Rules for conducting a personal search, inspection of the belongings of suspects, accused, convicted and other persons, searches and technical inspection of cells. Women in pre-trial detention

03/08/2018 at 16:22, views: 344700

“Oh women, women, you unfortunate people!” - exclaimed the hero of the popular Soviet film. And you can’t argue with him when you look at the women peering into the sky through the bars of the cell window. 982 prisoners are now in the capital’s only women’s pre-trial detention center. But among them there are those who until recently wore shoulder straps themselves and had the power to “execute or pardon” - employees of the police, prosecutor’s office, courts, jailers, security officers and intelligence officers.

IN women's colony. Frame documentary film channel "Top Secret".

Did their view of the world change when they switched places with those whose destinies they controlled? Who do they blame for their evil lot and what do they dream about? How is March 8 celebrated and what do you wish for other women?

An MK columnist and a leading analyst at the Moscow Federal Penitentiary Service walked around the cells and asked their inmates about all this.

This is a holiday for that reason, so that even in the darkest place in the most difficult periods fate became at least a little brighter. So in the only women's pre-trial detention center in Moscow, almost all the prisoners are in high spirits. The menu for the holiday includes goulash with buckwheat, fish balls with rice, fresh carrots and cabbage. Underage girls give us handmade gifts and look forward to a tea party with cake. The little ones living in cells with their mothers received toys and diapers.

In general, the lives of all women, young and old, have changed noticeably here over the past Last year V better side. The cells have new mattresses, pillows, blankets; the staff, according to the prisoners, have become more responsible and more humane. No one sleeps on the floor or suffers from the cold.

What they suffer most from here now is injustice. And this is what they most want to talk about, even on a holiday.

This time we go to the cells where former law enforcement officers are kept, to women who, perhaps, recently decided the destinies of others. Now they are prisoners, and they can rethink the past and tell whether their arrest and their current situation were an accident or a pattern.

One of the cameras. There are twelve women inside. Not all of them want to talk about themselves. Someone goes to the side, silently and sadly looking at us. Someone inserts short, sharp and sometimes angry remarks and interjections into someone else’s long conversation. And those who want to speak out often interrupt the story with tears, and while these tears are wiped away, others continue to talk

Angela - former investigator GSU GU UMVD, specialist in economic crimes. After retiring, the woman went to the bar, but the episodes accused of her date back to the time she worked in the investigation, when she headed the investigation team. Accused of fraud and bribery. He talks about the accusation in detail and judiciously, with slight irony and a shadow of contempt. According to investigators, for money, Angela and her subordinates, while investigating a case of defrauding housing equity holders, recognized persons who had not suffered damage as victims, thereby illegally granting them the right to receive compensation. The ex-investigator herself completely denies guilt.

“There was an order from above that there should be a high-profile case against the police,” she says. - So they couldn’t play any role anymore personal characteristics, neither certificates of honor, no awards, no long-term work... Everything was predetermined in advance, although I continue to challenge every step of the investigation, every illegal decision. Of course, doing this in custody is many times more difficult than in freedom. This is the purpose of our being here under arrest. Basically, the accusations against us are based on the testimony of the so-called “pre-trial officers” (those defendants who made a deal with the investigation, hoping in this way to achieve leniency). Our arguments stand nothing against the words of the “pre-trial officers.” To be placed in custody is the investigator’s hope to break our will and force us to incriminate ourselves or other people.

Angela has been in custody for two years. However, among women there are also those who have been in prison for three years. We ask her if, as an investigator, didn’t you have to place defendants in custody in the same way? Wasn’t there a “stick system” (reporting by indicators) before? Were you really a humane and fair investigator, and then others took over? Or has the system itself, the practice itself, changed?

You may not believe me, but a lot has changed,” Angela answers thoughtfully. - The watershed took place in 2011, when the police became the police. You know, before we hardly took anyone into custody. Or only very good reasons. It seemed absurd to take people accused of economic crimes into custody for several years: for a professional investigator, this was neither necessary nor expedient. The thing won't fall apart if it works properly.

By the way, the first person arrested was after six years of work. You know, I stopped a lot of things! Then it was possible to terminate cases without consequences for the investigator himself. Of course, there were nuances: in the first quarter it was impossible to stop business, but at the end of the year it was possible. And then the “cleaning of the ranks” began. Those who wanted to work as before did not undergo recertification. Amateurs have taken their place. Less experienced, more manageable, from the regions, more greedy and hungry, who could easily be drawn into commercial schemes and organize corruption flows.

March 8th... For example, just before March 8th, say, 5-6 trucks with smuggled flowers are arrested. And on the eve of the holiday - a call from the prosecutor's office: lift the arrest! Skip the flowers! None of us ever did this. And these young people, they went and filmed, they were not used to thinking about the consequences. But in the end, they are now sitting next to each other on prison beds. Here they are, our interrogators. Ira, tell me.

They lowered our readings,” the cellmate enters. - 5 cases under this article, 5 under this article, 5 under another. And let’s say we only have 3. Then we called the local police officer and said: “We need a homeless person.” They made a request to the store, from there they sent a flash drive supposedly with a recording of the crime committed, but in fact there was no recording there. And we described, deciphered, as if it existed. They will ask: where is the recording? Let's answer: the cameras are faulty, the computers are old. But usually no one checked.

Or this article 327 part 3. The district police themselves found, took Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, gave them illegal patents. Then they themselves arrested them. Then they paid the fines themselves. All in the name of statistics. And the prosecutor's office... What - the prosecutor's office? The price of the prosecutor's office is four wheels for a BMW for ten criminal cases. I didn't really like it. But the boss said: do it this way, do it. If you don’t want to do it, write a letter of resignation. I wanted to write, but I hesitated; that’s not why I studied at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And here I am. And there were a lot of us here. Lena, Vika, two local police officers... But the system continues to live.

You see, an investigator can refuse a dubious offer once,” says Tatyana, a former investigator of the Investigation Department of one of the Moscow districts: “And he can refuse a second time if he has the willpower.” And on the third they will say: quit. What, you don't want to quit? Well, you yourself decided so...

