What should a one-year-old child be able to do? Dad and baby. New way of life

Your baby is very attached to you, you spend almost all your time with him, breastfeed him, take care of him.

What about dad? After all, he too dear person for a child. Communication with dad is no less important for harmonious development baby than contact with mother.

How to organize communication between a child and dad? How dad can spend time with baby ? Why is the role of a husband important in raising a child?

How does a dad become a dad?

Pledge successful communication dad and baby - this is a man’s awareness of himself as a father and the desire to spend time with the baby. The second is impossible without the first, so it is very important that dad prepares for new role.

Preparing for Fatherhood:

  • spending time with your pregnant wife;
  • learn more about the features in order to understand that although the baby does not speak, he feels and understands a lot; communication is very important for him from the very first days of life;
  • learn to care for a child: change diapers;
  • go with my wife to;
  • go with your wife to an ultrasound to see how the baby is developing;
  • it would also be good to decide to be the first to see the child and take him in your arms;
  • learn to feel responsible for the child, understand that mom and dad are the people closest to the child; besides them, no one will take care of him.

If the baby is desired and long-awaited preparing for fatherhood happens with pleasure, and by the time the baby is born, dad is quite ready to communicate! If dad is well prepared, he will emotionally support his wife during childcare and show sincere feelings to the baby.

How can dad communicate with the baby?

Sometimes many dads think that the baby doesn’t need anyone except the mother, so it’s better not to interfere, anyway, the dad can’t breastfeed the baby! Of course, he cannot feed, but there are many other ways of communication between dad and baby that will positively affect the development of the baby.

For example:

  • you can bathe your baby every day;
  • you can carry him in your arms, talk to him;
  • take care of him: change diapers and clothes;
  • study early development baby: teach him to swim, give him a massage, turn on classical music and even read fairy tales aloud;
  • Arrange a photo session or video filming of the baby to capture important moments.

It often happens that dad spends a lot of time at work to provide for his family, and he has almost no time left for the baby. In this case, the wife should help her husband: if dad comes late, plan the day so as to bathe the baby around midnight, then spend bath procedures dad can do it.

Weekend time should also be used as much as possible for communication between dad and child . For example, you can agree with your husband that on weekends he will be the one who will change the child’s diapers, clothes, carry him in his arms if necessary, and bathe him. Organize on weekends walking together , let dad dress the baby for a walk and push the stroller. Such an event will be pleasant for everyone - you will relax, dad will communicate with the child and feel all the pride that he is carrying his own child in a stroller!

How does dad influence the baby's development?

Even in the womb, if dad talks to the baby, the child understands that mom is very different from dad, mom is soft, she has a high voice, dad is more decisive, he has a low voice. The baby understands that dad behaves differently from mom, that he is different; this understanding is very important for the child to understand his own “I”, as well as the features of this world.

“Dad is the first person who helps the child understand that there is someone else in the world besides mom and him. And this someone is no less kind, affectionate and loving.”

From the first days of a child’s life, upbringing in a family is aimed at the development of personality, awareness of oneself as a part of society, a representative of a certain gender, and so on.

Oksana Kovalenko, child psychologist: “For harmonious development, a child needs a dad.The mother acts on the child with affection and kindness; it is her upbringing that influences the development of humanistic character traits. But dad helps the child become purposeful, persistent and courageous. Dad's upbringing provides big influence on emotional development child, as well as the formation of positive self-esteem.”

Dad's participation in raising the baby from the first days of life gives the child a sense of psychological well-being, security.

For boys Dad is especially needed at all stages of development. Watching his dad, the boy copies his father's behavior. Such important qualities, like the ability to take responsibility, respect for women, courage, honesty, are formed precisely in the process of communication.

For harmonious Contact with dad is also very important. Daughters usually do not imitate their fathers; they listen to their opinions to a greater extent; the father's approval gives the girl self-confidence. It is the father who is able to instill in a girl the feeling self-esteem, self-confidence, resilience, willpower and determination.

In a family where mom and dad spend enough time communicating with the child, the baby gets an idea of ​​the harmonious relationship between a man and a woman and grows up as a confident and open person.

The role of the father, like the role of the mother, is very important in the development of the child from the first days of his life. Spend more time with your children, play, walk, take care of them, and the baby will repay you with success and a happy smile!

