Parting words from a father to his daughter at a wedding in his own words. Congratulations on the wedding day of your youngest daughter in prose. Congratulations from parents in prose in your own words

Men aren't supposed to cry at all
But I probably won’t hold back my tears now
From happiness for the wedding, for my daughter’s joy,
After all, I’m giving my daughter in marriage.

Protect her, son-in-law, from all troubles and misfortunes,
Give her care, love and warmth.
May happiness always live in your home,
And as a father, my heart is light!

As a father, congratulations on your wedding
I want to read it to you in verse.
Wise, simple instructions
I thought of giving it to you today!

If a quarrel suddenly arises, remain silent,
Don't rush to say the words.
Never sulk, don't scream,
And the resentment will go away on its own!

So that love always blooms,
It must be carefully preserved.
Don't let anger into your souls
And love will live there forever!

Children, today you have set foot on the path of life together, so let this road for you always be happy, kind and, if somewhere it is slippery or slushy, be sure to support each other. Accept your father's wishes good health, strong love and a strong connection between you. May neither the winds of fate, nor the envy of people, nor the circumstances of life be able to break you, may harmony and mutual understanding always reign in your family. Advice and love to you, children.

You are incomparable today
White suits you.
And I'm a little lost:
Your husband is leading you now.

For me it’s always you, daughter,
You will be young.
I wish very much
I was always happy.

May there be happiness on your tree
Troubles do not grow, bad weather,
And always its fruits
They seem to taste the best.

Today I am immensely
Cheerful without end.
Attend a children's wedding -
Happiness for the father!

On your wedding day I wish you:
Money suitcase,
A sea of ​​laughter, a cartload of success,
A kilogram of happiness.

Millions of adventures
Hundred for long years,
A pound of health, a pound of luck,
Thousands of victories.

To make the fairy tale come true,
May you always be lucky
So that you love each other
In spite of all the winds!

On a magical day we became related
You guys have two rings.
Take care of the feeling tenderly -
Here is a promise to you from your father.

May the family prosper
Let the union be true,
Let the children become soon
The result of sweet bonds.

Dear children,
Without hiding tears of joy,
At the wedding with all my heart
I admire your happiness.

Grew up and building
You are a new family,
More life than you,
Dear ones, I love you.

I wish there was a family
Your strong, friendly,
Father will always help
If necessary.

I wish that love
You took care of yours,
And the happiest
We were able to become in life.

I am very happy to congratulate you on your wedding day,
My beloved, dear children!
Your eyes are shining so joyfully now,
This means your union will be very strong!

I wish to always carry love in my hearts,
So that you know happiness, forgetting sorrows forever,
Then you can be together without much difficulty,
Get everything you dreamed of!

Dear ones, happy wedding day! I wish you happiness
May there be no end to the bright joy,
Love will bloom like the sky, big,
And here is another instruction from your father:

Appreciate each other, always help,
Give hope for glory days,
Take care and respect your feelings,
Then they will be with you forever!

Wedding - excitement, bright joy,
Songs, fun, mountains of gifts.
So that everything in life works out for you,
It's time for me to wish you, kids.

As a father, I am very, very excited
I don't even know how to tell you everything,
But I hope there is a path prepared for you
The one on which it is fortunate to walk!

Young with love
I congratulate you on your wedding day,
Live happily together
I wish you all your life!

So that my grandchildren
You soon rewarded
So that they can live soul to soul,
We preserved respect and love for each other!

The little girl who slept on her daddy's lap with a teddy bear in her arms has grown up. Today she stands at the altar in wedding dress shimmering under the restrained rays of the sun. In the life of every father there comes a moment that he, without showing it, is afraid of: from now on, his own blood will go to someone else’s house, being a bride, then being a wife, and then becoming the mother of her own family.

Despite this, the father, of course, is happy with all his heart for his girl, because she is truly happy with a man behind whom she will be like behind a stone wall. He will give his blessing before the wedding day, even being confident that only the father can take the best care of his baby.

