What is the last love for a man. Is love evil? Men's opinion! That is, attraction is purely physical.

Arguing about what is most important in love and what love is is a meaningless and stupid activity. After all, each person has his own character, his own thoughts and views, and, accordingly, ideas about love.

Basically, women imagine love as a relationship between two people, respect and understanding are the main things in love, according to women. By feminine logic, a man must protect a woman, protect her, etc., etc. Such women's opinions, really exist. Yes, and they are quite justified. A woman always wants to hear pleasant words in her direction, she likes to receive gifts from her loved one, likes when she is looked after and protected. And that’s right, whatever one may say, woman is the weaker sex. Receiving gifts from her beloved man, a woman is once again convinced that he loves her, for her this is the main thing in love. Based on this, we can conclude that the gift itself is not important for a woman, but the fact of the gift is important.

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Photo gallery: What do men think is the most important thing in love?

And the following question arises: What, according to men, is the most important thing in love.

This question is difficult to answer. There are as many opinions as there are men on the planet. But, in principle, they are all similar. For some, the main thing is that a woman loves him, for some, sex is important and nothing more, while others need a housewife who will cook dinner and iron his shirt.

All these men's approaches to love are fair and reasonable. After all, a woman is always more open than a man. Accordingly, it will be more difficult for a man to confess his love than for a woman. He is afraid of being rejected. And to avoid rejection, he looks at how the woman treats him. If a woman does not react to him in any way, then the man will try not to build a relationship with such a woman. This is of course not a fact; there are many types of men. Some will remain silent, while others will seek a woman’s attention by any means necessary. But that's basically what happens.

Among women, there is an opinion that men only need sex. To some extent, this statement is true, but according to men, this is not the main thing in love. For a man, choosing his companion is much easier. But, according to men, if there is no sex in a relationship, then most likely there will be no relationship. Well, if a relationship does appear, then the man will probably, over time, have a mistress, and maybe more than one.

There are, of course, men for whom sex is an order of magnitude lower than the relationship between a man and a woman. According to such men, the main thing in love is trust. I repeat once again that as many men as there are on the planet, there are so many opinions about what they value in love.

Also, men respect a woman for respecting him. In other words, according to men, a woman should take her place, and their place is in the kitchen. Of course, this is a conditional place and it’s just said that way, but no matter how rude it may sound now, it’s a fact. Although a man may not force him to obey him or do something for him, if a woman strokes his shirt, she will rise in the man’s eyes. And if she cooks well, then this will be an excellent criterion when choosing a woman for a man. As the saying goes: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

There is a type of man who falls in love with women who look like their mothers; for them, the main thing in love is simple external resemblance. Similar, both in appearance and character. This is due to the fact that most men are looking not just for the woman they love, but also for a companion, bride, wife and mother of his future children. And, without realizing it, a man has all the associations with the mother of his children and his wife - this is his own mother.

No less important points V love relationships What men pay attention to is respect for his interests. According to men, this is very important in love. In his understanding, if a woman respects and shares his passions and interests, then she is more suitable for him. Well, the most important thing is, of course, loyalty to him. It’s not even worth talking about, because if a woman cheats even once, she falls very much in the eyes of a man. For him, she becomes not the woman of his life, but a woman of easy virtue.

In general, there are a lot of criteria for a man to choose a woman, and the moments that men value most in a love relationship. According to men, the main thing in love is sex, trust, appearance and much more. And they are all very different. For example, the first man wants his woman to look dazzling and for all other men to have their jaws dropped, while the second man wants his woman to look modest, so as not to attract unnecessary attention from the male side.

So far we have talked about your feelings and how you need to communicate with a man. Today I propose to look at what is happening between a man and a woman from the perspective of the other side - it is no secret that the same things are perceived and assessed differently by men and women.

