Course work: Creating pedagogical conditions in the family for the development of children's creative abilities in musical activities. The role of the family in the development of a child’s creative personality. The role of family education in development



The role of the family in the development of creative abilities of preschool children

The family has great potential for developing the creative abilities of preschoolers. This was pointed out by such scientists as P. Torrence, K. Tekex, V.N. Druzhinin, J. Getzels, F. Jackson, M.V. Mezhieva and others.

According to the research of P. Torrens, hereditary potential is not the most important indicator future creative productivity. The degree to which a child’s creative impulses are realized largely depends on the influence of parents and other adults at home and in kindergarten. Character traits that contribute to creative productivity can be discovered quite early. That is why it is very important for a psychologist working with children to draw the attention of parents to their development. The results of developing a child's creative abilities can be best when the family and kindergarten work closely together.

The influence of parents is the primary factor influencing the formation of the child’s self-concept. As K. Tekex writes: “There are many support systems other than family that will help in the development of a child. But none of them can replace the family in the development of the child’s psyche, in creating his image as a deservedly loved person, happy and whole in his environment.” Through communication with adults, the child learns what behavior is desirable and what is not, what is safe and what is risky. It is important for parents to maintain a balance here. Positive messages of support and love must necessarily outweigh negative, critical ones. Through communication with adults, the child must develop “a healthy sense of self as a person who has something to bring to the world and whom the world welcomes with joy.” J. Getzels and F. Jackson compared the conditions that accompanied the development of high creativity and high intelligence in children. The study found that the level financial situation family does not play a role. A more significant influence is exerted by the profession of parents, their social status and position towards children. Parents found creative children in their children fewer disadvantages than the parents of intellectuals. They showed their favorable attitude towards the child's individuality and confidence in his ability to do everything right. If the parents of intellectuals paid most attention to external factors that contribute to the child’s career, parents of creatives paid the main attention internal qualities child.

Most researchers identify during analysis family relations the following parameters:

  1. Harmony – inharmonious relationships between parents, as well as between parents and children;
  2. creative – non-creative personality of the parent as a role model and subject of identification;
  3. common intellectual interests of family members or lack thereof;
  4. The parents' expectations for the child are expectations of achievement or independence.

In his works V.N. Druzhinin, referring to foreign researchers, points out that if behavior regulation is cultivated in a family, the same requirements are imposed on all children, and there are harmonious relationships between family members, then this leads to low level creativity of children. For example, in studies by D. Manfield (1981), R. Albert and M. Runko (1987), positive correlations were found between inharmonious emotional relationships in the family, psychoticism of parents and high creativity of children. However, a number of other researchers point out the need harmonious relations for the development of creativity, but these conclusions are less empirically substantiated. It seems that a larger range of acceptable behavioral manifestations (including emotional ones) and less unambiguous requirements do not contribute to early education strict social stereotypes and promotes the development of creativity. Thus, a creative person appears as psychologically unstable. The requirement to achieve success through obedience does not contribute to the development of independence and, as a result, creativity.

D. Simonton, and then a number of other researchers, hypothesized that an environment favorable to the development of creativity should reinforce children’s creative behavior and provide examples of creative behavior to follow. From his point of view, a socially and politically unstable environment is most favorable for the development of creativity.

Among the numerous facts that confirm vital role family - parental relationship, there are also these:

  • As a rule, the eldest or The only son in family;
  • Children who identify themselves with their parents (father) are less likely to show creativity. On the contrary, if a child identifies himself with the “ideal hero,” then he has a greater chance of becoming creative. This fact is explained by the fact that most children have “average” parents, uncreative people, identification with them leads to the formation of uncreative behavior in children;
  • more often creative children appear in families where the father is much older than the mother;
  • early death of parents leads to the absence of a pattern of behavior with restriction of behavior in childhood;
  • beneficial for the development of creativity increased attention to the child’s abilities, a situation when his talent becomes an organizing principle in the family.

A number of researchers have noted the role of the parent of the opposite sex in the development of the child’s creative abilities. The results of their work show that fathers have a greater influence on the creativity of girls, and mothers have a greater influence on the creativity of boys. Fathers who take an active interest in their daughters' activities, broaden their career horizons, and strengthen their independence are much more likely to raise their daughters to be creative individuals than those who promote stereotypical dependent or passive behavior patterns in their daughters. Mothers engaged in creative or business careers tend to instill greater independence of thought and courage in their sons. Parents who want to develop their child's creativity and productivity must give room for creativity in own life. A competent parent in this case is, first of all, a competent person, whose perception of new ideas and joy in his own achievements gives the child a direct and convincing example.

D. Lewis compiled a list of statements for parents with which parents can assess the degree of their participation in their child’s activities. Despite the fact that this list was formulated based on a study of a large sample of families of gifted children, it quite successfully typifies the approach to stimulating positive mental development child.

Analyzing the features of parental influence on the formation of children’s creativity, K. Tekex formulated some recommendations that promote understanding and stimulation children's creativity. In her opinion, parents need to listen carefully to the child’s questions, note what the child prefers to do, and monitor his natural interests. There is nothing worse than a parent's phrase: “You ask too many questions!” It is important to develop a variety of interests in your child. It is important for parents not to place undue emphasis on training sessions in kindergarten, because learning programs pay more attention to convergent rather than divergent thinking and narrow the child's thinking rather than broaden it. Thinking is intuitive, associative, more characteristic of a child preschool age, may be suppressed by early, intensive training using strictly organized materials such as school textbooks.

So, a family environment, where, on the one hand, there is attention to the child, and on the other hand, where various, inconsistent demands are placed on him, where there is little external control over behavior, where there are creative family members and non-stereotypical behavior is encouraged, leads to the development of creativity The child has.

The hypothesis that imitation is the main mechanism for the formation of creativity implies that in order to develop a child’s creative abilities, it is necessary that among the people close to the preschooler there is a creative person with whom the child identifies himself. The identification process depends on relationships in the family: the role model for the child may not be the parents, but an “ideal hero” who has creative traits to a greater extent than the parents.

The task of adults seeking to develop this in a child creative potential, realizing his creative abilities is quite difficult. And if parents, with the help of specialist psychologists and teachers, try to create opportunities for their child to have an interesting education, they will provide necessary help And emotional support, this problem can be solved quite successfully.

The family has great potential for developing the creative abilities of preschoolers. This was pointed out by such scientists as P. Torrence, K. Tekex, V.N. Druzhinin, J. Getzels, F. Jackson, M.V. Mezhieva and others.

