Late marriage: pros and cons. Late marriage. Advantages and disadvantages

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 11 minutes


We all fear loneliness on a subconscious level. But one of the most difficult moments in a woman’s life is divorce after for long years marriage. Especially if the woman is already over 40. The collapse of the marriage, the collapse of hopes, and it seems that there is only darkness ahead.

But in reality, life is just beginning!

The main reasons for divorces after 40 years - is the crisis to blame, or something else?

There is no point in considering the banal reason “they didn’t get along.” It’s impossible for people to “not get along” after having been married for more than ten years. And even if you have lived for 3-5 years, there is also no point in considering it, because we are not talking about teenagers, but about adults who understand perfectly well who they are starting a family with.

So, what are the reasons behind the divorce of people who have crossed the 40-year-old threshold?

  • Gray hair in the beard. One of the most “popular” reasons. Moreover, in this case, the initiator of separation is most often the man. A woman at this age is too tightly attached to her family and understands too well that she is no longer as attractive as she was 20 years ago. “Young pretty face” has broken more than one family, alas.
  • The children grew up and there was nothing left in common. This means that love has been gone for a long time. And there was only waiting for the moment when the kids would get on their feet, and the conscience for the divorce would not torment them.
  • Lost contact with each other. They became uninteresting to each other. No love, no passion, no attraction, nothing to even talk about. Or one has gone far ahead in self-development (and everything else), while the other has remained at the same level. A conflict of worldviews is inevitable.
  • Career. They just forgot that they are family. The race for the career ladder and outside interests took so much that there was nothing left for the two of them. Joint interests are a thing of the past.
  • Everyday life and fatigue from each other. It's rare that anyone manages to preserve this deck. family boat in its original form. Gray everyday life usually overwhelms you, and in place of “darling, what should I cook for breakfast” and “darling, should I grab your favorite cakes on the way from work?” they come “let me read in peace, I’m tired” and “call a plumber, I don’t care about leaking taps.” Little by little, love begins to choke in these gray everyday life and one day it completely sinks to the bottom.
  • Finance. This reason can manifest itself in different ways. 1 – he doesn’t like to overwork, and she “plows 3 shifts.” 2 – he earns enough, but treats her like a kept woman. 3 – she earns more than him, and men’s pride is wounded and crushed. Etc. The result is the same everywhere: scandals, misunderstandings, divorce.
  • They have changed. He became too heavy to lift, rude, hot-tempered, always tired and irritated, wearing old slippers and stretched tights. Or she is always tired and irritable, with “migraines” in the evenings, with cucumbers on her face and in an old robe. Those two who wanted to please each other every minute are no more. And if they are not there, then there is no love either.
  • Alcohol. Unfortunately, this is also a common reason. More often - from a man. Tired of fighting, the woman simply files for divorce.

There may be more reasons than we have listed. But the most important thing remains one: two stop listening and hearing each other, understand and trust.

A woman’s life 40 years after divorce – sketches from life

Of course, divorce after 40 years is extremely painful if the couple has lived together for many years full of events.

Women always perceive this blow as personal betrayal .

There are not so many scenarios for such separations:

  • He finds a young replacement for his “old” wife and creates a new family. The “old” wife becomes depressed, withdraws into herself, moves away from everyone and locks herself in her “cell” to cry into her pillow.
  • He's leaving. She calmly lets him go , silently putting the suitcase on the stairs, and, after grieving for a couple of minutes, plunges headlong into self-love - now I definitely have time for myself and my dreams.
  • He's leaving. She comes to the conclusion that she is already old and of no use to anyone. Inferiority complexes begin not just to “suck in the pit of the stomach”, but to beat the drums. The collapse of hopes flows with burning tears without interruption. You definitely can't do it without support.
  • He's leaving. She, accustomed to life supported by her husband, is left with nothing. – without work, livelihood and even the chance of getting an adequate salary. These cases are considered the most difficult, because an abandoned woman is not so bad, but a woman left with nothing without a job is already serious problem. If the wife is not used to working, then join in independent life it will be much more difficult.

How to go through a divorce less painfully for a woman over 40 - we gain peace of mind and self-confidence

To reduce the intensity of passions and find more or less solid ground under your feet, you should first of all remember the main “taboo”.

So, what should you absolutely not do?