Having learned about impending fatherhood, men are often confused. The feeling of joy and excitement is mixed with the awareness of impending dramatic changes and the fear of the unknown. Men perceive the pregnancy of the woman they love differently. Some people immediately begin to relate to to the expectant mother as a person with a disease, someone believes that participation in the reproduction of offspring has been completed in full, so he can only wait, since hiking antenatal clinics and even more so, joint childbirth is not a man’s business.

Women also react differently to a man’s reaction, some resign themselves, some are terribly offended, but almost no one wants to be alone in such a happy period. Talk to your man, perhaps he is simply afraid of change, scared of the unknown, feels that you are already beginning to pay less attention to him.

Waiting period for the baby.

During pregnancy, to bring husband and wife closer together, they can play a huge role. courses for pregnant women. During the existence of a huge amount of specialized literature, many consider them an unnecessary activity, but this is not so.

The special atmosphere that prevails at such courses is full of love and joint anticipation of the baby, when the father is part of the “pregnant couple”. In such courses great attention They focus specifically on the joint upbringing of an unborn child, which will provide you with a wonderful tandem in the future, when the baby is born and grows. Parents listen to various lectures and watch non-intimidating films about childbirth, so gradually the fear of the unknown is replaced by calm anticipation. And if you or your husband come up with a million excuses for yourself from attending courses, think together whether a business meeting or something else could be more important than communication with your baby.

In Russian society, the process of childbirth is traditionally considered indecent and scary, and inappropriate for the presence of a man. For years emerging stereotypes led to the fact that many still consider it completely normal in such important point not to be with my wife, but to wait nervously under the windows or sit tensely in front of the phone.

Even in ancient times, caring fathers began to communicate with the child before he was born. A special ritual of meeting the father took place as follows: the father told the baby about what would happen after birth, told him about himself and his family. This is how the process of meeting dad and baby took place.

When the baby's movements in the stomach can already be felt, communication becomes two-way. The child reacts to his father’s touch, distinguishes and remembers his voice. In the future, this will greatly facilitate the process of communication between dad and child, and calm down crying baby not only mom, but also dad, whose voice the baby has long known, can do this. Such communication will help dad cope with his fears and anxieties.


When dad gets used to communicating with his baby through mom's tummy, he begins to be more loyal to the process of joint childbirth. Active preparation For this event, courses for future parents are also held, where they tell how to make this process easier not only for a woman, but also for a man. Dad will be told what will happen to his beloved and child. Having undergone such training, dad will become an invaluable assistant during childbirth, will support both physically and mentally. At the same time, during childbirth it is scary not only for the mother, but also for the baby, because if mom is coming this process consciously, then the baby still cannot understand why he is being “kicked out” from such a comfortable and beloved “house”. That’s why it’s so important to talk to him during this period, and it’s then that dad’s communication will come in handy, since mom often has no time for it.

Joint childbirth existed even in primitive societies. Many nations had a ritual in which a man pretended to be a woman in labor, and his wife actually gave birth nearby. After the birth itself, the man plays the role of the mother in labor - he rests, lying on the bed, and the wife is already busy doing housework. They came up with this not to please the man, but so that the evil spirits who came for the baby or mother would meet strong man and left the house.

The baby was born

After the birth of the child, the father, prepared for childbirth, continues to communicate with the baby completely naturally, without any fear. But if your dad hasn’t had such experience, don’t be upset, it’s time for him to start communicating with your baby. At first, the child does not distinguish the faces of mom and dad well enough; the only difference for him at this time is the smell of milk from mom. The child immediately gets used to the smell, warmth and voice, so dad can become no less important for him than mom.

Of course, he will not be able to breastfeed him, but he is quite capable of realizing others. important functions. Particularly important in the early period bodily communication, when the baby feels the warmth of another person, he contacts him “skin to skin”. At artificial feeding To ease the baby's painful tummy, dad can undress to the waist and place him on his stomach.

An interesting experiment was carried out more than 50 years ago by G. F. Harlow. Baby monkeys weaned from their mother were offered two artificial mothers: shaggy and warm, and made of wire frame structures. Mothers were provided with bottles of milk. The little monkeys preferred their furry mother, even when she was deprived of a bottle of food. This shows how important physical interaction is for children if they choose it over food.

Baby's life.

