A fun family scenario. Ideas for a family holiday. Planning cooking times


https://pandia.ru/text/79/151/images/image002_10.gif" height="501">Script family holiday"All about family"

Goal: developing interest in the history of your family,

1st presenter: Hello!

2nd presenter: Hello!

All: Hello!.

3rd presenter: Hello, moms!

4th presenter: Hello, dads!

5th presenter: Hello, grandmothers!

6th presenter: Hello, grandfathers!

7th presenter: And, of course, hello, all the guys!

1st presenter: Good afternoon, honest people!

We invite you to a round dance,

The round dance is not simple

: Dad, mom, me and my sister.

2nd presenter: Elder brother, beloved grandfather,

Protecting from troubles

Grandmother is the soul of everything,

In general - my whole family!

3rd presenter: In this friendly round dance

We'll have a conversation

About our native people:

About family and how we live.

1st presenter: Today our program is dedicated to all of you: old, young, very young, and completely grown-up. Today our program is about what unites us all: the program “All about family!”

All: They sing the song “Parent’s House” to the tune.

1.The theme of our program is lyrical:

The place of the personal in the general order,

To strengthen the primary cell.

Let's discuss the family in detail!


IN family circle we are growing with you!

All your roots are in the family circle!

And you leave your family in life!

2. Let all vices be ridiculed!
Take all good things to heart!
Create family relationships
Relationship between people!


In the family circle we create life!

The basis of the foundations is the parental home!

In the family circle, don’t be disingenuous.

Prepares us for life, family!

3. Let everything change for the better.
In our souls, on our land!
A person is formed in a family.
Let's talk about family!


Let's solve problems in the family circle!

The basis of the foundations is the parental home!

We live in a family circle through work!

Let's give direction to the whole family!

2 presenter: If you feel bad, if it’s difficult, if you’ve been offended, who will caress you, caress you, understand and console you? Of course, mothers, grandmothers, fathers, relatives and people close to you are family.

In dictionary WITH. I. Ozhegov we read: Family - a group of relatives living together .

When did the word “family” appear?

Two children read a poem:

Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him...

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions.
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: “I am.”

Who will raise them, my queen?

And Eve meekly answered: “I am.”

Who will prepare the food, O my joy?

And Eve still answered: “I am.”

Who sews the dress, washes the linen,

Will he caress me and decorate my home?

“I, I,” Eva said quietly. “I, I.”

She said the famous seven "I"s...

This is how a family appeared on Earth.

3rd presenter: A family may have a different number of relatives. I suggest you count how many people are in A. Kondrashov’s poem

One two three four

Who lives in a large apartment?

Four men. Grandfather lives in the apartment,

And dad, and great-grandfather, and Mikha, daddy's son.

The beauty also lives inseparably with her family.

One of them calls her his beloved granddaughter,

Dear daughter - someone else calls her,

And the third - dear Masha. And our mistress!

And the man, the youngest, calls him mother. (5 people.)

4th presenter: Family starts with children. Children, according to popular wisdom, are “the grace of God.”

What would it be without them? family happiness! “He who has many children is not forgotten by God!” -

That's what they said in Rus'.

5th presenter: Folk proverbs, sayings and wisdom widely reflect people's attitudes towards children and families with children. “A father is happy in his sons, and a mother is happy in her daughters.” But then there’s this: “Children are different.” “A good son is a mourner in his old age, a memorial for the peace of his soul.” But here; “Children are good - a crown for the father and mother, bad - the end for the father and mother.” From fathers and mothers saddened by their children, such sayings began to circulate throughout Rus' as: “Whoever has children has troubles,” “Little children are little troubles, but when they grow up and are big, there will be big troubles.” But where do they come from - bad ones? Here folk wisdom gives a clear answer!

6th presenter:“Like the mothers, so are the children”, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”, “The father is a fisherman, and the children watch the water”, “From the same mother, but not only the children”, “To know a crow by its flight, the bird will tell you by whistling “,” “You’ll use up a ton of soap, but you won’t wash away moles,” “You were born a wolf, you can’t be a fox,” “You won’t get tired of giving birth to children, you’ll get tired of putting them in place,” “To raise children is not enough to count the chickens,” “Child is like dough.” as he kneaded, so it grew.” Or here’s the prophetic: “It’s not the father-mother who gave birth, the one who gave him drink, fed him and taught him good.”

7th presenter:

Proverb competition.

Explain the meaning of proverbs:

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

A family that agrees does not take grief.

A friendly family turns the land into gold

Whoever names the most proverbs about family is awarded the medal of “expert of folk wisdom”

1st presenter: Rod, Rodina, relatives, dear - these are all words with the same root. And we shouldn’t be “Ivan the Unremembered”; we need to know and love our relatives. And today the eldest of us all are present at our holiday.

These poems are dedicated to all grandparents

1. Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She's in everything

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

I like everything about her

And grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

2. And my grandmother has gray hair,

And my grandmother has golden hands.

And he doesn’t stop worrying all day long:

Either he knits a scarf, or he patches socks.

She doesn't have a single minute free.

I don’t sit idle, I help too,

Because I want to be like her

3. For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Because the sun shines on us,

We are grateful to our dear grandfathers!

4. Our daddies are no worse:

They can cook porridge and cabbage soup.

And everything you need for the house

They can make it quickly.

Our dads are masters

Drivers, doctors...

In a word - daredevils!

Our dads are great!

2nd presenter:

- We present to your attention a comic song:

« Grandfather and grandmother and grandson"

Grandfather and grandmother in the morning

They rush to the store together

And they buy the entire grocery store

Grandparents in the evening

Doing homework for grandson

And he is not familiar with sciences,

Chorus: La la la la la...

Grandfather and grandmother nearby

The grandson is looked after in everything,

And protecting his peace

They wash, cook, wash.

Grandfather and grandmother nearby

This is a huge force

They just can’t cope with their grandson,

A mighty big man has grown up!

Chorus: La la la la la...

Nowadays, grandfather and grandmother

His dad and mom became

And even though our “child” has a beard

He is stubbornly waiting for help!

And again, like many years ago,

They care for him and cherish him.

Can anyone tell us

Will the “child” grow up soon?


1. Assignment for grandmothers: wind up balls of wool.

The one who does it faster will win.

2. Task for dads: unswaddle the doll in one minute.

What other relatives do you know?

3. Task for mothers: recognize your child blindfolded.

4. Grandfathers will answer questions about relatives, and families will help them.

1. Wife's brother. (Brother-in-law.)

2. Husband's brother. (Brother-in-law.)

3. Husband's sister. (Sister-in-law.)

4. Wife's sister. (Sister-in-law.)

5. Wife's mother. (Mother-in-law.)

6. Wife's father. (Father-in-law.)

7.Husband's mother. (Mother-in-law.)

8. Husband's father. (Father-in-law.)

9. Daughter of a brother or sister. (Niece)

10. Sister of father or mother. (Aunt.)

11.Wives of two brothers. (Sisters-in-law.)

12. Husbands of two sisters. (In-laws.)

13. Mothers of wife and husband. (Matchmakers.)

14. Brother of father or mother. (Uncle)

15..Mothers of wife and husband. (Matchmakers.)

3rd presenter:

Representatives of three generations were present at our celebration today, and we are the successors of our family. And what will our descendants say about us?

4th presenter:

I want only good things. But it also depends on us. We have to work for the family. After all, our Russia has always been strong in its birth, people saw their strength in this; found reliable protection, calmness and confidence.

5th presenter:

And to get to know your family better, let's work on your pedigree.

And once again we will all meet together in our family hotel.

6th presenter:- What team can be called a family?

7th presenter:- Can a great team be called a family?

Let's all write our names of one of our families into the family tree of our class.

“My Family” juice is distributed to parents. Pupils read poetry.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

So that things are good,

So that trouble does not knock on the house,

So that sadness never comes.

We wish you happiness and goodness,

We wish you warm, bright days,

Health, which is most important.

1st presenter: We thank everyone who took part in our celebration. We invite everyone to a family tea party.

During the winter holidays, we finally have time to get together with family or big company, and sometimes - to celebrate the anniversary widely. We offer you a scenario that is suitable for celebrating a woman’s or man’s anniversary, any family celebration, corporate or New Year’s party.

What is an anniversary?

From Latin this word is translated as " anniversary year". An anniversary is a celebration of the 25th, 50th and 100th anniversary of a person’s birthday or activity. This is how it happened historically. But in our time, any “round” date, that is, ending with “5” or “0”, date They call it an anniversary. Starting from the child’s 5th birthday, all such years are celebrated as jubilees. What is the reason for the allocation of “special” dates? Apparently, it is because of the love of all people for holidays.

Since ancient times, everything round in human life has been considered special, closely connected with natural and cosmic forces. Even before it was discovered that the Earth has round shape, the pagans revered the sun, which brought them warmth and light. A variety of rituals were dedicated to this round luminary - wooden wheels or hoops were lit and rolled down the mountains; girls wove round wreaths, and a belt shaped like a circle was considered a talisman by many peoples. Against evil forces people spent time around themselves magic circle. Even a round dance, adopted not only by the Slavs, has ritual significance.

