Psychological exercises for parents. Exercise "Role-playing games". Conflict resolution

Working with Parents - Trainings for Parents

29.05.2011 12:41

teacher - psychologist,
Children's and youth center of the Baltic region
2. Training for parents "We are together".

3. Nomination
4. The training is designed for "Psychological school for parents»Within the framework of work with parents in the Children's and Youth Center. The lesson is held with parents together with children. Classes are held once a month.

5. 1) Good communication with parents is very important for the development of children. But, many parents only theoretically know and realize what the correct upbringing of children is, but in practice they experience difficulties. Parents should not only be educated, but also taught how to properly communicate with children. Our psychological service has developed a number of training sessions where they can communicate with children in a play situation
2) Goals:
1. Creation of conditions for cooperation between children and parents in a play situation.
2. Creation of situations of interaction and cooperation.
3. Description of parents "through the eyes" of children
- Expanding the ability to understand the psychological characteristics of your child;
- activation of communication in the family;
- increasing the interest of parents in the inner world of the child;
4) Participants: a group of parents with children of senior preschool or primary school age, 8-10 couples - mom (dad) - child.
5) Equipment: Tape recorder, recordings of children's songs, recordings of musical sketches, paper f. A4, pencils (markers) for each pair of participants.
6) Time: 1 hour - 1 hour 10.
7) Location: study or training room.
Course of the lesson
1. Greetings. Warming up.
1. Greetings... Each participant greets everyone with the words: "Hello, I am Sergey."
2. Acquaintance.
The children take turns standing up and introducing themselves and their parents.
3... "Stand up those who ..."
Participants are encouraged to stand up if the description fits:
- read books together;
- have a common hobby;
- help mom wash the dishes;
- help mom take out the trash;
- travel together.
2. The main part. "Cooperation".
1 . "Get to know your mom."
The driving child is blindfolded. All the mothers take turns calling him. He should recognize his mother by his voice.
2. "Drawing together".
Children, together with their parents, are invited to draw a picture: one part is drawn by the child, the other - by the parent.
3. "Compliments".
Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, you need to say a few kind words to him, for something to praise. The host says: "Thank you, I am very pleased!"
4... "Describe your mom."
In turn, each participant, the child tells about his mother, so that from the description one can guess who his mother is. At the same time, the child is asked questions: "What is your mother?", "What does she like?", "What does she dislike?", "What does she like?", "What does she dislike?"
5. "Song".
A familiar children's song is chosen. Then, in a circle, each sings his own line. The last verse is sung in chorus.
3. Conclusion. Reflection "I liked it today ..."
Each participant ends the phrase: "I liked it today ..."

1. Viktorova Elena Anatolyevna,
teacher - psychologist,

2.Emotional Resilience Training for Teachers.
3. Nomination : "The best development of psychological interventions for parents and educators."
4. The event is designed for "Psychological laboratory»Within the framework of work with teachers of the Children and Youth Center. Meetings take place once a vacation.
5. 1) Pedagogical activity is full of various stressful situations and various factors that carry the potential for increased emotional response.
Such situations potentially contain an increase in the neuropsychic stress of the individual, which leads to the emergence of neurotic disorders, psychosomatic diseases.
In this regard, the organization of work to preserve the mental health of the teacher is one of the priority tasks of the psychological service of the Children's and Youth Center.
2) Goals:
- the formation of skills in the regulation of psychoemotional states,
- prevention of emotional burnout of teachers.
- increasing communication competence;
- to form skills of regulation of negative psychoemotional states;
- reducing the situational and personal anxiety of teachers;
- acquaintance of teachers with methods of regulation of negative psychoemotional states;
4) Participants: a group of teachers - 15 - 20 people.
5) Equipment: tape recorder, recordings of relaxation music, recordings of folk music.
6) Time: 40-50 min.
Course of the lesson
1. Greetings. Warming up.
1. Greetings. Each participant in a circle greets everyone with the phrase : "How glad I am to see you!"
2... "Compliments ».
Participants sit in a circle. Each participant says to his neighbor on the right: "I really like how you ..."
2. The main part.
1. Assignment for the awareness of the tension of pedagogical activity.
"The tension of the teacher."
Food for thought: More than 80% of teachers have a high level of situational anxiety, and 60% - constant anxiety.
Issues for discussion:
-What is the difference between tension and tension of a teacher in communicating with children?
- How do tension and conflict in pedagogical communication relate?
Discussion of the questions asked, leading to the need to get acquainted with the ways of regulating the emotional state.
2.An acquaintance with different ways of maintaining psychological health and emotional stability:
1) Breathing exercises.
Exercises with a calming effect.
I. P. - standing, straighten, put feet shoulder-width apart. Breathe in. As you exhale, bend over, relaxing your neck and shoulders so that your head and arms hang freely to the floor. Breathe deeply, watch your breathing. Stay in this position for 1 min. Then slowly straighten up.
Exercise with a tonic effect.
"Ha - breath"
I. P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Take a deep breath, raise your arms through the sides up above your head. Holding your breath. Exhale - the body leans forward sharply, arms are thrown down in front of you, there is a sharp release of air with the sound "Ha!"
2) Visualization exercise.
"Float in the Ocean".
“Sit comfortably. Breathing is even. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine that you are a float in the ocean. You have no goal, no compass, no map, no rudder, no oars. You move where the wind and ocean waves take you. A large wave may cover you for a while, but you resurface to the surface ... try to feel these jolts and surges ... Feel the movement of the wave, the warmth of the sun, raindrops ... the pillow of the sea under you, supporting you. Listen to your body: how do you feel when you imagine yourself as a small float in a big ocean? "
3)Dance - movement exercises.
"Dance - round dance".
Participants stand in a circle and join hands. Music sounds. Participants begin to move spontaneously, following the rhythm of the music and their own rhythm, bringing their individual movements into the overall dance. (5 minutes 0
"Dance of individual parts of the body."
Participants stand in a circle. Music sounds. The facilitator names in turn the parts of the body, the dance of which will be performed (for example, head dance, shoulder dance, etc.) Participants try to make the most of the named part of the body in the dance.
4) Methods of situational self-regulation.
- Self-belief, self-orders to challenge a calm state, self-hypnosis of calmness and self-control: "I am completely calm", etc.
- self-control of the emotional state by external expressions of emotions: facial expressions, somatics, the presence of muscle tension, increased breathing rate.
3. Conclusion.
Reflection "I am today…"
Each member of the group completes the phrase: "I (me) today ..."

1 ... Elena Viktorova,
teacher - psychologist,
Children's and Youth Center of the Baltic Region, Kaliningrad,
address: 236005 Kaliningrad st. Shipbuilding 2
2. Psychological developmental occupation " We are growing".
3. Nomination : "The best scenario for carrying out developmental work with schoolchildren."
4. This developmental lesson is designed to be included in the training lesson of a choreographic studio. This lesson is held once a week.
Children come to classes after kindergarten or school. In order to help children switch to a studio lesson, we include such psychological activities in the lesson.
5. 1) When a child is relaxed, the information that he needs to assimilate is transmitted along the nerve pathways more easily, faster and more completely. In order to help your child get involved in work, you need to help him relax and calm down.
2) Targets and goals:
- Help your child relax and calm down before class;
- development of coordination of movements;
- development of interhemispheric connections and interhemispheric interaction.
3) Participants: a group of children of senior preschool and primary school age - 15 - 20 people.
5) Equipment: tape recorder, relaxation music recordings, gymnastic mats, soft toy "heart".
6) Time: 15-20 minutes
Course of the lesson
1. Greetings, "warming up".
1. Greetings, acquaintance.
In a circle, the participants pass a soft toy "Heart" with the words: "Hello, I am Alyosha."
2. Breathing exercise "Twig".
Slowly raise your arms up, inhale through your nose.
Stretch up to the sun - hold your breath. Exhalation.
Inhale slowly through your mouth, tilt to the left, hold your breath. Exhalation.
Inhale - exhale.
2. The main part.
A set of kinesiological exercises.
1. "String".
Stand with your feet together, raise your arms up.
We stretch the body on a slow inhalation, stretching simultaneously with both hands and the body.
Then - only the right side of the body (arm, side, leg).
Then - only the left side of the body (arm, side, leg).
2. "Ring".
Take turns and as quickly as possible to sort out the fingers, connecting in a "ring" with the thumb smoothly and alternately sequentially, the index, middle, etc.
Perform the exercise in forward and reverse order.
3. "Lezginka".
The left hand is folded into a fist, the thumb is set aside, the fist is turned with the fingers towards itself. The right hand with a straight palm in a horizontal position touches the little finger with the left. After that, the change of the left and right hand changes during 6-8 position changes. Add an increase in the speed of changing positions.
4. "Ear - nose".
Grasp the tip of the nose with your left hand and the opposite ear with your right hand. Release your ear and nose at the same time, clap your hands, change the position of your hands "exactly the opposite."
5. "Thawing and freezing".
Children are encouraged to disperse around the room.
Host: “Imagine that your whole body is ice-cold. The music I'm playing now will slowly defrost it. Piece by piece. You can wiggle the defrosted parts to the music. All other parts must remain immovable.
Imagine that your fingers are thawing, moving ...
Now you can also move your palms ...
Now you can wiggle your fingers, palms and arms up to your elbows ...
Here you can move your whole hand from fingers to shoulder ...
The head, neck has already thawed ... You can already turn your head ...
The body is thawed out ... you can move ...
Hips thawed ... legs to knees ... knees are already bent ...
Your legs are thawed out ... you can move and walk ...
At the end of the game, shake your arms and legs well.
3. Conclusion.
1. "We are reaching for the sun."
Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. While inhaling, slowly raise your arms up, gradually stretching the whole body. Starting with the fingers, then the wrists, elbows, chest, lower back and legs, without lifting the heels off the floor.
Hold your breath - "with your fingertips reaching for the sun."
Exhale, lowering your arms, relax.
2. Farewell.

