What you can drink with breastfeeding. Alcoholic beverages with breastfeeding, drinking or not drinking

The issue of fluid consumption during breastfeeding is not less acute than the issue of food. Some argue that nursing mothers need to strictly monitor the amount and composition of the liquids that they use, others - that there are no special restrictions, it is only necessary to adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. Whose opinion is true, what fluids, in what quantity and what composition need to drink a nursing mother?

Drinking nursing volume

What volume of fluid should consume a nursing mother so that it has a stable lactation, and there were no problems with the number and quality of milk? We usually accustomed to hear that in the first days the amount of fluid needs to dramatically cut to one liter to avoid breast loading and sharp tides, and then increase the volume of fluid to 2-2.5 liters per day. Both recommendations from the point of view of proper breastfeeding and WHO postulates are incorrect. The woman's body is a wise system, and milk generation is one of the main tasks after the birth of the baby, this process will work, despite the limitation or excess fluid. If in the first days of lactation to limit the volume of fluid, the woman will experience a painful thirst, which will not save it from lactation and heat, if it does not often feed the breasts, but it will cause extra stress.

It is worth remembering that all the processes in the body are interrelated, and the process of milk generation the body controls the way it is optimal. The active generation of one of the dairy hormones is prolactin, it causes a feeling of thirst in its active highlight, which makes the woman drinking an extra liquid. As a result, the volume of drinking is that a woman is consumed in the usual conditions, it drinks more than 500-800 ml. In the first time, it is possible to put water around him in order to drink it with small sips in the feeding process, as the release of dairy hormones in the blood causes severe thirst.
But it is worth remembering that negatively can affect lactation as a limitation and redundant fluid consumption. Many mothers drink an excessive amount of various drinks through force, believing that it will help them increase the amount of milk. But, contrary to the fact that a woman consumes a lot of fluids, the amount of milk decreases due to the suppression of a special antidiuretic hormone, and in parallel with it prolactin and oxytocin in the pituitary gland. As a result, it does not occur, but a decrease in the amount of milk.

Thus, the most correct amount of fluid that needs to be consumed when breastfeeding is the volume that I want to drink the most nursing mom, the natural mechanism of thirst is best adjusting the volume of the necessary fluid body.

What drinks can be?

When breastfeeding, a woman has to change some of their preferences in both food and drinking. There are some liquids and drinks, from which during pregnancy it is worth refranking at all, for example, from any species of alcohol. There are those that it is worth limiting, and there are such drinks - which will not only be delicious, but also bring undoubted body to the body as the most nursing mother and its baby. What are the drinks from drinking without fears, and what to limit or eliminate from your menu?

Alcohol-containing drinks

If what drinks and will be categorically prohibited by a nursing mother, so it's any alcoholic, be it strong or very weak alcohol. Even one glass of wine or a glass of beer is able to increase the level of alcohol in the blood to such that penetrate into milk, harm the child. Therefore, it is worth it to categorically refuse to drink alcohol during breastfeeding.

If you allowed a glass of champagne or wine, beer, from the moment of its use to feeding the baby should go through at least 4-6 hours. This is the time of removing alcohol from the blood of the liver. The higher the dose of alcohol in the blood, the more the interval between its consumption and breastfeeding should be.

Non-alcoholic strong drinks

Many women simply do not imagine morning without a cup of fragrant fresh welded coffee, many drink instant coffee or tea. It is these drinks that help tune in to the working way, wake up, come into tone and start actively working. But can these drinks in nursing mothers? It is possible, but they need to use them at a certain time. If you are a fan of coffee, you can afford to yourself a cup of fragrant drink in the morning, while the brewing is not complete, and half the usual dose of the drink, and this applies to both soluble and ground coffee. But remember that caffeine penetrates breast milk, and can fall to the child, causing irritability and overexcitation. If you note that after receiving coffee, your baby is excited and sleeps badly, replace natural coffee on Surrogat - drink from chicory. This substance simulates the taste of coffee to a certain extent, and in addition, it has a sedative effect, actively helps in the struggle with the gazes in the intestine and regulates the metabolism.

You need to be more careful with cocoa - it is a well-known allergen, and besides, brewed with milk, a large amount of which is not recommended to use nursing mothers. If possible, in the period of breastfeeding from Cocoa, it is worth refrangiving other, less allergenic drinks.

Also neatly need to relate to strong tea - both black and green. Caffeine contained in them can exceed even its quantity in coffee. Especially high, the amount of caffeine in green tea, so suffering from insomnia, drinking green tea can both the child, and the mother herself. It is worth useing green tea in the morning, brewing it impossible, and on the second half of the day, to give preference to herbal teas - a mint, chamomile, sedative graft.

Milk and dairy drinks

In relation to whole milk, the opinion of breastfeeding consultants is definitely a milk protein of a strong allergen, besides easily penetrating into breast milk and in the body of the baby. Therefore, the amount of milk as a beverage for a nursing mother should be sharply limited, no more than 200 ml per day, and it is better if it is tea with milk, adding milk to drinks during the day.

