When it's time to quit. Are you ready to implement your own project? When to look for a new job

Everything comes to an end sometime in life. For example, work is far from eternal. It seems that just recently you were talking about what knowledge you have, how you are now writing your resignation letter after working for several years. Many people still don’t know how to quit their job competently, gracefully, without conflicts and other consequences. Let’s talk about this together so that we know all the pitfalls and know how to leave without conflict workplace forever.

Some points everyone needs to know

Are you aware of the procedure for leaving a job? This topic is not considered the easiest for a person, especially if the person is inexperienced and not savvy in the psychological and legal aspects. Think about all these things that even in the main questions to ask yourself when deciding to quit your job.

What to do from the very beginning? First, you need to seriously consider your decision. Yes, working for your boss is not an easy task, and rarely does anyone like it. In progress labor activity a person encounters many difficulties that he may not be able to solve on his own. The work teaches that everyone can solve these obstacles and be able to overcome them. Therefore, before you start writing your resignation letter and notifying everyone about your departure, think carefully about whether you need it at all. There are no ideal professions and wonderful positions in life, unless, of course, it is your own business. Perhaps it’s still worth staying at work and postponing your departure for a while. If you have firmly decided that it is time to look for another place, then respond to all persuasion to stay - with a clear and clear refusal.

When should you tell your boss you're leaving? This is such a personal question that it can hardly be answered in the same way. Each person has completely different bosses who will perceive information differently. On the one hand, it would be wise to notify your boss about leaving 2-3 weeks before the specific date of the expected departure. This will make it easier to find a replacement for you and not create conflicts on this basis with other employees. On the other hand, 2 weeks is not such a long period of time during which you can find an intelligent and experienced person for the position. It turns out that there is only one conclusion: the boss must be warned about the dismissal very first, do not delay this matter. Again, you need to think about what and how you will tell him, because your relationship with your boss means a lot. As a rule, from good leaders It’s hardly possible to escape, but they run away from the bad ones. If you want to part ways peacefully and without conflicts, then conduct the conversation in such a way that the person understands you as a human being. In any case, you should notify your boss about your dismissal at least a month in advance so that he is aware of your future plans.

What documents are needed for dismissal? The very first step is to write a letter of resignation in the written form that is accepted in your company where you work. Usually, the application remains in the personnel department, from where it is handed over to the boss. But it’s worth playing it safe and making two statements that must be certified by the secretary. Do not forget that the date of signing the application is necessary; such recording helps to notify the boss about exactly when you decided to leave your workplace. After 2 weeks, the boss will have to sign a decree on your dismissal. After this, you need to pick up all the documents from the personnel department, namely: work documents, work book, bank account and memo. Sum last payments will include compensation for vacation pay you didn't spend. The final document seen is the termination document employment contract.

How to tell everything to your work colleagues? The atmosphere in the team is very important thing. Such an atmosphere sets a person up for the best. True, if one of the employees decides to quit his job, then conflicts in the team cannot be avoided. If relations with colleagues are already tense and bad, then you don’t need to tell them anything at all. Very often in such teams gossip arises, and all the dogs will descend on the one who quit. But, of course, leaving work without saying goodbye to everyone is somehow inconvenient. Therefore, you can simply say “bye” to everyone, turn around and close the door behind you with a clear conscience. If the employees are warm and a good relationship, then they can be informed about leaving a week before day X. Let this be a period when adaptation to the future takes place. speedy changes. In general, try to make your departure easy and painless for many, you never know, maybe someone likes you very much.

What obstacles will you definitely encounter when leaving? By the way, more about what obstacles there will be on the way to leaving:

  • many will likely be dissatisfied because a valued employee has decided to leave their job. Sometimes, such behavior of colleagues can result in real persecution of an irresponsible and “careless” colleague. Be prepared for anything, stay mentally stable personality, live with the thought that very soon everything will end;
  • sometimes, so that the employee is not paid on time, and also so that half of the payment is not paid at all, the management persuades everyone so that the dismissal does not occur according to at will. It is worth remembering here that, regardless of leaving, you must work 2 weeks without being late or absenteeism. Remember that a trade secret always remains with a person, even if he decides to leave his job;
  • Payments are often delayed. If the salary delay lasts more than two weeks, then it’s time to contact labor inspection, which many employers are very afraid of.

