The best time for a wedding c. A busy life "speeds up" fate, brings meetings closer, which could happen in years. Choosing a date for a wedding

“To get married is not to attack,” a popular proverb says. But how, where and when to get married in 2014 is worth thinking carefully. And of course, the first thing you should pay attention to is actually who you want or would like to marry. After all, some of the "clever beauties" still, as at 13-15 years old, dream of a white dress almost longer than of a person with whom they would like to live many happy years!

Your chosen one

If you want in 2014, try not to "squeeze" your future husband. A rare man is crazy about the idea that a woman literally demands an official ceremony from him. In addition to the fact of marriage itself, the whole subsequent life is important. So, it is worth saving a dear person.

On the other hand, there is some sense in talking about how serious everything really is, and about how the "civil marriage" for most of the acquaintances ended in failure precisely because of the frivolity of the matter, the "trial" of such a marriage, and in the very deed can bring the desired event closer.

Are you planning to get married? Have you offered your hand and heart? Congratulations, and we invite you to definitely get acquainted with the main tips for those who want to know: when to get married in 2014 is more promising.

When to get married in 2014?

  1. A summer wedding is perfect.

Few couples want to "bend", but signs usually work only for those who believe in them. Will you calmly walk past the black cat? Then you can safely get married in 2014 in May.

Other summer months are also good, and the beginning of autumn. But the off-season, unlike a snow-white winter wedding, most likely portends tears, and for those who do not believe in omens, it may well cause rather dreary memories of this holiday.

  1. Choosing the day of the week.

A trend that has emerged in recent years is weekday weddings. If on Saturday and Sunday the overwhelming majority got married earlier, and the minority began to celebrate and sign on Friday, now everything is changing. More and more often you can see guests and the groom and the bride on a quite ordinary weekday.

This is justified: more time to choose in the registry office, more favorable conditions for restaurants and other establishments (entertainment, for example). And of course, fewer guests than on a weekend. It is quite possible, without refusing anyone, to hold a cozy, quiet wedding!

You can also save on photographers, drivers, toastmaster services. And the "extra" amount, which did not have to be overpayed to professionals who work 4-8 \u200b\u200bdays a month (on weekends), can be spent on a luxurious vacation - if you choose the right time to get married in 2014!

  1. Morning day Evening…

According to the confessions of many girls who recently got married and went “to paint” in the morning, this is a very serious burden. As a rule, from the moment of registration in the registry office, you need to postpone at least 4 hours to guide the "marafet" and meet the first guests. As a result, painting at ten is the bride's job, which will start at six in the morning!

An afternoon wedding is good with optimal solutions - both a fairly fresh bride, slept and quite satisfied, and guests who are not yet tired. However, if you are planning to travel around the city for a photo shoot, in hot weather such an activity may even be overwhelming for the newlyweds and their guests. But on a summer evening it will be easier to breathe, and the photos will surely turn out to be simply amazing!

I want to get married in 2014!

If not you, then at least one of your closest friends said at least once: "I want to get married in 2014". How to rush your destiny and still get married this year?

Try to follow one or more of these tips.

1) A busy life "accelerates" fate, brings meetings closer, which could happen in years.

The more actively a girl or a woman lives, the more she has either to find destiny, or to encourage someone who is still next to her in a different status to make her a pleasant offer!

2) The right attitude helps to get married.

This event is pushed aside by dissatisfaction, reproaches, negative attention (for example, a girl who says “I want to get married in 2014!”, While looking at a magazine with wedding dresses and looking for flaws in each of them). Also does not help to get married self-blame, discontent. But a completely satisfied, even mood, plus the intention to get married in 2014 - on the contrary, they help.

3) To get married this year, tune in to a simpler holiday, a slightly less magnificent celebration.

Otherwise, there is a chance for the remaining time to simply not have time to prepare - even with the full desire of a man to marry, and a woman to marry him.

Be attentive to what is happening around, be sincere, and try to let go of the urge to "get urgently" - and most likely, you will be surprised to hear a confession and a request to accept your hand and heart this year!

