What can you give your friend on March 8. Automotive business card. What to give mom and grandmother

With the approaching International Women's Day, many are beginning to think about what to give to loved ones and acquaintances women. It's better to make an original surprise than to give standard shower gels and mugs. What to present as a gift to the fair sex on March 8?

When choosing a gift for a woman, you need to pay attention to her:

  • Closeness to the giver. Nice lingerie may be a great gift, but you shouldn't give it to a coworker unless the relationship is informal outside of work. But a close woman, on the contrary, should not give "formal" gifts.
  • Interests. If a friend does not wear makeup, there is no need to buy a set of elite cosmetics for her, such a gift will not cause much joy. And a woman far from the household is unlikely to be pleased with kitchen appliances. Choose things related to your hobbies: rare flowers for a florist, a T-shirt with a picture of your favorite character for a fan of the series, a stylish accessory for a fashionista.
  • Age. There are exceptions to all the rules, sometimes they are related to age. A young unmarried girl, most likely, will not need a multicooker, and a grandmother - a T-shirt with a character from a Brazilian TV series.

According to some sociological polls, women least of all would like to receive cheap jewelry as a gift.

What is better not to give:

  • Inexpensive store shower gels, shampoos and other economy class cosmetics.
  • Dishes, as well as household and kitchen appliances, unless the woman said that she needed a specific device. The vacuum cleaner received on March 8 makes you feel like a housekeeper, not a woman.
  • Figurines, key rings, decorative plates, photo frames. As practice shows, such things are usually not pleasing to the eye, but only take up space and collect dust.
  • Cheap jewelry. Firstly, it is quite difficult to choose a piece of jewelry without the participation of the woman herself. Secondly, it must be of high quality. Earrings for a few hundred rubles will definitely not work.

In fact, the choice of a gift is a very individual thing. For example, not everyone loves cut flowers, although most women enthusiastically accept them on International Women's Day and on any other day. When choosing a gift, always focus on the individual characteristics of the one to whom you are going to present it.

What can you give for March 8: super ideas for any budget

Despite the fact that, ideally, the choice of a gift should be approached individually and creatively, there are a number of universal options.

Beloved girlfriend or wife

It is easier to choose a gift for the closest woman, especially if you have a warm, trusting relationship: her interests and dreams are known. In most cases, the second half will be delighted if they receive on March 8:

  • Perfume. It is a good idea to ask in advance which notes in the perfume the lady of the heart prefers (floral, fruity, woody, oriental), and based on her preferences, make a choice by consulting with a specialist in the store. However, you can choose to your taste; more often than not, a girl is happy to wear a scent that her man likes.

    You need to give a large bottle, a sample or a mini version of perfume for a gift will not work

  • Beauty appliances as well as digital devices. Unlike devices for cleaning and cooking, hair dryers, curling irons, manicure or facial massage machines can be donated. But it is advisable to ask the wife in advance what she needs more so that she does not have a second hair straightener. A win-win option is a phone, a tablet, a camera (if the beloved woman is fond of photography), and for a keen reader - an e-book.

    A new development in beauty equipment - a mesoscooter, the use of which is similar to the salon procedure of mesotherapy

  • Decorations. They should be made of real precious metals, because cheap jewelry, as already mentioned, should not be given. If you are not sure that you will make the right choice yourself, you can present a gift certificate from a jewelry store.

    If the size of the rings worn by your beloved is unknown, it is better to give chains, bracelets or earrings made of precious metals

  • Stuffed Toys. Many young girls like to receive them as a gift, because even in a matured woman there is a little girl.

    A teddy bear is a classic version of a soft toy as a gift, although you can give any other animals as well

  • Travel. If finances allow, give a ticket to the city of love - Paris, warm countries or some exotic place. An indispensable condition - the trip must be carried out together.

    It is not necessary to buy a voucher abroad, you can present a trip to Russia, for example, to Sochi or to the Ruskeala mountain park in Karelia

According to polls, girls do not mind receiving money as a gift. Many of the fair sex for romance and creativity. Therefore, if you decide to give bills, they should be beautifully packed, for example, in a box, and presented in some romantic place - on a walk under the starry sky or having dinner by candlelight.

According to statistics, gifts "for adults" do not belong to those that please the fair sex. Such things can be given only if you are completely sure of the approval of your half; if she does not like all sorts of experiments, then such a gift can confuse and upset.