Beloved and loving dad for the entire six months that remains until the wedding day, she prepares a speech and congratulations, rehearsing, nervously, coming up with new metaphors, comparisons, epithets, which are perfectly suitable for her daughter. The moment of parting has arrived.

The father's blessing and congratulations truly mean a lot to the bride. When choosing a future husband, giving him preference among other guys, boys, guys, young people, Young lady She was guided by the image of her own father, who had been an example all her life. It might be important for her that her father agrees with the chosen one, the one to whom the “little father” is going to give his heart.

Obviously, in the afternoon, when the groom asked for the hand and heart of his beloved, a joint dinner was celebrated: the parents of both parties and children were present during the solemn hour. The father of the bride should not show his fears about his son-in-law “without five minutes”, because two pairs of eyes are looking at him with trepidation. Receiving a blessing is essential for young man, claiming to be the girl’s husband.

This divine evening is a real ceremony, with the expectation that both parties will be “satisfied.” To get rid of the unnecessary tension that will one way or another reign before the wedding, it is necessary for the moment of blessing and congratulations to pass without a hitch.

Blessing Ritual

Immediately before the start of the daughter’s wedding, the bridegrooms and parents future wife seclude themselves, choosing for this separate room. The blessing ceremony takes place after the bride ransom. There is no single “scenario”, because there may be changes based on religious considerations. According to tradition, the speech is given by the father of the bride. For example: “My mother and I congratulate you on this day and bless, daughter, your marriage with...”.

The father declares to the groom: “From now on, custody of our priceless daughter is entirely on your conscience as her future husband.” If we're talking about about a young couple for whom religious customs are not of particular importance, the betrothed and his bride can, standing in front of their beloved father, on their knees listen to his blessing, with their heads bowed.

Wedding speech from father of the bride

The wedding ceremony is an exciting day for more than one bride. Parents also accept. They are greatly worried when they release their chick from the nest into adult life, full of shocks, stormy seas and where no one can lay straw over the hole into which the girl and her husband can fall.

It's no secret that the lady's cool, calm-looking father is no less nervous than his electrifying, exciting dove. Representatives of the fair sex will certainly shed tears, being touched. The wedding day, marked in the calendar with a scarlet, blue-crimson, even somewhat bloody, color, is associated with a moment: his little girl emerges from under her father’s wing, intending to create a new unit of society.

In order for the father’s parting speech of blessing and congratulations to remain in the memory of the daughter, her husband, and guests for a long time, it must be thoroughly thought out in advance, otherwise the excitement that comes up like a lump in the throat can interfere with the crucial moment. It wouldn’t hurt to think through the facial expressions that accompany speech.

Components of speech

In principle, dear daughter can be pronounced in two forms: either on the father of the family’s own name, or in cooperation with the girl’s mother. First of all, it is worth addressing the guests, thanking them for gathering here and now to share the joy of the wedding and birth new family. You can recall a couple of touching incidents from your daughter’s life, telling how proud you are of her. Of course, you need to contact the parents of your daughter’s future husband, sincerely saying: “Thank you” and not forgetting congratulations, thanking you for their son - a wonderful person.

Express your joy: on your wedding day you will purchase new member families.

Remember how nervous you were during matchmaking, about n years ago. When citing your own marriage as an example in your speech, remember: it must be successful. After years of living side by side, jokingly share the “secret of happiness”, unobtrusively giving the couple recommendations, and then wish joyful moments on behalf of the father and mother of the bride new cell society.

Example of a wedding speech

I am infinitely glad, because my daughter managed to meet on this huge planet ideal man to whom she has affection the most tender feelings and adores him. I would like to wish them love for life and please accept my congratulations.

A speech of congratulations and blessings from the father of the bride - both the daughter and the groom are ready to give a lot for him, preparing for the most epochal day in their lives. It is important that dad be prepared for his speech on the upcoming wedding day. Then the union, which began on a beautiful note, will be strong and long, and no adversity will be terrible for the young couple.

