How to open a nursery at home. How to organize a private kindergarten at home: instructions to help newcomers

This phenomenon of modernity has several names: "home kindergarten", "home-type mini-garden" or just a "mini-garden at home." In the conditions of a shortage of places in municipal kindergartens and high cost of private kindergartens, this option has become a way out for working parents.

And for those who have long been looking for - a good earnings on bread pressing.

To begin with, we will definition homemade mini garden. As a rule, it is located in the apartment - or residential, or leased specifically for such a type of activity. Now about the activity itself: it can be legal, and can be conducted at your own risk.

The first option, in principle, is suitable for whom their familiar children will drive. They have nothing to "shine" before the tax, nor before the education department, sanitary services, etc. If you wondered everything in serious, then we will tell you

How to open a home mini-garden iK


Any production is required Certificate. But you have not thought about not, but to raise children. Therefore, you can register with the tax by choosing the activities of the "Provision of educational services to preschoolers at home."

In order to partially legalize the home kindergarten, it is possible to get permission to individual labor activities and are called not a kindergarten, but to the organization to leisure children or a developing circle, since officially permission is called a kindergarten is issued only to institutions located in non-residential premises that satisfy all the requirements of supervisory authorities.

Today the state gave some relaxing to such organizations and organizersFeeling, apparently, his guilt for ensuring that it is not able to provide a sufficient number of kindergartens. Therefore, special bodies (education department, SES, firefighters) are already simpler to the conditions in which children will be. However, the room should still be equipped with the second output (some make it out of the window, welding with the outside of the ladder), it should be clean in the room, the workers should have medical records.

With parents, you will enter into contracts, report to the tax authorities at the place of residence.


A few more words about the room in our article, how to organize a home kindergarten. In the "serious" version of the apartment should be quite spacious to take a sufficient number of children. Usually in their mini-kindergarte to 10, they are all together (in that distinctive sign of mini-kindergarten - a multi-year group). The apartment is most often the creators of mini-gardens choose on the first floor - the neighbors are smaller than the fire and a fire staircase - again.

In the courtyard there should be a good playground for games, because most of the time children spend on the street - especially in summer.


For each child, you need a cot, a set of bed linen, (if you are kids), a set of dishes, towels, a locker for undressing.

But that's not all. Your home kindergarten still needs to get toys, games, techniques, not to mention the furniture - tables, chairs, musical instruments and children's game furniture (hairdressers and workshops, etc.)


You yourself decide who will work with you - You yourself or assistants from the side. Of course, several adults are needed for several children, it is usually an educator, a cook, a nanny, perhaps a musical worker, a teacher of English, coming nanny (for example, only for walking).

The more qualified personnel in your mini-garden, the quiet will be the parents, because they will be under reliable supervision!

That's all the conditions you need to know before opening a mini-garden at home. Immediately say: there are many examples of such a home business in Russian cities, which has developed successfully at its owners. Nowadays, this is a win-win version, just as a raw agency. Alexander Kuleshov wrote in detail about it. After all, children and problems will always have people

In the early 2000s, the birth rate in the country decreased sharply. People lived not at the best of times, and the economy just began to go out and long stagnation. Against this background, the thoughts of children appeared extremely rarely, and the number of newborns was rapidly decreased. At one point, it was an understanding that kindergartens were not worked in due. It was decided to close many to better times. And here the best times have come, young moms and dads every day more and more, and children's gardens are not added.

If you see that in your area, city, region, there is a real problem with to give the baby to a good kindergarten, then you need to think about how to meet the demand for this type of service.

In one of our past articles, we told about how to open a children's developing center, analogous to all well-known kindergartens, only with a limited number of children. The article wore more advisory and introductory character, and very few numbers and specific facts. Many readers began to ask for a detailed and working business plan for the opening of a kindergarten.

At first, the idea seemed good and necessary to us, but there were no practical knowledge in this field. And just a month ago, our team got acquainted with a person who has been developing his private children's garden for three years. We asked us a tour of his case, give advice and recommendations, familiarize yourself with numbers, expenses, profit, with everything that will be interested in our readers.