How to behave correctly during a two-week detention? Let's say you've already submitted an application, all you have to do is work and you're free. The best thing you can do is to be as decent as possible with the entire team, smile at your boss as if nothing bad is happening. Everyone already feels bad that you are leaving your workplace, because you will have to interview a new employee, to whom you still need to get used to. IN in this case, it is very important to be a loyal and patient person. Sometimes, the boss can get so angry that he lashes out at you and starts screaming. All you need here is calm, console yourself with the fact that very soon you will no longer be in this company. As for work duties, they should be performed exactly the same as they were before your firm decision to leave. Make sure your boss cares about you even after you quit. good opinion. Be a decent person.

When should you start looking for a new job? Many people are looking for a new job before they even start writing their resignation letter. Situations are different: someone is dissatisfied with their salary, and someone even believes that they have no place in this company. From point of view ethical issue, looking for a new job while you still have an old one is incorrect and inappropriate. On the other hand, this is done by many people who are tired of their unloved workplace and want something new. That is why it should be carried out already when you have firmly decided to quit. Don’t be shy and actively look through all job offers, vacancies, send and call, be more interested.

Step-by-step dismissal of a person if this is the employee’s own desire

Everyone needs to know their rights under the Labor Code:

  • an employee may well terminate the employment contract by notifying his superiors about this in advance, about a couple of weeks in advance; it is important to write the application only in writing;
  • the contract is terminated before the expiration of the term, but there should already be mutual agreement boss and quitter;
  • an employee can terminate the contract by notifying the boss in advance about his departure; the application must be written by hand;
  • as soon as the period expires, the employee can safely leave the workplace;
  • on the last day of the working day, the boss must make the final payment to the resigned employee and hand over all documents.

Example short circuit layoffs:

  1. Writing a resignation letter.
  2. Two-week work.
  3. Termination of contract and settlement.

How not to quit: the most common mistakes

  1. If you don’t know where I’ll go to work next, you haven’t found a new place yet. Relaxing is, of course, great; everyone loves to do it. But a very long break will alert the next employer, and he will ask you why there was such a long pause after the dismissal. Companies usually don't like this. And anyway, how can you leave your job and not make sure there is a new one?
  2. If care falls on vacation or holidays. This is called the low season, when searching for another job is simply impossible. During the holidays, it is unlikely that you will find an employer who will agree to interview you and review your resume. Vacation time is also not the best best period to find a new job. Here you need to act quickly during training, every day counts.
  3. If the campaign paid for employee training. In cases of dismissal, as a rule, an organization can impose penalties on its employee if he decides to leave his job while studying at the expense of the company. The fine will be the same amount that the organization spent on training. In other words, do not initially look for a job whose responsibilities include paid staff training.

What if the boss refuses to sign the resignation letter?

Such cases are extremely rare, but suddenly this is exactly your situation.

  1. A copy of the application must be registered in the HR department by the Principal Secretary.
  2. The copy must have the date, your signature and numbers so that the application is not lost.
  3. The absence of a dismissal order after 2 weeks is an employee’s bold appeal to the prosecutor’s office.
  4. You can use the post office and send your application by registered mail. Observe all stamps.

How to quit your job correctly so as not to work off?

There is a moment when a person does not want and cannot work for 2 whole weeks - all this is provided for by law. The first thing you can do is talk to your boss about not working, and if he agrees, you can be a free man. Second, you can take a vacation followed by dismissal. If everything works out, then all parameters will be calculated on the last day of vacation. Very often, many people try to do just that, because during vacation they can safely look for a new job. Third, transfer to another place of work without interruption in work activity. By the way, if a person goes probation, then he can resign himself without working.