After the grueling process of childbirth, mom really needs to rest. Often in the first months or even a year of the baby’s life, she is susceptible to depressive attacks at the most various reasons- starting from hormonal imbalances and ending with the restrictions that she now has to feel. This condition is greatly aggravated by the feeling of guilt for not paying enough attention to the baby, for being angry with him, etc. Right now husband support will be an invaluable gift for her. Dad can take on some of the responsibilities, for example, get up at night to see the baby, entertain him in free time, go for walks, giving mom the opportunity to rest a little and be alone with herself.

It often happens that during this period, communication between spouses deteriorates greatly. If the father is not mentally prepared for the birth of a child, believes that he is still too young for “full” communication and his participation in the baby’s life will begin when he is able to play football with him, then the man acutely feels that his wife is paying little attention to him , and quarrels begin on this basis. So that dad does not feel superfluous, supports the family and does not feel jealous of the baby, he needs to communicate with him as much as possible.

There are many ways for such communication, for example, you can entrust dad with some ritual, which only he will perform. This could be bathing, massage, a walk before bed, playing with rattles, etc.

Later, when the child grows up, there will be much more options for communicating with dad, but it is very important to start on time so that the baby feels trust in dad, and dad is not afraid to be left alone with him.

Dad is not just a dad

Dad is also a man. It is very important for a child how dad behaves with mom, his attitude towards her and his role in the family. For boys The period of comparing oneself with dad begins at about 4-7 years. During this period, they are very attached to their mother, trying to be her other support, a man for her. Often boys imagine themselves as husbands for their mother and even say that only she will be their wife. This is absolutely normal and shows that your son cares.

For girls it's the other way around. During the period of 4-7 years, they become very attached to their dad, who for them is the first and most important man in life. The girls try to attract their father's attention, often dressing up for him and even wearing their mother's shoes. From this time on, the girl forms an image for herself ideal man and husband, so it is extremely important that dad makes her feel how beautiful she is and devotes as much time to her as possible.

Remember that dad's communication is extremely important for the baby, and it doesn't matter when it starts. It can't be too early or too late. If dad makes an attempt to communicate with his child, the baby will definitely respond to it.

What could be stronger than the emotional and spiritual bond between mother and baby when you breastfeed? This connection is almost impenetrable. What about dad? How can he feel closer to the baby? After all, it is correct when not only the mother, but also the father entertains the newborn child, and then the baby, and the father puts him to bed. How to make a father and son closer friend to friend?

At this age, an infant prefers his mother, who is the source of his food, to all other relatives - and this is natural. A close connection with the mother is very understandable - the child spent nine months under her heart, and was connected with the mother even before birth, and breastfeeding only strengthens this connection. Sometimes mom and dad are worried that he cannot calm the baby down when he is screaming, cannot distract him, help him stop crying... How to encourage and establish a connection between “father and baby”? Good question. Luckily for moms, there are answers.

Dad and newborn baby, dad and baby - secrets of bonding

1. Joint feeding - mom, dad and baby

During feeding, dad can hug mom or sit as close to her as possible. If the child sees the face of not only the mother, but also the father and can focus on him too. This will allow the baby to associate his father with pleasant feelings.

2. Dad helps the baby before and after feeding

Of course, dad will not be able to breastfeed the baby. But dad can be the person who brings the baby to mom in the middle of the night. He can hold the baby in his arms after feeding until the air passes and put the baby back to bed after that.

3. Skin to skin contact

What allows the baby to feel as close as possible to his mother is also available to the father. Dad can hug and press the baby to his bare chest so that the baby feels warm and safe, or he can put the baby on his chest so that he hears his father’s heartbeat and remembers his smell.

4. Making room for dad

Almost every mother strives to take on every moment of caring for her child. But we must learn to step back and make room for the father. You can take turns during the weekend or in the evening to come to the child’s aid or calm him down when he cries or is naughty. Dad can dress and undress the baby and bathe him. It is good and correct when dad entertains the child, dad puts the child to bed together with mom or in turn. The main thing is that the mother trusts the father at this moment and does not interfere. Give them their own space to get to know each other, play and develop their own relationships, besides you. And then the connection between “father and newborn,” and later “father and baby,” will gradually become stronger.

And dads, remember, it is quite natural that the child still puts his mother above everyone else. And when the child feels unwell or is very tired, do not insist on your intervention; if the baby is capricious, let the mother take care of him. And, as soon as you feel confident in your new role, you will no longer feel superfluous or unnecessary when the child calls for mom, and the baby will be able to understand: “Mom, dad and I are a happy family!”

