Home activities with a 2 year old child. Exercises to develop gross and fine motor skills. Didactic fun is a wonderful tool in the hands of parents

Cheerful, emotional, capricious, restless and even obnoxious - a child at the age of two can be very different. This new stage in its development, which is full of interesting impressions, and is also associated with self-affirmation and awareness of oneself in the world. During this period, games and activities with the child become longer, tasks become more complex, but concentrating children’s attention is sometimes more difficult than at an earlier age.

When a baby turns two years old, he already perceives the world, and at the same time himself, differently. Activities with a 2-year-old child should still be carried out in a bright playful way, but they can be made more complex. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of age and understand what the child needs most now.

The content of the article:

Child 2 years old: features of development and thinking

A child who is two years old becomes more active, mobile, physically developed and strong. During this period, he tries to realize himself in the big and complex world, and also continues to study and explore everything around. Whims and manifestations of character (“I”, “I don’t want!”, “I won’t!”) are part of a child’s development. Now it is more difficult to explain or teach a child during a game; he often leads the process, changing the rules at will.

On the other hand, children at the age of two are much more diligent than younger ones. They perceive puzzles with interest and are ready to spend more time devoting it to one activity. It is also better developed, the child already holds a pencil or pen and can draw.

The favorite activity for children now is adult things. They are happy to sweep, wash dishes, put in washing machine toys. One of the areas that classes with children should be devoted to is teaching ordinary household chores, the first simple responsibilities of a child.

Classes for children from 2 to 3 years old

At two years old, the most fertile period for responsible parents begins. Now the baby is completely open to the world, he perceives new knowledge very easily and quickly. This is a great moment for easy, unobtrusive, but systematic teaching of basic skills to a child, as well as for his creative development.

Activities for children 2 years old can be divided into several categories:

  • Physical development, ;
  • Fine motor skills of hands and fingers;
  • Creative development;
  • Fundamentals of mathematics, abstract thinking;
  • Consolidation and improvement of feelings.

At this age, the child still cannot concentrate on one subject for a long time. Therefore, classes with children should be conducted for no more than 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to alternate them: outdoor games in the yard, speech development (reading fairy tales, conversations), creative and educational activities. thematic classes.

For children aged two to two and a half years, we continue to give the same tasks as for younger children, but we complicate them a little and improve them. In addition, the form of classes is also changing: it is not only learning through play, but also full-fledged serious classes aimed at developing a particular function.

Classes for a 2 year old child for speech development

At the age of two, the task for a child is no longer just to name objects, but to characterize them, describe a situation, and be able to tell and present his thoughts correctly. To develop a child's abilities in this area, you need to conduct simple thematic activities (), reading and analyzing favorite fairy tales with pictures, stories and poems.

Important lesson details:

  • The child must repeat the “missing” words in the fairy tale, participating in its story;
  • Imitate sounds and voices, or repeat the exclamations of heroes.

The most important element of reading a fairy tale out loud is discussing it, repeating missing words or exclamations. The child must learn to speak by correctly forming his speech.

Understanding the world around us

Such activities with children 2 years old include direct communication with outside world, as well as games with pictures. Using simple sets of pictures, atlases or the first children's books, you need to teach children to know parts of the body and face, clothes and shoes, birds, animals, vegetables, fruits, food, transport and toys. Interesting and more complex activities are to find not just all the birds among the pictures, but to select pairs: animals and their houses, clothes for a boy or a girl, etc.

Simple walks on the street help to consolidate knowledge, children show objects and plants, types of transport, remember who lives where (birds in the trees, wild animals in the forest, fish in the water). When telling your child about everything, ask, ask to compare objects, describe them. This simultaneously works on the development of the baby’s speech and his ability to correctly explain his opinion. Understanding the world around us is one of the most exciting activities which children and their parents enjoy.

Indoor role-playing games

Children as young as two years old are happy to imitate the actions of adults. This great occasion teach children ordinary and necessary things (clean up after themselves, fold clothes, dishes, etc.). One of the simplest games on this topic is sorting. When doing household chores, ask your child to separate his mother’s, father’s, brother’s and his own clothes; place a cup and spoon near each bowl; Sort the towels from large to small. Children love such fun, they play, learn and feel like adults and useful at the same time.