The same is true with round dates. They make special demands on themselves reverent attitude, as they mark a certain milestone in life. An anniversary is usually celebrated more widely than annual birthdays, with an invitation more guests and an original entertainment program.

All anniversary dates, divisible by "4", i.e. 20, 40, 60, 80 years, etc., should be celebrated especially brightly, cheerfully and at richly laid tables. During these years, Jupiter is strong, giving happiness and material wealth.
Anniversary dates divisible by 7 - 35 and 70 - are good to celebrate in an unusual, informal setting, since the number seven is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises. You can go on a trip.
Anniversaries ending in 5, as well as 30 and 50 years are celebrated among the best friends and loved ones in a pleasant, romantic setting. These years are under the influence of Saturn, the planet of stability, or Neptune, responsible for mutual feelings and sexual harmony.

Festive decoration

First of all, in the interior with the help beautiful inscriptions, balloons, flowers, you can beat the number of the anniversary itself - for example, 25, 45 or 55, etc. But this is only possible if the hero of the day is a man. Not every woman wants to see her age number everywhere.

Opposite the entrance you can hang a stand with the inscription: “If I were a wizard...” You need to attach a marker to it, with which all invitees can add a phrase, thus making wishes for the hero of the occasion.

On another stand at the top there should be the inscription “100 reasons (you can indicate the age of the hero of the day) why we love you...” And the guests, in turn, indicate these reasons. To prevent the stands from looking boring, they can be painted.

To conduct competitions and prize draws, numbers are prepared from colored cardboard for guests. Those who come to the celebration take them without looking and keep them until the end of the evening.

Holiday scenario

The host of the celebration becomes a wizard. There is a cap on the head, a shiny stick in the hands and big Book. Dance breaks are made at the discretion of the leader.

HOST: How we love birthdays! And especially such an anniversary! (The presenter begins to tell a parable.) “Once Molla was asked what the name of cooled pilaf is in Arabic. But Molla didn’t know and answered: Arabs never let pilaf cool.”

Then all guests are invited to the festive table.

HOST: Today's celebration is dedicated to a special round date, which means it becomes a little magical. Guests also touched the magic, leaving their wishes at a special stand.

Then Johann Strauss's "Waltz of the Flowers" is announced. First, the hero of the day dances (with his wife/husband), then everyone joins.

The hero of the day, our friend,
Sit for a while
Hey, pour a shot glass quickly!
Accept congratulations from friends
On your wonderful anniversary!

Poetry competition

The presenter announces the competition by putting on a cap and waving his wand. Then he looks into the “magic” book and announces that for the competition he needs one guest who pulled out the number 5.

On a piece of paper you can write some not very well-known classic poem with missing epithets, adjectives and pronouns.

The competition participant’s task is to insert certain time the most suitable words from those suggested. After which the entire poem is read out in full. The guests applaud.

Mythological competition

Turning again to his “magic” book, the host announces that all present guests will participate in the next competition, but divided into two teams.

The presenter reads out questions related to mythology, and the teams answer.

  1. Why did the gods punish the young man by turning him into a daffodil? (Because he indulged in narcissism.)
  2. Before the gods turned the young man Hyacinth into a flower, who was he? (The son of the king of Sparta, a friend of Apollo, who accidentally killed him during sports games.)
  3. Why is the chrysanthemum so revered in Japanese mythology? (Because it is associated with the origin of the country. Japan's highest award is the Order of the Chrysanthemum.)
  4. What does the word "aster" mean in Latin? (Star.)
  5. IN Slavic mythology there is a flower called . What kind of flower is this? (Pansies.)
  6. Cornflower is considered a royal flower, why? (Because in Greek the word is "basileus", which translates as "king".)
  7. Which people's mythology speaks of a non-existent fern flower? (In Slavic mythology it is said that it blooms in the wilderness once a year - on the night of Ivan Kupala - and the one who finds it gains wealth for life.)

Rhythmic competition

The host looks into his book again and says that only even numbers will participate in this competition, which takes us back to pagan times. The odd numbers remain in their places and help the game run by cheering loudly. One of the odd-numbered guests can be given a baby drum to create rhythm.

So, the participants go to the center of the hall and sit on chairs arranged in a circle.

The presenter sits on a chair and asks everyone to put their hands on their knees so that the right hand is on the knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand is on the neighbor on the left.

The participants’ task is to, while maintaining order, lightly hit their neighbor’s knee with their hand. The leader starts the game with his left hand and then his neighbor with his right hand, then his neighbor on the right with his left hand, etc. The blows should form a kind of magical rhythm.

And guests who are not participating in the competition, clapping their hands, set the pace, speeding it up.

Anecdotal competition

The presenter begins his story with the fact that round objects always have a special effect on people. magical influence, and tells a joke.

A new Russian was getting ready to get married. And before the wedding he came to the architect:

- I need a completely round house.
The architect clarifies:
- Round?!
- Well, I said: absolutely round!
- What about the floor, ceiling and everything else?
- I told you they should be round!
- But why?! - the architect is amazed.
- Yes, my mother-in-law says: “You and I have a corner...”

Then the presenter announces a competition of “round jokes”, for example about a kolobok, the sun, etc. All guests participate.

Shadow competition

HOST: Guess what there is in the world that is as big as the Eiffel Tower, but weighs nothing? That's right, shadow Eiffel Tower. Our competition is called "Guess the Shadow".

To celebrate it, the hero of the day is seated on a chair facing the wall, and the guests festive evening with numbers 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27 are preparing to participate. The overhead light turns off (the presenter can do this by waving his hand with a magic wand, using the help of a volunteer from the guests), and behind the hero of the day is installed desk lamp. On the wall in front of him you can see the shadow of the person standing behind him. The hero of the occasion's task is to guess whose shadow it is when the players begin to pass between him and the lamp. Participants must try to prevent the hero of the day from recognizing them - they can change their gait, attach a clown nose to themselves, or make funny gestures. The one whom the hero of the day guessed replaces him in the chair. During the competition, you can play cheerful, quiet music.

Congratulatory competition

Participants with numbers 4, 6, 8, 14 are invited to participate. They are divided into 2 teams of 2 people. They are given a task: in 5-10 minutes. write a story for the hero of the day using one letter. For example, when all words begin with the letter "O" or "P". The story should have a small plot and a caption.

If the participants find it difficult, the facilitator can help them with such mini stories:

“One day a very educated monkey went to explore the surrounding area.

"ABOUT! Charming monkey!” The monkey was resting near the lake: “Oh, charming monkey!” They kissed each other. A charming charmer will appreciate a very frank opus.

Especially witty Olga and Oleg."

"An elderly peacock met a decent guy. They drank, danced, swam. Then they walked through the desert, asking for a drink. Later they crossed by ferry. The right promising guy will understand the invented work.

Pioneers of the past period."

The stories are read to the hero of the day one by one. Participants are rewarded with applause.

Digital competition

The HOST says that today's celebration is connected with the magic of numbers. And in the next competition the tasks will be related to numbers. Guests numbered 26-36 are invited to participate. It is advisable to hold the competition with fun, fast music.

Exercise 1. Dedicated to the number 3. You need to name everything famous works, including fairy tales whose titles contain this number: “Three Comrades”, “Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog”, “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Three Heroes”, “Three Fat Men” " and so on.

Task 2. Dedicated to the number 7. Here you need to give examples of how often this number is used in our lives. For example, seven notes, seven days of the week, the proverbs “Measure twice - cut once” and “Seven do not wait for one”, the word “family” - seven “I”, etc.

Task 3. Dedicated to the number 5. It is necessary to list 5 animals whose names consist of five letters. For example, squirrel, zebra, cat, wild boar, marmot.

Task 4. Dedicated to the number 4. Participants must count to 40, without naming the number 4, but replacing it with the word “next”.

2 minutes are allocated for each task.

Namesakes Competition

The host, looking in his book, invites guests numbered 16, 17, 18, 19 to play. They must, with the help of the host, remember all the famous namesakes of the birthday boy, and compose a small horoscope for him on this basis.

For example, if the birthday boy’s name is Yuri, you should remember Yuri Dolgoruky, Yuri Gagarin, Yuri Nikulin and come up with the following “horoscope”: “The birthday boy has strong character, and its influence extends so far that it even reaches outer space. At the same time, our hero of the day is not without a sense of humor and loves to be the first in everything!”

If the hero of the day is Sergei, then the images of Sergei Yesenin and Sergius of Radonezh will help here. If the name of the hero of the day is Alexander, there is a complete revelry of fantasy: Macedonian, Nevsky, Pushkin, Russian emperors. Ivan has “cool” namesakes - Ivan the Terrible, as well as Ivan the Fool and Ivan Tsarevich. The image of Mikhail will be created by the actor Derzhavin, the Russian Tsar Mikhail - the first in the Romanov dynasty, as well as the good Russian Mikhailo Potapych. Guests can associate the name Gennady with Gennady Khazanov and the good crocodile Gena. Valery is an artistic name, it is worn by such famous singers as Meladze and Leontyev. Vladimir is, undoubtedly, numerous courageous great Russian princes, and perhaps Vladimir Ilyich.

