How to find out if a man has serious intentions. How to understand that a man is serious? In what cases is it better to stop

Very often a woman in a relationship is tormented by the question of how much serious man towards her? He can’t figure out where in his actions the line between having a good time and deep feeling, the desire to create a strong long-term alliance. Therefore, let’s try to clarify when a man’s serious intentions begin - how to understand and support them?

Home woman's mistake on initial stages relationship is her impatience, haste, desire to quickly receive guarantees that she is not wasting time in a relationship “without a future.” Because of this, she takes promises seriously beautiful deeds, plenty of attention. I propose to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Do you know what secret words Will they help you make a man fall in love with you very quickly?

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The importance of the time factor

No matter how much you want it to happen as quickly as possible, it won’t work. Love, respect, responsibility for another person is not born instantly. It is strange to expect (and demand) seriousness after several meetings, no matter how well they went.

Therefore, in the first couple of months you should not think about seriousness at all. No, of course, while you get to know each other better, it becomes clear how much a man suits you in principle (and you suit him), and looking at this is important and necessary. But while the relationship is not tested by serious situations (conflicts, for example), while the first passion and tenderness are burning in them, there is no need to look for seriousness in a man. I assure you - it is not in it.

Men “swing” much more longer than women, and everything they do at first is dictated by best case scenario with admiration in your direction and the desire to please you, in the “worst” (but quite natural) – with the desire to satisfy one’s passion (in fact, this is far from the worst case.

Did he take you abroad for the weekend? This only means that he wants to go somewhere with you, nothing more. He bought you half a store of lingerie - that means he wants to see it on you, nothing more. He picks you up from work every day and takes you around expensive restaurants? This means he wants you to eat well and be safe and spend more time together, nothing more.

Now about the depth of communication, this is also important. Do you know how he lives, what he dreams about? Does he share his difficulties, does he ask for advice? Does he tell you what he will do in your absence? Simply put, is intimacy growing in your communication, are you becoming important and necessary for him? Actually, if this is so, the main thing that depends on you is that you do so that his intentions become serious.

How to find the key to a man's heart? Use secret words, which will help you conquer it.

If you want to find out what you need to say to a man to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

What are the serious intentions of a man?

Three main markers allow you to determine. That a man is serious about a woman. She delights him, and he cannot contain his admiration (even though they have been together for several months). He wants to take care of her, and tries to make her life better in all aspects. He is afraid of losing her - it is expressed in jealousy, manifestation of possessive feelings in other ways. These are the three main psychological bases.

If a woman has doubts about a man’s serious intentions, as a rule, they are not unfounded. That is, if enough time has passed since the start of the relationship, and during the first three to five months it did not fall apart, by this time the man begins to understand what he feels towards his beloved, what he wants. And it begins to broadcast it, consciously and unconsciously.

Actions, words, all your attitude. A woman does not question whether a man is serious if he is serious. In such cases, he is attentive to her emotional state, takes care of her, helps. If his behavior does not respect you or your feelings, if a man constantly shows disdain, looks for reasons for quarrels, provokes or manipulates you, this is a reason to think about it.

What to do if a man has no serious intentions, but he doesn’t let go

It is important to understand the wording here. What does “doesn’t let go” mean? You put the meaning in these words that he continues to see you when he wants, or disappears without explanation, behaves in such a way as to keep you “on short leash”, but all of the above does not happen (care - interest - fear)?

He behaves the way you allow him to behave. You hope that something might change in his attitude towards you, and you wait for it. But it is not he who does not let you go, but you who do not let him go. You are not happy with what is happening (as I understand, everything is fine with him), but you continue to meet with him.

Clearly indicate to him your desires (if you think you are mistaken and he is already choosing you wedding ring), and see what he will do with them. If a man's intentions are serious, your desires are important to him. As is your condition, your joy and good mood.