Math classes

What should a child know at the age of two? The methodologists' recommendations are quite simple. The child must understand what “one” is and what “many” is, up to three, and also know the basic geometric figures. Toys from the baby’s early years will still come in handy here. In addition, special toys such as numbers, cubes and cards are well suited for activities.

Mathematical classes are the prerogative of preschool institutions. They are quite difficult to understand and require concentration. If your child does not go to kindergarten, you can teach him yourself, but in an easy, relaxed manner. Don’t try to teach your child a lot of numbers; let him show interest in the lessons himself.

Development of logical thinking

And the tasks are the most interesting and multifaceted section. These classes are aimed at developing thinking, and they can be divided into several separate categories:

  • Thinking;
  • Memory;
  • Attention.

A few examples logical classes for children 2 years old:

  • Simple puzzles. For children of this age, puzzles that consist of 4-8 pieces are suitable. A good alternative is cubes that together make up a picture. This is a difficult task, since there are as many as 6 pictures that need to be distinguished;
  • Find a shadow. Children see colored images of familiar objects, and next to them, mixed in, are their shadows. The task is to find a shadow for each object;
  • Insert cards. You can make this game yourself. Cut out in identical square frames different figures, then mix them. The child’s task is to find the figure (the sorting cube is created on the same principle);
  • Finding a couple is an association activity;
  • Continue the row (three items from the same category need to be supplemented with one more of several options).

Creativity and fine motor skills

WITH two years of age You can offer it to children, but warm and well mashed. A separate activity becomes, and sometimes - simple coloring pages. An interesting and exciting activity for creative development– “torn” applications, when the baby does not yet need to operate with scissors, but can create a picture using mother's pattern from torn pieces of soft paper.

How to properly conduct classes with children 2 years old?

Discipline and regime play a very important role important role in the development of the baby. Classes, even the simplest and in the form of a game, must be carried out at the same time, otherwise they will become only part of the knowledge of the world, and will not bring any benefit. Of course, you can’t limit your baby; you should always give him the opportunity to decide for himself what to do. It is best to alternate games and activities with walks, outdoor recreation and reading (for now the mother reads, but the child is already reviewing and commenting on the first books).

Hi all! Today awaits us varied menu, which will have everything! And creative, and physical and speech therapy exercises. And all this will become part of the program “activities with a 2-year-old child at home.” Agree, this is the most active and inquisitive age. The little ones are so actively comprehending everything and learning everything that you just have to keep up with them. That is why some parents believe that the baby will gradually figure it out on his own. But is it worth letting the learning process take its course? This is exactly what we will talk about: what, how much and how to pay attention to.

Imagine a house is being built. Even a layman knows for sure that a foundation is needed for the stability of a house. And the taller and larger the building, the more powerful and durable its foundation should be. What did I give an example of? It clearly illustrates that at the very beginning you need a good foundation consisting of SKILLS and HABITS. This is precisely the purpose that developmental activities serve.

Just as the foundation is laid at the very beginning, we use games to awaken the embryos of talents, abilities and habits. At the same time, you need to remember important factor what we teach our little man EVERYWHERE and ALWAYS: on the street and in the bathroom, when we clean the house, and the baby helps us, or when we go to the store to do some shopping.

And for such lessons to be productive and helpful, you need to draw up lesson plans. I'll bring you clear example. Let's say you went out for a walk and at the same time bought groceries. It's winter outside, cold, snowdrifts. What to play to make it interesting for the little ones:

  • Walking is always a reason to “move”, run, jump, make snowballs and leave them.
  • In an informal setting, you can pay attention color scheme. And visual “tools”, such as cars, snow, trees, birds, will help us with this.
  • We alternate active activities with conversation. This great time to talk to the baby. About what? About everything! Tell us where we are going and ask your child what he sees.
  • You can also play in the store. Allow enough time to walk slowly. Stop near some shelves with products, take them and call them. You can even show what you can do with these products. For example, like this: “This is tea! Tea. Say: "tea." They drink it." And pretend as if you are drinking tea from a cup.

Important point! A child can be captivated by any game for 5-15 minutes. Not more! Therefore, alternate classes if you see that your little one’s interest is waning.

