Rules for caring for oily skin at home. Avoid oily SPF creams. Cosmetic ice for oily skin

Characteristics of oily skin

Shine on your cheeks, blackheads, pimples are sure signs that you most likely have oily skin. “You can even determine it by eye,” explains Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. "Oily skin is usually dense, with enlarged pores, a tendency to comedones and an oily sheen that is more noticeable in the T-zone."

Increased sebum secretion is combined with violation of its outflow and blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The result is acne.

You can determine your skin type using a simple test: place a paper towel on your forehead. If there is a greasy mark on the paper, the skin is prone to greasy. If the napkin is clean, it is most likely that the skin is normal or dry.

Oily skin type can be determined even visually © site

Top causes of skin imperfections:

    genetic predisposition;

    hormonal factor;

    improper care;

    environmental impact;

    improper nutrition;

    stress and chronic sleep deprivation.

Products for oily skin contain absorbing, moisturizing, sebum-regulating ingredients © iStock

Composition of products for oily skin

If you are looking for “smart” products for oily skin, make it a rule to carefully read the label and make a choice in favor of those products that contain the following ingredients:

  1. 1

    matting- instantly absorb fat and give a matte finish for up to 6 hours;

  2. 2

    sebum-regulating- reduce the production of fat day after day and make the skin less oily with regular use;

  3. 3

    moisturizing- activate the renewal of the epidermis: prevent hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum) and blockage of pores, improve complexion;

  4. 4

    anti-inflammatory- serve to prevent rashes;

  5. 5

    UV filters- provide prevention of exacerbations in the summer.

“The label“ non-comedogenic ”on products for oily skin is not only important, but necessary,” warns Elena Eliseeva. - Avoid cosmetics with mineral oils, they clog pores. Oily skin also does not need light vegetable oils - its own sebaceous glands already work with a vengeance. "

Remove cosmetic milk, creams and washing creams from the bathroom shelf - these products are not friendly with oily skin.

Choose a light texture to moisturize oily skin © iStock

Types of products for oily skin

“The arsenal of products for oily skin includes washing gels, scrubs, peels and masks, caring serums, moisturizing creams and foundations. This division is due to the physiology of the skin, which needs to be cleansed of excess sebum and at the same time supplied with nutrients, ”says Elena Eliseeva.


Rule of thumb: These foods should have a light texture - they usually have more water than oil. “The care products adapted for skin with excessive oil production should include three types of components: matting, moisturizing, keratolytic,” says Elena Eliseeva. "To maintain water balance, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe extract or thermal water are usually added to the formula."

  1. 1

    Moisturizing and mattifying cream for mixed and oily skin with green tea extract "Botanic-cream" Skin Naturals, Garnier.

  2. 2

    Intensive moisturizing and regenerating gel Hydrating B5 with vitamin B5, SkinCeuticals.

  3. 3

    Corrective emulsion Effaclar K (+), La Roche-Posay.


The task of matting agents is to absorb excess moisture and fat, and help to tighten pores. “Look for micro-powder, silicon, perlite or kaolin in them,” explains Elena Eliseeva.

  1. 1

    Mattifying sorbet cream for the face"Life-giving moisturizing" with green tea extract Skin Naturals, Garnier.

  2. 2

    Light cream-gel with a mattifying effect, tightens pores and smoothes the skin surface, Pure Focus, Lancôme.

  3. 3

    Oil control spray Serozinc with zinc against oily sheen and enlarged pores, La roche-posay.


Cleansers should be very mild, no soap, but contain acids or antiseptic agents. “To prevent clogged pores and cleanse them, you can use masks with kaolin clay for oily skin 1-3 times a week,” adds Marina Kamanina, Garnier's expert dermatologist.

  1. 1

    Shower gel cleansing pores Simply Clean, SkinCeuticals.

  2. 2

    Cleansing Toner "Clear Skin" against blackheads and oily sheen with salicylic acid, Garnier.

