How to make a woman happy in marriage? She loves your hug. The basics of strong family ties

Do you think the Prince would have taken Cinderella as his wife if she was a poor and unhappy girl? Would he have taken one of her sisters as his wife, if they were beauties, but pitiful and unhappy?

Perhaps you think that you will finally find and become truly happy when you meet your soul mate, and your state of unhappiness is associated solely with your loneliness. If yes, then it will be interesting for you to know what I came to in my 42 years, doing counseling for married couples.

People who are happily married have been in a state of happiness even before they met their spouses. Happy people create. Those who are constantly unhappy, do not marry, or continue to be unhappy in their marriage. Only the one whose soul is filled with joy and love can give it to another person.

Was Cinderella happy, you ask. Yes, regardless of the circumstances in which she found herself, she was a harmonious, loving and happy person inside. And so was the Prince. External circumstances are not able to change how a person feels and feels. Anyone who is always dissatisfied and feels like a victim will remain so regardless of the situation. The fabulous "they lived happily ever after" is not a consequence of the creation of a family, but rather the result of the rallying of two happy people.

I often hear from my clients: "I want my marriage to be happy." I have said many times: if you want a happy marriage, focus on how to become happy yourself, then you will find happiness in family life.

If how you feel depends on the other person, he becomes the owner of your state of mind. And since we attract our own kind, such people attract the same person who will take responsibility for his emotional state. As a result, a dependent relationship is formed, where the state of each depends on the state of the other, in such a pair the spouses do not complement each other, but rather both are in a state of eternal despondency and blame each other for not making him happy.

There is certainly nothing wrong with striving for a happy marriage. But the chances of finding happiness in marriage are close to zero if you are unhappy yourself. A person in a state of happiness seeks to share their happiness and love, joy and interests. Unhappy people expect a relationship or another person to make them happy, and that doesn't get anywhere.

Let's go back to the story of Cinderella. Regardless of the conditions in which she lived and how she was treated by her stepmother and stepsisters, she was loving, caring and kind, which made her happy. She strove to share her condition with others and tried to make her stepmother and sisters happy. But they were never really happy. Why? Because their souls were filled with envy, how they felt depended on those around them. They blamed Cinderella responsible for their happiness. And it didn't matter how wonderful Cinderella was, because their unhappiness was created by themselves and by the way they treated others.

The Cinderella story is a fairy tale, but there is some truth in it. I've had to work with many people who were never really happy, no matter what their other half did for them. As long as they delved into themselves and others, instead of taking responsibility for their feelings and condition into their own hands, they experienced a state of sadness, sadness, emptiness, loneliness, pain and anger. As long as the responsibility for their own happiness was directed towards others, they were in a state of complete despair.

The way out of unhappiness is simple - take responsibility for your happiness into your own hands. Everyone is the smith of his own happiness. If you hold to the belief that relationships and other people will make you happy, then chances are you are on the wrong track.

Harmony in family relationships is a worthy reason to work, first of all, on yourself. There is no perfect relationship. There are couples who have learned to come to a mutual agreement.

Who should be in charge of the family?

A marriage in which a woman is the head always, at least, looks flawed. The man must make decisions in the family. Not because he is physically stronger or wiser in the first place. It's just that men are less affected by emotions. In situations where it is necessary to make a decision quickly, it is logical and not to make a mistake with the choice, it is much easier for a man to “turn off” anger, irritation, fear, resentment and impartially consider the facts.

If the last word in the family belongs to the woman, then global decisions are sometimes dictated by emotions. This does not mean that women are more stupid than men. On the contrary, only the wisest are ready to accept and give up the palm (the value of which is simply far-fetched). Only to such representatives of the fair sex comes true female happiness. Those women who do not want to accept and give up even the edge of their positions are doomed.

An important point: it is important to have someone in charge to maintain a normal relationship. If a couple declares that they have "democracy", then everyone is trying to take the lead over themselves. It is impossible for both spouses to be leaders. There are no identical people with identical opinions on all issues. In some ways they differ. And then for such couples there comes a moment of truth.

