Armpit care after shaving. Armpit skin care. Armpit care rules. Fight dark armpits

Beautiful armpits this is an important part external appearance. Dark spots and irritation on the skin is most often caused by insufficient hygiene or damage after depilation. In addition, they can appear due to deodorants or the accumulation of dead cells ...

Is it possible to get rid of imperfections and get beautiful armpits? Do not rush to go to the pharmacy, because, fortunately, there are many natural alternatives expensive medicines and cosmetics. Please note that before applying any of these products, you should clean your underarms as best you can. Wash your armpits thoroughly to remove any deodorant or cream residues.

  • Maintain underarm hygiene
  • Get rid of alcohol based deodorants
  • Change your razor if you use this method of depilation
  • Try to eat right and carry on healthy and active lifestyle

So, are you ready to find out which natural remedies will make your armpits look beautiful?

Hydrogen peroxide

This is the most affordable and inexpensive remedy which brightens the skin. Just apply the peroxide to your underarms. You will see for yourself how quickly dark spots disappear, and with them unpleasant odors and irritation!

Such, almost intimate place, like armpits, is not visible to prying eyes. But you just have to raise your hand to grab the handrail on the bus, collapse in the pose of a star in public place(for example, on the beach) or fix your hair, as this area becomes visible to all eyes in the vicinity.
So that the skin in this place is not irritated, darkened and flabby, it needs special care... To restore the skin in the armpit area to a healthy and beautiful appearance, special caring procedures are necessary.

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The most affordable way to remove underarm hair is shaving. Before using the razor, you need to cleanse your skin of deodorant residues. You can use a fine particle scrub for this. This will clear dead particles from the armpits and prevent ingrown hairs from forming.
In order for the skin to be sufficiently hydrated, and the razor glides smoothly and evenly, on the area with hair instead of regular soap shaving agent can be applied. For the most better effect you can purchase a gel with emollients. When using a gel, the movements should be from top to bottom and vice versa, i.e. in the direction of hair growth.
Pressing too hard or holding it several times in one place is not worth it, nothing will change from this. After shaving, the skin should be rinsed with cool water and treated with a moisturizer.
Shaving can be replaced with depilatory cream. But for the cream to work, you need to stand for a long time with your hands up, and this is not very convenient. Therefore, the cream can be replaced with a fast-acting mousse. You can also use wax strips, but this is provided that the skin is not too sensitive. You can also take a chance and use an electric epilator. To get the effect for a long time, you can contact cosmetologists.

Fight dark armpits

Dark spots appear when there is a violation of skin pigmentation. This is due to improper care, constant rubbing against clothing, or the use of inappropriate care products. Dark spots can also be due to dark roots of hair color.
Stains may occur due to any dermatological problems or due to metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist than to self-medicate.
Catching up self-treatment, in no case should you use strong chemical agents, apply a cream with the presence of hydroquinone. It is best to use products containing kojic acid and alpha arbutin.
If these funds cannot be purchased for any reason, then you can try to whiten the skin in the armpit area at home. This can be done with juice or cucumber pulp. You need to make cucumber lotions one or more times a day. Can be done special mask... To create it, you need to use the same cucumber juice mixed with white clay. A good remedy in skin whitening is lemon juice... But pure lemon juice can be irritating. To avoid this, you need to add baby cream to it. You need to use it no more three times a week before bedtime. You can also use hydrogen peroxide, but be sure to mix it with water. Use no more than twice a week.

Getting rid of the laxity of the skin in the armpits

Laxity of the armpit skin appears over the years due to the loss of elastin and collagen. These substances keep the skin in good shape, but over time, their reserves in the body are depleted. Sagging skin can occur with sudden weight loss, as the skin then begins to sag.
To get rid of this for the effectiveness of the result, it is better in several ways at the same time. For example, use special cosmetics, massage and monitor your weight (there should be no sudden jumps).

A set of exercises can also help:

  • 1. Starting position (IP) - lying on the floor with legs bent at the knees. Slowly lift up, spread to the sides and lower your arms with any weight. For example, heavy books can be used. Repeat this exercise about 20 times.
  • 2. IP - feet shoulder-width apart, straight arms in front of you. Bend alternately the left and right arms with books or dumbbells. Repeat 10 times for each hand.
  • 3. PI - feet shoulder-width apart, palms at chest level. Press your palms together with all your strength for 7 seconds, then arrange yourself a 3-second rest and continue. Repeat 30 times.