  3. 3

    Mineral deep cleansing clay mask smoothing skin relief, Vichy.


“The task of toning lotions for oily skin is to help tighten pores,” says Elena Eliseeva. - For this, astringents are added to the composition (extract of witch hazel or oak bark, low alcohol up to 15%), and in some - matting powder. These products are suitable only for those whose skin is not prone to acne: intensive rubbing of synthetic matting granules into the pores can clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.

  1. 1

    Pore ​​tightening tonic, with Amazonian white clay Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic, Kiehl's.

  2. 2

    Lotion to tighten pores with lipohydroxy acids Effaclar, La Roche-Posay.

Products for male skin prone to oily

Men's skin is different from women's. It is thicker and more oily due to active fat production. Most men are familiar with the problem of acne and suffer from it no less than women. Contrary to popular belief, there is no gender separation for female and male skin when choosing care products.

Male skin is most often of the oily type © site


Caring for oily skin involves mandatory steps: cleansing - toning - moisturizing. In this case, it is recommended to use the scrub from one to three times a week, if you do it more often, sebum secretion will increase.

For daily cleansing, first use a gel or foam to wash oily skin, then toner or lotion. Finally, apply a moisturizer.

Night care

Oily skin is dense and prone to inflammation, but like any skin needs hydration. Apply matting creams during the daytime, and apply moisturizers at night, preferably with a sebum-regulating effect. Such products will narrow pores, reduce the number and depth of inflammation, and make the face smoother.

If you are lucky to be born with oily or oily skin, you know what "floating" makeup is, ever-rolling shadows in the crease of the upper eyelid, skin shining like oil poured over in any weather, except for winter frosts (and even then ...) , and cheek prints on the cell phone screen after the call. We understand your pain. Why are the sebaceous glands so actively producing sebum and how to solve this issue?

There's an answer.

Oily skin is in constant search of a balance between the overproduction of sebum and its lack. Where does the shortage come from - you ask. It's simple: you cleanse the skin, remove excess fat, and the glands begin to produce more of it. We asked dermatologists how to properly care for oily skin, and this is what they advised us.

Oily skin care


More careful with scrubs and peels

“People with oily skin, especially if skin is prone to comedones, acne and acne, need to be three times more careful with exfoliation than those with dry and thin skin, as strange as it sounds,” says Elizabeth Tanzi, professor , Head of the Department of Clinical Dermatology at the George Washington Medical Center. - The worst thing that can be done is to peel off the skin and pores until it “squeaks”. Firstly, as already mentioned, such an attitude towards the skin provokes an even greater overproduction of sebum, and secondly, it leads to premature aging, since the upper layer of the epidermis becomes thinner and injured. " You need to cleanse oily skin with the most delicate products, non-abrasive peels or with the help of Clarisonic.

Choose the right cream

Often, owners of oily skin neglect a moisturizer. Why, because the skin does not dry anyway! A popular and dangerous misconception. Dermatologist and cosmetologist Joanna Vargas explains: “Oily skin suffers as well as dry skin when there is a lack of fluid. Imagine that you took dried dried apricots and poured them with oil. The surface has become greasy, but no moisture has increased inside the fruit. And with a lack of moisture, skin aging accelerates rapidly! " So don't forget to moisturize your oily skin. An ideal moisturizer for oily skin should contain zinc (anti-inflammation), jojoba oil (control sebum production), and have a light, gel-like texture so as not to clog pores.

Avoid greasy SPF creams

“When choosing a sunscreen, look for those labeled transparent, oil free and light. The texture does not affect the quality of protection, and it is not a good idea to apply a greasy cream on oily skin, ”says Dr. Tanzi.

Replace the cloth towel with a paper one.

“The point is not whether the cloth touches your face or the paper,” explains Dr. Vargas, “the point is that you throw away the paper towel immediately after use, and on the cloth, and even warm and damp, bacteria can begin to multiply. into the lint from your skin. And with oily problem skin and enlarged pores, it is especially important to prevent inflammation! "

) I gave you advice on how to make the care really gentle and good for your skin. These tips apply to all face types. Today we'll talk about.