Respect and willingness to listen to the opinion of his wife, no one has yet canceled. The head of the family, if he really realizes all the responsibility that lies with him, will never oppress his charges (be it children, wife or lap dog). It is necessary to distinguish between tyranny and leadership. Ask your wife for advice, listen, draw conclusions, find a middle ground - these are the actions worthy of a loving husband.

Feelings in a relationship

Working on oneself in marriage consists, first of all, with shortening one's EGO. Concentrating only on your emotions is simply not acceptable. For a happy marriage, listening to your partner's feelings is essential.

Let's imagine that two people are vessels filled with water. At different moments of life, they are filled in different ways. If the jug is full, then there is no need to try to pour more into it. This applies primarily to emotions. If one of the spouses is overwhelmed with emotions, then the task of the other is to wait until he pours them out. Support, listen, encourage. No need to try at this moment to prove anything, to convey your feelings. The spouse will definitely listen to you when he is ready for this. When his vessel is not overfilled.

What to do when he wants halva and I want gingerbread?

Happiness is available only to those who know how to find a compromise. If one spouse wants to paint the walls green and the other pink, look for a compromise. Let the walls be yellow, but no one will be offended. And so in everything. Of course, there are situations when one has to give in. And this someone, more often than not, is a woman. This is the normal cost of marriage.

Nobody is right 100% of the time. If someone made the right decisions at least 51% of the time, then he could not work, but simply place bets in the casino and win, earning.

Alas, there are no such people. So, if you know in advance that the decision made by your spouse is false and there is no way to convince him or her, then accept it as a natural disaster. Believe me, in the eyes of your chosen one or chosen one, you sometimes look no less a dunce.

Ah, he is not perfect!

Are you ready to part with a person forever just because he doesn't close the tube of toothpaste in the morning? A similar dilemma is faced by many people. And they prefer to leave, and find a person who does it. But, alas, they come across the one who picks his nose. Parting again. The new partner closes the tube, doesn't pick his nose, but snores terribly. And so on to infinity ...

There are no perfect people. And your partner will never be your harmonious addition or what you created in your dreams. One evening, after two or three years of marriage, the couple discover that the husband or wife is a living person, and not a figment of their fantasies. It's not easy to accept this, but the one who finds the strength to endure some of the partner's shortcomings lives happily.

Fidelity in marriage

Once married, you need to be honest and not cheat. What a stupid rule, you might say. If I share the bed one night with another person, this will not fade my feelings.

This is an erroneous assumption. By focusing on other people, spouses lose a lot. First of all, the orientation inward, in the family, immediately falls. And this entails a rejection of development. The vector of thought, application of forces is shifting. Looking for momentary pleasures in other people's beds, a person ceases to deprive himself of the joy of growth, deliberately scattering attention and concentration on the partner and his feelings.

When cheating, mistrust, guilt, jealousy emerge... Agree, not the most wonderful emotions. Here we must also remember the children. Their normal upbringing is possible only in conditions of morality and loyalty. Do you want your children to copy (unconsciously) build their family on falsehood? Such a foundation will crack sooner or later.

Family needs

We all need attention, affection. Marriage is not a one-time act. This is a job. Nobody hired you, but there is the minimum you need every day. Kisses, heart-to-heart talk, hugs. They say a child needs 7 hugs a day for normal development. An adult needs them too!

A harmonious life together is impossible if there is no time together. You are sharing time not only for yourself, but also for your spouse. If all the time there is no time, then just ask yourself the question: Do I want my marriage to be happy? If so, what am I willing to do for this? Can I find an hour a day for this?

To be happy in marriage or not to be is solely our choice... Difficult, daily, but a choice. By taking a marriage vow, we assure everyone that every day, every hour of our life, we will choose a happy marriage for ourselves.

Making decisions

Once married, people must make decisions together. This applies to both small things and large deeds, accomplishments, plans. Moreover, complete unity of opinion is required. To do this, the spouse should be focused not on proving the correctness of his opinion, but on coming to a compromise. Women and men have an equal right to speak your opinion. It is important that everyone has it. The situation is unacceptable when one makes decisions, and the other simply agrees. Truth is born only in the moral work of two people.

