ways to eliminate mistakes in a relationship with a man. Secrets of male psychology. The principle of social proof

Yes, there is nothing of the kind, women were enslaved by men and it was so before the revolution, and this image is imposed by men because it is beneficial to them. The song of female happiness would be cute next to and, accordingly, nothing is needed - it was written by a man and this is the ideal for a man, which is far from reality, but as they say, dreaming is not harmful. Men receive huge benefits and only benefits and conveniences are sought by a man in a relationship. In our time, it comes to the fact that not only do men claim physical possession of a woman, such as having her as a cook, washerwomen, etc. but they also brainwash her and already forbid her to think on her own, and this is precisely what manifests itself in the constant washing of the brain about female role... Thus, women strive for complete slavery, and by the way they all want this for a bowl of stew and this is what they call love. If a woman does not agree to give birth at home from him like a sow for a bowl of stew, then they immediately scream what they say bad woman, but even if this unfortunate fool is ready for anything (there are no brains, then write wasted), then even this does not guarantee her any happiness. Meta had many such acquaintances who gave birth to three of them, and hubby said that he found better. In general, men are extremely cunning people and think only about the benefits for themselves, covering it up with love, this is a word that fools are being led to. He hangs work, households, children and, most importantly, his beloved on her, and lives happily ever after until the fool sees. Well, if she gives birth to a bunch of children, then I’m already a fool to be glad if only not to notice the depressing reality. Having put a woman home with the help of children, he deprives her of everything, absolutely turning her into a SLAVE OF HOME, while she does not pay her a pension, in her old age she is left with nothing for sitting with his children, her hobby career is over. In general, calculate how much you owe your wife - a cook, a cleaning lady, a nanny for the children and for yourself. Average statistical man not even half invested in the family. Thus, for everything that your wife does in the family, you have to pay for you. And in our time, a man at work supposedly works and comes home demanding some kind of super relationship give it, bring it, serve. Sorry guys, move over. A million times better work than being someone else's wife. Well, who in general deserves a woman to give birth from him. Think about what this means for a woman at least once. A peasant must be gold or platinum in order to give birth to at least one child from him. Well, why breed idiots and there are so many of them. Therefore, yes, your happiness is that there are still girls with confused brains, but they see their sight quickly and forever. So if you have a wife, pray that she does not mature.

A good man, however, is hard to find. Therefore, when this occurs, you need not to diminish your chances with these fatal mistakes.

Remember that the most attractive men met a lot of women, so they know what's what. Result? They disappear before you realize what you did wrong.

Here are 5 female mistakes that reduce their chances of getting the man they want (plus tips on how to avoid them):

Mistake # 1: Sharing Your Feelings Too Early

Men value their freedom and independence - it's not a secret. Because when you tell him that you love, he may be alert and think that you are from obsessive girls hanging on the neck and pulling in the registry office.

Therefore, there is no need to rush things. Don't fantasize prematurely about the future - these fantasies will be reflected in your behavior, even if you don't tell him about them. Do not hurry. With your confessions, you will not make him fall in love with you faster, rather, on the contrary. Let everything take its course.

Mistake # 2: Trying to push him to the next step too quickly

It's okay to ask about the status of your relationship: does he want more? Or is it just an affair? But remember that if you start talking about the wedding before at least a year of the relationship, you can ruin all your chances of a future with him. If you don’t live together, you don’t have to constantly cook for him or help around the house. Do not impose - main principle the beginning of a relationship. It is true that most men are afraid of commitment, but if he doesn't want it now, that doesn't mean he doesn't want it at all. Just give it time and take your time.

Mistake # 3: being too approachable

Men love to be challenged rather than getting ready. You don't need to think that if you are always there, he will love you faster. Continue to live the life before him, devoting the same amount of time to your friends and hobbies - after all, this is how you attracted him.

Mistake # 4: not being yourself

Men, all the more standing, love confident women with high feeling dignity... Unfortunately, women often try to guess how a man wants her to behave, tries to adapt to him, while he wants her to just be herself.

Mistake # 5: appealing too much to his sexual side

When a girl pays too much attention to how attractive she is to a man outwardly, she tries to seduce him with her figure, revealing outfit or makeup, a man is unlikely to consider her for long term relationship... Attract with your inner personality, but of course, do not forget about the appearance.

Rashid Kirranov "How to Fall in Love with a Man for Life? Or Don't Run After a Man, Let Him Run After You"

If you want to easily please a man, make him fall in love with you for life, marry him, never bore him and make sure that he does not cheat, while regularly courting you, giving flowers and taking care of you, then this book for you!