So how does he feel? What is going on in his soul? How does he react to what you do? Admit it, this really interests you. Today we will try to look into the male soul and learn the first lessons. We use my experience in counseling men, the opinions expressed by them, observations of their reactions in different situations and formulate conclusions that will help you both harmonize your relationships.

First lesson. He prefers to live for today.

That is why often in the process of establishing mutual understanding and developing relationships, the initiative comes mainly from the woman. Men treat these “laces” with disdain: “They always complicate everything. I feel good with her, but she is trying to make a husband out of me. Why rush things so much? Why doesn’t she like the way things are going now?”

Men, as a rule, are in no hurry to analyze their feelings, just as they are not always interested in evaluating your feelings towards themselves. Very often they are guided by the principle “Everything is fine, and thank God,” that is, developing feelings and building relationships are clearly not among their main concerns.

At the same time, a man may strive to see you quite often, communicate with you, feel your closeness, and have sex. However, instead of asking “Is this true love? There's something here to build on. long term relationship? Am I wasting my time?” the man says to himself: “We feel good together, but whether it’s love or not is a secondary matter.” In other words, a man much more often lives for today and wants to have fun, and not bother himself with any useless “philosophy”.

Conclusion. This feature of life perception is really worth learning from a man! And to be honest, we often try to solve the problem of our entire life at once. And then at the reception I hear questions like: “We’ve been dating for three weeks, but I don’t understand what’s between us!” Who cares if everything is fine today? And tomorrow will be tomorrow.

Lesson two. He doesn't have a burning need to see you every day.

Moreover, even when he is really in love with you - that’s just how he is designed.

And yet, in two cases, a man wants you to always be there every day. Firstly, when he is afraid of losing you. And then it doesn’t matter whether he’s offended by you, whether he’s angry, whether he considers you all to blame, he still thinks: “I don’t want to lose her. She may be wrong, but I will do as she wants. I’ll meet her again."

The second option is when you “don’t give yourself enough” to him. You don’t fly to him at the first call, sometimes you leave him earlier than he would like. You are busy and refuse to accept his invitation for this reason... In this sense, the words of my client are indicative: “I probably love Galya. Previously, I didn’t know how to send the girls away on Sunday evening, and when Galya leaves me on Sunday morning, I so want her to stay, I try my best to keep her.”

Conclusion. Help him want to see you more often. Don't rush to him in the night at the first request. Agree, everything tastes much better on an empty stomach than when you've eaten too much.

Lesson three. What is love for him?

Here we're talking about not about what a man thinks when he says “I love you.” It is quite possible that he uses these words for manipulation in order to achieve no matter what: desired sex, forgiveness for some mistake, or maybe so that you just don’t leave him now...

We are interested in what makes up the real true love men. As a rule, its foundation is three senses.

The first is the fear of losing you. But here you need to understand that in itself, separately from other feelings, it is not love. For some, it may be caused by a fear of loneliness associated with self-doubt, or by materialistic considerations. To become love, it requires the support of the following two feelings.

The second component of love is pity and the desire to take care of you.
A man will never tell himself that he loves you if he does not feel sorry for you. For a man, love is closely connected with the desire to protect his beloved, worry about her, try in every possible way to make her life easier, and take care of her. If a man is simply glad that he did something good for a woman, and he doesn’t really need her thanks and praise, then he most likely loves her.

Here are the words of a man in love heard at the reception: “I am pleased to do a lot for her that I would never do for anyone. I feel so sad when she feels bad, and it makes me very happy when she is happy.” When a man perceives the situation this way, he is really ready to admit to himself that he loves you.

And finally, the third feeling underlying male love, is admiration for you. However, it is most clearly manifested in initial stage in love or in a situation unrequited love. Sometimes a lack of admiration is not an indication that love has passed: it may be due to bad mood, troubles, depression. But in such cases, the man does not admire other women either. That is, either you (your devotion, your understanding, beauty, charm, etc.), or no one.