What to give mom and grandmother

It is also not difficult to choose a gift for a close relative, such as a mother or grandmother, because you, most likely, know her hobbies, favorite flowers or smells that cause allergies from childhood. You can also present on Women's Day:

  • Appliances. There is an exception to the rule “do not give home appliances on March 8”. Mothers and grandmothers will not be offended when they receive a multicooker, a double boiler or a juice cooker and any other devices that make their life easier. You can also present a dishwasher - the choice of equipment depends on the financial capabilities and needs of a loved one.

    The dishwasher will greatly save time and ease household chores

  • Health products. If your mother or grandmother has health problems, you can donate a massager, a set of medicinal ointments or teas, or, for example, a certificate for a course of healing procedures. An orthopedic mattress and pillow will also be a useful gift.

    If finances allow, you can give your mom a massage chair

  • Often mothers and grandmothers plant flowers. In this case, an alternative to traditional tulips will be live plants in pots, which will not wither in a couple of weeks, but will delight you with their beauty for a long time. For example, consider a flowering plant such as an orchid, a rare violet, or a fruiting citrus tree. Just do not forget when buying to clarify whether the plant will need a transplant in the near future. Plants are often sold in temporary pots; in this case, it is better to purchase.

  • A ticket to a concert or theater. You can please your mother or grandmother by adding a ticket to the performance of a performer whom she has long dreamed of seeing "live", or to her favorite opera, ballet, or performance, to the traditional flowers and sweets.

    For mothers and grandmothers, it is better to choose classical versions of ballets and performances

Present your mom with her favorite retro perfume, which can no longer be found in retail stores, but can be ordered online. Most likely, she will rejoice, having received the scent of her youth on March 8.

You can find rare perfumes in online stores, you can also find an unopened perfume released many years ago

Colleagues and boss

A holiday at work is the very case when gifts can be "formal". Colleagues and the leader on March 8 are usually given:

  • Flowers. A traditional gift from men, and women can give each other small potted plants that can be placed in the workplace or taken home, such as cacti, succulents or mini orchids.

  • Sweets. Another classic gift option. To make it original, you can order candies in personalized boxes. On sale you can also find chocolates with wishes or signatures "Accountant", "Manager", "Colleague" and the like.

    For a gift, you can independently arrange sweets on the theme of the holiday

  • Tea or coffee. A set of quality tea or gourmet coffee will complement flowers or sweets, and can also serve as a separate gift.

    Tea set - a collection of different flavors will satisfy the most discerning tea lover

  • Gift related to the profession... For office workers, this can be organizers, pencil holders, mouse pads, flash drives and other high quality stationery that will come in handy in the workplace. This also includes anti-stress items. Having shown imagination, you can come up with similar gifts for representatives of any specialty.

    Antistress toys are a universal gift for representatives of any profession

  • ... Unlike mass-produced shower gels and shampoos, handcrafted cosmetics can be a great gift. If the donor is a woman, then she can even make it on her own. It is advisable to choose cosmetics with the addition of natural ingredients and their own aroma for each employee.

    Handmade cosmetics can be of a variety of colors and shapes.

It is a tradition and a rule of good manners to highlight the leader by presenting her with a more expensive gift.

Daughter or sister

The choice of a gift for a daughter or sister depends on how old she is. You can also congratulate the little girl on March 8, highlighting her femininity and presenting her with a set of baby cosmetics or jewelry. Another option is a book or a doll. From adolescence, the following gifts can be made:

  • Certificate for cosmetics. It is usually difficult to find cosmetics for another woman, because everyone has their own preferences. Having received a certificate from a cosmetic store, a daughter or sister will be able to choose it according to their liking.

    It is difficult for a daughter to choose cosmetics according to her taste if she is already out of childhood, so it is better to give her the opportunity to choose herself

  • A trip to a spa or beauty salon, a membership to a fitness club. There are special certificates for beauty services, most girls will be happy with such a gift.

    A visit to the spa will be a good gift for most girls.

  • A dream come true. If you know that your daughter or sister has always dreamed of jumping with a parachute or learning to photograph professionally, give her this dream. You can pay for any courses or master class. And if a girl wants to become a model or just loves to take pictures, give her a professional photo session.

    A dance or decoration lesson is suitable not only for an adult daughter or sister; similar master classes exist for children

  • Digital technology. A netbook, a phone with high-quality sound and a screen, a tablet are suitable for a gift to a daughter or sister of any age, except for a very young one.