So, let's summarize what we did with the baby, and how it should work. During active rest we examined and studied various objects, analyzed their color, texture, properties and capabilities. This laid Foundation stone intellectual development: attention, memory, cognitive abilities. We laid the foundation for memory and the ability to think creatively when we draw attention to products in the store.

But you can also give your baby physical education at home. And there are many options for this. For example, morning work-out, which we turn into a game, playing with a ball, catching up, putting things in order, etc.

You know, I’ll share my delight! I'll tell you about the ones I and my baby love finger games. It would seem, why so many emotions about them? Fun familiar from infancy. Familiar ones are familiar, but it is at the age of 2-3 years that these activities are perceived completely differently. If earlier we were active, we took the little one’s hand and ran our fingers along it, with words about a thief magpie. We bent the baby's fingers, massaged them or simply kissed them.

Now everything has changed radically. Of course, we also help with our own hands, as before, but basically everything is done by the child! He's already interested. For example, when we catch his finger, or he catches ours. When he claps or rubs his hands. So simple! But everything goes so amusingly. And the main thing is that it helps in development fine motor skills, mental and language abilities.

Didactic fun is a wonderful tool in the hands of parents

Speaking about what you can do for toddlers, I decided to introduce separate didactic games. Why? They stand out from the rest in that they begin to contain some conditions and rules! This is necessary for the next stage of growing up, when such concepts as “possible” and “impossible” are present.

What kind of fun are these, and what conditions might they have? For example, a 2-year-old boy can easily separate round from square shapes, or yellow from green. This is a condition, but you can come up with different games. This includes dividing items into boxes, and if Bunny comes to visit and he only needs a treat of his favorite blue color...

Why speech should be given more attention

And again I highlight exercises for speech development in a separate section. When the baby is 2-3 years old, this is especially necessary. We need to act in two directions:

  1. Enlarge your vocabulary;
  2. Learn to pronounce words correctly.

Acting in the first direction, we all understand. What books to read for children. Also, communicate more. Talk new simple words, repeat them several times and it would be nice to show what it is. An excellent solution would be role-playing exercises. At this age, not only girls, but also boys still calmly play with dolls. So let their “heroes” speak!

But the second point is unique! How? Our attitude towards him. Usually all parents get used to baby talk. The baby hears the words they say. And how do you think he will pronounce them? When will he speak? Exactly! Just as I heard! Therefore, for development correct speech baby, we need effort and attention.

Is it time for new games? Yes!

Friends! Our babies are growing up. And you need to constantly set reasonable goals for them. And it’s fun that helps with this. Then the baby grows up cheerfully and interestingly. But at the same time, he is learning. His mental and Creative skills are formed precisely at this early age. Personality, habits and abilities will be built on this foundation.

What can you offer to toddlers? Board games are something that is part of a child’s life. It’s too early to think about walkers, but bingo, coloring books, plasticine and dominoes are ours! The baby will be happy! And parents too! We understand that at this time, while the baby and I are sculpting or collecting similar patterns in lotto, he focuses his attention, works hard and moves towards the goal!

But the time has come for the development of feelings, for this we need sensory games. The little one already knows a lot about objects. But you can expand his horizons, because a flower and a freshly baked bun smell, and a tennis ball is heavier than an inflatable one. Show the difference, help the baby deepen his analytical skills. He learns about new concepts: the properties of objects and their meaning. Take the time to provide information and food for thought.

Agree, this is a rather big topic. Talk and talk about her some more! Therefore, I leave you room for your comments. Share! Tell us! Leave comments! I'm sure every parent has something to say. Your experience is very important and it will enhance the article.

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Educational games for 2-year-old children will help your baby not to “stand still.” They are aimed at improving mental, intellectual, social and physical qualities, which by that point in time had already been formed to some extent.

How to develop a child at 2 years old

You cannot start this super-responsible activity spontaneously. First, it is important for parents to analyze what skills their little one has already acquired. By that time, children should have mastered the following skills:

  • walk;
  • bounce;
  • maintain balance;
  • kick the ball;
  • build a tower from cubes;
  • wash your hands yourself;
  • eat without getting dirty;
  • know up to 200 words;
  • repeat small ;
  • imitate the behavior of adults.