Training for parents.

"The path of parental love"

Participants: a group of 10-14 preschool parents.
Equipment: badges, projector, tape recorder, music, recordings of children's songs, A4 paper, pencils (markers), gouache, Whatman paper.

Time: 2 - 2.5 hours.

Venue: music hall.

Training progress.

Light music sounds. Parents sit in a circle. The presenter approaches each of the parents, gets to know each other, draws up a "common business card" - writes the parents' name on a large sheet (in the form of a flower).

Leading. Good evening, dear parents. I thank you for coming to the training. Today we will talk to you in a close, family circle.

Psychological training is a training of the soul, mind, body. A person assimilates 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

In the course of work, we will have to communicate with each other, therefore, please, all participants: sign and attach business cards, badges, so that everyone knows how to contact you.

The topic of today's training is "The Path of Parental Love".


Exercise "Kind warmth" (10 min.)

Purpose: promoting cohesion in the group, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Now I invite you to get to know each other.

Stand in a circle and hold hands. From me to the right (to the left) "warmth" will go, that is, I will lightly touch my shoulder to the shoulder of a neighbor, calling my name written on a business card-badge, and remembering how they affectionately called me in childhood, my neighbor also - to the next one, and so on in a circle. Let's try.

And now the same thing, but with closed eyes. Let's see how the group works together.

Was it difficult to complete the task? Why? How do you feel after completing the assignment?

Let's continue our acquaintance:

Icebreaker. (Music "On the Way of Good") (2 min.)

Let's dream up: summer, the streets of our city shine with cleanliness, all of you are in search of a good kindergarten for your child. Hoops are kindergartens. To the music you will walk around our wonderful city, when the melody stops sounding, you need to get into any kindergarten, no one should stay on the street.

Questions: How did you feel playing this game? What mood are you in?

Main part

It is in such a kind and warm atmosphere, perhaps, that we should talk about the most important thing in the life of every person - about parental love.
Everyone considers themselves to be loving parents, and this is quite natural. We really adore our children, and the best confirmation of this is that we feel constant love in our souls. But one more thing is important for children - how we show this feeling.

Parenting is probably the deepest responsibility an adult can take on.

Most importantly, the special role of parenting is to love and nurture their children, and to develop in them feelings of high self-esteem and self-confidence.

Communication and relationships with other people arise and develop in childhood. For a child, adults are an example in everything. Children learn well what is presented visually, they want to learn everything from their own experience. He is especially attracted to activities that adults try to hide from him. The kid remembers not everything, but only what struck him. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Unable to distinguish between good and bad, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one should refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them.

The speech of children develops better in an atmosphere of love, calmness, when adults listen carefully to them, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they have read.

If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from others, then he has a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can persist for the rest of his life. In the process of developing the child's communication skills, great attention must be paid to the formation of the baby's personal qualities, his feelings, emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings to relationships with others.

Today you and I must understand that parental love will bring a child much more happiness if he constantly sees that it manifests itself in the relationship of parents not only to him, but also to each other, and the child should feel love.

“Happiness is when you are loved and understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned.

So, let's walk with you the path of parental love.

The aim of the training is: to contribute to the improvement of parent-child relations and the formation of effective interaction skills.

Our task is to show parents the degree of understanding of their child, to help them more deeply understand their relationship with their children and emotionally enrich them.

Group work rules.

Purpose: emphasizing the participants on the observance of the rules of work in a group and the regulation of work.

Leading. The participants in the training do everything themselves. For our meeting to be productive, you need to adhere to certain rules.

We will not give each other assessments, we will not discuss anyone. We will create an atmosphere of security, trust and openness. This will allow you to experiment without being embarrassed by mistakes.

The rules are printed on sheets, let's discuss and choose those that are suitable for us for effective interaction:

Address by name, and to you.

Do not give each other assessments, do not discuss anyone.

Listen, don't interrupt.


Participation rule - I participate in the games.

Lifebuoy rule - if it is difficult for me during the training, I can take a break (___ times).

The rule of good mood.

So, we have defined the rules of conduct at the training. Perhaps someone wants to make adjustments?

Purpose: to define the expectations of the participants from the group work.
Leading. Dear Parents! Here are stickers cut out in the shape of a footprint. Write down on them your hopes and expectations from our meeting.
Next, they should be voiced and attached to the painting "The Path of Parental Love", which depicts a path that stretches upward from the house of "Parental Love". Stickers must be attached at the beginning of the path, that is, near the house.

Childhood Immersion Exercise

Leading. Sit comfortably, put your feet on the floor so that they feel good support, lean your back on the back of a chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing: it is even and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms, legs. The stream of time takes you back to childhood - at the time when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are three to four years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are walking down the street. See what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You are having fun, you are walking down the street, and next to you is a loved one. See who it is. You take his hand and feel its warmth and reliability. Then you let go of your hand and run cheerfully forward, but not far away, wait for your loved one and again take his hand. Suddenly you hear laughter, look up and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different person, a stranger to you. You turn around and see that your loved one is standing behind and smiling. You run to him, take his hand again, move on and laugh with him at what happened.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you are ready, you will open your eyes.


Did you manage to plunge into childhood?

Did you feel a secure shoulder accompanying you as a child?

What does “secure shoulder” mean to you?

How did you feel when you lost support?

What did you want to do?

Exercise Role Play

Task for group No. 1. (Completion time - 5 minutes).

On behalf of the child, tell us how you managed to wet everything that was possible from your clothes in a single spring puddle, at the moment when mom got into a conversation with a friend who unexpectedly came up. Hint: Speak on behalf of the child, vocalizing the possible course of his thoughts.

And mom's reaction when she saw a wet child ...

Summary. I think a reminder of this opportunity for adults - to penetrate the world of children, will help to organize the upbringing process more competently, to build interaction in the family more fruitfully.

Task for group number 2 (preparation time - 5 minutes)

Parent and child are selected.

Dear Parents! You are in a hurry, you ran to the kindergarten for your child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter (son) is capricious, does not want to dress.

Your reaction, actions, etc.?

Summary. These role-playing games not only illustrate possible situations, but also allow everyone to think about how I would act in response to the behavior of my child, what I could teach him.

Exercise to lift the mood, relieve fatigue. "Music River".

Music sounds and parents together with the presenter perform "Dance of Little Ducklings".

Association exercise (3-5 minutes)

Our goal is to raise a happy child. Who can raise a happy child. The ideal parent. Who is a happy child? What is the ideal parent? We will answer these questions by working in groups.

Instruction: the group is divided into 2 teams.

1 command: Write your associations when you hear the word "happy child".

Team 2: Write your associations when you hear the word "effective parent"

The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for a child. The family has a huge impact on what the baby will consider important in life, on the formation of his system of values. No matter how long a person lives, he turns from time to time to the experience from childhood, to life in the family: "what my father and mother taught me."

I invite you to watch the video "Happiness is Easy".