  1. Select right time for care. Having made the entire plan, prepared the report, closed all debts, make the decision to leave. It’s better not to leave any mistakes behind you.
  2. An honest conversation about the reasons for leaving. Don't be afraid to tell your boss why you decided to leave. Whether it's a small salary, searching for a new attractive position, or something else. It is important to talk directly to your boss about what you are not happy with. Again, tact and respectful speaking are important.
  3. Take absolutely everything you earn. Before you leave, you need to make sure that all payments and compensation in addition to your salary have been accrued. Only in this case there will be no excitement and tension.
  4. Always maintain confidentiality. You shouldn’t tell everyone that you have decided to quit. Many people don't need to know this. The less you talk about it, the better.
  5. Say goodbye well. Slamming the door and not saying “goodbye” to everyone is a terrible dismissal. It’s best to do it differently: thank all your colleagues, your beloved boss. It is very important to express gratitude and appreciation to everyone. It will be great if you prepare a farewell table with food and drinks. It will be very touching if letters are sent to everyone with further wishes and farewells, but you will forever be remembered as valuable and kind employee.
  6. Consider people's reactions to dismissal. A good boss, having learned about the unpleasant news, will begin to say that he values ​​you very much, that he will be sorry to part with such a professional employee. The most important thing here is to respect the second person’s decision. If the boss reacts negatively, then it’s his negative trait. It's worth trying to explain to your boss the reason for leaving. If they shift the blame onto you, then don’t let them do it, you have absolutely nothing to do with it.
  7. Leave smoothly. Under no circumstances should you slam the door, quarrel with the team, or say unpleasant words to your boss. Many people do the wrong thing, escalating the situation between themselves and their colleagues. As a result, leaving is quick, negative, irritable and unpleasant. Don't let things happen like this. Rise above all this, leave with dignity.
  8. Transfer of work place. It will be great if you find yourself a worthy replacement. Scroll for this free time to contact a person who needs work, having previously trained him in all the points that are necessary during the work process. In general, replacement is the best thing that can happen. After all, the boss, having learned that there is already a professional person in your place, will only be happy.
  9. Maintaining relationships. It is not at all necessary to sever all relations with colleagues and even with your boss. You can keep in touch even after dismissal, meet, share information. By the way, this is how friends are made. Remember to keep warm and good relations- it's the most important. If you have settled into the team, and many people love you, then why not call each other and meet together on a day off? That's what it's called beautiful care at work. And here friendly relations no one has canceled yet.

Quitting your job is not that difficult. It is much more difficult to get approval from your boss. Not everything in the world lasts forever, everything tends to end. Someday the work comes to an end. Take into account all the points, be a more attentive and tactful person. Make your departure from work memorable, so that every employee knew you and remembered you for a very long time together with their boss.

27.11.2014 01:50

Many people ask the question of what is the best way to quit - not just quit, but quit without conflict, gracefully. This question is really very important: correct and smart behavior during the dismissal process is a guarantee that you have created optimal conditions for your future success.

We can talk about some key principles, which should be followed during dismissal. They will be discussed in this article.

The most important rule- never leave in bad conditions! This applies to both the employer and colleagues, and business partners, and - most importantly - you, as a professional and mature person.

1. Assess the situation

First, make sure that your dismissal is correct solution. Don't leave just to attract the attention of the entire company to your person. Weigh the pros and cons. Think about whether you can improve something in those work aspects that drive you crazy? Can you get another job in the company? Have you talked to your manager, does he know that you are going to quit (if you feel that there is serious reasons stay)? Did he have the opportunity to understand your needs?

2. Check the legal aspects

Carefully check all documents that you signed while working for current work. Does it contain a condition to work for a certain period in the company, etc.? You should also evaluate the financial implications of leaving your job, especially if you haven't found another job.

3. Choose the right time

Leave on a high note, not when you feel exhausted. After conducting a full analysis of the situation and making certain conclusions (that it is better to quit), write a statement.

4. Report it personally

Don't be a coward. Make an appointment with your immediate supervisor. Don't tell him you're leaving email. You need to tell him about this one on one. Very important: tell your manager about your resignation before anyone else finds out about it. He deserves to be the first to know the news.

5. Submit your resignation letter.

The application must be written in official style, emotionless. This should be a short and polite letter stating your intention to resign on such and such date. Apply early to give yourself enough time to fulfill your obligations to your colleagues.