But fermented milk products can be used more freely, the milk protein at the drying of milk is partially split and loses its allergenic potential. Mustional for nursing mothers are kefir and prokobvash, bifilin, bioolk, yogurts, preferably without additives, especially fruit shopping syrups. The most useful fermented milk drinks will be those that are cooked at home, from solid milk. But, if there is no possibility to make kefir or yogurt at home, you can drink those stores of fermented milk drinks, which have a short expiration date - there are no preservatives in them, they are prepared using live bacteria, and benefit the body. Only strictly follow the shelf life of the product and its storage conditions. With violation of these conditions, the drink from useful can turn into a dangerous, especially in terms of poisoning and intestinal disorders.

Water or juice, soda

A woman who feeds the baby breasts must be thickened by the thirst for ordinary water, and it should be not ordinary water from under the tap, even a boiled, and filtered, purified water. It can be spring, bottled or water from a personal well, the main thing that it is safe for all physicochemical and biological indicators. You can drink water, focusing on thirst.

Regarding carbonated drinks, everything is more complicated - if it is mineral water, and you love it precipitated, you can use it in limited quantities - excess carbon dioxide causes an increase in thirst and appetite, can irritate the stomach. But if you are a fan of carbonated drinks - it is worth refrangiving more natural products from them. Suggage In addition to excess carbon dioxide, contains also a mass of chemicals, as they prepare all sodes from powder with dyes, preservatives and many other food chemistry. Finding into the milk, these chemicals can cause a child with negative reactions - abdominal pain, rash, diarrhea, dermatitis. The excess carbon dioxide in drinks can in the first months of the life of the baby to cause intestinal colic from him.

If you want a soda, spread freshly squeezed juice with mineral water - this is useful and tasty. But it is not necessary to abuse this drink, especially if it is brightly painted fruits. In general, juices are useful to a nursing mother as a source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, it is well quenched thirst and hunger. But, in the first months of breastfeeding, it is necessary to breed all the juices with water at least half to reduce the admission of the baby potentially allergenic components into the body. The first juices after giving birth should be from local fruits and neuropal - apple, pear. As the diet expands, we gradually enter new juices into the diet - and carefully track the reaction, usually these drinks are transported well, in particular, if they are breeded with water.

It should be more careful with tomato, pomegranate and citrus juices - they can be allergenic, and the grape juice in large quantities can cause a bloating of the belly as the mother and her infant. It is worth remembering about it when you choose juices.

What can be nursing mom? From the supply of mothers during the lactation period also depends on its health, health and development of the newborn. A nursing mom can and need to eat diverse and fully: the body after rigging and childbirth requires resources for recovery, and the lactation process, the production of breast milk, directly depends on a sufficient diet and drink volume. Most mothers thinking about food during breastfeeding period estimate their menu based on the baby's reaction. But such assessments are often quite subjective: not always the infant behavior correlates from the Mother menu. What can and you need to include in your feed during the lactation period, and what products should be treated with caution?

Scientific bases of a diet for a nursing mother

Breast milk is optimal nutrition for all children. It is perfectly balanced by trace elements, nutrients, it includes the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for the child, as well as maternal antibodies that protect against various diseases.
The composition of breast milk directly depends on the diet of the mother, which is confirmed by the studies. The fluctuations in the concentration of fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements in the chemical composition of this biological fluid are associated with the presence of them in the nutrition of the mother, as well as the penetration of alcohol penetration, active substances of certain medical preparations, nicotin resins compounds.

The diet of a nursing mother is primarily compiled from those products that need to be included in the diet. These are basic dishes and fluids that provide healthy and full-fledged nutrition. What you can eat, and that you should not eat in food, largely depends on the individual characteristics and reactions of the mother and child, as well as the rates of ripening of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune and nervous system of the newborn.

There are three basic categories of products, the use of which it is worth refraining during breastfeeding period. Depending on the composition of the product, they can adversely affect the human body, and the health of the kid.

General allergen-containing products

Optimally, in the period of tooling and feeding the child to refrain from vegetables, fruits that are not growing within a radius of 300 km from the main place of residence of the family. This is due to the adaptive abilities of living organisms: the usual food does not cause rejection, allergic reactions, the gastrointestinal tract when it is admitted in normal mode.

When exotic or empty fruits, vegetables and berries appear in the diet, allergic reactions and in the mother in the mind of the body's weakening in the postpartum period, and in a child. Despite the fact that during the intrauterine development, children do not eat food and nutrients come through the umbilical umbilical cord in a split form, the fetus body adapts to the basic microelements. In the event of new products in the maternal diet, the infant organism can begin to react with the production of histamines, dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, the cause of allergic reactions when inclusive of the Moms of fruits, vegetables and berries becomes "exotic". For the same reason, allergies are possible when feeding with seafood, if the family lives far away from the sea. When using non-fruit fruits and berries, allergies are possible associated with the processing of their surface with chemicals for transportation from remote regions or other countries.

Individual allergens

It is strictly impossible to include products-allergens in its diet, even with a weakly heated mother's reaction or under its absence at the moment, but the detected allergy in history.
In diagnosed allergies, it is necessary to remember the cross-allergens, and, for example, with an allergic reaction to the pollen of alder and birch to allergenam products, the fruits of the family (tomatoes), mushrooms, and antibiotics of the penicillin row will be treated.

The tendency to allergic reactions can be inherited, and the use of allergens can provoke early manifestation of allergy episodes in a child.