  • Trying to hold him. It is unlikely that he will flirt with you (men at that age do not sin with such “checks”), so do not even think about crying, begging to stay, exchanging his affection for the promise “everything is for you, just stay,” etc. Remember your pride and dignity! Let him go. Let him go.
  • Get nostalgic. Stop going through photos, shedding tears over happy moments from the past, waiting for his steps on the stairs and calls on the phone. It's over, and waiting is pointless - it only makes your condition worse.
  • Fill your grief with alcohol or pills.
  • . This can include both daring plans like “rip out the braids of this young pest” or “I’ll sue the bastard for everything, leave him without pants,” as well as gossip and other nasty things that he spreads ex-woman about your husband. Both are unworthy wise woman(no matter how offended and insulted she may be). Do not stoop to such actions under any circumstances - it will have a negative impact on you.
  • Wait for his return. Don't rely on it. Even the tiniest chance of his return cannot be left. You will only exhaust yourself with pointless expectations. It is extremely rare for men to return to their family after a breakup at this age.
  • Give up and go with the flow. You are not a cat whose owner threw him out into the street. And not a suitcase without a handle. You are an adult, beautiful, self-sufficient woman who can do anything! And that's it! Other options are not discussed.
  • Revel in self-pity. And allow others to feel sorry for you. Of course, you can cry for a day or two, smear mascara on your cheeks, throw his gifts against the wall, tear up photos together out of anger, etc. But nothing more! You new life– full of new joys and impressions!
  • Throw yourself into work and devote yourself completely to your grandchildren and children. You are not 100 years old, and it’s too early to give up on yourself. Very soon you will understand that 40 years is the very beginning of a new, fantastically interesting and generous life.
  • Look for a replacement husband. This is not the case when “wedge with wedge...”. Nothing good awaits you if you go to great lengths - only disappointment. Don't look for anyone, take care of yourself and your unfulfilled dreams. And your soulmate (namely your soulmate!) – she will find you herself.
  • To fall on your children like snow on your head. Yes, they worry about you and sympathize with you very much, but this does not mean that you urgently need to unleash an avalanche of your attention and care on already adult children who simply no longer need so much of your attention.
  • Panic over

Yes, at first it will be unusual to sleep, eat, watch movies alone, come home to an empty house, cook for yourself and not rush from work. But very soon you will find in this situation and a lot of advantages!

How to live at 40 years old after a divorce - learning to be happy and successful!

Well, who told you that after forty there is no life, there is no happiness, and there is nothing at all? You were not abandoned - you were freed! And the reason, most likely, is far from you.

Divorce after forty - the collapse of hopes? Complete nonsense! If you want to be happy, as they say, be it!

And start loving yourself already – stop living for others!

Have you been to your family life similar situations? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!

In the countries of the former USSR, it is generally accepted that if a girl does not get married before the age of 30, it means that no one needs her anymore and she no longer has anything to hope for.

And if you’re not married at 40, then... That is. She has only one thing left to do - remain an old maid. For a lonely woman Balzac age

Everyone is worried – from relatives to work colleagues. They closely monitor her personal life, at times giving advice, or periodically asking questions: “Isn’t it time to get married, otherwise age is already approaching?”

And finally, that moment has come! You've met the man of your dreams and are getting married after 40. Congratulations! But it should be remembered that late marriage has its own difficulties.

Getting married after 40 – advantages:

  • If you do not focus on the disadvantages of late marriage, then you can highlight the following advantages.
  • In middle age, marriages are made consciously. In these marriages, it is not feelings that come to the fore, but calculation: you know exactly what to expect from the marriage and from this particular person.
  • If you know how to ignore each other’s shortcomings, know how to compromise, then you can avoid difficulties life together. You will be able to negotiate with each other. You won't be nervous and argue over trifles. You will treat each other with respect. According to statistics, it is for these reasons that marriages after 40 rarely break up.
  • Age 40 or more modern man usually has a stable position in life, he has a career, an apartment, a car, and a position in society. At one time, you did not need to be distracted by novels or raise children in order to achieve your goals and everything that you have now. And now you can afford to take a break from the grueling race for success, devote yourself to family life, give birth to a child who will no longer need anything. And if this marriage turns out to be unsuccessful, then you will not need to start everything from scratch, you already have an apartment and stable work. You can rest assured about your husband. In your youth, you both have already had your fill, experienced a storm of emotions, experienced a lot in life and are ready for family life. Your chosen one will not risk what he has for the sake of light novel on the side.
  • It is generally accepted that adults have no problems with their sex life. This is caused by experience, the ability and desire to receive pleasure not only for yourself, but also to give it to your partner. As a result, late marriage after 40 turns out to be very attractive: you have achieved a certain status in society, got married successfully and gave birth to a child...
  • If you are still single, below are some misconceptions that your loved ones and friends around you love to scare.