I have suffered from oily skin since adolescence. Plus - I was plagued by a terrible acne. I have struggled with this in different ways. Under the influence of inspiration and the hope that everything will change, one stage of caring for my unfortunate skin sometimes reached 4-5 steps, i.e. first washing (with something vigorous), until the skin squeaks, then a tonic (the same vigorous), then a scrub (yes, more, more), then some kind of mask (super-duper cleansing), then a cream (of course from shine, read - completely drying the skin).

From such a shock, the skin became better at the first moment, then - worse ... My hands were discouraged ... While I myself, by trial and error, after many, many, many hours of studying the Internet, literature, the experience of other "victims" did not come to the conclusion, what exactly with oily skin of the face, prone to acne, the rule "Less is better" works best.

Why am I writing this to you? Then, so that you take my advice seriously and read it thoughtfully (and read it over and over again every time, especially if in the store your pens reach for another gel / scrub / foam / tonic that promises deep cleansing and other miracles). These are really effective tips for caring for oily skin, which I have suffered and tried again and again.

It may seem to you that they are too simple, or maybe they are too delusional. This is fine! After all, they are not at all similar to what advertisements and glossy magazines tell us.

So go ahead!

How to care for oily skin?

2. Tip two(sparing)
The rule is: the oily the skin, the more acne, the more often the scrub should be. THIS IS NOT TRUE! I wanted to write that it should be the other way around, but I think that scrubs are a "duty" inspired by advertising. If this was so important for the skin, nature would give us the opportunity to change skin, like snakes))) In order to maintain skin renewal in its natural rhythm, it is enough to make a mask of clay or ghassoul once (maximum, twice) a week (Moroccan clay, much fatter and softer than usual).
Why? Here is the same principle as in the first tip: the more the top layer of the skin you remove, the more (and faster) it grows + more fat is produced in order to sort of "smooth" such a gross interference with the natural rhythm of the skin.

3. Advice three(anti-chemical)
No skin, especially oily skin, will tolerate a lot of chemistry. This means, carefully read the composition on the tubes... Both skin cleansing and its care should be no surfactants, no emulsifiers (PEG), no artificial preservatives or synthetic fragrances. It is very important! All these constituents of cosmetics, which are found almost everywhere, irritate the skin to the highest degree. Sometimes it is worth excluding all this from care and cleansing, and the skin, as if by magic, becomes matte and clear. When it comes to essential oils, you also need to be careful with them. And rashes are possible from them. In general: think about how to care for oily skin, choose hypoallergenic products(best organic cosmetics), and you will be happy!

4. Council four(toning)
Chooses face cream you need to be extremely careful and deliberate! Study the composition carefully, especially the make-up. After all, if you applied and washed off the gel for washing, then you will walk with the foundation all day. 50% of the condition of your skin depends on the quality (read, composition) of the foundation. What to look for: the foundation for oily skin prone to breakouts should not contain:

  • emulsifiers (PEG and similar)
  • paraffins
  • other petroleum products (silicones, etc.)

The most annoying thing is that it is the tonalities that best cover up skin imperfections that contain either all of them, or part of them. You probably think that make-ups for oily skin, which most often feature "no oil", are completely harmless. It is not always so. In the near future I will lay out the results on tonal foundations, and you will be horrified. (Here it is! Already ready!)

For example, toners such as Vichy Aéra Teint Fluid(with matting effect !!!) or Clinique Superbalances Makeup contain not only silicones (which lie on the skin with a film and clog the pores at once), but also other harmful substances.

5. Tip five(simplest)

… Reads - no cream in the evening. It sounds crazy, but it is. I have already described

Oily skin is one of the normal options. With regular and proper care, it does not cause any particular problems, moreover, it remains fresh and elastic much longer dry. Wrinkles appear on it very late. However, at a young age, increased fat content leads to a pronounced greasy shine, inflammation, the appearance of comedones, pustules.