How small, fragile and defenseless he is - this is what a man usually thinks, looking with tenderness at his newborn baby - if only he could grow up as soon as possible! And with a feeling of some relief he gives this small lump into caring motherly hands. And he himself begins to patiently wait for that blessed time when his son or daughter will finally learn to walk, talk, play, express. your thoughts and you can communicate normally with them. Only for some reason, when this time comes, very often it suddenly turns out that dad is not so easy to find mutual language with your grown child. Therefore, you should not miss this difficult but happy time of the “newborn” in order to begin to learn to understand each other.

Meeting with an alien

Many fathers experience meeting their newborn baby as nothing less than meeting a creature from another planet. The one born into the world seems so amazing and incomprehensible to them at the same time. little man. One young dad who took part in the birth described his impressions this way: “When my daughter was born, she was like a little alien who somehow miraculously appeared in our lives. So tiny, but at the same time so strong and beautiful. Why do I It seemed that at birth children are obliged to scream heart-rendingly, and she seemed to be calmly telling us something in her incomprehensible babbling language. But the most amazing thing was her look. dark eyes, so deep, studying, and not at all childishly wise. I suddenly felt acutely and realized what an amazing event this is - the birth of a person." But even if you didn’t hear so much from your husband’s lips beautiful confession, this does not mean that he is indifferent to the appearance of a baby in your family. Just give him time to adapt to the meeting with the "alien".

How does real understanding come?

Agree, the confusion of a new dad at the first meeting with the baby is quite understandable. And at this moment the mother should under no circumstances demonstratively show that she knows better how to properly treat the baby, much less criticize the daddy for the awkward movements of the “newborn”. For the first contacts between father and baby, an atmosphere of calm and trust is especially important. Communication with dad is very important for a child, and the importance of this relationship will gradually increase. But the foundations of mutual understanding and affection are laid in the atmosphere of this very first meeting between father and child. There is probably no need to insist on your husband immediately teaching him some concrete actions baby care, whether it's bathing, bottle feeding or changing diapers: all these skills will come with time! In the meantime, give the man real freedom of action so that he can calmly get to know his baby. Even if dad just holds the newborn in his arms, talking quietly to him, such simple communication will not be in vain. When a man feels that he is trusted to communicate with the baby at his discretion, and is not forced to take a “swaddling exam,” then it will be easier for him to learn to understand his “alien.”

The whole family is changing their lifestyle

With the arrival of a baby, the whole family has to change their existing lifestyle. In one family, for example, the husband liked to soak in the bath for a long time in the morning. When the baby was born, the morning became more dynamic. The young mother, torn between tasks, found an original way out: she brought the baby directly to her husband in the bath and, while they were bathing together, she calmly did her morning chores. Dad was at first taken aback by this turn of events, but soon he really liked the ritual of bathing together in the morning.

Father needs help!

Young daddies are often unsure of their own abilities. Indeed, a newborn seems so vulnerable that a man sometimes simply does not know which side to approach him from, how to hold him correctly, how to calm him down. With anxious fathers, the children also begin to worry and cry, and the fathers try to give the baby to the mother as quickly as possible. The man thinks that he is doing something wrong, takes the baby much less often and eventually moves away from him. Try to explain to your husband that parents serve as the personification of the whole world for a small child, and if this world carries anxiety and uncertainty, the baby also begins to worry. Therefore, the most important thing in communicating with a baby is mom and dad’s calm and confidence. Encourage your spouse more often, tell him how confident his movements are when he helps you bathe your child or change his diapers.

If you feel that your husband is still insecure about the baby, try turning to specialists for help. In many family centers and clubs there is a service for patronage of newborns, when an experienced instructor shows young parents how to properly treat their baby, how to do gymnastics and massage, and how to teach him to swim. Having seen firsthand the benefits such activities bring to the baby, how calmly and confidently the instructor handles infant, many men overcome their insecurities and begin to take care of their baby on their own. This gives dads an interesting and very important task - to develop their child. And now men proudly demonstrate to their loved ones the “amazing” successes of their “brilliant” children. Such involvement in the baby’s life enriches the relationship between father and child. And the happy smile of a baby can melt even the harshest man’s heart! Now more and more families are mastering the wonderful practice of carrying a newborn baby in a special sling, when most The baby spends time in direct contact with mom or dad, feels the warmth of their body, hears the soothing beat of their heart. And here’s what’s interesting: it turns out that quite often it’s daddies who do this. Invite your husband to take on this pleasant responsibility, which gives such an amazing feeling of close physical contact and gives both dad and baby mutual pleasure. In the first year of a baby's life, events happen at incredible speed. The first smile, the first walk, the first toy, the first outfits... It seems that recently he could not hold his head up, but now he is already sitting confidently and trying the steering wheel on his first tooth. I don't want to miss anything. This is where there is a wide field for dad’s activities: you can take photographs, shoot on camera, record the stages of development of a small family member in an album specially designated for this. Your home chronicle will surely delight the whole family. And how grown-up children love to look at their baby photos! Thanks to daddy, who managed to catch the funny and touching moments in the baby’s life in time. It really is a whole art to photograph a fidgety baby, and this is where observation, patience, and speed of reactions, which are more characteristic of men, are needed.

