What does the change in well-being say in the last week of pregnancy? Last days of pregnancy

Girls, here on the Internet I found information about the last weeks of pregnancy. As a pregnancy calendar, just more details. Who cares - read ...

37 38 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy is a crucial time to prepare for childbirth. Don't feel unhappy. Don't act like a sick person. Pregnancy and childbirth is a work intended by nature for a woman's body. And she is on your side: believe me, she has done a lot to help you safely release yourself from the burden and feel happy.

The mother-to-be should remember:

  • About two weeks before delivery or a little earlier, a mucous plug will come off the cervix.
  • The placenta begins to age: difficulties appear in supplying the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.
  • The center of gravity changes in the uterus, and, as a result, lower back pain is possible.
  • The sensitivity of the uterus to the impulses of the child increases.
  • The mammary glands are enlarged, swollen, colostrum can be excreted.
  • Possibly prolonged pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus. Be on the lookout!
  • The drainage of water is a signal to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

37 38 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult. The load on your body has increased to the maximum. The heart lies almost horizontally. The pulse is speeded up: in order to drive blood through the additional - placental circulation, the cardiovascular system has to work in an enhanced mode. Metabolism changes, the thyroid gland functions more actively.

The placenta has practically exhausted all its resources and is no longer able to fully provide the child with food and oxygen. The kid feels this and "insists" on an independent life.

Do not be intimidated by the separation of the mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the cervix and does not allow infection to enter. The plug is a slimy lump, sometimes even slightly stained with blood. Everything is going as it should, you just received a "warning": there are no more than two weeks left before the birth!

You may have experienced back pain before: during pregnancy, the joints of the pelvic ring change. In order to allow the fetus to grow normally and then pass through the birth canal, the ligaments and joint capsules of the pregnant woman gradually relax: as a result, the muscles experience additional stress: this is where the origins of lower back pain come from. In addition, the center of gravity has shifted, the pregnant uterus seems to be pulled in front, and the woman is forced to lean back more and more in order to maintain balance while walking. She instinctively walks more carefully, her movements are unhurried, smooth. And this is not surprising! Let's calculate what kind of load you carry: a child weighs 3-4 kg, 1.5 liters - amniotic fluid, by a kilogram - the placenta and uterus.

Pain in the lower back, in the calf muscles is possible due to the depletion of calcium in the bones. This should never be discounted, because even closer to the 40th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is already fully formed, it is finally intensively stored up with minerals. And he has only one opportunity - to take them from his mother. A woman must strictly replenish the amount of calcium in the body. Dairy products, fish, eggshells, multivitamins containing calcium will help you.

An unpleasant surprise in the last weeks of pregnancy is stretch marks (striae). These are reddish grooves on the abdomen and thighs. It can happen like this: went to bed - they were not there, woke up in the morning - the whole belly is "painted". As a rule, after childbirth, striae will turn pale and become slightly smaller.

Sometimes, if the fetus is very large, the navel turns outward. Do not be alarmed! It's okay too. Don't try to push it back. Still worried? Then consult your doctor.

By 37, 38, 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy, the mammary glands are greatly enlarged, and you already feel their heaviness.

The appearance of colostrum is another harbinger of a close birth. It is not surprising to recognize this event: specks appear on the bra. By the way, now all you need is a cotton, tight, harsh bra. The ligaments that support the breasts need protection to maintain their beauty after childbirth.

Milk will "come" on the 3-4th day after the birth of the child, when the hormone prolactin in the woman's body reaches its maximum and gives the command to produce milk.

Is it possible to do something outstanding in the last weeks of pregnancy so that milk comes on time and is enough? Unfortunately no. The program - to have abundant milk or not - is genetically inherent in every woman.

There are observations that young and healthy women have fewer milk problems. The older the woman in labor, the less often she herself feeds her baby. More "milky" women, whose mammary glands have a wide base. A mother with "sharp" breasts may have problems while breastfeeding.

Note: In principle, you can give birth in any of the remaining four weeks. And childbirth shouldn't take you by surprise.

Practice good hygiene. Sexual life for you has stopped since the 33rd week. Take a shower every day, and if this is not possible, wipe your entire body and chest with a damp towel. Cut your nails short, remove the nail polish. Think about your hairstyle - hair shouldn't get in the way during childbirth. Prepare items for the newborn that will be needed when discharging from the hospital. Show your husband or relatives where they are. Prepare things for yourself too.

