Best for your hair: how to choose the right shampoo. How to properly care for mixed hair types

Mixed hair type is one of the the most pressing problems our time. And this is due not only to improper care and nutrition - factors that activate sebaceous glands, but also with frequent dyeing, abuse of hair dryers, curling irons or flat irons, which, accordingly, dry out the ends. In general, the struggle for beauty, like any other war, leads to victims - in in this case It's not the hair's fault that suffers.

The result is not a very rosy tandem: unnecessary fatty roots peacefully coexist with lifeless, brittle, often split ends. A rhetorical question immediately arises: “What to do?”

Cleansing: what shampoo does mixed hair need?

Proper care for “dual” hair starts with the right shampoo. Here you should choose between two types of shampoos: for combination hair and for oily skin heads.

It is preferable, of course, to use a tool designed specifically for this dilemma. Shampoos marked “for mixed type” act in two directions at once: by pacifying the sebaceous glands, such products make hair softer and smoother.

In addition, it is advisable to choose products from the professional series. It's no secret that shampoos developed for salons allow you to achieve more effective results than their mass-market counterparts, the assortment of household chemicals stores.

Our choice is the combined shampoo BALANCING SHAMPOO 3/S2 from one of the largest manufacturers professional cosmetics, Italian company Helen Seward.

We also remind you: the main criterion when choosing a shampoo is the condition of the scalp. When the problem is excessive oiliness, shampoo for oily scalp will help, provided it is used correctly.

Walking into a store and seeing a huge amount of shampoos on the shelves, anyone can fall into a stupor. The bright bottles beckon, and the beautiful promises on the packaging assure that in a week your hair will become twice as thick.

Don't know how to choose the right shampoo and what to pay attention to first?

The main criteria by which the quality of shampoo should be assessed

Surfactants and additives. Their manufacturers usually indicate on the reverse side small print. Decipher the composition without outside help hard enough.

Not always these chemical substances are good for your hair. More often they negatively affect the scalp, disrupting the natural PH level, and destroying the hair structure.

After using a shampoo containing harmful surfactants, the hair begins to fluff, break and flake at the ends.

You shouldn't expect anything good from parabens, silicones and DEA - toxic substances that destroy hair from the inside.

The mixed type is most often found in long hair. In this case, the roots are too oily and the ends are dry. Exist special shampoos, suitable for mixed skin types - they moisturize and at the same time degrease. For example, good care behind mixed type hair will be provided by shampoos of a South Korean brand or products from a Japanese company, which have become Lately very popular.

Oily hair is the most problematic and causes a lot of trouble for women. Such hair requires shampoos that soothe the scalp, regulate fat metabolism and prevent dandruff. Available brands for oily hair type are , and .

Also shampoos can be divided according to purpose:

Medicinal shampoos. They are designed to become assistants in the fight against certain troubles, such as seborrhea of ​​the scalp, excessive hair loss, psoriasis or dandruff. The composition of medicinal shampoos contains highly active substances that act at the cellular level. Therefore, before using the product, carefully read the instructions.

The most popular medicated shampoos, which can be purchased through the pharmacy chain:

  • A line of shampoos, the composition of which is rich in useful elements, oils and plant extracts;
  • , – effective and inexpensive;
  • , – cope well with the problem of hair loss;
  • – shampoos from a growing Russian brand. Plant extracts and useful material help cope with problems such as fragility, hair loss, dandruff, and so on;
  • , – shampoos specially designed to combat fungal diseases of the scalp;

Our expert, technologist of the Egomania brand, knows everything about shampoos! He revealed several secrets and dispelled the most popular myths associated with this most necessary product in our beauty routine.

Leading technologist at the Egomania Trading House

1. You have thin hair and you buy volumizing shampoo to make it look fuller.

Many girls make the following mistakes when choosing this shampoo:

  • buy only volumizing shampoo, without conditioner;
  • use the product on thin bleached hair Oh;
  • Use the product for dry hair and dry scalp.

