The main problems of a modern large family. Dysfunctional large families


On the topic: Peculiarities of family education of a child in a large family

The large family……………………………...

Kinds large families………………

Problems of a large family………………………

Number of large families in the Yaroslavl region………………………………………………………..

Specifics of the upbringing process in a large family……..

Sociological research data…………

Specifics of the educational process………

Conclusion …………………………………………


A large family is usually understood as a family with three or more children. The following can be distinguished types of large families families.

1. Families in which parents love their children and consciously wanted to have them. In these families, a child is one of the main values ​​in life, and parents do everything in their power to make their children have a better life.

2. Families in which parents did not consciously strive to have many children. The third and subsequent children could appear in them mainly due to the lack of family planning. Such families can be formed, for example, as a result of the birth of twins or triplets, due to fear of terminating a pregnancy, a doctor’s ban on abortion for health reasons of the mother, refusal of abortion and contraception due to religious beliefs. 3. Families formed as a result of the merger of two single-parent families, each of which already had children.

4. Families in which the birth of a large number of children can be considered a manifestation of trouble. Children here are often a means to receive various types of benefits, benefits and benefits. In addition, in most cases in such families, the very birth of children is a consequence of promiscuous sexual relations in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, and the typical psychological attitude of parents is the belief that their main task is to bring a child into the world, and his further fate should become the concern of the state. Classifying a family as one or another type allows you to clearly determine the optimal style of relationship with it, the volume and nature of the necessary social and other assistance. Problems of large families Material and household (financial) problems . Large families are the least affluent, with a low average monthly income per family member, which leads to increased costs for food, clothing, etc. In the income structure, child benefits are small, although they provide an increase to the family budget. The share of costs for food products is higher, and the nutritional structure is less diverse. Such families receive less fruit, berries, meat, eggs, fish, etc., and the insufficient supply of basic food products is of great concern. Due to the constant rise in prices, there are extremely limited opportunities to meet needs, shortages in the most necessary items: shoes, clothes, school and writing supplies. Rare natural and material assistance does not solve the problem. The budget of such families does not have funds for education, cultural and sports development of children, musical and artistic education, and even for summer vacations. In every fifth family, children do not attend kindergartens due to lack of money to pay. The problem of parents' employment . When the mother does not work, and the father does not receive a salary for a long time, child benefits are irregular and insufficient, the problem of finding a new job arises. This is often aggravated by ignorance of the laws and information about the benefits that such families are entitled to. The dependent burden on the family has changed the structure of its income. Great place occupied by income from business activities, sales of agricultural products, as well as social transfers, which indicates a decrease in the economic activity of large families. Survival of a large family in modern conditions perhaps by increasing one’s own income (personal initiative, secondary earnings, teenage work). In almost 50% of such families, the work of teenagers brings income to the family, but this is fraught with violation of labor and civil legislation, dangerous influence « criminal world"and the renunciation of a number of needs, which is an unaffordable luxury in modern conditions. Housing problem , always acute in our country, especially for large families, has now acquired paramount importance. Housing conditions do not meet standards and cannot be improved through municipal housing. In addition, the scale of housing construction is being reduced; purchasing housing at their own expense is not enough for most families. Payments for housing and communal services are increasing. If this problem is not systematically resolved, it may become one of the factors in increasing social tension in society. Psychological and pedagogical problems . In a traditional large family, children are in an equal position: there is no lack of communication, the elders take care of the younger ones, and, as a rule, positive moral qualities are formed, such as sensitivity, humanity, and respect for elders. But due to the heavy workload of parents (the father works a lot, is practically never at home, the mother does not work, but is busy with household chores), there is little time left for raising children, and yet in such families it is possible to determine the internal hierarchy of relationships. Problems of distribution of responsibilities are based on gender and age; they are individual and therefore vary in scope and complexity. The head of the family is the father; household chores are the responsibility of the mother, the keeper of the hearth, the organizer of household chores. Lack of time and lack of knowledge about raising children create a certain problem in such families. A lack of education leads to the fact that children grow up with low self-esteem: anxiety, self-doubt, inadequate idea of ​​their own personality; older children strive for leadership. A small opportunity to satisfy one's needs (for clothing, entertainment, goods, etc., which peers have) develops a feeling of envy, a demand for the impossible. The majority of children in large families leads to a decrease in social age older children. They mature early and are less closely connected to their parents. As a rule, in such families there is no respect for the personality of each child, there is no personal corner, no small territory with respect for boundaries, personal favorite toys, i.e., the autonomy of each, and often leads to protracted long-term conflicts between children. Conflicts also often arise due to children’s poor performance at school, hence frequent absenteeism; Teenagers usually get involved in household chores early and often drop out of school. Not only teenagers aged 15-18 years do not attend school, but there are also cases of children aged 7-14 years not attending school; They start working early and are more likely to acquire bad habits (smoking, alcohol) and other “deviant” behavior. Such families have a difficult psychological climate: a low level of mutual understanding with parents and at the same time an increased need for parental support. Large families, especially not complete families, are characterized by greater neglect of children. Children spend most of their time outside. There is a problem of communication between both adult family members and children, especially teenagers. This complicates the socialization process and interferes with later life. Large families report discomfort with work colleagues and are often deprived of a friendly attitude in a professional environment; with relatives, often the husband, who do not approve of the fact of having many children, especially in modern conditions; Children from large families experience negative attitudes from peers - difficulties in communicating with other children, divergence of interests, etc. Large families prefer to create their own social circle. They devote little time to organizing leisure activities together. Medical problems . A difficult psychological climate, as a rule, affects the health of children. There are 10-15% of problem children in such families. The development of children in large families requires priority attention from society. The social vulnerability of such families and the constant decline in living standards create a pessimistic social well-being. There is a low level of sanitary culture in large families. The health of all family members suffers, and chronic pathology spreads. Fathers get sick 2 times more often than in other families. The mother's reproductive health suffers; poor knowledge of contraception, poor social orientation in sexual life, and non-compliance with intergenetic intervals between pregnancies are typical. There is unsatisfactory sex education for children and relatively early sexual activity among adolescents. You can trace the direct relationship between the health of children and the health of their parents. There is a low rate of systematic monitoring of children, late referral in case of illness, self-medication, unsatisfactory medical examination and “coverage” by other specialists, and insufficient sanatorium-resort treatment. There is data on the morbidity of children depending on the serial number of birth of the child - the likelihood of the influence of prenatal factors, starting from the 4th child, the overall morbidity rate becomes higher. Children of the first 3 birth orders spend a longer period of time breastfeeding, but the regime and quality of nutrition suffer. In the structure of morbidity among children, respiratory diseases (ARVI) are in 1st place, nutritional and metabolic disorders are in 2nd place, and diseases of the nervous system and visual organs are in 3rd place. There is a high level of central nervous system disease in children of high birth orders: delayed neuropsychic development, varying degrees of oligophrenia, neuroses. Teenagers have below average health. The attitude of others towards large families is not always favorable - they are seen as competitors in the distribution of social assistance. A large or average number of children in a family began to be assessed as a consequence of limited interests and cultural backwardness. Among families with a high level of aspirations, a new procreative ethic has developed, which considers having many children as synonymous with poverty, marginality, and backwardness (this is typical for many cultures of the “consumer society”). In the emerging stereotypes of the public psyche, the “hero of our time” is represented as having one, but very “dear”, high-quality child. Large families most often cannot provide their children with a prestigious standard of living and education. Thus, large families have a common specific social problem: children from such families more often demonstrate low self-esteem, they are characterized by poor health and a decrease in social age

Statistics from recent years demonstrate a steady increase in the number of large families in Yaroslavl. If in 2009 there were 1,488 large families (4,783 children) in the city, then in 2010 the number of families increased to 1,678, with a total number of children of 5,519 people.