V mature age it is better to immediately contact cosmetologists. If this is not done, then you will soon have to give up sleeveless clothes.

Proper protection against sweat odor

To protect yourself and others from the smell of sweat, it is advisable to buy deodorants with antibacterial additives. In order to prevent sweat from forming again, you need to use antiperspirants.

All girls want to be beautiful and flawless. Many of them want to be perfect even in places that are practically invisible. One of these places is the armpit. Armpits require careful maintenance, otherwise they will look untidy. Let's discuss how best to care for this delicate area of ​​the body.

For basic underarm care, you will need to observe hygiene rules: shower once a day using regular soap or special gel... This treatment will cleanse the skin of impurities and remove the smell of sweat.

But it so happens that to accept water treatments there is no possibility, then they will come to your aid wet wipes and deodorant... At the same time, do not forget that various antiperspirants and deodorants are harmful, so you need to use them as little as possible.

And so that the unpleasant smell remains a secret, shower more often and wear clothes that come in contact with underarms made from natural fabrics.

The second point in armpit care is hair removal. Unshaved underarm skin looks unpleasant, and can also ooze sweat, as the hair has the ability to absorb it. Sometimes, even after taking a shower light aroma the impure body still remains, so it is best to remove hair from the armpit skin.

Popular methods of underarm hair removal are shaving with a razor and hair removal with cream... These two methods have advantages such as speed and low cost of procedures, and in contrast to them there are disadvantages such as short-term results and the risk of skin irritation. But if you have already decided on these procedures, then use new disposable razors, as they have more sharp blades, and an epilation cream marked "For sensitive skin".

Let's remember together what other procedures help to remove hair from the skin of the armpits.

The first thing that comes to mind hair removal with wax... This procedure is called waxing, but it is a very painful procedure that only the most courageous women can undertake. If you already dared and removed unwanted hair with the help of wax, then you will be rewarded for your patience: the hairs after such a manipulation appear on average after 3-3.5 weeks and become thinner over time.

Everyone knows that very in an efficient way in the fight against hairs in armpits ah is photoepilation... After such a procedure, you will forget about the problem of hair growth on long time, on average for 5 years. The advantage of the method is its painlessness, but the disadvantage is the price, since photoepilation must be carried out in the salon under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist.

Imagine, this is not all the problems faced by girls who are concerned about the beauty of their armpits.

Another problem is dark skin in the armpits... The reasons for such pigmentation can be an incorrectly selected epilation procedure, as well as cosmetic product that caused such an aggressive reaction from your skin. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to approach more carefully the choice of hair removal products and always monitor the reaction of the skin. You can also use folk remedies to reduce skin pigmentation. But, unfortunately, they give results only for a while.

The most the best remedy in the fight against dark armpits is scrub... It can be prepared by folk recipes, or you can buy it in the store. The result will be approximately the same, the skin will be cleared of darkened cells and will prevent ingrown hairs.

In conclusion, I would like to say, carefully caring for the whole body, do not forget about the skin of the armpits, because at any moment this detail can ruin the ideal picture.

Everyone knows that a very gentle and delicate one is needed behind the armpits. daily care... It is enough not to use deodorant once - and the results can be disastrous. And how many women suffer from hyperhidrosis, dark sweat, which even the most strong means... And if you don't have problems in this area, this does not mean that grooming can include washing once a week and using an antiperspirant. Care for the delicate skin of the delicate area should be done daily. We will tell you how to shave your armpits correctly, the basic rules of care and methods of dealing with perspiration.

The main rules for caring for the armpit area

Monitor the action of deodorants carefully

The action of even the most "long-lasting" scent, in the end, comes to an end. Therefore, it is advisable to always carry a weapon against sweat and odor with you in your purse. Systematic "nourishment" of the armpit skin will not hurt. It is correct to purchase two products at once: for home and, so to speak, "outdoor" use. Some brands make special mini deodorants just for this purpose.

The right approach to choosing a deodorant is needed

Here it is important not only to choose the necessary aroma, but also to organize the search depending on the intensity of your own sweating. For example, a spray deodorant only masks the odor for a while, while an antiperspirant deodorant / stick helps to reduce perspiration to a minimum. It clogs the pores of your skin, preventing moisture from escaping, so wash it off thoroughly at the end of the day.

Unfortunately, there are no special indications for choosing this or that remedy. V this case you can find "your" deodorant only with the help of tests. However, if we consider that a woman begins to use it while still a teenager, by the age of 20 she usually has her own opinion on this matter. Today in stores there are sticks, sprays, roll-ons and even "long-lasting" crystals. The latter, by the way, are considered the most safe means against perspiration, as they are made of natural stone.