From any allergens during the feeding period it is necessary to refrain. It is also worth remembering that there are a number of products-histamine-polyerators that, without being allergens, sensitizing the body, increase its sensitivity. To such products from which it is necessary to refrain during nutritional allergies includes chocolate, cocoa, eggs, fish, some types of berries, nuts, seafood, canned industrial cooking dishes. High sensitizing potential is also noted in cheeses, fatty varieties of meat, liver, kidneys.

Prohibited products for nursing mothers

The absolute majority of products, subject to the health of the mother and the child, can be included in the diet: largely the body's reaction depends on the number of eaten food of this species. In the first days after the birth, the maternal organism is restored, the internal organs in the region of peritoneum occurs due to a decrease in the volume of the uterus. Against the background of changing the localization, temporary changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are possible, and therefore in the postpartum period, dietary food is shown: soups, porridge, soft, easily absorbed food that does not cause gas formation, constipation or dyspepsia.

After restoring the functions of the feed genets in nutrition, it is necessary to avoid or significantly limit products that contribute to the hyperstimulation of the nervous system (coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sturdy tea, energy drinks, cola), you should not eat food with preservatives, chemical additives, fatty, sharp, salt dishes, Smoked, carbonated drinks.

Despite the common "recipes for lactation", in which the abundance of tea with condensed milk, milk and cream oil, such a diet does not improve the quality of breast milk and does not increase its quantity, but can lead to violations of the liver, endocrine system, Diseases of the pancreas, difficulties with defecation, the formation of excess body weight in the mother and allergic reactions in the child.

Another harmful myth is the beneficial effect of beer on lactation. Thanks to repeated research, any types of beers and other alcoholic beverages do not have a positive effect on the release of milk, and during excessive use contribute to the reduction of lactation. A possible primary result is associated with the relaxation of the body in some mothers under the influence of a small dose of alcohol. However, such an effect that improves lactation in all women is easier to achieve with a warm bath, chest self-massage. The composition of beer and beer beverages, including non-alcoholic, does not meet the requirements of healthy nutrition and abounds with preservatives, taste improvers, flavors, etc.

What can I eat after childbirth nursing mom list?

For different gifts of nature and their benefits for a nursing mother, there are several opinions and factors affecting their emergence:

View of the productCommon opinion about the impact
Cabbage, zucchini, grapes, raisins, legumesHigh gas formation and intestinal colic in a child as a result of the use of some kinds of vegetables and berries
Strawberry, Cherry, Cherry, Tomatoes, Red ApplesAllergic reaction
Bridge, promonant fruits, berries, vegetablesAllergic reaction, dysfunction GCC due to processing of fruit chemicals
Onions, including feathers, garlic, abrade, asparagus, white cabbage, broccoliFailure to breast due to a change in the taste of breast milk due to phytoncides
Apples, bananas, cucumbers, zucchini, melonLocal chairs in a child

Not all statements about the effect on the child of fruits and vegetables used by the mother correspond to reality. Most often the individual reaction of the children's body or a combination of several factors is registered.

Thus, increased gas formation, the process arising from almost all people in the use of legume crops, cabbage, products rich in rough fiber, can also affect the condition of the child with breastfeeding, so in the first months it is recommended to avoid inclusion in the diet. In the future, with a cautious introduction of such products in the menu, it is recommended to observe the condition of the child, if necessary, add dill, cumin, anise, contributing to the easy-to-inclination of gases from the intestine to the dish.

An allergy in a child can be accumulative, so it is worth limiting their use if the mother has allergic reactions to this type of fruits or a child appears rash, redness after inclusion in the dieting cherry, strawberries, etc. However, in the absence of negative reactions, it is not completely abandoning the sources of vitamins. With red apples, you can clean the peel before meals.
Local seasonal fruits are preferably brought in view of a smaller amount of processing for storage in the process of transportation, as well as reducing the possibilities of using chemicals that accelerate the ripening of fruits and berries.

Many children do not react to changing the taste of milk under the influence of phytoncides. Changes in the child's appetite can also be associated with well-minded, teething, abundance of psycho-emotional load (new impressions), a new stage of development, and not with a breast milk taste changed under the influence of products.

The effect of cucumbers, bananas, apples on the condition of the child's chair is considered an unconfirmed factor. Locution, a greenish tint of the chair is more often associated with a disadvantage of the baby's "rear" milk, rich in protein and fats, which is happening when restricting feeding time, frequent breast change in the process of nutrition, additional pressure after applying the child. With such feeding tactics, the child gets more milk in the primary production, saturated with carbohydrates, which leads to the discharge of the chair and the insufficiency of the supply of nutrients. The same symptoms of violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract may indicate allergies to milk chalk contained in cow's milk and dairy products, or when gluten intolerance. To determine the cause of the reaction, the potential allergen is excluded from the mother's power to seven days. With the positive dynamics of the child's condition, the diagnosis is confirmed by the analyzes.

What vegetables and fruits can be a nursing mother of a newborn? In the absence of negative reactions of the mother's organisms and the child, bananas, pears, apples are recommended (in some cases, with high sensitivity, blocks and pears can be baked or boiled in compote). From vegetables, you can immediately include potatoes in the diet (boiled, stewed, baked), carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, butt treated (stew, boiled cabbage, beets in small quantities. In the first two or three months, it is recommended to use green vegetables in the raw form, and yellow, orange, red to eat after heat treatment (boiling, steam cooking).