Fat production gradually decreases with age, but in about 10% oily skin remains after 30 years.

Causes of increased fat content

The main cause of oily skin is the high intensity of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which in turn is provoked by increased production of progesterone. In many cases, this problem manifests itself at a young age and coincides with a period of active hormonal changes. It is at this time that proper care for oily skin is especially important. The greatest fat content is observed in the forehead and nose.

After the end of the active period of hormonal processes, the production of fat is significantly reduced, due to which there are fewer rashes, acne and acne.

Main problems

Oily skin up to 25 years old is considered almost the norm, but if a similar problem persists after reaching the age of 30, then consultation with an endocrinologist becomes highly desirable.

Perhaps the reason for the increased fat content is hormonal disorders. In this case, treatment of the underlying disease will be required to eliminate it. However, in most cases, this is just a feature that requires competent care, the use of special products, the availability of the necessary knowledge on how to care for oily skin in the summer, protect it from UV radiation, what to do to prevent irritation, etc.

  1. Enlarged pores... This is perhaps the biggest problem with this type of skin. The pores are often clogged due to accumulation of dirt, excess fat, and dead skin cells. Active multiplication of bacteria begins. The result is a grayish complexion and pimples that further enlarge and stretch the pores.
  2. Bold shine- appears as a result of increased grease, leading to the accumulation of grease and dirt in the pores. As a result, the face looks dirty.
  3. Inflammations and blackheads... They are the result of clogged pores, slowing down of local metabolic processes, and insufficient blood supply.
  4. Peeling... Strangely enough, oily skin tends to peel off. It appears as a result of the accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin.
  5. Problems with the selection of cosmetics... On oily skin, makeup does not hold well. To keep it well, you have to follow special rules.

How to define it?

You can determine the type of skin cover using a simple test: wash your face using baby soap, blot with a towel. Do not apply any products to it, just let it breathe for about 2 hours.

The essence of testing is to apply a paper towel to any part of the face. Instead of a napkin, you can use glass, papyrus paper, mirror. If oily traces remain on the surface of the object, then the skin is characterized by increased fat content. The absence of stains indicates a normal or dry type.

Oily skin care at different ages

Program "20+"

The main goal of facial care at a very young age is to get rid of excess fat and maintain a fresh color. At the age of 20, the sebaceous glands actively produce fat, so cleansing the skin becomes the most important task.

Cleansing procedures are best done twice a day. With a low fat content, it is enough to use soap and special lotions for face care. When expressed - you should select cleansers containing fruit extracts or tea tree oil, under the influence of which the enlarged pores tighten.

The best option is when the oily skin care products contain a large amount of moisturizing components, but little fat (lipids). The use of saturated, heavy creams is impractical even if a feeling of tightness arises after washing, since it is caused by insufficient moisture content. For oily skin, creams containing vitamin E, which have a fairly light consistency, are perfect. They help to retain moisture.

Until the age of 25, rarely anyone thinks about wrinkles, but it is necessary to take care of their prevention from this age. To do this, protect your face with products containing UV filters and a light night cream.

Program "30+"

With age, fat production decreases significantly - by an average of 30%. The bold shine is no longer as intense as in youth. A “side effect” of this process is a decrease in skin elasticity. It also slows down skin metabolism and cell renewal. Violation of the blood supply to the tissues leads to a deterioration in complexion, muscle tone is reduced. Although oily skin ages much more slowly than dry skin, nevertheless, after 30 years, this process is already quite pronounced. Therefore, facial care in middle age has some peculiarities.

In the morning, you should cleanse your face of fat. The most suitable cleansing agent is water and a foamed wash. It is better not to use regular soap. You should also avoid hot water, as it expands pores, blood vessels, and stimulates the production of fat. You can wash with water with the addition of herbal infusions: parsley, mint. Acidified water perfectly narrows pores and tones the skin (a little lemon juice is added to it).