There is even an expert in the chamber. How often do you remember female experts being imprisoned? This is almost the first time this has happened in our country.

My father wanted me to become a policeman, we have a dynasty,” begins Katerina, a forensic expert at the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with 23 years of experience, a lieutenant colonel. - Entered the adjunct program of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, specialization - nine, criminal procedure and criminology. Science articles, conferences, in the field of activity - communication with lawyers. I ran into one, he turned out to be a scammer. The telephone conversation was in the field of graphology, forgery of signatures, I felt sorry for him, the version was this: a friend lent a large amount and lost the receipt. Is it possible to restore a document, will a forged signature pass examination? I said: no, I won’t do such an examination.

But yes, I shared the coordinates of those who might have become. Are there many such offices? This was in 2012. The call from the investigator came in 2015, when I had already moved to work at the Ministry of Defense. I was accused of falsifying a signature... for seven thousand rubles.

The “pre-trial man” slandered me, but did not fully fulfill the terms of the deal (he then refused to testify and publicly asked me for forgiveness), so he received 14 years. My article is “complicity in attempted fraud.” The prosecutor asked me for 4 years, the judge gave me four and a half. Why did you give more than requested? I didn’t have time to ask him (smiles sadly).

You know, there’s a general problem with us,” Angela summarizes. “Our affairs are being investigated by the Investigative Committee, and its employees directly say: “We hate you. You will sit. We will imprison you." It’s as if they created a special monster that takes pleasure in destroying you. This is an organization that easily pushes cases through the courts, since they also conduct cases against judges.

Among the “former employees” there are also jailers. Here is Tamara, a warrant officer in the internal service.

And I worked in a Moscow pre-trial detention center for ten years. I don’t deny my guilt: I brought three phones into the pre-trial detention center and received 70 thousand for it. There was no housing, and it was impossible to achieve a promotion. I urgently needed money. Urgently... you want to know why? You do not want? Well, okay... I wanted to eat. Just like that – “I wanted to eat.” You can consider it a mockery, but I did not mock. You know, those who spoke before me are crying out for justice. And I - to mercy. I was given three years in prison. For what? I'm guilty, but who am I dangerous to? I asked for any punishment not related to imprisonment, I repented. But they gave me three years in prison. I will go to Kungur to serve my sentence.

A special squad has been created for former law enforcement officers in only one penal colony in Russia, near Kungur in a village with the telling name Dalny in the Perm region. This is very far from Moscow. More than once, women have turned to the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service with a collective request to create such a detachment somewhere closer. Their issue is currently under consideration. Former law enforcement officers cannot remain working in pre-trial detention centers in the economic service squads, unlike other “first responders.” The law prohibits.

They often make requests to “dissuade” them, to consider them ordinary prisoners, then they could stay close to their children, husbands, and sometimes elderly parents. For this, they are ready to work from morning to night, washing, painting walls, sewing, cooking, sweeping - just so as not to leave for Kungur. But the law does not know such a procedure - “exclude former employees.” If you are former employee- then you will remain one forever.

On March 8, the newspaper “Petrovka, 38” published an article about me in 2012,” Angela suddenly remembers. - Big one, to turn around. It was called “Her Choice is a Consequence.” I was so proud of that newspaper article. Could I have thought that six years later I would be talking about her in a pre-trial detention center?

Another “beessnitsa” - another Tatyana. According to her, she was made an unambiguous offer to plant marked banknotes to an undesirable manager, whose office she had entered. Perhaps they wanted to remove the manager for a modernized organization of corruption flows.

Tatyana did not like the proposal. This is why the Internal Security Service for the South-Western Administrative District did not like her. After many twists and turns that she tried to survive, numerous calls and interviews, she was called to the CSS again, promising that this would be last time. There, according to Tatyana, they began to take away her phone and voice recorder, beat her with hands and feet, broke out gel nails, were forcefully pinned together on the sofa. This was done by men, employees.

Tatiana was taken to the hospital by ambulance. She then told a newspaper about this. A month later, she was arrested (accused of fraud), while the house was surrounded by riot police, and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow filed a civil lawsuit against Tatyana for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, demanding a refutation of the information stated in the interview. Tatyana won the civil case, but since then she has been kept in a pre-trial detention center for more than two years, gradually losing her poor health.

We have a young woman, she’s not ready to talk yet,” the prisoners recall in unison. - When she was brought to the pre-trial detention center, her entire chest was purple. Have you ever seen a woman be beaten so that her chest was like one hematoma - from the collarbone to the nipples? This is how they beat her...

I was beaten for only one day, and she was beaten for three,” adds Tatyana. - I will prove my innocence, go out, rehabilitate myself and never set foot in law enforcement agencies! Enough.

“And I’ll prove everything and come back,” says Ekaterina. - I will work about professions. This is my calling and my duty. And the country needs me.

Lord, how shameful... shameful for our investigation,” Angela intervenes again. - Because people are not seen or heard behind the indicators, people are maimed, lives are ruined... There was a Profession. There was Mentoring. It became earphones. There was snitching. There is no one to come to with a problem, for advice. Did you have a heart-to-heart talk? Write a report against your interlocutor first, before he writes against you...

You asked what I wish for women on March 8th? Better for men. After all, it was said: in life you need to love three women - your mother, the mother of your children and your Motherland. Why don’t you love us so much?.. Who am I? Yes to everyone. First of all - Investigative Committee. But this will always be the case until the courts begin to really control this system. When will this mutual responsibility end? Do they need it?

Back when the women worked as investigators and went to pre-trial detention centers, Butyrka employees gave them a tour. They showed the cells where they had once been shot, and said: “After those events, the trees here are yellow, always in autumn. They saw it, they remember it, and since then they have turned yellow and will never turn green again.” Many women have never forgotten about those trees since then. And now they dream that one day, in the spring, they will bloom. And the women themselves were released to their children and husbands, at least under an amnesty.

“They called me directly from there, from the pre-trial detention center. Then she (prisoner who called - V) handed over her cell phone. She wrote a statement saying she was starting a hunger strike. She complained about humiliation, about “training,” about illegal demands from the administration,” said Vlasti Semenova.