Continue to walk more in the fresh air - at least 2 times a day. If possible, walk at home naked for a few minutes to train in temperature changes. Please note that in the delivery room you will only be wearing a light shirt.

Get ready for hard physical work. You must help your child to be born!


The fetus at 37 38 39 and 40 weeks of gestation is full-term, fully formed. The "formation" of the reproductive system comes to an end: in boys, for example, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The navel, which "rose" up in recent weeks, has reached its rightful place. The cheese-like grease has disappeared, it can be preserved only where it is necessary to protect the delicate skin from abrasions - in the groin, in the armpits.

The child already has good intestinal peristalsis, and meconium, the original feces, accumulates in its lower parts. Sometimes it accumulates a lot: it happens that during childbirth the doctor is presented with a "surprise". Where does meconium come from? It's simple: this is the result of the processing of swallowed amniotic fluid in the digestive system. It contains particles of epithelium and primordial lubricant, stomach and intestinal secretions. If you examine the chemical composition, you will find fats, bilirubin, cholesterol. Meconium in an unborn baby is sterile, but immediately after birth, various microorganisms will settle in the intestines.

The "system" is getting ready for work, which is entrusted with an important task - to provide the baby with the ability to suck. Without exaggeration, his life depends on this unconditioned reflex.

For the entire last month of pregnancy in the mother's womb, the child, if there is no breech presentation, will "stand" on the head.

To the question: "Why does labor start?" - there is no definite answer yet. The most widespread theory is that their initiator is the fetus. By the 40th week of pregnancy (or a little earlier), he finds himself in a difficult situation: the placenta has grown old and already has difficulty transporting nutrients to him, and the uterus becomes too cramped. The child experiences very unpleasant sensations, his adrenal cortex is activated and a large amount of cortisol, a stress hormone, is released. In response, the hormonal balance in the mother's body changes. As a result, the uterus becomes very sensitive to biologically active substances produced by the woman's placenta and pituitary gland. It begins to shrink - regular contractions appear, followed by childbirth.

A full-term baby is pink, with a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer. Many babies in the womb grow long hair, and their nails are already so large that during childbirth, the baby sometimes has to scratch his face.

The average weight of a boy born - 3600 g, girls - 3500 g. Height of newborns - from 50 to 53-54 cm

Very soon you will become a Mom! The long-awaited and so desired - the birth of your baby will come true very soon!

The last weeks of pregnancy are a time to prepare yourself morally and emotionally, a time to prepare for childbirth, a time to prepare for a completely new, but at the same time amazing life, no longer just as a husband and wife, but as a mom and dad.

The article refers to the last weeks of pregnancy 39,40,41 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. After all, after 38 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is fully formed, all his organs and systems are functioning and now there is time to wait for that moment of readiness - the readiness of both the baby and the mother for childbirth. And this period is individual and so easy to interfere with the natural course of events is not worth it.

In the last weeks, the baby continues to grow. His weight is 3-3.8 kg, and his height is 50-54 cm.

  • It feeds through the umbilical cord and placenta;

In front of your baby, he presses his knees to his chin, thereby preparing to be born.

  • the lungs are fully formed, and the pancreas produces enzymes for the proper functioning of digestion;
  • your child's nervous system is developing and improving all the time; this is a long process that will continue after childbirth;
  • marigolds and hair continue to grow;
  • due to estrogen in the mother's body, the baby may have a bulging breast or vaginal discharge. There is nothing wrong with that.

How does a woman feel in the last weeks of pregnancy?

The baby has already sunk or is slowly sinking lower and lower, giving you the opportunity to breathe "deeply". He doesn’t toss and turn, he doesn’t have enough space. But he can still move the arms and legs!

Your weight by 40 weeks most likely either stopped, and, perhaps, you will lose 1-2 kg. Your body flushes out excess fluid before giving birth. During pregnancy, you have gained about 11-16 kg (ideally).

I will not describe those ailments that you can observe in yourself and that have not changed for. Your body is preparing for childbirth. Help him. Do not be nervous. There is very little left.