    Depending on the age of your daughter or sister, you can present her with a gaming or more serious tablet

  • Slippers. This is not such a banal gift as it might seem, because now there are different original sneakers: heated, including from a computer USB port, or with funny animal faces.

    Cute heated slippers can be charged by laptop or computer

Teachers and classmates at school

Those who go to school also have to think about shopping for March 8th. A gift for a teacher depends on who is giving it. In addition to traditional flowers, sweets and tea sets, this can be:

By the way, you can give not only bouquets, but also fresh flowers in a glass ball or cube. Such compositions are original and will delight much longer than cut flowers.

Classmates should be given something that is not very expensive and universal for all girls. An exception is a close friend, it is better for her to present something according to her interests - the symbols of her favorite group, notebooks with the heroes of her favorite cartoon or TV series, or cosmetics that she has long dreamed of. You can present to other schoolmates:

Other gifts, for girlfriends and not only

In addition to wives, mothers and colleagues, there are other women waiting for attention on International Women's Day. Consider gift options for a friend, mother-in-law or mother-in-law, a teacher of a child in a kindergarten.

It is not difficult for a friend to choose a gift, because you know her interests and preferences. Also on March 8 you can present:

DIY gifts are especially expensive. There are a lot of options: these can be decoupage boxes or boxes for food, a hand-painted glass vase or a self-knitted poncho. A gift made with your own hands is a win-win option, because you put your soul into it. Such attention is doubly pleasant.

Knowing the woman's preferences, it is not difficult to choose a gift for her on March 8. In other cases, it is worth presenting universal gifts suitable for the occasion. Attention is always pleasant, and it is better to give something banal than nothing.

Unlike men, women love to give each other gifts and do it with great pleasure. International Women's Day is a great occasion to please your best friend with a pleasant surprise! In order not to hustle among the men attacking shops on the eve of the holiday, it is better to buy gifts for friends in advance.

Cosmetics and perfumery

As a rule, the tastes of the best friend in this area are well known. Therefore, you can safely go to a beauty store and buy there eau de toilette, lipstick, mascara, blush or foundation that the girl uses. On this day, it is appropriate to give not only decorative cosmetics, but also face care products: day or night cream, makeup remover milk, mascara remover or a face mask.

Here you can also buy inexpensive sets of shower gels and body lotions, caring oils, hair and nail repair products, exfoliating scrubs and many other inexpensive but always necessary gifts. For close friends, there are practically no restrictions, they can give each other even such forbidden gifts as deodorants, slimming gels, cellulite creams and hair removal products.

Jewelry and haberdashery

Gold and diamonds should be given by men, and a friend can present a friend to a friend on Women's Day with inexpensive jewelry made of rubber, leather, steel, natural stones or materials of artificial origin. Earrings made of garnet or river pearls, steel bracelets, necklaces made of tinted agate and leather necklaces look beautiful and are inexpensive. When choosing a piece of jewelry, you should take into account the girl's style and the set of jewelry that she already has.

If you need inexpensive gifts for your many girlfriends, you can buy small table mirrors or small pocket mirrors, thin chiffon scarves, folding bag combs, cosmetic bags, beautiful handkerchief sets, lipstick cases, practical bag holders that attach to any table. Long-haired girls can buy hairpins, hair bands or soft curlers on March 8.

Gifts for car lovers

If a friend turns the steering wheel of her car every day, she will be delighted with gifts for an iron friend. For your best friend, you can buy a comfortable handlebar table or tablet holder. If your beloved friend has just bought her first car, you can time the congratulations on Women's Day and give her a video recorder, vacuum cleaner or kettle powered by a cigarette lighter, a splitter or a voltage converter.

If you want to buy inexpensive gifts, then you should pay attention to anti-slip mats, sun blinds with suction cups, glass holders, decorative pads for a seat belt, clothes hangers, organizers for small items attached to the back of a seat or a sun visor.

Gifts for housewives

Friends who find joy in cooking culinary masterpieces will enjoy gifts for the kitchen. Inexpensive baskets for fruits and breads, salad bowls, original dishes for olives with forks, dishes, pizza stands and cake bowls are always useful for table setting. A small tomato juicer, a tool for softening meat, a handy grater with a container for vegetables and cheese, and a mechanical pepper grinder are useful for making dinner preparation easier.