I would like to say right away that the kindergarten is open in Moscow, but all the advice is effective for any other city. It is clear that it will have to make a certain correlation in numbers, well, this is no longer a problem, the main thing is to know what to consider first of all, but from what you need to refuse.

Business Plan of private kindergarten

As we have already said, the kindergarten works in Moscow, and under his needed a 500 square meter premises were rented. Rent is not the main cost of expenses, because there are many other mandatory. Among them:

  • Repairs in the first year - 100 thousand rubles. This is a disposable embedding that is necessary in any case. Whatever there was a good room, you will have to modify something precisely with the fact that it will be a kindergarten. In the future, repairs will be local and not so expensive.
  • Equipment fire safety, alarm, alarm buttons - installation of 30,000 rubles, service per year 100 thousand rubles. It is not necessary to save on security, because you will work with kids, the life of which parents entrusted you.
  • The contract with the private security service is 1 million rubles per year. It is not cheap, and you can find more loyal services. The price depends on the amount of services that the Chop offers.
  • Furniture, equipment, inventory, toys, dishes, etc. - from 5 million rubles.

Current expenses:

  • Renting the room is 500 thousand rubles per month. Ideally, if the room will already be, because a significant cost of expenses will disappear. Otherwise you have to pay and not enough. Also premises such sizes, and not yet technical, it's not so easy to find. This is the first thing to start.
  • Municipal services - 80 thousand rubles
  • Food for 40 children and 20 employees - 200 thousand rubles
  • Consumables. It all depends on how intensively you will work and use everything. In this case, it is 60 thousand rubles per month.
  • Salary, premiums, social payments and taxes - 1.1 million rubles per month.
  • Advertising - 100 thousand rubles. There is already at your desire, but in the initial stages of such expenses not to avoid.


  • Entrance fee (peculiar membership) - 68 thousand rubles
  • Monthly payment. The garden is working for 9 months a year, and for the summer it is closed. For 40 children, the fee is 25 million rubles a year, which is about 5750 rubles per month.
  • Individual classes with a child (drawing, foreign languages, singing, etc.) - 100.000 rubles per year.
  • Short-term groups (up to 8 children) - 500 thousand rubles per year.

Minimum staff of kindergarten

Employees are an integral part of your business. In this business plan, we will specify the necessary minimum staff, which should be for the normal functioning of the kindergarten. In the process of activity and development, you can attract new and new people who will expand the network of services provided and increasing earnings. These may be a teacher of foreign languages, art, music. But at the initial stage you will need:

  • For each groups of 2 educators and nanny. In our case there are 2 groups.
  • Music leader
  • Children's psychologist who specializes in preschoolers
  • Speech therapist
  • Employees in the kitchen - cook and two assistants
  • 2 nursesters
  • Cleaner of the territory
  • Zehometry or Worker

To obtain a similar license (for the conduct of educational activities), you need:

  • Copy of the company's charter
  • Copy of the rental agreement or sale contract
  • Conclusion from SES and Firefighters
  • Plan of the educational program. What, how, how and why you will do
  • Evidence of the availability of material activities of such activities
  • Information about teachers, their experience, education
  • Information on the number of children in kindergarten

As you can see, you need to collect many documents, get not one permission, bypass dozens of instances. And this is all if you decide to choose know. To open ordinary private sodics, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. No licenses should not be obtained, and the requirements from controlling bodies are significantly lower. For example, if IP breaks some SES standards, then pay a fine of 1000 to 3000 rubles. For NOU, the same disorders will cost 20-40 thousand.

If you decide to open a kindergarten in the apartment, then let's say right away that it is not entirely legally. First, you will have to negotiate with the SES and firefighters, because to fulfill all their prescriptions in the apartment is practically not realistic. Yes, and earnings here will also be not very comforting. Even in a spacious apartment you can work with a maximum of 10 children.

The best option for a home kindergarten will be the use of a cottage. In it, you will be able to educate 40-50 people, and at the same time bring everything to the required safety standards. The most optimal option will be the registration of you as an IP, and refer to the garden as a child development center (CRC) or a child care center (TsUD).

The actions algorithm for kindergarten at home is similar to the fact that both for knowing, only without extra licenses and permits.