It must be admitted that it is difficult to maintain a feeling of admiration when you know each other “like peeling stones,” with all the advantages and disadvantages. But at this stage it gives way to tenderness and affection, and thus male love still rests on the “three pillars.”

Conclusion. Don't let a man feel like he has conquered you once and for all. Even if you are very strong and independent, sometimes pretend to be weak and helpless. Or don’t be afraid to show yourself like that - let him feel strong, realize his “protector complex.” Try to remain worthy of admiration, even if you have been together for a long time. Moreover, in this case, you should know better than others what exactly is capable of delighting your man.

Most women really don't know how to determine if they are loved. Even sophisticated mademoiselles are barely familiar with the main qualities of male love. But what about young naive girls? They don’t understand at all how to distinguish a woman’s true love for a man from sweet pleasures. Let's try to figure this out.

Unfortunately, women and men see love differently. At times this becomes a serious cause for disagreement. However, do not forget that the feeling of falling in love is one for two. It’s just that a man and a woman are two different galaxies. Nature conceived us as mutually attracting plus and minus. One thing remains unchanged - we, undoubtedly, always need one another! Unfortunately, in love we express our emotions completely different languages. This is why it is sometimes so difficult to reach mutual understanding.

Diametrical opposites

A woman needs constant communication with a man. It is extremely important for her to evoke emotions in him, which is direct evidence of falling in love. It’s not without reason that they say: “If a woman stops picking on your brains, you’ve already lost her.” A man, on the contrary, keeps everything inside himself, trying to seem indifferent! He absolutely does not accept constant conversations and declarations of love. In the resulting couple, one always loves, and the other allows love. It’s no wonder that it’s mostly women who show feelings. Since ancient times, nature has insidiously laid this need in her. A couple who knows and accepts this fact can avoid unnecessary quarrels and resentments in the future.

Confessing your feelings causes a genuine fear of responsibility in the stronger sex. For most, the response to this phrase is tantamount to an oath. A man truly in love will sincerely rejoice at the achievements of his beloved, appreciate her aspirations, and take upon himself the solution of any problems. A man's love for a woman can be expressed in the time he devotes. As a rule, ladies rarely see this as a demonstration of feelings.

Expectations from developing relations are also different. For example, women want to feel attention, care, tenderness and respect from their man. And the strong half of humanity wants to be perceived only as they are. Consequently, lovers try to provide each other with what they themselves desire. Unfortunately this wrong way to your opponent's heart. Don’t forget that even if we are together, we are still completely different.

Maintaining a relationship is hard work!

Naturally, disagreements also occur in everyday relationships. For example, women, in the opinion of men, need attention over trifles. Due to the strength of their character, they are absolutely immune to such trifles. However, understanding this fact sometimes requires serious consideration. A woman suffering from lack of attention eventually becomes irritable and nervous. As a result of this, any communication with a man will suffer, or it will result in a search for attention on the side.

And yet, how is the love of a woman and a man expressed? A further difference is a consequence of the phrase “A man loves with his eyes, a woman with her ears.” It is for this reason that a lady can easily be captivated by sweet words, and a gentleman will not be able to help but notice her slimness long legs. Accordingly, in order for him to stop looking around, there must be a sexy, fantasy-exciting woman with him. Relationship psychology experts have long confirmed that men sexual desire And the feeling of falling in love corresponds to completely different parts of the brain. Based on this, polygamy is inherent in a man. He believes that his masculinity is expressed in the number of women he has.

Due to the work of different parts of the brain, the attitude towards physical intimacy Women and men are also different. For the weaker sex, sex is a unique process that requires serious approach to choosing a partner. In a man's mind, love and sex are not equal! At times even the most faithful man looking for intimate sensations on the side. Unfortunately, physiology is to blame for everything. There can be no talk of mutual understanding here!