Chapter 1. How to understand which of the men is suitable for Serious relationships and who is not?
........ In order to attract a normal man into your life, in order to make him fall in love with you, and then successfully, to build a serious relationship, you first need to learn to understand which man is suitable for this, and which is completely does not fit. And after you learn to understand men and understand which of them is really normal, and who only does what creates a circus and window dressing around him, like Don Juan the homegrown, you still need to understand that you will not become that “unique and special ", Which will" correct and guide such a man on the right path. " Well, more on that below, and now let's start describing such men who are completely unsuitable for making you truly happy. Although, every woman has her own understanding of happiness. But, as we wrote above, in this book we are talking about ordinary people, an ordinary man and an ordinary woman.

So, Don Juan is homegrown, he is completely unsuitable for a happy family life... How to distinguish a homebrew Don Juan from a man suitable for creating serious family relations? It's very simple ...

Chapter 2. Signs by which you can understand that you like a normal man.
...... Before you talk about the signs by which one can judge that a normal man likes you, a woman needs at least a little to instill in herself a taste for such people. To understand that you can get great pleasure from life and courtship with such men.

After all, one of the main reasons why normal men are not noticed by girls and women is that they are too inspired by the TV and books to images of someone with whom you can survive love adventures, and with whom it will be interesting in life.

Who do women pay attention to in the first place? Which men have many gazes at? These are the super-rich, the past fighting, v recent times foreigners enjoy great success, famous actors and singers, Don Juans, etc.

Of course, the effects of such a suggestion, imposed by television and novels, are greatly weakened with age, and the woman begins to see normal men who like her. However, sometimes with age ordinary men are not noticed and something unusual is looked for. Then a woman can constantly meet either with alcoholics, or with "unrecognized geniuses", or again with Don Juans.

The first sign is the "increased idiocy" of men.
All men are "idiots" - this is an axiom known to all women. However, when a man wants a woman to please, then the manifestation of this quality in him is greatly enhanced. I still want my wife to like me all the time, I think the conclusion is clear ... and how does she tolerate me?

This is, of course, a joke. Men are not idiots, however, the sense of humor and behavior when they want to please a woman, many of them, to put it mildly, are very peculiar and incomprehensible to women, therefore this impression is not created by chance.

Axiom. If a man has ceased to be an "idiot", then something is wrong in your relationship with a man. It doesn't matter if it's a relationship that is starting or you've been married for 20 years.

The second sign the fact that a man likes you very much is increased roughness and cockiness, sometimes resentment.

When I say that a certain ruffness and cockiness in a man is initial stage relationships are very strong sign the fact that he likes a woman, then most women look at me as a person who does not understand anything in life. They often even begin to argue. Therefore, I do not even post this information on our website " Sunny hands". Several dozen letters will come from women with the opposite position, detailed and well-grounded, you see, and will convince me.

Third sign- transformation. Transformation is clear sign that a man likes you a lot

Fifth sign- "passed by"

Sixth sign, one of the most obvious signs that a man likes you a lot. It is when.....

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Chapter 3. Frequent and gross mistakes in relationships with men.
In order not to spoil relations at the very beginning of their development and not worsen them later, you should avoid blunders, which, in my opinion, are quite obvious, but for some reason many women simply are not aware of it.

It's not so scary even that you make mistakes in relationships, but what they are. In principle, I have already written about them, but repetition is the mother of learning. In this chapter, I will present them as a small list with my own comments.

The first mistake- excessiveness in expressing one's feelings.

Second mistake is a pretense.

Third mistake... The desire to make a man jealous.
Many women think that jealousy stimulates a man to courtship and increases interest in her. They think that if a pack of suitors constantly curls around them, then men will appreciate and love them more.

This is one of major mistakes... And the strongest female delusion, which in general can be.
Why it happens? Because for women it is often the other way around, if a man is in great demand, then women become interested in such a man. Although under other circumstances, they would not even look at him.

The fourth mistake. Too gentle treatment of men.
The world of men is much more rigid than the world of women. Where women are silent, men swear. Where women fight, men can fight. And where women are fighting, men are already pulling out their pistols.

Therefore, when women think that men should be talked about in much the same way as with women (in terms of harshness), then this is a gross mistake.

You need to talk harder with men.

Chapter 4. How to please a man.
........ Now let's move on to how to actually please a man so much that he falls in love with you before losing any common sense and quickly, quickly would make you a marriage proposal. Then I would carry you in my arms for the rest of my life, give you flowers and gifts all the time, provide for your family, and so on, and so on.