In 2011, the increase in the number of large families continued with even more significant results. At the end of the year, there are already 1,981 large families in Yaroslavl. The total number of children in large families in 2011 was 6,346 people.

The development of large families and an increase in the birth rate is facilitated by a targeted demographic policy pursued at the municipal, regional and all-Russian levels, aimed at systemic assistance and support for family and childhood.

Specifics of the education process in a large family

Most authors, when studying large families, classify them as a risk group. Some families under current conditions do not have the opportunity to improve their lives. The difficulties of this group are so complex that they largely determine the specifics of raising children in a family.

Large families, which once made up the majority in Russia, now steadily occupy a small share (5.3%) of total number families. Attitudes towards large families are not always favorable. A larger or average number of children began to be assessed as a consequence of limited interests and cultural backwardness. Having many children is considered synonymous with poverty and backwardness. In the emerging stereotypes of the public psyche, the “hero of our time” is seen as having one, but very “expensive”, highly paid child. Large families most often cannot provide their children with a prestigious standard of living and education

All-Russian sociological study on the topic “Mechanism social protection large families" was held in Moscow and nine other regions - from Yakutsk to Sochi. The sample included 593 urban large families with three or more children under eighteen years of age. Respondents were asked to rate which social problems they considered most pressing for themselves. In the first place is dissatisfaction with living conditions, overcrowding, cramped conditions. Low provision of living space makes it extremely difficult not only to maintain health, but also to work and get an education. Housing problems create difficulties in maintaining a daily routine for children, primarily of school age. Most children do not have their own study corner: at one table the student does his homework, here the baby sculpts something from plasticine, and the mother feeds the baby. The apartment is constantly bustling and crowded. Children born in poor housing conditions will grow up in the same conditions and pass on the corresponding social sense of self to their children.

The family budget at the time of the study consisted mainly of the father’s salary - 52.7%. Members of such families chronically lack consumption not only at the subsistence level, but are not provided for even by the standards of the physiological minimum. Also, the main problems of a large family include a lack of clothing and shoes. For children and adolescents, failure to meet the standard of a “branded” young person can result in mental trauma and the accumulation of internal potential for conflict. Children from large families feel a sense of insecurity at school, have low self-esteem, and higher levels of anxiety and suspicion than their peers.

According to research, in 70% of families, raising children mainly lies with the mother. Only a third of parents are fully aware of their children's activities at school. Communication with the school is weak. Only 15% of fathers and mothers take an active part in school work. The initiative of the mothers themselves is also small. Only 4.1% of families are satisfied with their children's class teachers. As for the microclimate in families, there is a dysfunctional atmosphere in 5% of the studied large families (quarrels, scandals, drunkenness). Raising children requires both physical and moral strength. Having many children limits the range of interests of women, the possibility of their participation in production and public life, and contributes to the preservation of the way of family life associated with the excessive employment of adults and the degraded position of women in the family. In every second family, complications in the health of family members were identified. The situation is aggravated by the fact that families are actually on the brink of survival.

Overly busy parents create communication problems. 66% of parents only sometimes share their successes and difficulties with their children.

Low level of education, over-employment of fathers and mothers, lack of free time - these are the main reasons for neglect in raising children. 77% of parents noted their poor knowledge in matters of raising children, which indicates a low level of their psychological and pedagogical culture. .

But, despite many negative aspects, as statistics show, families with two or three children are more stable, because Children strengthen the marital union and increase responsibility for the family.

A large family provides a real opportunity for constant communication between people of different sexes and ages, reducing the possibility of developing such qualities as selfishness, selfishness, and laziness. The diversity of interests, characters, and relationships that arise in a large family is good soil for the development of children and for improving the personality of parents. In the relationships between members of a large family, respectful attitude towards elders is especially important. A large family is an indispensable school of collectivism, preparing each child for a future independent family life.

Education in the family is carried out not only by parents, but also by older children: the younger ones learn from the older ones, adopting their habits and experience. This can have both positive (the experience of caring for another person, communicating with children) and negative (the acquisition of attitudes toward childlessness by older children, selfishness in younger children, as a result of excessive guardianship) consequences, depending on the pedagogical literacy of the parents. Age plays a significant role in sibling relationships. The relationship is most pronounced in children of the same age and in children two to three years apart. Difficulties may arise in the relationship between siblings with a significant age gap between them. In such families, there are problems in relationships between children.

The regime in a family with several children must be special: after all, at a time when older children need silence to prepare their lessons, the younger ones, in all likelihood, cannot satisfy their need for movement, which is realized in noisy games. Parents have the right to demand that older children help their younger ones in their studies.

In a properly organized large family, the problem of “children and money” is more naturally solved. Here, from an early age, everyone is convinced of the feasibility of a family economy, gets used to taking into account the family’s capabilities, respecting the needs of loved ones, and learning to plan expenses. In a large family, the work of everyone, regardless of age, is a necessity. However, there is a danger of incorrect distribution of responsibilities between children: sometimes the eldest child is deprived of a significant part of those childhood and youthful joys that are available to his comrades from families with few children. Younger children in such a situation grow up as pampered egoists, confident that someone else should be responsible for all their actions and mistakes.

Many teachers believe that a large family better fulfills its function of preparing children for the difficulties of adult life. Such children, as a rule, are not capricious, efficient, dexterous and independent; they have more warmth and care for others, less arrogance and self-centeredness. In a large family, it is easier to realize moral qualities such as sensitivity, humanity, responsibility, and respect in the child’s mind and behavior.


In conclusion, we can say that the values ​​of family, marriage, and motherhood are currently being destroyed. The social differentiation of society continues to worsen, and an increasing number of families are falling into poverty. Therefore, society and the state must change their attitude towards the family as a social institution in order to preserve it. Special care and assistance to motherhood, legal protection of the family, creation of social conditions for its normal functioning, ensuring the harmonious development of each child, taking into account his physiological characteristics, are necessary. A social worker must help overcome difficulties, maximize all social assistance resources, attract funds from charitable organizations, churches, and various societies; teach the family self-help and mutual assistance, family business.

A large family has both its own specific problems and those that are typical of any other family (with one or two children, incomplete). She endures all "diseases" standard family, however, in it they occur much more severely. This is one of the most important features.

It is necessary to note several fundamental points directly related to large families.

Firstly, when speaking about this family, we must mean not only the problems arising in it itself, but also the problems of children living in such families.

Secondly, the problems of a large family vary depending on where it lives: different regions of the country, city or village. There are significant differences between high-fertility regions, where there are therefore many such families, and low-fertility regions, where there are few. Therefore, effective assistance to large families should be provided taking into account local conditions, opportunities, wishes and opinions of the population.

Thirdly, large families do not represent a homogeneous mass. All of them, despite the presence of common problems, differ sharply from each other.

The main problem of large families is financial. Currently, with the birth of each child, family income decreases sharply. Numerous studies show the closest relationship between the number of children living in a family and income per family member, and in more in general terms- the degree of its depletion. For large families, wages are the main source of cash income, and its share in total income is comparable to that for all households. However, it is significantly lower than for families with 1-2 children, therefore, parents with many children have a weaker position in the labor market.