Carbohydrates in nutritional nursing mother

Excess carbohydrates also provokes gas formation and intestinal colic in infants. The presence in the diet of the mother's products rich in simple, rapidly processing carbohydrates harms herself, and the infant.

To reduce the probability of colic, it is necessary to limit in the diet products rich in glucose and other sugars: grapes, melon, sweets homemade and manufactured by factory, pastry, chocolate, candy, pastries, sweet curd pastes, glazed cheese, cereal and drinks with sugar abundance, Especially carbonated. For nursing mothers, fermented milk products, it is also necessary to evaluate from the position of the amount of sugar in the composition: yoghurt-like products, sweet beverages based on kefir ("snowball", etc.), various "curds" contain much more sugars than useful protein and vitamins.

What can be "on sweet" instead of candies and baking? Sweets are recommended to replace dried fruits (prunes, dried up in small quantities), dry cookies, natural rubbish, marmalade, jam, jams.

What vegetables and fruits can be a nursing mom in the first month?

In the first month after the birth of the child, the mother should stick to the diet, even if there are no allergic reactions in the family history, and the gastrointestinal tract organs function normally. At first after the delivery, the body is restored, therefore, even in the absence of lactation, it is necessary to follow the principles of general dietary food: limit or completely eliminate fatty, sharp, salty dishes, the abundance of carbohydrates, spices, preservatives.
What and how much can a nursing mom drink after the appearance of the baby? In the first few days after delivery, lactation is established, the milk isolation process. Despite the loss of fluid by the body in the process of the delivery, it is not necessary to immediately move to the drinking regime recommended for nursing. During the discharge of the colostrum, transparent yellowish liquid, the total drinking volume, including the first dishes and juicy fruits and vegetables, should not exceed 1-1.5 liters per day, otherwise, when lactation is probably likely to develop lactation due to excessive breast milk. .

After setting lactation, the amount of fluid should exceed the daily rate of 1 l: it is precisely the volume of drunk primarily affects the volume of the produced breast milk.

What can be drunk when breastfeeding? The total volume of the daily fluid is recommended to include fastening broths and soups on them, low caffeine, fruit and berry, fruit, fruit, fruit and berry drinking products (kefir, ryazhenka, yoke, natural yogurt, sera and juice mixtures).

Is it possible milk nursing mother? The protein of cow's milk is one of the frequently encountered allergens. In the first months of the child's life of a lactating mother, it is not recommended to use whole cow milk due to a possible allergic reaction in a child. What can replace milk? For porridge, dairy soups, it is preferable to use a mixture of milk with water in a proportion of 1: 1 or to replace the cow's goat milk. In the nutrition of the grown kid, it is also not recommended to introduce whole cow milk to age in 1-1.5 years.
In the first week after childbirth, the nursing mother menu includes products such as:

Product category / dishesFeatures
Soupsvegetarian or on weak meat broth
Meatboiled or steamed non-fat varieties of meat and poultry: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit
Bread, bakery productspreferably wheat rye, with bran; Dry cookies, drying, galley
Vegetablesboiled, stew, cooked for a pair (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots)
Craisesporridge on diluted milk or on water: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal
equal milk drinks and productsnatural cottage cheese (not curd products), cheese, yogurt, kefir, serum, etc.
Fruitsapples, bananas, pears (in the absence of a tendency to constipate)

Is it a nursing mom to follow such a diet during the entire period of lactation? Such dietary food is possible, provided that the calorie content of the diet and the diversity of dishes and their components are observed. You should not be limited to one or two products - most often it leads to the depletion of the parent organism and a decrease in the volume of breast milk, as well as the lack of nutrients for the child. Gradually, it is necessary to include white fish, various vegetables, fruits, other varieties of meat, croup - this helps the mother to fill the body's reserves, and the child is to adapt to new types of products and prepare for the period of compensation and independent nutrition.
In the next after the newborn, the period must be expanded by the diet, gradually adding usual products (not more than 1 per day) in a small volume and observing the child's reaction. In compliance with the principles of healthy diet, most children quickly adapt to the maternal diet and do not have problems with the intestines or allergization of the body when using the mother of new products.

What can be used during lactation?

Is it possible to increase the volume of milk with a nursing mother when it is insufficiently generated by the correction of its menu? First of all, with a shortage of milk, it is necessary to reveal how objectively it is estimated: if the child is gradually gaining in weight, it urins 7-10 times a day, but it often requires chest, then, most often, the problem is not in the insufficient breast milk production.

In the process of growing and developing babies, periods are possible when the child does not gain weight, but this is not related to the amount or quality of nutrition. The main indicators of the adequacy of milk are the frequency of urination per day and the overall health and health of the child.

What can be done if a nursing mother has little milk? With a confirmed shortage of milk, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to its drinking mode and the composition of the products: during the day it is necessary to drink at least 2.5-3 liters of liquid (fastening tea, herbal teas, compotes, juices, hits, fermented milk drinks). In the diet should be balanced fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Do the lactation help special juices for mothers? Industrial juices with the addition of vitamins and calcium are not the best choice if there is an alternative. Home compotes from fresh or dried fruits, fresh juices and fermented milk products contain more vitamins and less than the supplements than purchased. On the lactation process, the use of juices "for mothers" does not affect if the mother gets enough food and liquid.