6. Be prepared to answer the question about the reasons for leaving

Answer as sincerely, tactfully, and respectfully as possible. This good opportunity give your manager (or someone else) constructive feedback. Be fair, mention all the factors and justify them. Regardless of the reasons that forced you to quit, be consistent. Be prepared to receive feedback from colleagues and others.

If your company uses an exit interview that aims to identify the “real” reasons for leaving, participate in it. Answer questions intelligently and don't burn bridges by saying something negative.

7. Wait for the manager’s reaction

If your manager is a professional, then he will definitely express regret about your dismissal. If you already have a new job, he will congratulate you. The most important thing is that he must respect your decision.

Explain to him the reasons for your action and promise that in the remaining time you will support him and the team so that they feel your departure as least painfully as possible.

8. Expect your company's reaction

How has your employer responded to employees who have left before? What management prefers: for people to quit after certain time or did you leave on the same day? In any case, be prepared for the second scenario: clean your computer of unnecessary files, delete personal information, collect personal belongings. Don't take anything that belongs to the company.

If you are a valuable employee in a company, be prepared for the employer to make you a counteroffer in order to keep you. It is worth thinking in advance about the conditions under which you could accept it.

9. Take what you earn

Make sure that all issues related to compensation and wages are settled fairly and that they did not forget to list anything for you.

10. Quit quietly

Make every effort to complete and systematize all matters and complete the remaining work. If time and situation permit, help train the person who will replace you. Some even leave a phone number so that colleagues, if necessary, can ask for something if they have questions. This friendly attitude often highly valued by the company. And overall, this is one of those episodes that will make your colleagues leave you good memory about working with you.

11. Maintain confidentiality

Don't talk about your dismissal until it becomes official. When you quit, don’t tell everyone you know about it right away. Don't bring up your resignation until you've discussed all the details with your manager.

12. Don't be negative

When talking about your departure with colleagues, stop only at: positive aspects- mainly on how useful it was for you to work in this company. Don't brag about your new job. Be humble and appreciate what the company and colleagues do for you. When you quit, don't say anything bad about your former employer, managers or colleagues.

13. Work hard until the last day and fulfill all obligations.

A person’s attitude towards responsibilities at the dismissal stage is what separates the wheat from the chaff. It is during this period that true professionals emerge. Be loyal as before. Don't act like a temporary worker and avoid engaging in conversations with disgruntled co-workers. Unfortunately, when many people leave unexpectedly, they sometimes forget about all the years they worked hard to build their career at the company they are leaving. In a matter of weeks or days, they damage their past and often future reputations without realizing it. Don't be stupid!

14. Inform your colleagues and business partners about dismissal

After speaking with your supervisor, share the news with other managers and key employees with whom you worked. Thank these people for successfully collaborating with you and helping you build your career.

15. Say goodbye

Before you get off the train, say goodbye to everyone. Express your gratitude to your colleagues, managers and business partners. On the last day of work you can organize small table with treats. Your colleagues will remember this. Try to keep in touch with some of them, be sure to exchange contacts with key people. Send farewell message By e-mail those you can't see in person.

Ask your manager, colleagues or business partners if they are willing to give you recommendations. They can do this by email, phone, or on professional social networks such as LinkedIn.

The dismissal style says a lot about a person's character, so you need to behave with dignity in this situation. Today, with so many connected (at least virtually), chances are high that one person knows another person you've worked with. You may also cross paths with many people from your previous job in the future. It is not uncommon for a person to be rehired by a former employer.

Translation: Stepan Dobrodumov

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As everyone knows, work ennobles a person. And that’s why people are happy to go to work. Personally, I go to service only because it ennobles me. film "Office Romance"

According to Rosstat, there are more than 4.5 million unemployed in Russia. De facto, there are many more people without a fixed place of work.

Of course, no one wants to join the ranks of the unemployed, but sometimes it’s better to quit than to waste time and effort on a job you don’t like.

So, 5 signs that it’s time to change jobs.