According to research by P. Torrance, hereditary potential is not the most important indicator of future creative productivity. The degree to which a child’s creative impulses are realized largely depends on the influence of parents and other adults at home and in kindergarten. Character traits that contribute to creative productivity can be discovered quite early. That is why it is very important for a psychologist working with children to draw the attention of parents to their development. The results of developing a child's creative abilities can be best when the family and kindergarten work closely together.

The influence of parents is the primary factor influencing the formation of the child’s self-concept. As K. Tekex writes: “There are many support systems other than family that will help in the development of a child. But none of them can replace the family in the development of the child’s psyche, in creating his image as a deservedly loved person, happy and whole in his environment.” Through communication with adults, the child learns what behavior is desirable and what is not, what is safe and what is risky. It is important for parents to maintain a balance here. Positive messages of support and love must necessarily outweigh negative, critical ones. Through communication with adults, the child must develop “a healthy sense of self as a person who has something to bring to the world and whom the world welcomes with joy.” J. Getzels and F. Jackson compared the conditions that accompanied the development of high creativity and high intelligence in children. The study found that the level of financial status of the family does not play a role. A more significant influence is exerted by the profession of parents, their social status and position in relation to children. Parents of creative children found fewer shortcomings in their children than parents of intellectuals. They showed their favorable attitude towards the child's individuality and confidence in his ability to do everything right. If the parents of intellectuals paid main attention to external factors contributing to the child’s career, then the parents of creatives paid the main attention to the internal qualities of the child.

Most researchers identify the following parameters when analyzing family relationships:

  1. Harmony – inharmonious relationships between parents, as well as between parents and children;
  2. creative – non-creative personality of the parent as a role model and subject of identification;
  3. common intellectual interests of family members or lack thereof;
  4. The parents' expectations for the child are expectations of achievement or independence.

In his works V.N. Druzhinin, citing foreign researchers, points out that if regulation of behavior is cultivated in a family, the same requirements are imposed on all children, and there are harmonious relationships between family members, then this leads to a low level of creativity in children. For example, in studies by D. Manfield (1981), R. Albert and M. Runko (1987), positive correlations were found between non-harmonious emotional relationships in the family, psychoticism of parents and high creativity of children. However, a number of other researchers point to the need for harmonious relationships for the development of creativity, but these conclusions are less empirically substantiated. It seems that a larger range of acceptable behavioral manifestations (including emotional ones) and less unambiguous requirements do not contribute to the early formation of rigid social stereotypes and favor the development of creativity. Thus, a creative person appears as psychologically unstable. The requirement to achieve success through obedience does not contribute to the development of independence and, as a result, creativity.

D. Simonton, and then a number of other researchers, hypothesized that an environment favorable to the development of creativity should reinforce children’s creative behavior and provide examples of creative behavior to follow. From his point of view, a socially and politically unstable environment is most favorable for the development of creativity.

Among the numerous facts that confirm the most important role of family-parental relationships, there are the following:

  • As a rule, the eldest or only son in the family has a greater chance of showing creative abilities;
  • Children who identify themselves with their parents (father) are less likely to show creativity. On the contrary, if a child identifies himself with the “ideal hero,” then he has a greater chance of becoming creative. This fact is explained by the fact that most children have “average” parents, uncreative people, identification with them leads to the formation of uncreative behavior in children;
  • more often creative children appear in families where the father is much older than the mother;
  • early death of parents leads to the absence of a pattern of behavior with restriction of behavior in childhood;
  • Increased attention to the child’s abilities, a situation where his talent becomes an organizing principle in the family, is beneficial for the development of creativity.

A number of researchers have noted the role of the parent of the opposite sex in the development of the child’s creative abilities. The results of their work show that fathers have a greater influence on the creativity of girls, and mothers have a greater influence on the creativity of boys. Fathers who take an active interest in their daughters' activities, broaden their career horizons, and strengthen their independence are much more likely to raise their daughters to be creative individuals than those who promote stereotypical dependent or passive behavior patterns in their daughters. Mothers engaged in creative or business careers tend to instill greater independence of thought and courage in their sons. Parents who want to develop their children's creativity and productivity must give room for creativity in their own lives. A competent parent in this case is, first of all, a competent person, whose perception of new ideas and joy in his own achievements gives the child a direct and convincing example.

D. Lewis compiled a list of statements for parents with which parents can assess the degree of their participation in their child’s activities. Despite the fact that this list was formulated based on a study of a large sample of families of gifted children, it quite successfully typifies the approach to stimulating the positive mental development of a child.

Analyzing the characteristics of parental influence on the formation of children's creativity, K. Tekex formulated some recommendations that promote understanding and stimulation of children's creativity. In her opinion, parents need to listen carefully to the child’s questions, note what the child prefers to do, and monitor his natural interests. There is nothing worse than a parent's phrase: “You ask too many questions!” It is important to develop a variety of interests in your child. It is important for parents not to overemphasize kindergarten curriculum, as curricula emphasize convergent rather than divergent thinking and tend to narrow rather than broaden a child's thinking. Intuitive, associative thinking, more typical of a preschool child, can be suppressed by early, intensive studies using strictly organized materials, like school textbooks.

So, a family environment, where, on the one hand, there is attention to the child, and on the other hand, where various, inconsistent demands are placed on him, where there is little external control over behavior, where there are creative family members and non-stereotypical behavior is encouraged, leads to the development of creativity The child has.

The hypothesis that imitation is the main mechanism for the formation of creativity implies that in order to develop a child’s creative abilities, it is necessary that among the people close to the preschooler there is a creative person with whom the child identifies himself. The identification process depends on relationships in the family: the role model for the child may not be the parents, but an “ideal hero” who has creative traits to a greater extent than the parents.

The task of adults seeking to develop a child’s creative potential and realize his creative abilities is quite difficult. And if parents, with the help of specialist psychologists and teachers, try to create opportunities for their child to have an interesting education, provide the necessary help and emotional support, this task can be solved quite successfully.

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Analysis of the problem of developing creative abilities will largely be determined by the content that we will put into this concept. Very often, creative abilities are identified with abilities for various types of artistic activity, with the ability to draw beautifully, write poetry, write music, etc. What exactly is creativity?

It is obvious that the concept we are considering is closely related to the concept of “creativity”, “creative activity”. Under creative activity we understand human activity as a result of which something new is created - be it an object in the external world, or a construction of thinking that leads to new knowledge about the world, or a feeling that reflects a new attitude towards reality.

B.M. Teplov highlighted three sign of ability, which formed the basis for the definition of abilities most often used in Russian psychology.

Firstly, abilities are understood as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another.