How do you feel now?

How did you feel while watching the video?

Would you like to do something?

Have you changed your mind about your relationship with your child?

Host: Often, parents and caregivers use the wrong tactics when making comments to babies in life-threatening situations. Instead of telling the child what to do, the parents tell him what not to do.

As a result, the child does not receive the necessary information, and the words of the adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example, what will the child do in response to the words: “Don't go to the TV!”).

The message to the child should be positive, i.e. assume a response, not inaction.

Exercise "Non-childish prohibitions"

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. All the others come up to him one at a time and say that they forbid him to do, - what the participants most often tell their child. At the same time, the part of the body to which the ban was concerned is tied with a ribbon. For example: "Don't shout!" - the mouth is tied, "Don't run" - the legs are tied, etc.

After all the participants have expressed their opinion, the person sitting is invited to stand up. Since he will not be able to stand up, he must be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the tape that he has tied up and removes the ban, that is, he says what can be done. Thus, the essence of the prohibition remains. For example: "Don't shout - speak calmly."


Reflection of the participant who played the role of a child:

How did you feel when the "parents" fettered, limited your freedom?

Restriction of movement of which part of the body did you feel the most acutely?

How did you feel when you were asked to stand up?

What did you want to untie in the first place?

How do you feel now?

Reflection of the participants who played the role of an adult:

How did you feel when you saw the immobilized child?

What did you want to do?

Is it easy to find words to reformulate the prohibition?

How are you feeling now?

Host: It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for upbringing. How an adult should act in a given situation is up to him alone. However, you can play, as in the theater, difficult situations, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in this or that case.

The child's ideas about the world have not yet been formed, and life experience is negligible. Our task - the task of adults around the child - to help navigate the world that is still incomprehensible to him, to explain what is dangerous and impermissible, and what is permissible and even necessary for the baby. Who, if not an adult, will protect the child, warn against dangers, and at the same time teach to understand the endless “no's” and “no's”! To teach this to children, parents themselves need to be very good at it.

I suggest you take the group test “Do's and Don'ts”.

Test "Do's and Don'ts"

Punishment is impossible

Punishment is possible

The baby is ill

Before bedtime

Immediately after sleep

While eating

During classes

During the game

Immediately after mental or physical trauma

The child sincerely tries to do something, but he does not succeed.

The parent is in a bad mood

After the test is completed, it is discussed:

When, in what situations is it possible and when not to punish a child?

Finally, educators are encouraged to cut off the “Punishment is Possible” column of the test with scissors.

The rest can be used as a “memo”.

Host: How much warmth of the heart can be ruined because of the inability to understand the other and oneself. How many dramas, large and small, would not have happened if their participants and those around them had the ability to sympathize, forgive, and love. You also need to know how to love, and this skill is not given by Mother Nature.

The biggest deficit our children experience is that of affection. Parents sometimes do not find time, forget, or maybe even hesitate to caress the child just like that, obeying some kind of inner impulse. The fear of spoiling children makes parents overly harsh with them.

This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, love.

Exercise "Sun of Love"

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper with the child's name in the center. On every ray of the sun, you must list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants demonstrate their "sun of love" and read out what they have written.

Host: I suggest you take this Sunny home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child how you appreciated his qualities - give your child warmth, affection and attention.

Leading. Our meeting is coming to an end, so let's determine if our expectations have come true. If yes, it is necessary to rearrange the stickers on the path of Parental love.

At the end of the lesson, the parents with the leader drink tea at a round table!

Until next time!


Kryazheva N. L. "We rejoice together": the development of the emotional world of children, series: "Workshop", Yekaterinburg, 2006.

Markovskaya I.M. "Training of interaction between parents and children": goals, objectives and basic principles, S.-P., 2005.

Sakovich N.A. "The Practice of Fairy Tale Therapy": a collection of fairy tales, games and therapeutic programs, S.-P., 2005.

L.V. Chernetskaya "Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten", series: "I give my heart to children", R-na-D., 2005

Chernyaeva S.A. "Psychotherapeutic Tales and Games". Series: "Art therapy", S.-P., 2004.

Interactive methods: exercises and training for parents

"Happy to school"

In order to form a culture of family relations, preserve and strengthen family values, prepare students for family life through the implementation of the "Family and School" program, we offer interactive methods for use in the work of a psychologist with parents (Appendix 1), training for parents "To school with joy" (Appendix 2).

Annex 1

Interactive methods

in the work of a psychologist with a parent audience

Exercise "Bag of associations"

The presenter invites the parents to have a task: to present their association in connection with the subject, the phenomenon indicated on the card, which they take out of the bag. The presenter asks that this association be associated with family, family relationships in their distant childhood.

(Cards: parental home, family vacation, family holiday, traditions, evening at home, belt, affectionate word, family quarrel, guests, punishment, play, TV, relatives, older generation, etc.)

Parental Wisdom Bank Exercise

The moderator distributes leaflets to the participants and offers to write wise advice on family education on a particular problem. Tips are voiced, discussed and posted on the information stand.

Exercise "Symbolic drawing of a family"

The moderator invites the participants to depict the family in the form of symbols on a sheet of Whatman paper and offer their interpretation.

Exercise "Envelope of everyday questions"

The host invites parents to write problematic issues of family education, which are then discussed in a wide audience. Psychologist's comment.

Exercise "Flower"

The presenter offers the parents (a group of parents) a flower of seven petals, on which are written advice (questions) on a particular problem of family education. Parents give their interpretation of advice or questions. Psychologist's comment.

Exercise "Flower-seven-flower"

At the meeting with children, which precedes his work with parents, the moderator distributes flowers with seven petals to them and invites them to write their wishes in the field of relationships with parents. Similar flowers are distributed to parents. They are encouraged to think and write what their children dream of. Then the parents are presented with the flowers of the children and they can compare their results with those of the children.


Exercise "Theater"

The moderator invites parents to discuss any topic related to family education issues from the point of view of representatives of various social roles. The envelope contains cards with social roles. The presenter hands out cards to the participants and invites them to think about the point of view of their character on this issue: a child, teenager, young man, a representative of one of the youth subcultures, teacher, dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, policeman, psychologist, liberal, democrat, communist, clergyman, etc. etc.

Exercise "Free microphone"

The presenter holds a microphone. The one from the audience in whose hands the microphone falls, shortly, within 30 seconds

a) expresses his point of view on a particular issue, shares his memories, experiences, etc .;

b) recalls a fact from his childhood that caused stress, made him suffer and suffer, etc.

The form of the dispute involves addressing problematic topics that cause conflicting judgments of parents. The wording of the topics should be “sharp”, “touching the heart”. "Ideal parents - myth or reality?", "Is it easy to be young?", "How to live without conflicts with children?", "Is it worth punishing a child?" etc.

"Contest of Proverbs"

The moderator invites the participants to recall as many proverbs as possible about family education.

"Fairy tale competition"

The presenter invites parents to recall fairy tales that reflect the problems of family education and tell how the heroes found a way out of this situation.

Exercise "Tale of Education"

The presenter offers parents a scheme for drawing up a fairy tale. Within 20 minutes, they must compose a fairy tale in which one or another problem of the relationship between parents and children finds a solution.

Exercise "Piggy bank of errors (problems)"

Collage making

"Modern youth", "This strange adult world"

Youth magazines are needed.

Competition "You are for me, I am for you"

Teams come up with several conflict situations between parents and children. Situations are exchanged. Parents choose one of them, which they beat.

Psychologist's comment.

Competition "Youth of my parents"

Children, together with their parents, talk about the youthful hobbies of their parents.

Exercise "Ways of solving conflict situations"

The moderator invites the participants to draw up a program of action in a particular conflict situation.

Exercise "Perceiving the feelings of a child"

Children tell us much more than is expressed in words. Feelings are always behind the word. After reading the child's statement, the participants need to perceive his feelings about this situation as accurately as possible. Some statements can express different feelings of the child.

The child says: “I don’t know what the mistake is! I cannot solve this problem. Maybe I shouldn't try to solve it? "

The child feels: a) Feels stupid; b) feels the urge to give up the decision, c) feels annoyed.

Exercise "Directory of Forbidden Expressions"

Participants are encouraged to compile a catalog of prohibited statements in relation to the child.

Exercise "Childhood Memories"

Exercise "Poetry"

The presenter invites parents to compose a quatrain about the relationship between parents and children according to a given rhyme.