Such errors lead to the most negative consequences- lack of volume, dry hair, fragility, destabilization of work sebaceous glands.

Unfortunately, volumizing shampoo is not for everyone. I only recommend it for healthy colored or natural hair. And I do not recommend purchasing such products for thin, brittle and bleached hair. The fact is that volume products dry out the structure of the skin and hair, and if they are already damaged, the results can be very unpleasant.

2. Are you sure that a smoothing shampoo will help straighten your hair?

Many people, when purchasing a shampoo labeled “smoothing,” think that it straightens their hair. In reality, nothing like that happens. These products are created exclusively for the smoothness of long straight hair - the shampoo simply removes the frizz of the structure, adds gloss and shine. And it's all! By the way, these products often contain hydrolyzed keratin, as a result of which the hair becomes denser. If you have thin or, for example, curly hair, then there will be no effect other than making it clean.

3. After lightening or coloring, you do not use moisturizing shampoo

Moisturizing shampoo is suitable for any hair after lightening, toning, dyeing, perming and chemical straightening. Why then do you neglect him? The point is that after chemical exposure Loses a huge amount of water to the hair structure. Hair needs a lot of moisturizing components, which, in general, is what moisturizing products provide.

Do you think that moisturizing shampoo makes the structure heavier? No, this is not true, since the composition simply does not contain components capable of doing this.

4. You have combination hair, but you wash it with shampoo for dry hair.

The hair at the ends is very dry, and at the roots it gets dirty quite quickly - does this sound familiar? And, in order to somehow protect the weak ends, you wash your hair with shampoo for dry hair. And this big mistake! It is suitable for dry and thinning hair at the ends and lengths, but if the scalp is oily, the product will increase sebum production, which will lead to excessive oily scalp. In short, you will only make the situation worse!

So I recommend shampoo for combination hair. When choosing a product, you should be guided by the following: the composition should contain alcohol for working with the skin, oils and extracts to regulate the porosity and moisture transfer of the hair. And these products must be professional.

5. You have normal hair, but you wash it with shampoo for oily hair - just in case, so that it becomes less dirty

Such shampoos are created and intended exclusively for oily scalps with excessive sebum production. As a rule, if a person has a disorder of the sebaceous glands and initial stage seborrhea, then it is best to choose a trichological shampoo. If the problem is cosmetic and is associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands as a result of diets, lactation, hormonal changes, then products for oily hair will easily solve this problem.

If we talk about Egomania Professional, you can choose any product that has instructions for use: “suitable for oily or oily scalp.”

6. You wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo, even though you no longer have it.

Under no circumstances should you use an anti-dandruff product if you don’t have it, even for prevention purposes! The fact is that products for solving problems with dandruff - both fungal and contact - are created on complex formulations that can cause dry skin, contact dermatitis, and drying out the structure of the hair itself.

7. You have healthy hair, but just in case you wash it with restorative shampoo.

A restorative shampoo is needed when hair is damaged as a result chemical process- coloring, lightening, etc. Apply them to healthy and good hair It’s simply pointless, because such means will lead to heavier structure and excessive compaction. The hair will simply lose volume - both in length and in the root zone.
I recommend using restoration products only if you have undergone a course of strong moisturizing of the hair, as we described earlier, since the components to restore the damaged structure need a base to attach to, and it needs to be created. So it’s simple: the first step is hydration, the second is restoration. All restoration products work on the principle of introducing and filling the hair structure with active ingredients.

8. You use shampoo for colored hair, even though you haven’t dyed your hair for a long time.

If you use shampoo for colored hair on natural hair, nothing bad will happen, but there will be no effect. A waste of money! The product is created specifically for colored hair, because it needs a microfilm to hold the artificial pigment. So everything is simple here: color protection is microlamination, when each hair is covered with a breathable film using oils and polymers, which holds the pigment.

According to statistics, more than 80% of women have some kind of hair problem. Someone complains about increased dryness and fragility of curls, someone, on the contrary, on excessive fat content, dullness and not healthy shine. But it’s even more difficult for those who have all the listed phenomena present at the same time. It's about about mixed hair or combined type, main distinctive feature which are excessively oily roots and, in contrast, dry, split ends.