Developmental activities for children 2 years old are aimed at improving the following aspects of the child’s personality:

  • physical;
  • emotional;
  • social;
  • intellectual and so on.

Games that develop memory

Such tasks help to remember various kinds information that is complex. At the same time, the auditory and visual memory. These games use educational pictures for children 2 years old. These classes are very exciting. Children 2 years old experience mass positive emotions. Educational games can be like this:

  1. "Find a match." The adult shows the little one a picture, then hides it and asks the little one to find the same one.
  2. "What's in the picture?" Children are given a card depicting several objects or some kind of plot. Then the adult takes the picture and asks questions about what he saw.
  3. “What disappeared?” The mother lays out toys or game cards on the table, then removes one thing and asks the child to say what disappeared.
  4. "My Adventures" In the evening or the next morning, an adult can ask the baby to tell what he did on the playground or in the park.

Games that develop thinking

These logical tasks help 2-year-old children compare the information provided to them, analyze it and establish basic patterns. The skills acquired through such educational games will later help children solve complex school problems and cope with everyday hardships. Such tasks teach students to reason and draw their own conclusions. Here are some educational games for 2-year-old children that can be used:

  1. "Puzzles"– they may initially consist of 2-4 elements;
  2. Sorting items by characteristics– by size, color ratio, shape, type of material from which they are made;
  3. "Who eats what"– for such a game, children 2 years old will need special educational cards;
  4. Comparison of concepts- a lot - a little, high - low, soft - hard, and so on;
  5. Puzzles– the baby must recognize an object or animal by description;
  6. "Part and Whole"- the essence of such buildings is so that children can recognize who is in front of them by looking at a fragment (tail, paw, trunk or something else).

Games that develop attention

These tasks will require 2 years of perseverance from children. In addition, they will teach the little ones to concentrate on a specific object. Educational games for children to focus on may be the following:

  • "hide and seek";
  • “find an object by silhouette”;
  • “find a pair”;
  • “which piece broke off from the picture”;
  • search for objects - according to 1 or 2 signs;
  • “find the same pattern” and so on.

Games that develop speech

Such exciting activities are aimed at enriching the toddler’s vocabulary. Initially, adults may encounter the fact that the baby responds in “childish language.” Psychologists and speech therapists agree that all little ones who begin to understand educational games for 2-year-old children go through this stage. After a while, they begin to respond like adults.

Games that develop a child’s speech at 2 years old can be:

  1. "Question answer". The adult asks the child in a simplified form what he sees in the picture.
  2. Discussion of what you read- rhyme, fairy tale, story.
  3. Learning to use epithets in speech. You need to help your child not just mention certain objects, telling what he sees in the picture, but describe them.
  4. "Storyteller". A 2-year-old child, together with an adult, is trying to retell short stories.
  5. Studying prepositions, adverbs and pronouns with your child.
  6. Listening to songs and fairy tales.
  7. Getting to know new subjects. It is important not just to name them, but to show what elements they are made of, what they are needed for, and so on.

Educational games for 2 year old children at home

For such exciting activities, purchased kits or improvised means can be used. Little ones really like these games. They can be aimed at developing various skills and abilities of children. Children 2 years old really like modeling. Such developmental activities for children may include the following exercises:

  • rolling out;
  • game with dough;
  • working with a plastic knife;
  • modeling figures from plasticine or dough.

In addition, educational activities for 2-year-old children at home can include drawing. First, the baby masters making simple lines: paths, straight and wavy. In the same period, children learn to choose the right colors: if they draw the sun - yellow, grass - green, sea - blue, and so on. In addition, during such classes the child masters working with a brush.

Also, educational games for children 2 years old stimulate small and gross motor skills. These may include the following activities:

  • fastening Velcro;
  • pouring cereals;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • whisking soap foam;
  • collecting water with a sponge;
  • creasing paper;
  • game with clothespins;
  • making patterns using pasta, croup;
  • transferring beads with tweezers.

Educational computer games for children 2 years old

Disputes continue between grandparents and parents over whether it is possible to sit in front of a monitor at that age. People of the old school believe that the best educational games for improving the skills of 2-year-old children are running around in the yard. They argue this point of view by saying that the computer’s vision deteriorates, the child’s posture deteriorates, and the child becomes nervous. However, if you approach such a developmental activity wisely, you won’t have to reap all these consequences.