Chapter 5. On whose initiative is a woman present in a man's life?
Allow the man to take the initiative, be patient, and only this will make the relationship an order of magnitude better.

As I wrote several times on the site, the nature of men is to seek a woman, not to be sought. If a woman begins to seek a man, to take the initiative, then, with rare exceptions, the man leaves immediately or after a couple of weeks.

AND it comes about the manifestation of initiative not only directly in relationships, but in general in life. For example, a bus comes up, you take your man by the scruff of his neck and say, "Let's go." After that, go to the door, the man is walking After you.

Chapter 6. How to make sure that a man never loses interest in you?
So, how can a man be constantly interested in his woman? This question is not so simple, and many women ask themselves. It's one thing to be interesting man several months of courtship, although not everyone succeeds in this, and it is quite another matter to be interesting for many years and decades life together.

And the constant interest of a man in his woman is very, very much for a family or even just for a long-term relationship.

Firstly, this is the absence of betrayal, because a man needs to constantly conquer his woman.

Secondly, it is connected with this and regular sex which has a rather big influence much more than many suspect.

Thirdly, a man's interest in a woman is just a different atmosphere of communication in the family. This is not a swamp of family life, but a mountain stream with crystal clear and fresh water.

How to maintain interest? This requires special techniques for communicating with a man. Some women have mastered them since childhood, watching their mother, some intuitively begin to master them already in more mature age(if the example in childhood was not very positive).

First- be a mystical riddle.

Even a woman endowed with great talents with strong character, huge knowledge and many skills, a man will quickly become boring, and not only a man, if she constantly speaks, speaks, speaks ...

What should you keep silent about with a man?

Second- be more alone. Some women talk and communicate with someone all the time. But let's see when the feeling comes to a woman inner strength and self-sufficiency, a sense of calmness and confidence?

Third- don't do everything .....

Fourth- play the games you are interested in ...

Fifth. Allow yourself to be periodically .....

Sixth - Golden Rule... Learn RIGHT .....

Chapter 7. How to keep a man? - Let him take a walk and get bored.
In this chapter, I just want to give an example with our four-legged friends. Here it is - the Dog loves to lie down in its kennel and lie down. And he doesn't like a leash, especially a short one.

A lot on the Internet and in women's magazines articles similar to the following: “A man is by nature a polygamist, so a woman must constantly change. Today to be one, tomorrow - another, and the day after tomorrow - the third. Only then, perhaps, there is some chance that the man will not lose interest in his beloved. "

After reading such articles, then women ask me: “How is it actually to be done, constantly being different? After all, the wardrobe of clothes is limited, and the set of character and knowledge of any woman is also limited. How to be different all the time? "

Chapter 8. How to make a man understand you?
..... Now let's talk about two main mistakes that occur both at the very beginning of a relationship and in subsequent family life.

The first mistake is when a woman expects a man to listen and “just chat with her,” like her friend, about problems.

The second mistake is hints and silence.

In general, demand all this from us, do not hesitate. Talk about it, demand calmly and confidently, when a man realizes what is important to you, he will do it with pleasure. In the first years of my life together, I could not understand in any way why all this hype around flowers, but now I am happy to give flowers to my wife, she is so happy! How can I now deprive myself of the pleasure of being a hero and a breadwinner, hmm, you can't wait.

Chapter 9. Encourage men's toys - and you are out of competition.
Men love to play all sorts of games and toys for which, or with which, you can run and hunt. Many male games for women are: "Well, just real nonsense!" Indeed, in many of them, men hurt each other very much (boxing, hockey), or do what can be done much easier and cheaper, fishing, for example. Or they do such "nonsensical" things as lifting the barbell back and forth, or throw out their arms and legs with a cry of "yayayaya". - I understand all this. However, I ask you to be gentle with men.

Without games, men quickly age, grow dull, become very boring, fat and lose interest in life and their the only woman... Therefore, there is no need to interfere men's games... It is better if the woman encourages them. Well, I'm not even talking about if she is interested in them and even participates in them a little. Such a woman immediately becomes several points higher than other women.

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19 mistakes with men. How to make him respect and love you?

19 mistakes with men. How to make him respect and love you?



I have tried to write this book in a way that is not too boring. If it seemed to you that somewhere I went overboard, then most likely I just forgot to draw a smile 🙂

In general, men are waiting for you. They themselves are looking for women, want to marry them and have children. (If not, there would not be tens of millions of families). Often you just need to not interfere with them, that is, remove some errors from the behavior.