Most often, the combination of structure is observed in owners of long hair, which, as a rule, is due to the uneven distribution of fat secreted by the exocrine glands along the entire length of the strands. Because of what the tips, deprived natural lubrication, dry out over time, become fragile and brittle, and excess sebum, accumulating at the base of the hair, clogs the mouths of the hair follicles and disrupts their functioning.

Undoubtedly, caring for mixed-type curls requires great effort, because, unfortunately, there are practically no products that could effectively remove excess fat, regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, and at the same time moisturize and nourish the ends. Shampoos designed for dry or oily hair can solve only one of these problems, while aggravating the other, and “universal” products often provide only a short-term effect. How to solve the problem of combination hair? First you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence and try to eliminate them.

Mixed hair: reasons

Main reasons high fat content roots and dry ends are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • malfunctions endocrine system(imbalance of male and female hormones in organism);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys;
  • frequent stress, anxiety, lack of proper rest;
  • unbalanced diet (excessive consumption of fats, sweet, salty and spicy foods, lack of vitamins and minerals);
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • long-term use medicines(antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents);
  • negative impact of the environment;
  • improper care of hair (use of unsuitable or low-quality detergents, abuse of high-temperature hair styling devices);
  • Frequently performing harmful hairdressing procedures (hair coloring, perm and straightening);
  • improper hair washing (using too hot and hard water).

If you realize what exactly led to the deterioration of the condition and appearance of your hair, you can try to get rid of this provoking factor. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to solve the problem of combined curls in an instant, but over time, all your efforts will certainly be crowned with success. If, of course, you provide your hair complete care, aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and healing dry ends.

The problem of excessive oily roots and dry ends of the hair needs to be solved comprehensively. To do this, you need to create a competent care program for mixed hair, which includes the following points.

1. Diet adjustments.

In order to restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you must first reduce the consumption of fats and complex carbohydrates. Instead, you should add to your diet foods rich in vitamins B, E and H, as well as protein and fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals). Pay attention Special attention breakfast - it must be balanced. Don't forget to follow drinking regime(drink at least one and a half liters of clean water daily).

2. Careful selection of hair washing products.

For mixed-type hair, it is highly undesirable to use shampoos intended for oily or, conversely, dry curls. If necessary, you can wash your hair with baby shampoo, which has a mild and gentle effect, or a product for normal hair type with a neutral pH. But it’s better to purchase special products marked “for combination hair.” Concerning medicinal products containing salicylic acid, tar and sulfur, it is recommended to use them not regularly, but in short courses (2-3 weeks).

3. Proper washing heads.

Wash mixed hair You need to use warm (not hot) water, and rinse with moderately cool water. Keep in mind that hot water helps to increase the production of sebum, and therefore the curls begin to quickly become greasy. It is recommended to carry out water procedures as the roots become dirty (approximately once every three days). You should not increase the intervals between washing your hair for fear of harming the ends, since the secretion produced by the sebaceous glands clogs the pores, preventing the skin from “breathing” and thereby disrupting the vital processes of the hair follicles. In the worst case, this can lead to active hair loss. If your locks get dirty very quickly, you can occasionally refresh them with dry shampoo. This powdered product absorbs excess oil at the roots and gives strands a healthy look. beautiful shine. Factory-made dry shampoo can be replaced with regular shampoo potato starch, which is applied to the roots of the hair, and after a few minutes is removed with a comb.

How to properly wash combination hair:

  • try to use a small amount of shampoo, previously diluted in warm water (in a ratio of 1:3);
  • apply detergent onto the roots, and then distribute it over the entire length of the hair (soap the ends as carefully as possible so as not to dry them out even more);
  • wash your hair quickly, without over-exposing the shampoo to your hair, and rinse your hair very thoroughly with water;
  • do not reapply shampoo: by washing away the protective film from your hair, you stimulate intense sebum production and further damage your ends;
  • at the end water procedures rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile, mint or birch buds: such manipulations help normalize the functioning of the exocrine glands and give your hair a healthy shine;
  • After each shampoo, be sure to treat the ends of your hair with a leave-in moisturizing balm.