The second important conclusion is related to cash benefits, the share of which in the income of families with many children is 6.8 times higher than the Russian average, and 3.4 times higher than that of families with 1 or 2 children. We can say that the birth of a third child in a family in the overwhelming majority of cases leads to poverty.

For large families, the self-sufficiency strategy is largely related to personal farming. This is partly due to the fact that half of families with 3 or more children live in rural areas, but in most cases this is due to the presence of barriers in the labor market that are insurmountable for them.

Large families have previously been a financially vulnerable category of the population, and modern inflationary processes hit them harder than society as a whole and force them to save on the essentials - on many food products and almost all industrial goods. Most often, such families also have poor living conditions.

Having many children often has a detrimental effect on children. The issue of children's health is raised sporadically and assessed ambiguously. Today, teenagers from large families talk about chronic illness and frequent colds more often than teenagers from small families. Among teenagers from large families, there are many smokers, both boys and girls. Starting from the fifth child, the likelihood of an increase in infant mortality and the birth of a defective child, that is, with developmental defects, increases sharply. At least half of children born in large families fall into a high-risk group based on medical and biological indicators.

All children from large families also have a common social problem, specifically related to large families. They more often have low self-esteem and inadequate ideas about the meaning of their own personality, which can negatively affect all their subsequent fate. In large families, there are about 10-15% of “problem” children and adolescents. They should be the primary object of the social worker’s activities, but not because they are “bad,” but because they feel bad.

According to experts, in ten out of a hundred families with several children, the moral and psychological climate is not always satisfactory. Back in 1988, S.I. Golod, in his article “A large family in the mirror of statistics” in the Ogonyok magazine, wrote that too many children in one family is not as good as it seems at first glance. According to research by doctors and lawyers, it is clear that in urban large families there is a higher percentage of offenses committed by minors; This is where pedagogical neglect is most evident.

From the above, it becomes clear that it is the development of children in large families that needs priority attention from society.

All experts unanimously classify a large family as a “risk group” family. As a rule, these families are economically disadvantaged, especially in cases where parents (one or both) are disabled or unemployed, one of the parents is absent, parents have low wages, the family has physically or mentally ill children, the treatment of which requires financial costs.

Conclusion: thus, we can say that a large family is, in most cases, a low-income family. The real income of large families has fallen sharply, which has led to an increase in food costs and a decrease in all other types of expenses. In the structure of income, the role of child benefits is not great, although it does provide some addition to the family budget. The problems of large families affect both intrafamily relationships and the family’s relationship with the social environment. Know Negative consequences large families are necessary for timely preventive and correctional work, both at the level of national federal programs and the activities of a social worker with each specific family.

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Social problems large families


Over the past 20 years, the absolute population decline has amounted to 6.7 million people. This can be correlated with the population of the Moscow region or the population of the entire Far Eastern Federal District. By maintaining this trend, we can come to the conclusion that the population of our country will decrease to 122-125 million people by 2025, and to 100 million people by 2050. This dynamic is a threat to the country's national security.

At the same time, the demographic situation is characterized by a decline in the birth rate. In this regard, it is necessary to study the problems emerging in the field of social support for families.

Although, based on statistical data, the number of large families in Moscow increased by almost 10% over the year. According to the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, in February 2015 there were 101,989 large families living in Moscow, and in February 2016 their number was already 111,864 families.

There is an interesting dynamic in the growth of the number of large families despite economic instability. The third, fourth and next child for the vast majority of Muscovites is absolutely conscious decision. This is facilitated by a package of social services, benefits and compensation provided in the city. It became transparent and easier to obtain. Qualitatively changed in better side system for accompanying pregnant women and newborns in medical institutions in Moscow. The stereotype about the dysfunction of a large family has begun to change - successful businessmen, pop and film stars have large families and are proud of it. Women are not afraid of being left without income - the Internet has changed the labor market, and over the past few years many options for earning money have appeared, even for mothers with several children.

But at the same time, large families are characterized by the greatest vulnerability due to the fact that they are dominated by dependent family members who are not able to provide for themselves. This is the most fragile structure that needs protection. All this determines the relevance of the stated research topic.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study consisted of the works of Russian and foreign scientists on demography, history, economics, sociology, as well as Russian and international legal acts reflecting state family policy measures in the field of family and social policy. The problems of family research were dealt with by such scientists as the theory and methodology of family research E. Burgess, G. William, E. Vaugher, E. Giddens, W. Good, K. Davis, T. Zadorozhny, M. Strauss, P.A. Sorokin, Y. Shchemansky. Their works are devoted to the theory and methodology of family research. From the perspective of a systemic view of the family, it is presented in the studies of A.G. Kharchev, A.I. Antonov, V.N. Arkhangelsky, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, E.K. Vasilyeva, A.G. Volkov, Yu.A. Gasparyan, S.I. Golod, V.M. Medkov, M.N. Rimashevskaya, Z.A. Yankova, etc. Demographic, sociological, socio-psychological studies of the problems of forming family stability are presented in the works of V.A. Belova, G.A. Bondarskaya, V.A. Borisov, A.G. Vishnevsky, I.A. Serafimova, T.L. Gurko, L.E. Darsky, I.F. Dementieva, I.P. Ilyina, A.B. Sinelnikova, M.S. Tolts, L.V. Chuiko et al. Problems of social protection of this category of family are covered by L.F. Bezlepkina, V.N. Bobkov, I.I. Grebeshev, V.B. Kornyak, N.V. Pankratova, L.M. Potolova, L.S. Rzhanitsyna, E.F. Feoktistova, L.T. Shineleva. The development of principles, methods and directions in the field of social work with families was carried out by L.G. Guslyakova, I.L. Zimnyaya, A.I. Lashenko, A.M. Popov, L.V. Topchiy, E.I. Kholostova and others.

The object of the study is the social problems of large families.

The subject of the study is the process of organizing solutions to the problems of large families.

The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective forms and methods of solving social problems of large families and to develop recommendations for improving the process of solving problems of families of this category.

To achieve the stated goal, the following specific tasks are solved:

1. Define a large family, determine its type

2. Analyze the main problems of large families in modern society,

3. To study the legal framework for organizing social protection of large families in the Russian Federation.

4. Assess social and managerial mechanisms for solving the problems of modern large families.

The hypothesis of the study is the dependence of improving the quality of life of large families on the degree of support from the state.

This work consists of an introduction, a main part divided into two chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

large family demographic

Chapter 1. Current situation large families in modern society

1.1 Large family: concept, types and functions

A large family is a community of people who are related by marriage, or parenthood, or kinship, a joint household, with three or more children; it, as the main unit of society, performs the most important social functions, plays a particularly significant role both in social development as a whole and in human life, its protection, the formation and satisfaction of spiritual needs, and ensuring primary socialization.

A prominent specialist in the study of family A.G. Kharchev defines: a family is a historically specific system of relationships that develops between spouses, between them and children. In essence, this is a small social group consisting of members connected by marriage and kinship relations, which are characterized by a commonality of life and mutual moral responsibility, and social necessity, which determines the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Life strategy. M.: Mysl, 2015. - P. 250.

Current family research conducted by A.I. Antonov and V.M. Medikov, define that a family is a united group of people based on a single family functionality who are connected through the bonds of marriage, or parenthood, or kinship Vladislavsky V. Ibid. Through the family, population reproduction occurs, as well as the continuity of generations. The family helps to socialize children and support relatives who are unable to provide for themselves financially.