1. You don't learn anything anymore.

New knowledge, new skills, new acquaintance– if these components are present, work will never turn into a routine. On the contrary, every working day will be like a computer quest - you complete it and receive bonuses in the form of invaluable professional experience.

If you feel bored when you come to work, ask yourself why? Perhaps you simply no longer gain new knowledge, new skills, or new connections.

This sure sign that it's time to change jobs. But before you write your resignation letter, try to expand the scope of your activities or ask your boss to transfer you to another position - perhaps this will open up a new location with many new quests.

2. You're not moving up the career ladder.

There may be two reasons for this. First, your boss evaluates people not from the point of view of their professionalism, but from the “like/dislike” position. He, like a teacher at school, has “favorites” who get promoted. Even if you are among the “chosen ones,” you shouldn’t hold on to such a job, because you don’t know when and for what reason you will fall into disgrace.

Reason No. 2 – lack of opportunities for career growth in principle. Take a look around - have any of your colleagues received a promotion? If people have been working in the same position for years, then this is probably what awaits you. This is the company policy. No matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you work, you are unlikely to get a promotion, which means you should look for another place of work where the career elevator functions properly.

3. You don't get job satisfaction

First of all, financial. Do you work full time and sometimes overtime, but only receive a “bare” salary? Even if the salary is enough to live on, but you feel that the numbers on the payslip are not equivalent to the effort expended, you should not stay in this company.

In addition, the moral aspect is important. You must not only like the work, you must receive feedback and know that my work is not in vain. If you spent a month on a project that you eventually abandoned, wouldn’t it be better to spend those 30 days looking for a new job?

4. The atmosphere in the team depresses you

You learn new things, you are paid well and your salary is good career prospects, but are you still counting down the minutes until the end of the working day? Most likely, the reason is the team. Or rather the atmosphere inside it.

Getting into a friendly team is a great success. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to work with gossips, intriguers or informers. And sometimes, on the contrary, colleagues are so crazy that there is simply not enough communication. But be that as it may, if after work you feel emotionally crushed, then it is better to quit.

5. Are you ready to implement your own project?

If you have found (or think that you have found) your life's work, if the idea of own business keeps you up at night, then it's time to leave.

Of course, I would like to catch a crane and not miss a tit, but it’s unlikely to be possible to combine working “for my uncle” and working on my own project. After all, any undertaking requires complete dedication and concentration. Combination is possible only at the preparation stage (drawing up a business plan, searching for investments, etc.). When you feel ready to move on to implementation, go ahead and write a letter of resignation.

Every second or third person faces the problem of being fired. The reasons may be different, but there are several rules of moral and ethical content that must be observed. From a legislative point of view, there are also nuances, after studying which a whole series of problems can be avoided. negative consequences. How to quit your job correctly so as not to harm your own career and remain in good standing with your former employer?

Difficult decision

Most people try to create a microclimate that is favorable for themselves and those around them in the workplace; the quality of work of the entire team depends on this. Friendly relationships are established with colleagues and adequate relationships with management. But there comes a time when responsibility is accepted and difficult decision leave your usual environment. This may be due to one or more reasons:

  • Obtaining a more financially advantageous offer.
  • Prospects for career and professional growth in another place of work.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • Conflict with the manager.
  • Illness or caring for a disabled family member.
  • Inability to maintain working relationships with one or more co-workers, etc.

Everyone has good reason and a number of problems that force a person to change jobs. But you also need to leave correctly; unnecessary emotions, especially negative ones, will not help avoid negative consequences. First of all, you need to calm down and remember the legal side of the issue, the rights and responsibilities of the employee, which are regulated by the Labor Code. The dismissal of an employee must meet all his requirements. Let's talk about everything in order.

Dismissal at your own request

A difficult decision has been made, we are preparing to complete the procedure correctly and competently. Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted specifically to the procedure for terminating a previously concluded employment contract with an employing organization at the initiative of an employee. The main provisions of this law are as follows.