4. Proper drying and hair styling.

To improve the condition of combination hair, you need to try to minimize all traumatic effects:

  • After washing, the curls must be dried soft towel using gentle blotting movements (without rubbing);
  • best way to dry your hair naturally, without a hair dryer, but if such a need arises, use electrical appliance at the lowest speed and do not bring it closer to the curls than 30 cm;
  • if you regularly curl your curls, use curlers or curlers for this purpose. silicone curlers, not a curling iron or electric curling iron;
  • choose the lightest means to fix your hair, such as foams, mousses or special sprays;
  • pick up suitable comb- it must be made from natural materials (best option- a wooden brush with soft bristles or rounded teeth);
  • do not forget to regularly wash your combs with warm water and disinfectant so as not to transfer grease and dirt to clean curls;
  • comb your hair as carefully as possible so as not to injure the ends (to facilitate the process, it is recommended to pre-treat the curls with a special aerosol);
  • Try not to touch the scalp while combing, then the secretion of the sebaceous glands will spread less throughout the strands without weighing them down.

5. Regular visits to the hairdresser.

For those with combination hair, experts recommend visiting a hairdresser every month. The ends of the curls need to be constantly trimmed: this is the only way the hair will look neat. It is best to carry out such manipulations with hot scissors: they “seal” the porous ends and prevent their delamination in the future. The beauty salon may also offer you other hair restoration services (for example, healing masks or shampooing with special means, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands).

Besides local treatment combination hair, you can periodically take special biological supplements and vitamin complexes, helping to significantly improve appearance hair. Hair ampoules containing nutrients, which restore and strengthen the stratum corneum of the hair from the inside.

Folk remedies for combination hair

Mixed hair, like any other hair, in addition to cleansing, also needs additional care. For these purposes, you can use not only factory-made cosmetics, but also products homemade, the most popular of which are masks. In order not to bother yourself with searching for recipes, you can use those presented below.

Garlic mask with mayonnaise

This product helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates greasy shine and nourishes the ends of the hair.


  • 2 cloves garlic, minced;
  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • 30 g fresh honey;
  • 1 egg yolk.
  • Mix mayonnaise with honey and beaten yolk.
  • Add chopped garlic, mix and apply the finished mixture to the root zone of your hair.
  • Massage your head, and then distribute the remaining mixture along the entire length of your curls.
  • Wrap your hair in film, wrap a towel on top and leave for about 40 minutes.
  • Rinse it off garlic mask water. For elimination unpleasant odor You can additionally rinse your hair vinegar solution(20 ml of acid per 1 liter of water).

Oil mask with glycerin

This mask perfectly moisturizes the hair, restores its structure and prevents split ends.


  • 30 ml castor oil;
  • 20 ml burdock oil;
  • 1 raw yolk;
  • 30 ml glycerin.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix both oils, add beaten yolk and glycerin.
  • Whisk the mixture and distribute it onto pre-moistened hair ends (no need to treat roots).
  • Wait 30–40 minutes, and then wash off the mask with water and shampoo.

Linen mask with colorless henna

This composition not only strengthens the hair, but also reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, giving the curls a healthy, well-groomed appearance.


  • 30 g whole flax seeds;
  • 200 ml boiling water;
  • 20 g dried nettle leaves;
  • 25 g of colorless henna.

Preparation and use:

  • Place flax seeds and nettle leaves in an enamel container and pour boiling water over them.
  • Let the mixture brew for about 40 minutes, then strain the finished infusion and mix with henna.
  • Rub the mixture thoroughly so that no lumps remain.
  • Apply the prepared mask to your hair, wrap your head with film and leave for 60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water.