Anthony Giddens gives family a broader meaning by defining it as a social unit consisting of people who support each other socially, economically and psychologically, or who identify themselves as a supportive unit. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary Russian language. - Publisher: ITI Technologies, 2008, p. 156

American sociologist John Macionis focuses on the family as a social institution. The family is a social institution, represented in all societies, uniting people in communities for the easier raising of children together. Synonym for family ties stands for the concept of a family-social connection based on ties of blood, marriage or a connection established through adoption.

In Russia it is given following definition: a large family is a family with three or more minor children (including adopted children, as well as stepsons and stepdaughters) who are not older than 16 years of age; and at the age of no more than 18 years, if children are studying in higher educational institutions.

Various authors are united in the fact that a family is an association of people based on consanguinity, marriage or adoption who are connected by a common way of life and have mutual responsibility for each other and for raising children.

According to the composition they are distinguished:

Nuclear family, including husband, wife, children living with their parents;

An extended family, which is an enlarged and composite union, including a married couple and their children, as well as parents of other generations (most often older ones: grandparents, uncles, aunts), living together or in close proximity to each other and forming the family structure;

A blended family, which is a “rearranged” family formed as a result of marriage between divorced people. It includes step-parents and step-children, and children born in a previous marriage are included in the new family;

The family of a single parent who runs the household alone due to divorce or abandonment or death of a spouse or because he was never married.

The classification of families is presented in the form of a system including.

1. Nuclear family (parents and their children).

1) A small family based on a marital nucleus, which is a classic or typical form of a family. Currently, there is a trend towards a relative decrease in families of this type due to the increase in the number of single-parent families.

2) A family, including several children, built on a marriage basis. Today, about 95% of such families include families with three children and 1% with more than three children.

3) Variants of the original two types are mixed families, or otherwise called rebuilt ones, including a marital core, with one of the parents acting as a non-native to the children.

A large family is a family with three or more children (including adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepchildren) under the age of 16, and also under the age of 18 if they are studying in educational institutions that implement general education programs. A large family does not include children who are full-time state provision, and children in respect of whom parents have been deprived of parental rights or have limited parental rights. In Russia today, a large family is a family with 3 or more children.

There are three categories of large families: 1. Conscious large families (most often this occurs in families where family or religious-national traditions are strong). 2. The birth of a common child upon remarriage of the father or mother and the presence of other children. (at the core there are the beginnings of an “incomplete” family). These two categories are quite safe. A large family (consciously large family) usually has strong family traditions, a clear internal structure, fairly strong protection, a traditionally respectful attitude towards elders. At the same time, problems and conflicts are resolved more easily, and parents do not experience lonely old age. The psychological atmosphere of such a family is mutual understanding, the same vision of problems and ways to solve them by both spouses.

The type of large family that now exists in Russia was not so widespread in earlier times. In the pre-revolutionary period, a large large family was the norm for society, however, it is worth noting that the way of life, composition and living environment were somewhat different. A modern large family mainly consists of two parents and three or more children. We can say that in the last century our country lost natural large families as a way of life for the vast majority of the population.

Large families are currently a complex and contradictory phenomenon in relation to generally accepted standards and in morals this is, of course, an exceptional and deviant phenomenon . On the one hand, the lifestyle of large families is perceived as dysfunctional, associated with all sorts of difficulties and disadvantages, distress, lack of parental love and attention, various material deprivations (clothing, diet, living conditions, educational sphere, employment). On the other hand, having many children is associated with cohesion, mutual assistance and a friendly atmosphere of friendship, feelings of responsibility, respect, work discipline and independence.

The situation of large families in Russia at this stage historical development causes concern both at the state level and on the part of society. Anxiety regarding this issue is associated with the global demographic crisis, as well as the spiritual and moral crisis, which are actively developing in our country. From the point of view of population reproduction, only the transition to mass large families in the current situation of crisis of the family and family lifestyle will overcome the negative trends of population decline. According to President V.V. According to Putin, a family with three children should become the norm in Russia. However, this indicator is still worth achieving.

There is still a certain zone of social disapproval and even rejection around mothers of large families. Large families are often regarded as “social dependents,” although in practice they have very modest benefits. It is large families that are more likely to end up among the poor, since the amount of child benefits does not correlate with the standard of living. Few families today manage to simultaneously have many children and be socially prosperous. Speaking at the conference “Activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the revival of the family institution,” which took place as part of the XX Christmas Readings, former adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on social issues Evgeny Yuryev noted that in our time the creation of a large family is a certain process of falling into a state of poverty.

If we look at large families through the eyes of modern society, a clear negative trend emerges. A third of Russians, when they hear the phrase “large family,” remember instability, poverty, deviant behavior: “mostly poor”, “suck paws”, “bad, hard”, “the same problems”, “parents are drunks, drunks and drug addicts”, “madhouse”. The majority of the country's population is inclined to believe that many children live in dysfunctional families: these are continuous problems, difficulties and troubles .

Large families experience various kinds of difficulties in the process of interaction with authorities: “it’s hard to break through the wall of misunderstanding and bureaucratic bureaucracy, idle talk,” “endless collection of various certificates, visiting hospitals and clinics,” “it takes a lot of time to beg for help from government agencies, struggle for rights with officials”, “there is no available information about benefits for people with many children”, “the government’s cultivation of the opinion of people with many children as quarrelsome beggars”, “the absence of laws prohibiting discrimination against people with many children”, “the indifference of civil servants, from the aunt in one window to the big bosses, everyone stands guard over the state against large families!

About the change in attitude towards the family in connection with the appearance of the third, fourth and subsequent children, those with many children say that with the first and second child, the attitude towards the family is good and is characterized by a positive, approving attitude; when the third child appears, some misunderstanding arises, although there is also approval; with the fourth and subsequent children, disapproval and harsh criticism from others intensify. Theoretical studies have led to the conclusion that a deeper degree of large families (the birth of the fifth, sixth and subsequent children) occurs due to internal beliefs (value orientations towards children and family, for religious reasons), thereby external assessment from others is perceived not so acute and not very significant.

Negative changes taking place demographic processes are formed due to: changes in value orientations towards creating a family - a decrease in reproductive attitudes among future parents, a change in the birth rate towards later ages, a decrease in the number of marriages, an increase in divorces, an increase in the number of extramarital cohabitations, which every tenth person in Russia today prefers; At the same time, the birth rate in unregistered family unions is two times lower than in legitimate marriages .

There is a point of view according to which the main obstacles to having many children in our time is the level of material well-being of the population. To some extent this point of view is correct. However, it does not follow from this that with an increase in the level material wealth The number of children in the family will also increase. After all, raising children involves not only material support, but also other resources: moral, emotional, temporary, etc.

In his article E. Vovk “Clash of values. Large families and responsibility” confirms this thesis in the words of one of the study participants with a statement about the extent to which material support contributes to large families (especially at a deeper level). “It doesn’t really depend on money... There’s probably some sort of peak of saturation, when the quantity depends on the amount of money, and then there’s a decline, you increase the standard of living - and there are fewer and fewer children... if you give me a million dollars, it’s not the fact is that I will have five of them... if I had a lot of money, there would definitely be a third, but there would be a fourth or fifth - it’s doubtful.”

The birth of a child in a family now, in many ways, reduces its standard of living, and families with three or more children in the overwhelming majority become poor, have serious housing problems, and are forced to limit themselves in nutrition, since the average per capita income of such families is below the subsistence level due to quantitative characteristics.