The placenta is aging. It is necessary to walk more often in the fresh air so that the baby has enough oxygen. And also there is a weakening of the placenta, now the blood of the mother and the baby can be mixed. This has a positive effect on the child's immune system.

Postterm pregnancy?

Remember that the estimated due date is not 100% the date the baby is due. After all, this date depends on a large number of various factors. This is the length of your cycle, its regularity, the time of fertilization and the release of the egg. Do you know all these moments by the minute?

A very small percentage of women give birth at 40 weeks of gestation. Someone will give birth at 38 weeks, and someone at 42 weeks of gestation. Norm.

41 and 42 weeks of pregnancy - This is not a post-term pregnancy. This pregnancy is called prolonged... And about 10% of babies are born exactly at 42 weeks of gestation. Of course, during these weeks it is necessary to monitor the baby's condition so that a prolonged pregnancy does not turn into a post-term one.

At 41 and 42 weeks, nothing new happens. Your baby is getting ready and growing. The only thing is that the ossification of the skeleton continues and the skull becomes harder. And this can affect the duration of the laboring period in childbirth.

A post-term pregnancy is considered after 42 weeks of pregnancy.

Reasons for prolongation:

  • a sharp decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid
  • lack of front waters
  • immaturity of the cervix

After 42 weeks, labor is stimulated using various methods.

To the hospital or at home?

In the hospital, the onset of labor is stimulated with the drug oxytocin. This drug causes the muscles of the uterus to contract. Also injected is prostaglandin, a hormone that helps soften the uterus. If there are no contractions, and the cervix has begun to open, doctors may pierce the amniotic fluid.

But you can try to bring childbirth closer at home! So, you need to know that oxytocin and prostaglandin are needed to start labor. Sperm contains prostaglandin, which means that your closeness with your husband can help soften the uterus. And when the nipples are stimulated, the second essential hormone, oxytocin, is produced. And also with arousal, blood circulation in the pelvic region increases, which can cause the tone of the uterus and, as a result, the onset of contractions.

Also, walking up the stairs or cleaning floors without a mop will not be superfluous.

  • if you have given birth, congratulations! Delicious milk for your baby, calm nights and, of course, happiness!
  • if you are waiting, do not worry or be nervous. No one has remained pregnant yet! Try to tune in to childbirth, talk to the baby, try to move the birth closer at home and observe the baby's condition and movements. You will succeed and soon you will be holding your long-awaited happiness in your arms!

Read about and smile. Everything will be fine.

P.S. I gave birth to my first child at 40 weeks and 5 days, the second at 41 weeks and 6 days.

When did you give birth to your children?

Every woman, getting sick during pregnancy, always worries about how her illness will affect the child. This is natural, because taking care of the health of your baby is the most important task for parents. At different stages of pregnancy, a cold disease affects the baby and mother in different ways. Consider what a cold can threaten during pregnancy in the second trimester.

Colds in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks after conception. During this period, you can breathe a sigh of relief, since viral infections can no longer inflict such a strong blow on the baby's health as in the first trimester. The fact is that the fetus is already protected by the placenta, which serves as a conductor of nutrients, oxygen, this is a kind of barrier from the negative influences of the outside world. But a cold can strike that shield. Feto-placental insufficiency occurs, in which the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus is difficult. A baby may be born prematurely, with a weight below normal. In the second trimester, the baby's nervous system may suffer, since during this period it is actively developing.

What else is dangerous for a cold in the 2nd trimester?

If you get a cold at 14 weeks, then there is a chance of miscarriage or changes in the endocrine system. If this happens at 16-17 weeks, then the fetus may not properly form bone tissue. When a woman is expecting a girl, special attention should be paid to her health during the period 19-20 weeks. At this time, the formation of eggs occurs, and the virus can disrupt the correct process, which will lead to infertility of future women.

Sometimes expectant mothers, without hesitation, begin to take antibiotics and antipyretics for colds. In no case should this be done, because medications will definitely harm the baby. Therefore, if a woman falls ill in the 2nd trimester, then she should not make any attempts to self-medicate, but consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. In addition to taking antibiotics, a common mistake of pregnant women is uncontrolled intake of homeopathic medicines. It is believed that herbs cannot harm the body, but this is not always the case. Many herbal preparations have side effects and can provoke a miscarriage or excitement of the mother's nervous system.