The child should have time limits for being at the computer. In addition, parents should be responsible about what game to play for their child. There are developmental programs for children 2 years old. Their essence is that the baby needs to turn over the picture, complete the house, collect or find the one who is hiding. Such activities are very exciting.

Educational board games for children 2 years old

By this age, the child is already able to perceive basic rules and can manipulate objects offered to him. However, home educational games for children 2 years old are somewhat different from those board cards that are intended for older children. There are 3 main differences:

  1. Simplicity of the rules.
  2. The game ends before the fidget can get bored.
  3. All elements are made of natural durable material.

There are such educational aids:

  • educational games for children 2 years old - coloring pages;
  • cards for studying transport, seasons, professions, and so on;
  • grocery store game;
  • “edible-inedible” cards;
  • manual “learning time” and others.

Educational outdoor games for children 2 years old

A series of classes for children 2-3 years old “Matryoshka dolls came to visit us”

Zhilichkina Maria Yurievna, educational psychologist, MADOU kindergarten No. 66 “Yablonka”, Shchelkovo, Moscow region.
Description of material: I bring to your attention one of the scenarios of a cycle of classes for children 2-3 years old. The development program for young children developed by the author is based on communication and subject activity as leading in early childhood, and is a system of integrated activities with children in all main areas of child upbringing and development. The program is compiled in the form of scenarios for a series of classes devoted to one topic. All parts of the script are performed at the discretion of the teacher during the day, depending on the emotional and physical condition children.
The structure of the lesson cycle scenario:
1. individual work during morning reception
2. charging
3. subject-cognitive activity
4. design
5. speech development
6. productive activity(drawing or sculpting)
7. acquaintance with fiction.
Particular attention is paid to the development in children of the rudiments of curiosity, independence, activity, and initiative. Without these qualities, the development of a child’s creative abilities and the development of his personality are impossible.
Purpose: This material will be useful to everyone who is interested in educational activities with young children, both in kindergartens and in private centers, at home.
Target: Early childhood development.
Tasks: Teach children to operate with a double matryoshka doll. Form the concepts of “big” and “small”. Learn to distinguish the four primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green). Learn to perform to music game movements, corresponding to the words. Practice running and walking in one direction. Teach children to tear small lumps of plasticine from a large one, roll them out lengthwise, first with their palms on the board, and then between their palms. Get to know the details building material, learn to construct elementary buildings according to a model of a certain size. Develop auditory and visual perception, attention, imagination, memory, mental operations. Develop active speech, encouraging statements. Foster friendly relationships between children and a desire to help.
Materials: A large nesting doll, double nesting dolls for each child, multi-colored handkerchiefs: blue, red, yellow, green; scarves in four primary colors, four boxes: red, blue, yellow, green; plasticine, damp cloths, pencils for examination. 7 bricks and 1 prism for each child.

1. Individual work with children, activities with Matryoshka objects

The Russian folk melody “Like ours at the gate” sounds. There are nesting dolls on the table.
Educator(addressing the baby): Hello, Masha. Do you hear how much fun our group has? Do you want to see who's having fun? Let's go have a look. Looks like who's having fun! (takes one nesting doll in his hands, showing it to the child). This is a matryoshka doll. Look what a beautiful sundress she has, what a bright scarf. Show me, Mashenka, where the matryoshka’s mouth, nose and eyes are. Our nesting doll is dancing to cheerful music. Show her how she dances. Do you want to play with a matryoshka doll? Choose any one you like. The work is carried out similarly with each child.

2. Exercises with handkerchiefs.

Educator: Guys, look at the colorful handkerchiefs the nesting dolls brought. Here's a red handkerchief, here's a blue one... (shows). Want to play with them? Crawl to the box of tissues, choose which one you like.
1st exercise. "For the handkerchiefs." Crawling in a given direction.
2nd exercise. “Wave your handkerchief.” Starting position: sitting, arms with a handkerchief lowered, legs straightened. Raise your hand with a handkerchief, wave it, lower it down. Do the same with the other hand (4 times).
3rd exercise. “Show me the handkerchief.” Starting position: kneeling, handkerchief in hand behind your back. Stretch your hands with a handkerchief forward. Take starting position (4 times).
4th exercise. “Put down the handkerchief.” Starting position: standing, arms down, handkerchief in one hand. Sit down and put the scarf in front of you. Take the starting position. Show your hands and say: “No scarf.” Sit down, take a handkerchief. Take the starting position. Show the scarf, say: “Here is the scarf.” (4 times).
5th exercise. “We walk merrily with a handkerchief.” Walking with a teacher to music.