For example: a) I love it will sweep

I can stand to respond

Exercise "I am the message"

The facilitator invites the parents, using the “I-messages” technique, to resolve the situation so that both sides are satisfied.

Appendix 2

Training for parents "To school with joy"

Purpose: to facilitate the successful adaptation of parents of first-graders.

create conditions for parents to calmly pass the period of the beginning of their child's schooling;

Help build confidence and relieve anxiety during the transition from preschool to primary school;

explain the reasons for possible psychological difficulties in first-graders and ways to prevent them;

to compose a psychological portrait of a successful first grader.

In the life of each of us there are stages, steps that are very important for the future. One of these stages is preparation for learning in a school setting. This is a very difficult period for a child, especially a six year old.

Our child goes to first grade. How can you help your child adapt successfully? How to prevent the occurrence of psychological problems?

It is difficult for a child during this period, just as it is for us when finding a job for a new job.

The common task of teachers and legal representatives is to help the child learn with pleasure, to help him maintain a direct natural interest in learning about the world.

The child and the parent make up a single emotional space. Our excitement, anxiety and anxiety are transmitted to our children. Therefore, it is very important to first learn how to manage your psychological state, and then help the child to overcome the "entry into a new position" without loss.

Today we tried to measure your idea of ​​a child entering first grade using color. Each color carries a certain meaning.

Exercise "What color are your ideas about a child's admission to school?"

Red - the idea of ​​school as an active activity.

Yellow - you are happy to think of school as an exciting life stage.

Orange - joyful ideas about the school life of the child.

Green - a calm attitude towards school life.

Blue - school is a concern.

Purple - anxious expectations.

Black - gloomy ideas about school everyday life.

Anxiety and anxiety in the face of the unknown are quite normal, unless they reach the point of pathology. It is necessary to help the child to perceive education as a vital, interesting and creative process. This is the only secret of success.

What are the reasons for the parents' concern?

This may be a loss of faith in oneself, insufficient knowledge of how to prepare a child for school, excessive demands on the child, or, conversely, excessive love for him.

Often, during meetings, parents ask the question of how to prevent the emergence of difficulties. It is very important to observe the following points here. Talking about school, about its everyday life and holidays is calm. It is important to create an atmosphere of calmness and goodwill at home, not to scold or punish the child for mistakes and ignorance, because he came to school to study, and not in order to shine with his knowledge.

The second question is how long can the adaptation process take? Differently: from one month to one year. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child. And this is where your patience is important. The adaptation was successful, if there are no tears, no “I can’t” and “I don’t want to”.

Exercise "Difficulties of a first grader"

Parents are encouraged to think about and write down the possible difficulties of the first graders.


Let us dwell on the most typical problems faced by the parents of first graders.

The child has no desire to go to school or is afraid.

What are the reasons? The child thinks that he will be scolded, punished for bad behavior. Fear can be transmitted from parents who share their experiences, fears in the presence of children. The child hears "scary" stories about the school from his family. What to do? First of all, eliminate the causes. If the fear persists, then you should seek help from specialists.

The child is restless. What is the reason? First of all, it lies in the physiological immaturity of the child's body. A first-grader child can hold attention for a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes. Motor restlessness is a protective reaction of the body. It allows you not to bring your body to overwork. It should also be remembered that even short-term illnesses disrupt the working capacity of children for a considerable time. The highest efficiency of first graders is from 8.00 to 11.00 in the morning. In the afternoon, from 4 pm to 5 pm, an increase in working capacity is observed, but it does not reach the morning level. How can I help my child? Interruptions in educational activities after 15 - 20 minutes in the form of physical education, outdoor games, as well as a change in the type of activity help to relieve physical stress.

The child is bullied at school. It is important here to listen to the child to the end and teach him to forgive insults without taking them to heart. Having found out together the motives of the abuser, it may turn out that our child is wrong. If so, then we can teach the child to respond to resentment with a joke. Laughter is a great healer and comforter.

The child is breaking discipline.

The reason is to get attention. Often, adults pay attention only to the negative qualities of the child, taking the positive for granted. But nature abhors a vacuum. If positive qualities develop poorly, then negative ones arise. For a child to become embittered, it is enough that a sense of kindness is not brought up on the example of adult behavior. If a child hears about kindness only in the form of moralizing and teaching, then even minor troubles can cause anger, aggression, cruelty.

What needs to be done for a child to be successful? What qualities should a successful first grader have? Let's try to answer this question together by compiling a psychological portrait of a successful first grader.

Exercise "Psychological portrait of a successful first grader"

Parents are invited to draw up a psychological portrait of a successful first grader.


We wish you to successfully prepare for school, painlessly go through the adaptation period. During this period, it is very important, when seeing the child out of the house, not to read lectures, threaten or scold, but best of all, confidentially, with love and faith, say to him: “I am really looking forward to you, we will meet in the evening for dinner. I'm sure you can handle it, you're a fine fellow! "

And then the school will become a school of joy for you and your baby.

At the end of the training session, parents are given reminders "Good advice to parents": "If the child has no desire to go to school", "Self-diagnosis for parents", "If the child is restless", "If the child is offended?", "What should the future know and be able to do?" first grader? ”,“ How to develop a child's creative imagination ”,“ How to praise a child? ”,“ How to punish a child? ”,“ Useful games ”.


If the child has no desire to go to school

or is he afraid?

Possible reasons:

* Children are afraid that they will be scolded at school, punished for bad behavior, that they will come across an evil teacher.

* There are older children in the family who share negative things with the younger ones.

* Sometimes fear is transmitted from parents who, in the presence of a child, experience: "I am afraid that it will be,

when my child goes to school - he is like that

vulnerable, and the teachers are so freaked out, and if he falls behind the desk with the same detachment as our neighbor Vanya, he is his

will offend. "

* Sometimes grandparents share "scary"

stories from the lives of their children.

* One of the most important conditions for successful adaptation is the child's conscious desire for school,

a real interest in learning activities,

those. the formation of educational motivation.

It includes:

* the presence of cognitive interests (the child likes

reading books, solving problems, doing others

interesting tasks).

* understanding the need for teaching as

obligatory, responsible activity.

* Emotionally safe attitude to school.

How to better and more correctly help your child

in the first months of school?

* A good summer vacation is required.

* Calmly talk about school: its everyday life and holidays.

* It is advisable to take a vacation and the first 2-3 weeks to be

next to the child.

* Create an atmosphere of calmness and friendliness at home.

* Greet your child from school with a smile.

* Do not scold or punish the child for mistakes and ignorance.

He is just starting to learn.

* Be sure to walk after school.

* Lovingly equip your home school space.

* He can take his beloved to school, not very

a great toy.

* When he returns from school, ask for details

about what was interesting at school.

* Don't forget that your child needs recognition and praise.

* Rejoice at his successes and victories.

* The child cannot adapt quickly. This period

can last from 1 month to a year.

* Try to be patient. And if you see that everything

"straightens up", bounces back, becomes smaller

tears, "I can't" and "I don't want", that means it's small

victory is yours and your child's.

What to do if your child

bully at school?

* First of all, listen to the child to the end, without interrupting.

* After listening to him, be sure to say that everything will change soon. People grow up and become wiser.

* It is important to teach your child to forgive these grievances and not take them to heart.

* Try together to find out the motives of the abuser. It may turn out that your child was wrong.

* If this happens, teach your child to respond to resentment with a joke. Laughter is a great healer and comforter.

* Think about whether you are touchy. Indeed, for a child, a parent is the most worthy role model.

If the child breaks the discipline?

Often, adults indicate only the negative qualities of the child, his misdeeds, and forget about the positive ones. But nature abhors a vacuum. If positive qualities develop poorly, then negative ones arise. For a child to become embittered, it is enough that a feeling of kindness is not fostered. If kindness is not brought up purposefully, if a child hears about it only in the form of moralizing and teaching, then even minor troubles can cause anger, aggression, cruelty.

The main thing is to bring up positive qualities in all possible ways by your own example, by examples from the surrounding life, art, culture, history.

What to do if your child enjoys going to school

but is he doing poorly?

* Let the child feel that he is not worse than others.

* Give an opportunity to believe in yourself.

* Understand what he likes best, what he does best, and, based on the positive, try to interest him in what is more difficult.

* The child is not always to blame for the fact that he does not study well. He has not yet switched from kindergarten to school: he missed something, misunderstood. The main thing is that the teacher does not stigmatize the child: a bum, stupid, lazy.