Has anything changed in his attitude towards you and actions towards you? I think everything is obvious, and the question of whether this man has serious intentions and which ones to understand disappears.

What to do if a man has no serious intentions

The main recommendation that can be given in such a situation is to stop deceiving yourself. That he will change, that he has not yet seen how wonderful you are. Or that he will come to his senses if you become even more wonderful. Many women are drawn into long term relationship with men who do not choose them completely, without serious intentions, without the desire to create a family with them. They even agree to live with them, give them warmth, care, sex.

They are driven by fear. Loneliness, the fact that another meeting will not happen. For years they have been deceiving themselves that he will appreciate everything, understand and change. Do not do that. Don't agree to be with a man who doesn't take you seriously and doesn't hide it. This is disastrous for a woman, and in 99 cases out of a hundred it ends with the man choosing someone else.

And even if he doesn’t choose, their life together turns into a very sad sight. Because in this situation, neither he nor she can be happy, they remain unsatisfied. He has it in the one that they give, and she has it in the one that they receive.


Don't rush to judge a man's intentions early stages relationships. Time needs to pass. As the relationship progresses, this issue will become clearer on its own. If a man starts taking you seriously, you will feel it. He will take care of you in all plans, become a close person to you and gradually things will work out for you. If this does not happen, you will feel it too, and the main thing here is not to deceive yourself and not think that everything will change over time.

There are only a few secret words , upon hearing which a man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video to the end.

People invest in understanding what serious intentions are different meaning. If a man likes a woman, then there is nothing more serious for him than to have sex with her. For a woman, sex, although important, is not the main goal. She wants love and relationships in a broader sense. But even if both want a relationship, they often understand it differently, which is the basis for conflicts. And conflicts can be not only dramatic, but also insoluble...

Whether a woman is committed to marriage or not, she still wants to be taken seriously. How can you understand, when entering into a relationship, whether they have prospects, or whether they promise sheer hassle and disappointment, followed by separation, depression, and sometimes the services of a psychologist are required? Here are ten obvious signs that harmonious relationships are unlikely to work out. If you observe three or more of them, then think about it.

1. Everything happened too quickly. The circumstances of dating usually matter for guys. If a girl is ready to immediately build a relationship with a guy, having met him on the street, in a bar or on a dating site, then the guy has monogamous relationships must be good reasons. Of course, there are exceptions. But as a rule, the more banal the method of acquaintance was, and the easier it was to achieve physical intimacy, the less he values ​​this relationship.

2. You for the most part spend time together, he prefers not to meet your friends and not introduce you to his. This may have different reasons, but the main one is that he doesn't want others to think of him as your boyfriend. This is normal in the first weeks and even months because everyone has the right to pursue a hobby while maintaining their independence. But if he doesn’t want you to have a social circle together, then this is an eloquent sign.

3. If you still go out “into the world” together, but you feel that he seems to distance himself from you, does not touch you, does not look you in the eye, is interested in anyone and anything, just not you, then your relationship is doomed. By this sign you can recognize happy and unhappy families even after many years life together. If people are together, it is always visible, even if they are very sociable. It can also be seen when people find each other’s presence a burden.

4. If a lot of alcohol is consumed during each meeting. Let's put aside the possibility that you both just like to drink. People who are truly interesting and like each other won't get drunk every time. If this happens, then there is something wrong with these people and their relationships. A little alcohol is normal, but if a guy feels the need for it and cannot stop in time, then healthy relationships The dreams that every woman dreams of cannot be built with him.

5. He appears in your life only when he wants it. Normal relationship are built on a mutual basis of trust, when people regularly check how each other is doing and plan time together. If a guy calls, comes to you, or invites you somewhere solely on his whim, then he wants to “settle well,” having fun with you without any obligations on his part.

6. He has no respect for female as such. There are a few possible reasons: psychological trauma, the habit of living “according to concepts”, according to which a woman is a second-class creature, the desire to assert oneself through one’s “victories” on the love front... Do not delude yourself that with your appearance in his life everything will change. If you understand that a guy is prone to disrespectful and rude treatment of women, this tendency will remain with him, but do you need it?