Valentine's Day is coming soon, which means a lot of weddings. A father has two daughters at his wedding important roles. “Pay for the entire banquet” and make a short speech. Sometimes this is called a toast, but the essence remains the same - for the father of the bride this is one of the most important points in his life.

The problem is that sometimes men consider expressing their feelings to be something “abnormal.” And such a performance becomes a serious test for them. Father of five and bestselling author of Power Dads, Vaian Parker, doesn't share this stereotype. For those who want to say something warm my own daughter, but cannot find the words, he offers three options for his father’s speech. And he adds: each of them can be used as a basis for building your own.

First speech. Protocol.

When I look at this sweet girl in a stunning white dress, I remember what kind of girl she once was and wonder what beautiful woman became. From the day she was born she was daddy's daughter and remained a princess to me.

She always brought joy to my mother and me. And although not every day was perfect, our love for her remained perfect.

Today she starts new life with a wonderful young man. I see joy and love in her eyes that I have never seen before. And I want everyone present here, just like me, to wish the bride and groom all possible happiness, many years of joyful and happy life- as husband and wife.

Second speech. Sympathetic.

I have been waiting for this moment for more than 20 years. I can't say I thought about him often. Because most of the time I tried to do everything so that my daughter would not make such serious decisions too early. But I always understood that such a day would come and every time I thought about what I would wish for my little girl and her chosen one.

In all her years school life she was surrounded by love. She always cared about other people. She always tried to find something good in people and helped them understand how important they are. Now all her wonderful feelings are focused on the man with whom she has decided to spend her life.

Now the love, compassion and energy that she shared with loved ones will be directed towards her husband. And their union will be a truly strong partnership and friendship. From now on and forever.

Over time, this union of (name of the bride) and (name of the groom) will bring children into the world and into their family. (bride's name) will be an amazing mother who will pass on her compassion and determination to her children. And who wouldn’t want to have such a beautiful, talented and loving mother?

This new couple in front of you are two amazing personalities and together they become new family. Always love each other, do not rush to blame, rush to forgive and share everything with each other. Be best friends each other. If anything threatens to diminish the importance of your partner, immediately abandon it. Open your hearts to each other and remember that family should always come first. May God bless your union and bring you great joy. From now on and forever.

Third speech. The best

Weddings, like births, mark a new milestone in everyone’s life. The day when I took (name of the bride) from the maternity hospital was the beginning of a new stage of life for me. Feeling like the father of a girl is an amazing and at first a little scary feeling. But then the love I felt for her helped me overcome all my doubts and fears and become a father worthy of such a daughter.

Now we are standing again new feature. . (name of the bride) and (name of the groom) ...begin their new stage life. Similar to that like me, they are most likely shocked by this new reality, but all fears and worries will gradually disappear as the relationship builds. A relationship that I believe will stand the test of time.

Always be honest with each other. Share your joys and sorrows. Love each other. Laugh more often. Be each other's best friends. Always speak politely to each other, even when you are alone. And if something goes wrong, forgive whenever you are asked to do so. Family life is a great adventure. And you have now just begun it. Although each of you is an individual, your vows make your union more important than each of you individually.

Someday, if you are as lucky as I am, you will see new life appear in your family. And this will be the beginning of another new stage in life - full of expectations and fears. Bring into this new relationship the love you have for each other and you will find a joy that words cannot describe.

Now, surrounded by your families and friends, you are starting something new and amazing. Remember your promises, keep them with all your heart and you will be destined to experience joy and a sense of wonder that you have never known before. From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you and wish you all the best in this latest adventure that life has to offer you.

My father and I stand alone,
We are marrying off our daughter.
We want to hug you
Wish you a sea of ​​happiness.

So that my husband loves me very much,
I respected you and appreciated you.
May success follow you
We are looking forward to our grandchildren most of all.