Secondly, not all abilities are called abilities. individual characteristics, but only those that are related to the success of any activity or many activities. Such properties as, for example, hot temper, lethargy, slowness, which are undoubtedly individual characteristics of some people, are usually not called abilities, because they are not considered as conditions for the success of performing any activities.

Thirdly, the concept of “ability” is not limited to the knowledge, skills or abilities that have already been developed by this person.

If we carefully consider human behavior and his activities in any area, we can highlight two main types of actions. Some human actions can be called reproducing or reproductive. This type of activity is closely related to our memory and its essence lies in the fact that a person reproduces or repeats previously created and developed methods of behavior and action. In addition to reproductive activity, human behavior includes creative activity, the result of which is not the reproduction of impressions or actions that were in his experience, but the creation of new images or actions. This type of activity is based on creativity.

Thus, by creative abilities we will understand the individual characteristics and qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance of creative activities of various kinds.

Types of abilities. During scientific study abilities was done a large number of attempts to create various classifications types of abilities.

Current and potential abilities.

From a developmental point of view, potential and actual abilities are distinguished. In this case, potential abilities mean the possibilities for human development that appear every time new tasks arise that require solutions. Actual abilities represent part of potential abilities. These are those potential abilities for which there are objective conditions and opportunities.

General and special abilities.

Most often, in Russian psychology, abilities are divided into general and special abilities. Following B.M. Teplov, special abilities are called abilities for certain types of activities. By general abilities, researchers mean abilities that manifest themselves in the same way in various types of human activity. They are associated with more general conditions of the leading forms of human activity. These abilities represent the properties of the psyche as a single system that determines the success of any activity.

If we take as a basis the three functions of the psyche identified by B.F. Lomov: communicative, regulatory and cognitive, then it is easy to assume that a person has communicative, regulatory and cognitive abilities, respectively. The most developed in line with this approach is the structure of general cognitive abilities. It is represented, according to V.N. Druzhinin, by three types: intelligence, creativity and learning ability.

Special abilities are the conditions necessary for the successful performance of a particular type of activity. These include, for example, an ear for music, musical memory, a sense of rhythm in musicians, “assessment of proportions” in artists, etc. Considering the psyche as a single system that processes information, we can say that it: a) acquires knowledge; b) applies them; c) transforms and preserves knowledge.

In this case, there are three components to general abilities:

    intelligence, as the ability to apply knowledge, the ability to solve problems based on existing knowledge;

    learning ability, as the ability to acquire knowledge;

    creativity as the ability to transform existing knowledge.

Creation - required element harmonious and happy life for the child. In terms of personality development, it has an impact, first as a means of self-development, and then, perhaps, will become a tool of self-realization. The development of children's creative abilities will proceed correctly only if it is organized optimally, without sudden or prolonged disruption of work and rest. Children's creativity is an essential element in the development of their self-awareness and self-understanding. They seem to transform the world around them to suit themselves, and this helps to understand its structure better.

      Age-related features of the development of creative abilities

A person's creative abilities manifest themselves very early. The most intensive period of its development is 2-7 years. At this age, the foundation of personality is laid, and it already manifests itself. The primary manifestation of abilities is found in an irresistible, involuntary craving for various areas of activity. Consequently, the prerequisites for creative opportunities must be sought in the child’s productive creative activity.

Various scientists have addressed the problem of age-related characteristics of creativity. So, A.V. Bakushinsky considered the periodization of children's creativity. He divides the development of creative activity into three main periods. The first is from birth to 6-7 years; the second – from 7 to 10-12 years; third – from 10-12 to 14-15 years (adolescence). Since we are interested in the senior preschool age, we will characterize only the first period. Development of creative activity in pre-school school age the following main characteristics correspond: 1) activity; 2) lack of contemplation; 3) indifference to the result of work; 4) the predominance of interest in a self-sufficient design, in the elements of an artistic form in their primary physiological significance for perception.

In turn, L. Plested, a researcher of children's creativity, identifies three stages. The first stage corresponds to ages from 0 to 3 years, the second stage from 3 to 7 years and the third stage from 7 to 10 years. And again let us dwell on the characteristics of the second stage, with which the senior preschool age intersects. During this period, as L. Plested notes, motor centers develop faster than sensory centers, memory becomes stronger, the beginnings of imagination appear, but the will is still weak and unformed, actions are impulsive, ideas are vague and fleeting, and are quickly transformed into acts.

If we turn to more recent studies of the psychology and physiology of children's creativity, we will notice that the qualitative periodization of the creative development of children in the process of creative activity will generally coincide.

In the studies of E.I. Ignatiev notes that by the second year of a child’s life, the first elements of visual-motor coordination are formed, which will be of decisive importance in the future in the development of creative activity. Special meanings To improve visual-motor coordination in the creative process, the cortical regulation of movements develops, reaching a fairly high level of development only by the age of seven. The formation of motor skills in a 5-7 year old child occurs 4.5 times faster than in a 3-4 year old child.

It can be noted that in modern children the “critical” period (the most favorable for the development of creativity) is shifting to an earlier age from 4-6 to 9-10 years, in contrast to the studies of L. Plested, in which the “critical period” refers to the younger school age (7-10 years).

A.A. Melik-Pashayev writes that the ancestral (being the result of the total life activity of a person at a certain historical moment and in a certain culture) ability to create is especially widely and clearly manifested in a person in the approximate age range from 4-6 to 8-9 years. The researcher calls this period sensitive, favorable specifically for artistic development.

The child draws, sculpts, builds, carves. What all these types of activities have in common is the focus on creating a particular product - a drawing, a design, an appliqué. But all creative abilities have their own characteristics, require mastery of special methods of action and have their own specific impact on the development of the child.

Having established that the age of 4-10 is the most favorable for the development of creative abilities, it is necessary to determine what specific age and psychophysiological characteristics of children of this age must be taken into account in order to properly organize the educational process. This will be discussed in the next paragraph.

      Conditions for the development of creative abilities in children of senior preschool age

Big role in future life The child's creativity plays a role. Children with a high level of intelligence and creativity are confident in their abilities, have an adequate level of self-esteem, have internal freedom and high self-control. Showing interest in everything new and unusual, they have great initiative, but at the same time successfully adapt to the requirements of the social environment, maintaining personal independence of judgment and action.

One of the most important factors in the creative development of children is creation of conditions, contributing to the formation of their creative abilities. A.V. Zaporozhets argued that children's artistic creativity exists, and drew attention to the fact that it is necessary to learn to manage the peculiarities of its manifestation, to develop methods that encourage and develop children's creativity. He took away big role artistic activities, as well as all educational work with children to develop their perception of beauty in the surrounding life and in works of art. Aesthetic education plays a big role in the overall mental and creative development of a child. We must not forget that art provides a rich emotional experience. This is an experience of a special kind: art not only causes an experience, but also cognizes it, and through the knowledge of a feeling it leads to mastery of it (emotional responsiveness).