7. He doesn't introduce you to his parents. As a rule, a guy does not introduce every girl to his parents, especially his mother, but the one with whom he is serious. So there is no rush here. Much depends on the situation in his family, on what kind of relationships there are. If they are tense and dysfunctional, then perhaps he values ​​your relationship and does not want to dramatize it by getting to know his relatives. If everything is fine in the family, he is close to his parents and at the same time does not introduce you to them for more than six months, from this we can conclude that his intentions are not serious.

8. He's trying to manipulate you. To one degree or another, we all manipulate each other. But if a guy constantly makes you worry and worry about him, tells heart-warming stories about himself, asks for help in solving his problems, and most importantly, deceives you, then such manipulations indicate that he wants to use you in his own interests.

9. His position regarding your future together is passive. He doesn't stop talking about joint plans, but does not show own initiative. Masculinity is active in nature, which means that the intention to build a harmonious relationship is manifested in the active position of a man in relation to his woman. Therefore, it is normal to expect him to offer options joint leisure, their help in some matters, to show concern for you. If the initiative comes only from you, then a happy life together will not work out.

10. He is married. The sign, as they say, is last on the list, but not least. If you enter into a relationship with a man, knowing that he is married, then it is on your conscience. But a very common case is when a man either claims that he and his wife have not been a family for a long time, or stupidly deceives. If you understand that this is exactly your case, alas, you can only sympathize with you.

These are not all the signs that indicate frivolous intentions men regarding you, but any of them with most likely will cause this relationship to become a waste of time for you. Any experience can theoretically be useful, especially in youth, when you have the strength to acquire this experience. But if you want to get married and be happy in your marriage, try not to make obvious mistakes.

Hi friend!

I want to answer your question, but this is a long conversation, so I decided to write. I know that when you start actively communicating with guys, many questions always arise. You, of course, want to know how to understand intentions nice guy in relation to you, is it worth dating him, is he serious, or just wants to have fun. Let's begin.

So, a couple of tips to understand that a guy is really committed to a serious relationship.
For example, your classmate (or just an acquaintance) constantly teases you. It may well be that he simply cannot figure out how else to attract your attention. It's like at school when they pull your pigtails. Take a closer look at him, maybe he is not quite such a fool as you think.

Many actions speak for themselves, you just need to understand them correctly:

  1. If he often calls you with or without reason, if he constantly likes your photos, this is good sign. Even if you perceive his comment on your unsuccessful photo as mockery, this may mean that he really does not see your shortcomings.
  2. If he gets angry when you pay attention not to him, but to someone else, then this can also be attributed to signs of his passion for you and his reluctance to share you with anyone.
  3. Lover and a serious guy will always be interested in your affairs, offer help with advice or action, and not brush it off.
  4. He also strives to be alone with you longer, asks questions, he is interested in everything about you, even something about your childhood.
  5. If he remembers well what you talked about on last meeting, if he doesn’t forget what you told him last time, then he’s definitely not indifferent to you.
  6. If he always tries to cheer you up and jokes often, this is also a good sign.
  7. As a rule, guys are afraid of meeting their parents, and if he doesn't mind, then that's great.

To understand whether your boyfriend likes you or is he using you, look. It indicates typical signs and it will be easier for you to determine his attitude towards you.

Other positive signs Serious relationships:

  • He also tries to introduce you to his family, and he wants them to like you too.
  • He also remembers a lot about you, even some nonsense, and will never give you lilies and chocolate if you like daisies and marshmallows.

Be careful, when a guy talks a lot and beautifully about his love and promises the moon from the sky, such lovers of hanging noodles on a girl’s ears most often just want to have fun.

If a guy takes you seriously, it will be difficult for him. Sometimes he may talk real nonsense or remain silent, this is simply because he does not know how to behave with you and is worried.