Milk mask with blue clay

Thanks to this mask, you can get rid of oily shine, reduce the secretion of sebum and give your hair volume at the roots.


  • 100 ml homemade milk;
  • 30 g blue clay;
  • 30 ml heavy cream (to lubricate the ends).

Preparation and use:

  • Mix clay with milk.
  • Treat the ends of your hair with cream to prevent it from drying out.
  • Distribute the clay mixture along the entire length of the strands, wrap your head in film and wrap a warm scarf on top.
  • Wait half an hour and rinse off the medicinal composition with water.

Cognac mask

At regular use With this mask you can get rid of unhealthy shine, strengthen your hair and give it a natural shine.


  • 50 ml cognac;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 30 ml castor oil;
  • 30 g honey.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix cognac with egg and whisk.
  • Add Castor oil and honey
  • Mix everything and distribute the prepared mass on damp curls.
  • Leave the mask under insulation for 30–40 minutes, and then rinse your hair with water and shampoo.

Mixed type hair has the disadvantages of both dry and oily curls, which causes some confusion in caring for them. But if you carefully follow the above recommendations and pay attention to your hair not from time to time, but constantly, all the problems characteristic of combination hair will soon disappear and will no longer annoy you.

Depending on which hair shampoo you choose, you will either end up with beautiful, soft, well-groomed hair, or you will suffer from various problems. For example, against dry hair, split ends, dandruff, etc. It is necessary to approach the choice of hair shampoo responsibly and competently.

How to determine your scalp type and hair type?

The type of scalp you have determines what your hair will look like. Mainly normal, oily, dry and mixed scalp types are distinguished.

At normal type you wash your hair once every 3-4 days, the roots begin to get oily by the end of the 3-4th day. The hair itself looks shiny, voluminous and healthy, rarely splits and becomes electrified when combed. In this case, it is necessary to select a shampoo for normal hair. Reviews indicate that you don’t need to save much and you shouldn’t buy cheap brands. You won't gain anything by doing this; on the contrary, you can cause damage to your hair.

At fat type scalp you have to wash it every two days. The hair has a healthy shine, it does not become electrified, and the ends do not split. Hair looks voluminous only the first day, then it quickly loses its volume and becomes sticky. You need to choose a shampoo for oily hair that will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. And to add volume to even hair that is prone to oiliness, it is worth purchasing a volumizing shampoo, the reviews of which are trustworthy.

For dry type scalp hair requires washing every 7-8 days. Usually the roots begin to get fat by the end of the 7th day. The hair is voluminous, electrification occurs constantly when combing, and the ends often split. Hair is often dull and brittle. Choose shampoo for dry hair. Its use is designed to more intensively moisturize the scalp and stimulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands to produce a natural moisturizer.

Mixed type hair means that the scalp produces enough oil to moisturize the roots, sometimes even too much. The ends of the hair are dry, brittle, and often split. The hair has an oily sheen only at the roots, and is dull along the entire length. You wash your hair once every 5-6 days. In this case, any shampoo for normal hair will suit you, or shampoo for mixed hair types, but in no case for dry or oily hair. This can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the hair will become weaker, lifeless, and thinner. Masks and hair balms are best used only on the ends.

When determining your scalp type, pay attention to associated factors. For example, what kind of food do you eat (spicy, sweet, fatty foods promote increased functioning of the sebaceous glands); Do you live in a city (dust and gases pollute your hair faster); Do you play sports (your head sweats during exercise); what time of year it is (in winter, hair gets dirty faster from wearing a hat; in summer, the swimming season affects it - hair becomes drier and faded). Therefore, for accurate self-determination scalp type, you should monitor your hair for one to two weeks normal conditions, eliminating as many unfavorable factors as possible.

Special hair types that require careful care

Sometimes hair coloring is used to hide emerging gray hair or create a new image. This procedure weakens the hair because... they are actively exposed to chemical compounds. Often, after coloring, the hair becomes dry, lifeless, the roots become fat faster, and the ends split and break. The color itself can fade quickly. To soften and eliminate as much damage as possible, as well as make the color more durable, you should purchase shampoo for colored hair. Reviews must demonstrate that hair restoration and color protection actually occur.