According to the human rights activist, the “illegal demands” included “squats” and “undressing.” “The women said that the checks they carry out are carried out in a humiliating manner. Endless training, like dogs. Illegal demands of the administration. During the inspection - squats, undressing. They almost put me in a gynecological chair. The medical examination is filmed. I have a question: why is such a search necessary if this is a closed institution? In principle, nothing can get there illegally,” says Semenova.

Two days ago, the director of the department of state language and information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), Almas Sadubaev, in an official mailing to the media, denied Semenova’s statement about the hunger strike and beating of women in the LA-155/1 institution in Almaty. He said that one of those arrested was placed in a disciplinary cell for repeated violations of the detention regime. “Three of her cellmates, including a pregnant woman, inflicted minor wounds on themselves in protest. No one went on a hunger strike, no veins were opened. In the presence of the leadership of the penitentiary system for the city of Almaty, a representative of the prosecutor's office, medical workers carried out medical checkup of the above women, no bodily injuries were identified. By this fact The Ministry of Internal Affairs is conducting an internal investigation,” Sadubaev said.

IN telephone interview When asked by the authorities what the purpose of the official investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is, if the information has already been refuted, Sadubaev replied: “I cannot tell you that for sure. In general, I can’t say anything in advance.” In addition, Sadubaev said that the mailing about the denial of the hunger strike and the beating of women in the pre-trial detention center was based on an internal investigation of the criminal justice system, and now the investigation is being carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. “A special official investigation is being conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is not a criminal investigation system, not a criminal justice system, but the ministry itself, we are conducting it,” Sadubaev added.

Semenova, in turn, insists on her own. “This is not my unfounded statement. If something happens, I can prove everything. I am perfectly aware of my actions. When I called the prosecutor's office, they told me that they would contact me and keep me informed, but so far nothing has happened. They promised me this. And I can also provide this recording to the prosecutor’s office later,” she emphasized.

She commented on Sadubaev’s words that one of the prisoners was in a detention center for repeated violations of the regime: “What is a violation according to their concepts? Legal actions administration or illegal? These are often illegal actions.”

By the time Semenova wrote her post - January 9 - the women, according to her, had already been starving for four days.

“After my statement, the prosecutor came (to pre-trial detention center - V). They came from the Department of Corrections. In the evening, security officers arrived and officially took statements (about violations - V). They also wrote there about the fact of extortion,” Semenova added.

Everyone Good evening, it was my first birth and it’s difficult to adequately describe it right away; I only matured until after 11 months. The cut cannot be removed from the phone, moderators please remove it. My pregnancy proceeded generally well, toxicosis really tormented me for a long time, and swelling at the end of pregnancy. So, let me start with the fact that I was 38 weeks pregnant, it was hard to walk, to breathe, in short, everything was hard, even to move my toe...

Read completely...

"She had a heart"...

From my early student years I learned that a doctor is a person without borders. I remember the enormous impression that Herman’s books made on me. For some reason I decided then that this is exactly what a doctor should be like. Or rather, not like that. Doctor. Exactly the Doctor. With a capital letter. Always! And this all-understanding, all-forgiving person, always above everyday baseness, dirt, meanness, who has the wisdom to come to terms with the inevitable - for me this image is sacred. And unshakable. With these convictions I left the university, then the internship. And every day I come...

SM Number One journalist voluntarily walked in the shoes of a defendant

GUFSIN employees offered journalists a chance to spend the night in a cell at the Irkutsk pre-trial detention center. Only four people agreed to this feat, including the correspondent of SM Number One. The pre-trial detention center workers answered questions willingly, but did not want to introduce themselves. They can be understood - after all, the work does not provide for publicity.


IN evening time concrete fence of a pre-trial detention center, entangled barbed wire, looks even more terrifying than in daylight. According to legend, the police brought us, although in fact we came voluntarily. The door behind us closed with a wild roar. On the territory of the pre-trial detention center we were met by employees of the duty shift of the preparatory department. And it began: “Hands behind your back, let’s go in formation!” Journalists were not at all used to holding their hands behind their backs, so the pre-trial detention center staff constantly reminded us of this. As well as the fact that when stopping you need to turn to face the wall.

Despite the fact that the pre-trial detention center building was built in the middle of the 19th century, its condition is quite decent. Flowers in pots on the walls should create some coziness. The detention center staff said that we were far from worst times Pre-trial detention center. The capacity of the isolation ward is 1,505 people. Now there are so many people held here, but there was a time when there were about 6,000 detainees in the cells.

Body check

First of all, we were sent for a medical examination. The male escort that accompanied us remained outside the door. Examined the women medical worker in the presence of a female pre-trial detention center officer. According to the rules, it was necessary to undress completely. But somehow this idea did not inspire us. So we got by with a superficial inspection. skin for the presence of infectious skin diseases and scalp for pediculosis. If a contagious disease is detected, the person and his belongings are sent for sanitary treatment.

The medical examination takes a lot of time, noted the pre-trial detention center doctor. - We have two medical offices in different buildings. In one, arrivals are checked, in the other, departures. The turnover is terrible: those who need to be interrogated at departments come for medical examinations, and those who are sent to colonies come from trains. Such people can sit in a pre-trial detention center for only one night. We check about 500 detainees a day.

After the medical examination, our passports were taken away. And it’s strange - without it you somehow immediately feel unprotected. Instead of a document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, chamber cards were issued to the participants of the experiment. They asked me to choose an article on which to sit. Previously, we were told that most often people end up in pre-trial detention centers on charges related to drugs, theft and murder. I decided to go to jail for theft.


Next came a search. This is an unpleasant procedure. Again I had to completely undress. It is clear that only women are examined. “We check absolutely everything,” says the junior inspector of the pre-trial detention center department. - First, we invite the detainee to put out prohibited items voluntarily. And then we look for ourselves. And here, if something prohibited is discovered, it will be punishable. We probe all the seams - they often try to smuggle drugs, SIM cards, or sharpening points into them. We also find the yeast used for cooking alcoholic drinks. But the most unusual thing is that they somehow found nail polish in a hole in the body. One can only guess why the detainee wanted to bring it into the cell so badly.

