantly stimulated by manifestations of the most sincere interest.
  • You should never criticize your interlocutor-husband, otherwise he will look for another grateful and understanding listener.
  • When left alone with your partner, you need to at least sometimes talk like a catwoman - peremptorily, passionately, letting him read it in your voice sexual desire. Such a “zest” that slips into communication with a man binds him stronger than the bonds of a long-term marriage.

Important point: all important information that needs to be conveyed, the girl must be able to conclude in the first half a minute of her monologue - this is how long a man is able to maintain attention on the words of his interlocutor.

If a woman thinks that the conversation is not over, it is important to attract her partner’s attention in time with an unexpected compliment. Men can listen to praise for their person for hours without losing interest, so this technique - giving pills and gingerbreads alternately - is very important to learn and not be shy about using it.

If a man says my girl what does that mean?

Returning your loved one's interest Even the most passionate love relationships one day the time comes to rebuild into one of the forms of satiety. IN best case scenario such rebirth leads to the foundation of even stronger, intimate relationships on a subconscious level. People become, as it were, one whole. But in most situations, the couple is held back only by the fear of loss. comfortable conditions

life and sluggishly moves from one stage of relationships to another, without ever knowing the target state of marriage - true love.

A woman, as a more flexible and sensual creature, should be the first to feel the cooling of the relationship and make sure that her husband stops taking her closeness for granted. But this will require effort, because the power of habit affects both equally, and just recognizing the problem is too small a step to achieve results. Here is a set of simple " family laws", compliance with the points of which will not deliver big trouble, but will help get you back into the relationship former passion and interest in each other. It is very important to complete each step at least once every day. simple rules, and very quickly communication with your beloved man will rise to

  • Regardless of who accompanies whom to work, spouses should meet each morning together and exchange plans for the current day.
  • You need to carefully but persistently force the man to speak out again, just like in the first years of the relationship, when he excitedly rushed to tell all the events of the past day.
  • During a conversation - no matter what - you need to praise your loved one at least once, say how right he is. This will raise his self-esteem.
  • Every day you need to stimulate your partner with humble requests to perform some “masculine” act, as if emphasizing his strength and his own weakness, even if this means tearing nails out of the wall with his own hands and dropping curtain rods on the floor.
  • A woman needs to learn to be immodest and periodically praise herself with “random” phrases: “for such a beauty like me...”, “with my appearance, everything is available to me...”.

It must be remembered that guys quickly lose the habit of seeing their companion as a listener if they are not encouraged, so the girl needs to constantly be interesting in communication and always have a story in stock to maintain the dialogue. Lack of own interesting stories in the present - this is not a reason to turn into a silent idol. You can always remember something from the past or even invent something, skillfully warming up your interlocutor’s imagination with reticence or excessive frankness.

How to properly communicate with a man by correspondence?

Increasing modern trend starting romances on the Internet by correspondence has already managed to form a separate area of ​​communication psychology, which has its own secrets. Such relationships, before moving to the stage of a personal meeting or even without planning one, can continue for years.

What’s interesting is that existing statistics on this matter claim that people who finally decide to long-term communication on the Internet at Cohabitation, in 75% of cases they create very strong and enviable connections based on complete understanding. This is due precisely to the long experience of maintaining interest in each other without a real sexual context.

Girls who found their other half on the Internet shared their personal experience about how to speak and respond correctly in correspondence with an interlocutor, so that he always has an interest in the invisible addressee:

  • There is no need to rush to write a message as soon as the guy appears online. Let the guy write first 5 times, and the girl the 6th time. This is how a man is taught to take initiative in relationships and at the same time show him concern.
  • You need to write in your own words, but without constructing monologues in the form of “letters to an unknown reader.” Guys get tired of long discussions.
  • You need to forget about short monosyllabic answers and try to structure phrases in such a way that the young man can develop the topic.
  • Men hate manifestations of depression, echoes of heavy thoughts, so the girl will have to become light as a butterfly, and throw out all the negativity into the dark screen of a switched off computer.
  • No matter what happens, when communicating with a man by correspondence, you cannot blame him for anything. If there is a reason for this, reproaches can be replaced with “punishment” - citing fatigue, leaving the correspondence earlier than usual and not appearing online longer than usual.