Everyone knows that a man’s 100% compatibility is a guarantee. strong relationships. Moreover, the main role here is played not only by sexual, but also by natural, as well as psychological compatibility. Over the years, sexual attraction no longer actually plays a special role. Unfortunately, love does not provide mutual understanding and support in everyday life. Misunderstanding can destroy any idyll in a relationship, fueling conflict. To get even a little closer to mutual understanding, you need to make a lot of effort.


To determine compatibility, describe in two columns different traits character. In the first, indicate everything positive traits partner, in the second, fix what irritates you. Think about where you are ready to give in and what you are completely unhappy with in your partner’s behavior. However, there is one condition. The assessment should be impartial and not based solely on emotions. Psychologists recommend performing this test together with a partner. Perhaps after comparing the overall results you will be able to come to a mutual decision.


Can be identified as follows. Write down your values ​​on a piece of paper in descending order. In other words, the most significant indicators are: family, friends, work, money. Next, each partner separately lists all responsibilities with their own understanding of the situation. The test is based on the similarity of its results, and not on the agreement on all points. It's good if you supported women's views for love, relationship man. It is then that a woman is ready to create a real happy relationship. If one of the partners puts family first, and the other puts career first, then this serious reason for conflicts and contradictions.


Partner compatibility is the main indicator of the ability to manage a common budget. Financial discrepancy between partners will lead to significant contradictions. Agree, if your chosen one’s budget consists exclusively of spending on himself, you are unlikely to like it similar situation. In this case, psychologists also advise each partner to plan a budget on a piece of paper. Then compare the results of your lists, focusing Special attention not on contradictions, but on similarities. However, we should not forget that complete compatibility cannot be achieved without unity of interests.


Undoubtedly romantic walks with your lover, his ability to provide for you is wonderful. However, this is not enough! The guarantee of a happy, long-lasting relationship lies in compatibility sexual temperaments. Besides pleasant sensations, as well as health benefits, sex can resolve almost any conflict. Also enjoying a positive reputation is an interesting theory about what depends on the zodiac horoscope. Perhaps you should pay attention to your partner’s date of birth?

Basic principles of temperaments

The temperaments must be at least adjacent. For example, if a man has a high score and a woman has a low score, the relationship will be on the verge of failure. The same situation occurs when a man and a woman change roles. Partners will constantly feel uncomfortable. They will feel like there is something wrong with them.

People with high rate temperament experience constant desire. Usually their experimental sex life starts at early age, and the number of partners grows throughout life. Statistically, a temperamental man’s height is usually no more than average. It looks quite proportionate. As for women, the owners wide hips or curvaceous are also often quite temperamental women. Ladies of short stature and short legs are also not bad in bed.

Researchers claim that similar temperaments are characteristic of people with similar heights. So petite girls you shouldn't look for a partner among tall men. Such couples often face various difficulties in sex.

For those with a low temperament type intimate life always occupies an insignificant place. The process of puberty in such people is usually delayed. They easily tolerate significant pauses in sex. Moreover, if once they choose a partner, then it is for life.

According to statistics, about 80% of humanity belongs to nothing other than middle group. Eg, high growth clearly indicates an insufficiently bright temperament.

What is absolute love?

The feeling of love is not limited exclusively to the relationship between a man and a woman. It can be much broader. This is exactly how esotericism presents the love of a woman and a man. Most of the world's religions are based on absolute love. Let's take, for example, Christianity in the image of Jesus Christ, where one of the three virtues, along with Faith and Hope, is Love. It can be called Agape, which translated from ancient Greek means “free, selfless love.” It does not manifest itself as physical passion, but is based on a spiritual connection that lasts for years, and even until the deathbed.

Mistakes of our time

Today's women have too much masculine energy. They have forgotten how to love! Due to the weakened energy necessary for procreation, representatives of the fair sex began not to inspire, but to give. They forgot, women and men! If a man wants to win a woman's love, he must win the battle in her eyes. And for a woman to take possession with a man's heart, you need to lose this battle.