After the search, we felt completely defenseless. Of course, they took the money, jewelry and mobile phone, which I specifically charged in the hope that at night, when there was nothing to do, I would chat with friends. They also found a penknife in my bag. For this they would immediately be put in a punishment cell. Good thing I'm a journalist on assignment. The seized money, we were told, is placed in the detainee’s account, and he can use it to purchase food in the pre-trial detention center store. The jewelry is transferred to the storage room. Seeing our frightened eyes, the employees assured us that our things would not be lost. We had to accept that we had no choice. The only thing that was allowed to be carried in jewelry was a cross and other religious objects, although only on a string and not on a chain.

Rolled your fingers

And then it started just like in the movies: we were photographed in profile and frontal for the card. “Come in, I’ll roll your fingers off,” the fingerprint inspector greeted us with a smile in the next room. The pre-trial detention center employees laughed because the means used for fingerprinting was familiar to us. This is printing ink, which is used to print newspapers, only a certain substance is added to it, the name of which, of course, we were not told. The fact that we did not know how to wash our hands after fingerprinting also caused a lot of laughter. This is a whole system! The paint is washed off in several approaches... with pieces of newspaper and liquid soap. And that's not all. The black spots on my hands lasted for several days.

After this, the person under investigation undergoes a primary medical examination, or, in slang, a primary examination, aimed at separating infectious detainees from the main mass,” said an X-ray laboratory technician at the medical unit of the pre-trial detention center. - The first step is fluorography to identify patients with tuberculosis. Thanks to the electronic device “ProGraph 4000”, the image is immediately displayed on the monitor. There are only three such devices in the region: in the pre-trial detention center, as well as in the regional and Ust-Orda TB dispensaries. In addition, blood is donated for HIV and syphilis. The blood type is immediately determined. The doctor also conducts an anamnesis survey and describes special signs. By the way, detainees willingly share information about fractures, tattoos, scars and other signs, because they understand that this will help with identification.

The night will be remembered for a long time

Well that's all preliminary stages and passed. All that remains is to get your things and go to the cell. Each of us was given two sheets, a blanket, a mattress, a pillow, a pillowcase, a hygiene bag, a mug, a spoon and two cups (for the first and second). Apparently, we could not contain our emotions and some disgust was reflected on our faces. But the deputy shift supervisor assured that the journalists were given everything new. We calmed down.

An unexpected challenge was carrying these things into the cells. They turned out to be heavy and cumbersome, and the steps up were steep. Out of breath, we made a short halt at the top, not caring about the rules of the pre-trial detention center.

They put us in cell No. 502. I don’t want anyone to hear the prison door closing behind them. And always with a bang. Looking at the new home with curiosity, we discovered that it was quite possible to live in a pretrial detention cell. There is a bunk bed, a table with a bench, an LG TV, a washbasin, albeit with rusty water. Some cells have refrigerators, depending on your luck. We were lucky, although there was nothing to put there.

Surprisingly, the bars on the windows did not bother me at all. I was unexpectedly glad that it was warm in the cell. To avoid boredom, detainees are given regional newspapers. And two sheets of paper for writing statements. Rights and responsibilities, as well as the rules of the pre-trial detention center, could be found on sheets of paper glued to the door.

There were also unpleasant surprises. First: the bathroom is a meter from the bed. Second: we discovered that the linen was not new, although it was clean. The pillow actually turned out to be hard, like a piece of wood. They fed us like all detainees, although we hoped for a certain privilege.

When we settled into our new place, the attendant turned on the night light. The cameras should show what is happening there, even at night. But it’s impossible to sleep in such bright light, at least for us, who are not accustomed to such an order. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the night passed with virtually no sleep. We were saved from the feeling of complete loneliness by the presence of the pre-trial detention center employees walking around every 15 minutes and knocking with the next cell where they were put male half journalists. The walls, a meter thick, perfectly transmitted sound.

Waking up did not bring joy. At 6 am the TV turned on. And, of course, on a crime program on NTV. Apparently, in order for the detainees to finally wake up, the radio started working a few minutes later. Having gutted the hygiene bag, we found antibacterial soap, the same toothpaste with triclosan, toothbrush and roll toilet paper. In general, the morning was spent watching " Daddy's girls", regional news and music channel.

We've had enough experimentation!

Camera checks take place at 8 am. We listened with bated breath to the jangling of keys, impatiently waiting for the inspectors. When the door finally opened, we immediately declared that the experiment was enough and we wanted to go home. However, we were checked. We received a bunch of comments: the bed was not made correctly, the dishes were not washed. But in order to wash it, I had to eat breakfast. And although the stewed cabbage with stunted sausages didn’t look so bad, for some reason we didn’t feel like eating.

According to the plan of the pre-trial detention center staff, on the second day we had to go through all the doctors and talk to a psychologist in order to exclude suicidal tendencies. Then we had a walk. But we flatly refused and completed the experiment. At parting, the head of the pre-trial detention center, Igor Mokeev, met us, with whom we talked about the conditions of detention of the suspects.

The state allocates 5,500 rubles per month for one detainee,” said Igor Mokeev. - From this amount he has 1500-2000 left. He can spend it either in our store, or on medicine for sick parents, or to pay off a claim. The main thing for us is to create minimally acceptable conditions to keep people in pre-trial detention centers. Yes, our rules are quite liberal. But the task of a pre-trial detention center is to isolate a person accused of a crime from outside world. We don't have to re-educate him. Words and actions, decency in relationships are valued here.

Maybe even in the pre-trial detention center there are high moral principles. But I decided for myself: I will not return to the pre-trial detention center again. Although the employees sarcastically added: “Don’t promise.”

I came here for the first time, to the adult zone.

The first time I was imprisoned was at the age of 14. There was really something to put me in prison for, I robbed the accounting department of the military prosecutor's office and the director of the company. They immediately gave me three years.