"To get married is not a hassle," says the popular belief. Leading a part of the "clever beauties", as before, as at 13-15 years old, they dream of a white dress, it is hardly more time than a human being, with many happy years!

Your choice

If you want to get married in 2014, try not to "squeeze" your future husband. A rare man is crazy about the idea that a woman literally demands an official ceremony from him. So, it is enough to take care of a dear person. On the other hand, there is some sense in talking about how serious everything really is, and about how the "civil marriage" for most of the acquaintances ended in failure precisely because of the frivolity of the matter, the "trial" of such a marriage, and in the very deed can bring the desired action closer.

Are you planning to get married? Have you offered your hand and heart? Congratulations, and we invite you to get acquainted with the main tips for those who want to know: when to get married in 2014 is more promising.

When to get married in 2014?

A summer wedding is perfect. Few couples want to "bend", but signs usually work only for those who believe in them. Will you calmly walk past the black cat? Then you can not hesitate to get married in 2014 exactly in May. Other summer months are also good, and the beginning of autumn.

Choosing the day of the week. A trend that has emerged in recent years is weekday weddings. If on Saturday and Sunday the overwhelming majority got married earlier, and the minority began to celebrate and sign on Friday, now everything is changing. More and more often you can see guests and the groom and the bride on a quite ordinary weekday, which is justified: more time for an alternative in the registry office, more favorable conditions for restaurants and other establishments (entertainment, for example). And of course, fewer guests than on a weekend. It is quite possible, without refusing anyone, to hold a cozy, quiet wedding!

You can also save on photographers, drivers, toastmaster services. And the “extra” amount, which the professionals working 4-8 days a month (on weekends) did not have to overpay, can be completely and completely spent on a luxurious vacation - if you choose the right one, if you get married in 2014!

Morning day Evening According to the confessions of many girls who recently got married and went “to paint” in the morning, this is a very serious burden. As a rule, from the moment of registration in the registry office, you need to count at least 4 hours to guide the "marathon" and meet with the first guests. As a result, painting at ten is the bride's job, which will start at six in the morning!

An afternoon wedding is good with optimal solutions - a fairly fresh bride, slept and quite happy, and not tired guests yet. However, if you plan to travel around the city for a photo shoot, in hot weather such an activity can be overwhelming for the newlyweds and their guests. But on a summer evening it will be easier to breathe, and the photos will surely turn out to be simply amazing!

I want to get married in 2014!

If not you, then one of your closest friends at least once said: “I want to get married in 2014”. How to rush your destiny and still get married this year? Try to follow one or more of these tips.

1) A rich life "accelerates" fate, brings meetings closer, which could happen in years. The more actively mamzel, a woman, the more she has to either find destiny, or encourage the one who is still next to her in a different status to make her a pleasant logo !

2) The right attitude helps to get married. This event is pushed aside by dissatisfaction, reproaches, negative attention (for example, a girl who says “I want to get married in 2014!”, While looking at a magazine with wedding dresses and looking for flaws in each of them). Also does not help to get married self-blame, discontent. And quite happy, even mood, plus the intention to get married in 2014 - on the contrary, they help.

Auspicious days for a wedding in 2014. When to get married in 2014.

2014 promises unclouded happiness for couples, but, unfortunately, not everything is so rosy. There are days on which it is better not to appoint a marriage, so as not to destroy the future family. But first things first.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2014 is the year of the blue wooden Horse. It symbolizes the success of new beginnings. This is one of the main omens that the year will be favorable for weddings. The horse simply cannot stand loneliness and is making every effort to start a family. But not all horses are submissive and agreeable. You have to be very careful, because the hostess of 2014 will be very wayward.

If you are not sure of your desire to seal your union, you should not rush. The horse does not tolerate insincerity. She patronizes unions in which there is no room for doubt.

What are the unfavorable and favorable days for a wedding in 2014? Let's remember which animal patronizes this year. And as mentioned above, the Horse patronizes new beginnings and new marriages. But this does not mean that there are all favorable days for a wedding in 2014. It is very important to take a balanced approach to the conclusion of a marriage, so that life together is long and rich in joyful events.