* "Get in" into his difficulties and together with him understand, resolve, explain.

What to do if the child is restless

twirls and can't sit for 15 minutes?

A first-grader child can hold attention for 15-20 minutes maximum, because his capacity for work is not great. Then he starts spinning, playing, making noise.

Motor restlessness is a protective reaction of the child's body. At this time, there is a kind of disconnection, a short rest. This allows you not to bring your body to overwork.

Signs of overwork:

* handwriting deteriorates

* the number of errors increases

* slows down the rate of speech

* "stupid" errors appear

* the child becomes absent-minded, inattentive, whiny, lethargic and


The best option is to have breaks in educational activities every 15-20 minutes, which will help the child to regain their strength. During breaks, physical activity is useful: physical education, outdoor games, dancing.

If the child is slow?

It is wrong to consider such behavior of a child as disobedience or stubbornness. He may have some peculiarities of the nervous system,

manifested in a slow pace of activity. Given enough time, these children cope with the tasks. Such children should not be rushed, demanding from them to quickly do something - this further inhibits them. Parents should definitely consult a doctor, warn the teacher about the peculiarities of the child.

A passive child will certainly have difficulties, it will be more difficult for him to complete tasks in the classroom, when there are time constraints, it will be more difficult for him to react to a changing environment. Such a child adapts much longer than an active child.

However, sluggish children have their own advantages: as a rule, they perform tasks more efficiently, diligently, and thoughtfully.

Self-diagnosis for parents

We offer you a test, answering the questions of which you will be able to estimate the level of development of your child yourself. Each question assumes an affirmative answer. The more such answers, the higher the level of development of your child. If any of the evaluated criteria did not receive affirmative answers, you have the opportunity to pull the child in this direction.

Assessment of the development of cognition

  1. Does the child know basic concepts, for example: right / left, large / small, in / out?
  2. Is the child able to understand the simplest cases of classification, for example, things that can roll and things that cannot?
  3. Can a kid guess the ending of an uncomplicated story?
  4. Can the child keep in mind and follow at least three directions?
  5. Can a child name most of the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet?

Assessing the child's basic experience

  1. Did the child have to accompany you to the post office, to the savings bank, to the store?
  2. Was the kid in the library?
  3. Has the child ever been to a zoo, a village, a museum?
  4. Do you have the opportunity to regularly read to your baby, tell him stories?
  5. Does the child show an increased interest in something, does he have a hobby?

Assessment of language development

  1. Can the child name and identify the main objects around him?
  2. Is it easy for a child to answer questions from adults?
  3. Can the child explain where the objects are located: on the table, under the table?
  4. Can the child explain what different things are for: a brush, a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator?
  5. Is the baby able to tell a story, describe an incident that happened to him?
  6. Does the child pronounce the words clearly?
  7. Is the child's speech correct in terms of grammar?
  8. Is the child able to participate in a general conversation, act out a situation or play in a home play?

Assessment of the level of emotional development

  1. Does the child look cheerful (at home, among friends)?
  2. Has the child formed an image of himself as a person who can do a lot?
  3. Is it easy for a kid to "switch" when changes in the usual daily routine, to move on to solving a new problem?
  4. Is the child able to work independently, to compete in completing assignments with other children?

Assessment of communication skills

  1. Are other children involved in the game, is it shared with them?
  2. Does the child take turns when the situation calls for it?
  3. Is the child able to listen to others without interrupting?

Physical development assessment

  1. Does the child hear well?
  2. Does he see well?
  3. Is he able to sit quietly for some time?
  4. Does he have developed motor coordination skills, such as playing ball, jumping, going down and climbing stairs?
  5. Does the child look cheerful and enthusiastic?
  6. Does the child look healthy, well-fed and rested?

Visual discrimination

  1. Can the child identify similar and dissimilar forms, for example, find a picture that is unlike the others?
  2. Can the child distinguish between letters and short words, for example, b / p, cat / year?

Visual memory

  1. Can a child notice the absence of a picture if he is first shown a series of three pictures, and then one is removed?
  2. Does the child know his own name, home address, telephone?

Visual perception

  1. Is the child able to arrange in order (in a given sequence) a series of pictures?
  2. Does the child understand that they are reading from left to right?
  3. Can he put together a picture of fifteen elements on his own, without outside help?
  4. Can the baby interpret the picture: formulate the main idea, trace the connections?

Hearing ability level

  1. Can a child rhyme words?
  2. Is he able to distinguish between words starting with different sounds, for example, wood - weight?
  3. Can a child repeat a few letters or numbers after an adult?
  4. Is the child able to retell the story while maintaining the main idea and sequence of actions?

Assessment of attitudes towards books

  1. Does the child have a desire to look at books on their own?
  2. Does he listen attentively and with pleasure when read aloud to him?
  3. Does the child ask questions about words and other printable characters?

Do I want to go to school? (test for preschoolers)

  1. When I go to school, I will have many new friends.
  2. I'm wondering what lessons we'll have.
  3. I think I will invite the whole class to my birthday.
  4. I would like the lesson to last more than a break.
  5. Wondering what the school offers for breakfast?
  6. When I go to school, I will study well.
  7. The best thing about school life is the holidays.
  8. It seems to me that there are more interesting things in school than in kindergarten.
  9. I want to go to school, because many children from my home are already studying.
  10. If I had been allowed, I would have gone to study already last year.

Ask your child: "If someone spoke for you, would you agree with the following words?" and record his answers on the plate.

Let's calculate the results:

1 - 3 points- Your child thinks that she lives well without school. You should think about it.

4 - 8 points- The child wants to go to school, but it should be clarified why. If there are more points in the first line, then the child basically dreams of new games for his friends. If there are more points in the second line, then he fully understands the main purpose of the school.

9 - 10 points- It is good if your child maintains a positive attitude towards school for the years to come.

What should a future first grader know?

  1. Your name, names and patronymics of your parents.
  2. Your address.
  3. The name of the country, city in which he lives.
  4. Rules of conduct at school in the classroom and during recess.
  5. How to properly organize your workplace.
  6. Rules for landing at a desk and organization of the workplace.
  7. The names of the seasons and their signs, natural phenomena.
  8. The names of the days of the week, the name of the current month.
  9. The names of animals and plants found in our region.
  10. Number series from 1 to 10, forward and backward counting.
  11. Numbers.
  12. Signs +, -, =.

What should a future first grader be able to do?

  1. Behave correctly in class and recess.
  2. Prepare everything you need for classes.
  3. Sit correctly at the desk.
  4. Hold a pen, pencil correctly.
  5. Listen carefully to the teacher, perceive what he says.
  6. Fulfill the teacher's requirements.
  7. Switch from one activity to another.
  8. Correctly react to your failures and victories, to the successes and failures of your classmates.
  9. Slow down your physical activity.
  10. Make sentences of 3-4 words, divide them into words,
  11. Compose stories from pictures.
  12. Tell about what you saw and heard.
  13. Express your thoughts clearly.
  14. Distinguish between sound, word, sentence.
  15. Pronounce sounds correctly and be able to distinguish them by ear.
  16. Determine by ear with the help of claps the number of syllables in a word.
  17. Type your name, familiar letters and words.
  18. Count to 10 and back.
  19. Recognize numbers and use them when referring to a number.
  20. Compare and equalize sets by adding and subtracting.
  21. Recognize items by description,
  22. Recognize simple geometric shapes.
  23. Navigate in space and in a notebook.
  24. Perform simple graphic dictations.
  25. Color the pictures carefully.
  26. Shade in different directions.
  27. Draw pictures in half.
  28. Redraw and copy graphic drawings, shapes, elements.
  29. Solve labyrinths, be able to distinguish seasons, natural phenomena, animals.

How to develop creative imagination


Creative imagination must be developed from early childhood. Everyone needs it.

* Start by playing "What's it like?" Try to guess the images in the clouds, frosty patterns, multi-colored blots, unusual roots, twigs, leaves.

* Ask your child more often: "how what?"

* The same fluffy - how what?

* The same prickly - like what?

* As funny as what?

The child will learn to compare and find a suitable image.

* Accept the child's fantasies, do not reject them. About chocolate trees and snow frogs, about sweet rain and a blue apple ... Fantasizing, he will learn to compose fairy tales, stories, sketches.

* Try to draw on large sheets of paper: paints, chalk, prints of leaves and candy wrappers, palms and fingers. Try to ask: what happened? What does it look like? Even if it turned out to be nonsense in your opinion, ask the child: "What is this?" And he will definitely answer. Accept his "creativity".