Difficulties of marriage after 40

  1. If you are over 40 and still single, then the problem is with you. If the man you have chosen is already over 40 and he is also alone, be careful, look for a catch (he is probably divorced, or has illegitimate children, or Sissy etc.) Be able to give a worthy rebuff: you didn’t get married earlier because you were busy with your career and your future. The man didn’t get married before, he was just waiting for you because you are such an ideal couple! Get married after 40.
  2. The older you are, the less likely you are to arrange your personal life. But this is not your opinion? You think differently, right? You are educated, smart, well read and very interesting person, leading full life, meet a lot of people, are attractive, constantly take care of your appearance. Is it true? Therefore, you have fans, and you will make your choice when you see fit!
  3. After 40 and older to give birth healthy child almost impossible. Your loved ones and colleagues constantly remind you of this!? Convince them that, for example, until the age of 45 you still have time to conceive and bear a completely healthy child, since you yourself are healthy, and our medicine is constantly developing.

Nowadays, late marriages are already becoming the norm. Does this mean something to you?

Who can't bear to get married?
Sooner or later - think for yourself, decide for yourself

They met when both she and he were already 39.

“Can you imagine, a fellow student called, with whom we mostly only communicate by phone, wishing each other a happy birthday or Happy New Year,” Lyudmila shared her unexpected joy. - And then she invited me to visit, said that there would be a lot of fellow students, so to speak, general fee. That's why I came. And at the table an intelligent, but not very young man, about my age, sat down next to me. It turned out to be an old acquaintance and family friend of the owner of the house. Then he went to accompany me. Then he introduced me to his parents. In general, after three weeks I was already living with his mom and dad, niece and sister’s family, about a year later I sold my apartment near Moscow and bought square meters in Moscow and we began to live separately. And a year later we got married.

The son of Lyudmila and Pavel is almost two years old. They became mom and dad at the age of 45. And for almost a year of living in the same apartment with my husband’s relatives, neither with my father-in-law, nor with my mother-in-law, nor with other family members, there were no quarrels or scandals.

— Pavel’s parents are intelligent people; they didn’t bother us with their advice and instructions. I, however, had to adapt to their rhythm of life - getting up not at six in the morning, as I was used to, but at least at half past seven, and going to bed not at nine yesterday, but closer to midnight. It's OK. I'm used to it. Of course, my husband and I had disagreements - how could we live without them? But our relatives did not interfere in our relationship. My mother-in-law, however, very tactfully and unobtrusively, but always to the point, told me stories from her life and the lives of her friends. It seems that she taught that you need to be more tolerant and forgive a lot.

And now Lyudmila says on all corners that you should marry a person in your circle. This means that he had a similar upbringing, and his parents hold approximately the same views as your mom and dad.

“When I crossed the threshold of his Khrushchev building, I immediately remembered my childhood,” says happy wife. “When I entered the apartment, I immediately felt so comfortable, at home, that I decided: this is where I’ll stay.” I immediately liked my future father-in-law and my mother-in-law.

This is how the late marriage became happy.

However, with the same success one can give a lot of examples of happy early marriages. When spouses go through lack of money, illness, separation, and despite any trials they remain faithful and love each other.

And yet, both early and late marriage have their pros and cons. That's what we'll talk about.

Better late than never

For as long as I can remember, I have always heard from my relatives: “You need to get married on time.” The question was on the tip of my tongue: “How do you know when it’s on time? And what does it mean to be on time: at 18, at 25, at 37?”

In the Russian provinces it is still believed that if at 22 you are not yet married, then you are an old maid. There's something wrong with you. Yes, provincials start families earlier than metropolitan residents. In the capitals, as they say: first study, then career, material wealth, and then you can think about the offspring and arrangement of your personal life.

Generally noticed: Boys and girls who are serious about their studies are ringed later than their peers, who prefer friendly gatherings and other entertainment to poring over textbooks. “Nerds” sometimes become ringed when they are well over 30. So what? Yes, difficulties may arise with a child. But modern medicine helps even women who were previously considered completely unpromising in this regard to become pregnant. High tech help to get out and premature babies. By the way, parents who have found their feet financially have more opportunities, including financial ones, to provide their children with highly qualified medical care. And “mature” parents treat their children completely differently. After all, they have the opportunity to provide the child not only with care, but also to give him more opportunities for development. If only because by the age of 30-35 a person becomes wiser and understands that the child is not the last doll, but is quite a person.