You can connect artistry, diplomacy, humor, but not physical strength or threat. And when something was born in torture that satisfies both - you won the battle for your happy marriage! True, such victories should happen regularly ...

During discussions, disputes, be sure to "sift" each step through three sieves:

  1. Unanimity.
  2. Equal rights.
  3. Respect for the senses.


When matters concerning money and maintenance, be extremely honest with each other. Also, match your expectations with real life. The financial issue is a special topic that causes emotional tension in families. Discussion of the distribution of money exposes, tests the strength of the trust of the spouses, their needs and ultimate possibilities.

There are three options for managing the family budget:

  1. Separate (every man for himself)
  2. General (all earnings - into the general boiler)
  3. Equity (everyone allocates a certain amount of earnings to the general piggy bank).

The last option is the most acceptable, since the first two have disadvantages: when separated, there is no way to support the spouse at the time of illness, decree, etc. In general, there are many opportunities for quarrels and there is no place for gifts "just like that, from oneself."

Working on relationships is a daily job. To be happy in marriage or not to be is solely our choice. By taking a marriage vow, we assure everyone that we will choose a happy marriage for ourselves every day, every hour of our lives.

A marriage of convenience turns out to be a boon only if there is hope of turning it into a marriage of love.

    Be yourself from the beginning of any relationship. If you start a relationship by showing the perfect hybrid version of you and Stepford wife, what happens if the marriage breaks down? Be yourself from day one, and your spouse will prove to you that you are accepted and loved for who you are, and not what you want to appear.

    Develop your sense of humor. A good sense of humor cannot be separated from a great marriage. Trying to see humor in difficult situations can help both of you get through difficult times more easily.

    Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. These are the three most important words for a good marriage.

    Trust each other completely. You have built a relationship of trust. Don't feel like your spouse is doing something solely to annoy you - maybe he or she just doesn't understand that it bothers you. Tell your spouse what worries you without thinking the worst of him, and once you've figured it out, give your partner time to make changes and corrections.

    Get rid of minor irritants. Ask yourself if it's worth fighting over something that annoys you. Something wrong or just is different how would you do it? Do not comment on inaccuracies. If something really bothers you, talk about it in a non-accusatory tone, and also determine if you can deal with it without arguing.

    Find ways to share responsibilities. If you both work 80 hours a week, why should a wife wash the dishes and cook? Try to pick the homework you do best for yourself, such as washing dishes and mowing the lawn, and share the responsibilities. Think about how you both can participate in the work, for example: I take out the trash and you take the bucket home, You wash and I wipe, etc. So you get rid of the aching housewife syndrome. Remember, you will always live together (until death do you part) - you can always finish things tomorrow. Your world will not collapse if you don't finish your laundry today.

    Take time to sit and spend time together. Even if it's only 10 minutes before bed, talk, hug and enjoy each other's company.

    Don't expect perfection. Remember, your spouse is a person just like you. Consider the human factor: fatigue, work overload, stress, family illnesses, personal illnesses, and common weakness.

    Do something nice for your partner during a difficult time. If you ignore or constantly argue about an issue, you will likely break up. A nurturing gesture will help you get closer to each other, thereby increasing the chances that you will cope with your problems. This is especially helpful if you feel like your partner isn't complimenting you or has stopped doing something nice for you. Start complimenting and being nice - they WANT to do something nice for you!

    Try to find something good in your partner every day and tell them about it! Whether it's a compliment about his or her outfit, or gratitude for taking out the trash, it's always nice to get support from a loved one. And you will love supporting it too.

    Learn from your mistakes. When you ask for forgiveness, do it sincerely! This means that you will not do this again. If you ask for forgiveness and do the same, it will show your partner that you didn’t feel guilty, and this will destroy your trust over time.