Toning is an indispensable part of caring for skin with high fat content after 30. It is recommended to prepare a tonic at home using cucumber, citrus juices, a few drops of alcohol or vinegar. It is necessary to regularly scrub, peel and gommage.

It is also important not to forget about masks. It is advisable to add aloe and lemon juice to them. For high fat content, it is recommended to use whipped egg whites masks.

40+ program

After 40 years, the skin rarely retains increased fat content, since the production of fat is reduced by almost three times, but the consequences in the form of enlarged pores, contamination of the skin, and a tendency to inflammation persist.

After waking up and before going to bed, the face should be cleansed with the help of special cosmetics intended for oily skin. Makeup should not be left on overnight - this will provoke even more pollution and speed up fading.

Scrubs should also contain lemon juice. An excellent option is a composition for a scrub with sea salt, bran, with the addition of honey. The best homemade scrub recipes.

In middle age, it is important to take care of wrinkle prevention. Masks based on a mixture of potato starch with milk, honey and salt are suitable for the care of aging skin.

Necessary procedures


Correct care for oily skin at home begins with an elementary washing procedure. High fat content does not mean you need to wash your face several times a day. It is important to do this in accordance with the rules and use the appropriate means.

For this type of skin, a special gel for oily skin is ideal. The procedure should be started with warm water: it helps to open the pores. After that, a foamed gel is applied to the face and massaged with a brush. As a result, the pores are freed of excess fat, and you can move on to cool water: it noticeably narrows them and makes them almost invisible.


Taking proper care of oily skin requires frequent cleansing. A common mistake women make is to use strong cleansers containing pure alcohol, which stimulates the production of sebum and leads to an even greater complication of the situation, as the skin tends to quickly restore the fat layer. It is better to replace alcoholic lotions with cleansing soft foams designed for special care for oily skin.

It is also advisable to use special agents to increase local immunity and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Toilet soap tightens the skin on the face and leaves plaque. Products used for oily skin should dissolve easily in water.

When choosing foams and gels for cleansing care, you need to pay attention to the pH level: it should not exceed 4.5. It is also important that the product contains antibacterial components, lemon, tea tree, and basil oils. The content of alkalis in foams is unacceptable: they are completely unsuitable for this type of skin.

For cleansing the T-zone (it has a high fat content), sour milk is an excellent cleansing agent. It can be replaced with yogurt or kefir. Soak a cotton pad with one of these products and wipe especially oily areas of the face (nose, forehead, chin), following the direction of the massage lines.

Another effective remedy is a mixture of regular ground coffee and sea salt (read more about). The ingredients are mixed (they are taken in equal parts) and applied to the face (it should be pre-moistened with water). After a light massage of the face (in a circular motion), the composition is washed off with warm water. Such care has a drying and cleansing effect at the same time.


With oily skin, the peeling procedure is recommended to be carried out quite often - at least once every three days. After it, the face is cleared of the dirt accumulated in the pores, the oily sheen disappears. Peeling prevents the appearance of acne, inflammation, the development of dermatological diseases. The best time for the procedure is in the evening, as the face is exposed to a kind of mini-stress during the peeling.

Lemon peeling is perfect for oily skin (more about peeling with fruit acids). To prepare the composition, the citruses are crushed in a blender, a little olive oil is added.

Another option is salicylic peeling, which has a pronounced drying effect.


Application rules:

  • Before starting the procedure, cleanse the face and neck area, remove cosmetics.
  • Steam your face using a steam bath or a towel soaked in warm water. This will open up your pores and completely get rid of oily clumps.
  • Do not apply the scrub to irritated areas of the skin, damage, wounds.
  • Before using any product, carry out the test by applying the composition to a small skin area. If after that the skin in the treated area becomes oily, the proportions of the components should be changed or replaced with others.
  • Do not rub your face after exfoliation.


  • Clay scrub

This natural component is ideal for proper care of oily skin: it intensively absorbs excess oil, removing them with dirt and dead cells. Clay also tightens enlarged pores and tightens the skin on the face.