Of particular interest, according to scientists, is the senior preschool age, when the nature of children’s activities changes compared to early childhood, named by L.S. Vygotsky as a transition to creative activity, “if we keep in mind the fact that in all types of activity of a preschooler, unique relationships of thought to reality arise, namely the possibility of realizing a plan...”.

To develop creative abilities, according to J. Smith, it is necessary to create the following conditions :

A) physical conditions, that is, the availability of materials for creativity and the opportunity to act with them at any moment;

B) socio-economic conditions, i.e. the creation by adults of a child of a sense of external security when he knows that his creative manifestations will not receive a negative assessment from adults;

C) psychological conditions, the essence of which is that the child develops a sense of internal security, relaxedness and freedom due to the support of adults for his creative endeavors.

One should not think that the child is in the “shackles” of the influence of an adult. Without the assimilation of spiritual culture from intermediaries standing between this culture and the child, there is no development of the child’s personality. Only within general trend following an adult the child shows his individuality, and, as V.S. notes. Mukhina, the older the child, the more distinct these manifestations are.

When nurturing the abilities of children, it is necessary to develop their perseverance in overcoming difficulties, without which the most favorable inclinations and abilities will not produce results. Sometimes an older preschooler with good abilities gives up when he fails, loses faith in his abilities, and loses interest in his previously favorite activities. In these cases teacher should encourage the child, help him overcome difficulties, help him experience the joy of victory over obstacles [ 13, 237].

In an effort to develop the abilities of children, it is necessary to cultivate in them such personality traits as self-demandingness and the ability to be critical of themselves. It is important to form in children the right attitude towards their abilities, successes and achievements. In no way should one directly or indirectly instill in a child the idea of ​​his exclusivity, superiority over others; one should not overly admire the abilities of children, praise them, or contrast them with other children. On the contrary, it is necessary to instill in a capable child that he is not at all an exceptional person, that other children also have abilities, and if he is superior to his comrades in one thing, then they are superior to him in many other things. It is necessary for a capable child or preschooler to understand well that his abilities do not give him the right to put himself in some special position in relation to others, to make high demands on them. On the contrary, increased demands are placed on him, who is capable, precisely because he is capable.

    early child development, both physical and intellectual;

    creating an environment that advances children's development.

    It is necessary, as far as possible, to surround the child in advance with such an environment and such a system of relationships that would stimulate his most diverse creative activities and would gradually develop in him exactly what is capable of developing most effectively at the appropriate moment;

    the optimal level of difficulty of the tasks facing the child. During this period, the child is forced more than ever to engage in creativity, to solve many completely new problems for him independently and without prior training. For example, a child’s ball rolled far under the sofa. Parents should not rush to get him this toy from under the sofa if the child can solve this problem himself.

    providing the child with greater freedom in choosing activities, in alternating activities, in the duration of one activity, in choosing methods, etc.

    unobtrusive, intelligent, friendly help from adults;

warm friendly atmosphere in the family and children's team.

But creating favorable conditions is not enough to raise a child with high creative potential, although some Western psychologists still believe that creativity is inherent in the child and that one should just not interfere with his free expression. But practice shows that such non-interference is not enough: not all children can open the way to creativity and maintain creative activity for a long time. It turns out (and pedagogical practice proves this), if you select the appropriate teaching methods, even preschoolers, without losing the originality of creativity, create works of a higher level than their untrained, self-expressing peers. It is no coincidence that children’s clubs and studios are so popular now, music schools and art schools. Of course, there is still a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt.

From all of the above, we can conclude that senior preschool age provides excellent opportunities for the development of creative abilities. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on the extent to which these opportunities were used.

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“Interaction with parents as the basis for the development of children’s creative abilities”

Completed by: creativity teacher

Saladaeva Natalia Nikolaevna

Nizhny Novgorod 2014


1. Theoretical basis studying the development of creative abilities in children.

1.1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of development of abilities

1.2 The concept of “creativity” and the development of creative abilities

1.3 Patterns of development of creative abilities during preschool childhood

2. Interaction with parents as the basis for the development of children's creative abilities.

2.1 Features of interaction with parents

2.2 Forms of interaction with parents




Home distinctive feature modern world are high rates of renewal of scientific knowledge, technology and technical systems, used not only in production, but also in everyday life and in the sphere of human leisure. A consequence of the rapid updating of knowledge is the requirement for continuous education based on the ability to learn. In modern society, the meaning and importance of education is changing. Now this is not just the assimilation of knowledge, but an impulse to develop the abilities and value systems of the student’s personality. Today there is a change in the paradigm of education - from the paradigm of knowledge, skills and abilities to the paradigm of development of the student’s personality. The main goal Education becomes not the transfer of knowledge and social experience, but the development of the child’s personality.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 18) states that parents are the first teachers who are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development individuals, and preschool educational institutions were created to help the family. Implementation of federal state standards the second generation involves close interaction and cooperation with the family in the process of child development, i.e. parents become active participants in the educational process.

However, parents are focused on giving their children knowledge, teaching them to read, write and count, instead of the ability to feel, think and create. The pedagogical orientation, first of all, to the development of thinking transforms the emotional and spiritual essence of the child into a secondary value, which determines a special relevance our research.

In "Concept preschool education“It is stated that “The period from birth to entry into school is, according to experts around the world, the age of the most rapid physical and mental development of a child, the initial formation of physical and mental qualities, necessary for a person throughout his subsequent life, the qualities and properties that make him human. The peculiarity of this period, which distinguishes it from other, subsequent stages of development, is that it provides precisely general development, which serves as the foundation for the future acquisition of any special knowledge and skills and the mastery of various types of activities. Not only the qualities and properties of the children’s psyche are formed, which determine general character behavior of the child, his attitude towards everything around him, but also those that represent “backgrounds” for the future and are expressed in psychological neoplasms achieved by the end of this age period. Education and training must be addressed to the entire spectrum of the child’s mental qualities, but they are addressed in different ways. The main importance is the support and full development of qualities specific to age, since the unique conditions created by it will not be repeated and what will be “underdeveloped” here will be difficult or even impossible to make up in the future.”

An analysis of scientific and theoretical sources has shown that special attention is paid to the development of creative abilities as a central mental neoplasm of childhood. This has a serious scientific basis in the works of psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydov, L.A. Venger, O.M. Dyachenko, T.A. Repina, E.E. Kravtsova, V.T. Kudryavtsev, E.E. Sapogova and others.