There is such a type of hair as damaged. Usually models, artists suffer from this due to their profession, as well as those who like to change their hairstyles - do chemistry, often and radically change their hair color. This requires enhanced and intensive hair care, which will most effectively restore, strengthen, and protect it from adverse effects. Shampoo can provide this kind of care. damaged hair, and reviews about it should prove its effectiveness and appropriateness of use.

If nature has not given you Thick hair, then don’t despair. Nowadays there is more than one shampoo for fine hair. User reviews indicate that buying a quality, expensive shampoo for fine hair helps to add volume and strength.

Shampoos you should know more about

There are shampoos that are worth mentioning separately. For some this may be ideal option hair care.

Dry hair shampoo

An unusual option is dry hair shampoo; as a rule, it comes in the form of an aerosol spray. It is worth understanding that this shampoo is only an addition to regular care, very indispensable in emergency situations. For example, you need to give your head freshness, but the water is turned off at home, after work you need to go to a meeting or party, but there is no time to dry your hair, you are going on a trip, etc.

This shampoo is especially suitable for those who have greasy hair. It absorbs excess fat, reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands, and gives dullness to the hair. For those who suffer from dandruff, thinning and dry hair, it is not recommended to use it, because... this may only make the problem worse.

The powder used in aerosol dry shampoo has White color, so a burning brunette after use may observe a light coating on his head, which is not always removed by combing.

You should not use dry shampoo on your hair frequently. Reviews indicate that this is not a panacea or an alternative to liquid shampoo, and only helps for one or two days. At the first opportunity, it is better to immediately wash your hair in the usual way.

Japanese hair shampoo

Such “exotic” shampoo as Japanese is in demand on the domestic market. Produced using new technologies, using ingredients that are minimally harmful to hair, Japanese hair shampoo is confidently gaining popularity. It is worth noting that this shampoo is not 100% organic. natural composition, this is only a high-quality and most harmless shampoo according to chemical composition. Japanese hair shampoos do not contain sodium laureth sulfate and are a higher quality version of similar shampoos from domestic manufacturers.

It is best to purchase Japanese hair shampoo in specialized stores. Reviews from some buyers say that there is a risk of purchasing a fake, which significantly damages the hair.

Professional hair shampoo

It’s worth thinking carefully about stopping “killing” your hair with economy-class shampoos. Yes, they can be cheap and save your budget, but in the end you can get (or have already gotten) various problems: dim and weak hair, serious poisoning of the body. It is known that such shampoos contain a high concentration of cheap detergent ingredients that are aggressive to the delicate hair structure.

Temporary savings can be harmful, so pay attention to professional hair shampoos. They do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate (the most aggressive component), sodium laureth sulfate (the component that creates more foam), or other harmful additives. And the quality of the chemical additives present is several times higher than in economy options. A large number of natural ingredients and extracts that more carefully cleanse hair, do not harm the scalp, hair follicle, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, are included in professional shampoo for hair. Reviews from users say that after switching to this shampoo, they experienced a decrease in the number of problems associated with their hair and scalp - dryness, dandruff, brittleness, etc.

Summary of proper hair care

Remember a few simple rules points to follow when caring for your hair:

  1. You need to wash your hair as soon as it gets dirty.
  2. Do not rub wet hair with a towel, but gently blot it.
  3. Use a hairdryer less often.
  4. Use various masks, balms that suit you.
  5. Comb your hair in layers.
  6. Wash and change brushes and combs every 4 months.
  7. Consume foods that improve and strengthen hair health (green vegetables, nuts, legumes, red fish, dairy products, eggs, carrots).

Remember! Everyone has their own idea of ​​what the best hair shampoo should be. Reviews from friends even about one type of shampoo from the same brand can differ radically. We all have an individual scalp and hair type, so when choosing best shampoo for hair, you should be guided by your own observations of your hair. Be attentive to yourself!

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