  1. Each employee has the right to terminate the contract with the employer by own initiative, warning the management of the enterprise in writing.
  2. The resignation letter is submitted to the head of the unit for review two weeks before the termination date of the contract. Within 14 days, the employee is obliged to perform his duties as usual (according to job description) and go to work every day.
  3. By agreement between the employee and the head of the enterprise, the notice period for dismissal can be reduced, i.e. you can work for more than 14 days, the number depends on agreement.
  4. Dismissal of an employee on the day the application is submitted can be made if it is impossible to continue working (illness, admission to educational institution, violation by the employer of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other normative act, retirement age, disability, urgent relocation and other circumstances specified in the application).
  5. After submitting the application, the previously concluded employment contract must be terminated on the 14th day. During this time, the employee has the right to pick it up, in which case the agreement continues to be valid. But if a corresponding order is issued, and another employee is invited to this position, then there are no grounds for refusing to hire a new employee.
  6. After the expiration of the statutory notice period (2 weeks), the employee has the right not to attend the workplace, even if the employer has not terminated the contract.
  7. On the last working day, the company is obliged to pay the employee the salary and all due compensation, and reflect the dismissal in the work book, which is issued on the same day.
  8. If the period allotted by law for notice of dismissal has expired, and the employee continues to go to work, and the employer has not issued an appropriate order, then the application may be considered cancelled.


The Labor Code reduces dismissal to three main points.

  1. Submitting a letter of resignation.
  2. Completion of the warning period (at least 14 days from the date of application).
  3. Receipt of payment and work book by the employee (agreed with management, but no later than the last working day).

IN real conditions possible various options developments of events that are based on the parties’ disagreement with any point. Employers often try to delay the work period if the employee is valuable to the company: they do not sign the application or say that they did not read it in a timely manner. Sometimes there are unpleasant situations with delays in settlement and receipt of necessary documents. On the part of the employee, the most common violation is failure to fulfill job duties and absence (without a good reason) from the workplace after filing an application, which is regarded by the employer as absenteeism. From point of view Labor Code, this may entail dismissal under another article or sanctions (including fines) prescribed in the internal documents of the enterprise. In any case, all disagreements can be resolved through negotiations, which is what lawyers advise. If this is not possible, then each party can appeal to the courts. To avoid conflict situations, the employee and the employer must strictly follow the laws and not allow them to violate them. opposite side. First of all, we write the resignation letter correctly. As shown arbitrage practice, a large number of mistakes are made by the employee himself.


There is no clearly developed form of application for dismissal in legislative acts, so controversial situations often arise. Enterprises independently create unified forms that are used as a form. In most cases this type The document is written by hand and has standard content. How to quit your job correctly? Write a competent statement, and many lawyers advise doing this in two copies and registering it as an incoming document or signing a person who has read it official indicating the date. The second copy remains with the employee and can be used in the event of an emergency. conflict situation. For example, if a document is lost or it is untimely provided by the head of a department to the director of the enterprise. A typical application form looks like this:

To the Director of Neva LLC

Sidorov I. I.

From accountant Selezneva A. Yu.


I ask you to dismiss me from my position at my own request on July 14, 2011.

Selezneva A. Yu. (signature) 07/01/2011

This form is simple and informative, it indicates the expiration date of the warning period and clearly states the date of submission of the document. An employee can write a letter of resignation in advance (six months, three months), this is not prohibited by law, although this situation rarely occurs in practice. As judicial practice shows, the majority controversial situations can be avoided if the employee and employer clearly agree on their wishes in writing.

Terms of dismissal

From the moment of registration of the application, the legislation establishes a period (two weeks) of 14 days, after which the employee must receive a payment upon dismissal and a work book form with the corresponding entry. For many reasons former employee strives to reduce this time. The problem is easily solved if the parties (employee and employer) mutually agree. You can quit your job without working time by filling out an application accordingly or by signing a separate agreement. The resignation letter indicates the date of termination of the contract desired by the employee. If the manager signs it, the order is issued specified period. For employee main task is the correct justification for the need urgent dismissal and the presence of a person who can begin to perform his duties in short term. As objective reasons There may be illness, urgent family circumstances, etc. If the head of the enterprise does not agree with the employee’s arguments, then he will have to work out the full time required by Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the question of how to quickly quit a job is relevant for many workers, especially for those who are afraid of missing out on a more promising job that seems very attractive to them.