Business Children's Garden Plan: personnel selection

The staff of your kindergarten is the basis of a successful business. It is necessary to understand that it is the people who choose who you will communicate with kids, the kids will tell about him to parents, and those familiar. A good teacher, nanny, excellent cooks - here is your goal and landmark.

But whatever professionals on documents people were not, you should spend your interview with them under very close attention. You can even put the camera, write everything, what are you talking about, then track reactions to certain questions. Always hire new people with a mandatory trial period.

In any case, you will need:

  • Educator - This is the person who should cause confidence and respect from parents. He must think in one social language with young mothers and dads. Be sure to condition - profile higher education and experience. It would not hurt to know why a person quit from the past place of work, which served as a impetus to such a decision, take the phone of the previous manager and to personally find out everything that interests.
  • Methodist - A person who is the methods of upbringing and developing children. This is not a theorist who knows about children from the books and lectures of the institute, this is a practitioner who has worked in the state kindergarten, easily finding contact with parents who know modern trends in the upbringing and development of kids.
  • Psychologist. Do not take a young specialist. Although now there are a lot of smart young psychologists, but not worth the risk. Take a person with experience, but so that it is not a Soviet hardening. A person must be averages, maximum up to 35.
  • Director. If you yourself do not have a relationship to pedagogy and never encountered children's gardens, then you need a person to position the director who can organize the right activity of the garden.
  • Hoshrotnik. Any incrollower, even the cleaner, should clearly understand that your kindergarten is not a state office where everything is government. It must be economical, hardworking. Must perceive the kindergarten as something of its own, and work with the appropriate return. You have a good salary and motivation, from the incremental job a qualitative work performed.

Hold and development of employees

If you want to be the best, always go one step ahead of competitors, use current techniques and approaches of education, then you need to attract super professionals of your business. But such people will have to motivate, so that they remain with you, and not switched to work to the competitor. It is clear that the best motivation is an increase in wages. But it is necessary not just to increase it, but to involve workers in such a way that they received premium premiums for certain achievements.

Also try to create the atmosphere of the team. Holidays, joint holidays, birthdays - Everything should rally your team, everyone should feel that he is part of something big and important.

Many girls are thinking to open their kindergarten. I think it's no secret that this business is better suitable for women. And if the girl becomes mom, after two years, a desire can grow into need. Why give a child to someone if you can organize your kindergarten. If possible, you need to try. Here are some tips that will definitely help those who decide to engage in this risk, and very responsible business:

1. If you have never worked in this area, then you do not need to pick up all the responsibilities. It is better to hide the directors with the experience of administrative position and pedagogical education. Ideal if it is a former head of kindergarten. The director can significantly simplify your life, because it will help to choose good and professional staff, choose the room, equipped with the necessary furniture, etc.

2. Justify the choice of the room. Very good, if your property has a suitable room. This will remove most of the costs. But, most likely, you will have to take the placement for rent, which will pull additional risks and responsibility. Try to establish a trust relationship with the landlord from the first days, make it a like-minded person.

3. Make friends with SanEpidem services workers. This should not be an evil official, whose arrival you are afraid, and a true friend who will tell, will help, will give advice and recommendations to avoid unnecessary problems and fines.

4. Be sure to read the regulatory and legal database of your business. Understand all the subtleties of taxation. This will make it more efficient and legally correctly build your business.

5. Always follow the ratio of income and expenses. Many kindergartens introduce entry contributions to cover certain risks, and get extra profits.

Sincerely, project Anatomy of Business March 17, 2014 8:25 pp

* The calculations use average data in Russia

100 000 sq.m.

Necessary area

800,000 rubles.

Minimum investment

200 000 rub. / Month

Income (if 20 children are visited)

Business in the field of pre-school education is a stable and profitable business. Therefore, if you love children and have sufficient capital, implement the idea of \u200b\u200ba private kindergarten.

Today, the institutions of additional education for children acquire special popularity in Russia. This trend is related, firstly, with increasing fertility in the country, secondly with a lack of places in public garden gardens, and thirdly with low quality pre-school education in these institutions.