Is it possible to use ads for lactation? As part of such teas - medicinal plants, which are natural milk production stimulants with breast glands (anise seeds, fennel, cumin, nettle sheets, melissa). Their use in accordance with the recommended daily norm, subject to proper nutrition, is really able to increase the amount of breast milk. Anise, Fennel and Tmin are also a windy plants that facilitate the condition and mother, and a child with increased gas formation.

After the birth of a child, it is important to think about obtaining them all the necessary substances, which can only give full-fledged breastfeeding. You can stimulate lactation with the help of inclusion in the diet of special products: this will allow you to preserve "natural feeding" without a deccent point and give the baby a complete spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

Lactation menu limits

There are products that can and harm the formulation of milk in the body of a woman. They delay water in the tissues, so milk isolation can slow down. In the diet of the mother, such food should be absent and because of its harmfulness for the baby, because it's about:

  • Smoked (meat, fish), especially hot smoking products;
  • Saved food;
  • Sharp seasonings, spices;
  • Canned products;
  • Food additives (glutamate sodium, preservatives, etc.).

Among the seemingly harmless tea hazel and garden greenery, too, there are "violators" of milk generation. These include sage, mint, parsley, and their menu should not be at least in the first 2-4 months of lactation.

Best products for excellent lactation

There are products that can be periodically eating for optimal breast milk production, and the main of them are described below.

1.The tea tea

The easiest option is to drink green tea with honey (not strong) or weakly brewed black tea with milk. With the tendency of the baby or moms to allergies, honey is better not to abuse, and add milk to tea. If drinking a drink 30 minutes before feeding the child, milk production will increase accurately.

2. Cumin and bread with Tmin

You can chew cumin, or eat black bread with its seeds. You can also make yourself cooked a tmin drink: 1 t. A spoonful of cumin brew a glass of boiling milk and insist 2 hours. You need to take this drink in half a package 15 minutes before feeding.

3. Uzvar.

Ushmari is a compote from dried fruits (plums, pears, apples, apricots), some sugar, water. Take the Umbar recommended on a glass twice a day. And the lactation will strengthen and vitamins is rich.

4. Clean water

Suitable for increasing the production of milk and simple water, non-carbonated and clean. It should be drunk up to 2 liters per day, then with feeding there will be no problems. But immediately before feeding it is better to use a drink with a more pronounced lactogenic action (for example, a glass of milk or a cup of green tea).

5. Orekhi

The mass of useful components in nuts will not only allow the baby to better grow and strengthen health, but also feed on breast milk in sufficient quantities. Every day you need to eat 2-5 pieces of almond nuts (without salt and roast), but not abuse, because of the risk, the appearance of abdominal pain in the baby (causes gas formation in a child and can cause the strongest constipation.). Other nuts (walnuts, cedar, Brazilian) work in the same way, but they are rather fat. You can still cook a cedar cocktail: 1 table. A spoonful of cedar nuts pour the glass of water overnight, in the morning boil, add honey and drink.

6. Durce tea

Our grandmothers as a lactogenic agent used tea with dill. A spoon of dill seed brewing 200 ml of boiling water, insist night in the thermos. Drink twice a day on the floor of a glass. Replace the seeds of dill can be seeds with cumin, anise. Based on these plants, you can cook other herbal tea: for 20 g of Anisa and Ukropia seeds, 30 g of seeds of the Fenhelnika Sennic and Fenhel fruit and stir. 1 t. A spoonful of collecting a glass of boiling water, insist and take 2 times a day on a glass of infusion 15 minutes before feeding.

You can prepare a dill milk cocktail. For this, crushed seeds of dill mixes with kefir, leaving nutmeg, suggests, pollets and drinks before breakfast.

However, it is necessary to remember that the anise and dill can cause allergies.

7. Herbal tea

Plants that increase lactation can be purchased in any pharmacy. Among them are the popular oregano, nettle, melissa, dill, anise, hawthorn (berries). The fees should be made (combined in equal proportions), brew a spoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and take 100 ml three times a day. Consultation of the doctor before the consumption of any herbs is obligatory! They can cause a child with colic or allergies!

8. Walnut milk

Walnut milk is simply prepared. 50 g of walnut nuts need to grind, pour 250 ml of hot milk, cook to a small thickening. Add sugar to the drink to taste, take it from 70 ml. Before the next feeding (for 30 minutes).

9. Lactogenic products

There are products capable of strengthening the production of prolactin - hormone responsible for lactation and supporting it. Many of them animal origin, high-blooded, so in the menu they must be present under day norms for nursing women. Here is a list of products:

  • Non-fat meat soups, broths;
  • Fish and meat of non-fat variety;
  • Solid cheese, Adygei cheese, cheese;
  • Acid food.

From low-fat foods accelerate the products of the desired hormone of seeds, carrots, honey, as well as vegetables and fruits, in which there are many fiber.

10. Juka.

Fresh-sached juices. The juices cooked houses are much more useful than shopping, it is necessary to take them immediately, without standing in the refrigerator. Perfectly cope with an increase in milk carrot juice, currants, a frank berry. It is important that the juices were fresh, without preservatives diluted with water.