There are also advantages in the relationship between spouses and each other.. After thirty, a person already has enough tact and intelligence to turn a blind eye to some of the shortcomings of his other half and not get nervous over trifles. Mature people can always agree with each other. Therefore, according to statistics, marriages entered into after 30 years are less likely to break up. However, perhaps this also happens because after 30 years a woman involuntarily asks herself the question: “Well, okay, I’ll kick him out, but where will I find another?” And... That's right, he compromises. The spouse is also not very eager to radically change his life. And again he negotiates with his wife as best he can, resolving conflicts. By this age, spouses already have basic economic skills. A man will not die of hunger if his wife is late at work, and a woman understands that love is love, but she wants to eat with enviable regularity and comfort homemade thing not superfluous at all.

In addition, as a rule, by middle age a person is already financially independent from his parents, he has a well-paid job, more or less decent living space, and other material goods. Which also contributes family well-being.

As a rule, at this age, spouses give fewer reasons for jealousy. Why risk your position for a fleeting romance? Yes and sex life Things are going well for such mature spouses. There is already experience and an understanding that the partner should also enjoy it. There is also a desire to make both feel good.

In a word, the spouses are smart enough not to “break” their half for themselves, but to accept it (him) as it is. The parents of the other half see in front of them not a child, but an already established personality and forget about teachings and lectures to their son-in-law or daughter-in-law. And the spouses themselves are no longer building castles in the air, but normal family.

For this reason, marriage after thirty years is considered the strongest and most stable. A man and a woman build their relationship quite consciously, they do not lose consciousness from passion, they call for sober calculation to help.

As a rule, marriage after thirty years is concluded only after the future spouses have lived together for several years and decided to take their relationship to another level. For marriage, it becomes an opportunity to gain new emotions, new experiences. You can plunge into youthful feelings with delight, which, being reinforced by life experience, will only intensify every day. In general, marriage after thirty is built not only on attraction to each other. And this is its huge advantage.

And as for late pregnancy, then only in Russia a 30-year-old woman is considered old-time pregnant. In Europe, it is believed that it is never too late to give birth. And it’s better to give birth late than not to give birth at all.

No matter how married you are,

How older man, the more difficult it is for him to find a candidate for a wife. Firstly, the circle of contacts is noticeably narrowing, and secondly, the person is no longer eager to dramatically change his life, his established way of life and habits. Moreover, having gotten used to a lonely life, a person finds it difficult to put up with the shortcomings of his other half.

By the way, Lyudmila always wondered why her chosen one did not inform her of his intentions in advance. Lyudmila found out that Pavel was staying late not at work, but at her mother’s, only when her mother-in-law called and asked if her son had come. The husband explained this behavior simply: “I am an adult. Why should I report to you?

- How long did it take me to explain: I worry when he’s not at home at the appointed hour. You can call and say, without going into details, that he stopped by to see his mother. And it will be even better if we come to visit his parents together. I really enjoy communicating with them, my parents are no longer alive, so I miss my parents’ warmth. I'm a living person.

It was the same story with vacations.. At first everything was decided in the most last moment. But gradually Pavel realized that Lyudmila also had bosses, and it was not always possible to get two weeks of vacation at the moment.

But it’s good that the spouses were smart enough not to accumulate grievances, but to openly tell each other what he and she were dissatisfied with. Alas, this does not always happen. What seems like an unimportant detail to a 20-year-old, becomes an intolerable shortcoming in the eyes of a 40-year-old. It also happens.

And the elderly parents of the other half demand much more more attention and worries than cheerful 40-50 year old parents of 20-25 year old spouses. What distracts the other half from caring for their family.

However, there are disadvantages early marriage no less. This is both youthful maximalism and simply lack of life experience, and financial dependence on parents, and an attempt to combine a career and the birth of a child is not always successful. Irina and Vadim got married when they were both 22 years old. They began to live with Ira’s parents - the mother-in-law believed that it was too early for her son to get married, so she couldn’t stand her daughter-in-law. They have been married for 24 years. Have a baby. But this family cannot be called happy. As Irina admits, her husband is like old suitcase: It drags your hands, but it’s a pity to throw it away. If she had gotten married a little later, she might have chosen a completely different person as her wife. And there was someone to choose from! But Vadim looked at the girl with such adoration, he literally caught her every word and hurried to fulfill the slightest desire! And how could a young, inexperienced girl discern in her boyfriend a weak-willed person who falls under any desire? How could she know that after drinking just a couple of glasses of alcohol at the table, Vadim would no longer be able to stop? And that he will drown all his problems with alcohol?