V. - Do you have a family?

O. - I only have my mother, there is no one else.

V. - Mom, this is not so little. What is your relationship with her? O. - Previously, she and I had a good relationship

, everything was fine with us, but we didn’t understand each other. I couldn’t open up, I couldn’t say anything. She never understood me. When I tell her the truth, she doesn’t believe me and starts scolding me. When I tell her something believable, she believes me. I was afraid to tell her something if something happened to me or something was on my mind, because I thought that she wouldn’t understand me, would start scolding me or start beating me; She beat me for stealing... V. – Why did you steal? Did you have a desire to get something or an irresistible inclination?

Are you with

early years stole? O. - Yes, I don’t remember this, but my mother told me that I started stealing from kindergarten. My mother was a cook on ships for 10.5 years, we had practically everything. Mom always said that she didn't know what I was missing.

We always had houses and toys, and then we moved to live in a cottage, this is a two-story apartment in the village where we now live.

“And nature was near you, and fruits, and vegetables, everything was always near you, but you were always missing something. It all started with you in kindergarten. One day you brought a toy home from kindergarten. I asked you: - Nastya, where is this toy from? And you look at me and say: “From kindergarten.” Mom asked me why I brought it, and she answered that I like this toy. I don’t remember this, but my mother told me this.

O. - There were such circumstances, I don’t even know... When I committed the first crime against the director of the company in 1996. I was imprisoned then, I took 8.5 million from him. And when I was released in September 1998, I was 17 years old, I came home, and about a week later the people whom this man had hired came to us... I wasn’t at home, I was visiting friends for whom I worked, they were trading... Mom called on the phone and said, so that I come home, because... problems at home. I arrived home, and my mother was lying. I asked what happened. She tells me that two people drove up in a red car, beat her, put a knife to her throat and said: “If you don’t give the money, that’s it.”

V. - Where is the money?

O. - And the money has already been spent a long time ago. I spent it, bought things, gave money to friends, took them to the cinema, went to the city, walked, rode in a car... So I spent all the money. Mom said she didn’t know what to do, they would come a second time. I said that we needed to contact the police, because in court they told us that they couldn’t take money from me, I was 14 years old. Mom said that “we think so, but people think completely differently.”

We didn't know how to get money. I have friends from whom it was possible to take this money, but then they would have to give it back and problems would arise again. And it turned out that I started stealing again to get the money back, because my mother did not agree that we should report this to the police. I wanted her to film the beatings; I have many friends who work in the police. I have friends in

security company

, I could even go there, but I needed my mother’s consent, her statement, her beatings, but she did not agree. I went to the guys, they said that they could do a lot, for example, install a tape recorder at home, give money and they would take them on the street with the money. They would do everything, but if mom is against it, what can you do?

I knew that if I went to people who sold drugs, if I borrowed from them, then I would either have to pay them back on time (and where would I get them on time?). Otherwise they “turn on the meter” and pay double, for example. I started stealing again and got caught.

V. - What is your term now?

O. - No, we made a request to find out what was there at home.

V. - Don’t you write it yourself, Nastya?

O. - I wrote 3 or 4 letters to my mother in a month.

I have my mother’s work phone number, but I don’t know if she works at her old place.

I didn't know I was pregnant when I sat down.

The child's father is there, he has a family, children too. He is 32 years old.

I was imprisoned on January 20, after 7 weeks I saw that I had no menstruation...

V. - Where were you put? Have you been in the Arkhangelsk pre-trial detention center?

O. - Yes, to Popov. I turned to the gynecologist, he looked at me and said: “Girl, you are pregnant.” - “How pregnant?!” - “Yes, you are pregnant.” - “This can’t be, how can I be pregnant?!” I told him everything, and he said that I was 7 weeks pregnant and that I should go to him every month to get checked. Q. - Did you write to your mother that you are pregnant?

O. - Yes, I wrote, but there is no answer.

I wanted to have an abortion in prison, because... I knew that I was 17 years old... I needed something with my mother... She stopped writing. When I went to the investigator, I called her, we talked, everything was fine.

And when I wrote in letters that I was pregnant, she did not answer. I wrote to my mother how much time they gave me... I wanted to have an abortion in prison, the doctors told me: “Yes, we will give you an abortion, because... You're underage, we owe you something to do. You don’t even need parental consent here.” I asked how many weeks it had been, and said that they would take me to

next week

. They took their time and made it until I was 12 weeks. The prosecutor comes to our prison and I feel that they are not going to perform an abortion. I told this to the prosecutor...

V. - Will you raise a child?

O. - Yes, now I think it’s good that I didn’t have an abortion and I’m even glad...

V. - Why?

O. - It seems to me... It doesn’t even seem... My mother and I always have a strained relationship. The fact that we live together in the same apartment, communicate, eat - it doesn’t mean anything. I want a closer relationship, a heart-to-heart conversation, but I can’t tell her anything because she won’t understand me.

V. - Do you think that your child will understand you?

I will do everything, but I will not steal, I already know this 100%. I will not steal, I will not rob anyone, I will not extort... I will try to earn money myself. And the child I’ve been expecting is already 7 months old, I won’t give him away, as some do...

V. - Where do they give it?

O. - They told me that they were sending me to an orphanage.

V. - That is. give up maternal rights?

O. - Yes, they refuse. Simply, as I understand it, they get free and abandon their children. They go out of the gate and immediately abandon them. Most don't take it.

V. - They don’t take it away? These mothers, who are now taking festive pictures with their babies, will not take their child back later? Where are the children sent? IN Orphanage? And are there many such cases?

O. - Yes, but didn’t they tell you?

Yes, there have been many such cases here. The woman freed herself alone, swore, swore that she would never leave her child. I arrived in Vladimir and left the child at the station. They call here from the station and find out, and ask to take the child back. They brought him back here. There were such cases. In addition, there were cases when they came out right there and immediately abandoned the child.