This book is an encyclopedia the most frequent mistakes women who lead to the fact that a man ceases to respect and appreciate a woman... (This is often followed by a strong decrease in falling in love, since these feelings are interconnected in men)

If it happens to you that a man at the beginning of a relationship admires you, and after a while begins to treat you worse and worse, then this book is for you.

Men should not be treated in the same way as women. If you do this, then after a while they begin to be rude, leave, become indifferent, etc. Trust me, men definitely need to be in good shape.

But how to do that? How to keep a man in good shape? How to make him respect you and this respect only increases over time?

I have described for you 19 of the most common mistakes with men that lead to the loss of his respect for a woman. In each chapter, I, naturally, described how to behave in order to avoid this or that mistake.

By applying these rules in life, even with a lack of confidence and self-esteem (within a reasonable framework), you will be able to a short time see the results. Men will appreciate you much more. They will try to be close to you and get at least some of your attention. They will fall in love with you more and more. (Let me remind you that falling in love among men is rather strong degree depends on respect)

Read the book, put the tips into practice, and you will be amazed at how easy it is.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

Chapter 1. No need to feel sorry for the man.
No need to feel sorry for the man! Repeat this truth at least a couple of times a day for 10 years.

If you do the opposite, i.e. constantly feel sorry for a man and show sympathy for him, then I guarantee you that:
- The man will turn into a rag and pretty quickly.

For six months or a year, a woman can turn almost any man into a rag. And after it turns, this rag will sit on your neck and exhaust your nerves in the shortest time.
Men do not like pitying women, do not respect and often abandon them.

Chapter 2. No pride.
A man loves or at least respects (and these concepts are interconnected for a man) those women who respect themselves.

About pride and self-respect, how essential element, without which there is no love on the part of a man and respect, we will talk in this chapter.

Chapter 3. Obsession.
Obsession is one of the TOP mistakes women make when treating men. And this mistake always seems to me to be one of the most unfair. In addition, it is often not obvious to the woman herself.

Chapter 4. Dependence on a man.
If a woman has her own, albeit insignificant, source of income, then she is more independent from a man than if there is no such source of income.

Chapter 5. You should not put his interests above yours.

Chapter 6. Ability to behave in a difficult situation.
If you learn to go through difficult life situations, then you will increase his affection for you by 5 times, reduce the risk of cheating, divorce, the risk that a man will generally look at someone other than you.

A man is looking for a wife, to some extent a friend, for life on the assumption that such a woman is quite principled and rejects any direct or indirect attempts by men to buy her.

Chapter 7.
Unwillingness to understand the minimum legal intricacies.

It is very brief here. When a woman starts dating a man and, moreover, living with him in a registered marriage, then they have some rights and obligations.

Chapter 8. Corruptness.

Chapter 9. Stupidity in one form or another.
It is unambiguous that smart women men respect and love more than stupid ones, no matter what jokes are told. Men may dislike women with male character trying to fight in their field, overly proactive male type etc. but they always respect smart women.

V otherwise men would fall in love with women with a slight mental retardation, which, of course, is not.

Chapter 10. Infantilism, consumerism, selfishness.
What if you see infantile features in yourself?

What to do to gain more respect from a man more love and ensure that the man never wants to leave you?

The main and main thing in this case is the desire to stop being infantile, and not diligence, the technology of character change or something else.

Chapter 11.Lack of self-interest.
Men respect those people much more (in in this case it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman) who are interested in their life and who are proud of their interests.

Chapter 12. Inability to manage money.
Keeping a budget is pretty important quality for women. If you know how to do this, then you have an extremely useful skill for a man, even if the man himself knows how to spend money wisely.

I note right away that scandals over money often arise not so much because of low income, but because at some point there is no money in the family, and they are urgently needed. The same situation happens due to the lack of reserves, due to non-payment of absolutely necessary expenses on time and from thoughtless spending, and not so much because of income.

Learn to spend money wisely and gain more respect from a man and bigger world in family.

Chapter 13. Constant tantrums or the complete absence of tantrums.
Women's tantrum is not just tantrum. It’s not just a woman’s loss of control over herself. A mild hysteria is a powerful method of controlling a man, that is, it is a woman's most powerful asset.

Neglecting this technique is the same as voluntarily giving your salary (your asset) to the first person you meet, and then wondering why your life has gotten worse. (It is clear that without money it is worse)

Chapter 14.Don't let the man sit on your neck! Don't spoil men.
Many women, no matter how you write to them, no matter how you prove the obvious, they still try to treat men in about the same way as their girlfriends. That is, it’s good to be treated like a human being.