Once upon a time, long ago,
We have you.
We didn't know then
What a miracle you were born.

I grew up, I got my thoughts,
She became very beautiful.
And so you got ready to get married -
They didn't bother you.

We wish you, daughter,
IN family life happiness,
Let your husband love you and protect you
From troubles and misfortunes.

May your home be warm to the brim
Filled with love
Let the children be obedient,
Wealth and health!

Our dear daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We are happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, to see how touchingly you hold your husband’s hand. We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Good luck to you!

Dear daughter,
We wish you:
Let there be prosperity
Always in your family.

Let your husband be proud of you
Let the house be warm.
And let the daughter be born,
Well, son later.

Let them be happy
Both father-in-law and mother-in-law.
Live together, children.
Advice and love to you!

How quickly you became an adult.
The years have flown by.
I led you to school by the hand,
It was like yesterday.

And today you put on a veil,
Having stepped on the threshold of a new life,
Maybe I didn't manage to do much,
May God help you in life.

I wish you true love for the rest of your life,
Be happy, my children,
I hug you tenderly
And I wish you strong family.

We wish you to preserve that feeling
What is called love.
To know all the joys of life,
That they appear before you again.

So that your husband protects you,
He was a support for the family.
You understood each other
With just one glance.

Warmth of family comfort
You, daughter, always protect.
And affection, tender care
Give yours to your loved one.

So you, daughter, have become a bride,
You are creating your own family.
Be the most faithful and honest to your husband,
Keep respect for him.

For him, be you the most beloved,
He protected and took care of you.
Remember, you can handle a lot
Only together, loving each other!

Our dear girl,
You've already become an adult,
In a white dress, a ring on her finger,
Tears of joy, happiness in the soul.

Take care of each other, keep each other
Help everywhere and always,
Let understanding into your heart,
Let trouble pass by.

In my dreams you're still a baby
I read books to you in the evenings,
And you are already a bride, dear,
Beautiful, beloved, dear!

I wish you happiness beyond measure,
Conscious, deep, strong faith,
So that you share joys and pains,
And it’s true that we lived very peacefully!

So that you love each other deeply,
Neither rain, nor snow, nor blizzard separated you,
They didn’t forget their parents,
And they came to visit us with their grandchildren!

How beautiful and gentle you are!
The ring shines, the hand trembles a little.
Today you wore a white dress.
Instead of a hairpin - a light veil.

I wish you, daughter, happiness and good luck,
And endless devoted love!
Solve all the problems of fate together,
God bless you and bless you!

Today we boldly let you go
To the happiest adult life.
Beautiful daughter, in this white dress,
Around the hall you're in wedding dance circling.

Let the family road be easy,
Let the path not bring misfortunes and troubles.
Be strong and brave and cunning and dexterous,
And may the angels help you.

We wish you peace and joy, light,
Support mutual and strong love.
Beautiful couple.. You couldn't be happier!
May God preserve your union forever.

The dad at the ceremony acts not only as one of the parents, it is he who leads the bride to the altar and passes her down the aisle. Congratulations on the daughter’s wedding from her father contain great and sincere feelings.

He gives his beloved daughter to his husband and at the same time wishes the newlyweds great happiness and pure love. On the wedding day, the bride's parents realize that the child has left their home and is starting his new life. For young people, wishes from their closest and dearest people are a very exciting and touching moment. And for the bride, this is practically goodbye to old life under the wing of mom and dad. Page 1 of 5 In my distant childhood, I once heard a fairy tale,
About how a maiden loved a young man.
And he loved and was affectionate with the girl,
Fate sealed their wedding vow... We wish you much happiness,
Let them pass in life
Any bad weather. You, my daughter. you go to someone else's house.
Let him become more dear every year. And everything that appears before you there,
Let it be sunshine and honey for you... Congratulations to your daughter on her wedding,
So that everything is honey with my husband,
So that everything in life makes sense... My dear daughter,
You are now with a good husband,
And I need a son-in-law just like him...
I’m giving you in marriage, my own daughter!
And it seems that only recently breastfeeding,
I carried you in my arms!
And I alternate joy with excitement,
And I can’t find words, I can’t feel my feet under me... My dear daughter,
You are now with a good husband,
And I need a son-in-law just like him...