Similar horoscopes easy to compose for women too. Natalya - Natasha Rostova, Natalya is the boyar's daughter. Catherine - two Russian empresses; Elizabeth - both Russian and English empresses; Julia can be associated with Julius Caesar, as well as with the Italian Juliet; Olga's character will remind guests of Princess Olga or actress Olga Ostroumova; Maria are images of the Virgin Mary, as well as many Pushkin heroines - Masha Dubrovskaya, captain's daughter. Tatiana Larina, Saint Tatiana, the patroness of all students, will help you create Tatiana’s horoscope.

The competition usually arouses great interest in any audience.

The evening is over. The presenter takes off his cap and puts his magic wand, next to him is a book and makes a final toast “to the road”.

Comment on the article "Holiday for adults: universal script"

Section: -- gatherings (Birthday party entertainment ideas for guests). I hope everyone has already had a little drink? Creative in the studio... Entertainment plan for a child's birthday in So always when I go to visit where there is a child, I go to Galamart, there are a lot of all sorts of very cheap...


My fathers-in-law practiced dressing up for friendly gatherings. On the topic of gypsies, transsexuals or something else. Like, each group prepares a performance, dressing up from what they have at hand. To be honest, it makes me sick. And the participants find it funny. Especially when drunk. And especially look at the photos later... You might like it)

Let each invited guest come with one idea for entertainment.

06/16/2018 21:06:05, Here

Birthday. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. Please give me some ideas on where and how you can celebrate an adult’s 35th birthday in an interesting way, for a group of 20 people?

Daughter's birthday: holiday script for children 3-5 years old, games and competitions. Surprisingly, adults liked this entertainment. First birthday: holiday scenario, competitions for kids and adults. Tell me some competitions for...


I once took a vacation with children from the site.
The main thing is to mix active competitions (like searching on a map, darts) with calm ones (riddles)
and with food.
My children looked for an invitation to a birthday party using a card, since everyone was invited by phone, knocked down balloons with darts (they contained notes, forfeits, riddles), drew with eyes closed or got rid of some scribble
riddles, funny questions
who can perform magic tricks
we prepared the sandwich ourselves (and most importantly, we ate it, even those who don’t eat potatoes and tomatoes)
in the end the mummy
if you have plenty of time, you can also fly a bouncer and a kite
They gathered at the table immediately after the treasure, then made the sandwiches themselves, then the cake, and in the evening, of course, there was bread around the fire, fried sausages

my dream BD at the dacha for my daughter :) I would throw a pirate party with a treasure hunt - the territory allows it, you can have a sea battle in the pool**, buying decorations is not a problem, there are even sets for a table in this style. Today I was in the city of Sevastopol - the 11-15th floor is full of cocked hats, flags and other things in this theme.
You can look up the plot and scenarios with tips on the Internet, the main thing is not to overload the kids :)
And the girls even really like this theme. And if adults also get involved, then the holiday will be remembered for a long time :) dads and moms should be dressed more colorfully, with makeup...

Birthday contests. Toys and games. Child from 7 to 10. Tell me some competitions to entertain children for my son’s birthday. My son is turning 10, there will be no more than 5 boys around the same age, we are celebrating his birthday on...


my favorite is “mummy”, everything is in pairs, each pair has a roll toilet paper, 2 stages - 1) the mummy itself - wrap paper around your partner - who is faster. when everyone finishes - the next stage is 2nd "the mummy is freed" - the swaddled mummy tears the paper, who is faster and immediately 3rd stage - which pair collects the most scraps of paper. For this purpose, each couple was given plastic bowls. The 3rd stage is exclusively for cleanliness, so that garbage does not lie around. It always causes wild delight to first scatter the paper, and then pick it up excitedly. But this year we had to weigh the collected paper - the children demanded accuracy! :). We also play alias and “crocodile”, a simplified version - I gave tasks to one person - what to depict with gestures and facial expressions (helicopter, dog, etc.), and the rest guessed.

This one goes really well for us: we take a pin and a hoop, put on the child’s swimming goggles, covered with cotton wool (so you can’t really see anything and it’s impossible to spy).
We put a pin in one place and a hoop in another. Goal: find the pin and take it to the hoop. The rest of the kids tell (actually scream and yell) where to go.
I have attached a link here for clarity. We also limit the time so that they move faster. For those who are on time,... come up with it yourself.

Birthday contests. Tell me some competitions to entertain children for my son’s birthday. My son is turning 10, there will be no more than 5 boys around. We also play alias and "crocodile", a simplified version - I gave tasks to one person...


In general, there are a lot of sites where you can choose competitions for every taste :)
2 years ago I was looking for competitions for my husband’s anniversary, and I didn’t want vulgar and banal tasks/competitions at all :)

Maybe this will be interesting to you, choose:

Players are given tickets - cards with the names of cities - this is the destination. “Conductor” - the presenter asks: “Do you know what country this city is in?” If the owner of the “ticket” with the named city answers correctly, his “ticket” is “validated”. The one with the most “validated tickets” wins.

Remembering what will have to guide us in the coming year, we invite guests to say the usual, familiar text of the proverb instead of the one that sounds:
1. They don’t discuss the gift; they accept what they give...
(They do not look at a given horse's teeth).
2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless.
(Live and learn!)
3. If you take on something, see it through to the end, even if it’s difficult!
(Took hold of the tug, don’t say it’s not hefty!)
4. Trouble and disaster usually happen where something is unreliable and fragile.
(Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks)
5. How you treat others is how they will treat you.
(As it comes back, so will it respond)
6. Don't take on unfamiliar tasks.
(If you don't know the ford, don't stick your nose into the water)

And every insect, every animal has its own motto. Invite guests to guess which one they have:
1. Parrot - “Repetition is the mother of learning!”
2. Kangaroo - "Keep your pocket wider!"
3. Crocodile - “Tears cannot help my grief!”
4. Locust - "Alone in the field is not a warrior!"
5. Caterpillar - “Keep in step!”

4) “JOKIC QUESTIONS” - ​​you can choose the funniest and most interesting ones :)
1. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).
2. In what geometric body can water boil? (Cubed).
3. Which river is the scariest? (Tigris River).
4. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters).
5. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).
6. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).
7. When they build new house What do you drive the first nail into? (In a hat).
8. What is under a person’s feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole).
9. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh).
10. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).
11. What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin).
12. What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i").
13. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons).
14. How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (You need to make condensed milk from milk).
15. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, then how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).
16. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months).
17. What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don’t? (Anchor).
18. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)
19. What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).
20. Is it possible to light a match underwater? It is possible if you pour water into a glass and hold the match below the glass).
21. How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking? (You need to throw the egg four meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact).
22. What will happen to the green cliff if it falls into the Red Sea? (It will become wet).
23. The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? (It was a bright sunny day).
24. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible? (Both people were playing with other people).
25. What could be larger than an elephant and at the same time weightless? (Shadow of an elephant).
26. What do all people on earth do at the same time? (Getting older).
27. What becomes bigger when placed upside down (Number 6).
28. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).
29. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).
30. Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon).
31. When can a net pull out water? (When the water freezes).
32. What question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?).
33. What question cannot be answered “no”? (You are alive?).
34. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken in his hands).

there are also variants of traditional associations (when you need to show something without words); I liked the “maternity hospital” the most: several couples are selected (male-female), the woman is given a piece of paper describing who was born and what to bring (here everything is limited by the imagination of the one who prepares the competition, we had both black boys and kibalchi boys , and mothers needed tape recorders, sausage and much more) - she “conveys” all this to her man without words, with gestures.

I have a birthday coming up, I want competition games with gifts for uncles and aunts aged 30-35.. Share your ideas, please? I'm lucky with the adults. Your children will look forward to each game as if it were a holiday! Again, an educational moment: by the start of the game, all lessons should be in place. But what...


You can play in Burim...
And this type of entertainment has always been a success with us. At the end of the event, one person comes out and writes a story about what happened the entire evening, leaving spaces before the nouns. Then everyone else names various adjectives, which he writes in there in order. And then the story is read out. It's usually very funny.

when you are no longer completely sober, you can pass the business card with your lips, try putting the business card to your lips and suck in air - it sticks. Like this, everyone stands in a circle and begins to pass a business card to each other with their lips, one relaxes his breath, the other inhales, like this is the transfer of an orange, a person holds the orange between his chin and neck and passes it to another, the other must take this orange with his chin without using his hands and necks, but the first one is more sexy, of course depending on the company. The one who drops the orange or business card is eliminated

We are going to a boy’s birthday party, he will be 3 years old. Entertainment for children of different ages. My daughter will be 3 years old, we are going to celebrate at the dacha. First birthday: holiday script, competitions for kids and adults.

This interesting scenario was prepared specifically for a large and friendly family, in which everyone, young and old, participates.

Move happy holiday"Family Gatherings"

Mistress: Good evening, guests are invited and welcome,
Good afternoon dear friends!
Friends - because it is close and dear people who have gathered here.
I am glad to see you visiting us.
In our sitting room.
There will be a holiday, a joyful holiday.
According to the old custom, it is called gatherings.
Family is the most important thing in the life of each of us.
Here a person takes his first steps on the path to Big world. Family is a school of work and life.
But sometimes you really want to sit and talk with your friends? Please have a seat at the samovars.
Do we want to have fun in our fun, play games, show off ourselves and look at others?
Welcome! Do you want to dance and sing ditties?
Come out to the circle
Gatherings, gatherings begin with us
Wise, folk, beautiful, perky.
Competitions now.
I ask you to greet our families with friendly applause. And now we will meet our guests
(teams are being presented)
Well, the presentation of the teams took place.
Therefore, I easily entrust you with the plan and task.
You must go through 13 stations, and at each one complete one or another task.
The jury members evaluate and enter it into your route sheet.
There is time for work, and an hour for fun.
Mistress of the room: Just for fun
The fun begins.
Go out with the whole family
Show off your dancing prowess.