When considering the marital status of mothers with many children based on the research of Batchaev Kh.Kh.-M. Traditional pedagogical culture of the Karachay people (history, theory, practice). Kazan: Kazan University, 2014. - P. 177, conducted by the Association of Large Families of Moscow, it was revealed that most of them are in their first marriage. At the same time, the share of those respondents who are remarried is not so small. This conclusion indicates that large families are also involved in the process of divorce, like other families (the share of divorced people among large families is slightly lower than in the entire female population of Russia. Unfortunately, in large families there is a tendency to predominate women's initiative in the case of divorce, which is also common to the rest of the population. It is worth noting that having many children in divorced families does not make a significant contribution to overcoming the process of depopulation in our country. For example, when a woman, after a divorce, has two children left from her first marriage, and when she enters a new one, remarriage When a third child appears in the family, the family becomes large. But, despite the fact that the family has become large, complete replacement of generations does not occur, since three children will no longer have one couple (a man and a woman), but a larger number of adults (two women and one man or two women and two men and etc.).

A large family is a certain atmosphere of life in which family members are immersed, being a unified system of family ties. The perception of large families that has developed in modern society, as already mentioned, is ambiguous. On the one hand, the number of children in a family is determined by reproductive attitudes and norms for children, functioning in society and acquired by individuals (family) in the process of life, and on the other hand, by certain external conditions, which, according to the subjective assessment of individuals (family), can be both favorable and hinder the implementation of these guidelines and norms.

Despite all the difficulties, the ambiguity of the attitude of others towards a large family and the role of a mother of many children, none of the women blames the large family itself for this, no one considers it a mistake or a miscalculation in life.” Having many children today still retains some value appeal. Large families currently lack moral support in addition to material assistance.

There is a widespread belief that in families with a high level of religiosity, an orientation towards a larger number of children prevails. For them, the family occupies a significant place in the system of life priorities and has a certain value. It is obvious that with the increase in the degree of church membership of one of the parents, the number of children in the family increases. Thus, among church-going parents (at least one spouse), the average number of children is 4.0, compared to 3.4 in non-religious families. Among representatives of other traditional faiths, such as Judaism and Islam, in certain regions of Russia, quite high levels have also been recorded from the current point of view. demographic situation reproductive indicators. For example, the Republic of Tyva and the Republic of Dagestan. The undisputed demographic leaders “are Ingushetia and Chechnya, where the number of births exceeds the number of deaths by 5.6 and 4.5 times, respectively. They are followed by Dagestan, where over the past six months the difference in the numbers of newborns and deaths was threefold in favor of infants.”

A large family is not only a certain way of life, but also a skill that was active among young people not so long ago . Children, already at an early age, saw how to treat a newborn, knew how to swaddle him, feed him, and care for him. Now, as a rule, there is nowhere to take this experience due to the ever-decreasing number of children in families.

In a large family, as a rule, the elders were responsible for caring for the younger children, and they looked after not only siblings, but also nephews and nieces, thereby strengthening family ties between families and generations. Giving the child independence has happened and is happening naturally: when a new baby is born in the family, the older child becomes more independent, learns to dress himself, play, fulfill parents’ requests for help with younger children, thereby taking up most of his free time. After all, as is known, the presence large quantity free time, taking into account the active development of technical capabilities and the dominance of harmful information, sometimes leads children to harmful addictions: gambling, smoking, drinking alcohol and other forms of passive entertainment.

Having many children is also important mechanism overcoming infantilization among the younger generation. Large families, as a rule, produce more responsible and psychologically stable young people, due to the difficulties and problems they have lived through and, in many ways, independently resolved. Having many children is also a way to raise in modern conditions a certain layer of unspoiled people who are resistant to many everyday difficulties and difficult situations. In this regard, having many children is one of the ways to overcome the increasingly widespread consumer culture. After all, a large lifestyle from childhood teaches children to share, to help each other out, and there is a feeling of help and support from brothers and sisters, which does not exist in the modern society of only children. Among other things, many things purchased for the first children are passed on to the younger ones, which is fundamentally contrary to the consumer society, where the main emphasis is on the disposable use of purchased goods.

In the last century, the centuries-old way of life of the people of our country was destroyed, the tradition of large families was interrupted, and the process of reconstruction does not occur easily and quickly. Based on the assessment of the trends studied, it can be assumed that in the near future the goal of demographic policy in Russia should be to maintain a slightly expanded reproduction of the population, which corresponds to the average number of births of three children per one married couple in a lifetime, and per woman excluding marital condition - 2.5. To do this, the share of families with three children should be 30%, with four or more - about 31%, that is, in total over 60%. Consequently, a fairly large number of large families are needed. Without this, according to the above authors, even stabilizing population reproduction and preventing depopulation will become impossible.

Speaking about large families in Russia, it is important to understand the scale of its distribution and the characteristics of the regions in terms of the depth of large families.

Back in the last century, Russia ceased to be a country in which the majority of the population consists of families with minor children. According to the latest census, the share of households with children under 18 years of age was just over 50% of the total number of family households. At the same time, the share of households that can be conditionally classified as large (having three or more children) has become negligibly small - only slightly more than 5% of families.

The distribution of large families by number of children shows the predominance of three-child families, which make up * all large families. From the point of view of demographic classification, this is more likely to be a “middle-child population” than a “large family.” Families with 5 or more children turn out to be less than 8% of the entire population of large families.

15.7% of all children in the country are raised in large families (10.6% of children in cities and 16.8% of children in rural areas). These figures are significantly lower than similar indicators in 1989, when every fifth child was raised in a large family (14.4% of children in urban settlements and 36% of children in rural areas).

As for the family composition of large families, in most cases a large family is a family with two parents; single-parent large families make up 17.6% of all large families (15.9% - mothers with children, 1.7% - fathers with children).

Large families in Russia have a pronounced regional character - only a few national republics stand out with a traditionally high level of large families (mainly the Republics of the North Caucasus with a predominance of the rural type of economy), and in other subjects Russian Federation having many children is rather an “atypical” phenomenon, rarely encountered and falling out of the general context of the development of the family institution in a given territory.

1.2 The main problems of large families

In the Russian Federation, large families play a fundamental role in resolving the demographic situation. In recent years, the state has been taking active measures to stimulate the birth rate through socio-economic support for large families. But despite this, the formation of large families is hampered by many problems.

1. Material and household (financial) problems.

Large families are the least affluent, with a low average monthly income per family member. In the income structure, child benefits are small, although they provide an increase to the family budget. Due to the constant rise in prices, there are extremely limited opportunities to satisfy needs, and a shortage of the most necessary items. The budget of such families does not have funds for education, cultural and sports development of children, musical and artistic education, and even for summer vacations.

From an economic point of view, a large family is a family where the marginal economic utility of each new child is lower than the marginal cost of it. In other words, the birth of another child worsens the financial situation of the family or its members. Mothers in the 1980s Most of them had working qualifications. They preferred flexible work schedules so they could spend more time caring for their children. The most common profession is janitor and cleaner. But many did not work at all, barely keeping up with household chores. On average, the head of the family - the father - earned 200 rubles. About 70.3% of the family's annual income was spent on food. Today the situation has changed little. According to a 2003 study, in the majority (57%) of large families in Moscow, the father supports the entire family almost single-handedly; in another 21% of families, more than half of the family budget depends on him.