Wedding horoscope for January 2014.

According to the eastern calendar, the Horse gains strength only on January 31, 2014. Therefore, throughout January the Black Water Snake will reign. She patronizes detailed and careful married couples. And also gives them financial well-being. By the way, it is better to postpone the honeymoon trip. The snake prefers to start a life together in its nest. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully set the date of the wedding. Auspicious dates for a wedding in January 2014 will be January 15, 26 and 30. But on January 31, it is better to refuse to register a marriage.

Wedding horoscope for February 2014.

In February 2014 the Horse begins its ascent. This means that the month will be favorable for marriage. But at the beginning of the month, a storm of emotions can easily turn into a hurricane that will make your family life full of conflicts. The second half of February will be suitable for a wedding. The most successful days are 14, 15 and 28. Families created on this day will be strong and quickly have children. The probability of starting a successful family business is high.

Wedding horoscope for March 2014.

March is full of auspicious wedding dates in 2014. This month, the Horse's patronage for new beginnings is multiplied, because in the first spring month, nature begins a new, full of strength life, just like many newlyweds. A marriage in March will bring prosperity and joy. But you should not schedule a celebration on March 3 and 19. These days can bring troubles and grief to the future family. But couples who pass these tests will be immensely happy in the future.

Wedding horoscope for April 2014.

The wedding in April 2014 promises the newlyweds an endless honeymoon. And although couples expect small disagreements, mainly related to everyday life, in the future they will have a harmonious and peaceful life. And all the quarrels will be immediately forgotten behind stormy reconciliations. The main thing is not to let the local conflict develop into a serious spat. The most favorable days for a wedding in 2014 are April 4, 7, 12, 21 and 25. However, this month there are no bad days for a wedding at all.

Wedding horoscope for May 2014.

There has long been a saying “if you get married in May, you will suffer all your life”. Forget about it! 2014 is auspicious year for a wedding, and May will bring a quiet and peaceful marriage. The balance in the family will last for a long time, only if you do not schedule a wedding at the very beginning of the month - May 3, 4 and 9 predict grief and an imminent divorce for a young couple. Very good days - May 11 and 26. And for those who want to avoid the interference of strangers in their family, be they annoying relatives or a possible mistress, it is worth setting the wedding on May 22.

Wedding horoscope for June 2014.

At the beginning of June 2014, the Horse's spring surge of strength continues. Couples who marry in the first two weeks will retain their love for many years. Their life will be bright and eventful. Even those who have recently found their soul mate can be calm: the union concluded in early June will last for more than a decade. But in the second half of the month, the wayward horse prepares an unpleasant surprise: a life together may end with one of the spouses loving, and the other only allowing himself to be loved. The biggest disappointments will come on the 19th, 23rd, 26th and 27th days of June.

Wedding horoscope for July 2014.

At the beginning of the month, it is better to postpone the registration of marriage. When deciding how to choose a wedding date, you should be very careful about July. Many domestic troubles will fall on the heads of those who decide to get married on July 2, 4 and 7. Eternal uncertainty and instability awaits on the 1st, 8th and 10th of the month. But starting from the 12th, the newlyweds will be in full agreement and understanding. And the family budget will not know hard times. The happiest days for a wedding are July 15, 21 and 24, 2014.

Wedding horoscope for August 2014.

August 2014 is as unpredictable for weddings as a wild mustang. Today he is docile and meek, tomorrow he can throw off his rider and dash off into the steppe. So August 1,2 and 3 will bring squabbles and strife, and not only between husband and wife, but also between the spouses on both sides. But already 4 and 6 days of the month will present prosperity and strong passion to a young family. Couples who got married on August 16 or 20 may suddenly find that love has suddenly disappeared, leaving a place for streamlined life and habits. But those who do not see anything bad in such an alliance will live together to a ripe old age.

Wedding horoscope for September 2014.