Hostess: Friends, what kind of gatherings are these without ditties!
All together: Let's have some ditties!
“Family” ditties are performed with dancing accompanied by an accordion. Participants are advised to wear a suit.

1 ved: Come out, men, who are quiet and who are dashing, to stretch your bones.
2nd speaker: Girls come out to help the guys in games.
Each family plays the game with everyone
willing participants of the gatherings.


And now, dear guests, we will tell you riddles. Attention!
Hostess: “Listen, Zin, don’t touch your brother-in-law. No matter what he is, he is relatives,” is sung in a popular song by Vladimir Vysotsky. But not everyone knows what kind of relative a brother-in-law is. Unfortunately, now that families are not nearly as large and strong as before, the categories of family kinship have partially lost their meaning, and its definition is partially difficult.
But I think not for us. And so we begin the competition “Guests are coming to you”

Concepts from the kinship dictionary are read to each family. A complete answer must be given.
Grandma: Turn off the TV!
Grandfather: You are not a decree for us, grandmother.
Mother: What happened?
Grandma: Your children
Going where?
Children: Let us go dancing!
Grandma: Oh, where are you going?
I'll go with you then.
Grandchildren and grandmothers break on the dance floor.
All the families are together at once.
1 ved: Good afternoon, honest people!
We invite you to a round dance,
Dad, mom, me and my sister.
The round dance is not simple;
2nd speaker: In this friendly round dance
About our native people:
We'll have a conversation
About family and how we live.
Hostess: Family begins with children. Children, as popular wisdom says, are “the grace of God.” What family happiness would be without them! So, let's start the “My Family” competition.
Questions are asked to children and parents orally.
Mistress: Next competition “Find your son (daughter)
Mothers (fathers) are blindfolded and their children are lined up. Parents should recognize their child by touch.
Hostess: This is how it happened in Rus'.
Organize sports competitions on holidays.
Well, we can't waste time. Let's go to the gym, friends!

Agility competition. The whole family feels it.
Dads and sons show their strength. Who can do more push-ups?
Hostess: Build a house and dig a well, that’s how it’s done in Rus'. So now you and I will make a frame for the well.

Make a well out of matches. Who's faster?
Hostess: Business - business. And it's time for lunch.
Your child is hungry.
Mothers need to feed the child with a ladle of small dishes.
Hostess: Let the child rest and get down to business.
I need to give mom and dad a gift for the New Year.
Children prepare a gift from scrap materials.
Housewife: Who darns and knits everything,
Who will help and advise.
He always gets up before everyone else,
Who bakes pancakes?
These are our... (grandmothers)
Grandparents are welcome from every family
(if present) with their grandchildren. Grandmothers sing, grandchildren can help with their favorite song
Sleep my joy, sleep
The lights went out in the house,
The fish fell asleep in the pond,
The bees fell asleep in the garden...
Performing a lullaby.
Mistress. The child will never fall asleep.
He asks me to tell you a fairy tale.
Father tells a fairy tale.
Hostess: Our holiday is coming to an end. The teams showed themselves to be friendly, caring, creative families. We hope this will continue to be the case for the rest of your life. Let an atmosphere of warmth, love and mutual understanding reign in your families! Well, now it’s time to move on to the pleasant moment of our gatherings - identifying the winner. We give the floor to the jury.
Rewarding families with valuable gifts.
Tea party.
Hostess: Goodbye, dear guests,
Goodbye, guests, good morning.
WITH for a long time established in Russia
Business before pleasure!
Gatherings, gatherings,
A holiday of body and soul,
Gatherings, gatherings,
How good are you!
IN bon voyage, Friends!
Until next time.

Appendix No. 1. Route sheet.
Station names. Task and participants. Points

" Living room"

1. There is time for work, but there is time for fun.
Dance performances.
Performance of ditties
accompanied by a harmonica player.

2. All family members.

"Entertain the Guests"
Play any game with all participants in the gatherings. Anyone from the family.

Solve funny riddles.

“Relatives are coming to meet you”
Dictionary of kinship - who is it?

"Dance Floor"
Execution of a break.

"My family"
Competition of questions about parents and vice versa.

"Get to know me"
Find your son (daughter) blindfolded.

" Gym"
- Each participant covers the distance by placing two hoops on the floor.
Strength – who can do the most push-ups. Dads and boys.

Build a well from matches.
All family members.

" Dining room"
Feed ice cream to your child.

Give a gift to mom, dad.

"Family Secrets"
Grandmothers sing their favorite song.

" Bedroom"
Tell your child a bedtime story. Dad and child.
Sing a lullaby.

Appendix No. 2

Competition "Library".

Comic riddles.
- All the counters are empty
All vetrins are naked
Buyers of something
They walk around sadly
(the store was robbed)
- Three tablets of validol
Valerian half a bucket
All the elenium was ground
Didn't fall asleep until the morning
(got sick)
- Grandma is crying under the sofa
Mom is crying under the table
Folder tied by the leg
And hangs from the ceiling
(the racketeers came)

1. Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have?
2. The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will these two thermometers show?
3. Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend?
4. My father's child is not my brother. Who is this?
5. There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park?
6. Why does a duck swim?

1. One.
2. 15 degrees.
3. My sister.
4. 10 minutes.
5. 8 benches.
6. From the shore.

1. My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother?
2. The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made?
3. What is lighter - 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?
4. The truck was driving to the village. On the way he met 4 cars. How many cars were going to the village?
5. Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How long did each boy play?

1. Yura.
2. Two cuts.
3. Same.
4. Alone.
5. 2 hours.

1. The man turned off the light and managed to get to bed before the room plunged into darkness. Like this?
2. The miller went to the mill and saw 3 cats in each corner. How many legs are there in a mill?
3. Why does a hunter carry a gun?
4. A famous magician says that he can place a bottle in the center of a room and crawl into it. Like this?
5. One driver did not take his driver’s license with him. There was a one way sign, but he went in the opposite direction. The policeman saw this, but did not stop him. Why?

Answers that don’t rush to look into :-)
1. He went to bed in the afternoon.
2. 3*4*4+2=50
3. Behind.
4. Anyone can crawl into the room.
5. The driver walked

Appendix No. 3
Competition “Relatives are Coming to You” Vocabulary – kinship.
Father-in-law - who is this? (husband's father).
Mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
Father-in-law is the wife's father.
Mother-in-law is the wife's mother.
Matchmaker is the father or relative of one of the spouses.
Son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister. Sister-in-law's husband.
Daughter-in-law - married woman in relation to her husband's relatives.
Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
Sister-in-law is the husband's sister.
Brother-in-law is the wife's brother.
Sister-in-law is the wife's sister.
Cousin - son uncle or aunts.
Cousin - cousin.
Step-parents - same mother, different fathers.
Nephew is the son (daughter) of a brother (sister).

Appendix No. 4
Competition "My Family"
Questions for children.
- Date of birth of your parents
- What do your parents do?
-Mom’s favorite flower?
- Dad's favorite films?
- What are your parents' favorite dishes?
- Favorite activity of parents?
- Mom’s favorite holiday?
Questions for parents.
- What TV show does your son (daughter) watch with particular pleasure?
- What academic subject is your child particularly good at?
- Favorite hobby child?
- What is your name? close friend your child?
- What is the name of your desk neighbor?
- What grade did your child bring today?
- What lessons did your child have today?

If one of your friends or relatives takes on the role of host and organizer. To help enthusiasts who are ready to organize a holiday for their dear birthday boy and loved ones on their own, we offer cenario entertainment program birthday "Fun Family Holiday", which is written just for those who want to entertain guests at a friendly feast. All competitions and games can be held in any order, during a feast or during dance breaks, and the props for games are the simplest, which can always be found in the house. Instrumental melodies may be played in the background, selected at the discretion of the organizers.

Scenario "Fun Family Holiday"

When meeting guests, the hero of the occasion invites them to choose multi-colored elastic bands for money from a small box and put them on their wrists like a bracelet. It is best to divide the feast participants into four teams, between which competitions will take place. For example, blue, red, yellow and green.


Table game "Close People"

Leading. I welcome all of you to our family holiday, where family members, relatives and closest friends have gathered.

Therefore I ask you:

Shake hands with those sitting opposite you at the table;

Hug those to your right and left.

Give those at a distance a pat on the shoulder. arm's length from you.

Kiss the one with whom you came to this holiday.

Send air kisses to the hero of the occasion.

Clink glasses with those sitting next to you at the table.

My toast is to the event!

Table game to warm up guests

Before we continue our festive feast, I ask the owners of names starting with the letters: A, O, S, I, N to rise in their seats, I ask the rest to applaud them. (The guests applaud.)