For oily skin, black as well as dark brown clay is ideal. You can also use a mixture of them. Clay is diluted with boiled water until a thick mass is obtained, then applied to the face. You need to keep the composition until the clay is completely dry. In the process of washing off the scrub mask, you should massage the face in a circular motion.

  • Brown sugar scrub

Dilute brown sugar with chilled milk, obtained by means of massage the face for several minutes, rinse. Facial care with this product helps to give the skin a matte finish and makes it very soft.

  • Green clay scrub

For pronounced pores on the face, it is preferable to use green clay for care. It should be mixed with low-fat yogurt or yogurt and rubbed over your face with gentle massaging movements, then rinsed off.


Caring for oily skin must certainly include special masks that have a drying, tightening effect, eliminate oily sheen and prevent inflammation and irritation.

  1. A mask with lemon juice and low-fat cream (ingredients are taken in approximately equal proportions) is perfect for high fat content. The mask enriches the skin with vitamin C, making the pores less visible.
  2. A mask based on potato starch, milk, honey with the addition of a small amount of salt produces a pronounced cleansing effect.
  3. Raspberry mask with added rice flour refreshes, cleanses, tightens, tightens.
  4. A mask based on a mixture of oatmeal with beaten egg white will perfectly cope with oily sheen, tighten and dry the skin of the face.

Application of cosmetic ice

Tips on how to properly care for oily skin at home would be incomplete without mentioning such an important procedure as using ice. For its preparation, it is recommended to use an infusion of medicinal herbs (sage, calendula, St. John's wort), white semi-dry wine. Water can be replaced with mineral water. The facial treatment procedure consists in rubbing it with such cubes daily.

Nutrition rules

In order not to stimulate the production of fat, it is better to avoid foods with a pungent or irritating taste: peppers, spices, vinegar.

The basis of the diet should be:

  • dairy, lactic acid products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereal porridge.

Choice of cosmetics

The general requirements for decorative cosmetics for oily skin are:

  • dryness;
  • lack of creamy components;
  • the presence of drying and (preferably) anti-inflammatory agents in the composition;
  • opacity.

Powder, foundation should be matte, have a dense texture, and have increased stability. The presence of kaolin () in their composition will help eliminate oily sheen. Zinc oxide in the composition of the foundation will have an additional anti-inflammatory effect. Many cosmetologists advise to completely abandon the use of powder, since it clogs the pores and provokes the onset of inflammation and acne. As for blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, liquid and cream are definitely not suitable.

Oily skin feeds aging more slowly than dry or even normal.

However, until a certain point she gives her owners a lot of trouble e.g. acne, blackheads, unaesthetic shine, acne scars, etc.

If you are interested, how to care for oily skin to forget about these problems, please read this material carefully and follow our advice.

Care for oily skin should be daily, which will help prevent the appearance of blackheads, acne, flabbiness. This is a rule that must not be ignored.

The main stages of proper care for oily skin: cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

Daily cleansing- This is the removal of makeup, fat traces from the skin of the face with cosmetic milk, foam, water. Wash your face with oily skin often.

For sensitive skin, the remedy is chosen with a soothing effect: with plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, aloe). At home, you can remove makeup using unrefined vegetable oil.

Toning is carried out with special means, for example, tonics and lotions.

Moisturizing oily skin is carried out with water-based products containing glycerin or sodium hyaluronate. Care for oily and problem skin should include procedures using cosmetics based on natural jojoba oil.

Use anti-aging cosmetics after 30 years... And so that your face does not "shine" during the day, use a matting powder with a light texture and foundations designed for your skin type.

My own beautician: procedures for oily skin at home

You can find a lot of tips on the Internet, how to properly care for oily skin at home... Here are some tips and recipes that have really helped many people solve problems with oily sheen or acne.