Q. - Do you think that for most women a child is simply needed to ease the regime?

O. - I think so. For this and to free yourself faster. It seems to me that this is what they leave children for.

I'm in the same room with all the mommies. I practically don’t communicate with anyone there. They are adult women, some have been in prison many times. I don’t understand them at all, I was a child, everything is different there. If I think something about a person, then I will say it to his face. But others here don't do that. They speak behind your back, lie 300 times, and a fight ensues. They are fighting. They even had a fight today over a cigarette. Are these mommies?! This is a shame, not mommies! Previously, as girls who have been in prison for 3-4 years tell me, the whole zone respected their mothers, but now these mothers are not respected at all, because they see themselves that way. They fight over a cigarette, they spread incomprehensible gossip, they abandon their children.

And before mommy passes by, you can immediately see that this is mommy: washed, clean, decent. And it’s nice to talk to her, the girls themselves tell it, but now, they say, they don’t even pay attention to them. There are a few people, of course, and that's it.

At the DMR, she had an argument with someone from the medical unit because she started bathing the child, and they reprimanded her. But she knows that she is doing the right thing and said there: “this is not your child, this is my child, I know what is right and will do so.” Well, they called the police, “dubachkov”, as they are called. Two women run in with batons, and Katka says: “Are you looking at mommy with batons?!” Am I doing something wrong?!” I talked to Katya a lot and heard from other people: she will never leave her child.

You argue with her, for example, and if you tell her that “you will 100% hand over the child,” she is ready to rip your head off right there. That's the kind of person she is.

If they abandon children, then there is no need to give birth to children at all, but to have an abortion.

V. - I would like to know about your own experience in the pre-trial detention center. Have you ever been in a situation where you were mistreated? O. - This time I was pregnant, and they had no right to put me in a box or in a punishment cell. If they take me somewhere, they can put me in a “cup” where there is a seat, but nowhere else. I was very bad relationship

with one security person.

I know this man from the first term, and from the second term, and by will I know him...

V. - Who is this man?

O. - DPNS, I don’t know his details. When I went to see the investigator or somewhere else, for some reason he always came across to replace me. And then he puts me in a punishment cell.

V. - For what?

O. - He should take me to the investigator.

He should put me separately from the women, because... I’m a teenager, he should put me in a “glass”. He puts me, along with all these women, in a box, it’s not even a punishment cell, it’s such a circle in which everyone is like fish, like a herring in a barrel. He put us there. I feel stuffy and smelly there. And there is such sensitivity, I feel everything, and there are also 10 people smoking there at once. I knock and say: “Duty officer, come to the cell.” He comes up and I ask him to put me in the “glass”, because...

It's hard for me. He says: “When the shifts change, then they will transfer you, and it is not yet known whether they will transfer.”

Oh no. But there was one girl here who has been sitting here for a long time and she scolded me when I wrote this test of yours. She told me: “Are you defending the administration?! You’re lying!” - “What can I write if I don’t know anything about this zone?” In our youth, where I was, everything was according to the rules, as it should be. True, no one here treats me badly either, because I treat others well. She says: “Fool, so many cases happen here! They beat you up, handcuff you...”

Lyudmila D., 26 years old:

Q. – Were you subjected to gynecological examinations in the pre-trial detention center?

Oh yeah. When they transfer us from the bullpen to the prison, there is a medical examination.

V. - When do you return from the trial or go to the trial?

O. - And we have a court in Aleksandrov...

V. - But you are leaving the pre-trial detention center?

Q. - Inside the pre-trial detention center?

O. - We’re leaving the pre-trial detention center, it’s nearby...

Q. - When you leave and return, are you searched?

O. - They are searching.

Q. – Are gynecological searches carried out?

O. - No, they don’t do that, that’s for sure. I have never heard of this and this has never happened to me.

V. - I wasn’t with you, but were you pregnant?

O. - Yes, I was pregnant.

V. - Are they not searching pregnant women?

O. - There is no gynecological chair there.

V. - But this can be done without this chair?

O. - I don’t know about this, no one told me about it.

V. - Did you give birth here?

O. - Here. The conditions here are very good.

Q. – Were you pregnant in the pre-trial detention center? Were you in a shared cell?

O. - Yes, we had a cell for 10 people. Bunk beds.

V. - How long were you allowed to walk?

V. - Do you know that pregnant women can walk without restrictions?

O. - Yes, I know, but they don’t do it.

V. - And about “eyelashes”, do you know that they are not allowed on the windows of pregnant women?

O. - Yes, I know.

V. - But it didn’t bother you too much?

V. - Were you the only one pregnant there?

O. - Yes, I was the only pregnant woman and we didn’t have any women with babies. If you are pregnant, then after the trial, 7 days later, in my opinion, they are sent here to the zone.

V. - That is. Did you have more or less normal conditions there?

Alexandra R., 28 years old:

Q. - Tell us about the searches in the Moscow pre-trial detention center,

O. - B best case scenario they simply force you to take off your panties, unwrap the diapers, if any, or throw them away right there...

V. - Were you pregnant?

O. - Yes, for now early stages, while I was less than six months pregnant, they took me to the department and forced me to squat until I had a big belly, spread my buttocks, and unroll the diapers.

V. - Didn’t they look at you in the gynecological chair?

O. - I’m not here, but I came across this: the girls from the cell told me about it. We had a case in cell 201. I don’t remember the last name, Marina... She was even beaten because she refused, but she really was carrying these little things, notes... She refused to climb onto the gynecological chair and they beat her, and the gynecologist looked at her right on the couch. .. She was brought to the cell late, after midnight...

V. - Was she looked at by a specialist, a doctor?

O. - I didn’t even know who was watching there... Well, yes, apparently. The midwife who is at the assembly...

Q. - Did the midwife examine you when you returned from the trial?

O. - No, they were just controllers...

V. - But there is always a midwife at the assembly?

O. - Well, yes, there upon admission... Well, as always? I don’t know if they are there all the time... They are on duty there upon admission, because they examine those who come... About the chair, I don’t know who is looking: a midwife or not. And this is how ordinary workers inspect.

To say the least, it's simply humiliating.

V. - Do you know anything about shaving your head? O. - I went there in September, but they didn’t shave me. I have clear head

was. There were about eight of us in quarantine, and five of them were shaved.