Consequences of a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and its danger

The comforting factor is that a cold at the end of pregnancy is less dangerous than at the beginning. For example, if a cold at the 31st week of pregnancy provokes premature birth, then with the help of modern technology, the baby can be saved. But colds should still be avoided, as there is a risk of miscarriage.

A cold in the 30th week of pregnancy can also happen and should not be neglected. A cold in late pregnancy greatly affects the condition of the placenta, it begins to age ahead of time and the fetus loses its protection. In general, the whole danger of getting a viral infection in the third trimester is associated with the state of the placenta.

As you know, it is she who protects the child throughout pregnancy. But already in the last weeks it is aging and becomes permeable to all kinds of viruses. That is, the child cannot get sick, but toxins and medications that the mother takes during the illness can penetrate to him. So with a cold at 33 weeks of gestation, the baby's undeveloped immune system and the placenta do not sufficiently protect him from infections, so the fetus becomes very vulnerable to diseases.

A cold at 34 weeks gestation can disrupt hormones, which at this time begins to activate the production of breast milk. The fact is that the hormones of the placenta are responsible for this, which experiences an enormous load with a cold.

Getting a cold at 35 weeks gestation is associated with the risk of preterm labor and complications in their course. At 36 weeks of gestation, a cold and high fever can cause complications such as placental abruption and premature rupture of amniotic fluid. And already at the 37th week of pregnancy, a cold becomes dangerous because infections can penetrate the amniotic fluid, which the child often drinks.

A cold in the ninth month of pregnancy is dangerous, because after birth, the baby will immediately enter the world of viruses and he will have to fight them. In addition, a viral cold at 39 weeks of pregnancy is very unpleasant for the mother.

Colds during pregnancy at 38 weeks require a lot of attention. The baby is still protected by the mother's body and meeting with a foreign infection, which he will face during childbirth, is completely useless. Therefore, if a woman has a cold, then it is important to be cured before childbirth, so as not to expose the baby to unnecessary danger.

The fact is that all women in labor who come with ARVI are placed with a temperature in the department where women who have not been registered for pregnancy lie. After giving birth, the baby is isolated from the mother, and this deprives the long-awaited wonderful first minutes of communication with the daughter or son. If a woman falls ill with a cold at the 40th week of pregnancy, then the baby will inevitably become infected, and sometimes the weak child's body cannot cope with the infection, which can lead to the most dire consequences.

Treating colds in the second and third trimesters

No matter how a woman is careful, the danger of getting infected still exists. And if the viruses have entered the body, then you need to sound the alarm. Alarming symptoms cannot be ignored; it is better to see a doctor right away. It is strictly forbidden to carry colds on the legs. Requires good rest and adherence to bed rest. Self-medication during pregnancy is undesirable, this applies to both medications and herbal preparations.

Colds are accompanied by fever, runny nose, and cough. And they must be treated competently, avoiding drugs if possible. A doctor's consultation is imperative.


A rise in temperature in the 2nd trimester is quite common. This is due to the release of large amounts of the hormone progesterone, which affects the thermoregulatory center located in the cerebral cortex. If the temperature is slightly raised (up to 38 degrees), then there is no need to bring it down. And when the thermometer shows above 38, then it is necessary to start treatment. To begin with, a woman should try traditional methods: tea with raspberries, warm milk, sweatshops. Do not forget about the linden blossom infusion, which is the leader in the treatment of colds, especially during pregnancy. Rosehip decoctions, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes are perfect.

Temperature is a symptom of many diseases, both viral and infectious. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary tests and, based on their results, identify the causative agent of the infection. If the temperature lasts for a long time, this can provoke a pathology of the placenta in the second trimester and even poses a risk of infection of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to hospitalize the expectant mother in a hospital, under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Runny nose

A runny nose is dangerous for pregnant women because the baby will not have enough oxygen. But nasal drops can only be used under the strict supervision of a doctor. Initially, you can try to lubricate the nasal passages with tea tree or eucalyptus oil. There are also nasal rinses that are very good at relieving a runny nose.