You can make your own coffee grounds scrub... For 1-2 minutes, massage the face skin with the resulting gruel, then rinse with water. Scrubs made from crushed seeds (pine nuts, raspberries, grapes, apricots) also help well.

But it is worth knowing that mechanical cleansing should be abandoned if you have a lot of acne, as particles of abrasive can "open" acne bubbles and bring an infection there.

Applying a thin layer of liquid honey to oily skin helps to cleanse the pores removing dead cells. When the honey thickens, it is washed off with warm water.

People with oily skin Foam masks that are applied to the face 2 times a week are well suited until completely dry. Then they are washed off. Masks are applied after cleansing.

An ancient and very effective method is the use of cosmetic clay... Blue, white and green clays are best suited for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing oily skin.

After the procedure, tonic soothes the skin well... The lotion should be applied to the face twice a day. An alternative remedy is honey water. To make it yourself, dissolve half a tablespoon of natural honey in a glass of warm water.

Rubbing your face with an ice cube or a frozen herbal decoction cube (chamomile, calendula) gives a natural glow. Prevents dehydration, smoothes fine wrinkles.

After cleansing, you should go to nutrition. To do this, apply a cream suitable for your age and skin type.

For young skin, light creams and gels with a moisturizing effect are selected. For older skin, creams with increased nutritional potential are suitable.

The cream is applied in a thin layer along the massage lines with stroking movements of the fingers.

To make sure that your chosen oily skin care product is right for you, apply a small amount of the cream to the skin and watch the reaction.

Proper care of oily sensitive skin is impossible without the use of masks, they are used 2-3 times a week. Good home remedies for oily skin can be made at home. To do this, you need fresh food that is available in the house.

will give the skin elasticity, improve the complexion. Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with strawberries (you can thaw it), apply to your face. Then rinse with water.

1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon olive oil and honey able to make your skin firm and elastic.

Well moisturizes and tones the skin fresh cucumber mask... Apply several cucumber plastics to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

In winter, the skin of the face is under the influence of additional negative factors of influence, including subzero temperatures, wind, etc. This can lead to the fact that even your own sebum will not save you from unpleasant peeling, as well as the appearance of new inflammatory foci.

Proper care for oily skin in winter and late autumn should be built taking into account the following recommendations:

Taking care of oily skin in summer

Dehydrated skin- this is what a thoughtlessly long stay in the sun in summer can turn into. Owners of oily skin with this trouble are much less common, however, they can sometimes be bothered by the sun-dried dermis.

  1. Cleanse your skin with a gel containing citric acid or glycolic acid.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
  3. Wear soft makeup

It is not always possible to maintain the ideal state of oily skin at home. Especially if you are facing problems such as acne or post-acne.

That's why we offer you a list of salon procedures, which will provide you with tangible help in the struggle for the ideal appearance.

A visit to a beautician, of course, will cost more. than any home procedures. However, in this case, the result will justify the money spent.

So, the top salon cosmetic procedures for oily problem skin in women and men are traditionally headed by mechanical facial cleansing and chemical peels.

But there are other methods. which give the best result, although the price of these services is quite high:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning: Eliminate impurities and sebum using an acoustic wave that vibrates the pore walls.
  2. Galvanic cleaning: change of skin ph and deep cleansing of dermis layers with electrolyte solution.
  3. Vacuum cleaning: creating negative pressure on the skin and drawing in through a special sebum attachment.

Rules for the care of young skin or skin after 25 years, after 30, etc. are based on general principles, but may have their own age characteristics.

Darsonval, or Modern replacement for the beautician

Now on sale there are Darsonval appliances for home use... They are not very expensive, so you should seriously consider buying this device.

In addition to numerous useful properties, the device has a positive effect on oily skin, effectively treats acne and relieves inflammation. In addition, darsonvalization normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, has a bactericidal effect.

The essence of therapy is in pulsed exposure to high voltage currents on tissue. You may feel a little uncomfortable while swiping the device over your face, but these sensations have nothing to do with pain. This means that you can easily withstand the procedure.

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