September 2014 will shower the young with pleasant gifts like a horn of plenty. The imminent appearance of the baby can also be a joyful surprise. The relationship will be relaxed, and the spouses are unlikely to ever regret their choice. But the end of the month predicts completely opposite events. A very big opportunity to be disappointed in a partner, strong scandals and quarrels can lead to a quick break. The Black Line will begin on 24 September.

Wedding horoscope for October 2014.

2014 is quite favorable for a wedding in the fall. In October, the best time to get married is the beginning and end of the month. Couples who got married these days will be inseparable to the envy of others. Deep understanding and strong relationships will not break even serious disagreements. However, it is best not to set a wedding date in mid-October. This time threatens the appearance of a third person in the family, which threatens to break the young marriage. Therefore, the most successful days are from October 1 to 10 and from October 19 to early November.

Wedding horoscope for November 2014.

November, from the first days, is not happy with weddings. Newly made spouses face obstacles that not everyone can overcome. Moreover, a loved one can leave you at the most difficult moment. Nagging, jealousy, and rebuking can lead to a breakup over who's turn to wash the dishes. Frequent betrayals are possible, and completely groundless jealousy, with which one of the spouses can simply torture the other with suspicions. But towards the end of the month, starting November 18, 2014, it is time for strong alliances. True, their inviolability may be based more on financial well-being than on serious feelings.

Wedding horoscope for December 2014.

December 2014 is an auspicious month for weddings. Despite the cold and frost, there will always be a flame in the relationship, from time to time turning into a flame. Boredom and despondency will have no place in the December unions. And the path of life will not be overshadowed by meaningless doubts. A marriage made in December will be long and endlessly happy. Perhaps only the 12th and 28th should be avoided; they can bring difficult experiences in the first years of life together.

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Many people know that a wedding is a guarantee of harmonious relations and the well-being of a young family, therefore it is very important what day the wedding will take place.

The best time for luxury weddings in 2014

From July 17, Jupiter will enter the sign of Leo. Its position in this sign promises a special splendor for any fun and spectacular events, including wedding celebrations. If you are preparing a magnificent celebration and want nothing to interfere with it, schedule your wedding from July 17 to December 4. The cultural program will be beyond praise, the mood of the young couple and guests will be optimistic and upbeat, and the gifts for the newlyweds will be generous and large.

Jupiter in Leo does not affect the official aspects of the wedding... If you want to quietly sign and celebrate in a narrow circle of your closest people, then Jupiter will not be useful to you. Jupiter patronizes those who arrange a big holiday, gathers many guests, prepares an entertainment program, conceives a thematic, unusual wedding or wants to go on a luxury honeymoon trip.

The best days of this period:

July 24 - if you want to be in the center of everyone's attention or if you are planning an absolutely incredible, downright royal wedding.
August 8 - if you are planning a lot of bustle, travel, movement, or immediately after painting you go on an unusual and romantic honeymoon trip.
August 17-18 - days of luxury, love, wealth, good mood.
August 25 - if you are ready for unusual romantic events and experiences.
September 11 - if you feel that there may be problems with registration and you want all formalities to go through quickly and successfully.
September 24-30 are days of pleasant surprises, wonderful happy accidents, luck and good luck.
October 10 is a day for those who want to celebrate energetically, have outlined active rest and dynamic entertainment.
October 14 - days of love, wealth, beauty, worthy behavior of others, strong feelings.
October 16-23 are the days of beautiful, happy couples who even look successful and lucky. If you are not planning anything extravagant, but just want the traditional celebration to be held at a decent level, then these days are for you.
October 31 - November 3 - similar to September 11; the formal aspects of the wedding are successfully completed.
December 4 is an ambiguous day. On the one hand, there may be annoying problems, on the other, it is a day of love and material well-being.

Marrying in May - toil all your life?