Don’t forget, dear, just one thing: You need to live together... More more congratulations from your father you can download for free as a collection. So that you live in happiness,
Need with a joyful attitude
Everyone in the house is doing business!
Give your husband a holiday more often!
Every day for a bowl of laughter,
And the harmony of the tub!
Wedding congratulations from the bride's parents
Look how important he walks with the bride!
Today calling her a sweet wife
A beautiful daughter, as in the famous song,
He takes it with him in a smart car.
And with a gesture beautiful bride, saying goodbye,
Waves to my father and me, smiling out the window
And in the bright distance their cortege, dissolving,
Everyone will remember it like a plot from a movie.
And you promise, we ask you and your father,
Don't forget about us in your new life. Let at least eight grandchildren be born. And with this news, call us first!
Author: Karachevskaya
Wedding congratulations to the newlyweds from the bride's parents
You simply cannot recognize your dear daughter - a cloud and an angel, next to your dear son-in-law.
Congratulations, children, and we wish you
Let the sun shine only through your window. To grace, peace and goodness
Your quiet, bright house was always full,
Let the tramp of children's feet always sound in it,
And trouble will not proudly appear on the threshold.
All your ideas, plans and dreams
They will come true, like in a fairy tale of wondrous beauty,
There will be joy and comfort in the family - May your hearts never tire of singing with happiness.
Live years of sweet love,
Let your passion in your blood not subside. Well, we will always help you with everything - The door to your father’s house is always open. Wedding poem from the bride's parents
Now comes the moment of excitement
And unexpected maternal tears... Daughter bride - how to believe it?

Except for the bouquets of these roses... Well, when did you grow up, baby? When did life fly by?.. I remember all your toys, books - How you strived to grow up. And now you sit as if in a fairy tale,
Gently holding your husband’s hand - And you don’t believe your happiness,
And the eyelashes tremble sweetly...

Congratulations on the daughter's wedding from her father

Preparing for one of the most important events life takes a lot of time and mental strength, and if this is a congratulations on the daughter’s wedding from her father, then even more so. For daddy, a daughter always remains a small, defenseless and tender baby who requires increased attention and worries.

When the head of a family gives his child into the hands of a stranger, a certain amount of mistrust naturally arises - no one will love the girl as much as her own eternal admirer. But the wedding time comes, the parent must find important and worthy words for the newlyweds.

Of course, his speech will be focused on the bride, for whom the most intimate memories and compliments are reserved. From a man who raised a beautiful young woman, it is worth hearing wishes for the groom.

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose

So the third wedding took place at Solovnika 30.
2011. I prepared for this event in advance and wrote down on the computer all the most important words that I wanted to convey to the newlyweds. In addition, I learned the song “My Daughter” by Arkady with the guitar
Kuchiersky. After its execution most of in the hall they were wiping away the tears that had come out. Even the witness said that he had not cried for three years, but now he could not hold back a tear. My beloved son, who was the king of the bell at the wedding (he rang when he thought it was time to pour and drink), was also very emotional. On close-up a videographer captured the moment. Then I heard his words: “I thought I was the best, but dad is the best.” Give,
God, happiness to my dearest people on this earth - children!!!
You can watch the recording of the song and congratulations in prose, recorded on video. At the wedding, the toastmaster worked together with the musician. Therefore, taking advantage of the moment, I performed a few more songs on the electric guitar.

All of them will also be presented on the site over time.

Congratulations on the wedding day of your youngest daughter in prose

Yulenka and
Sasha, the brightest, most joyful and happiest moment in your life has come. You start your life with a clean slate. I would like to wish you a lot, and of course only good and wonderful things.