An overbearing mother, an indifferent father to absolutely everything, the way of life to which Vadim was accustomed was fundamentally different from what Ira was accustomed to. Alas, Irina did not notice this glaring difference of 22 years, although her mother shook her head with concern, looking at her daughter’s chosen one. But she didn’t say a word against it. Why? Yes, because I got married at 28, and then my personal life didn’t work out. After divorcing the father of her child, Ira’s mother tried several more times to build a family. But the main word in her family always belonged to the mother (mother-in-law). She told her sons-in-law what to do, how to talk to their daughter and how to behave at the table. It never occurred to the woman to separate from her domineering mother. As a result, future husbands separated from her. But Irina’s mother blames her age for everything, not her parents. They say she got married too late. So I was unlucky in my personal life. That’s why I instilled in my daughters from a young age: “You need to get married on time. The guy proposed - get married.”

In general, Irina looks at life completely differently after 24 years of marriage. And he’s in no hurry to get his son married. Let him get back on his feet and live in trial marriage, and then you can go to the registry office. That's how she talks now.

Let's sum it up

But to be honest, everyone decides for themselves whether it’s time to start a family or whether it’s worth waiting a little longer. Universal recipes Just like there are no age limits for marriage. The family is a testing ground. She tests the spouses both for tolerance and the strength of the marriage bond. She sets difficult tasks for the spouses and checks whether they are ready to solve them without noise and shouting, in a businesslike and intelligent manner.

Alas, the majority do not even marry for love or sober calculation, but because everyone around me is saying “it’s time,” or because “I got pregnant,” or because I can’t bear to get married.

Do you think I’m campaigning for late marriage? That’s how it is, there’s no need to rush into such a serious matter. But on the other hand, after conducting a study of the relationship between the age of parents and the health of children, scientists concluded that the older the man, the higher the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome or with a limb defect. With age, genetic changes occur in the sperm and testicles, which lead either to infertility in men or to adverse consequences for the children born from them. In men over 35 years of age larger number germ cells have a destroyed DNA molecular chain, and sperm are no longer as active as those of at least 30-year-olds. This in turn reduces the likelihood of fertilization.

We are no longer talking about women. In 40% of women over the age of 40, pregnancy ends in miscarriage. To mothers under 30 years of age, one in a thousand children with Down syndrome are born, to 35-year-olds - one in 400, after 40 years - one in 105. Which, by the way, did not stop my friend from giving birth completely at the age of 42 healthy first child.

Draw your own conclusions. And personally, having gotten married closer to 40 than 30, I am happily married. And the child grows. Doesn't get sick more often than children of 20-year-old mothers. And it develops as it should. In general, when it’s time to get married, the girl or woman herself should decide. Based on your feelings, calculations and life experiences of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Because smart people learn from other people's mistakes.

The prevailing stereotype, which has deep historical roots, says: if a girl does not get married before the age of 30, then something is wrong with her, no one needs her anymore, and she can only resign herself and sit as an old maid.

Behind unmarried girl After 30, absolutely everyone worries, from relatives to work colleagues. Everyone closely follows her personal life, takes an interest, gives advice and always asks: “Isn’t it time... age is already running out...”

What disadvantages can you expect in marriage after 30?

You are established as a person, you have your own habits and rules, you have your own way of life. But now there are two of you, are you ready to change something in your life? Are you ready to put up with your partner's shortcomings? Is there enough wisdom and patience for everything?

Another disadvantage of late marriage is the difference between you and your children. If it is too big, then conflict between fathers and children is inevitable. Therefore, you will have to give birth in the first year of marriage, when you have not yet gotten to know your husband well enough.

This is probably where the disadvantages end.

Pros of late marriage

Such marriages are created consciously, with a sober head on their shoulders. Often they are built not on feelings, but on calculation.

If you are a non-conflict person and know how to find compromises, then you will not have any difficulties in your personal life together. Statistics say that divorces among couples after 30 are reduced to the maximum.