Majority modern men They are so lacking in initiative that they are ready to be satisfied with one fascinating correspondence, without ever bringing the communication to a logical continuation. Therefore, if a girl believes that the limit of her patience has been exhausted, the interlocutor needs to be pushed to decisive action . This can be done by arousing in him jealousy towards invisible “rivals” or by hinting that the lack of prospects in various life situations

tires and brings up unpleasant thoughts.

Receiving support from a girlfriend, a man asserts himself and can no longer do without the one who raised him to this high level. And if the girl he loves also arouses his curiosity, constantly stirring up interest in the relationship, such a union can be considered ideal.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina: I was especially saddened by my eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circlesand swelling. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?

But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes. But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery

? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself... Here's a woman to meet, they begin to meet, communicate, spend time, and then, quite unexpectedly, the relationship begins to deteriorate and the man disappears. And this is repeated several times. If this story is familiar to you, let's together look for the answer to the question of why this happens. The fact is that a man and a woman are different from each other, like summer and winter, like day and night. This means you need to communicate with them differently. The psychology of communicating with men is quite unique and requires a scrupulous approach. This is why psychology successful communication with men lies in the concept of “speaking their language.”

If we, the fair sex, manage to unravel at least some of the secrets of communicating with men, we can achieve great success in building excellent relationships between men and women. To do this, it is worth studying the male “language of conversation” and the principles of behavior. In addition, men and women perceive information differently. Therefore, in most cases, a woman speaks to talk things out, and a man enters into dialogue only “on business.”

Rules for communicating with men

Let's look at some basic rules for communicating with men:

  • men perceive everything in terms of solving problems. If a woman just wants to talk it out, a friend is more suitable for her. The man will immediately begin to give advice;
  • When talking, men are able to discuss one topic at a time. Women manage several topics at once (children, work, mother-in-law, shopping). Therefore, discuss one topic with a male interlocutor;
  • When talking, men look into the eyes of their interlocutor. This rule should also be observed;
  • men are simple, so they don’t notice the “subtext” in the conversation. If a woman wants something from a man, she should say so directly.

The art of communicating with men also lies in the correspondence of the selected image and the intended theme, because a man’s picture must match one hundred percent. For example, if a woman is going to business meeting, then for a successful transaction a good plus will be strict business suit, hairstyle and serious business manners. Then the man clearly understands what they came to him with and tunes in to serious conversation. Correct communication with a man leads to positive results in the intended purpose of communication, be it a business transaction or personal acquaintance with the hope of a long-term relationship.

Mistakes in communicating with men

There are well-known things that men can’t stand in women. To avoid mistakes, let’s look at the most common “female blunders”:

  • men get irritated when the conversation starts with accusations. If this situation is repeated often, men prefer to distance themselves;
  • Men can't stand women's tears. It’s better to talk about everything in a businesslike manner - the result will be better;
  • men hate feeling shame. A woman is doomed to loneliness if she fails to learn this rule by heart;
  • You shouldn’t bother asking a man when he’s busy. It is worth noting here that interrogating him with the phrase: “what happened, why are you silent?” It's also not possible.

These rules are very simple, so if you want to achieve your desired goals in communicating with men, you should learn them by heart. The first communication with a man should be interesting, exciting and dynamic. So that there is a desire to meet again. Speak more men's themes, that is, those who interest him, and there is no point in talking about pink frills and blonde girlfriends at the first meeting. If the conversation is business, show your business skills as much as possible. Build clear and specific sentences. Feel free to shake hands when meeting and leaving.