The development of the market for private gardens and developing clubs began from the mid-2000s, and was caused by an active increasing birth rate. Over time, the market prospects rated many - the market began to be filled with players who began to conquer consumers with different income levels. If earlier the services of private kindergartens and similar institutions were regarded as an expensive service for the rich category of the population, the current market covers a wider audience - now almost everyone can find an option suitable for its budget.

Even during the crisis, the segment of private children's education felt quite confident. According to experts, this business is capable not only not to shrink, but also to grow during the crisis. This is due to the fact that most consumers believe that children can not save, and therefore does not plan to stop investing in their development and training.

The idea of \u200b\u200bopening a private kindergarten is most often visited by young entrepreneurs parents who experience the "queues" to state children's gardens. Many of those who are in the "queue" far behind, ready or forced to pay for a private kindergarten. In addition, the reason for the refusal of state kindergartens can be wound not only in the notorious "queues". Now many parents initially do not want to give their child to the municipal kindergarten, and immediately look for private garden. This category of parents has an income of the average and above average, and therefore presents certain requirements for the safety of food, education and organization of leisure to the particular kindergarten.

And since there is a demand, why not offer your services?

But before opening a kindergarten from scratch, you need to weigh all the "for" and "against", appreciate the market and its in demand in your city.

We consider kindergarten gardens

We begin my research with the fact that we calculate the number of residents of the district and learn their structure. For example, if most residents of the district are the elderly, the kindergarten here will be not to the place. Another thing is when you decide to open a kindergarten in the area without a state-owned kindergarten, in which young families live nearby.

Where to take information? Request data on the statistics of the area in the passport table. In the extreme case, you can use the Site of Roskomstat and find information on your own.

To learn about the existence of "queues", contact the city administration - to the education department. Maybe such that in the area you choose several state gardens with low expulsion - then you make no sense to open here another one.

After checking this information and finding an ideal place for a private kindergarten, you can proceed to the next stage.

We consider finance

Before seriously engaged in the implementation of the idea, it is necessary to calculate how much it will cost. Specify the exact figures in which the opening of a private kindergarten will be discouraged, it is difficult enough, because the amount depends on many factors. And the main sounds so "how much are you ready to pay?". This is the type of business, investments in which have a clear minimum and blurred maximum. Let's deal with the minimum.

First, a weight gain takes the repair of the premises. Even if you picked up a civilian premises for kindergarten to adapt it to the needs of children and the requirements of the legislation, you need to spend money. For a small garden designed for one group, 100 sq.m. Repairs in such a room will cost about 300 thousand rubles. (including all works and materials).

Ready ideas for your business

Secondly, most of the budget "East" equipment of the premises. In kindergarten it is necessary to purchase furniture, bed linen, dishes, household appliances, toys, developing materials. Prepare to spend this article to spend about 400 thousand RUB.

Thirdly, when opening a new kindergarten, an advertising campaign must be held. The minimum amount that needs to be in budget is 50 thousand rubles.

Fourth, the execution of documents takes not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money. Therefore, lay on this article costs of 15-20 thousand rubles.

Fifth, do not forget about unlikely expenses. For example, you will have to pay for rental of premises before the discovery of kindergarten (unless, of course, you have no suitable 100 sq.m.). And rental of such an area will cost about 80 thousand rubles. per month.

Thus, it will take from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles for the opening of a private kindergarten.

We study underwater stones weighing "for" and "against"

The opening of the kindergarten, although it is the good idea, but has its difficulties and disadvantages. Let's start with good. Why should I open a private kindergarten?

    relevant and stable business;

    low susceptibility to crisis;

    state support of the field of pre-school education.

And now about the disadvantages:

    the complexity in the selection of highly qualified frames;

    high level of competition;

    the need for the presence of an entrepreneur in business;

    low profitability due to the cost of renting, wages of workers and the cost of services provided;
    - the complexity of doing business;

    great initial investments.

Nevertheless, the discovery of kindergarten is assessed as a promising direction of business, which is characterized by a stable income and social significance.

Our verdict - Private kindergarten needs to be opened!

To allow minimal errors in this difficult process, we recommend to make a thoughtful business plan. The more business aspects you cover, the easier it will be implemented by the idea.