A study of specific deviations from the socially accepted consumption standard shows that almost half of large families experience significant problems with housing (dilapidated, damp, in need of urgent major repairs) and with providing for their children seasonal clothes and shoes (almost 40%), cannot purchase medications prescribed by a doctor in full, are forced to limit themselves in products (one third of large families), and children cannot finish high school, since you need to earn money (a situation typical for a quarter of large families versus 4% in small families).

2. The problem of parents' employment.

Large families fall into the poor group not only due to the child's dependent burden, but also due to the low wages of working family members. Several factors of poverty operate simultaneously. A large number of children in a family often means limited employment opportunities for women and mothers, which, in turn, aggravates the financial situation of large families. Data from special studies indicate that in 40% of such families, mothers either do not work or are employed in jobs that do not require qualifications and, therefore, are low-paid.

In addition to the high dependency burden, the poverty of large families is largely determined by their position in the labor market:

Low earnings of able-bodied people - 48% of large families have workers with wages below the subsistence level;

Low level of economic activity of working-age people - 31% of families have family members of working age who do not work and are not looking for work. Most often this is due to the need to care for children, but it should be emphasized that the lack of flexible forms of employment in the modern Russian labor market increases the motivation of this category of the population in terms of choosing a strategy of economic inactivity;

High unemployment rate: 7% of families include able-bodied people who are not working and are looking for work.

3. Housing problem.

The housing problem for large families has now become of paramount importance. Housing conditions do not meet standards for general rule and cannot be improved through municipal housing, and purchasing housing at their own expense is impossible for most families. The increase in fees for housing and communal services further complicates the financial problems of large families.

The level of improvement in the homes of large families is extremely low. If in villages they do not stand out too much among other types of families, then in cities the level of housing improvement for large families is 2 times lower than for families with one child. As for the size of housing, large households with three children have 11.9 square meters. m. for 1 person, with four or more children - 10.3 sq. m. m, which is more than 2 times lower than the Russian average. A particularly noticeable difference is noted in cities (almost 3 times for families with 4 or more children); in rural areas these differences are lower. Among large households, single-parent families have the most crowded housing, especially in cities. Thus, for large families, not only the size of housing is critical, but also its improvement

But in the 2000s. Among large families, there is social stratification - the poor and the rich are distinguished. If previously “having many children” was associated with a low level of income, now even in a large family there has appeared a layer of rich parents who can afford many children. According to recent studies, it has exceeded the 10% threshold. Material disadvantage no longer plays a role decisive role. The families of three, four and five children are distributed approximately equally by income level. In addition, the relative majority of parents (41%) are convinced that if they had only one child, things would not be any easier for them, but exactly the same. Modern studies of large families show that in these families, in comparison with the need for material assistance, the need for psychological and pedagogical support comes to the fore by a large margin.

Psychological and pedagogical problems. In a prosperous large family, children are in an equal position: there is no lack of communication, the elders take care of the younger ones, and, as a rule, positive moral qualities are formed, such as sensitivity, humanity, and respect for elders. But at the same time, lack of time and lack of knowledge about raising children create certain problems in such families. This leads to the fact that large families are characterized by greater neglect of children. There is a problem of communication between both adult family members and children, especially teenagers. This complicates the process of socialization of children and can contribute to the emergence of certain problems in later life.

Parents with many children experience discomfort with work colleagues and are often deprived of a friendly attitude in a professional environment. Children from large families also feel negative attitude peers - difficulties in communicating with other children, divergence of interests, etc.

Children from large families often have low self-esteem because they perceive themselves as part of a large team and think little about the value of their self. IN adolescence this can result in overcompensation: the child will begin to assert himself in all possible and impossible ways, proving his uniqueness and originality.

In the minds of many people during the years of Soviet power, a social stereotype of such families developed: dad is an alcoholic and works in a low-paid, unprestigious job, mother is a housewife driven by life with a shapeless figure, in a faded robe, with a bun and in slippers, and a bunch of dirty, snotty people are spinning around her. poor students. Financial insecurity has influenced the development of self-doubt, inadequate reactions to life situations, and increased aggressiveness in children from large families. As a result, children often took a socially dangerous path. According to research by V.Ya. Titarenko, from large families in the 1970s-1980s. 3.5 times more “disadvantaged” and “difficult” people emerged than those with one child.

The attitude of others towards large families is not always favorable. A large or average number of children in a family began to be assessed as a consequence of limited interests and cultural backwardness. In the emerging stereotypes of the public psyche, the “hero of our time” is seen as having one, but very “dear”, “high-quality” child. Large families most often cannot provide their children with a prestigious standard of living and education.

In addition to socio-economic and psychological problems, such families also face certain medical problems. Any parents raising more than 2 children should have an idea about them - only in this case will they be able to think in advance about how to protect themselves and their family.

1. Problems related to children's health.

A large family is a large team, therefore actual problem is the problem of infectious diseases, especially highly contagious ones, that is, those that are easy to catch. Indeed, in addition to the fact that all family members communicate at home, as a rule, each child also attends a children’s group - be it a kindergarten group, classroom or development group. And first of all, such diseases, of course, include acute respiratory diseases (ARI). This problem is of particular importance for the mother, since, firstly, childhood infections are quite difficult for adults to tolerate, and secondly, by the time of an epidemic in the family of a particular childhood infection, the mother may be in a state of waiting for the next baby. Then the infectious disease will affect not only the health of the mother, but also the health of the unborn child.

Addressing Accessibility Issues medical services, we note that children from large families are much less likely to seek medical help than children from other families, and the percentage of those who apply is significantly lower. This indicates a less attentive attitude to the health of children in large families, which, of course, is associated with the difficult living conditions of parents, lack of time, and lower incomes. This is also evidenced by the figures regarding the disability of children from large and small families: in families with 1-2 children, the percentage of disabled children was 1.9%, in large families - 2.6%.

2. Problems related to maternal health.

A mother in a large family spends a significant part of her time in a state of pregnancy or lactation. Each subsequent pregnancy of a mother with many children is subject to certain risks and complications. Fatigue and the inability to recover from childbirth to childbirth, especially if there were complications during previous pregnancies and childbirths, leads to the fact that with each subsequent pregnancy the risk of complications increases. Another problem that requires attention is the age of the mother, who already has several children. The third, fourth and subsequent births, as a rule, occur after 30-35 years of age. It also increases the likelihood of pregnancy complications and increases the risk of having children with a genetic pathology. Taking into account all these circumstances, a mother of many children should promptly contact antenatal clinic regarding the next pregnancy, follow the doctor’s visit schedule and all his recommendations as carefully as possible, without relying only on her experience. Proper planning of time for certain tasks and distribution of responsibilities between family members can help solve many problems. Mom, despite her workload, should have some time every day to take care of herself and her health.

3. Medicine plus economics.

The medical problems of a large family cannot be considered in isolation from socio-economic problems. Thus, it is no secret that large families can be divided into two types: families with a sufficient budget (unfortunately, they are in the minority) and families with an insufficient budget. In the latter, the issue of proper nutrition is very relevant.

In general, large families in the Russian Federation have a fairly high-calorie diet, however, from the point of view healthy eating, it is inferior and unbalanced. It has a pronounced carbohydrate component, and the content of animal proteins is clearly insufficient; The lowest nutritional characteristics are typical for single-parent large families and young families with 3 or more children - we can talk not only about the imbalance of their nutrition, but also about obvious malnutrition.

And today no one doubts the fact that good nutrition is determined not so much by the energy value of food and not so much by the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but by the balance of vitamins and minerals that participate in the immune response, that is, they protect the body from viruses and microbes , participate in the regulation of cell growth and reproduction, in the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems. If there is a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, problems arise in the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, the problem of multivitamin deficiency and deficiency minerals is relevant for all family members - both children and parents.