How can we console the baby?

Men's resourcefulness and sense of humor will more than once help a young mother in difficult situations. Use dad's ability to find non-standard solutions, it would seem that. in the most impasse situations. For example, your two-month-old baby doesn’t want to sleep, he’s been naughty, or, worse, he’s been screaming for an hour. From the mother’s point of view, all ways to calm the screamer have been tried, but to no avail, the baby continues to cry. They just give up! And then dad comes up with a saving idea. He takes an African drum, which has long been a piece of furniture, and begins to make simple rhythmic sounds over the bed of the restless baby. And then a miracle happens: the baby calms down, listens to new sounds and soon falls asleep sweetly. Another resourceful dad rocked his daughter in a cradle made from a large linen scarf and a belt from a wrestling kimono. This device was attached to the hook of the chandelier and swayed rhythmically in the middle of the room. The baby's mother was shocked at first, but soon appreciated this invention as the most fast-acting remedy to calm the baby.

Dad's Law of Gravity

All children sincerely believe that their dad is the best, no matter what. Of course, any woman wants her husband to spend more time with the baby, iron the diapers more often, play with him for hours, and regularly rock him to sleep at night. But think about whether there are too many conditions for the image ideal dad? Nitpicking and complaints discourage you from doing anything for a long time. Start with your child to sincerely believe that YOUR DAD IS THE BEST! Appreciate everything that your husband does for your child, do not forget to praise your spouse, admire him and emphasize his importance male attention to the baby. You will see: the strength of a man’s “gravity” towards a child will increase day by day.

How to involve a new father in caring for a baby? Don't be afraid to trust him with as much initiative as possible.

That's it now more dads prepare for the meeting with the baby just as responsibly as mothers. And this is a huge benefit: when dad is actively involved in family affairs, it helps him, the baby, and mom to be happier! Some people believe that a child needs a mother at first, and that it is possible to do without the educational participation of a father. But dad is capable of giving the baby a lot from the very beginning!

  • The baby literally from the first days learns to form an idea of ​​​​a normal model family relations. She will play important role throughout his entire life. Using the example of mom and dad, the child learns to understand how the roles of a man and a woman differ, and what relationships can be like. Mom usually takes on the role of “internal custodian of the family,” ensuring the well-being and spiritual comfort of the family. Dad deals with “external contacts,” protecting the family from collisions with the outside world.
  • Very early the child begins to feel that different people can express love for him in different ways, this is normal and correct. When a baby feels that he receives warmth and milk from his mother, and, for example, games from his father, this helps him better understand that the world is not limited to his mother, makes him more independent, inquisitive and active.
  • When the burden of caring for a baby is distributed among several relatives, this is very good not only for the child himself, but also for the mother. In general, a father can do a lot of things that a woman cannot afford after giving birth. For example, playing with the baby, carrying him in your arms for a long time, bathing him. The more sincerely loving and actively caring people surround the baby, the better!

Becoming a father isn't easy

Mother and baby are installing biological connection even during pregnancy, but it’s not so easy for dad. Therefore, almost every new father is even more full of doubts about his paternal qualities than his mother.

Dads rarely read magazines and books on child care, relying on their wives to get all the information. Therefore, even during pregnancy, share with your husband everything that you consider important, discuss your philosophy of fatherhood and motherhood! If you explain to your father why you are trying to do exactly this, and how important your actions are for raising an heir, he will be much more tolerant of many moments like late dinner and nighttime urges!

If to the young dad I didn't have enough as a child maternal care, he may subconsciously feel slighted, seeing the special intimacy that is established between loving mother and baby.