    You should not have secrets, and also avoid side affairs. It's important to be honest with your partner because it shows that you trust each other in everything. If you are hiding something, it will still be known and your marriage will be at risk. If you are honest and open, there will be no suspicion or jealousy. Don't do anything to anger your spouse, and if someone in the office is flirting with you and doesn't want to stop, tell your boss about it and ask to transfer one of you to another department. By maintaining your reputation and communicating with your partner openly and honestly, you will be trusted when needed.

    Remember, there are ups and downs in marriage. While you are planning your wedding, you can entertain yourself with fabulous thoughts of happily ever after. The reality is that this is a daily grinding - one of you or both of you will be tense, on the verge of boredom, not enjoying each other, not feeling warm and tender. It's not just your feelings. Repeat: it's not just your feelings. It's about your duty to each other. Maybe you don't “feel” that you are in love, “feel” that you are getting what you need, or whatever, the reality is that you made a promise to each other. Often marriage sucks is not romantic - it requires teamwork and your responsibilities every day.

    Plan your Black Days. You’ll experience much less stress if you work together on budgeting, run at least a small savings account (a $ 500 emergency fund can work wonders), and prepare for the time when things can go awry — life becomes much easier.

    Act like everything is okay. If you are having a difficult period, you feel like you can't even remember what attracted you to it, think about what made you marry her ... just smile and behave kindly and tenderly. Act like everything is fine. In fact, try to lead to be kind, caring, and considerate towards your partner. It may sound strange, but if you just slowly move forward and act like nothing happened, one day everything really is will be ok, good and even better.

    Don't be afraid to go to bed angry. Many well-wishers say that you cannot let the sun go down while you are quarreling. But it's much better to get to the point in an argument where you can stop actively fighting and go to bed. Instead of continuing an argument that gets out of hand and ends up going nowhere, if you stop, rest, and wake up with a fresh mind, you may see problems from a new angle and also come to a better solution than if you were. continued to quarrel until you got tired and said that you cannot return back. A dream will help you get rid of negative side feelings - you cannot always say: "Okay, enough, the quarrel is over" and return to that warm, loving feeling - sometimes the resentment remains. Let her go - give yourself a break. Both of you will feel better in the morning.

    Ask yourself what you can do today to make your spouse's life better. As you look every day for ways to make your spouse's life a little better, you will never forget that you really care about her or him. The good things you do for your partner will make you think positively about him or her. It's a good habit.

    Kiss your spouse for at least 5 seconds before you leave their house in the morning and before going to bed at night.

    Give thanks for the little things (washing the dishes, cleaning the table, installing a new roll of toilet paper - do those things without expecting anything).

    Compliment each other every day. It doesn't take long for your spouse to feel good. Be sincere and when someone compliments you, even if you disagree, say thank you.

    Hug and hold hands often, every day.

    Shut up and listen! You will learn so much more if you close your mouth and open your mind. You have one mouth and two ears, so you can listen twice as much as you can speak.

    Argue softly. How you speak matters more than what you say. Remain calm and speak in a normal voice.

    Be careful and think about which words to use. Before you speak, ask yourself this question: if you or your spouse dies at this moment, would you like these words of yours to be your last?

    Have a special date with another married couple at least once a month so you can laugh and learn from each other. Go on a romantic date at least once a month and bring romance into your house.

    Enroll in a class together. There are restaurants that teach you how to cook a full meal, or you can both learn to play a musical instrument. This is a great way to spend time together and see your partner learn.

But you don't literally have to follow it.

Each of their spouses should have a favorite business and their own passions and hobbies, from which they enjoy. Both partners must generate income, but they must be interested in and keep abreast of each other's affairs. At any time, they should be ready to support, discuss and give advice to the one who needs it.

The husband and wife should have their own protected area in the house, a personal space where everyone can be alone. Of course, this does not mean that everyone needs an extra room, but plan a secluded corner in the house where you can be alone with yourself, take a break from communication, and even just calmly read. This is especially true for those who sometimes just need such solitude.