V. - That is. were they lousy?

O. - I don’t know, but they say no. Two of them looked like neat girls. V. - They could have cut their hair simply because?

good hair

O. - It could have been because of the hair... Then I heard at the Sixth Detention Center and at Butyrka that people cut their hair for bad behavior. You behave too impudently, you are rude to them, you are rude... After all, they usually bring them in the evening, for the night, you spend the whole night at the assembly, there they cut your hair.

V. - And about beating with a baton?

O. - I experienced this myself at Butyrka, from 1995 to 1997, when the Sixth Isolation Center did not yet exist.

Q. - Compared to Butyrka, does the Sixth Isolation Center seem more tolerable to you? O. - Yes, no matter what, conditions of detention , of course, much better, well, not that much, but they listen to us here with their mouths open, it’s clear, and everyone who was in transit at our prison said that they were ready to sit there for the entire term. We were brought here to the Vladimir Central, we stayed here for less than a day: they brought us in the evening and took us away in the morning. We were stunned there when they showed us this cell, we said that we would not go there after the Sixth Detention Center, we created such a scandal. WITH we were traveling as children

and I was pregnant...

V. - Will you take this child?

V. - How will you raise children alone?

V. - Does he still help you?

O. - The first husband helps.

V. - Will you raise these children?

Marina T., 30 years old:

V. - Will you tell me how this happened?

O. - The girl and I were drinking and went home with her, where she was supposed to see things.

And this house was already demolished, it was being demolished. We went there and they detained us in this house...

V. - Who detained?

O. - Police. There was theft in this house, everything there had already been taken out, only those who had not moved out remained.

The police were put there to keep watch so that people would not steal. We got there, and they asked: “Why did you come here?” - “Look at your things, we lived here.”

- “Half the rooms were robbed, the doors were knocked down... Come on, get in the car.” And we were taken to a sobering-up center.

Then they took this girl, she was rude, but I was normal. They took her and put her in a cell. Then someone came (I don’t know how he knows me) and said: “What are you doing here?” - "Nothing". - "Come with me". He took me into a room and said: “Sit, I’ll be right back.” After that, two people come in and say: “Come on, take off your clothes.” - “Why am I going to undress?” - “You were detained, you are drunk...” - “How drunk am I?!” - “Come on, come on, take off your clothes.” - "I will not undress". Then one left, and I sat there alone for about 20 minutes, then three more came and said: “Have you decided to undress?” - “I won’t undress.”

- “We are supposed to undress and hand over our things.” - “I won’t.” I was sitting, two people flew in, started to undress me, wanted to rape me, I said: “Leave me alone, don’t touch me!” - “Now we’ll just fuck you and that’s all.”

In short, they beat me a little, I came out with bruises, but they didn’t rape me.

And I was sitting in the bullpen in Kineshma when they took me to prison for the first time in 1995. We were sitting with a girl, she asked them for a smoke, but they didn’t give it to her. They took her away, then brought her back: she was all beaten up, she was raped there, she told me.

This was in 1995. This girl was about 30 years old.

O. - This time I was sitting in Kineshma, they were walking around and asking: are you going to have an abortion or give birth? One girl here wanted to have an abortion. They told her: “Come on, pay the money, write to your relatives, then we’ll do it, but we won’t do it like that.”

V. - Only for money?

Q. - You write that without anesthesia you can have an abortion for free in a pre-trial detention center?

O. - Yes, without anesthesia.

V. - And for this you don’t need any special permissions?

V. - What article are you under?

O. - Article 158. I still have one year and 10 months.

V. - How old is the child?

V. - Are you breastfeeding?

V. - Do you smoke at the same time?

O. - I smoke a little. I’m serving my second term, the first term is somehow still not very good, but I can’t do the second term. You should shout at me, I can’t, I’m just bawling, my nerves can’t stand it.

Tatiana S., 25 years old:

V. - Tell us about your life in Moscow pre-trial detention center No. 6.

O. - In one cell, we all trust each other, we all look after the children together, we don’t have this: one fell - let him fall, this is not my child.

V. - Is it okay in the cell?

Oh yeah. My child constantly had stomach pain. We arrived from the hospital, the child came from the hospital and did not let anyone sleep. Everyone took turns walking with him, because I also want to sleep, I didn’t get enough sleep with him, he constantly screams, doesn’t sleep all night, and falls asleep at 6 o’clock in the morning. So we didn’t let him sleep so that the child would return to normal, otherwise he would confuse day and night and scream constantly.

But extracting medicine from the administration is a problem.

V. - That is. Is there a problem with the pediatrician? Oh yeah. She comes once a week and only if you write a statement constantly. She must come every day and see all the children: how baby is breathing

how it feels. This is not the case.

V. - But can you feel the “eyelashes” on the windows?

The sun doesn't hit there...

Oh yeah. They said they weren't breaking the rules.

What to prove? We don’t know the rules, no one gives us any.

V. - Were you searched when you returned to the pre-trial detention center? Did you have a personal search?

O. - When? From the courtroom?

O. - They found a baby there with one of them - they started letting everyone through. They didn’t let me through, they took me out earlier.

And the girls then passed a note through the “horse”. How we deliver letters: how did we get there, what do you have, what do we have... For example, if I don’t have cigarettes, but I want to smoke, then I knock, and they release the “horse” and that’s it. And they catch us downstairs, these dubaks, as we call them, tear them off with a stick and take everything for themselves, do not return it, even if it’s some kind of thing, tea. Everything is taken away completely. All my food was taken away when I arrived at the prison. They said that “this is not possible, this is not possible” and they pulled everything out, it turns out that all this was possible. It’s just what shift you’ll run into.

V. - Don’t you know about the inspection? O. - First, when a person arrives there, they check his head. If your hair is short, they don’t pay attention to it, and you go through further inspection. And when do you long hair , then they see that the hair is good and say: “You have lice.” - “How are the lice?!” I won’t cut my hair.” Then they say: “We will bring handcuffs, we will fasten you and we will cut your hair. Either we'll cut our hair bald, or we'll do

short hairstyle

, and then we’ll give you some ointment and you’ll treat your head.” Well, of course, you choose the second option. V. - Did you have long hair? O. - No, they didn’t cut my hair, I had one like this

short haircut

- a cap, and the woman who was sitting with me was completely hysterical. She came with me, we arrived late in the evening and she had her hair cut. She had big hair...