For storing food, jars for cereals or sugar, bottles for vinegar, soy sauce or oil will not be superfluous. Every kitchen needs poultry scissors, a grill chicken rack, a flour strainer, a vegetable peeler, a spoon rack to help keep the table clean while cooking.

For home comfort, you can buy as a gift a decorative key holder, a beautiful box, a convenient holder for jewelry, a small vase for flowers, an original candlestick. A great gift for the interior is a watch, only you need to choose something original. For example, a wall clock in the form of a frying pan or scrambled eggs is suitable for the kitchen, and a small clock with a photo frame for the bedroom. You can choose one of the watches that match this desired gift.

Gifts for the traveler

If a friend often travels on business trips or loves to go away for the weekend, you can buy a small hairdryer or miniature straightening tongs, a set of cosmetic containers in a travel cosmetic bag, a toilet case, or a croft for gentle transportation of clothes.

From inexpensive, but useful little things, glasses for sleeping, a comfortable travel pillow, a miniature lock for a bag, a waterproof case for documents, money and tickets are useful.

Fitness gifts

A girl who dreams of gaining a sports figure will be helped by dumbbells for aerobics, a balance disc for home gymnastics, a hoop with massage balls, a roller for swinging the press or a push-up support. If a friend has recently taken a great interest in yoga, it is worth delighting her with a set for comfortable exercises, a meditation pillow or a yoga mat.

Gifts for business ladies

A woman whose working day is at the office desk can be presented on March 8 with an unusual pencil holder, a cute business card holder, a miniature vacuum cleaner for cleaning the desktop, or a fan powered by a USB port. A very useful gift that comes in handy in the summer is a desktop air conditioner that blows cool air over your face. This wonderful device requires a damp sponge to work, and it takes energy from batteries or a computer. Another useful thing is a cup warmer, with which a hot drink will retain its original temperature and taste for a long time.

You don't have to give flowers to your friend, but you can add warm words to your congratulations, or it is absolutely necessary!

Although the political component of the 8 March holiday has long lost its relevance and is forgotten, we traditionally celebrate this day and congratulate all the ladies. Usually men choose gifts for their beloved wives, mothers, daughters and colleagues. Girlfriends should also be congratulated.

Moreover, this is done not only by the representatives of the stronger sex, but also by the lady. Gifts for a girlfriend from a man and from a woman will not differ much, it will just be a little easier for girls to choose something useful.

If you are in doubt about what to give your friend on March 8, use our tips.

Gifts for girlfriend for beauty

But a male friend is better not to risk it. More versatile presentations include:

  • Cosmetic kits. This is one of the most trivial gifts, but if you choose handcrafted shower gel and soap, it will be a very cute present.
  • Hypoallergenic make-up remover suitable for all skin types. It is a versatile and useful gift.
  • Bijouterie. High-quality and inexpensive jewelry will be a great present for a girlfriend. You can also purchase a beautiful bag holder.
  • Scarves and handkerchiefs. Choose something that suits the style of the recipient. It can be a silk scarf, painted using the batik technique, or a weightless chiffon scarf, etc.
  • Double-sided pocket mirror. It is a useful and versatile present.
  • A device for hardware manicure. It will help you save money on trips to the beauty salon.
  • Comb. Choose from a fancy wood product, a modern massage brush or a round styling brush.
  • Hair accessories. For a girl with long hair, you can give a hair clip or an elastic band with an ornament, as well as curlers. A stylish headband will come in handy for a beauty with a short haircut.
  • The original umbrella. Even if a friend has an umbrella, you can present a product of a different color, with a stylish pattern or an unusual shape.
  • Hair care equipment such as hairdryer, iron, etc.
  • Massager. It is better to choose a compact device that will help relieve muscle tension and get rid of cellulite.

An excellent and versatile gift for beauty is a certificate from the spa. A friend herself will be able to choose the necessary procedure and spend time pleasantly and profitably. You can also present a certificate for jewelry or clothing.

If your friend is a down-to-earth lady and loves matching gifts, give her something useful. These can be things of a different plan, for example:

  • Small household appliances. You can choose a handy hand blender, electric kettle, ice cream maker, yogurt maker, or other useful gadget.
  • Home textiles. Choose brightly colored towels, a dining tablecloth, or a set of napkins.
  • Beautiful jars for the kitchen. It is very convenient to store teas, cereals and other bulk products in them.
  • Dishes. A beautiful pair of tea, a set of stylish plates or a ceramic teapot will delight a homely girlfriend.
  • Kitchen utensils. It can be an unusual ladle in the form of a Loch Ness monster, a set of pot holders, a quality knife, a baking dish, or something else equally useful.