In addition to words, you can understand a lot by his behavior and movements. For example, gestures can be very eloquent. You need to learn to pay close attention to what and how he does. If he straightens his hair, straightens his shoulders, turns the toes of his shoes in your direction, tries to touch your hand or sit closer, then he is definitely not indifferent to you.

You can even tell a guy’s attitude by hugging:

  1. If he hugs you from behind, then this indicates a desire to protect and protect you.
  2. If the hug is tight, then he is either experiencing strong feelings, or in the mood for sex.
  3. If a guy likes to pull you to him by the waist, then such a guy is gentle and romantic by nature, but keep in mind that he can be changeable, like the May wind.

But if a man immediately reaches out to your ass, then he has no intentions other than intimate ones. Such guys are most often womanizers, and hug to demonstrate to others that you are his prey.

If you are really important to him, then he will look at your face, and not stare at your chest and body. He's got enough serious feelings, if he tries to support, give a hand, throw on his jacket, if it’s cool, he carefully hugs the shoulders or waist, and does not lower his arms below the back.

You can determine the seriousness of a guy by his attitude towards intimacy:

  • If a guy really loves, he will never insist on intimacy.
  • If it's set to long term relationship, then he will wait until you are ready.

But if he immediately starts hinting at sex, convincing that there can be no relationship without it, insisting, then there can be no talk of seriousness here.

So if you want to know if your boyfriend is serious about you, don't agree to sleep with him right away. No guy has ever died without sex, wait and check his feelings.

It’s written about how a man will like it in bed.

Do you want to understand if the guy is really a guy? You can, of course, directly ask him about the seriousness of your feelings, but here it’s quite possible to hear a lie; what kind of idiot would honestly answer, “I just need you for sex”?

The ideal test is to carefully look at what he does for you. This is real, this is the only one the right way, how to test your boyfriend for the seriousness of your relationship.

If he:

  • does nothing
  • doesn't change for you,
  • doesn't try to spend as much time as possible with you,
  • doesn't care
  • doesn't help at all
  • brushes off requests
  • makes fun of your desires
  • doesn't want to talk about himself...

it's bad, leave it.

You can also “disappear” temporarily to test it. If he looks for you, finds out what happened, calls you, it means he is really in love. And if he doesn’t notice your absence and doesn’t do anything, it means he’s not particularly interested in you.

Well, let's say you dated for a while and broke up, and the guy behaves strangely. At first I decided to break up, but still:

  • keeps calling you
  • constantly catches your eye,
  • asks your mutual friends about you.

This may indicate his desire to return, or he is behaving like “a dog in a manger - I won’t give it to myself, and I won’t give it to anyone else.” We need to compare all the facts.

  1. If at the same time he constantly gives you likes and , then he definitely regrets breaking up.
  2. If there are no photos of him on his page new girl, or their joint photo, and your shared photos are still hanging, then this sure sign that he is ready to renew your relationship.
  3. If his status is something like “my life is empty without her,” or if he constantly comes up with reasons to talk to you on the phone, then he probably wants to get back.

From all these facts it can be clearly understood that ex-boyfriend wants to renew the relationship.

Conclusion - in order to accurately understand your boyfriend’s intentions towards you, just be careful, don’t believe everything he says, but look at how he treats you and what he does for you. It is most important.

Bright and unforgettable feelings to everyone!

People have different meanings for understanding what serious intentions are. If a man likes a woman, then there is nothing more serious for him than to have sex with her. For a woman, sex, although important, is not the main goal. She wants love and relationships in a broader sense. But even if both want a relationship, they often understand it differently, which is the basis for conflicts. And conflicts can be not only dramatic, but also insoluble...

Whether a woman is committed to marriage or not, she still wants to be taken seriously. How can you understand, when entering into a relationship, whether they have prospects, or whether they promise sheer hassle and disappointment, followed by separation, depression, and sometimes the services of a psychologist are required? Here are ten obvious signs that a harmonious relationship is unlikely to work out. If you observe three or more of them, then think about it.