* Give him plasticine and clay.

* Give empty boxes and plastic cups. Simulate, invent, build ...

Let all the child's fantasies spill out.

* Create your own "typography" at home. Try to publish your own newspapers, books. Teach and learn with your child to design, compose, draw.

* Try to create a home "gift fund" where you will put all the interesting crafts that you can give your family, friends and acquaintances on occasion.

* Try to compose carnival costumes together.

* Try to involve your child in the decoration of the festive table.

* Teach your child wit. Teach him to find funny, funny in the world around him. A sense of humor fosters a creative attitude towards life.

* Read funny and witty poems by D. Harms, O. Grigoriev, G. Oster and A. Usachev.

* Remember! Creative, gifted, capable children often stand out for their unusual behavior and original actions.

* If you want your child to grow up internally free, independent, to strive for future success, develop creative imagination from an early age.

How to praise a child?

Praise has the property of a drug: more and more. And if there was a lot, but it became little or did not become at all, a state of deprivation arises.

When and whom to praise more?

* Lagging, sick, too peculiar, too shy,

slow, clumsy, fat, stutter, bespectacled, red-haired. If a person in these states is not supported by encouragements, approval, a person can go to the extreme, to hopelessness.

* Healthy, cheerful, capable, everything is easy, in everything first. Praise only for the work of development - for exceeding your norm.

* Sufficiently healthy and developed. Not without ability. Quite well. But sharply heightened sensitivity to estimates. Can't stand the slightest disapproval, gets upset. As few estimates, comparisons as possible.

How not to praise?

* Do not praise something that has not been achieved by your own labor: physical, mental or spiritual.

* Strength, dexterity, health, ingenuity, ingenuity, intelligence, talent, good disposition are not subject to praise; easily given good marks, toys, things, clothes.

It is advisable not to praise:

* more than two times in one and the same;

* out of pity;

* out of desire to please.

You are good already because you live in the world! Such (oh) as you have never been, is not and never will be. You are a dewdrop that has time to reflect the sun, and this is a miracle. You are a miracle!

Is it worth punishing

child and how to do it?

To punish or not to punish, how to do it - everyone decides for himself. Sometimes psychological punishment can be more severe than physical punishment.

* When punishing, think: why?

* Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.

The punishment should be helpful.

* If in doubt - to punish or not to punish, do not punish. No punishment "just in case."

* One at a time. Even if a great many misdemeanors have been committed, the punishment can be severe, but only one - for all at once, and not one by one for each.

* Statute of limitations. Better not to punish than to punish too late. Delayed punishment reminds the child of the past, which prevents the child from changing.

* Punished - forgiven. Not a word about old sins! Do not interfere with starting life over again!

* No humiliation. Punishment should not be perceived by a child as a triumph of our strength over his weakness.

* With a deficit of love, life itself becomes punishment, and then punishment is sought as the last chance for love. You cannot punish with lessons, reading, cleaning.

These "out-of-order" outfits can instill an aversion to work.

You can not punish and scold:

* When sick, experiencing some kind of ailment or has not yet recovered from an illness: the psyche is especially vulnerable, the reactions are unpredictable.

* When eating, after sleeping, before going to bed, while playing, while working.

* Immediately after physical or mental trauma (fall, fight, accident, bad grade, any failure, even if he himself is to blame for this failure) - you need to wait until the acute pain subsides.

* When not coping with fear, with inattention, with any shortcoming, making sincere efforts; when he shows inability, awkwardness, stupidity, inexperience - in short, in all cases when something does not work out.

* When the internal motives of an act are incomprehensible to us.

* When we are tired, upset, annoyed for some reason.

Which games will benefit the most

for the intellectual development of the child?

* All constructors. They develop fine motor skills (and therefore speech), design skills, the ability to analyze, attention, geometric representations.

* Educational games B.P. Nikitin and V.I. Krasnoukhov.

* All mosaics. Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, fine motor skills, color perception, creative imagination, etc.

* All lotto. They introduce you to the world around you, develop memory and attention, the ability to analyze and compare, etc.

* All dominoes. Introduce numbers and numbers, letters and syllables, teach to compare, analyze and be attentive, develop communication skills.

* All plane games develop memory and attention, geometric representations, logical, figurative and spatial thinking, fine motor skills, perseverance and independence.

* Paired pictures (Pekseso). They introduce you to the world around you, history, develop memory and attention, communication qualities, concentration, perseverance, etc.

* Puzzle games from the series "Little genius" ("Little genius",

"Happy Cube", "Marble Cube", "Profi Club".

Develop logical thinking, design skills, skill

analyze and synthesize, precision and accuracy, etc.

How do you make smart games useful?

* It is important not to impose, not force them to play.

* Do not prompt the child with solutions, do not make for him, do not rush him, do not reproach if he suddenly did something wrong. Give him the opportunity to "win".

* If you do not have any games, they can be made together with the child (the benefits of this are double).

Larisa Dautova
Psychological training for parents: "If anything, I'm with you!"

Purpose: Actualization of the feeling of unity in the relationship between parents and children.


1. Improve the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your child;

2. Contribute to the reduction of emotional stress;

3. Mastering the techniques of interaction with the child

Training duration: 25-30 minutes

Materials and equipment: magnetic board, pencils, chamomile petals, prepared statement cards, heart drawing (cut into 4 parts, ribbon, children's stories.

Training progress


Good evening, dear parents. I thank you for coming to the training: "If anything, I'm with you!" Today we will talk to you in a close, family circle, because the kindergarten is one big, friendly family

Probably, nothing causes such strong experiences in a person as his own children. How to find a common language with your child, how to make you and your child understand each other without words. We will talk about this today.

I suggest you participate in the games; somewhere we will speculate, somewhere we will try to stand in the place of our child.

I hope that you will understand your child even better, you will be even more anxious about the experiences of your child, and you will understand each other's interests even more.

So let's start by greeting each other.

Warm-up "Give a smile"

Participants stand in a circle, hold hands. Each in turn gives a smile to his neighbors on the left and on the right, while looking into each other's eyes is important.

1. Exercise "Word - Association"

Educator-psychologist: "Now we are going to do a little warm-up that will help you to tune in to work together."

All together suggests to pick up the word “ice cream” - an association (for example, “heat”). Further to "heat" - "sea".

The presenter starts the game saying the word “family”, the participant standing next to him takes a massage ball and pronounces his word - association. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

2. Exercise "Flower"


Popular wisdom says: "The sweetest sound for a person is his name." If you want to draw a person's attention to yourself, to tune him into communication, then you should contact the person, the child by name. What do you call your child?

The game "Flower" will help you to find the positive qualities of your child.

Instructions: I suggest making an entry in the petal. On it you write the affectionate name of your child and his positive qualities.

Conclusion: Look, what an affectionate and kind chamomile we have! Maybe some of your qualities coincided.


It was difficult?

How did this exercise make you feel?

Was it easy for you to fill out? Why?

3. Exercise "How do you feel better?"

Psychologist: I invite parents (6 people) to unite in pairs and each pair to overcome a short distance along the tape. I offer cards with statements with which you will accompany the movement of your partner - "child"

Conditions for passage: one participant walks along the tape, and the other at this time accompanies his movement, first with the words:

1. "Go, I told you, immediately, go right, as I tell you", 2. "Maybe you won't go, but suddenly you will fall, still get dirty."

3. And the last: “It's okay, I'm walking next to you. You're doing well, you're going well, forward. "

Conclusion: during the exercise, each of you was in the role of a child or in the role of a parent, how did you feel? In what role did you feel more comfortable, in the role of the child who walked, or the parent who accompanied. Which words prevented you from going, which ones, on the contrary, helped. Parents discuss their feelings.

4. Exercise "Reading a fairy tale"

Purpose: to show parents how important emotional contact with a child is, and when talking with a child, when reading fiction, etc.

Let's see how we communicate with a child, how important the moment of communication with our children is for us.

Three participants are offered children's books with fairy tales, the first participant reads an excerpt of a fairy tale, turning his back to his parents, the second - facing the parents, but without taking his eyes off the text, and the third one talks emotionally, using gestures and facial expressions, expressively, practically without looking at the text ...

After reading, it is proposed to answer the questions: What did you feel when they sat with your back to you? And when they didn't look at you at all? And did you like the emotionally expressive reading, eye to eye? It also happens when communicating with our children.