Practical gifts are not limited to this list; it is necessary to take into account the nature of the girlfriend and the features of her everyday life. She may need a functional drawing table lamp or a stylish lamp, a flower vase, or a storage box for small items. You can unobtrusively ask your friend about her wishes in advance.

To make your useful present brighter and more festive, do not forget to pack it beautifully and complement it with a sincere postcard.

When choosing a practical gift, you need to consider the interests and occupation of a friend, for example:

  • A business woman will be happy to receive a good pen, document folder or business card holder;
  • A girl working with a PC will need a jewelry flash drive, stylish headphones or a mug that warms up a drink from USB.
  • A lover of home plants can be presented with a stylish pot, sprout or bulb of a rare plant.
  • A girl who loves to gather friends at parties will love a shaker for mixing drinks, beautiful glasses, an ice bucket or a mirror ball for home discos.

If your girlfriend closely monitors her weight and health, eats right and leads an active lifestyle, she will like gifts for sports, for example:

  • Yoga or meditation mat. It is also suitable for any kind of gymnastics or relaxation.
  • Collapsible dumbbells, jump rope, expander and other accessories for home workouts. They can help you save money on gym use.
  • Massage hula hoop. Although not considered a serious piece of equipment, the hoop can help massage and shrink the waist.
  • Headband and wristbands. It is not only comfortable but also very stylish.

But keep in mind that such gifts are contraindicated for unsportsmanlike overweight girls. They may not seem like a very pleasant hint of bad shape and laziness. Even if a girlfriend periodically stutters, which would not hurt to lose weight and go in for sports, you should not push her to this with the help of presents. It is highly likely that your gift will be unclaimed, and even offend your girlfriend.

Try to choose a gift that will cheer up your dear person and make the holiday fun and enjoyable.

Adventure gift for a girlfriend on March 8

Recently, the popularity of intangible gifts has grown. If you want your girlfriend to remember this holiday for a long time, give her an enchanting adventure, for example:

  • Skydiving;
  • Paragliding;
  • Hot air balloon travel;
  • Horseback riding;
  • Riding a limousine;
  • Argentine tango lesson;
  • Participation in wine tasting;
  • Riding an ATV;
  • Extreme driving lesson.

If you have no plans for March 8, you can come up with entertainment for two, for example, an evening in the VIP hall of a cinema or a laser tag battle. And there are adventures that only girls can give each other, for example, organizing an unforgettable bachelorette party or going on a male striptease. Try to come up with something fiery for this evening, and the holiday will be remembered for a long time.

This joyous day involves a lot more hassle than, for example, celebrating February 23rd. In everyday life, every woman is surrounded by numerous representatives of her gender and it is very important not to be mistaken with the choice of gifts. Of course, buying a surprise for a friend is easier than for a boss, mother-in-law or business partner. And everything here also requires a lot of attention to detail and the main idea. What to give a friend for March 8?

If we are talking about the closest friend, then it is quite difficult to surprise her with something, since it is known in advance about everything that she already has. Therefore, you need to think carefully about the choice of a gift, and also unobtrusively find out what your friend would like to receive for the holiday. Perhaps it makes sense to invite her on a joint shopping trip to understand what she dreams of.

General criteria for a presentation

It is better to plan the purchase of a gift in advance so as not to end up at empty counters or get yourself into a mess. Some ladies will be delighted with a business set, others - with an album of prints and prints, and still others - a warm blanket. You cannot give the same thing to all the fair sex.

When choosing a gift, many components must be taken into account. It is imperative to provide for a number of circumstances.

When clarifying ideas, the first place should be given to:

  • duration of friendship;
  • the duration of the acquaintance;
  • the nature of her profession;
  • a friend's sense of humor;
  • her material wealth;
  • age;
  • marital status;
  • hobbies and interests;
  • girlfriend's dreams;
  • the presence of her small children;
  • the degree of closeness to her family;
  • living in a separate apartment, etc.

Therefore, taking into account her general wishes, the opportunity to successfully place the received gift in her house, the appropriateness of this or that chosen souvenir, it is necessary to think in advance what exactly is best to present on a festive spring day. Knowing in advance what will delight a friend best of all, in the summer or autumn you can pick up the desired thing without rushing anywhere.