Let's now talk about the most controversial month of the year. Despite the fact that May, with its flowering trees, gentle sun and beautiful weather, was directly created for a wedding, many couples have fears: what if the omen is right and after the wedding in May they will have to toil all their lives? The history of the origin of this sign is quite interesting: once upon a time, a wedding was celebrated not for one day, but for three, or even a week. But May is the time of active agricultural work, with which most people provided themselves with food. If, instead of working in the field, people went for walks, it means that later they will face a shortage of food, they will borrow money, and it is not easy to get out of the debt hole both now and then. Then the saying arose about May and toil. And then she was undeservedly referred to the category of accepts. From an astrological point of view, there is nothing wrong with weddings in May, and this May gives a few truly happy days for wedding.

May 12 - The Moon in Libra brings harmony to relationships.
May 16 is a day for those who have prepared unusual romantic entertainments for a wedding or are going to go on an unusual journey straight from the registry office.
May 21-27 - the wealth presented to the young family will increase and become the foundation of a rich, lasting, prosperous life.

Other lucky days for weddings in 2014

Unfortunately, March, April and December are not the best times for a wedding. There will be tense aspects almost every day. If they do not affect the important points of your personal horoscope, then they will not affect you, but some of the guests may have problems. Or, let's say, these aspects have a destructive effect on the horoscope of a company that is hosting a holiday. Therefore, it is better to postpone the wedding. If you still decide to celebrate in March or April, give up extreme entertainment. Also, be thrifty: in these months people are too careless with money, overly optimistic and overconfident. There is a risk of not calculating your strength, spending much more than you can afford.

2013 has just begun, but practical brides are already pondering how to choose a wedding date for next year. 2014 promises unclouded happiness for couples, but, unfortunately, not everything is so rosy. There are days on which it is better not to appoint a marriage, so as not to destroy the future family. But first things first.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2014 is the year of the blue wooden Horse. It symbolizes the success of new beginnings. This is one of the main omens that the year will be favorable for weddings. The horse simply cannot stand loneliness and is making every effort to start a family. But not all horses are submissive and agreeable. You have to be very careful, because the hostess of 2014 will be very wayward.

Therefore, those who decide to marry in the Year of the Horse should be very careful. Due to impulsiveness and incontinence, future family life can be full of quarrels and conflicts. Moreover, they are often groundless. But here you should not only rely on signs, but also take care of yourself. Softness and calmness, instead of harshness and eccentricity, have not hurt any marriage.

You shouldn't worry too much about possible quarrels. As you know, cute scolds - only amuse themselves. The symbol of the year promises that life in marriage after the reconciliation of the spouses will be strong and filled with love and tenderness. After all, the Horse, like no one else, favors the creation of a family idyll, despite its wayward character.

If you are not sure of your desire to seal your union, you should not rush. The horse does not tolerate insincerity. She patronizes unions in which there is no room for doubt.

Favorable and unfavorable time for a wedding in 2014

What are the unfavorable and favorable days for a wedding in 2014? Let's remember which animal patronizes this year. And as mentioned above, the Horse patronizes new beginnings and new marriages. But this does not mean that there are all favorable days for a wedding in 2014. It is very important to take a balanced approach to the conclusion of a marriage, so that life together is long and rich in joyful events.


According to the eastern calendar, the Horse gains strength only on January 31, 2014. Therefore, the whole January will reign. She patronizes detailed and careful married couples. And also gives them financial well-being. By the way, it is better to postpone the honeymoon trip. The snake prefers to start a life together in its nest. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully set the date of the wedding. Auspicious dates for a wedding in January 2014 will be January 15, 26 and 30. But on January 31, it is better to refuse to register a marriage.


In February 2014 the Horse begins its ascent. This means that the month will be favorable for marriage. But at the beginning of the month, a storm of emotions can easily turn into a hurricane that will make your family life full of conflicts. The second half of February will be suitable for a wedding. The most successful days are 14, 15 and 28. Families created on this day will be strong and quickly have children. The probability of starting a successful family business is high.


March is full of auspicious wedding dates in 2014. This month, the Horse's patronage for new beginnings is multiplied, because in the first spring month, nature begins a new, full of strength life, just like many newlyweds. A marriage in March will bring prosperity and joy. But you should not schedule a celebration on March 3 and 19. These days can bring troubles and grief to the future family. But couples who pass these tests will be immensely happy in the future.