Those whose names begin with the letters: P, E, T, V - drink for brotherhood. (The guests comply with the presenter’s request.)

Men kiss the hands of ladies sitting next to them at the table (Men comply with the leader’s request.)

All the women share a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion. (The women make a joint toast.

Banquet break

A little fun "Take the prize"

Leading. I have prepared a souvenir for one of you. For the one who solves the riddle.

Everyone has it: adults and children, schoolchildren and teachers, soldiers and generals, tailors and scientists, artists and spectators. What is this?

(Answer - button. The one who guesses correctly receives a prize. If no one guessed correctly, the presenter continues.)

The prize goes to the one who has the most a large number of buttons in an outfit. (The winner is awarded a prize.)

The next competition is for men. Prizes will go to those who have a comb and a handkerchief with them. (The winners will receive prizes.)

TO competition - joke "Beauty Queen"

Leading. Dear ladies, mademoiselle, senoritas, Mrs., Miss, Frau, Mädchen, woman, girls, madam, girls, citizens, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, girlfriends, wives, mothers, daughters-in-law, cousins, grandmothers, sisters, in-laws, seamstresses, cooks , accountants, engineers, doctors, pensioners... In a word, women, the next competition is for you! It's called "Beauty Queen".

Anyone who has a lipstick and a mirror. Congratulations! You are making it to the second round of the competition! Who has perfume and powder. Bravo! You are semi-finalists!

Let's continue. Who has a hair comb and a wallet. Hooray!

You are finalists of the “Beauty Queen” competition.

The one of you who has a 14 by 17 wrench with you wins.

No? Sorry! For “no” there is no winner!

Banquet break

Fun game "Removing Negativity"

Leading. I would like to remind you that upon entering our holiday, you received a colored elastic band, which I asked you to save. It's time to pay attention to the color of your elastic band. I’ll name the color, and you’ll wave your hand to see who has the rubber band that color. Green... blue... red... yellow... (Guests complete the task.)

I ask each team to nominate one participant for our family holiday. I invite them to the center of the room.

(Four guests come to the host. Each is given one cheerleading broom or fluffy washcloths.)

These are washcloths - cleaning agents. I ask you to choose one man from those present and carry out preventive measures: remove the evil eye, negativity, and negative energy from them. Fragments of songs will be played in which certain parts of the body are mentioned, and you will carry out preventive measures with washcloths and cleansers.

(Fragments of songs are heard, where various parts of the body are mentioned)

I think these women deserve a big round of applause and a moment of glory. This song is for them.

(A fragment of a song plays“Beauties can do anything.” Women take the lead.)

Leading. And now men with pure karma and soul invite women to slow dance.

It sounds like a lyrical hit. Pairs of players dance, those who wish to join.

There is a dance block in progress.


The host, using a bell, invites everyone to continue the feast.

The guests say toasts, read out prepared congratulations, and present gifts to the hero of the occasion.

Leading. I would like to remind you that at this table are the most beloved, closest relatives and friends of the birthday boy.

I am convinced that each of you could easily participate in one or another television show. And this is not said for flattery, this can be confirmed right now. I suggest turning to cinema. Let's all remember the continuation of the legendary movie phrases together.

Game - chant "Complete the phrase"

The presenter begins, and the participants finish the phrase.

They drink champagne in the morning ... only aristocrats and degenerates.
Who's going to put him in prison, he's ... monument!
And now the hunchback! I said ... hunchback!
Who doesn't work is ...eating! Remember, student!
Third Street Builders ... d 25, apt 12.
Freedom for Yuri ...Detochkina!
So that you live on one ... salary!
And then Ostap ... got it!
I never ... I'm not drunk!
How much is opium ... for the people?
There will be coffee and tea for you with cocoa.
Abroad for us ... will help!
I didn't come to kill ...Then they will kill you!
You have a world ... Mother!
Flowers for grandma and children ... ice cream!
Right now ...I'll sing!

Leading. Now let's turn to music, to be more precise, to songs. I invite our colorful teams to remember old songs about the main thing. The team that recognizes the melody and sings the song faster than others gets a point. Those with the most points receive a team prize.

(Excerpts of popular retro songs are played. A competition is held. The winners are awarded a box of chocolates.)

Competition "Touching Ladies"

(The presenter brings out a tray with small fabric bags, inside of which are: salt, sugar, buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, horns, starch.)

Leading. I again invite one woman from each team. (Participants of the game come out.)

On this tray you see bags with something inside. Take turns identifying the contents of the bag by touch.

(The game is in progress.)

Leading. Please applaud our “sensual and touching” ladies (The guests applaud.)

I ask the participants in the game to hand one of the men on their team a newspaper sheet and take their place at the table (The presenter hands out sheets of newspapers.)

Competition "Newspaper Heroes"

Leading. Men, I’m waiting for you at the epicenter of our holiday. Meeting place can not be Changed. (The men come out.)

The competition is simple: who can fold a newspaper sheet in half 10 times faster?

(A competition is taking place. Instrumental music plays in the background.)

Leading. The team player won... (names team color)

I suggest how to pass the baton of your newspaper sheet to another member of your team. (Other players are selected.)

I ask you to unfold the sheets and make “balls” out of them. Take the ball in your right hand and stand with your back to open door four steps away from her. Turn your head as far as possible to the right and throw the “ball” over your left shoulder so that it flies out the door.

(A competition is taking place. The distance is small, the goal is large, but rarely will anyone be able to throw a paper “ball” out the door at once. If someone succeeds, he is declared the winner.)

Dance game "Chained by One Chain"

Leading. The “yellow” and “green” teams are invited to the dance floor.

(Teams leave the table. The leader hands each headdress. These can be hats, caps, earflaps, bath caps, etc.)

I ask you to try on these hats and each team to stand in a column one after the other.

(In each team, for all participants, using clothespins, the leader attaches their hats to a rope at a distance of one meter. Each team has its own rope.)

Our dance game It's called "Bound by One Chain." Various melodies will be played, during which teams are encouraged to dance, but so that their hats do not fly off.

(Popular dance tunes are played. For example, “Chivala”, “Lambada”, “Nafanana”, Letka-enka”, “Lezginka”, “7-40”, etc.)

Scenario for students primary classes and their parents “Dad, Mom, I - Friendly family

Alla Alekseevna Kondratyeva, primary school teacher, Zolotukhinsk Secondary School, Kursk Region
Target: revival of the traditions of the Russian family and increasing the role of the family in the spiritual - moral education children.
-contribute to bringing together the interests of parents and teachers, improving relationships in the family, removing emotional stress in communication with each other;
- to instill in students feelings of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family;
-increase the role of the family in upbringing and education.
Description: Each of us has a family - the most dear and beloved people, but amid the bustle and everyday troubles, we forget to say and do something important for our spouse, children, and parents. And then we wonder why our child does not want to communicate with us, preferring the computer or the company of friends. In order for the family to be friendly and happy, so that children do not move away, and old people - parents do not become sad, each family needs to establish special rituals or traditions in which all family members must participate. Friendly relations being in a family is a great happiness. But any feeling requires reinforcement. The most fertile food for feeling is a meeting. And what could be better for meeting relatives than family holidays around a big table at home or at school with laughter, jokes and fun.
I bring to your attention the script for a family holiday “Dad, Mom, Me - a friendly family.” The holiday was prepared and held for International Day families on May 15. This event is aimed at uniting the child-parent team of the class. The holiday allows you to reveal Creative skills both children and parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. During the event, children recite poems, solve riddles, sing songs, ditties, answer questions, dramatize fairy tales, participate in games, give gifts, perform together with their parents in a performance that reveals the family hobby and talent of the child. A holiday where parents and students participate , is designed to help children and adults make friends and feel what happiness it is to live in a family.
This material will be useful for teachers seeking to establish fruitful cooperation between family and school in matters of educating the younger generation and uniting parents and children through joint creative activity.
Exhibitions organized: DIY crafts by parents and children, “My Mommy” drawings, newspapers with family photographs.
All family members are invited to the holiday: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters of class students. The hall is festively decorated.
Time - like vicious circle:
A year flashed by like a month, a day like an hour.
For some reason, listen to each other
We don't have enough time.
Maybe we should stop
Among this eternal chaos?
Maybe get a closer look at the faces
Will we still have time for each other?
Maybe we’ll say what’s painful,
Having time to look back into the past?
What made me spin like that,
Answer me something in a singsong voice.
Well, let them be compressed elastically
A year in life is like a month, a day is like an hour...
It's a shame to listen to each other
We don't have enough time.
Teacher: Dear guests of the holiday, we invited you today to the holiday “Dad, Mom, I - a friendly family”, so that you can take a little break from everyday affairs, see how wonderful, talented our children are, so that the children can see how interesting it is for moms and dads to be around with them to make you feel like family.
It’s a glorious holiday in our class.
I think that there is no one more important than him.
Our fathers and mothers are here today.
Is there anyone in the world closer and dearer?
Student 2
What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!
Student 3
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Student 4
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot homework.
Family is important! Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!