You should also get rid of this scourge as quickly as possible. Here, too, such folk remedies as honey will come to the rescue, with the help of which inhalation is done (dissolve 1 part of honey in 5 parts of water at a temperature of about 49 degrees. Inhale the vapors alternately with one and the other nostrils, then with the mouth). With a harsh dry cough, gargle with decoctions of sage, eucalyptus and calendula herbs mixed in equal parts. Even a simple soda inhalation will perfectly relieve dry cough, and phlegm will begin to separate efficiently.

Drug therapy is contraindicated for women in position, but sometimes the risk from viral infections is much greater than from drugs, so it becomes necessary to choose pills that are safer. For example, aspirin, ascofen, lead to blood thinning, which can lead to bleeding. Levomycetin can cause cardiovascular collapse in newborns if the expectant mother took it in the last months of pregnancy.

Preventing colds

How to protect yourself from colds in the 2nd, 3rd trimester?

Prevention should be started even before conception. No matter how trite it may sound, it is important for a future mother to drink a complex of special vitamins, cleanse the body, and lose weight. But this is not enough. It is necessary that immunity throughout pregnancy can cope with viruses. This can be done with a contrast shower, which should be taken every day, alternating between cool and warm water. Finish with cool water. After water procedures, rub with a hard towel until pleasant warmth appears. This seemingly simple procedure, familiar to everyone from childhood, can improve the state of the body and strengthen immunity.

In addition to a contrast shower, you can reduce the likelihood of an infectious disease as follows:

  • avoid hypothermia and overheating.
    It is necessary to dress always according to the weather and it is better that the clothes are made of natural fabrics.
  • enrich your diet with vitamin C.
    This can be done using a special vitamin complex for pregnant women, and natural products should not be neglected.
  • take daily walks in the fresh air, in a forested area, on the banks of a river;
    Such walks will help saturate the body with oxygen, and the expectant mother will also receive a lot of positive emotions from contemplating the beauty of nature, from the sounds of waves or the rustle of foliage. And the emotional uplift of the mother will certainly be passed on to the baby.
  • limit contact with potential carriers of viruses.
    Try not to visit unnecessarily crowded places (shops, public transport). You should be especially careful during an exacerbation of colds.

Observing such simple rules, you can very well prepare your immunity for the upcoming virus attack.

I like!

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a truly wonderful feeling appears. Feeling of anticipation of future motherhood. Mommies are looking forward to the birth of their baby. The fact that they so carefully nurtured these months.

And if during this period of bearing there were no special worries (except for the question in the first months "can I bear it?"), Then closer to childbirth, simultaneously with an indescribable feeling of joy, a red light "ALARM!" Lights up in the head of the future parent. And there can be many reasons for anxiety (sometimes escalating into panic). Let's consider the main ones.

These metamorphoses take place throughout the woman's body. Starting with hormonal disruption, and ending with the usual swelling of the legs. If this is not the first pregnancy for mommy, then she does not attach much importance. But if everything happens for the first time, panic cannot be avoided.

Hormonal disbalance

During this period, a radical restructuring of the work of the internal organs of a woman takes place. And all this is under the influence of hormones that prepare the body for release from the fetus. Proper preparation promises a correct and timely delivery.

Until recently, the woman was producing progesterone. It was this hormone that ensured the correct formation of the fetus. He restrained the fetus from spontaneously leaving the body by contracting the walls of the uterus.

When there are counts left, progesterone stops being produced and estrogens replace it. They soften the walls of the uterus, preparing it for the release of the fetus, which makes it sensitive. In addition to estrogens, various active substances and hormones of a different kind are produced, preparing a woman for the severe stress characteristic of childbirth.

Unpleasant sensations in the internal organs

The first thing that most often stands out in the ninth month is shortness of breath. In addition to what arises, it can also intensify. This is explained by the fact that the uterus presses on the organs of the chest. Closer to childbirth, shortness of breath stops, as the stomach pushes down. This means that part of the fetus has sunk into the lower part of the pelvis.

Thus, shortness of breath changes to constant pressure in the bladder. Hence the frequent urge to urinate. But there are pluses - in this position of the fetus, heartburn stops, and nausea practically does not occur. In order to minimize heartburn before this, you need to eat more often. But do it in small portions, while washing it down with milk.

Do not forget that there are a lot of remedies for heartburn intended. But before purchasing them, you must definitely consult with your doctor. But constipation will accompany until the very birth. The same can be said for flatulence.