For example, a woman’s destructive love for a man can manifest itself in excessive care for her son. In this case, the mother interferes proper development masculinity. Or the wife, confusing her relationship with her husband, turns into a parting mother. Such a manifestation of energy is male version creation. A woman should be for her husband faithful wife, assistant. Undoubtedly, the distortion of energies entails a violation of the correct interchange. This is actually why there are so many disagreements between women and men.

Energy interchange

If a woman accepts her lover without further consideration, she awakens in him the desire to give the power of her feelings. A woman’s love for a man is based on 4 energies: respect, patience, humility, tenderness. When a woman radiates appropriate energies, she inspires her man to be generous. In addition, an invisible energy-protective field is literally formed around him, feeding his strength. Such a field can protect a man’s success and his emotional balance.

Men to women manifest themselves in giving. He is obliged to give his beloved his care, money and shelter. However, when a man does not meet any return, he stops giving and begins to accumulate. Strong half Humanity urgently needs a woman not to educate, but to love and accept her chosen one for who they are.

A man and a woman are reflections of each other. Such a crooked mirror reflects everything that no one wants to know about themselves.

Natural needs

A woman expects to see a breadwinner, protector, and support in a man. He, in turn, expects tenderness and care from her. For the purpose of mutual complementation, everyone looks for in a partner those qualities that he himself does not have. How representatives of the gentle sex are not recognized weak men, also the mighty of the world they don’t perceive this. So what, exactly, is expressed true love women and men? She needs protection, and he needs faith in him, only in this case can we feel loved.

Nature's idea is that a man and a woman understand love differently, striving for a common goal. This is why it is extremely important to take into account our differences. Unfortunately, we rarely have the prudence to understand that we are two diametric opposites. Therefore, we do not cease to expect from each other a mirror analogy in opinions, assessments and explanations of everything that happens. So what to do? How can you understand what a woman’s true love for a man is? You just need to notice in your chosen one exclusively good qualities, paying less attention to shortcomings. Be patient, don’t break, but accept in your partner the essence that is inherent in nature. Love and be happy!

Love in a man's life. Love psychology.

Wrong opinion! It cannot be said that men are incapable of love. They are capable of many things. And, as for love, they, unlike women, have a different attitude towards this feeling.

If they love, they can love silently. If they love, they can talk about love the way they know how, without being embarrassed by the fact that they cannot write and speak beautifully. They are sure: no matter how they talk about their feelings, women will appreciate every word they say.

A man wants love, just like women. They enjoy being loved. They are pleased when they hear about it as often as possible. And messages, and letters, and words are “pleasants” for men.

A man wants love. Psychology of men in love. Male psychology.

Men are waiting for love, but the search for it is more difficult for them than for women. They are not confident in themselves, therefore, the option of “meeting people on the street” confuses and horrifies them. The Internet saves. After all, you don’t have to show yourself in it, or put on your avatar not your photo, but the one you like. When a man falls in love, he is ready for anything. And he shows “not himself” because he believes that his beloved will be scared. It's funny... After all, the man is not scary at all, but even very handsome. Representatives male, for some reason, they think that women need men who look like Brad Pitt or some other “handsome guy”. But these “bredopitts” are not enough for everyone. It's a pity that not all men know that women just want to meet good man, even without the “star” appearance. Beauties, unlike men, first pay attention to personal traits, and then they “peck” at your appearance. Although, some “fall for” the contents of the wallet and other “male wealth”.

Men know how to carry things in their arms, give gifts, and give compliments. True, they most often do this during the courtship period, until they “conquer” the woman. How do they win it? Someone talks about how much money he has. Someone says they can cook great. Someone hints: “I have a registry office very close to my house.” In general, everyone is conducting the “conquest” process as best they can. What's most interesting is that in ninety-five percent of cases, men win.