3. Subject-cognitive activity “Game with a matryoshka doll.”

The teacher attracts the children's attention with a large bright nesting doll.
I am a cheerful matryoshka
Okay, okay.
And in my ears there are earrings,
Okay, okay.
The teacher encourages you to clap your hands while saying the words “okay, okay.” Children sit at tables, each with a double doll.
Educator(shakes the nesting doll, says in surprise): What is this?
The teacher opens the nesting doll and takes out another, smaller one.
Educator: There was one toy, and now there are two. One (shows) the big one is Mother Matryoshka, the other (shows) The little one is a matryoshka daughter. Take the small nesting doll out of the big one. Children perform an action.
Educator: Say hello to your new toys. Hello, nesting dolls! Big nesting dolls went for a walk (the teacher puts the toy on the table, asks the kids to put the large nesting dolls in the middle of the table “on the meadow”).
Educator: Mothers call their daughters to them: “Come to us.” Rain started (the teacher hits the tambourine): Matryoshka mother hides her little daughter (the teacher opens big toy, hides the little one in it). Rain is not scary. Children perform similar actions.

4. Construction of the “House for Matryoshka Dolls”

Educator: Guys, the nesting dolls are asking you to build houses for them. For a large nesting doll - large, for a small one - small.
A small house is built from two laid friend on top of each other bricks, and a triangular prism (roof) is placed on top. Big house is built from 4-5 bricks. Children build houses according to the model proposed by the teacher. Then the nesting dolls move into the houses.

5. Playing with scarves.

IN different parts In the group, the teacher arranges 4 boxes of red, yellow, blue, green. The ends of scarves of the corresponding color peek out from each box: in the red box there are red scarves, in the blue box there are blue ones.
Educator: Guys, look what beautiful boxes They brought nesting dolls for you. There are red scarves in the red box. Who wants to decorate themselves with a red scarf? The children take out their scarves. The teacher helps the kids tie scarves: on girls’ heads, on boys’ necks. Let's look in the group for a box and scarves of a different color. Our new friends, bright nesting dolls, want the kids to be as elegant as they are. D Children are looking for boxes, dressing up, admiring, looking in the mirror.
Educator: You are like real nesting dolls. It's time to sing a song and dance. The Belarusian folk melody “This is how we dance” sounds. Children dance, repeating the movements after the teacher.
Eh, the nesting dolls are good, good, good.
Together we will dance from the heart, we will dance from the heart.
Let's clap our hands, clap, clap, clap!
Let's stomp our feet, stomp, stomp!
Let's wave our hands one, two, three!
Together with you we will dance from the heart!
Educator: Now let’s put the scarves in their places. Red scarves in a red box. Vanya, which box will you put the scarf in? (The teacher makes sure that all children say the name of the color in a complete sentence)

6. Modeling “Pencils for nesting dolls”.

Educator: The nesting dolls love to draw and ask us to make toy pencils for them from plasticine. I’ll take a piece of plasticine, put it on my palm, cover it with my other palm and roll the plasticine between my palms. Look how the pencil turned out. What colour is he? I'll make another one. Do you like it, matryoshka? Want to (addressing the children) help me? Let's just stretch our hands first. There are red pencils in a red glass, green pencils in a green glass. Tanya, what color pencil did you take? Now let's roll them between our palms.

Children sit at tables and make pencils. The teacher, on behalf of the matryoshka, observes, gives advice, and expresses wishes.

A two-year-old baby is no longer the same as he was six months ago. He perceives differently the world, actively develops, gets to know himself. At two years old, a new stage of his life begins, associated with awareness of himself in this complex and interesting world.