If the friendship lasts from early childhood, the friend takes a great part in everyday life or evokes very warm feelings, then you do not need to be limited to just one gift.

If there are doubts that she may not like the chosen thing, then it makes sense to stock up on a couple of inexpensive spare options.

It happens that a friend is not at all constrained in money. Then it is better not to spend money on a very expensive gift, but to buy her a bunch of little things that will give her genuine pleasure.

If a woman is not married and gets together with one or two friends to celebrate March 8, then it would be best to invite her to a restaurant or purchase various delicacies for her home table.

For those who live completely alone, you should stock up on a luxurious set or a large number of small, but important little things that are required in the household. Even if such a gift does not deliver special delight in the first minute, then the girlfriend will be repeatedly grateful, using it later.

It is worth remembering that a souvenir is intended for a woman who is usually very sensitive to detail. Therefore, the packaging must be of the highest standard. There is no need to think that this is wasted money. Every lady will be touched at the sight of a wonderful wrapper and a charming postcard. In this case, it is impossible to overdo it.

Separately, it should be indicated what is better to refrain from when choosing a gift for a friend. These things include:

  • cheap kitchen and bathroom care products;
  • an apron or a set of rags;
  • figurines or dolls made in modern technology;
  • toys if there are no small children in the house;
  • things already in use;
  • lurid decorations;
  • household appliances difficult to use;
  • inexpensive forks and spoons, etc.

These gifts can please very few people. Such a present will not cause anything but boredom, irritation or the feeling of trying to get rid of unnecessary items. Therefore, it is better to cross these things off the list right away.

A special gift for March 8th for your best friend

The surprise chosen for a lady must necessarily differ sharply from what her husband, groom or admirer will give her. Therefore, jewelry is excluded immediately. It is better to present a ring or earrings in a silver setting with a semi-precious stone, a trinket made of semiprecious materials or designer jewelry.

Thus, you can very easily choose what to give your closest friend. Here, expensive cosmetics can deliver the greatest joy to her. Today there are a variety of different day and night care kits, for oily or dry skin, and with any scent.

If a woman works a lot, gets tired and has little time to take good care of herself, then it is better to give her powerful means of long-term influence.

If she has everything she needs or she is temporarily not working now, then they choose as a pleasant souvenir on March 8:

  • rare essential oils;
  • beautiful candles with rare scents;
  • foam or bath gels with the addition of exotic substances;
  • aroma lamp;
  • body, hand and foot care products;
  • large beach towel;
  • luxurious bathrobe;
  • special slippers.

In order for the gift to become truly enjoyable, you need to take into account the tastes and stylistic preferences of your friend.

You should also take into account her hobbies and free time.

Gifts must be chosen from natural materials so that they do not cause allergies, ruining the whole holiday.

Spending too much money in order to especially please your friend is not recommended. Such effects are the prerogative of the male sex.

The best gift for a woman burdened with family

Household items will bring the greatest joy to married girlfriends. They can be handed several exotic cookbooks, CDs with step-by-step cooking tips, table and kitchen decorations, a set of tins for baking complex dishes, and cooking techniques.

Every woman is constantly in need of new, beautiful and sophisticated bedding sets. Of course, a man will more accurately select a set for a night of love, but you need to rest every day, and, unfortunately, modern fabrics are very short-lived.

Natural sets, which include embroidered tablecloths, knitted napkins, painted kitchen towels, beautiful and reliable potholders, become a win-win option in this case.

Special devices that create genuine comfort will also help to please a married woman:

  • a set of essential oils;
  • home massage products;
  • aroma sticks;
  • beautiful sports suit for yoga;
  • trinkets;
  • feng shui elements;
  • Slavic amulets;
  • runes;
  • sachet;
  • aroma lamps;
  • housekeeping advice in audio, video or printed form.

Their daughters also need to be presented with a present, since guests come to the house, where there are also other women besides the hostess. For them, you can prepare a special expensive diary, an interesting and fascinating book, a gift doll, a set of exotic fruits, flowers, a box of chocolate, rare sweets, video discs for learning a language or watching comedies.

Thus, despite the incredible variety of different gift options for women on March Eighth, they should still be presented exactly as intended.

Gift for March 8 for a work colleague

The closest employee may be very young or mature, married or free, but in any case she spends a lot of time at her workplace.