Teacher Family is a strong fortress in which we feel protected from all adversity, from the problems and difficulties of our difficult life. Only in the family will we always understand and support. Comfort and peace always await us in the family. Our family loves us for who we are.
Student 5
Eat men's roads- steep and thorny,
There, things go on in an eternal circle...
But there is always a quiet marina shining through the windows ahead,
Where they await your return both night and day.
Student 6
This kind pier is casually called home.
You enter into it and gain strength again,
And at every step it feels pleasant
Everything in the name of which he traveled along his roads.
Student 7
Here are familiar eyes, here are tired ones faithful hands
Rather, you are in a hurry to bend your soul to them.
Here one clings trustingly after a long separation
Your continuation, without which there is no need to live.
Student 8
The same books on the shelves and the same dishes in the kitchen -
Everything has been familiar for a long time... but when spring comes,
Your bouquet of flowers performs some kind of miracle:
The house lights up and she becomes young.
PROJECT “My Family”

Teacher: It's nice to see people with a kind, friendly smile, happy look, and if it’s a family, it’s doubly nice. Every family is new world, with its own laws, rules, traditions. Today we will be pleased to meet such families.
Roman S., Arthur R., Irina Z. and Egor M. will talk about the traditions in their family..
(Children introduce their families, talk about their parents’ professions, family interests and hobbies).

1. What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!

2. Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

3. The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

4. Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than that?
On this fabulous land?! (Tatiana Bulkovskaya)
Family competition “The proverb is said for a reason”
Leading Starting a family is not easy, and maintaining it is even more difficult. There are troubles and joys in every family, but we are not always able to adequately resolve many conflicts - we lack worldly wisdom. This is exactly what Russian proverbs and sayings teach us. Let's remember them together. ( Test task consists of making up proverbs from a set of words (on the board).
Team 1
her, luck, in, if, always, family, harmony, waits, lives
Answer: If a family lives in harmony, good luck will always await it.
Team 2
so, family, place, on, all, together, and, luck
Answer: The whole family is together - and luck is in place.
Team 3
gold, and a hard-working family will turn it into land
Answer: A working family will turn the land into gold.

Student(reads the riddle)
There is a mystery in our class
So wise,
Who will guess the riddle -
Will be considered a scientist:
The cold will drive away
Will smile brightly
The kindest.
The warmest, kindest!
Maybe you think
It is spring?
You didn't guess
Not her at all!
This is my mom!

Reading poems dedicated to mother
(not all verses can be used, but at the discretion of the teacher)
Talk about mom
From pure heart,
In simple words
Come on, friends,
Let's talk about mom.

We love her
Like a good friend
For what we have
Everything is together with her,

For what, when
It's hard for us
We can cry
At the native shoulder.

We love her because
What sometimes
They're getting stricter
In the wrinkles of the eyes.

But he confesses
Come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass away.

For always
Without hiding and directly
We can trust
She has her own heart.

And just because
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her. (N. Sakonskaya)

Mom is nearby, you can open it for her
Big secrets, small secrets...
You can always get it from your mother
Clear answers to all questions...
On mommy's cheeks
Two magical dimples.
And when she laughs
The light is so magical,
That snowdrops are growing,
They bloom right before our eyes.
Mom is my sunshine
I am her sunflower.
It's good to be happy
Love your mommy.
We rarely bring bouquets to mom
But everyone upsets her so often.
A kind mother forgives all this
And he loves without noticing the bad.

Lullaby for mom
Mom fussed for a long time:
All things to do, things to do, things to do...
Mom was so tired during the day,
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand nearby.
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sing her a song.
I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's just a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom my song.
There is no more wonderful song.
Maybe I should sing louder
To give this song to mom
Did you hear it in your sleep? (I. Chernetskaya)

Mom is a KNOW-ALL!
Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom can do everything
He knows everything in the world!
- Why do wasps bite?
I'm asking directly.
And to ALL my questions
Mom answers.
Tell me where from the sky
It snows in winter.
Why a loaf of bread
Is it baked from flour?
Why does the dog bark?
What will you dream about?
Why does the icicle melt?
And your eyelashes tremble?
Why is there a cloud in the sky?
Is there a lawn in the forest?
AND SHE IS A KNOW-ALL! (Tatiana Bokova)

Who opened this world to me
Who opened this world to me,
Sparing no effort?
And always protected?
The best MOTHER in the world.

Who is the cutest in the world?
And it will warm you with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?
This is my MOMMY.

Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything,
Even if I'm stubborn
I know MOM loves me.

Never gets discouraged
He knows exactly what I need.
If suddenly drama happens,
Who will support? My mom.

I'm walking along the path
But my legs are tired.
Jump over the hole
Who will help? I know - MOM. (Olga Chusovitina)

To mom
Every year we grow older
Everything is changing around
Only mom is no nicer
Children of any age.
I don't want to count the years
Driving these thoughts away...
You're as young as ever
Stay for me.
Those moments that you are near
So easy and so bright...
There is no better treasure for children -
This mom's warmth.
Your word warms the heart
Neither hail nor thunder are scary...
Only mother is no kinder
Children of any age.
We love you, dear,
You are very dear to us.
Freezing with excitement
Poetic line.
You are always ready to help
We're nowhere without you...
Mom, mommy is healthy
Be there for many years to come! (V. Sibirtsev)

Dear sunshine!
Mommy! You are my dear sunshine,
For me - a wildflower.
You live, dear, long, long:
It's hard to be alone in this world!
For me you will tie mittens,
Warming tender soul,
Sweet, good, dear,
I know that you cannot be different.
Dear mothers of the entire planet,
We wish only the best for you.
Let all the children get on their knees
Asking for forgiveness forever. (O. Tsivash)

Everyone loves mom
Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom's first friend.
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.
If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help out.
Mom has a lot of strength and health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

About mommy
Who cherished my dolls,
I sewed funny clothes,
Helped me cradle them
And played with toys with me?
- My mommy!
Who helped me with advice?
When you fall and it hurts,
And he wiped away my tears,
Did he say: “Don’t cry, that’s enough...”?
- My mommy!
Who read me bedtime stories,
Leaning slightly over me,
(And I closed my eyes,
And I felt so calm)?
- My mommy!
Who carried me to the crib,
wished Good night,
He whispered to me tenderly, sweetly:
“Sleep quickly, daughter!”?
- My mommy!
Who is the most sensitive in the world?
She cannot find better glory,
The kindest, the wisest?
- Well, of course, my mother! (Larisa Kasimova)

I love you so much!
I need you
And at any hour and on any day
She was always with me.
I love you so much,
What can’t be said!
But I don't like it when
Your eyes are in tears.
I love you so much!
At least go around the whole world,
There is no one more beautiful than you
There is no one more tender than you.
There is no one kinder than you,
There is no one more beloved than you
Nobody, nowhere
My mother, my mother, my mother!
How many songs and poems
Dedicated to my mother.
I don't need other people's words
For the beloved one.
Me for my mom
I won't look for them
They are all in my soul,
I love my mother so much.
SONG "The Happiest"
The sun came out
Glistening in the meadow.
I'll meet the sun
I'm running through the grass.
And white daisies
I'm tearing up on the fly.
I'll make a wreath
I'll weave in the sun.
The day sparkles with joy
It beckons me into the distance,
There's a rainbow above me
It rings merrily
By the river under the willow tree
I hear the nightingale
The happiest
This morning I!
I gathered it in my palms
Pure dew
Rainbow and sunshine
I'm carrying it in my hands!
And flowers over the river,
Song and dawn -
Everything that I meet in the morning
I'll give it to my mom!
(K. Ibryaev)

You are our mothers, nannies and protectors,
Well, who will scold us, who will cry for us?
You are ours guardian angels, goddesses,
You are our life, and glory, and luck!
Thank you for the clean shirts,
Thanks for the jams and cookies!
Thank you for our adventures,
What adventures would there be without you?
We love you! And we will prove it:
On this spring day, at dawn,
We will collect stars from the sky into bouquets
And we'll shower you from head to toe!

SONG “Mom”
(Words and music by Anna Petryashova)

I have such a mother -
Everyone is jealous, I know!
Come and visit us today -
Mom has a day off today.
Mom will call us to the table,
He will tell us: “Sit down, children!”
There we will see you and me
What is tastier than anything in the world.
There the pie spread out, it’s important
He has rosy cheeks,

Eyebrows sparkle with sugar
Under raisin eyes.
We'll drink a wonderful pie
Fresh golden tea,
And then we do all the dishes
Let's wash it clean.
I want so much for my mother
To be alike in everything, in everything!
And my friend whispers:
-And me too! And me too!

My mother brings me toys, candies,
But that’s not why I love my mother.
She sings funny songs
The two of us are never bored!
I tell her all my secrets,
But that’s not why I love my mother!
I love my mother, I'll tell you straight
Well, simply because she is my mother!

Student: I thought day and night,
How can I help my mother?
I won't wash the dishes
So that there are dishes!
So as not to raise dust,
I won't sweep!
And cook soup, roast -
This is not a man's business!
I'm ready to water the flowers
We just don’t have flowers...
In general, I'm not against it
Help mom with something!