Nowadays there is a lot of literature that gives a lot of tips and advice, and also reveals the secrets and features of communicating with men. I especially want to mention authors like Allan and Barbara Pease, who have published many excellent books on this topic. Almost all the answers are about how much different man and woman can be obtained from the book "Men and Woman, the Language of Relationships" by Allan and Barbara Pease.

The human world is fairly divided into men and women. But they not only have to, but sometimes it is very useful to communicate with each other. Colleagues, friends, classmates and comrades in various fields, brothers and uncles - all this. This means you need to be able to communicate with them.

Communicating with a man is not easy. You need to constantly keep in mind several rules of communication until the ability to speak correctly with the opposite sex is developed to the point of automaticity. A friend comes up - we chat about our own, girlish things. A guy approaches and it’s as if a completely different style of communication comes into play. Which one?

First, a couple of tips regarding the psychology of communicating with men:

  • They have much less need for communication than women.

Typically a woman needs one and a half times a day more communication, how opposite sex. Perhaps it’s worth stopping in time before “loading” him with “extra” conversation.

  • Keep your communication goal in mind.

Representatives of the stronger sex are usually famous for this, but if you want to communicate with a young man successfully, for a long time and often, you will have to talk to the man correctly. This means that if you really want to just chat, if you start a conversation “just like that,” warn your conversation partner about this. That from this conversation he does not need to catch hints, wishes, questions and requests.

  • Speak directly, not in hints.

There is perhaps nothing worse for a man than trying to piece together twenty separate facts uttered by a woman in half an hour in order to find the twenty-first. What is not said does not exist. Therefore, speak clearly and directly about your desires and the situation at work. Don't make him guess.

  • Remember different tactics, and don’t be offended by your partner’s communication strategy.

Where he prefers to force and buy, the woman seeks to charm or win over her interlocutor.

Topics suitable for communicating with men

  • you need to talk not only in his “language” and in his ways, but also about what interests him.

Women gossip about household chores, new clothes, sales, housekeeping and all kinds of relationships - at work, at home, with relatives...
To a man, these conversations, to put it mildly, resemble annoying buzzing, childish chatter “about nothing.” They talk about important things - about football, politics, work, real and imaginary matters (what can be done). If you are not ready to support such a conversation, think that this may not be necessary if you know how to listen.

  • Talk about the man's success.

Psychologists have found that men, even the most infantile male representatives, love to talk about their successes, while women discuss moments when they were, to put it mildly, not up to par. Don't talk about your current failures - better talk to him about his successes!

  • Feelings go inside, and thoughts too.

Surely you have noticed that in a conversation women discuss something, and right during the conversation they look for some final result. Guys do the opposite. They think, build logical chains, and only when they reach the end do they voice the result.

Men often don't like it when women talk without thinking. Therefore, do not provoke him in communication.

The same goes for feelings. They experience their feelings internally (don't think they are any less emotional!), and express final result: like – don’t like, want – don’t want.

  • Feel free to interrupt your interlocutor!

If you want to talk to a man correctly, interrupt him as often as he interrupts you. It comes to mind - express it. Because women's diplomacy is often perceived as weakness. As long as you let him talk - he actually thinks that you are soft, weak, or completely - you have nothing to say.

  • You only have 10-15 seconds!

The attention time allotted to a woman is the first 15 seconds from the start of the conversation. At this time, the man listens carefully to the woman. And then he turns on the automatic machine and begins to answer without specifying details. Start with vital important issue, “hook” him and talk about something specific. Don’t start “from afar” - while you are preparing the “listener”, he has already switched off...

How exactly to communicate with a man?

  • Reduce your criticism of yourself

Women are more likely to engage in criticism. They are skeptical about how important they are in society and whether they behave correctly. This is noticed much less often among the stronger sex. So don't start with a "submissive" or "guilty" line or even a mood.

Be confident in yourself, your worth and competence! Your role, which you have imposed on yourself, is a direct directive to a man on how to perceive you! Don't weaken your starting points in the conversation.