5. Exercise "What do the children want?"

Note. For the exercise, you need a drawing of the heart, cut into pieces. Each part is numbered to make it easier and more convenient to assemble the mosaic in the future.

The word of the teacher-psychologist: “Imagine in your mind that you have returned to childhood. You are 5-6 years old. Remember what you most wanted? Write it down in one phrase. " Participants write down their answers on the parts of hearts distributed to them, after which they read and analyze what was written. Then the teacher-psychologist proposes to assemble a mosaic from the received parts and concludes: "What children really want is a lot of love, warmth and affection."

Final part.

Well, our training has come to an end. I would like him to help you in raising your children. I conclude with the Applause exercise. Let's imagine a smile on one hand and joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be firmly united with applause. Dear parents, our meeting showed how resourceful, caring and loving parents you are. Thanks.

Reflection of the training participants.

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To raise awareness of parents on the peculiarities of upbringing preschool children;

Expand the ideas of parents about communicating with a child; introduce communication styles in the family;

Promote the establishment and development of partnerships, understanding and cooperation between parent and child.

Material: poster "Rules for working in a group", poster "Expectations", poster "Soul of a child", A4 sheets, pens, stickers - feathers, bows, information booklets for parents "Five ways to the heart of a child, video.

Practical lesson-workshop of a psychologist with parents

1. Introductory remarks

Family is the most important factor in longevity and a healthy life. The child receives the first life lessons in the family. His first teachers were father and mother. The family gives the child the first ideas about good and evil, forms ideas about the norms of behavior in society. The child, observing the relationship between father and mother in everyday life, learns a certain type of relationship between a man and a woman. It is this model that will determine the further behavior of the child in society.

Our today's meeting is devoted to such a topic as: "Everything starts with the family: the child and society, the culture of communication."

I ... Meet the participants

2. Exercise "Acquaintance"

Purpose: to contribute to the establishment of a friendly atmosphere in the group; set up parents for a dialogue; cause them to have positive opinions about their children; relieve emotional stress.

The course of the exercise. Psychologist. For effective work, I suggest that each of the parents give their name, the names and ages of their children. Each participant must complete one of the following sentences.

1. Two words that can describe my child - ...

2. If my child was a sound, it would sound like -...

3. Most of all I like in my child - ...

4. My child makes me laugh when - ...

A participant who has more than one child can apply one sentence at a time, talking about each of them. The ending of a sentence can be funny. Each sentence is structured so that the statement is positive. This is a fun exercise. Parents say what comes to their mind, because no one writes anything down.

3. Expectations of the participants. Exercise "Stork"

Before the beginning of the lesson, the psychologist attaches to the board a drawing depicting a stork carrying a baby in its beak. Each participant receives a paper pen, on which he is invited to write his expectations from the training.

After all participants have written down their expectations, they take turns walking up to the stork, reading out their hopes, and sticking feathers on its wings.

4. Discussion of group rules

Purpose: To guide participants to comply with the group's rules.

The course of the exercise. Rules are imperative to create an environment where each participant can speak frankly and express their feelings and views. So, I offer you, dear parents, the following rules:

1. Picture "Spinning Top" - to be active.

2. Picture "Ear" - listen and hear everyone.

3. Picture "Little people with thoughts" - speak in turn.

4. Picture "Two smileys joining hands" - we value tolerance, accuracy, politeness.

5. Picture "Round table" - the world is seething around us, and we are "here and now" - we are learning.

6. The picture "Clock" is the time. We use it for ourselves most effectively.

Psychologist. Perhaps there will be additions? Do you agree and accept these rules?

II. Main part

Psychologist. Today we will discuss the secrets of effective communication between parents and children. And before moving on to the main content of the lesson, I will note three important points that are worth remembering.

First, there are no perfect parents. Parents are not gods, but living people with their own weaknesses, moods, interests. Secondly, no matter how outstanding psychologist and teacher works with us, positive changes will come only when we start to act, to use theory in practice. Thirdly, our lesson is not accidentally called that, because without a creative approach and a feeling of the heart, communication with children will not be effective.

Dear Parents! What associations do you have with the word "family"?

What is the role and function of the family for the child?

5. Exercise "Living House"

Purpose: to diagnose the subjective perception of the psychological space of family relations.

A sheet of paper is in front of the participants. You need to write in the column the names of 7-8 people that affect their lives, draw next to a house, which must have a foundation, walls, windows, roof, attic, door, chimney, threshold, and provide each part of the house with the name of a specific person. Then the interpretation of the results takes place.

The foundation is a positive meaning: the main material and spiritual support of the family, the one on whom everything rests; negative meaning: a person who is being pressured by everyone.

Walls - the person who is responsible for the emotional state of the family and the author of the drawing directly.

Windows are the future, people from whom the homeland expects, on whom it places its hopes (normally, children).

The roof is a person in the family who pity and protects the author of the drawing, creates a sense of security.

Attic - symbolizes a secret relationship, as well as the author's desire to have a more trusting relationship with this person.

Doors - an information portal, the one who taught to build relationships with the world.

Conclusions. The technique makes it possible in a short time to determine the role of the author of the drawing from each member of the family.

6. Exercise "Soul of a child"

Psychologist. This bowl is the soul of a child. How would you like to see your child? What character traits should he have? What qualities would you like to endow your child with?

Task: parents on "hearts" should write the qualities that they would like to endow their child, then put them in a bowl.

Psychologist. See what a colorful, multifaceted soul we want to see in a child.

Reflection. How did this exercise make you feel?

7. Exercise "One day in the life of Masha"

While reading the story “One Day in the Life of Masha” (the first poster with the image of a girl is on the stand), the presenter tears off horizontal stripes from the poster with the image of a girl. (For convenience, it is better to make inconspicuous cuts on both sides of the poster.) After the story ends, only torn pieces of paper remain from the poster.

There is a pause for emotional experience of the content of the work. And after that - an active discussion:

Is this story credible?

Do such situations happen in your child's life?

Have you ever wondered how your child feels in such situations?

What could be done to all the heroes of the story so that the soul of the Machine does not happen what happened to the poster? (In doing so, post a second one-piece poster.)

One day in the life of Masha

Today Masha woke up from the alarm clock. At first, she wanted so much to sleep a little more, but then she remembered yesterday: the successful drawing in the lesson, and the praise of the nanny, and Olya's red boots, and a new rhyme that the teacher instructed her to study for the holiday ... And the main thing is that she I never got to my mother from work, because my mother works so hard ... Besides, yesterday my mother was given a salary, and she and her former school friend noted this in a cafe.

In the morning, my mother was not in the mood, she really wanted to sleep, and for some reason the hairstyle did not come out.

A blooper, a blooper, a blooper - there were light children's steps in the corridor. “Now I’ll tell my mom everything! And about the teacher's praise, and about Olya's red boots, and about a new rhyme that the teacher instructed her to study for the holiday ... Let my mother listen, so she will be delighted! " - with a radiant smile, Masha ran to the kitchen, where her mother was already making breakfast.

Masha! How many times to say, do not go barefoot around the apartment! Can't you put on sneakers ?! - Mother's voice sounded sternly. (Tear off a strip from the bottom of the poster.)

Masha obediently returned to the room and put on slippers. “That's good, now I'll tell you everything,” she thought, and quickly ran to the kitchen.

Mom, mom, you know, yesterday ... - Masha began.

Masha, have you washed up yet? Mom asked sternly again. (Tear off another strip of the poster.)

Masha silently went to the bathroom. “Well, nothing, I’ll wash quickly and immediately tell my mother about all my news,” the girl thought, not losing hope.

Mom, yesterday at a lesson in kindergarten ... - Masha began her story not very happily, - when Larisa Nikolaevna looked at my drawing ...

Masha, what is there again, can you really have problems with drawing? You draw at home all the time! (Tear off another strip of the poster.)

I ... I ... painted, - for some reason Masha said even more sadly. Already no one remembered about Olya's new red boots, about the rhymes that the teacher instructed to study ...

Masha! Are you ready yet? Why are you always messing around? How long can you wait ?! It's time to leave the house! (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

Yes, mommy, I'm on my way, ”Masha said in a broken voice and followed her mum sadly.