During this period, however, as always, it is very important to devote as much time as possible to it. more attention, play with him, read books, engage in his development. However, compared to more early age, it becomes more difficult to concentrate his attention on a specific task. But you have to try.

Today we will talk to you about what developmental activities for 2-year-old children can be done at home on the “Popular about Health” website:

The baby grows up and changes

He has changed noticeably - he is more physically developed, stronger, more active, more mobile. Will enjoy learning Big world around and trying to understand himself in this world.

At this age, character begins to emerge. Frequent protests and demands, such as: “I want it or I don’t want it!”, “I will or I won’t!”, “Give it!” etc. are integral parts of his development and self-knowledge.

But working with him became more interesting. The baby is more diligent than before (although, of course, he is also a big fidget), he already knows how to hold a pencil, enjoys trying to draw, and listens enthusiastically when you read to him.

Classes and tasks for kids contribute to further improvement of intelligence, mental and physical development, as well as the formation of important social qualities.

As before, it is recommended to engage with him in a fun, playful way, using bright pictures, books, and entertaining toys. However, the classes themselves get a little more complicated. In addition, when preparing them, it is necessary to take into account how general features age and individual development baby.

Let's look at a few examples of such exercises:

Speech development

The most the best option activities for a child of this age are fairy tales, short stories. Discuss what you read with your child, ask him simple questions about the content.

Play a question and answer game: show him bright pictures, where are shown fairy tale characters, animals, illustrations from a book, etc. Ask what he sees in the picture?

Practice in correct pronunciation sounds can be done using the following game: invite him to carefully pronounce phrases after you and show what the animals are doing, for example: “a cow is chewing grass in the yard,” “a dog is sitting in a booth,” “a horse is pushing a cart.”

Simple math

As experts say, two year old child should already have an understanding of the concepts of “one” and “many”. Most people can count from 1 to 3 and know basic geometric shapes.

Continue counting with him: show pictures with one, several or many objects. Use cubes, pyramids, toys in the form of numbers, geometric shapes, etc.

Activities at home that develop thinking

For this purpose, use the simplest four-piece puzzles suitable for this age. Also ask your child to put the cubes together to make one picture. Typically, these cubes consist of six small parts of the picture that need to be folded correctly. So this is a difficult task.

Attention exercises

It is very useful to play hide and seek with your child, especially if you involve other family members and children in this.

The following tasks are good for developing attention: “find a pair”, “find the same color, identical objects, patterns”, “find similar objects based on characteristics”. Such activities, in addition to attention, train perseverance and concentration.

For memory development

Show a picture of different objects or animals. Ask your child to look at it carefully. Then hide it and invite him to tell from memory what is depicted there.

Place several on the table various items, let me look at them and remember them. Then remove one or two. Invite your child to tell you what is missing.

Understanding the world around us

Using pictures, drawings and illustrations from books, show your baby individual parts of the images - faces, body parts, clothes. Tell us the names of animals, birds, plants, objects, etc. Offer to repeat the names. Let him show you which house is suitable for animals or birds, and together choose clothes for the drawn boys and girls.

While on a walk, show the plants you see in the pictures, tell where birds, animals, and fish live. Show the transport on the street, tell us what it is called. Ask him to describe what he saw and compare objects. All this develops his knowledge of the world around him, and in addition, helps develop speech and teaches him to express his opinion.

Creativity and fine motor skills

Buy a set of plasticine and an album with paints. Modeling and drawing develop creativity, and working with a plastic modeling knife and brush develops fine motor skills.

Teach him to hold a pencil correctly, draw straight lines, wavy lines, dotted lines, geometric shapes.

Buy coloring books. Let him draw with paints on his own, and also color ready-made pictures. matching colors, trying not to go beyond the lines of the drawing.

They train motor skills by fastening Velcro on clothes, making patterns from buttons, pasta, and other small objects, collecting water with a sponge, etc.

In conclusion of our conversation, we note that in the development of the baby big role discipline and daily routine play a role. Therefore, classes with children at home should be carried out at the same time, so that he gets used to it and does not become capricious because he wants to eat, sleep or play with his favorite car.

For classes to be interesting and enjoyable for him, they should be short, no more than 10 minutes, with breaks. Alternate them with walks, reading and physical exercise. Good luck to you, dear parents!

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