Do not set any hard rules and pointless restrictions that are easy to break even without any malicious intent. The more freedom they give to each other, the more trust they show. Free, trusting relationships, create a special atmosphere of reliability and comfort, make you want to go home, where you are so calm, and your soul is so comfortable.

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Some women inextricably link the concepts of personal and family happiness. If you also cannot imagine your life without love, become the most beloved and happy. Find harmony in union with your man, and success in a relationship will inspire you.


Appreciate yourself. Realize how lucky you are to be a woman. Embrace your own femininity. Self-acceptance, the desire to live in harmony with oneself leads to peace in the soul. Trust me, your man will not value you more than you do. How your loved one will relate to you also depends on your attitude towards yourself. Representatives of the stronger sex subconsciously feel when a woman is critical of herself, when she does not love herself and.

Open up to meet your beloved man. Thank him for every wonderful moment he gives you. Do not plague yourself with unfounded suspicions that are the fruit of your imagination. Do not spoil your mood with dark thoughts. Some girls tend to think things out a lot. Don't repeat and live for your pleasure.

Show your partner an example. If you want to be happy in love, get ready to work on your relationship. When you are missing something on the part of your man, go to meet him. No need for reproaches and scandals. Just demonstrate with your own behavior how your boyfriend should behave. For example, if you suffer from a lack of attention, first show concern and genuine interest in the man yourself.

Do not confront a man. In some couples, there is a constant struggle for leadership between a man and a woman. Maybe someone needs such adrenaline in a relationship, but such a race will not add to your happiness. Remember: you and your companion are a team. Do the same, don't compete.

Remember how it all began. Over time, feelings can dull, and the joy that there is a loving and beloved man next to you may subside a little. Remember how you were when you met your partner. Don't forget why you fell in love with your man.

Be grateful for what you have. If you start to get overwhelmed by a feeling of discontent, you doubt that next to you is the very person who can give you happiness, and whom you deserve, imagine that your man is leaving you. Perhaps such a small visualization will awaken you, and you will appreciate whoever is next to you. And this is the path to female happiness.

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For some of the fair sex, happiness remains a ghostly dream. And this is despite their beauty and success. The thing is that they do not yet know about the main secret of real female happiness.

The main secret of a woman's happiness is very simple: you need to be yourself. This statement should be applied to any area of \u200b\u200bthe life of a modern girl. And then there will be harmony and joy in the soul.


To look attractive is the natural desire of women. Some girls choose the ideals of beauty for themselves and try to get as close to them as possible. Wiser women know that, while improving, you must, first of all, remain yourself. They put at the forefront not the standards accepted in society, but their own dignity.

Emphasizing what is beautiful, and not completely remaking yourself - this is what a girl who wants to be beautiful and happy should strive for.

Otherwise, the fair sex, having undergone many metamorphoses, may become completely different in appearance and lose her own individuality. Without her zest, she is able to get lost in the crowd. In addition, the race for trends in the world of fashion and beauty never ends. This means that a woman who has chosen this thorny path cannot be completely satisfied with her own appearance. If you want to be happy with yourself - do not break, but only improve your image.


Realization in the professional sphere is an indispensable component of some girls. Here again, it is important to choose the job that suits your inclinations and abilities. Then the service will bring more joy and happiness.

Choosing as a profession a random or profitable area to which the soul does not lie, a woman condemns herself to torment and boredom. Just think how much time you spend at work! When you spend it on something you don't like, you cannot be completely happy.

Therefore, it is important to remain true to your preferences and principles when choosing a duty station.


A successful personal life is important to women's happiness. When choosing a partner, listen to your heart and intuition. If you do not have a soul for a person, no amount of wealth, comfort, entertainment, travel or a great intimate life can compensate you for irreconcilable differences in your characters and worldview.

Don't waste your time on trifles. Don't listen to your mom or girlfriends if their words go against your beliefs. Do not expect that over time you will be able to improve relationships with yours. Be with the man who is dear to your heart, next to whom you really feel good. And then real female happiness awaits you.

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Everyone knows the components of simple female happiness: healthy parents, a house full of thickets, smart children and a caring loving man nearby. But few people remember that such happiness rarely falls on one's head just like that.