Because men remember gifts only on March 8th, many women get offended and angry with them. And men, in turn, want to make it clear that for them, women's holiday, also a holiday. And they celebrate it “more noticeably” than female half planets.

Sex in love is very important for a man. Much more important than for a woman. He cannot help but possess the body of the one he cares about. For him it has great importance every intimate moment associated with his lady love.

Psychology of male love- original and interesting. Sometimes she knows how to shock. A man in love is sleeping, he dreams of his beloved woman, he wants to see and feel her next to him.

For a man, love is important. Sexual games and intimacy are more important to him. Women are very offended by men for this. But you need to be offended by your instincts. This is how men are made: it’s hard for them to live without intimacy. But women also enjoy sex. And they have a “headache” because they often lack romance in relationships. But men don’t need romance that much. Romantic breakfast, dinner or lunch decorated with candles is beautiful, but when a tired man returns from work, he sees only dishes prepared by a woman and a woman. And candles and everything else are “inaccessible” to his gaze, due to his fatigue.

If a man did not pay attention to something, this does not mean that he has lost interest in his native and desirable woman. Men have one peculiarity: in a very tired “state”, they notice only what, according to their rank, is “located” in first place: sex, woman and food. Jewelry, hairstyles, makeup are secondary things that he can only notice when he is less tired.

If a man claims to be experiencing strong love to several women - you cannot trust him: you can love only one with your heart. At the sight of a beautiful girl, in a miniskirt, with busty, a man, for a moment, can “forget” about love. Beauty blows away men. They are designed this way and there is no way to “cure” them.

A woman may think that her “unique” loves TV, cars and football more. He is a fan of all this. But love and fanaticism are different things, which are better not to be confused, so as not to convict your loved one of all mortal sins.

A man hit a woman - he is not a man! And a woman, despite love, should not forgive such “crimes.” If, after a blow, a man begs for forgiveness and “crucifies” in conversations about love, you should not give in to this! No, in this case, no real feelings! If a man (no matter in what condition) raised his hand at a woman, or even swung his hand, he will do it more than once. Many women walk around with the “bruises and bruises of love” and endure everything in order to be close to the man with whom they are more than crazy.

Love in a man's life. Love psychology of men in love.

When a man loves, he will always look for “pluses” in the relatives and acquaintances of the one to whom he gave his heart. He will not freak out and blame her for the fact that her relatives have so many shortcomings. The man knows: no ideal people, without negatives and shortcomings.

A man in love, psychology of behavior:

  1. He will never insult his beloved. He will endlessly whisper to her tender and sweet words, sing love songs (even if you can’t sing).
  2. She won't do anything that gets on her nerves. About “not recovery” nerve cells, the man may not know. But every person understands that being nervous is very harmful.
  3. Learn to cook so that your loved one can rest more and not stand at the stove all the time. Gold - not a man! It's a pity that not everyone is like that.
  4. He will write thousands of messages a day and send them to mobile phone. Expensive? What could be more valuable than his beloved?

A man will do anything for his beloved. Even more than everything. He will never demand to do anything in return, he will never reproach you for small things.

He will take care of her so that not a single hair will fall from her head. By the way, about hair. He will, with great pleasure, comb her hair in the morning. The man doesn't want to be a hairdresser. He simply dreams of participating in every “event” in the life of the woman close to him.


Is love evil? Men's opinion!

Men are an eternal mystery of nature. Discreet, reserved, mysterious. Do they think about love in principle? And if so, what exactly are they thinking? I wonder if men’s thoughts about such a sublime feeling as love are cynical or, on the contrary, romantic? The editors of WomanJournal.ru decided to interrogate the men with passion!

About love: the opinion of a conservative man

Vadim, 27 years old. Smart, uncompromising, eloquent, conservative. I loved.

Tell me, Vadim, do men think about love?

By itself. We just don't admit it. For some reason it is considered that this is not courageous. But in fact, we guys sometimes just start to get tormented." eternal questions"on the topic of what love is and what it is eaten with.