Q. – What do they do with the hair?

O. - They sell, they told us that later.

They were not thrown away, but placed in a plastic bag. The woman was depressed after that, she didn’t even know where she ended up. Hair was everything to her. She said that she didn’t know how to tell her mother, and her mother was supposed to come on Monday and, they say, I would refuse to go on a date. And she didn't go on a date.

V. - Is this the girl from your cell? O. - We sat with her in a common cell when we went through the entire medical examination. Where she was then assigned, I don’t know. I saw her on a walk, she was wearing a hat. V. - Is this often done? O. - Yes, yes. Almost everything. We often asked what kind of hair they had, and it turned out that not a single person from those who had their hair cut had hair before the pre-trial detention center. short hair

, no one at all. There are a lot of gypsies who cut their hair, mostly gypsies.

O. - When we go out for the evening inspection, they count us there. Sometimes they tell us that we are walking slowly, although they demand: “No sudden movements. Someone made a joke, pressed the bell (there are such bells and buttons) and the person who did it did not admit it. They took our entire cell and punished us: we didn’t go out for a walk for a whole week. In general, this is not normal: why should I, a pregnant woman, suffer because of someone? I need on

Fresh air

, you need to walk...

V. - How long did you walk, pregnant?

O. - An hour. We walked with the children for two hours. We wanted to walk more, but they said that “we don’t have time, our working day is ending, it’s time for us all to go home.” And on Friday and Saturday they asked us to go out early and walk until four [o’clock], because... after four they don’t have time to catch the train and bus.

V. - And during searches after the trial?

O. - They have no right to touch the child at all, but they paw him completely. There’s nothing to breathe there, there’s smoke in there... And she’s touching it with her own hands. I say: “I won’t let my child be checked.” She says: “Then you won’t go anywhere now.” - “Okay, I’m not going anywhere.” And they still let me into the paddy wagon; they didn’t check me. One month old baby He’s tiny, he kept screaming at assembly, it’s so cold there... We should be given diapers, two per child...

V. - Per day?

O. - No, to go to court. This is not enough at all

Small child

He constantly poops and poops, and it’s also cold... We went in February and January, I went to court for two months in a row, and we sat in a paddy wagon with the children for 4 hours, waiting. And I have to change diapers in court, but I don’t have diapers for the trip back. In the end, my child became very ill and the last time I did not go with him to court, I left him in the cell...

V. - Are you unhappy with this pre-trial detention center, although it is much better than Vladimir, or where were you...?

O. - Yes, humanitarian aid comes there and they give you the things you need right into your hands. They pull it out and give it to your hands. The Christian mission came. And they gave us children's things... “Write a list of what you need...”.

Q. - Is this the missionary organization “Spiritual Freedom”?

O. - Probably yes, some missions also came here from Riga and gave a concert. And there they often come and you can talk to them through the window, they are not allowed into ordinary cells, but they are allowed to see their mothers.

V. - Did they come to see you?

O. - Yes, they came to us. They showed almost a whole concert to the teenagers in their cells. Teenagers can watch TV with VCR. Why not choose ten people, say, to rotate and constantly watch TV in the video salon?

Q. - What do you think is better: a large camera or a small one?

O. - Big is better. In a small cell you can simply curl up.

Q. - If in the large chamber there are 60, and in the small chamber - 10?

O. - No, I didn’t sit where there were 10 people, I sat where there were 4 people. I just cried there all day long, I felt better in the big cell.

Q. - Do any clashes arise between prisoners?

O. - We had, of course. Someone will steal something... I had a “family girl”, she ate with me, I made tea for her, although I was pregnant and it was hard for me too, but she was not quite up to it. They called a doctor for her when she became ill, but the doctor did not come. We barely pumped her out... She is asthmatic and lacks air. But they don’t transfer her to a small cell, because there are no places, as they say, although there are places.

V. - How did you create a “family”?

O. - A person cannot be there alone.

V. - Why did you choose this particular woman?

O. - She is quiet, calm, she is already old.

V. - And you were drawn to her?

O. - Or maybe, as a child, I didn’t have a mother, no one treated me as well as she treated me.

V. - Were there two of you in the “family”?

O. - No, there were two more. One of us had a teenager, she had been since she was a little girl. She is fully 18 years old. And Luda M. Luda was sentenced to two years, she was left to work as a “sewing worker” in prison.

The little girl went free and it turned out that she and I were almost alone for 7 months.

O. - A lot. At most, there are 10-12 people in one family, because food spoils constantly and they don’t have time to eat it. I constantly write to Aunt Lena: “Aunt Lena, don’t send me butter and sausages. It is expensive. It’s better to send more cookies.” She's butter and sausage again! I tell her that this is not needed here, this is not the first need. The most important thing here is to drink tea.

I always wanted tea, I always wanted to drink... There were a lot of people, it was stuffy... It was simply impossible to be there, it was stuffy, there was a constant smell, and willy-nilly, lice could easily appear there, because people slept on the floor.

A person without lice arrives, and then lice appear...

V. - Who is being beaten in the cell?

O. - Who killed the child. They don’t beat her, but they try not to notice him, not to hang out with her and not even touch her. V. - Did you have these? O. - We had one, she killed a child.

I threw it down from the window. They stole the child. Mother was deprived

parental rights

. She says: “We drank, and he began to ask for food. We got tired of it and threw it out the window.” I tell her: “Aren’t you afraid that you’ll just be put in prison for this matter...?” - “I’ve already outlived my time, I’m already fifty dollars, where else should I live?” She probably went to Darkness...

V. - Is this considered a worse option for Darkness?

O. - Now I think it’s better there. There are a lot of Muscovites there, there is something to talk about, some interests...

V. - And here?

O. - One collective farm. They don't know anything.

V. - Do you read books? O. -I read everything criminal, I really like Marinina. V. - Why only criminal?

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