She does what she considers important to herself

Self-realization is more important than meeting the expectations of others. A happy woman will not do what she does not like, just to please someone.

She always chooses herself between herself and the man

Many women accept patriarchal principles, completely devoting themselves to a man and completely forgetting that a woman is also a person. Happy women will never do this. Her chosen one should understand and appreciate that she has her own passions and hobbies that are important to her.

She has her own company and even fans.

A happy woman does not isolate herself from her friends, starting a relationship with a man, and he must understand and accept this. Moreover, he should come to terms with the fact that there are men who admire her. This is part of a beautiful woman's life, and you just need to take it for granted.

There are things she doesn't discuss

For example, personal problems or some kind of secrets. She is not a whiner, and she simply prefers not to talk about what others do not need to know. This attitude makes her mysterious.

She does not allow herself to be humiliated

It has its own principles and values \u200b\u200bto be reckoned with. She does the same with other people's principles, not allowing herself to laugh or challenge them.

She looks decent and confident

Happy woman doesn't save on cosmetics, shoes and underwear. Such little things make her look truly stylish, make her makeup expensive and of high quality, and also give her self-confidence.

She behaves with dignity regardless of the situation.

A happy and wise woman is not hysterical or manipulative; she thinks calmly and behaves with restraint. It is this behavior that earns the respect of others.

She thinks she deserves the best

And this applies not only to clothing, shoes or food. She carefully selects the best friends and the best life partner. A happy woman understands that everything that is needed will come sooner or later and does not agree to a cheap analogue.

It is worth saying that men often have a question about how to make a woman happy. Guys really don't know how to make it happen. When the mood she radiates joy, happiness, which she bestows on loved ones. If a man wants his beloved to give him love and affection, he must try and make her happy.

Attention to your beloved wife

Now we will give advice to men on how to make a woman happy.

It should be said that the girl needs attention. If she does not receive it, then she begins to think that the man does not love her. And when a guy treats his beloved with attention, he receives kindness, care and tenderness in return. The desires of a woman should not be ignored.

Her emotional background is so unstable that the slightest neglect can ignite a storm of negative experiences in her. When a woman is not given enough attention, she begins to think that this man does not need her. As a result, she is in a bad mood. So how do you make a woman happy? The answer is simple enough. Give her more attention.

Gifts are necessary for a woman

Some men forget about gifts, but women need them. This is not about giving presents every day. But it is necessary to pamper your woman with gifts. She will be just happy if the beloved man will do her some kind of pleasure. Instead of thinking about how to make a woman happy, it's better to go and choose a gift for her.

Love works wonders

For a woman to be happy, you need to love her. When a man is internally and externally disposed to his lady, she will feel this and become happy. As a man treats a woman, so she will treat him. You should prove your love to her every day, and not neglect the relationship.

You need to know your spouse's wishes!

How can a man make a woman happy? You should find out about the desires of a woman. Each has its own dreams. Do not think that they concern only material goods. If you cannot make a woman happy, do not bother those who can do it. The girl also has spiritual desires.

Perhaps she wants to visit holy places or develop culturally. How to make a woman happy in marriage? If a man tries, finds out what his girlfriend wants, and helps to translate it into reality, then in return he will get what he wants. A woman will certainly thank her beloved. You shouldn't tell the girl: "If I do this, I want this in return." It is necessary to build a sincere and kind relationship that will be based on love and mutual support. A man should make a woman happy! He should study the girl, find out her desires and dreams, help her achieve what she wants, or personally translate her ideas into reality.

Thanks for the work done

Do not forget to say words of gratitude to your beloved girlfriend or woman. You need to appreciate what she does around the house. Thank you for your lunch or dinner.

You can also note that the house was cleaned, things ironed, and so on. If a woman hears words of gratitude for her work, then she will try and do household chores with pleasure. A smart man will appreciate and thank his wife for her care for loved ones.