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11. Barley decoction or barley coffee

Barley coffee is an excellent tea substitute. It is better to drink such drinks with honey, sugar and milk. These barley drinks can be bought in the store in the dietary dietary department.

12. Radish with honey

There is a drink that is not distinguished by a beautiful taste, but working no worse than juices. This is radish juice. Press juice, diluted with water, add a spoonful of honey to a glass of liquid. In case of diseases, the gastrointestinal tract cannot be taken.

13. Dandelions

The best effect for raising lactation made of herbs has a dandelion. It can be used in the following ways:

  1. Fresh young dandelion leaves are crushed in a meat grinder, press juice, salt, let it breed for 30 minutes, and drink 100 ml 2 times a day with small sips. To improve taste, you can add lemon juice, honey, sugar.
  2. Decoration from dandelions: for 1 t. Spoon of crushed roots and dandelion leaves add a glass of boiling water and insisted within an hour. Then strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
  3. Milk cocktail from dandelions. Mix a glass of milk with 4 cups of kefir, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of chopped dill leaves, dandelion petals, 10 g of walnut walnuts and a mixer bumps. Use half a cup for breakfast.

14. Ginger tea

The root of ginger is cleaned, cut, cook in a water liter of 3-5 minutes. Cool, drink 50 ml 4 times a day. If you wish, you can drink tea with honey, lemon.

15. Vitamin Massa

From dried fruits, you can cook not only compote, but also prepare a vitamin mass. For this, 100 g of Kuragi, figs, raisins, prunes are well rinsed, add as many walnut or cedar nuts, everything is crushed into a homogeneous mass. It is allowed to put honey in it to taste. You need to eat a vitamin "dish" in half an hour before feeding the baby, drinking with warm tea.

16. Hercules

If you eat for breakfast porridge, rich in fiber, it will be not only useful for the intestine of a young mother, but also increases the production of milk. Especially good for this purpose oatmeal. You can cook kaski on water or milk, to eat muesli, or pour oatmeal with water, leave overnight and consume with kefir. Kashi are perfectly combined with dried fruits and honey.

17. Warry

Experts advise to rinse the Greycrick, then fry her in a pan and eat like seeds. This also favorably affects lactation.

18. Watermelon

Watermelons - a beautiful product for lactation - to acquire them only in the season of maturation (from August). You should not buy watermelons until August, they can be dangerous due to the large content of nitrates and pesticides.

19. Carrot and onions

Onions, carrots simply get it, and their ability to influence the production of milk is also high. Fresh and boiled, welded, carrots and onions positive affect lactation, so try to add them to all dishes.

20. Salad.

To increase lactation, it is useful to have any kind of leaf salad, which is seasoned with olive oil or sour cream.

Additional advice to young mothers during lactation:

  • Do not be nervous;
  • Comply with the day of the day, sleep;
  • More relax;
  • Prevent stress, overload;
  • Be sure to feed the baby at night. Mama on a notic!

    Girls hello! Today I will tell you how I managed to come into shape, lose weight by 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of complete people. I hope the information will be useful for you!

"I constantly want to drink. When I feed the child, my mouth dries. What is happening to me?" - Here, such a letter wrote Julia, nursing mom, the child of which 2 weeks. And today we are talking about what you can drink a nursing mom. I want to start with the fact that we will analyze the most frequent myths about drinking, because getting into the trap of these myths - it's just starting to make mistakes and how many moms say: "Can I not drink this tea with a condensed milk? I'm already sick of him. " Talk about it now.

Most popular myths that drinking nursing mom

Myth 1.

The more I drink, the more milk. Here is such a myth very common among nursing mothers. And in fact, many really notice that when you do not forget to drink, eat, then milk comes as if more. In fact, there is not a very straight connection here. Nevertheless, I agree that it is necessary to drink a nursing mom, because the production of milk is a fairly energy cycle process, a lot of resources the body spends on it and loses a lot of fluids. Therefore, if a nursing mother does not drink or thirst during feeding, interesting physiological mechanisms occur, which can reduce the amount of milk. Therefore, let's say, the nursing mother should not feel thirst. But the concept of "drinking more", of course, is dimensionless, you need to drink at will, prevent dehydration of your body.

Myth 2.

The second frequent myth relating to the fact that drinking a nursing mother: before feeding, it is necessary to drink hot tea. I saw such situations when, indeed, the child cries, it should be taken, apply to the chest, and my mother runs "I didn't drink tea, I will not have milk now." That is, this is not a very faithful situation. What does any hot drink help, Morse tea, just warm water? Heat is what? When do you eat in a warm plaid, what happens to you? When you come back in a warm apartment after Claus and drink warm tea, what happens to you? Most likely, you will answer that there is relaxation, the body is relaxing. And you know that a hormone prolactin is responsible for the production of milk, and the hormone of oxytocin corresponds to the release of milk from the chest. Oxytocin loves, so to speak, everything is mimicious, everything is so warm, tasty, kind, merry, calm. Here, in fact, hot water, hot tea, generally a hot drink helps the release of oxytocin, and due to oxytocin, milk begins to stand out very freely from your chest. Therefore, there is a feeling that milk has become much, since it flowed from the chest.

Myth 3.