But it doesn't work with men. They need to be treated like a beast, and only then they understand something, or maybe they understand (: yes :).

Well, I went a little too far, but in general, a man, on average, needs to be treated much harsher and even, by the standards of some women (usually unmarried or deeply unhappy in marriage, who pull everything on themselves), cruelly, so as not to manage them, and so that they do not sit on your neck, do not dangle their legs, and do not shout that you are running slowly.

Chapter 15. Excessive activity and initiative.
I wrote about excessive initiative on the site "Sunny Hands" probably 100 times, no less. However, due to the importance of this principle and a fairly common mistake among women with initiative, I cannot get around it in this book.

When I write about excessive initiative and its extreme harm in relationships with men, then for some reason this particular point causes one of the most numerous and heated debates.

Ostensibly women's initiative- this is great, and the fact that I am writing about the uselessness of excessive initiative is a mistake.

Chapter 16. Stop in personal, professional and social development.
Men respect and fall in love with developed or developing personalities(whatever is meant by this) and stop falling in love with those women who stop developing and, accordingly, their abilities somehow decrease or are completely lost.

Chapter 17. Failure to claim privileges and personal space.
For girls who do not yet have permanent man, this chapter may seem a bit contrived. After all, they already have a lot of free time, usually a sea of ​​personal space. Even if a man begins to demand something and clamp down on your free time, then you can just drop it and look for another.

However, for other girls and married women, this problem is one of the most pressing. If there are also small children in the family, then it so happens that a woman, in principle, does not have free time to be alone, to meet with a friend on neutral territory, to just walk alone.

There are many families where women do not have at least a few hours a week of free time for YEARS. And it would be fine if the situation was critical. For example, there is very little money in the family, it is necessary to work, there is no husband and there is no one to help from the parents. However, we are talking about the usual relatively prosperous families where there is a husband and parents on both sides are alive.

Everything is good, except for chronic fatigue from the fact that you cannot find at least half an hour a day for yourself.

Chapter 18. Too strong addiction from someone else's opinion.
All of us, men and women, depend on the opinions of others and quite strongly. We depend on the opinions expressed in films and books. We depend on the opinion of our neighbors. We depend on the opinion of our parents.

It is impossible to avoid this, since a person is so constructed.

However, too strong dependence on someone else's opinion (no matter whose) - speaks of a lack of psychological stability, of the inability to think independently under the authority of someone else's opinion, of too strong suggestibility, uncertainty, and maybe something else.

Being too dependent on someone else's opinion can significantly reduce a man's sense of respect for you. Conversely, relative resistance to other people's opinions is a definite plus for a man to respect you.

Chapter 19. Self-doubt.
Lack of self-confidence greatly reduces the respect for a woman on the part of a man in principle, and, importantly, self-doubt reduces a woman's attractiveness and her chances of a successful marriage. (Actually, happiness in the family)

from the chief editor of the project "Sunny Hands", Anastasia Guy:“I have always liked the work of Rashid Kirranov. But his A new book“19 mistakes with men. How to make him respect and appreciate you? " exceeded all my expectations!

At the beginning, I wanted to write a large, detailed review of the book about how every day I was waiting for new chapters that the author sent to email to immerse yourself in learning and understanding for a while male world... I wanted to write about how sad I felt from the fact that there was no such literature before. And how joyful it is that in our time knowledge about men is becoming available to many girls and women.
I wanted to write a lot in this review. But when I started writing it, I realized that no words, not even the most detailed annotation, will convey the full depth and thoughtfulness of this book.
The only thing I wanted to tell you is that the book "19 mistakes with men" is one of the best books from R. Kirranov.
At one time, I was deeply impressed by the first part of this book “23 Mistakes with Men. Mistakes on first dates. " The new book finally turned my idea of ​​men upside down, helped to see the mistakes that I made in my relationship with my husband, helped to better understand myself, become more confident, consolidate correct actions and begin to get rid of those habits that are harmful.
The most important thing about 19 Mistakes with Men is that it fits both married women and girls who are still in search of their soul mate. "

Best regards, Anastasia Guy.

The book is like a cold shower. All to be honest. Everything is correct. Most often it is unpleasant to see yourself from the outside. But effective. I haven't read anything like it before. I read it. She put it aside. pondered. A year later I returned to this book again. And she was surprised. After all, thanks to you Rashid, or rather your advice, my relationship has changed dramatically.
Now my husband runs after me, looks after me, helps. And most importantly, he respects me.
Thanks. Thanks. And thanks again for the book 19 Mistakes With Men.