Everyone considered her a glamorous lady with a doggy armpit ... and she just didn't shave! - Unknown author

No hair!

Hair and stubble are at least not aesthetically pleasing. Even if you do not take into account the opinions of others, the presence of hair can cause a stable bad smell sweat, and this, in turn, will become a reason for ridicule. Therefore, timely shaving of the armpits is a must.

Shave armpits correctly

Shaving is and remains the most acceptable method of hygiene. Choose a razor sharp, but equipped with a special floating head, so as not to accidentally damage delicate skin... If you get a cut during the procedure, you should first heal the wound, and only then continue. Today there are many razors for women that are designed specifically for the underarm area.

So, apply shaving foam or lather your skin. Peel off the hair layer with gentle progressive movements from top to bottom. Repeat the procedure as necessary to achieve perfect smoothness... Rinse off the remaining hair and soap with warm water, rinse with cool, and pat the skin with a towel. Shave very carefully if there are moles in the armpit area. If papillomas appear, consult a doctor. Often, they "pop out" if a woman has systematically shaved "dry", damaging the skin and neglecting precautions. Wipe your underarms with a disinfectant such as hydrogen peroxide. The deodorant can now be applied.

By the way, if the skin in the armpit area is coarse, it is good to shave, say, drunk coffee, or ground oatmeal. This will help get rid of flaking, make the skin softer, and prevent ingrown hairs.

What to do if sweating is troublesome

If sweat is released too much, it stains clothes dark color or has an unpleasant odor, you should undoubtedly consult a doctor. Today, there are many methods of treatment, ranging from Botox injections to special hormonal drugs... And to mask these unpleasant moments, you can use special liners for the armpits, antiperspirant sticks that clog the pores of the sweat glands, and in the evenings apply to problem areas cotton pads dipped in a decoction of oak bark.

Pay attention to the tenets of armpit skin care, how you shave your armpits, and of course, whether you choose the right antiperspirant. And then you will have no problems either with the smell emanating from you, or with appearance this delicate area.

Tips on how to make underarms smoother and more beautiful

The axillary skin needs special care due to the fact that these sites are supplied with nature big amount greasy and sweat glands. Hairline actively contributes to the accumulation of their secretions, which means the appearance of microbes and everything connected with it - an unpleasant odor, untidy appearance, skin inflammations... Removing hair from the armpits significantly improves their condition and gives the skin a well-groomed appearance. The choice of method for this is individual and depends on the properties of the skin itself.

The most famous way to remove hair is by shaving with a regular razor. The razor removes the hair superficially, leaving visible the parts protruding from the hair follicles. Light hairs will not be so noticeable, and dark ones cannot be masked.

The skin will look covered with black dots and not at all smooth surface... Shaving irritates the skin and will need to be repeated frequently. Therefore, those who wish to have flawless skin armpits, you can think about choosing others, more modern methods... So, how to make underarms skin smooth?

  • To the ways hardware epilation includes laser, ultrasonic, electrical, light (photoepilation). They are carried out in salons or clinics and give a lasting result due to the fact that they partially destroy hair follicle. Experienced master is able to select the appropriate skin type method and give advice on further care behind the skin. The disadvantages of hardware methods include their considerable cost and possible medical contraindications that need to be treated carefully. Under the skin of these areas is located a large number of lymph nodes involved in metabolic and immune processes of the body.
  • Mechanical removal hair called depilation. It boils down to pulling hairs out of the skin. Many people find this method painful, but discomfort decrease as the procedure is repeated. Depilation can be done with wax or sugar syrup. Manufacturers add softening and caring components to the wax composition. Shugaring, or sugar depilation, it is considered more in a gentle way that helps to smooth the skin. It does not cause ingrown hairs, which is the case with the use of wax, and after a couple of procedures it becomes painless. Hair after depilation usually grows more slowly and becomes less frequent, since each time it is pulled out by the root.
  • Depilation using special machines- also quite suitable for many way to make the skin of the armpits smooth. Modern branded machines remove hair effectively without damaging the skin.

But removal of hair from the armpits alone will not lead to desired result... Should apply emollient creams and moisturizing gels for these areas of the skin. Deodorants should also contain caring ingredients. And then any girl or lady will feel at ease and confident in evening dress or summer topic, revealing the shoulders and delicate skin of the armpits.

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