It rained at night, and puddles appeared on the asphalt - both round and oval, and such that look like magic clouds ... "Mom, look what a beautiful puddle!" - Masha shouted joyfully in her mother's back. Mom, in a hurry, looked around and said: “You can already see the kindergarten. Run yourself, or I'll be late for work with your puddles. " (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

At the gates of the kindergarten, Masha met Olya, who was jumping over small puddles, holding her mother's hand. Olya's red boots sparkled so beautifully in the sun! "Maybe I'll tell my mom about them in the evening?" - thought Masha.

Olya, smiling happily, ran up to Masha and began to tell how she and her father and mother went to the park yesterday to treat the squirrels with nuts. Masha immediately remembered her yesterday evening: how she was waiting for her mother, how dad sat silently at the window, and she and her grandmother Nina, who came to visit, learned a rhyme ...

"Poem! It must be told to Larisa Nikolaevna! " - Masha remembered. The girl was very happy when she saw her teacher in the group:

Larisa Nikolaevna! - Masha shouted loudly and ran up to her.

Masha, where is your dad or mom? Why did you come yourself again? Children should not go to kindergarten alone! I told your parents about it. (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

Masha took off her clothes and went to the group. And then - breakfast, classes, a walk ... It never came to rhymes. Masha decided to approach the teacher after dinner. But, sitting down to the table, Masha again remembered about her mother - the dishes seemed tasteless to the girl, the dinner seemed long, almost all the children went to the bedroom to go to bed, and Masha still had to eat and eat. (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

After a quiet hour, the machine, the group went to the dance class, but the girl's movements did not work. The head of the circle asked: “Masha, what's wrong with you? I don’t recognize you today. ” Masha felt ashamed, but she could not do anything with herself ... (Tear off the next strip of the poster.) Dad took Masha from the kindergarten. She asked him about his mother, and he grunted angrily: “Your mother is at work! Get ready quickly, I have no time ... (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

At home, dad sat down at the TV with a bottle of beer and began to watch some incomprehensible movie about monsters, from which Masha became very scared. She ran to her room and quietly sat down in a corner outside the door.

(Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

Late in the evening, when Masha was getting ready for bed, her mother came home from work. She was in a good mood as her boss commended her for her good work.

Masha heard her mother in the kitchen telling her father about this. Dad was pleased. Masha wanted to run out to her mother, but then she thought that mother would have no time again ... Mom herself went into Masha's room:

Mashunya! I miss you so much! Well, tell me about your drawing, about your rhyme. What's new today?

But Masha no longer wanted to talk about anything, she lay in bed, curled up in a ball, and softly cried. Why? She herself did not understand this ...

8. Exercise "Parenting Styles"

Psychologist. Dear parents, now we will try to reflect with the help of pantomime and gestures one of the parenting styles.

II - liberal;

III - democratic.

The rest of the participants must determine which of the styles was demonstrated. To help the participants, tips are given - a brief description of each of the styles.


- Which of the styles, in your opinion, is the most effective for education?

- What results, in your opinion, can be expected from each of them?

- Which of the styles is closest to you personally?

9. Exercise "I love my child"

Psychologist. Now close your eyes, imagine your child and decide for yourself: “I will love my child, even if he is not the best and does not pick the stars from the sky. I will love him even if he does not meet my expectations. I will love him, no matter what he is, no matter how he acts. This does not mean that I will approve of any action. This means that I love her, even if her behavior should be better. I love it simply because it is my son or daughter. "

Open your eyes.


How did you feel while doing this exercise?

Bottom line: love for a child has not yet harmed any of them. There cannot be much love. Remember, whatever your family relationships are, they can get better.

10. Information booklets for parents "Five ways to the heart of the child"

Psychologist: Dear parents! Children feel love differently, but every child needs it. There are 5 main ways in which parents show their love for the child (the psychologist gives out recommendations):


Words of encouragement;




Therefore, give your children love and gifts, and my gift for you will be watching the video "The Parable of Love".

11. Exercise "Fulfilling Expectations"

Purpose: to determine if the expectations of the participants were met.

Dear parents, pay attention to the waiting list with a picture of a stork with whom you worked at the beginning of the training and it will be determined how well everyone's expectations were met. (Statements)

A stork carries a baby in its beak. The baby is associated with a new life, something amazing, bright, always happy. Therefore, I suggest that you write wishes for yourself or a group on the bows and attach them to the image of the blanket in which the baby is wrapped.

Training exercises for working with parents and students

Parental training takes a special place in my pedagogical activity. The training is conducted with a group of parents at a parent meeting. Trainings will be effective if all parents become actively involved in them and attend regularly. For the training to have a final positive result, it should include 5-8 sessions. During the training sessions, with great interest, parents perform such tasks as "children's grimaces", "favorite toy", "my fairy-tale image", "children's games", "childhood memories", "a film about my family." Such tasks allow you to take a fresh look at relationships in your family, at your own authority in the eyes of the child.

I would like to bring to your attention several play exercises that are aimed at forming a parenting team. They can be used at the first parent meeting, or at several meetings with parents.


All participants greet each other in a circle in different ways:

    Say hello to each other;

    Bumping fists;

    Rub your backs;

    We hug.

The exercise helps the participants get to know each other and remember each other's names faster. The training participants sit in a common circle. The first participant introduces himself and names something he loves. This noun must begin with the same letter as the name of this participant. For example, a participant named Anton might say, “My name is Anton, and I love oranges.” The second participant repeats what the first said and adds information about himself. For example: "This is Anton who loves oranges, and I am Tatiana and I love dancing."

Paper napkins

The exercise helps the training participants to get to know each other, and also creates a cheerful positive atmosphere in the group. A pack of paper napkins is passed around to the training participants with the words: "In case you need it, please take some napkins for yourself." After all the participants have taken napkins, they are invited to tell as many of the happiest events in the life of their family as there are napkins in their hands.

How alike we are!

The exercise helps the participants get to know each other better. You need to split into two groups. Let each group make a list of what unites its members. In this list, you can write, for example: “Each of us has a sister ...”, “Each of us has a stuffed toy ...”, “Each of us's favorite color is red ...”. You cannot write general human information, such as "I have two legs." You can specify, for example, year of birth, place of study, hobbies, marital status, etc. You have 8 minutes. The group that finds and records the most common traits wins.

"It seems to me that as a child you were ..."

Participants throw the ball to each other with the words: "It seems to me that in childhood you were (a) ...". In response, everyone can agree or deny the statement. The second option: "I think as a child you dreamed (a) ...". Here, the training participants can talk about themselves, what they dreamed about in childhood or what they were then. This exercise encourages group members to enter a childish ego state.

We draw the coat of arms of the family "

Participants must create a coat of arms for their family. The coat of arms must be beautifully decorated. For a hint, I used a fragment of the previously filmed film "My Family - Through the Eyes of a Child" (see video attachment)

The game "Wonderful bag"

I have a bag in my hands, at the bottom of which there are a variety of positive and negative feelings that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions firmly settled in your soul, in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Put your hand in the bag and take the "feeling" that overwhelms you most for a long period of time, name it. Parents name the feelings that they are painfully experiencing. This assignment allows you to identify problems and difficulties that arise in the family, and to discuss these problems during the discussion of the topic of the meeting.

Spider web game

Who wants to be in the role of a child? (preferably dad) Here's our baby. One of the forms of parental attention, care and love are restrictions and prohibitions. Today, every prohibition imposed, we will translate into a physical one and show it on our child. We will literally bind him with obligations and prohibitions. I have prepared red ribbons. Let's call what is usually forbidden for the child (parents call the prohibitions, and the teacher ties the "child" with ribbons)

Exercise "Fertile Garden".

On the blackboard is a poster on which a tree is drawn. The participants are given apples (green - positive emotions and red - negative emotions), on which everyone writes the answer to the question: What do you think about our past meeting?

Then apples are hung on a tree with a commentary on what the participants liked or did not like and wishes for the future.

Thank you for your attention and participation in our meeting today.


    Beskorovainaya L.S., Perekat'eva O. V. "Handbook of primary school teachers." Ed. 3rd - Rostov n / a: publishing house "Phoenix", 2004. - 352s. (Series "School of Joy".)

    Derekleeva N. I. "Parents' meetings in grades 1-11". - M .: Verbum-M, 2001 .-- 80s.

    Derekleeva N. I. “Reference book of the class teacher. Primary School. 1-4 grades ". M .: Vako, 2003 .-- 240p.

    Salyakhova L. I. “Parents' meetings. Scenarios, recommendations, materials for carrying out. 1-4 grades ". - M .: Globus, 2007 .-- 315s. - (Classroom guide).

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