Some of them do not even have time to put themselves in full order before the start of the working day, as they have to travel far enough.

Therefore, a coffee set, expensive sorts of morning drinks, nutritious fruits, decorative cosmetics for quick application of makeup, folding bags for getting to work, in which you can fit a lot of necessary things, will be very useful for women.

For a colleague, certificates for a fitness center, pool or spa are also suitable. It is permissible to order and pay for a set of procedures in a cosmetology or medical center. It's also a good idea to get tickets to the Aqua Park for families. All this will come in handy for a woman on the weekend.

Every woman can be delighted with everyday make-up products.

Most often they are:

  • lipstick;
  • nail polish;
  • mascara;
  • make-up remover solution;
  • expensive day or night cream;
  • means for daily skin care of the face;
  • age anti-aging formulations;
  • shampoo;
  • scrub;
  • expensive soap;
  • foundation, etc.

Of course, they should be funds from well-known companies and not cheap at all. Therefore, it is better to set aside money for them in advance.

Gifts for March 8 for friends

Many women have not too close friends who still want to do something nice on March 8th. Many of them have everything they would like to wish for themselves. Some of them have found a high-paying job, some have excellent husbands, while others still live with wealthy parents.

It is very difficult for such women to find a gift. It is better for them to give little things that can please any representative of the fair sex, without exception.

Those who are able to boast of long and thick hair are presented with:

  • hairpins;
  • inlaid hoop;
  • hair dye;
  • decorative comb;
  • hair care products;
  • hairdressing set;
  • conditioner balm;
  • lotion;
  • set of ribbons;
  • curling irons, etc.

For an unfamiliar woman, a set of sweets or a jewelry box will be an excellent gift.

In those cases when the lady is very little familiar and is a casual acquaintance or mistress of the house, where she was invited together with everyone to a celebration, then it is allowed to give her an unpretentious, but pleasant thing. These include scarves, decorative pocket mirrors, cosmetic bags, travel bags.

The keeper of the home will be happy to receive as a gift a sprout of a rare plant, a set of beautiful pots for seedlings or a bulb of an amazing flower.

A business woman who spends most of the day at work and often goes on business trips will not at all be happy with this offering. Rather, she will need a lovely expensive pen, an expensive leather notebook, or a special stationery stand to decorate her desk. Her wall calendar with amazing views or adorable pets will delight her. If funds permit, then usually she is presented with accessories for the phone or computer.

Therefore, such a responsible matter as a gift for the Eighth of March, intended for a friend, should be treated with full attention.

What to give a friend for March 8 is a budgetary but expensive surprise: the choice, as always, is not easy. Either a bowl with flowers, or jewelry with stones, or maybe do something with your own hands?

Something like this a woman thinks on the eve of the spring women's holiday. A friend is the most real and close, she knows your secrets, sometimes you quarrel, but what would she like on this day?

Before entering the store, the question arises of what to give a friend for March 8 from the assortment that is in the window. Perhaps the decision will come by itself, because for so long she dreamed of a new perfume, "forever whole" tights, lacy lingerie. All these gifts are too personal, and, for sure, her man will want to reserve the right to buy just such little things for her wardrobe.

And if the budget also does not allow splurging on an expensive cactus or fish for an aquarium, what can you give your friend on March 8 to genuinely surprise and delight her? It remains to taste the basics of needlework and enlist the advice of experienced people - "be able to present a present beautifully and cheaply, expensively and brightly." Here is such a non-standard statement of unusual creative natures.

With such notes of freshness, we offer products made by our own "golden and miraculous" hands.

Your friend will happily gossip with you if you invite her to spend the evening with your company, and also put a smile on her face with a simple trick - a bachelorette tea box. Cookies are wonderful, but tastier when you eat them from a beautiful box. So they are always sweeter and melt in the mouth.

What a self-respecting girl would refuse to drink a glass of expensive wine in the company of her best friend. Of course, if the husband or parents let go, and preferably with an overnight stay.

No comments. Any girl starting from 5 years old needs it. Let your friend have a complete set, and your husband still won’t guess with shades. According to scientists, men do not know how to distinguish between shadows and all ranges of red. Therefore, for such "feminine" things you need a girlfriend.

As they say - come in handy in everyday life! If you really don't know at all what to give your best friend on March 8, then feel free to draw up a cash equivalent in a household item.