This provision determined the theme of our work: “Interaction with parents as the basis for the development of children’s creative abilities.”

Goal of the work: based on experience, generalize the forms of interaction with parents as the basis for the development of children’s creative abilities.


1. Study and analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

2. Clarify and specify the concepts of “ability” and “creativity”.

3. Study the patterns of development of creative abilities

4. Summarize the forms of interaction between the teacher and parents in order to develop the creative abilities of children.

1 . Theoretical foundations for studying the development of creative abilities in children.

1.1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of developing abilities

In Russian psychology, the problem of abilities was dealt with by such prominent scientists as B. M. Teplov, V. D. Nebylitsyn, A. N. Leontiev and others.

The word "ability" has a very wide application in a wide variety of areas of practice. Usually, abilities are understood as such individual characteristics that are the conditions for the successful implementation of one or more activities. However, the term “ability,” despite its long-standing and widespread use in psychology and pedagogy, is interpreted ambiguously by many authors.

If we summarize all the possible options for currently existing approaches to the study of abilities, then they can be reduced to three main types:

· Abilities are understood as a set of all kinds of mental processes and states. This is the broadest and oldest interpretation of the term “ability.”

· Abilities mean high level development of general and specialized knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the successful performance of various types of activities by a person.

· Abilities are something that cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills and abilities, but ensures their rapid acquisition, consolidation and efficient use on practice.

In Russian psychology, experimental studies of abilities are most often based on the latter approach. B. M. Teplov identified three signs of abilities, which formed the basis for the definition most often used by specialists:

1) abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another;

2) only those features that are relevant to the success of performing an activity or several activities;

3) abilities are not reducible to knowledge, abilities, skills that have already been developed in a person, although they determine the ease and speed of their acquisition.

Despite the fact that abilities cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills and abilities, this does not mean that they are in no way related to knowledge and skills. The ease and speed of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities depend on abilities. The acquisition of this knowledge and skills, in turn, contributes to further development abilities, while the lack of appropriate skills and knowledge is an obstacle to the development of abilities.

Abilities, B. M. Teplov believed, cannot exist except in a constant process of development. An ability that does not develop, which a person stops using in practice, is lost over time. Only through constant exercises associated with systematic studies of such complex types of human activity as music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sports, etc., do we maintain and develop the corresponding abilities.

Various classifications are known in science. So, D.N. Zavalishina, highlighted:

· General abilities that determine a person’s success in a wide variety of activities, characteristic of most people.

· Special abilities that determine a person’s success in specific types of activities, the implementation of which requires inclinations of a special kind and their development. Such abilities include musical, mathematical, linguistic, technical, literary, artistic and creative, sports, etc.

In addition to dividing abilities into general and special, V.A. Krutetsky divides abilities into theoretical and practical. Theoretical and practical abilities differ from each other in that the former predetermine a person’s inclination to abstract theoretical thinking, and the latter to concrete practical actions.

There is also a division into educational and creative abilities, proposed by A.V. Maklakov:

· Learning abilities determine the success of learning, a person’s assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities,

· Creative abilities determine the possibility of discoveries and inventions, the creation of new objects of material and spiritual culture, etc.

However, development is possible only when people are able to assimilate the entire amount of knowledge accumulated by previous generations. Therefore, some authors believe that learning abilities are, first of all, general abilities, and creative ones are special ones that determine the success of creativity.

Abilities are also divided according to their level of development:

Giftedness is a unique combination of abilities that provides a person with the opportunity to successfully perform any activity. In this definition, it is necessary to emphasize that it is not the successful performance of an activity that depends on giftedness, but only the possibility of such successful performance.

Craftsmanship - excellence in specific form activities. When they talk about a person's skill, they primarily mean his ability to successfully engage in productive activities. Mastery in any profession requires psychological readiness to creative solutions to emerging problems.

Talent is a high degree of a person’s ability to perform a certain activity, manifested in originality and novelty of an approach, accompanied by the achievement of the highest results.

Genius is highest degree giftedness. They speak of genius when a person’s creative achievements constitute an entire era in the life of society and in the development of culture.

1.2 The concept of “creativity” and pdevelopment of creative abilities

Thus, creative abilities are individual characteristics of a person’s qualities that determine the success of his creative activity. various kinds. Since the element of creativity can be present in any type of human activity, it is fair to talk not only about artistic creativity, but also about technical creativity, mathematical creativity, etc.

All abilities go through a number of stages in the process of their development, but in order for a certain ability to rise to a higher level in its development, it is necessary that it has already been sufficiently developed at the previous level. But for the development of abilities, there must initially be a certain foundation, which is the inclinations. Inclinations are understood as the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous system, which form the natural basis for the development of abilities. Thus, heredity is of great importance for the development of abilities, but, on the other hand, inclinations themselves do not mean that a person will develop the corresponding abilities. The development of abilities depends on many social conditions. These include the peculiarities of upbringing, the need of society for this or that activity, the peculiarities of the education system, etc.

Speaking about the formation of abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of when and at what age children’s creative abilities should be developed. Psychologists call different terms from one and a half to five years. There is also a hypothesis that it is necessary to develop creative abilities from the very beginning. early age. This hypothesis is confirmed in physiology. preschool creative parents pedagogical

The fact is that a child’s brain grows and “ripens” especially quickly in the first years of life. This is ripening, i.e. the growth in the number of brain cells and the anatomical connections between them depends both on the diversity and intensity of the work of existing structures, and on the extent to which the formation of new ones is stimulated by the environment. This period of “ripening” is the time of highest sensitivity and plasticity to external conditions, the time of the highest and broadest opportunities for development. This is the most favorable period for the beginning of the development of the entire diversity of human abilities. But the child begins to develop only those abilities for the development of which there are incentives and conditions at the “moment” of this maturation. The more favorable the conditions, the closer they are to optimal, the more successful development begins. If maturation and the beginning of functioning (development) coincide in time, proceed synchronously, and the conditions are favorable, then development is underway easily with the highest possible acceleration. Development can reach its greatest heights, and the child can become capable, talented and brilliant.