And what is love?

Extreme feeling. The attachment is so strong that you begin to literally feel the person you love. You catch the slightest changes in his mood, unravel his deepest desires, feel that in some sense this person is a continuation of you, that is, your second self.

Is love for men pleasure or punishment?

Punishment you enjoy.

No, I would not be able to love a girl who is not decent enough, moral, or in general. For me, the first thing is spiritual beauty. If she doesn’t exist, then no matter what figure and face she has, I won’t be able to take her seriously.

And in eternal love Do you believe?

By itself! Real love must be eternal. And if love passed, then it was not love, but infatuation. Strictly speaking, love and falling in love are the same process, but their results are different. True, only mutual love. Non-reciprocal, fortunately, most often passes.

Love: the opinion of a cynic man

Ivan, 21 years old. Charming, cynical, skeptic. Did not love.

Tell me, Ivan, do you believe in the love of men?


Because I don't want to believe in it. Too many problems from this feeling.

How can you know if you haven't loved?

I look at others, how they suffer from unknown reasons, and I don’t see anything good in it.

Love is blind?

Did you love the goat?

What about a goat?

Doesn't matter. Let's say. But I repeat again, this is not love. There is no love, there is attraction, which just had to be called something nice. So they called it love.

What does attraction mean?

Well, procreation, I guess. What do the animals do there, choose the female who, in their opinion, can best continue the race? So men unconsciously choose the girl who is best suited in this sense. But this is not love.

So attraction is purely physical?

Is not a fact. After all, animals also go through a period of flirting, courtship and all that.

Do you believe in eternal love?


I have not seen such cases.

Are you ready to make sacrifices in the name of love?

Well... (this question especially puzzles him, he plunges into gloomy silence for a long time) Well, maybe. But I wouldn’t have jumped from the tenth floor, I wouldn’t have given up my habits, I wouldn’t have changed my life... In general, I wouldn’t have done anything, I wouldn’t have sacrificed anything. (Laughs) Probably, after this interview, not a single girl will want to get involved with me...

So you answered like that just to shock?

No, I really think so.

And can you honestly answer that you told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Well, no one will know this except me...

Love: the opinion of a romantic man

Alexander, 24 years old. Kind, harmless, sincere, open. I loved.

Sasha, how many times have you loved?


So you believe in love from a man?

Is love for a man pleasure or punishment?

Both. Punishment is jealousy and restriction of freedom. When you walk, for example, along the street with her, there are a lot of beautiful girls, and you are busy... This is punishment, and everything else is pleasure.

Love is blind?

No. If you fall in love with a girl, then she cannot be a “goat,” even if you later become disappointed in her. It was your choice anyway. It’s not for nothing that you chose her. And everyone has their shortcomings. The girl I can choose must be like me. Must be my other half.

But you say that you have already loved twice. What happens, you have many potential halves?

No, it's just that the first girl was kind of perfect, and when I lost her, I... long years I was looking for one similar to her. And when I finally found it, this second girl eclipsed the first. She turned out even better...

Do you believe in the eternal love of men?

Guys are capable of this, but girls are not. (Such an attack towards the fair sex leaves me speechless for a moment - Author's note).

That is, how is it?

Well, I do not know. But for some reason you always abandon us. What is it for?..

What would you never forgive your girlfriend for?

Cheating and lying. I really appreciate honesty in a girl. If she can admit her mistakes to my face, then this is a very big plus. This increases the chance that I will forgive her. After all, if she confessed everything to me herself, it means she understood her mistake, which means she won’t repeat it again.

Like these ones different opinions. Some men think that love is strength, while others consider it a sign of weakness. Another thing is important: love is a feeling that concerns absolutely everyone. In general, girls, relax, guys think about it too! So be brave, love! Love is, of course, a risk, a danger, a walk on the razor's edge, a tango on the edge of an abyss. But does life without love make sense?

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