And the last myth that drinking nursing mom is also very frequent - this is what tea with condensed milk increases lactation. In fact, he does not increase anything, otherwise there would be such a large number of artificial children, moms could simply spend some money for the purchase of condensed milk and feed as you like for a few more children. Of course, this does not happen. The principle of operation of black tea and tea with condensed milk is similar to the previous paragraph, it is just a hot drink that helps the allocation of oxytocin, due to this milk flows freely from your chest.


How much does it need to drink at all and is it possible to drink water nursing mom? Water is really the best drink. There are so many books and studies that suggest that water is the main thing from which we are from what the cell consists of. If a nursing mother does not drink enough liquid, then, of course, the amount of milk begins to decline a little, deteriorate to deteriorate, begins to suffer the appearance, so water, of course, the best drink. It is necessary to fill it constantly, so I recommend you, wherever you are accustomed to feed the child (you probably have some kind of comfortable chairs, beds, sofas, where you always feed the baby) Put the cups with water there, so that you do not need run, interrupt feeding. When you dry your throat, you immediately took a glass, drove and continue feeding the child. The rate of water drinking is 20-30 ml. One kilogram of your weight, that is, you can count. It is quite reasonable that there is not some definite amount, 2-3 liters need to drink ,. If you are a miniature nursing mom, it means that you need a smaller driver if you are a big mother, then you need to pay more attention to it. Water is a substance that is never allergies, you can drink water filtered, boiled, it is already at your discretion, it does not matter, the main thing is that it is just.

Other liquids

We get used to you, someone drinks tea, someone's coffee, someone loves compotes. Let's figure out what drinks at all can be breastfeeding, and which is not. Coffee is preferably drinking one or two cups maximum, not in the evening, better in the morning, if it does not affect the behavior of the child. Here you drank a cup of coffee, looked at the child, if he is very worried, crying, badly falls asleep, put a tick and the next two or three days you live without coffee, look at the behavior of a child. Then again put an experiment with coffee: drank coffee - again the child is restless, well, so sorry, it is not your drink yet, wait when the child is growing and spend the experiment again and look, stopped influence coffee or not.

Tea can drink a nursing mother, this should not be chifer with some serious welding, normal such, diluted tea can always be used. I did not meet the cases in order for the tea of \u200b\u200bthe child was allergic. The only exception is tea with strong flavors, or teas that combine pieces of lime, avocado or leaves of roses, with such exotic teas are inactive until the child is small. By the way, in a large course for nutrition of a nursing mothers, we also talk about drinks and about 2 power schemes from the moment of the birth of a child. Therefore, I invite you to him for detail the theme of food for yourself, closed and knew how your nutrition should change as the child's growing and development, so that he gets all the most useful, and that you get the most important nutrients. Link to this course is in the description of this video.

Compote from dried fruits - you can also drink a nursing mom, dried, prune, minimum sugar, brewed, insisted and drink this compotic. Mors - carefully, because Morse is usually made from jam and an allergic reaction may occur. Shopping Juices and Lemonads I am months up to 3-6 at all I do not recommend using it at all, because there may be a very acute allergic reaction, which is then tortured to output. Therefore, it is better not to drink this drink than to drink and then cope with your child's allergies.

Separately, it is worth mentioning, which should also be the best friend of every mommy, because it helps it hard to cope with colic in newborns.

This is what I wanted to tell about drinks in the life of a nursing mother. Do repost if this article has been useful, ask your questions in the comments, offer new topics.

First of all, I would like to figure out why a woman, nursing the child with breasts, should pay special attention to its own food. Let's start with the reasons for obvious.

First, pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for the body of a woman, therefore, in the postpartum period, its body needs to restore, the replenishment of those substances that were used to wear and born the child.

Secondly, the child, even though he is no longer connected directly to the mother's body, continues to eat by the fact that its body produces, - breast milk. Elements that make up breast milk are produced by breast cells. It uses nutrients that are in the blood of the mother. In the blood they come from the intestine. Accordingly, it can be said that all products that make up the Mother menu, in one or another form in breast milk. So, these products must be in sufficient quantities and necessary quality to ensure normal growth and development of the kid.

Thirdly, in our time, the mother's time is very often suffering from various types of allergic diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which arise in connection with gestosis of pregnancy, and all these states lead to the fact that the normal barrier intestine function changes, and Some antigens (substances that cause an allergic reaction), which are normally derived from the body, are absorbed into the blood and, accordingly, penetrate into breast milk.

Taking into account all the above considerations and draws recommendations for feeding nursing mothers.

What is impossible nursing mother?

To all women, nursing baby breasts, regardless of the state of health, the presence of allergies, etc., not recommended:

  • drink alcohol (including beer), smoking (alcohol and nicotine have a toxic effect on the child);
  • there are products with "bad glory" of allergens, and such include: chocolate, crabs, crayfish, mackerel;
  • drink strong tea and coffee that excit and acting on the child's nervous system;
  • to eat onions, garlic (a strong specific smell of these products may not like the child).

In addition, healthy women should limit , and women suffering from allergic diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and postponed late beds - exclude From its diet at the time of feeding the child with breasts the following products:

  • citrus, strawberry, raspberry, tropical fruits (mango, avocado, papaya, etc.), milk, eggs, honey, nuts and sugar, delicious types of fish (these products used in large quantities can cause allergies from a child);
  • products containing a significant amount of artificial preservatives and dyes (for example, non-alcoholic carbonated drinks, confectionery, etc.);
  • smoked, snacks canned, mayonnaise;
  • black bread, legumes and grapes (can lead to enhanced gas formation in the intestine in a child, especially in the first three months of his life);
  • salo and fatty meat grade (these products contain a large number of so-called saturated fatty acids, harmful to health, and poorly digested in the gastrointestinal tract).