SCENE:(three students dramatize a poem):
Our call is terribly ringing -
I fly out into the corridor.
Me and one girl
A conversation ensued.
And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium:
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world!
Although men are strong,
They don't know how to bake pancakes...
You men are klutzes,
educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell the difference!
By the way, who does the laundry at home?
God didn't give you talent...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa!
Is the man of no use?
Is this talent not given to us?
Who nailed the bookshelf?
Fixed the faucet in the kitchen?
You don’t feel like cooking borscht,
Don't fry the cutlets...
You should run off to work,
Well, there’s no point anymore.
You, thorny thorn,
You don't know us men well.
Every now and then you shed tears,
And also for no reason...
You are prickly words
You say, timidly.
Dad is the head of the house!
And mom is the neck of the house!
No, there is no need to decide in a dispute,
In a corridor conversation,
Who is stronger and who is more important.
It’s just... mom is the most needed!
And my eyes are like saucers:
If a tear shines in them,
Then the neighbors will smile:
"Those are mom's eyes."
The nose is a little snub-nosed,
But the neighbors say
That there are no questions on the nose: “It’s dad’s fault!”

Reading poems dedicated to dad

A fairy tale about daddy
They read all the poems about mothers,
Dad, it’s like they’ve forgotten
I'll tell you a fairy tale,
About your daddy.
Me for my dad
I don't regret anything.
We had best friends,
Where he goes, I go too.
He goes to work
He'll take me to kindergarten
And he comes home from work,
Tells about hunting
He and I will sit on the sofa,
Let's read the book.
Let's make mother soup-shulyum,
We'll clean everything up.
It takes me to the cinema,
Then up the hill in the park,
He just doesn’t take me to the bathhouse,
He says it’s hot there. ((Maria N.)
Father's hands, father's hands,
They never suffer from boredom.
They have no rest on their day off,
They are familiar with the heavy and the big.
Working hands, calloused, lumpy,
Working and dazzlingly clean.
They do everything so well and skillfully:
As the saying goes, the matter is being argued in them.
At least his mother will never ask him.
He always brings potatoes from the market.
He forbids her to lift weights.
If it’s my fault, it means I get it.
And if he punishes, then only for show,
And I don’t harbor resentment in my heart.
Dad works on a new KamAZ truck,
He is the best driver in his carpool!
I can talk about my father endlessly,
After all, there is no person better than a father.
My dad left, far away.
To be honest, it’s not easy for me without my dad.
Dad, if he wants,
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
Dad can
read a fairy tale
I'm without a dad
difficult to fall asleep.
I'll rise and be quiet
I'll stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

The best!
Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
My best DAD! (Olga Chusovitina)

My dad
My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
He is loving, attentive and affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle even difficult things.
He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
In an instant he turns
Whatever you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
"My daddy, I love you
I love you so much!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine! (

I'm proud of my dad
You are strong and brave and the biggest
You scold - to the point, and praise - with soul!
You are the best friend, you will always protect,
Where necessary, you will teach, you will forgive for pranks.
You know the answers to our questions,
You smoke a cigarette, read a newspaper.
You can easily fix any damage,
And you solve the puzzle quickly.
I'm walking next to you, holding your hand!
I imitate you, I’m proud of you. (Irina Gurina)

About dad
We have a grandmother in our village, and my mother went to live with her.
We stayed with dad for almost two days.
When I went to bed in the evening I couldn’t sleep from laughing -
My dad cradled me and fell asleep ahead of me.

We woke up early in the morning, and dad almost
For some reason he put my shirt on inside out.
The laces of the left shoe are with the laces of the right
Tied up with a beautiful bow and I took a step and fell.

Dad and I laughed so hard at this incident,
Then for breakfast my dad started preparing porridge for me:
A river of milk flowed from the kitchen straight into the room,
And the slippers floated in it, rocking on the wave.

Then we left our house hand in hand.
My dad and I walked down the street without mom for the first time.
We walked and we walked, and dad asked everyone
Which road to take, where kindergarten we have.

He came for me in the evening, tired and thoughtful.
Dad was up to his ears in porridge - he was washing the floor in the kitchen.
He took Vasya Pchelkin - in similar suits,
And Vasya Pchelkin’s dad took me to his place.

Dads changed us at night, dragged us around the city,
And early in the morning my mother finally returned to us.
She asked: “How did you live here?” We answered: “Great!”
And I added with pride: “Our dad is great!”

Dad is in charge mom's assistant .
Why is there a rumbling noise in the apartment,
Have all the sensors gone off scale at once?
This is dad, forgetting about sleep and food,
Solves math with me.

My dad and I decided to start cleaning.
"My friend! - said dad. “It’s time to get used to it”
“The idea is great,” mom said
And that hour she ran away from the house.

Mom sits in the park for five hours,
She looks at her mobile phone with fear.
“When will the cleaning end?
Will I be able to return home at last!”

Children perform ditties
1. I'm alone at home
But I don’t get bored doing nothing.
I have no time to be bored:
We need to help mom.
2.Vova polished the floor until it shined,
Prepared a vinaigrette.
Mom is looking for what to do,
There is no work.
3. I am my mother’s only son.
Mom doesn't have a daughter.
How can you not help your mother?
Wash handkerchiefs.
4. Smoky pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours in the shower Yulia
Grandma washed it afterwards.
5.Once Alyosha went on his own
For cereal at the supermarket.
“Mom, there’s no cereal there,
I had to buy some candy!”
6.Dad, mom, brother and me -
Our friendly family.
We are strong for each other,
There is no more family like this.
7.Oh, a happy family,
If friendly family.
No sadness, no anxiety
They won't meet you on the doorstep.
8. Fir-trees, pine trees,
Prickly, green.
Even our grandmothers
In love with grandfathers.
9. We sang ditties for you.
We firmly promise you:
Listen to you always, in everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

A student reads a riddle
Who darns and knits everything?
Who will help and advise?
Always gets up before everyone else?
He always gets up before everyone else,
In chorus: these are our grandmothers.

Reading poems dedicated to grandmother
(not all verses can be used, but at the discretion of the teacher)
It would seem - a simple word GRANDMOTHER!
But how special it sounds!
There is a ray of sunshine and a mountain of pancakes in it,
In it, a childhood fairy tale gently murmurs!
In him - sensitive attention and tenderness,
Smiles, light, warmth of beloved hands!
Years pass, but still, as before,
You, GRANDMOTHER, are my very true friend!
Thank you for your patience and care!
Health to you, my dear!
For long and joyful years
I wish you great HAPPINESS!

Mom has work, dad has work
They still have Saturday for me.
And grandma is always at home.
She never scolds me.
He will sit you down and feed you:
- Don’t rush, tell me what happened to you.
I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt
Buckwheat grain by grain, sits, sorts it out.
It’s good for me and my grandmother together.
Without grandma, what would a house be like? (A. Barto)
Sometimes it's funny to me:
Granny and I are great friends!
And even though I am younger in years,
We immediately became friends with her!
We are such friends with her,
In the morning we are laughing!
And at lunch we are cooks,
We prepare soup and salads.
During the day, my grandmother and I go for walks,
And ice cream lickers!
Well, in the evening - whispers,
Lullabies - singing!
Grandma and I are having fun,
But we can be cry-babies!
We support each other!
Helpers for our mother!

About grandmothers!
Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?
Always standing by the stove,
Who darns our clothes?
Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
Who is the tastiest person in the world?
Always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who is honored in the family?
Who will sing us a song at night,
So that we can fall asleep sweetly?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course - grannies!

I love my grandma very much...
I love my grandma very much!
I help her.
I'll buy everything in the store,
I sweep the house...
I will weed the garden too,
I apply some water.
And when the moon rises,
I'll dream about a fairy tale.
This fairy tale by the window
Grandma will tell you.
I fall asleep and she
He knits socks for me.
So that frosty winter
Feet are not frozen
For me, her dear
And my beloved baby.
There is no more wonderful grandmother,
It's good to be with you.
And laugh and play,
Read a bedtime story.
Maybe you're from a fairy tale yourself?
You give peace, warmth and affection
Be always - always cheerful
And happy and healthy! (Tamara Marshalova)

Finally everyone fell asleep
They won't spy on my secret
Because for grandma
I'll draw a bouquet.
Roses, asters, daisies
They will flash brightly on the postcard.
I'll write to grandma
How I love her
What are her pancakes
I always praise.
It's good that everyone fell asleep
It's already dawn outside the window.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet! (Natalia Ivanova)

Past chairs, books, toys,
Past the red cat
Puffy pink pillows
Kindness flowed through the house.

Kindness walked through the house,
Loving everyone and feeling sorry for everyone,
Even an old ottoman
It became softer and warmer.

Kindness walked slowly
Adjusting the blanket
She quietly approached the children -
I rocked you to sleep with a good song.

Dresses, blouses, shirts
Filled with kindness
Cups bathed in kindness,
The house glowed with beauty.

Buns jumped onto the tray,
The teapot began to dance.
There is a cuckoo clock in the old clock
I started crowing again!

Who, who is she
kindness? I'll tell you:
I have known kindness since childhood.
This is my grandmother! (E. Ranneva)

Together with grandma
Together with my grandmother
We live very friendly!
We go for walks together,
Together we go to bed,
We wash the dishes together -
True true! I will not lie!
We don't like to be sad
We can sing and dance-
Grandma will clap for me
Well, I’m spinning and stomping!
I try not to be capricious,
I don’t shed tears, but I smile -
We are great friends with her,
Because we are FAMILY!