Large families are the main units of society that belong to the group social risk, because the wide range The reasons causing dysfunction of family relationships make them a socially vulnerable category of the population.

The problems of the modern family are the most important and relevant. Their significance is determined by the fact that the family is one of the main social institutions of society, the cornerstone human life, as well as the fact that this institution is currently experiencing a deep crisis. This is especially important in a broad sense, in the context of global social changes, increased population mobility, urbanization, etc., which lead to the weakening of family foundations. These and a number of other factors caused the decline in the importance of the family as social institution, changing its place in value orientations. It is known that during the years of Soviet power the social status of the family was relatively low, although the state had a significant influence on family relations. During the years of reform there was a sharp decline in this status.

Currently, large families occupy a stable and insignificant share (7.5%) of the total number of families. IN Lately There was a significant change in the reproductive plans of the population. Thus, there is a real threat of a transition to a one-child family, which does not look good on the demographic situation in the country.

Every large family, regardless of its level of well-being, needs attention and assistance from the state. Undoubtedly, assistance to families is provided to one degree or another at both the state and city levels of government. IN varying degrees assistance is provided by many institutions within the framework of the state assistance program: local social services, medical institutions, educational institutions and leisure institutions.

But with the country's transition to a market economy, large families do not become one of the most vulnerable categories of the population.

Chapter 2. Social and managerial mechanisms for solving the problems of modern large families

2.1 Solving the problems of large families in Russia

In modern states, including Russia, along with material support for motherhood and family, moral and status support is also provided. For example, in the Russian Federation, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2008, the Order of Parental Glory was established.

The form of relationships in the family determines the conditions for the interaction of relatives, which make it possible to carry out the main reproductive function of the family and raise offspring, manage the household and satisfy the needs of its members.

The nature of the relationships between the main unit of society is influenced by a complex of factors: traditions of family communication, the socio-economic state of society, the moral and psychological atmosphere; the degree of dependence of family functioning on the state of society. The type of family also affects its existence, what kind of family it is: large, small; what serves as its basis - childless spouses, or spouses with children, a complete family or not; what is its structure, etc.

The highest level of relationships that develop between people is mutual understanding. To do this, you need to function together with a friend harmoniously and using empathy. The opposite of this is opposition, which destroys relationships and creates misunderstandings.

Must be studied psychological characteristics relationships that develop between parents and children in large families. This facilitates interaction within the family in practice, creates an appropriate level of mutual understanding, allows for the harmonious development of children within a large family and develops and socializes them. A large family has its own characteristics compared to a small family. Large families require a special psychological and pedagogical approach. Solving the problem of mutual understanding in the structure of a large family is important due to the fact that the connections that arise between its members are diverse.

At the federal level, the social protection system is managed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

The management of the social insurance system is carried out with the help of specialized funds: the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund and the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.

At the regional level, management is carried out by the executive authorities of the subject of the federation. Thus, in Moscow, the functions of implementing state policy in the field of social protection of citizens are carried out by the capital’s Department of Social Protection of the Population.

The department, its subordinate enterprises, institutions, organizations, as well as territorial bodies of social protection of the population form a unified state system of social protection of the population, providing state support for families, elderly citizens, veterans and disabled people, persons discharged from military service, and members of their families, development social service systems, implementation of state policy in the field of pensions and labor relations.

At the local level, the department of social protection of the population most often operates under the district administration.

Thus, to create a harmonious large family, mutual understanding and mutual respect are necessary. This is the basis for building loved ones, trust relationships. Special social educational programs for both children and parents can help strengthen families.

2.2 Analysis of the activities of the USZN “city of Moscow” in solving the problems of large families

RUSZN is the District Department of Social Protection of the Population. Outdated name-- district social security services.

The Department of Social Protection of the Population has the task of implementing state policy in the field of social protection:

Elderly citizens

Disabled people,

Other persons with disabilities,

Families with children

Other disabled population groups in need of social support.

The Department of Social Protection of the Population makes mandatory payments for a number of categories of the population established by current legislation:

Monthly city cash payment (CGP) to labor veterans;

Monthly city payment to pensioners up to the city minimum;

Payments in connection with the birth of children;

Compensation payments to large families;

Monthly payments for using the telephone to large families, disabled people, single and pensioners living alone;

Issuance of Muscovite social cards (SCM and VESB) in accordance with current legislation (students, pensioners, disabled people, large families, combat veterans, military service veterans);

One-time payments for the holidays.

In addition, the material and household department of the RUSZN considers issues of providing one-time financial assistance, issuing sanatorium and resort vouchers, and purchasing durable goods for WWII veterans.

The department, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions:

Organizes and ensures the implementation of certain state powers delegated to local governments in the field of: social support, in terms of assigning social support measures to citizens,

Ensures the assignment of benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the City of Moscow, compensation payments, subsidies, state social assistance, including on the basis of a social contract for individual categories citizens, targeted financial assistance to citizens and additional measures of social support to citizens and families in need of social assistance.

Implements the transferred state powers to ensure social benefits for burial and reimbursement of the cost of burial services to specialized funeral services in the manner and under the conditions determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the City of Moscow.

Maintains personalized records of citizens entitled to social support measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the City of Moscow and the regulatory legal acts of the Municipal entity using the automated “Targeted Social Assistance” system created by the Ministry of Social Policy of the City of Moscow.

Interacts with the regional state government institution "Center social payments City of Moscow", authorized to fulfill public obligations to individuals, subject to execution in cash in accordance with federal and regional legislation, in the field of social support for citizens, by preparing and sending pay slips indicating the amounts of assigned monthly and one-time cash payments (benefits, compensation, targeted financial assistance and other cash payments).

Interacts with the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on the development and implementation individual programs rehabilitation of disabled people.

Takes part in the examination social conditions residence of elderly citizens, disabled people, families with children who have applied for social assistance, as well as on the basis of appeals from their legal representatives, or appeals in their interests from other citizens, appeals from state bodies, local governments, public associations.

Receives citizens on the provision of social support measures, social assistance and additional social support measures, including on the “one window” principle of Batchaeva Kh.Kh.-M. Traditional pedagogical culture of the Karachay people (history, theory, practice). Kazan: Kazan, University, 2014. - P. 123. .

Informs and advises citizens on issues of social support and social services for citizens within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the City of Moscow and municipal regulations, including through the media.

Considers applications, complaints and proposals from citizens on issues within the competence of the Department and makes decisions on them within the established time frame.

Ensures accessibility and improved quality when prescribing measures of social support and social assistance, including additional ones for citizens living in the Municipality, the introduction of new social technologies within the limits of its competence.

Monitors and analyzes activities for social support of citizens.

Participates in the development of municipal regulatory legal acts for the implementation of state powers for social support transferred to local governments, as well as the provision of additional measures of social support and social assistance to citizens living in the territory of the Municipal entity.

Develops draft administrative regulations for the provision of municipal services by the Department.

Provides guardianship and trusteeship to persons recognized by the court incompetent or partially capable, as well as in relation to persons in need of care in the form of patronage for health reasons.

Conducts and takes part in socially significant events of the Municipality that fall within the competence of the Department.