She will find her place in the kitchen, and the money will be spent on her favorite gift. Maybe your friend wants to go somewhere, buy something, but the salary is far from being.

Let your friend love the cover - it's more important than the contents of the package. Moreover, this is a great way to remember your childhood or school years - notes, photos from the first vignette, etc. An alternative could be a box or horizontal packaging. Have a day of women's memories!

Fashion for hand-made gifts

If you didn’t know, then in Europe that gift is more valuable than the one that was bought in the shop of masters. Recently, even ordinary needlewomen offer their work for sale.

Are you worse? Try to do something unusual, and we will tell you what to give your girlfriend on March 8 from the possible fashion trends.

Most popular today:

  • DIY necklaces and bracelets.
  • Champagne bottles using decoupage technique.
  • Plaster casts.
  • Photo album with the best bad photos for your friendship.
  • An interesting approach to receiving a gift.

With regard to the last point, I would like to note that it is always more fun for girls to receive (get) a gift, to evaluate how it was presented. From my experience, I will share this case - before presenting a gift, I placed notes in secret places around the apartment, each of which indicated the place where the next note was hidden.

And so, for an hour and a half, a friend, gritting her teeth, climbed behind the cabinet, under the sink, inside the bread to find the next note with instructions. It was fun, and in the end we drank her gift in 20 minutes.

If you already know what to give your friend on March 8th, figure out how to make it really part of the holiday.

Advice: There is no need to scatter notes around the city, otherwise at the end of the holiday your friend will not only say "thank you" to you. Better to confine yourself to a room, even if not an apartment.

Decoupage technique as a hand-made fashion

Let's say you bought a good imported wine and want to drink it with a friend. But you don't really want to just hide it in your own box. There is only one way out - decoupage of the bottle itself.

A master class is attached below, and you can make your own based on it:

For decoupage bottles you will need:
  • Acrylic primer.
  • Acrylic lacquer.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Contour in silver or gold colors.
  • Sponge.
  • Napkins and stencils.
  • Brushes.

Remove labels from bottle before applying primer. Rub it with rubbing alcohol to remove glue and grease.

Apply white paint in the same way (or another color of your choice).

If the bottle shows through, apply a second coat of paint, you can use several shades or different colors to create 3D volume.

Separate an ordinary table napkin from the main layer, and use the drawing to decorate the bottle.

You can also print your favorite drawing on a printer and use it as a basis for decoration. These can be photographs and children's drawings.

Cut out the drawing (in our master class these are tulips) and place on the bottle.

Cover the parts with decoupage glue or PVA. Important - you need to rub the glue from the center of the picture to the edges so that the thin layer of paper does not wrinkle.

If there is a stencil for creating an ornament, attach it to the bottle, and blot the silver paint with a sponge several times.

After the glue and paint have dried, cover the entire drawing with acrylic varnish. One layer will be enough.

Circle the flowers with golden paint to add volume. An alternative would be semolina and PVA glue - mix them by adding simple acrylic paint.

When dry, the semolina will create a 3D effect.

Write a greeting or some phrases for the recipient of the gift.

In the same technique, you can decorate candles, boxes, old unnecessary things. And this is another option from what to give a friend on March 8th. For clarity, we suggest watching videos.

Please note that the video in this article is for informational purposes only, and is not a guide to the master class described above.

Tip: Do not try to use several staining techniques in your work at once, since no instructions provide for this. Do not sculpt a lot of jewelry - let everything be in moderation, in tone. Otherwise, you will get a bright wedding glass, which is not a pity to throw away.

Types of decoupage

Since we are talking about a popular and simple technique, it is worth noting that there are several types of decoupage.

In such techniques, gifts for March 8 can be endlessly given to girlfriends - this is always in fashion, especially when you try to use several different styles:
  • Venetian;
  • Shabby chic;
  • Antique painting;
  • Byzantine;
  • Classical.

Now you know exactly what to give your friends on March 8th. It remains to solve another question, and it is more difficult in the understanding of a woman - a teenager on March 8, and how to please her at the same time? Not an easy task; and here are some standard options.

You should not pamper teenagers with elegant and expensive gifts, but making homemade dolls for them will not work. Their age allows them to choose a lot of gifts for development from talents, and every girl wants to be beautiful, well-groomed and fashionable.

So let by March 8, she will receive several kits for drawing, weaving, sewing and embroidery, especially since the price of such a gift is relatively low. Once a year, you can please your friends with interesting presents.

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