  • Keep your facts and narrative clear despite your doubts

Use less conventional “isn’t that right?” "Yes?" and avoid the subjunctive mood (“would”, “maybe”). Give clear information, even if you admit that things could have been different. They simply cannot handle all twenty probabilistic lines of conversation.

  • Brevity is the soul of wit.
  • Use a hard tone without hesitation

Men, it turns out, perceive a harsh tone quite adequately and without negativity. So women in vain try to communicate with them tenderly, softening even what they really don’t like.


First of all, remember how you act if difficulties suddenly arise in communicating with someone? That's right, you begin to accuse him of all mortal sins, definitely believing that it was he who caused the misunderstanding. It seems that the man is wrong, try to analyze the situation from his point of view. Try to think about how your partner or friend views this situation and your behavior in general. After all, it is not at all a fact that rights are always and in everything.

Try to express your admiration for his work, actions and actions as often as possible. appearance. Use the following principle: if you really want to say a “crooked” word to him, it’s better to remain silent, and if the reason for praise is very small, then it’s better to praise him. Men love compliments and can't stand criticism. And there’s nothing you can do about it, so you have to adapt. But in this way you can gradually build confidence that he is the kindest, most skillful, talented, etc. Accordingly, he, considering himself as such at your suggestion, will also change his attitude towards you for the better. A self-confident person is always more capable of worthy actions.

Politeness in dealing with strangers becomes for us unwritten rule since childhood. But it’s much easier to throw out all the dissatisfaction and indignation in the face of your relatives. Why not realize that your native man much closer than a store clerk? Perhaps the relationship will eventually generate responses positive changes with his hand?

Another rule that is always worth remembering is quite traditional: before you explode, try to mentally sing a verse of a song or simply count to ten. Yes, this does not always work out. But sometimes like this simple way helps stop potential grandiose ones in the bud.

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Men are known to love with their eyes. You may be a great conversationalist, but don't neglect your appearance. Yes Yes, smart women It also doesn't hurt to know how to dress stylishly. Update your wardrobe, change your hairstyle - changes in appearance always attracts attention. Grooming is a strong female trump card.

Be flirty! This way you will make it clear that you are ready to make contact. Flirting does not mean your easy availability; it has nothing to do with vulgarity and at the same time does not oblige you to anything. Smile, keep up the conversation on funny topics, show that you are a holiday girl and it’s easy to be with you.

At parties, don’t sit modestly in the corner simply because, in the opinion of your friends, your waist is not thin enough, and your eyebrows are not plucked properly. latest fashion. It doesn't really matter how good you are by today's standards. Beauty is a subjective concept, and in a relationship with a man, it is more important to establish communication rather than show off your charms without knowing how to carry on a conversation.

When communicating with a man, a woman must make it clear to him from the first seconds that he is not dealing with a street wench who is inferior to him in intelligence, but with a sufficiently literate woman, a conversation with whom he must take seriously. This, of course, dear women, will be necessary for those of you who really consider yourself such, regardless of what other people, including men, think about you. You can always change this opinion about yourself in the way you need. Observe certain rules in a conversation with a man and you will have a completely constructive dialogue with him, you will receive respect from the man and his sympathy for you. Let's see what these rules are.

First of all, every woman who has respect for herself and wants to be respected by the men around her should in no case feel inferior to them. You are their equal, you are not the weak half of humanity, but only the beautiful part of it, that is, you better than men, this will do. When communicating with men, a woman needs, first of all, to be straightforward, lay everything out as it is, unless of course this is the bitter truth about himself, I’m talking about the facts that you should present, and not your assumptions. In general, expressing your opinion is a problem for many people, regardless of their gender, it just so happens that this is observed more often in women, so give up on this, there is no need to draw your conclusions for others. The facts should be presented briefly, there is no need to describe the entire chain of events, briefly and to the point, no unnecessary chatter, men appreciate this.