    Everything happened too quickly. The circumstances of dating usually matter for guys. If a girl is ready to immediately build a relationship with a guy, having met him on the street, in a bar or on a dating site, then the guy must have good reasons for a monogamous relationship. Of course, there are exceptions. But as a rule, the more banal the method of acquaintance was, and the easier it was for him to achieve physical intimacy, the less he values ​​​​this relationship.

    You spend most of your time alone; he prefers not to meet your friends and not introduce you to his. There could be different reasons for this, but the main one is that he doesn't want others to think of him as your boyfriend. This is normal in the first weeks and even months because everyone has the right to pursue a hobby while maintaining their independence. But if he doesn’t want you to have a social circle together, then this is an eloquent sign.

    If you still go out “into the world” together, but you feel that he seems to distance himself from you, does not touch you, does not look you in the eye, is interested in anyone and anything, just not you, then your relationship is doomed. By this sign, you can recognize happy and unhappy families even after many years of marriage. If people are together, it is always visible, even if they are very sociable. It can also be seen when people find each other’s presence a burden.

    If a lot of alcohol is consumed during each meeting. Let's put aside the possibility that you both just like to drink. People who are truly interesting and like each other won't get drunk every time. If this happens, then there is something wrong with these people and their relationships. A little alcohol is normal, but if a guy feels the need for it and cannot stop in time, then the healthy relationship that every woman dreams of cannot be built with him.

    He appears in your life only when he wants it. Normal relationships are built on a mutual basis of trust, when people regularly check how each other is doing and plan their time together. If a guy calls, comes to you, or invites you somewhere solely on his whim, then he wants to “settle well,” having fun with you without any obligations on his part.

    He has no respect for the female gender as such. There are several possible reasons: psychological trauma, the habit of living “according to concepts” according to which a woman is a second-class creature, the desire to assert oneself through one’s “victories” on the love front... Do not delude yourself that with your appearance in his life everything will change. If you understand that a guy is prone to disrespectful and rude treatment of women, this tendency will remain with him, but do you need it?

    He doesn't introduce you to his parents. As a rule, a guy does not introduce every girl to his parents, especially his mother, but the one with whom he is serious. So there is no rush here. Much depends on the situation in his family, on what kind of relationships there are. If they are tense and dysfunctional, then perhaps he values ​​your relationship and does not want to dramatize it by getting to know his relatives. If everything is fine in the family, he is close to his parents and at the same time does not introduce you to them for more than six months, from this we can conclude that his intentions are not serious.

    He's trying to manipulate you. To one degree or another, we all manipulate each other. But if a guy constantly makes you worry and worry about him, tells heart-warming stories about himself, asks for help in solving his problems, and most importantly, deceives you, then such manipulations indicate that he wants to use you in his own interests.

    His position regarding your future together is passive. He does not stop conversations about joint plans, but he also does not show his own initiative. The masculine principle is active by nature, which means that the intention to build harmonious relationships is manifested in the active position of a man in relation to his woman. Therefore, it is normal to expect from him that he will offer options for joint leisure, his help in some matters, and show concern for you. If the initiative comes only from you, then a happy life together will not work out.

    He is married. The sign, as they say, is last on the list, but not least. If you enter into a relationship with a man, knowing that he is married, then it is on your conscience. But a very common case is when a man either claims that he and his wife have not been a family for a long time, or stupidly deceives. If you understand that this is exactly your case, alas, you can only sympathize with you.

These are not all the signs that indicate a man's unserious intentions towards you, but any of them are most likely to lead to this relationship becoming a waste of time for you. Any experience can theoretically be useful, especially in youth, when you have the strength to acquire this experience. But if you want to get married and be happy in your marriage, try not to make obvious mistakes.

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