Calculations upon dismissal

After terminating the contract and signing the corresponding order, the employee must receive all required types calculation, compensation is also paid. Upon dismissal, the accounting department calculates wages based on the time actually worked for the current month, regardless of the end date of work. As a rule, problems do not arise with this type of payment; the calculation is carried out in the standard mode. Most often, questions regarding accrual arise when issuing compensation for unused vacation. Upon dismissal, the calculation of this amount may cause controversy. Vacation pay is accrued to employees in accordance with Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation annually, while many employees actually do not go on vacation at their own request or on the initiative of their immediate supervisor. Information about this payment is collected for the entire period of work, i.e. for each year, regardless of the fact of using vacation. Compensation upon dismissal is regulated by Article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If, due to the type of activity, an employee has the right to additional (extraordinary) leave, then his payment is regulated by internal regulatory documents enterprise and management decisions. For advance payments of vacation pay, this amount is deducted from the calculation. Other types of severance pay and compensation payments depend on the type of activity of the enterprise and the profession of the employee.

Withdrawal of application

Sometimes an employer, when negotiating with an employee regarding dismissal, due to the value of a specialist, tries to interest him in more favorable working conditions and keep him at the enterprise. This could be a salary increase, career growth, or a more responsible area of ​​work. At the same time, the remaining 14 days of work are left for the employee to carefully consider management’s proposal. The result is not always predictable, but most people, when thinking about the prospects for a promotion and the fact that at the same time they can remain in native team, most often they withdraw a previously written statement. This is usually done in two ways: either after the expiration of 14 days, the employment contract remains in force by agreement of the parties, or it is written official document to invalidate the resignation letter. Unified form the document does not exist, so it can be written in any form. It is invested in the employee’s personal file, and the application for voluntary resignation loses legal force.

Leaving correctly

Regardless of the reason for leaving, the employee must behave very correctly and with dignity, leaving the most good impression about yourself both as a person and as a specialist. To do this, you need to follow several basic rules. You can’t go “nowhere”; you first need to find a place to work and go for an interview. If the future location is objectively more promising, then you can prepare the team for your departure. Some employers understand that an employee is looking for a new job because they cannot provide prospects for further growth and development. Although most managers and colleagues treat the one who submits a letter of resignation as a traitor.


It is possible that bright job prospects in new position Your long-awaited position will remain a dream, so you should communicate very correctly with management. No one is safe from mistakes; what if you have to go back? When talking with the director, you must use maximum arguments and a minimum of emotions. The reason for leaving should be formulated in such a way as not to affect the person’s self-esteem. It is best to start the conversation with gratitude for the invaluable experience of working under his leadership. If you formulate your request correctly, you may be able to quit your job without working off. But at the same time, it is necessary to provide justification for the completion of all your current affairs. If the diplomatic approach gave positive result, then you can ask for recommendations for a new job. And then you can even sit down to write a book “How to quit your job the right way.” The basic rule: do not slam the door and shout about what a bad enterprise it is, even if the dismissal of an employee occurs on the initiative of the manager, you must at least “save face.”


How to quit your job correctly so as not to quit friendships and be able to return? The recipe is simple - be open and friendly. The work team is a big family - if you explain it correctly, they will understand and support you. A prerequisite for dismissal is the delivery of all current projects and the completion of work begun. It will be very good if an employee brings to his place qualified specialist, the training of which will not take much time. Then the work process will not suffer, which will greatly please the management of the enterprise and colleagues at work. After submitting the dismissal document and if it is signed by the director, it is necessary to notify all contractors with whom workers and personal contacts. This will help you not to lose useful connections and establish them if necessary, and it will also make the work of the person who will work with them in the future easier.