Table 1 Measures of social support for large families


Where to contact

Amounts of benefits, compensation/documents

one of the parents (the person replacing him) of a large family, a family in which both parents (the person replacing them) are disabled, an incomplete family in which the parent (the person replacing him) is disabled, living together with the child (children)

to the social protection authorities at the place of residence of the parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) with the child

The benefit amount as of 01/01/2014 is:

1400.13 rub. + district coefficient for each school-age child

The benefit amount is subject to rounding to the nearest ruble!

Law Krasnoyarsk Territory dated 09.12.2010 No. 11-5393 “On social support for families with children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”;

Decree of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 40-p dated January 25, 2011 “On approval of the Procedures for providing social support measures to families with children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.”

Table 2 Monthly compensation of expenses for the acquisition of a single social travel ticket or to receive a social card


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Option number 4.

· Large family and its main problems

· Family problems of the unemployed

· Family and education system, problems and interactions.

Large family and its main problems.

Currently, there is a steady decline in the share of large families in the Russian population. This also coincides with the trend towards few children and childlessness in general. There is no clear system of social support for large families. There is a negative and even negative attitude of society towards large families, especially with an increase in the serial number of births. A new pregnancy with more than two or three children in a family is regarded as something out of the ordinary, as a deviation from the general rules.

At the beginning of the century, large families made up the majority of the Russian population. They were quite common in all levels of society from the poorest peasantry to the nobles. This is due to the traditions of the Russian people and Orthodox morality. The birth of children was not planned, it was perceived as a “gift of God,” there were no contraceptives, and abortion was not common. It was easier to survive in a large family. Society has always had a stable positive attitude towards large families.

Currently, a large family is considered to be a family with three or more children. There are also many problems of such families, I will tell you about some of them.

· Material and household (financial) problems.

Large families are the least affluent, with a low average monthly income per family member, which leads to increased costs for food, clothing, and so on. In the income structure, child benefits are not large, although they provide an increase to the family budget. The share of costs for food products is higher, and the nutritional structure is less diverse. Such families receive less fruit, berries, meat, eggs, fish, and so on, and the insufficient supply of basic food products is of great concern.

Due to the constant rise in prices, there are extremely limited opportunities to satisfy needs, and a shortage of the most necessary items: shoes, clothing, school writing supplies. Rare natural and material aid doesn't solve the problem.

The budget of such families does not have funds for education, cultural and sports development of children, musical and artistic education, and even for summer vacations. In every fifth family, children do not attend kindergartens due to lack of money to pay.

· The problem of parents' employment.

When the mother does not work, and the father does not receive a salary for a long time, child benefits are irregular and insufficient, the problem of finding a new job arises.

The dependent burden on the family has changed the structure of its income. A large place was occupied by income from business activities, sales of agricultural products, as well as social transfers, which indicates a decrease in the economic activity of large families.

The survival of a large family in modern conditions is possible by increasing their own income (personal initiative, secondary earnings, work of teenagers). In almost 50% of such families, the work of teenagers brings income to the family, but this is fraught with violation of labor and civil laws, the dangerous influence of the “criminal world” and the abandonment of a number of needs, which is an unaffordable luxury in modern conditions.

· Housing problem.

It is always acute in our country, especially for large families, and has now acquired paramount importance. Housing conditions do not meet standards and cannot be improved through municipal housing. In addition, the scale of housing construction is being reduced; purchasing housing at their own expense is not enough for most families.

Payments for housing and communal services are increasing. If this problem is not systematically resolved, it may become one of the factors in increasing social tension in society.

· Psychological and pedagogical problems.

In a traditional large family, children are in an equal position: there is no lack of communication, the elders take care of the younger ones, and, as a rule, positive moral qualities are formed, such as sensitivity, humanity, and respect for elders.

But due to the heavy workload of parents, there is little time left for raising children, and yet in such families it is possible to determine the internal hierarchy of relationships.

Problems of distribution of responsibilities are based on gender and age, individual, and therefore different in scope and complexity. A small opportunity to satisfy one's needs develops a feeling of envy, a demand for the impossible.

The majority of children in large families leads to a decrease in the social age of older children. They mature early and are less closely related to their parents.

As a rule, in such families there is no respect for the personality of each child, there is no personal corner, their own small territory with respect for boundaries, personal favorite toys, i.e. autonomy of everyone, and often leads to protracted conflicts between children. Conflicts often arise also due to poor performance at school.

Such families have a difficult psychological climate: a low level of mutual understanding with parents and at the same time an increased need for parental support.

Large families, especially single-parent families, are characterized by great neglect of children. Such families report discomfort with work colleagues and are often deprived of a friendly attitude in the professional sphere. Large families prefer to create their own social circle. They devote little time to organizing leisure activities together.

· Medical problems.

A difficult psychological climate, as a rule, affects the health of children. There are 10-15% of problem children in such families. The development of children in large families requires priority attention from society.

Problems of unemployed families.

The problem of unemployment occurs in all countries of the world and is one of the most acute social problems, since behind it lies poverty and the spiritual impoverishment of people. Russia is faced with an increasingly acute problem of employment during the transition to market relations.

Unemployment is the lack of employment in production of the able-bodied population willing to work.

The exclusion of a large number of able-bodied resources from active economic life places a heavy burden on the budget, the need for resources to provide social assistance is growing, problems arise related to the organization of employment service structures, and “brain drain”; a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in mortality leads to an “aging population” and an increase in the burden on labor resources and changes in the infrastructure of the market.

General problems: financial, housing, psychological. In families of the unemployed, the number of divorces is increasing, cases of ill-treatment with kids. Children develop behavioral abnormalities and experience nervous disorders, the incidence rate is increasing.

Due to the above factors, the family does not perform the most important functions that are assigned to it by society, and this leads to its destruction.

Family and education system, problems and interactions.

The family and the education system are very closely connected. Modern families develop in conditions of a high-quality and contradictory social situation. On the one hand, there is a turn of society towards the problems and needs of the family, complex and targeted programs are being developed and implemented to strengthen and increase its importance in raising children. On the other hand, processes are observed that lead to an exacerbation of family problems. This is, first of all, a decline in the standard of living of most families, an increase in the number of divorces, which negatively affects the psyche of children, and an increase in the number of single-parent families and families with one child. A significant proportion of teenagers move away from their parents. Consequently, in difficult modern conditions, the family requires systematic and qualified assistance from educational institutions. Only through the process of interaction between teachers and parents can the problem of developing a student’s personality be successfully solved.

The process of interaction between family and school should be aimed at the active inclusion of parents in the educational process, in extracurricular activities, cooperation with children and teachers. Let's consider the problems and interactions of the family and the education system using the example of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 of the ZATO Ozerny, Tver Region.

What are the functions and tasks of interaction between teachers and parents?

The main functions of interaction between a general education institution and the family:

1. informational;

2. educational and developmental;

3. formative;

4. security and health;

5. controlling;

6. household.

Objectives of interaction between educational institutions and families:

1. formation of an active pedagogical position of parents;

2. equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge and skills;

3. active participation of parents in raising children;

4. Constantly informing parents about the results of the child’s educational activities;

5. teaching parents how to help their child learn;

6. involving parents in the development of cognitive interests.

The organization of interaction between a general educational institution and the family involves :

1. study of the family in order to identify its capabilities in raising its children and the children of the class;

2. grouping families according to the principle of the possibility of their moral potential for raising their child, the children of the class;

3. analysis of intermediate and final results of their joint educational activities.

At Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 the following work with parents is carried out:

1. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents:

1. Psychological and pedagogical

· Psychological and pedagogical problems of child adaptation to school (1st, 5th grades);

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