The wedding in April 2014 promises the newlyweds an endless honeymoon. And although couples expect small disagreements, mainly related to everyday life, in the future they will have a harmonious and peaceful life. And all the quarrels will be immediately forgotten behind stormy reconciliations. The main thing is not to let the local conflict develop into a serious spat. The most favorable days for a wedding in 2014 are April 4, 7, 12, 21 and 25. However, this month there are no bad days for a wedding at all.


There has long been a saying “if you get married in May, you will suffer all your life”. Forget about it! 2014 is auspicious year for a wedding, and May will bring a quiet and peaceful marriage. The balance in the family will last a long time, only if you do not schedule a wedding at the very beginning of the month - May 3, 4 and 9 predict grief and an imminent divorce for a young couple. Very good days - May 11 and 26. And for those who want to avoid the interference of strangers in their family, be they annoying relatives or a possible mistress, it is worth setting the wedding on May 22.


At the beginning of June 2014, the Horse's spring surge of strength continues. Couples who marry in the first two weeks will retain their love for many years. Their life will be bright and eventful. Even those who have recently found their soul mate can be calm: the union concluded in early June will last for more than a decade. But in the second half of the month, the wayward horse prepares an unpleasant surprise: a life together may end with one of the spouses loving, and the other only allowing himself to be loved. The biggest disappointments will come on the 19th, 23rd, 26th and 27th days of June.


At the beginning of the month, it is better to postpone the registration of marriage. When deciding how to choose a wedding date, you should be very careful about July. Many domestic troubles will fall on the heads of those who decide to get married on July 2, 4 and 7. Eternal uncertainty and instability awaits on the 1st, 8th and 10th of the month. But starting from the 12th, the newlyweds will be in full agreement and understanding. And the family budget will not know hard times. The happiest days for a wedding are July 15, 21 and 24, 2014.


August 2014 is as unpredictable for weddings as a wild mustang. Today he is docile and meek, tomorrow he can throw off his rider and dash off into the steppe. So August 1,2 and 3 will bring squabbles and strife, and not only between husband and wife, but also between the spouses on both sides. But already 4 and 6 days of the month will present prosperity and strong passion to a young family. Couples who got married on August 16 or 20 may suddenly find that love has suddenly disappeared, leaving a place for streamlined life and habits. But those who do not see anything bad in such an alliance will live together to a ripe old age.


September 2014 will shower the young with pleasant gifts like a horn of plenty. The imminent appearance of the baby can also be a joyful surprise. The relationship will be relaxed, and the spouses are unlikely to ever regret their choice. But the end of the month predicts completely opposite events. A very big opportunity to be disappointed in a partner, strong scandals and quarrels can lead to a quick break. The Black Line will begin on 24 September.


2014 is quite favorable for a wedding in the fall. In October, the best time to get married is the beginning and end of the month. Couples who got married these days will be inseparable to the envy of others. Deep understanding and strong relationships will not break even serious disagreements. However, it is best not to set a wedding date in mid-October. This time threatens the appearance of a third person in the family, which threatens to break the young marriage. Therefore, the most successful days are from October 1 to 10 and from October 19 to early November.


November, from the first days, is not happy with weddings. Newly made spouses face obstacles that not everyone can overcome. Moreover, a loved one can leave you at the most difficult moment. Nagging, jealousy, and rebuking can lead to a breakup over who's turn to wash the dishes. Frequent betrayals are possible, and completely groundless jealousy, with which one of the spouses can simply torture the other with suspicions. But towards the end of the month, starting November 18, 2014, it is time for strong alliances. True, their inviolability may be based more on financial well-being than on serious feelings.


December 2014 is an auspicious month for weddings. Despite the cold and frost, there will always be a flame in the relationship, from time to time turning into a flame. Boredom and despondency will have no place in the December unions. And the path of life will not be overshadowed by meaningless doubts. A marriage made in December will be long and endlessly happy. Perhaps only the 12th and 28th should be avoided; they can bring difficult experiences in the first years of life together.

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