However, the possibilities for developing abilities, having reached their maximum at the “moment” of maturation, do not remain unchanged. If these opportunities are not used, that is, the corresponding abilities do not develop, do not function, if the child does not engage in the necessary types of activities, then these opportunities begin to be lost, degrade, and the faster the weaker the functioning. This fading of development opportunities is an irreversible process. Boris Pavlovich Nikitin, who has been dealing with the problem of developing the creative abilities of children for many years, called this phenomenon NUVERS (Irreversible Fading of Opportunities for Effective Development of Abilities). Nikitin believes that NUVERS has a particularly negative effect on the development of creative abilities. The time gap between the moment of maturation of the structures necessary for the formation of creative abilities and the beginning targeted development of these abilities leads to serious difficulties in their development, slows down its pace and leads to a decrease in the final level of development of creative abilities. According to Nikitin, it was the irreversibility of the process of degradation of developmental opportunities that gave rise to the opinion that creative abilities are innate, since usually no one suspects that opportunities were missed in preschool age effective development creative abilities. And the small number of people with high creative potential in society is explained by the fact that in childhood only very few found themselves in conditions conducive to the development of their creative abilities.

1.3 Patterns of development of creative abilities during preschool childhood

Research by L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontyev shows that in older preschool age, compared with early childhood, new type activity - creative. The uniqueness of this type is that it gives rise to the opportunity to go from thought to situation, and not vice versa, as was previously the case. However, when characterizing the features of the creative activity of children of senior preschool age, teachers and psychologists emphasize its specificity. Thus, many of the components of creativity at this age are just beginning to develop, although subjectively the child is constantly discovering something new. N. N. Poddyakov noted that in childhood creativity should be understood as a mechanism for the development of various child activities, accumulation of experience, personal growth. According to L. S. Vygotsky, the basic law of children's creativity is that its value should be seen not in the result, not in the product of creativity, but in the very process of such activity.

It is known that psychological basis creative activity is imagination - a mental process consisting of creating images of objects and situations based on the results of their perception and comprehension. The main properties of imagination include: seeing the whole before the parts, transferring a function from one object to another. Significant indicators in the development of imagination are reliance on clarity, the use of past experience, the presence of a special internal position that allows, without adapting to the situation, to subordinate it to oneself, to master its meaningful features.

Imagination functions at different levels: according to the degree of expression, it can be passive and active, in turn, active is divided into recreating and creative.

Recreating imagination consists of restoring objects, phenomena, events from their image or verbal description.

Creative imagination is associated with determination possible results actions that discover or create new objects, phenomena, situations. At the same time, ideas arise in the creative imagination that differ in the degree of originality and realism. Originality as the originality of the ideas of the creative imagination is the degree of their novelty, dissimilarity from what was already known, and realism is determined by how close the idea created by the imagination is to reality.

L. S. Vygotsky, V. V. Davydov, E. E. Kravtsova, V. T. Kudryavtsev call imagination the most important new formation of preschool childhood and associate the processes of generation with it. creative personality.

The first manifestations of imagination occur in the second half of the third year of life, when the child begins to act in an imaginary situation and with imaginary objects. This is the first stage of development. In early childhood it has a passive, recreative character - baby is coming from action to thought. In preschool age, starting from fourth year life, the ability to move from thought to action develops, the imagination becomes purposeful. In middle and early preschool age, imagination goes through its second stage of development, which is characterized by step-by-step planning. At the third stage, the child masters the ability to holistically plan his activities, which presupposes a fairly high level of imagination development. In the process of creating images, the preschooler uses in different ways, including combining previously obtained representations, as well as their transformation.

2 . INinteraction with parents as the basis for developmentI am children's creativity

2.1 Features of interaction with parents

The term “interaction” implies the exchange of thoughts, feelings, experiences, and communication.

Interaction between teachers and parents presupposes mutual assistance, mutual respect and trust. It also implies a mutual desire of parents and teachers to maintain contact with each other.

The purpose of interaction is to establish partnerships participants in the pedagogical process.

New approaches to the system modern education to the interaction of teachers and parents consist in the transition from cooperation in the exchange of information and the promotion of pedagogical knowledge to cooperation as interpersonal communication between the teacher and parents of a dialogical orientation.

Interaction presupposes a non-judgmental style of relationship. It is inadmissible to analyze the parent’s personality according to the degree of his pedagogical “literacy-illiteracy”, “activity-passivity”, “readiness-unpreparedness” for cooperation.

Based on the above, the following principles of interaction with parents can be identified:

· The principle of positive non-judgmental acceptance. Positive attitude communication is the very solid foundation on which all the work of teachers with parents is built.

· Individual approach necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. When communicating with parents, the teacher must feel the situation and take into account the personal experience of the parents.

· Collaboration rather than mentoring. The position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and family support in difficult times. pedagogical situations, demonstration of teachers’ interest in understanding family problems and a sincere desire to help.

· Dynamism. The teacher must take into account educational needs parents and educational needs. Depending on this, the forms and directions of the teacher’s work with parents should change.

2.2 Forms of interaction with parents

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, our observations showed that, as a rule, parents are focused on developing children’s skills (writing, reading, counting), and consider the development of creative abilities to be a secondary task.

Sometimes parents don’t even know how to tactfully and correctly treat the products of children’s fine arts (jokes, unflattering statements, rude remarks, unpleasant comparisons are allowed), which, ultimately, can lead to the child’s dissatisfaction with the results of his creativity, passivity, and reluctance to be involved in creative process. "I can't. I don’t want to” - can become a motto for a child.

In this regard, we consider it important to establish mutual feedback between the child, teacher and parent. It is also necessary to teach parents to consciously treat children’s creativity through various shapes collaboration.

Table 1 Forms of interaction with parents

Forms of interaction

Conversation following each lesson

Discussion with parents of the goals and objectives of the lesson, methods and techniques used

Open classes

The presence of parents in creativity classes. Introducing parents to the structure of the lesson. Involving parents in the process of creative activity.

Master classes for parents

Introducing parents to non-traditional techniques creative activity.

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

Individual exhibitions creative works parents

Attracting the attention of parents and children to various types of creative activities.

Accounting personal experience parents and children

Individual exhibitions of children's creative works

Special courses for children with the participation of parents

Creating conditions for joint creativity between children and parents.

Joint acquisition of experience

Development of instructions for parents

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in matters of developing the creative abilities of children

Individual conversations with parents

As can be seen from the table, activities to interact with parents have several directions:

· Educational activities aimed at improving psychological and pedagogical culture in matters creative development children (memos for parents, group and individual conversations, individual exhibitions of creative works).

· Developmental activities aimed at creating conditions for joint creativity of children and parents (open classes, master classes, special courses).

It should be noted that developmental activities based on open classes and master classes, where close communication and mutual exchange of opinions allows parents to understand the fragility and vulnerability of the child’s soul. Finding themselves in a creative process, adults themselves begin to experience a feeling of doubt: will it work out or not? How to do it better? What else can you think of? What means and materials to choose? The child becomes closer to them and his experiences become more understandable.

Work done together with parents gives children sincere joy and delight, and a desire to do something more. And these emotions, in turn, are an important stimulus for the development of creative abilities of preschoolers.