Alas, sometimes an offended dad begins to criticize his wife for her excessive affection to the baby. It also happens that the mother actually gives all her time and all her strength to the baby, and the father really feels abandoned and superfluous in the family. In such cases, outbursts of discontent towards the wife and even aggressive moods directed at the child are possible.

A man may develop real postpartum depression, from which he will seek salvation by leaving home and moving further and further away from his family. And this is already fraught with damaged relations between the spouses and a feeling of guilt that will be transferred to the baby as the culprit in the alienation. This scenario will leave everyone a loser.

The main thing is to show dad that he is still loved, explain that his feelings are understandable, but the baby now needs a lot of care, because he is the “weak link” in the family, not dad.

The child does not ask for anything extra; all his needs are truly necessary for normal, harmonious development. Therefore, you need to try not to be torn between your husband and child, but do everything possible to include dad in caring for the baby. Then time will be freed up both for caring for yourself and for caring for your husband. For example, while dad plays with his child in the evening, you can iron his shirt: a small act of care that will show that you care about your husband.


What you absolutely should not do is sacrifice breastfeeding “for daddy’s benefit.” Some people believe that if the baby is fed not by the mother from the breast, but by the father from the bottle, then this will help them good relations. Please remember that feeding is an evolutionarily determined function of the mother! What the baby expects from his mother, and from no one else!

Dad's participation can be expressed in other ways: for example, after feeding, mom hands the baby to dad and carves out an hour for herself. Let the father bathe the baby; carries it in her arms when she needs to burp air or calm down. It is quite possible to ask your husband to bring the baby in and take him away from feedings at night.

Very important person

Be prepared for the fact that at some point you will have to step aside to let the father find his own way in communicating with the baby. Sometimes you want to intervene and do things your own way. But if you rush to save the child from the father every time, then how can a man learn something himself, how can he improve his own relationships?

  • For a baby, dad is not secondary to mom; dad is also a very important person! Only in a different way. Try to trust their mutual desire to find contact. And such a desire is always there, even if it is hidden under anxiety and uncertainty.
  • If dad's baby is acting restless, do not rush to take the baby, give them time to try to figure it out themselves. Only engage when you think they are both truly too confused and anxious. And try to do it in such a way that daddy’s pride doesn’t suffer. Eliminate statements like: “Give him to me, he’s always naughty with you” - after such words, dad will think ten times before taking the baby again.
  • Even if communication with the baby didn’t work out for dad this time, don’t blame him, it’s better to say something like: “Let me believe you, didn’t he want to eat?” And it is always worth emphasizing that you are very happy if the child and father have found mutual understanding!
  • Some children at times categorically do not want to communicate with their dad. Reassure your husband: it’s okay, don’t take it to heart, we all have moments when we don’t want to communicate even with loved ones. Moreover, most often such children are quite satisfied with the situation “close, but not too close”: the baby is happy if dad is nearby.

The time will surely come when the baby will happily climb into daddy’s arms, and you will be touched by how happy both of your loved ones will be! In a word, paternal instincts need to be developed in practical care of your baby. And then very soon he will become so close to both of you that the words of some acquaintances that caring for small child- not a man's business.

How to involve dad? Distribute responsibilities wisely!

You probably shouldn’t wait until your father’s feelings come. They themselves may not come, or they may come when the gap between dad and mom and baby becomes too deep. It is better to involve dad in all matters from the very beginning, if possible, discussing them during pregnancy.

Contact between the baby and the parents is established already in the first hours, so it is much easier for fathers who actively participated in the birth to find a common language with the newborn. In the first weeks after childbirth, father's care and help is important for both the baby and mother.

The main principle that you need to keep in mind is that your husband probably wants only the best for you and your baby, but he does not know how to read minds. For him there are no things that seem completely natural to many mothers; he may not even suspect that caring for a child all day long is very tiring.

Of course, many of us find it difficult to ask our husband for something, especially if before motherhood the woman did successful career and got used to relying on my own strength in everything. But family is not a place where a woman is obliged to do absolutely everything. This is a partnership, and caring for a baby can truly become happiness if you correctly distribute your husband’s strength.

Moreover, if mom begins to rely on herself, and only herself, the “reward” she will receive is not respect, but constant fatigue and the husband’s resentment at being ignored! Well, when you ask your husband for help, do not forget to thank him and praise him for the successes achieved.

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