The final stage

After receiving the entire settlement amount and due compensation, do not forget to say a warm goodbye to your colleagues, a small tea party will leave Nice memories. But in the holiday bustle it is necessary to collect everything Required documents. Employment history must contain a record of termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employee, i.e. Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If you manage to get a letter of recommendation from management, it will be very useful both for the employee and for the image of the employer’s company. From the accounting department you must obtain a certificate in form 2-NDFL ( income tax) over the past 6 months. It will be needed at the new place of work for calculation sick leave or vacation. Don’t try to take everything you’ve developed with you; your colleagues will be grateful if you leave the developed summary tables or indicator charts with them and teach them how to create the same ones themselves.

We constantly talk about reductions in many commercial and government organizations, harsh elimination of personnel in healthcare system and in the education system, but what if you are an employee and want to leave the company? When and how best to do this - consider several options for the development of events.

1. The first option is when you have already found a new job, you have been accepted and are waiting for you, and all that remains is to inform the current management about his departure. Here I can only give basic legal advice: your boss should have a written statement two weeks before dismissal. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for cases when you can quit without working for two weeks - upon enrollment in an educational institution, retirement and other cases. It may also be that the manager agrees to dismissal on the day the application is submitted, without working for two weeks.

2. In the second option I will list “ alarm bells», which indicate that you need to seriously think about quitting:
for 2-3 years you have been working in the same position, and, despite the fact that you conscientiously fulfill your duties, you do not receive a promotion either on the career ladder or in wages. 2–3 years is enough time to achieve at least a little progress;
After a certain time in a position, you begin to realize that you are not learning anything at this job and are not improving your professional competencies in any way. The guidance is simple not interested in your professional growth and development;
management often changes, and the next boss stubbornly does not notice your achievements in work - accordingly, he not interested in your career growth, which again brings us back to the first point. The manager should not only motivate you for career advancement, but also give advice and specific instructions.

3. Third option – your calendar vacation is approaching, and you have already decided to quit. Here he speaks again legal side question - You can quit before your vacation, and you are required to pay vacation pay. Or you can take your time, use your vacation to rest and test your determination to quit - perhaps simple fatigue was telling you.

4. Remember that you are a professional in your field and it is possible that you still have to meet with your colleagues and management in the future. Therefore, before resigning, finish all your projects and current affairs so as not to set anyone up or put anyone in an awkward position - both your colleagues and the work of the company as a whole. Try to maintain normal business activity in your last days at work, make the most of these days: find candidates for your place, and if any were found before you left, have time to bring them up to date with your affairs and responsibilities.

5. There is, of course, an option when the boss, having received your letter of resignation, begins to dissuade in every possible way and offer any favorable conditions for your retention. You must anticipate this and be prepared in advance to stubbornly stand your ground and make it clear that your decision is final, or, if it is not, again think in advance about the conditions on which you are willing to stay. But it also happens that no conditions not offered and the management simply refuses to sign the statement. In this case, due to the impossibility and, possibly, unwillingness on your part to endlessly persuade, you only need to certify in writing that the application has been submitted and send it for signature through the personnel department or by registered mail with notification via mail. In this case, one inconvenient moment arises - how can you hold out for two weeks before dismissal with such an intractable and dissatisfied manager? Here I can give only one piece of advice - continue to do your job conscientiously and do not give reasons to reproach you or accuse you of any violations.

6. Options for announcing your resignation: at your own request and by agreement of the parties. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates how these two options differ - in dismissal by agreement of the parties, both the employee and the employer are involved, and in dismissal at his own request, only the employee himself. Yes, in a situation with layoffs problems may arise - the boss can force you to write a statement of your own free will. But, firstly, this is prohibited by law, and, secondly, in any case, if management is forced to leave in any way, you must insist on an agreement between the parties. In this case, you must not only be notified of the reduction or other reason for forced dismissal two months in advance, but also paid two months' average salary. Also, in the event of dismissal by agreement of the parties, bargaining is appropriate, in which you can request compensation in the amount of several salaries.

7. But we are talking about voluntary dismissal from work, That's why last option when you should quit - you simply feel it’s time. According to statistics, an employee thinks about quitting at least once during the working day. It is quite natural that one fine day these thoughts will come true. You feel professional burnout, you are dissatisfied with too many things in the work process and you already simply feel discomfort in the workplace. You know what to do.

When did you realize it was time to quit?

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