What can be nursing mom?

We hurry to calm down those whom the "harsh" restrictions listed above: despite all these prohibitions, there is a fairly large selection of products that the nursing mother can and should include in its diet. Nursing mothers you can eat:

  • Milk products:
    • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, bifoxifier, yogurts without fruit additives) - up to 600-800 ml per day;
    • milk - no more than 200 ml per day (it is better to use it for the preparation of various dishes - porridge, puree, etc.);
    • cottage cheese and unshearch cheese.
  • Meat and fish:
    • non-fat varieties of beef;
    • non-fat pork varieties;
    • rabbit;
    • bird;
    • fish - any kind of river and sea fish, except those mentioned in the first list
  • Fats:
    • butter;
    • creamy varieties of margarine (limited);
    • vegetable oils (all kinds)
  • Any cereals, bread - better with bran.
  • Confectionery - dry cookies, crackers, grazers, marshmallows, marmalade.
  • Vegetables and fruits, with the exception of those mentioned in the first list.
  • Beverages:
    • tea (fastening black and green)
    • herbal teas with souls, mint, chamber (these herbs stimulate milk formation);
    • fastening coffee;
    • compotes;
    • mors;
    • dining room non-carbonated mineral water.
    • The total amount of drilled liquid should be 1.5-2 liters per day (in the first three days after delivery - the period of formation of lactation - it is recommended to limit the amount of fluid from up to 1 liter per day).

What do you need to add to your diet nursing mom?

Exist specialized products for nursing mothers . These include:

    Drinks and juices for pregnant women and nursing mothers;

    Teas for pregnant women and nursing;

    Fast food cereals for pregnant and nursing;

    Dry protein-vitamin and mineral complexes for nursing mothers;

    Vitamins for pregnant women and nursing.

All these products increase lactation, replenish the shortage of vitamins and mineral substances, and some - and protein.

Kid grows

Should the nutrition of a nursing mother change depending on the age of the child? We have already mentioned that in the first three days after childbirth it is desirable to limit the amount of fluid consumed. At the same time, a dairy-plant diet is recommended. Then, up to three months, while the child is particularly subject to colic, should be refrained from products that cause meteorism (see above).

Quality and quantity of breast milk

Often arises about quality Breast milk. It must be said that it is unequivocal to decide whether the mother of the essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements is enough in the mother's milk, only by conducting a chemical analysis of milk. Content squirrel In breast milk, it practically does not depend on the amount of protein emitted by the mother, but the content fat, Vitamins and Minerals Indeed, it can fluctuate depending on the maternal diet. That is why skimmed and especially fatty products should be avoided and be sure to take polyvitamin-mineral complexes.

number Breast milk is more determined by genetic predisposition than a diet. However, with a shortage of breast milk, it is necessary to pay attention primarily to the amount of fluid consumed (it may simply be lacking), as well as include specialized products for nursing mothers, increasing lactation. They are effective and help to cope with hypoglactia (shortage of milk). With an excessive amount of milk, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fluid, and if it does not help and the milk is very much - it is best to seek a consultation to the doctor.

How to avoid trouble?

While breastfeeding, especially if the mother suffers from allergies or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to conduct a "food diary", noting in it the appearance in the diet of new products. New products should be introduced one and in small quantities. If the child does not appear for three days sweeping on the skinNo notice violations from the gastrointestinal tractdoes not change sleep and behavior (That is, the baby does not hurt the tummy), it means that the child normally transfers innovation in the mother's diet. And on the contrary: if the child appeared rash, stool violation, anxiety (The associated, as a rule, with intestinal colic), it should be thought, could not be allergens some of those products that nursing mom elave in the last three days.

Now many courses for preparing for childbirth, "folk healers", and even, alas, some "smart" books advise at all to abandon the use of meat during pregnancy and breastfeeding. We would like to emphasize that this can lead to the development of anemia in a child - that is, its organs and tissues begin to suffer from lack of oxygen, which means that it grows worse and lags behind in development. The rejection of meat is one of the main foods and the main sources of protein, iron and vitamin B 12 - will negatively affect the state of health nursing (and pregnant!) Women, and began to be in the state of the child's health. Therefore, blind followed by such recommendations is unacceptable. If vegetarianism is for you - the life principle that you do not want to have to do under any circumstances, then in the period of breastfeeding, it is necessary to very carefully follow the intake of iron and vitamin at 12. Be sure to consult your doctor - it will recommend the appropriate diet and the necessary vitamin complexes.

In conclusion, I would like to say: constant nervousness, increased criminality of a nursing mother may be a factor much more harmful than the "wrong" food. If your baby has no month for breastfeeding problems, they are most likely connected not so much with gastronomic "crimes" moms, as with the objective difficulties of the adaptation period. Up to three months of babies often suffer intestinal colic, which is also most often a consequence of the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, and not incorrectly selected menu. Listen to the advice of specialists and ... to your "inner voice" - the maternal flair is rarely brought.

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