At this age, most often you have achieved a lot, you have Good work, since you didn’t have time for empty novels. And now you can enjoy life, devote yourself to your family, and have a child. If the marriage is unsuccessful, you have nothing to worry about, since you have everything and you don’t have to start from scratch.

Adults, as a rule, do not waste themselves in vain, they are no longer interested in going to clubs and having affairs, they have had their fill and can enjoy a successfully created party.

And now a few horror stories that relatives like to scare girls who have been waiting for their prince:

You didn’t get married until you were 30, so the problem is only you. Besides single men after 30 they are dangerous, they probably have a lot of illegitimate children, or he is a mama's boy.

The further you go, the less chance you have of getting married. Don't pay attention to such nonsense. You are educated, smart, take care of yourself, meet many people, so you probably have fans, and only you decide when to make your choice.

Another stupid thing: after 30, it is almost impossible to give birth to a healthy child. You don't have to worry at all, considering modern medicine Even after forty years, you can give birth to a healthy, strong baby. Therefore, always do what is convenient for you and do not listen to anyone’s advice.

My friend Angelina got married for the first time at 32 years old. She is now forty.

My beloved five-year-old daughter is growing up. Today Angelina can confidently talk about why late marriage is good and why it is bad. Did her life turn out right and did she take the right path when she got married after thirty? I wrote down the opinion of this heroine of the plot.

Pros of late marriage Today I can firmly say that if I had started my life again, I would have gotten married again during these years. In our country, an incorrect stereotype has developed: a girl did not get married at 18-20 years old - the further she goes, the worse it will be and the more difficult it will be for her to find a spouse. And in general, at 22 years old, an unmarried lady is already almost an “old maid”. It's a pity. Americans in general, for example, take marriage very seriously, coming to church with their spouse only after thirty. The French live in "trial" civil marriages

for several years and do not get married. And this makes sense.

The advantages of my late marriage? A lot of them. I'll list it.

I had gained a lot of experience in communicating with the opposite sex and already knew exactly what kind of man I saw as my husband. And when I met him, I accepted him for who he is. She didn’t “break” it for herself, engaging in youthful maximalism, and didn’t infringe on his freedom and established habits. Just as he did not infringe on mine, being grateful to me for my attitude towards him. I moved into my husband’s apartment, but during this time I successfully “realized” myself into my own home, car and. So, she was “on an equal footing” with him and completely independent. Besides, I knew that no matter how our relationship turned out, I still would not have been left without a livelihood.

My husband's parents saw me as an established personality. And the instructive tone towards his daughter-in-law, which would of course be applied to the 20-year-old wife of his son, was considered inappropriate.

TO sexual relations we both came as experienced lovers. And they knew a lot about them. Therefore, we achieved harmony much faster than it would have been if we had come to marriage as virgins.

I gave birth to my daughter three years after I was completely confident in making the right choice husband and father to my child. And when the girl was born, I was able to hire a good nanny so as not to give up my job, which brings good income our family. My child has everything, and she was born not by chance, but deliberately. In a family that loves her.

I didn’t build “castles in the air”, I didn’t picture a “Prince Charming” in my thoughts about my future marriage. Life and years have “hewn away” all these “ bubble“And we both understood perfectly well that marriage is work, and not a constant holiday.

I suffered from the “old maid” syndrome at the age of 23-24, when my girlfriends stopped reminding me of my unmarried state and by that time had managed to divorce their boyfriend husbands, leaving me to raise the children alone.

It turns out that at about thirty-five I succeeded and everything in life grew together - my beloved husband, healthy child, material wealth, career...

Disadvantages of late marriage

It would be wrong not to talk about the “cons” of late marriage. But I believe that compared to the “pluses” they are insignificant.

I had to forget my bachelor habits. Such as gatherings after work with friends in a cafe, building a weekend routine according to your taste and desire. Of course, there's more in the house homework, washing, cooking, cleaning. I have less time for myself. But you have to give up something when starting a family, right?

At first, it was difficult for my husband and I to “get used to” each other. After all, we both came to life together with our own habits, foundations and mental wounds.

In the maternity hospital they always called me “old-born.” And the gynecologist constantly explained how problematic “late” births are. It was unpleasant. But it was left behind.

In general, that's all. This is where all my negativity from late marriage ends. I don’t understand mothers who bully their 20-year-old daughters so that they quickly look for a spouse and not stay too long as old maids. I will never push my daughter to do this.

My opinion is that you need to measure a hundred times whether to get married early, and cut it off once as late as possible. Haste in this matter is the last thing.

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