Family relationships are kept on a chain - on love, trust, respect, fidelity, understanding, common goals and interests... If even one link breaks, the whole chain will break. Make respect for each other a priority.

Do not try to re-educate and remake your beloved half in your own way. Any education must begin with yourself. Less insults and reproaches, more forgiveness and encouragement. Remember: every person is a unique personality, this

If you don’t think so, drive this person away from your life. There is a diamond in each of us. And if he is given a cut - to engage in self-improvement, constantly learn, create, build, desire and act very strongly.

Over time, this diamond will sparkle with its brightest facets. I have never had good advisers and mentors in my life. But now I know the person who can best help in any life situation.

If you want to get to know him, then go to the mirror. Only you yourself can turn your life into a beautiful, happy and beautiful one. Only you yourself are the architects of your own happiness.

Life is very long, but it goes by very quickly. Beware of an idle life, set goals for yourself and achieve them. Dreams come true, and thoughts are material. Remember this and successfully apply it in your life. Dust or glory will remain after us, during our lifetime it is our right to choose.

I also want to wish you a joyful life. Let there always be laughter in your home, and, over time, always children’s laughter. If you put the troubles of children on one side of the scale, and on the other - the joy and happiness that they bring, then the second scale will significantly outweigh.

I would like to wish you to live your life without problems, but this does not happen even in fairy tales. And you should know that it’s not the problems that are scary, but the wrong attitude towards them. What happened, happened.

If you can’t fix the situation, then don’t worry. Moreover, failure is a prerequisite for great success. Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger and wiser.

Don’t live like everyone else, don’t envy anyone, be bright, extraordinary personalities, always remain hungry and reckless. This is the only way to shine like bright stars and leave your mark on the earth.

I wish you the best in this life, and you can achieve and achieve anything if there is a fire burning in your chest strong desire. And today all my children are present at this celebration of the birth of a new young family.

I want each of them to pass my words through their hearts. I have the best children in the world, and they chose the most worthy and just as beautiful.

Yulenka and
Sasha, I believe that your life will be long, happy and sweet, but we, parents, although we are happy for you today, are still a little
You can listen
Congratulations and wishes in prose on your wedding day, recorded on a podcast. Related materials: Wedding wishes from parents in verse * Congratulations
Dima at 17 years old
The site was created in 2010. Reprinting of materials is possible only if you provide a link to and with the permission of the author.