How to make a woman happy? Relationship psychology

Change your attitude towards a woman. A man needs to change his attitude towards a girl. You should learn to appreciate the positive aspects of your chosen one. There is a special exercise to do every day. It consists in writing down the positive qualities of your girlfriend. Their number should be up to ten. After a certain amount of time, a man's opinion about his chosen one will change for the better. And he will begin to see in his woman these beautiful features that were recorded. The bottom line is that you need to learn to see only good in another person. If you start to treat your partner in this way, then she will become what a man sees her. Because a person who is treated very well cannot behave badly if he is emotionally stable. Of course, there are cases of mental instability. In this situation, it is recommended to seek professional help from a specialist.

Spending time together brings together, helps to get to know each other

How to make your beloved woman happy? In order for a woman to feel great, it is recommended to spend as much time with her as possible. And not to sit at home on the couch, but to come up with leisure time. Go to events together, visit cultural places, play sports, travel and so on. Spending time together brings people together very much. It is very good when people have common interests. Men need to understand that they should not postpone plans to visit any place indefinitely. It is necessary to concretize, namely, draw up a plan. In it, indicate when and where they will go or will go with their wife.

In parallel with this, ask the woman to compose her own. Then you need to do a comparative analysis of the two lists. And it will become clear whether there are common interests or not. If there are common points in these lists, then you should not delay their implementation. If there are no common interests, then you can alternate items from one list with another. That is, first go or go where the wife wants, and then go where the husband wants. Thus, the interests of both partners will be satisfied. If people spend time not only at home, but travel somewhere or organize some events, then their lives will be more fulfilling. Then scandals will become a rarity in their home.

Travel has a good effect on human relationships. A change of scenery always has a beneficial effect on relationships between people. Since new impressions imbue them with positive emotions. And the adventures they lived together will bring them closer together. After the trip, people have pleasant memories.

Remove pride, think about the relationship with your partner

If there is a discord in the relationship, then you should think about new possibilities for resolving it. It so happens that each of the partners insists on their righteousness. Nobody wants to give in. Therefore, it is not possible to improve relations. In order to find a way of reconciliation, you should remove pride and think about the fact that you are not on the level to sort things out. You need to be above quarrels and proceedings. Then the partner will reach out to you, and peace will come. Here we are not talking about the fact that a man should constantly obey all women's whims. He should be wiser and not stoop to the level of squabbles and proceedings. It is worth considering and making a decision that will help resolve the situation.

Compliments will help make a lady happy

Compliments play a big role in women's lives. Therefore, a man should not be lazy. He needs to talk to a woman as often as possible about her merits, how beautiful she looks, what excellent makeup she has, and so on. You can use the list of feminine virtues that was recommended for a man. But do not need to say too many compliments, know when to stop.

It is better for a man to say one compliment a day than he will give compliments one after another once a month. You should also make sure that the compliment emphasizes the woman's dignity, and does not look like flattery. Compliments have a positive effect on a girl. She will appreciate this behavior of a man. Then she will be grateful to him for it. If you praise a woman, then she will begin to give her love to a man and take care of him with even greater tenderness.

Charge your soul mate with positive energy

A man needs to energetically charge his beloved woman, share his positive energy with her. In no case should you throw negative on her. Because in return you can get the same thing.

If a man respects a woman, then this attitude will return to him in greater volume. And if he begins to neglect her or conduct "showdowns", then in return, of course, will receive the same.

Start changing with yourself

A man should become a happy and successful person himself. Then there will be a happy woman next to him. Any changes should start with yourself. It's worth doing something with yourself first. Then the world around us will begin to change.

Long-term relationships between partners are possible if they treat each other with respect, understand, and support each other. There are cases when a person cannot overpower himself and establish relations with his partner. A man is by nature stronger than a woman. Therefore, he can take responsibility for the preservation of the family, everything is in his power. If a couple has a crisis time, then it is necessary to think about how to overcome it. At such moments, it is necessary to think not only about yourself and your ego, you must not forget about your woman and the motives of her behavior.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make a woman happy. As you can see, everything is quite simple and feasible. We hope that these recommendations will help you!

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