The last weeks of pregnancy are accompanied by frequent dizziness, insomnia, fainting and even bleeding (for example, of the gums). It is caused by malfunctions in the nervous system and the circulatory system, due to squeezing them by the fetus. Not uncommon and the presence of hemorrhoids caused by congestion in the veins. Also characteristic are lower back pain, and "false contractions" arising from the contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

Metabolism tends to change. The thyroid gland begins to work actively. The pulse often quickens, since there is an increased load on the heart (which is almost horizontal on such days).

There is a mucous plug in the vagina that closes the cervix. This phenomenon, too, should not be scared, since this formation only protects against infection that strives to get inside. The cork itself resembles a colorless slimy lump, often stained with blood. The appearance of such a plug indicates that there are no more than 14 days left before the birth.

Back pain

This is a very characteristic ailment throughout pregnancy, but in the last weeks, this sensation makes itself felt more often and sharper. And there are many reasons:

  1. bulges forward, thereby shifting the center of gravity, which makes the woman lean back more and more when walking. No matter how she tries to walk neatly and smoothly, her movements still resemble "deadlift". And this is not surprising. The fetus weighs about 4 kg, amniotic fluid 1.5 liters, placenta - 1 kg, uterus - 1 kg. Total - 7-8 kg of constant weight on the lower back.
  2. Also, low back pain can be caused due to a lack of calcium for the bones. And this is also not surprising, because closer to childbirth, the fetus is thoroughly stocked up with minerals, taking them from mother. In addition to the lower back, pain can also occur in the calf muscles.

Hence the constant need for pregnant women to replenish the amount of calcium in the body. Good help with this:

  • Multivitamins
  • Eggshell
  • Cottage cheese and other dairy products

Another great tip for expectant mothers suffering from lower back pain is the pool. By being in the water, it is better to carry the weight of the fetus, and low back pain is greatly relieved. In addition, the procedure helps to relieve puffiness in the legs.

And another effective method for reducing lower back pain is to apply a warm heating pad. The heating pad can be alternated with cold compresses. Both must be changed every 20 minutes. This will either reduce painful sensations, or completely remove them for a while. As for the swelling of the legs, it can decrease if the lower limbs are periodically positioned slightly higher than the body.

Psycho-emotional disorders

In addition to physical disorders, psycho-emotional disorders are also characteristic in the last weeks of pregnancy. Which is also quite normal for expectant mothers:

  1. Fear of childbirth. If in the early stages of pregnancy there are only minor experiences like "can I?" , which by the middle of the term end, and a state of calmness and self-confidence sets in. Then by the last two or three weeks before giving birth, real panic begins. And this is quite normal. How normal it is to be afraid of something that you have never experienced. In other words, the unknown is always frightening. Even women who have already given birth, no, no, fearful thoughts appear, regardless of how the previous birth went. This condition passes only when a mother, lying on the obstetric table, is given into the arms of her crying baby.
  2. Breeding period. Here is not such a problem. It's just that a woman in the period before childbirth is removed from the world around her, and completely withdraws into herself. Functions such as attention or memory are deteriorating. Instead of knitting or reading, the expectant mother prefers physical labor aimed at preparing her home for the arrival of a baby. It brings comfort, washes something several times, dozens of times, puts objects in different places in the nursery. In other words, it makes you feel comfortable. In general, such pleasant things for her, only for the benefit of the woman.

Child before birth

The child inside is no longer so active. And not so often you can feel his movements (which should not be scared). It only means that he has grown and there is not much room for him to move in his stomach now.

It is for this that all organs and the brain of the baby are temporarily formed. A woman needs to know that at this stage the child has matured sense organs and understands perfectly well what is happening outside. Naturally, not the words themselves, but grasps emotions well. It is during this period that it is important to exclude any negative outbursts. Vice versa. It will not be superfluous to turn on calm music, and even occasionally talk to the baby in an affectionate tone.

At this time, the child no longer depends on the mother's body, but lives independently. And this speaks of his readiness to go out into the light. And if a woman followed everything that was prescribed by the doctor who observed her, then very soon a healthy, cheerful baby will be born.

Informative video about the last week of pregnancy:

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