Wedding congratulations to the bride's parents

After all, your daughter has found a husband,
Let her family be like a fortress,
And her life will be full of happiness.
Don't be sad for a minute,
After all, today you found a son,
And soon your grandchildren will chirp,
Give them the warmth of your soul.
And now the bride is so beautiful
She's wearing a dress as white as a flower.
You are not sad for a second,
After all, she is under her husband’s wing,
She will be very happy in life,
Their home will be filled with joy.
She's as good as an angel in a wedding waltz,
After all, her soul burned with love,
And the eyes sparkle with joy.
Let bad weather pass them by,
Let her husband be your son,
Let her live as in
God behind you
He will forget about troubles forever.
Let your daughter not be a daughter-in-law,
And as a daughter, beloved and dear,
And let her husband be your son,
And they will live as a happy family.
Love them, appreciate them, respect them,
In return you will receive their sincere love.
Kind in heart and soul,
You raised her well
She will be a wonderful mother and wife.
May you be proud of her family,
And may you rejoice in all their victories,
Give them warmth, your love,
And let sorrows and troubles pass them by.
Her fate is in the hands of her husband,
He is honest, sincere, reliable,
Let him become your son, not your son-in-law,
And for him, let you be his mom and dad.
For a beautiful bride, it’s not a sin for you to ask for a dowry,
On this holiday, we wish you to live in friendship with your daughter’s husband,
You are the parents of a daughter-in-law, great honor to you,
For such a princess, pay the groom the bill.
May your daughter and new son soon bring you grandchildren,
So that grandma smiles and grandpa is happy,
I wish children's laughter could be heard in the house,
In the meantime, let's celebrate the wedding - Hey, garcon!
Pour some wine. Congratulations on your wedding day,
Let the groom settle in,
May you be very happy
And his daughter is next to him.
You've lived for so long, your marriage was based on love,
They didn’t swear, they didn’t grieve, your house avoided the darkness.
Your girl has grown up - not to say,
Can't describe
And she soon began to wear a short skirt.
Somehow she grew up quickly, she soon got ready to get married,
I put on a white dress and got a husband.
Of course you were scared
How to live without a daughter
Since childhood, my mother got used to cherishing her dear daughter.
Change is a joy, because now her husband is next to her,
He is a hard worker, a hard worker - he never slacks.
Relax and be bored, look forward to your grandchildren soon,
I am very happy to congratulate you on your wedding day.
It's like she came down from heaven
And the parents joyfully, lightly,
They didn’t try to get into the children’s love.
Your daughter is a miracle and a fairy tale,
As if
Pushkin described it to her,
We will say thank you to mom and dad,
And congratulations on your wedding day,
This is happiness - after all, I fell in love with my daughter,
In love with the groom, forever.
Congratulations to the parents on their wedding day,
You raised the bride for the groom,
We wish you not to worry about your daughter,
She will go to her pier.
Where comfort, luck, joy, happiness awaits,
Where the children joyfully shout “MOMMY”,
And every day is so different
Where she is loved and worshiped.
Happy bride and wedding day - congratulations,
Perhaps this is the most important day.
He will squeeze out tears, fill you with sadness,
But you will find reasons to regret.
You best parents- glory to you,
It's worth looking for such a daughter,
Now the groom will become the head of the family,
His wife will help him.
Now for the son-in-law - “father-in-law” and “mother-in-law”...
But this must be understood
He is your son, you are father and mother!
Let the daughter spend the day, the night
With him - rushes even to the edge
No, you didn't lose your daughter,
But you have acquired a son!
Don't give in to evil words
And you will be his family,
He will become your closest friend!


congratulations on your daughter's wedding

wedding congratulations to the newlyweds from parents
Let none of you break that oath,
That wedding couples remember two rings.
Let your souls become inseparable
And happy hearts beat in harmony!
May your days be blessed
So that happiness can be firmly built, and not stolen,
And my thoughts are pure and frank:
Get together - forever and love - so much!
Welcoming the bonding of heart ties,
Find shorter and more meaningful words:
Parental blessing to you!
For life for the rest of your life - advice and love! - 2 - After all, it was clear to everyone,
That your eyes are beautiful,
Tomorrow you are a wife and mother.
That the bride is youth,
And the wife... She needs humor,
Sacrifice, long-suffering.
Don't take poetry for flattery
But you have it all!
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
You're getting married - that's good
Don’t forget, dear, just one thing:
You need to live together. You can't be angry to your face
Friends watched with envy! congratulations to daughter from father on wedding day
My dear daughter,
You are now with a good husband,
And I need a son-in-law just like him.
I'm happy for you, for myself. Suddenly the family was expanded. So that the husband does not decide to wander around,
So that you can eat your fill at home
And I didn’t look away.
I wish you happiness and love,
We are ready for grandchildren
Don’t delay with this! - 5 - mother's order for daughter's wedding

And every house is a power in itself
Everything is there. There's a routine there,
And your law
And the rules
And rightly so. Leave your whims at the doorstep
And respect any of their habits:
If there are lame people, lean on a cane,
And put on glasses if you are blind. You are given a hearth
From now on and forever. Let it burn like a light in the eyes,
Like the heart in a person.
Be able to light a big fire
On a small light. And be able to bake a lot of bread
With a little flour!
You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
And there are their own paths from the threshold. To take a step, look around, wait
And choose where to put your foot. Eat good words- words-rays. Be more generous sweet Nothing. And there are words that sound harsh.

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