To say that you liked the book is to say nothing. It's not pop music to please or dislike. The book "19 mistakes with men" was very useful to me. I reread it periodically, especially when there are some problems with my beloved.

I also like Kirranov's book "12 Secrets of Managing Men." Give many thanks to the author for his work and his good advice.

I read his book “19 mistakes with men. How to make him respect and love you ”! Many thanks auto RU! As always, all ingenious is simple!

I am very glad that I came across your site, I will recommend it to my friends !!!

First, I want to express my deep gratitude to Rashid Kirranov for his wise books, articles, tips, I read them and never cease to admire! It helps a lot to calm down, understand, decipher and realize many of the actions of the second half and even your own) The books are read in one breath, they are written very competently, in a structured way, and you cannot imagine more precisely with examples! I have read many different books and articles, and only yours reach the depths of my soul ... Thank you!


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Surely every woman, even the brightest and most stunning woman, found herself in a situation where a man did not value her and did not appreciate her. That is, her significance for a man was rather low, despite external beauty, attractiveness and good character.

If on initial stage Since the importance of a woman is low, such a relationship will not be serious and durable. Often, such relationships do not go further than meetings once a week, and a man sometimes even openly says that he does not see a woman in the role of a wife and does not want to build a serious relationship with her. He does not develop them in any way and does not strive for anything, since he does not value a woman at all and does not value her.

It happens that the significance decreases already at the stage of serious and permanent relationship... A man loses interest, begins to show disrespect, cheat. In a couple, more and more quarrels and disagreements appear and, as a result, the relationship is broken. This is, again, due to a decrease in the importance of this woman for a man.

And often women themselves lead to the result due to a banal misunderstanding male psychology... Rather, women often believe that they know and understand men, but the disastrous result speaks for itself.

Secrets of male psychology. The principle of social proof

There are no unsolvable situations in relationships with men! In order to properly build relationships with men, you need to understand that no matter what this moment nor was your importance in the eyes of your man, no matter how he treats you now - EVERYTHING and ALWAYS can be changed! And your value can be easily increased!

How to do it?

There are 5 main levers of value in relationships with men, and one of them is the principle of Social Proof. This principle was described by Robert Cialdini in his book "The Psychology of Influence". The book describes how this principle works from a slightly different angle, but it also works very strongly in relationships with men!

And before we go directly to the application of the principle of Social Proof, you must learn one very important thing:

Every man does not want his ONLY ONE WOMAN (according to the principle: inferior ... ..but mine!), Every man wants the BEST WOMAN!

Or, more precisely, the best one Available to him. That is why Angelina Jolie is not your competitor. But how can your man determine that you are the one best woman?! Remember the beauty and talent contests. Remember how the most beautiful and most talented girl is determined at these contests. The winner is the one with the most VOTES!

Is the winner of the competition always the most beautiful and most talented of the participants? - No not always! But despite this, who are the oligarchs fighting for to marry her ?! - for the winner!

But why? After all, she is not the most beautiful and not the most talented ?! After all, all the participants are beautiful and attractive! And the thing is that the winner has Social proof that she is the best, that she is already highly valued, that she has already been chosen! And it also works in a relationship with your man.

How to behave with a man so that he loves and appreciates

To increase your value for him, to become the number one woman in his life - just show him that you are ALREADY loved and appreciated by other men, or it was in the past. And your importance will rise to heaven in his eyes! And at the same time, you can remain what you are, both externally and internally.

And most importantly, remember: There is always social proof!

This principle works every second in communication with any man. The only difference is: he works for you - increasing your value, or against you - lowering your importance in the eyes of a man.

The principle of social proof is one of the 5 main tools for adding value in relationships with men. And you need to apply it CORRECTLY and IN TIME. This is not a panacea. And relationships are a system! The system can work only when all the elements of the system are in good working order.

You can learn more about how you can apply the principle of social proof in communication with your man, as well as about other levers of value adding, you can learn from free book « The whole truth about men that most women do not know "

Rustam Rezepov. A well-known specialist in relations in Russia. Author of 6 trainings, 3 books and more than 200 video lessons on the topic of building happy relationship and the psychology of men falling in love. His intensive trainings such as "I will be loved" ,"Beloved man at your feet" (and others) are very popular and in demand.

Be loved and happy!

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