Thus, having studied the problem of developing creative abilities, we can draw the following conclusions:

Creative abilities are individual characteristics, qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance of creative activities of various kinds.

To develop abilities, there must initially be a certain foundation, which is the inclinations. Inclinations are understood as the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous system, which form the natural basis for the development of abilities. The development of abilities depends on many social conditions. These include the peculiarities of upbringing, the need of society for this or that activity, and the peculiarities of the education system.

According to B.P. Nikitina, exists certain time and certain conditions for the most effective development of abilities. The child begins to develop only those abilities for the development of which there are incentives and conditions at the “moment” of this maturation. If the child does not have necessary types activity, then these opportunities begin to be lost and degrade, and the faster the weaker the functioning. This is an irreversible decline in opportunities for effective development of abilities.

Preschool age is a favorable period for the development of creativity. It was at this time that progressive changes took place in many areas, improvements mental processes(attention, memory, perception, thinking, speech, imagination), are actively developing personal qualities, and on their basis - abilities and inclinations.

Creative abilities are actively developing in artistic activities: musical and rhythmic, theatrical, musical and gaming, drawing and modeling, artistic speech. Age-related sensitivity and reaction to direct impressions delivered by the senses, characteristic of preschoolers, sensitivity to figurative and emotional moments, typical of of this period the relationship between the first and second signaling systems contributes to the attractiveness of artistic and creative activity in preschool childhood and the development of creative imagination.

The child needs to be helped to develop the activity in which he begins to engage. The child himself will not find all the means; he will be able to discover only the most primitive of them, and his creativity is doomed to remain at the lowest level.

However, the pedagogical attitude of parents, first of all to give children knowledge, turns the development of the child’s creative abilities into a secondary value. Therefore, the main task in the activities of a teacher is to organize interaction with parents in order to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in matters of developing the creative abilities of children, which is the basis for the formation of a mature and successful personality.


1. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood: Psychological essay: Book. for the teacher. M.

2. The concept of preschool education [Text] / Ed. V.V. Davydova. M., 2005. - 54 p. Bibliography: 53 pp.

3. Kotova E.V., Kuznetsova S.V., Romanova T.A. Development of creative abilities of preschool children: Methodological manual. M.: TC Sfera, 2010. - 128 p. -- (Teacher's Library).

4. Kravtsova, E.E. Bring out the wizard in your child. [Text] / E.E. Kravtsova. M., 1996. 118 p.

5. Kudrina, G.A., Kovaleva, E.B. Psychological defenses in preschoolers. Diagnostics and correction. [Text] / G.A. Kudrina, E.B. Kovaleva Irkutsk, 2000. - 350 p. Bibliography: 338-348 p.

6. Kuzin, M. V. Child psychology in questions and answers [Text] / M. V. Kuzin. - 2nd ed. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006. - 253 p.

7. Maklakov A.G. General psychology St. Petersburg: 2008 - 583 p.

8. Mezhieva, M.V. Developing creative abilities in children 5-9 years old [Text] / M.V. Mezhieva. - Yaroslavl, 2002.

9. Nemov, R.S. Psychology. Book 2: Age-related psychology. Pedagogical psychology. [Text] / R.S. Nemov - M.: Education, 2003. - 442 p.

10. Poddyakov N. N. Creativity and co-development of preschool children. Volgograd, 1994., 1991.

11. Pravdov, M. A. Features of the organization of motor and cognitive activity preschool children [Text] / M. A. Pravdov. - M.: Kanon+, 2006. - 183 p. - Bibliographer: 182 p.

12. Psychology of education: A manual for methodologists of preschool and primary school education, teachers, psychologists. [Text] / Ed. V.A. Petrovsky.M.: Aspect Press, 1995.152p.

13. Repina, T.A. Psychology of a preschooler. Reader. [Text] / T.A. Repina M.: Academy, 2005. - 248 p. Bibliography: 238-246 p.

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  • Senior teacher of preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 32, Vyborg district of St. Petersburg Yulia Vladimirovna Sidorova

That's all today more attention is devoted to the development of creative abilities and creativity of children. This is due to the understanding of its decisive role in the development of the individual, the presentation of higher demands on such qualities creative person, as the ability for self-development, self-improvement, independence and initiative, which is dictated by the socio-economic conditions of our country. Nowadays, when life becomes more diverse and complex, requiring from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility, flexibility of thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, a creative approach to solving various problems, it is very important not to miss the sensitive period for the development of abilities to creativity.

Preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities, because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. Parents, encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, involving them in different kinds activities, contribute to the expansion of children's experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. Therefore, it is necessary to jointly support and stimulate the development of creativity in children. For the comprehensive development of a child’s creative personality, interaction is necessary preschool and families.

Typically, parents focus on the development of the child’s speech, thinking and memory, while forgetting about the development of creativity and imagination. The development of creative abilities must necessarily keep pace with all other areas of development of each child. And even if the baby does not become a successful actor or famous singer in the future, he will have a creative approach to solving certain life problems. And this will help him become an interesting person, as well as a person who will be able to independently overcome the difficulties that arise along his way and solve problems.

Very often, parents do not take the “fables” of their little inventors seriously, and sometimes adults even stop them altogether. Fantasy is actually a specific feature characteristic of preschool age. And you should not interfere with this process in any way. Just pretend that you believe in a good wizard and that you will certainly visit the moon today, etc. It is in such “imaginaries” that creativity arises. Adults should know and remember that the peak of creativity in children occurs at 3-4 years. At this age, kids can come up with things that we, adults, are simply amazed at - how they can even come up with this.
Do not perceive the completely innocent fantasies of a little inventor as something primitive; remember that any child’s fantasy is a hidden seed of creativity. And also, you shouldn’t laugh at children’s tales. Because creative child sees ordinary things from a different perspective. Don’t be upset and don’t try to scold and punish your child if he says that the picture shows, say, a fish, but not, as in reality, a teapot, not a table, but an octopus, and so on. Naturally, the little one knows perfectly well what the table and teapot look like, and what exactly they are shown in the picture; he just most likely wanted to fantasize. Do not forget that a child at this age does not want to accept the generally accepted understanding of things, but on the contrary, he wants to give free rein to his imagination and creativity.

The development of creative abilities in children is favorably influenced by various types of children's activities (visual, constructive, theatrical), which receive sufficient attention in kindergarten. But harmonious development preschooler without the active participation of his parents in educational process hardly possible. It is the example of parents, their interest and participation that determine the effectiveness of any event.