In most cases, start the conversation with the main thing, if we are talking about business men, they especially appreciate it, put off all minor issues for later, you will discuss them after the decision main task. Of course, for this you need to be able to highlight the main thing that requires prudence and attentiveness from you, sometimes not interesting topic for a man, as well as for a woman, it is reflected on their face, and you don’t have to be an outstanding psychologist to notice this, since it is quite obvious. All you need to do in this case is simply look for another topic that may be more relevant for this situation, and you, in principle, can ask directly what interests your interlocutor in this moment, remember, men love directness. Both in the case of women and in the case of men, you, dear women, need to listen carefully to your interlocutor if he suddenly feels the urge to tell you everything that comes to mind. Men are different, you need to understand this, it’s just that they always want to see themselves as the master of the situation, a male with a capital M, but sometimes these males behave worse than any female, wagging their tongues left and right.

Smarter men talk little, but they love to ask questions, putting together a picture of your personality like a mosaic. And here, dear readers, I advise you to answer these questions very briefly and clearly, as men like to do. Try to answer questions with vague answers, that is, speak in general terms and be less specific. Well, if the questions themselves are posed more specifically, then, in principle, in this case you can answer a question with a question, this is, of course, if you are not talking about really technical details of the case. I recommend that you do this if the topic of your conversation does not relate to any specific case, but wears general character and they expect you to tell a story about your family, your attitude to life, your preferences, your attitude towards men, and so on. In general, there is no need to post everything that women usually like to post when answering questions that seem quite normal to them, there is no need for a man to know more about you than he should, a woman should always be a mystery.

Perhaps some moments will irritate your interlocutor, this is not excluded, but do not worry about this, in the vast majority of cases, it comes down to respect for you as a person, and not perceiving you exclusively as a woman, whose words many men can relate to not serious. Believe me, dear women, such behavior in no way detracts from your feminine qualities. What I mean is that you can have a similar conversation not only in business style, but also in the case of meeting a man. Business communication certainly requires such an approach on your part, but when dating you should be the same, especially for men you don’t know. Masculine nature sometimes it requires an argument and proof that he is a man, so if a man wants to argue, let him argue, give him the opportunity to feel like a lion, be restrained and calm. Argument is generally characteristic of an unconscious state, but most people remain in such a state. From a reasonable point of view, there is no point in arguing for either a man or a woman, because if you do not find a common solution, you just need to look for other points of contact, and an argument is essentially an attempt to break down the same gates, instead of looking for a secret passage.

Therefore, ladies, if you see that a man has his horns against the gate that he intends to break through, play along with him, tease him, let him puff, prove how smart he is. Speaking of intelligence, as you know, it is very important for a man to be smart. In general, it is important for him to be smart, strong and first everywhere, and therefore if you can highlight all these qualities in him, he can be said to be yours, because you control him emotional condition, focusing his attention on pleasant thoughts about himself. Yes, emotions are characteristic not only of women, but also of men, I mean those emotions that are capable of completely mastering a person. Therefore, elementary admiration on your part for such qualities as intelligence, strength, courage, solidity, importance, and exclusivity will melt him like a piece butter. A person is much more malleable than it seems at first glance, even if these are serious and careful man. So, as you can see, I told you everything in the order in which a conversation between a man and a woman usually takes place, with a focus, of course, on a business conversation, with less emphasis on a personal conversation, in which there are several more techniques, depending on what you need. But as you probably already guessed, I will write about this in the following articles.

In this same, dear women, I first of all orient you to the generality of your communication with men, taking into account their natural origin. It happens, of course, that there are men who completely lack masculine qualities, and it is impossible to find an approach to them in this way, they require a different approach to themselves, well then read the previous article about how to talk with women, this is an opportunity for improvisation. So anything can happen, women can also be masculine, therefore, rely on them feminine essence do not do it. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, talk to men, dear ladies, exactly as it is written in this article, since this method of communication has been repeatedly tested and has fully justified itself, including personal examples from my practice.

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