About grandma
Grandma has magic hands,
Or maybe just skillful?
Solve everyday problems
And the pancakes they make are delicious!
Tea and fragrant jam,
We are always welcome at grandma's house!
Let happiness - great, radiant -
Will always be next to grandma!

Retired grandmother
Our grandmother has happy years -
Granny retired.
No need to go to work now,
It's time to rest and take care of your health!

But she cleans the apartment.
He irons it, cooks it, then washes it.
When everything in the house sparkles and shines,

How much attention grandchildren require!
Granny never gets bored until nightfall
When he puts everyone to bed, calms him down,
Then grandma takes care of her health!

Parents of grandchildren come home from work,
and their grandmother surrounds them with care.
Grandma looks kind of tired,
but he seems to be retired, sitting at home. (Tatiana Bokova)
DANCE "Quadrille"
Teacher: At our family holiday there are wonderful grandfathers who love their grandchildren and granddaughters not fewer grandmothers. Wise advice Grandfathers are very necessary and important. And children appreciate them and value the attention of their grandfathers.
Our grandfather is very businesslike:
He walks around the house, forgetting about peace.
He helps his grandmother all day,
He is not at all lazy to do this.
Then he constantly loses points,
Either he will break something, or he will break something,
Always in a hurry, but tired of work,
He sits down with the newspaper and is already snoring. (E. Duke)

If things suddenly get tough,
A friend will save you from various troubles.
I look a lot like my friend
Because my friend is my grandfather.
My grandfather and I are on Sundays
We're heading to the stadium
I love ice cream with jam
And he loves cartoons.

We bought skis with my grandfather,
They creak in the snow.
I'm following my grandfather
In front of all the guys.
I still can't understand
No surprises,
Which of us two is younger -
Either my grandfather or me?

With such good grandfather
Not boring even in the rain
With such a good grandfather
You won't get lost anywhere! (Mikhail Plyatskovsky)
It's time to talk about our class, because our class is not just classroom- This is a big friendly family. And we’ll tell you what it is like now.

1. Our class is the smartest in school,
Five is barely enough for us!
We'll tell you frankly
This is our class - 2 A!

2. Our class at school is the noisiest,
What a headache!
We will tell you honestly - honestly:
This is our class -2A!

3. Our class is the most active at school,
and he is always at work,
We will definitely tell you
This is our class -2 A!

4. Our class is the friendliest at school,
Just don't spill the water!
We will tell you without a doubt
This is our class -2 A!

5. Our class is the best in school,
Because we are family!
We will tell you together - in unison:
This is our class - 2A!
Teacher: A lot of strength, patience, effort, affection must be given to your loved ones so that you grow up as real people.
Song "We are little children"
And also my family -
Class! It's clear!
And our teacher -
Our “mom is cool.”
All school years the teacher gives us
Treasures of knowledge, the joy of discovery.
And you love like him, like me,
Her - and let's say it straight:
She is your second mother.
Who is more valuable than mother?

Student: About our school life we will sing ditties for you.
1.We know a lot of ditties -
Both good and bad.
It's good for him to listen
Who doesn't know any.
2. Place your ears on the top of your head,
Listen carefully.
We'll sing ditties for you
Very good.
3. We will be polite to you
And let's fight today
To all rude words
And stupid actions.
4. I will study wisely
And get straight A's
Well, if they give you a two,
I will remain silent about that.
5. I dressed up today
A brand new sundress.
Take a look, guys!
On my frills.
6. Before mom they read to us
About the rabbits and the fox,
Now let's read it ourselves
About love and about the moon.
7. We live the best life
Because with us there is laughter!
We will not part with him anywhere.
Wherever we are, we laugh!
8.If I were president,
I issued a decree like this -
All parents are from work
They are sent home.
9. In our class all the guys
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to study.
10. Seryozhka was called to the board,
But Seryozhka is silent,
Because the whole lesson
He looked out the window.
11. In our class there are girls -
Smart girls, beauties!
And confess, to us boys,
Love this!
12. We sang ditties for you,
Don't be offended
Clap your hands louder
Smile wider!
It is very pleasant that a friendly atmosphere reigns in our school house. I want everyone here to have a good time. It seems to me that our school deserves to be remembered, as well as about its traditions, about the people who study here, about those teachers who give their lives and their hearts, you guys. And we, of course, are grateful to your parents, grandparents, loved ones, everyone who helps us with school matters. We all want to see you healthy, well-mannered, educated. Good children are the crown of the house, bad children are the end of the house!
You guys see how much depends on you. Try to master the science of “how not to offend your relatives.” Unfortunately, it is not taught at school, but you can learn it yourself if you really want to. So that your mothers and fathers, grandparents, brothers and sisters are happy.
Today, when you come home, don't forget to hug them and tell them that you love them very much.
Love us as we all are,
Let us now have innumerable shortcomings.
But we are your children, and nothing is more expensive
In the whole wide world you can’t have it!
We will become your continuation,
Your hope and destiny,
Anxiety, happiness, inspiration,
But so that we don’t suddenly become a disaster!
With your life day after day
Teach to be grateful.
Parental love with fire
Awaken love in return.
After all, she is always alone
A home fire warms.
Sometimes she's so strong
That he overcomes all adversity.
So be patient with us
Just try to understand us.
And despite the merciless years
Stay young at heart!

DANCE "Waltz"(boys invite girls, fathers invite mothers, and grandfathers invite grandmothers)
Adults -
It's only worth
take a closer look at them
and you will immediately see
how much childhood there is in them.
Both in dad and in mom,
and in a strict passerby,
and in old grandfathers
with my grandmother too.
This happens especially noticeably
when they do something
suddenly they break
when they buy
new clothes from payday,
when they receive a gift
from my granddaughter.
They know how to laugh too
as children.
But they are all adults -
these adults
And so
different from kids
that they have little time
for Game. (Anatoly Movshovich)

Now it's time for the parents to work. Let's now show the children a well-known fairy tale "Turnip".
To play a fairy tale here,
We need to give roles to everyone.
Who can guess the riddle?
He immediately gets the role.

Hardworking, although gray,
Well, of course, this is ..... (grandfather).
And my grandfather has a girlfriend, very sweet...... (old lady).
A beauty, not a mean one, lives with them... (granddaughter).
And my granddaughter has a friend, very smart... (puppy).
Stretched out on the window and purrs sweetly....(cat).
She lives underground, in a closet, in a hole.
Gray baby, who is it? (mouse).
It grows in the garden, although it’s not in fashion these days.
Round and strong, yellow... (turnip).
(Each participant performs some kind of movement and says his text when his name is called).
Turnip (spreading his arms to the sides, jumping from foot to foot): - Both-on!
Grandfather (rubbing his hands): -Yes, sir!
Grandma (bowing, says): - Food is served!
Granddaughter (waves her hand): - Hello everyone!
Bug: - Woof-woof!
Cat (washing herself): - Meow-meow!
Mouse (running in a circle): - Pee-pee-pee!
Leading(reads the text; when he names the hero of the fairy tale, he must play his role).

Sketch “Peace in the family is more valuable than anything else”

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman.
We lived and did not grieve
The cracker was washed down with tea
Once a month they chewed sausage.
And everything would be fine, but the chicken is not big
She took it and laid the egg.
The testicle is not easy.
Golden egg
And now at our prices -
That's absolutely priceless.
For family advice
Our grandfather invited grandma
Anyway. Such a thing
What are we going to do with the egg?
Maybe eat or sell?
Or change to dollars?
Maybe the walls will fall
We will buy a modern center
What, you're a grandfather, fear God!
Music doesn't cost much!
We'd better buy a TV
Vacuum cleaner or transistor
Or let's take a cart of soap,
To keep the house clean
It's all about cheese and boron
And everyday noisy dispute
Such a scandal began -
The world has never seen anything like this!
Only the chicken is silent
Stands near the table.
Well, I didn't expect it at all
Be the cause of a scandal.
To stop this
I need to break an egg.
She came up quietly
And, flapping his wing lightly,
Dropped the egg on the floor
She smashed him to pieces!
The woman is crying
What have you done, Ryaba?
The grandfather did not cry, oddly enough,
He turned out his pockets with holes.
I have no money, so what?!
Peace in the family is more valuable than anything else.

Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom is making pancakes.
Dad washes the cups for tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes.

Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky! (Anatoly Movshovich)

Family is a great kingdom of love.
It contains faith, righteousness and strength.
Family is the pillar of the state
My country, my Russia.

Family is the original source
Protected by heavenly angels.
And sadness, and joy, and sorrows -
One for all, inseparable. (Ilya Reznik)

Thank you, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, for responding to our invitation. We are always glad to see you. We hope that our meetings will be good family tradition. Happiness and joy to your families.
Let neither grief nor misfortune have power over the family,
May kindness, health, and happiness always go by your side!
You still have to gain patience in parenting,
To raise children worthy -
We'll have to try!
Presentation of family and class photos
We wish you happiness! May all your dreams come true!
WITH good mood so that you don't part!
I wish you a hundred health for long years,
And this, really, is worth a lot!
Lots of work to do creative victories!
IN family life peace and quiet!
For listening to us so carefully,
And they clapped for us so diligently,
Thank you all for your attention!
The concert is over! Goodbye!!!

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