Excessive seriousness, constraint and conservatism of parents are not entirely suitable helpers for developing the creative abilities of children. Adults in mandatory It's worth learning to play children's games. Have fun, be naughty and don’t be afraid to become children for a certain time. Break sometimes existing rules behavior of adults, because all this is in the name of your children. And this will not only bring you closer to your child and contribute to his development, but will also become a good “healthy” psychotherapy, allowing you to distract yourself, relax and, if you want, even relieve tension or stress. Be sure to compose fairy tales and poems with your child, invent non-existent plants and animals, i.e. Support your child’s creative initiative in every possible way.

Teachers can exchange recommendations with parents, for example: “What parents can do with their children at home”, advice, for example: “How to creatively develop a child”, opinions, for example: “Creating conditions for organizing independent creative activities of children at home and in educational institution" Parents can take an active part in the pedagogical process, it is practiced joint training and holding holidays, making attributes, costumes, decorations for them, making role-playing games and play equipment, didactic and educational games, manuals for classes, equipment for organizing artistic and productive activities, joint creative exhibitions of children and parents.

Parents can independently study with their children at home. And it’s not difficult at all, on the contrary, it’s very exciting and interesting.
And so, methods for developing children’s creative abilities:

1. The world around us

While walking, in transport, at home - in general, wherever you are with your child, discuss what exactly surrounds you and what is happening around you. Such communication is extremely important not only for the baby’s imagination, but for the entire development as a whole. Your stories about animals, natural phenomena, plants and other things of the surrounding world, your speech is the very first and very important lesson for a child. Thus, the knowledge and concepts you convey will be a good start for the child’s subsequent education, the development of his abilities, including creative ones.

2. Educational toys and games

It is advisable for parents, if possible, to ensure that they have as many fidgets as possible in their arsenal. useful toys. Constructors and mosaics must be present, but naturally everything should be appropriate for the child’s age.
And before you give your baby another toy, familiarize yourself with it and decide whether it will bring any benefit. You can use the following games that influence and stimulate the development of creative abilities in children:


Draw 4 circles for your child and give him the opportunity to dream: let him turn them into something (complete the drawing). For example, in a flower, sun, snowman, balloon and so on. By the way, the same can be done with other geometric shapes.

"What is there?"

You need to put some item in a box or box and let your favorite inventor guess what is there, but at the same time he can ask you related questions and make his own guesses.

"Good bad"

Adults name the object, and the child must say what he thinks is bad and good about it. For example, an iron: it’s good that you can iron clothes, but it’s bad that you can get burned. Wind: good - not hot on a sunny day, bad - you can catch a cold and get sick, and so on.

"Word Games"

If you are standing in line at a store or clinic, go with kindergarten, play words with your baby: you name a certain word, and let him learn to match it opposite word by meaning (antonym): good - evil, dry - wet, black - white; synonym (close in meaning): beautiful - wonderful, work - work, etc.

"Non-standard problems"

It is necessary for the child to try to find objects unusual way use. For example, you can not only eat with a spoon, but also pour liquid from one container to another, etc. Try to come up with an unusual way to use a ball, mirror, mug and other objects. And most importantly: do not be afraid to come up with various problems yourself for the “omniscient” child’s mind. One of the options could be this: a circus came to the city, but for some reason the city ran out of all the glue and there was nothing to put up posters with. How then can you make sure that all residents know about the circus? Or: the whole family went into the forest and took bread, canned food, compote with them, but forgot the knife. Now how do you open the jar?

"What happens if…"

Give your child the opportunity to fantasize: what will happen if suddenly everyone becomes giants or cats begin to speak human language, and so on.

3. Drawing

Give your baby markers, brushes, paints, and pencils. Stock up on paper and, of course,... patience. Yes, of course, you will have to, then wash your soiled pants and shirts and make sure that the little artist does not paint the whole house, but confines himself to just paper. There’s nothing wrong with that, everyone goes through it! Suddenly you have a little “Repin” or “Picasso” growing up! It is better to start drawing with your child and teach him how to hold a brush and use paints correctly. It's best to learn all the colors first and then start painting. Start by drawing simple geometric shapes. But at the same time, it’s definitely worth discussing the whole process, and especially the child’s first “masterpieces.” And, when he has already learned a lot, then give free rein to his independence.

For some reason, not all parents buy plasticine for their children. And in vain! After all, modeling is very useful for a child, it develops fingers, and also awakens the creative abilities of children and allows the baby to show all his imagination. At first, you will sculpt balls, sausages, rings, and then gradually the baby himself will want to expand his range of skills and he will begin to sculpt something more complex. Parents, pay attention to the fact that the plasticine is soft and bright!

Children need to read not only at night, but at any other time. These should be fairy tales, stories, poems, selected according to the child’s age and, preferably, the interest of the child. literary works. Some experts say that a child should read at least 30 minutes a day. And if you visit the library with him, you will see that when he grows up and goes to school, he himself will often go to the library. A book, like nothing else, provides a certain flight of fancy and a huge opportunity for imagination, and therefore contributes to the development of creative potential.

Children's songs and classical music a child should listen from early childhood. This has a positive effect on memory development and imaginative thinking. And gradually you will sing the songs yourself together with him. In case you have somehow been passed over musical abilities, then, if the child wishes, you can send him to a dance club or a group for learning to play a specific musical instrument.

7. Application

Don't be afraid to put scissors in your child's hands. Let him first, under your supervision, cut out a certain object, and you, in turn, explain everything to him necessary rules compliance with safety precautions and instructions on using scissors. Start with a simple applique of geometric shapes. You can, for example, draw shapes on colored paper, and then let the child cut it out and make the applique according to his own design. It is also very convenient to use already ready-made kits for applications.

Parents, before deciding how to develop their child’s creative abilities, need to remember the simplest truths:

  • develop creative imagination baby everywhere and always, and not just at a specially designated time and place;
  • the child’s environment should be conducive to his development;
  • the baby must have the necessary “arsenal” of tools and materials for children’s creativity: plasticine, paints, colored paper and much more;
  • Encourage and praise only safe creative children's initiatives;
  • do not turn activities with your child into boring lessons and always support his initiatives;
  • Don't give too much information to a child's brain. Do not forget that your task is to develop abilities;
  • the process of developing children's creative abilities should be regular;
  • The learning and development of a preschool child should occur only through game tasks, exercises and the game itself.

Once upon a time, a very wise eastern sage said: “A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.” This is the wisdom you should be guided by when raising a little creator.

In conclusion, I would like to say that properly organized interaction between family and preschool institution in the development of children’s creative abilities will help create conditions for the development of each child’s creative potential, abilities and personality traits such as initiative, initiative, imagination, originality, that is, everything that refers to a person's individuality.

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