We offer step-by-step instructions, which will help determine the main stages of the discovery of kindergarten.

How to issue documentation?

Private kindergarten can be registered as IP or Ltd., as well as choose the form of the DOU (pre-school educational institution) or ANO (autonomous non-profit organization). Consider that the registration period depending on the selected legal form varies significantly: if you spend 2-3 weeks on the registration of IP or Ltd., then the registration of DOU or ANO is distinguished for 2 months.

The choice of registration form affects the taxation system and the bookkeeping nuances. By choosing an IP, you can purchase a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small place and with a minimum number of personnel. If you open up, then you will pay 6% of the "simplified". Dow and Ano also have their own characteristics of taxation and accounting.

Ready ideas for your business

In accordance with Art. 91 FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", additional education is subject to licensing. Please note that only educational programs are licensed. In the event that private garden services include child care, care and development - this does not fall under the definition of educational programs, and therefore licensing is not required.

And yet, how to get a license for a pre-school institution?

This process is very complex, for this it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

    Copies of the certificate of registration of entrepreneurial activities and constituent papers.

    Curriculum and occupational plans that meet the standards of the Ministry of Education.

    Documents on the qualifications of the head, hired teachers and educators.

    Data on methodological and technical support.

    Conclusion of the SES and the fire service on the fitness of the room.

    Document confirming the ownership of the premises or lease agreement.

How to choose a place for kindergarten?

This is the next quest stage that requires considerable effort. Finding suitable for kindergarten room is not so simple. Requirements in this case are highlighted hard, and if the room does not correspond to at least one requirement from the list - you are unlikely to give permission from Rospotrebnadzor and fire safety.

All regulations are prescribed in SanPiN and fire safety rules, which should be carefully learned before starting searching for the room. We list the key:

    not less than 6 sq.m. for each child;

    availability of individual premises for playing, sleep, meals;

    even in the smallest private kindergarten must be the head of the head;

    cabinet of a medical professional, with a complete set of necessary medicines and first aid facilities;

    gym, equipped with necessary inventory;

    separate food for meals;

    equipped toilet rooms with washbasins, cabinets for towels and storage of household chemicals, children's seats for toilet bowls;

    the presence of locker rooms and lockers for storage of things;

    all rooms must be equipped with a fire alarm, lit by natural and electric light, have a temperature of 22 degrees, painted with moisture resistant paint.

Let you not scare an impressive list. Still, the solution to the issue with the room is not so difficult: only knowledge of the rules and norms is required from the entrepreneur, as well as a thorough and attentive search for a suitable room.

In some cases, the appropriate room will help to choose the state. In some regions there are preferential rental of municipal premises. Therefore, it costs to consider all options, calculate the possibilities and find an optimal solution for yourself.

Cheap premises, you can use help from the state. In some regions there are special programs of preferential rental of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of pre-school education or social entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is worth examining all possible options, calculate the economic model and identify an optimal rental rate.

How to choose employees for kindergarten?

For kindergarten, the presence of qualified personnel is one of the main parameters, so it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of personnel. The main problem when opening such a institution is in the small number of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the selection of personnel is recommended at the business planning stage. It is necessary that the workers have a pedagogical or psychological education. It should be noted that in the preparation of training programs, knowledge will require knowledge in the psychological, pedagogical areas and creative regions. Also, all employees must have a medical record and a certificate from a psychiatrist.

The number of personnel depends on the scale of the kindergarten: the more groups in your kindergarten, the more nanny and educators are required.

Ready ideas for your business

For one group, the number of 20 people The minimum list of staff: 2 educators, 1 nynechka and 1 cook. It is assumed that this state combines the functions of teachers and a nurse (of course, in the presence of the necessary qualifications). If you find such universal employees, you can reduce the wage fund.

The target audience of a private kindergarten is represented by parents of preschool children. Institutions are focused on families with an average income level.

    Placing ads in schools, state kindergartens and other places of accumulation of the target audience.

    Split ads in homes geographically close to your institution. The most effective in this case is advertising in elevators.

    Placing information in local newspapers is not only a commercial announcement, but also a whole article telling about your business, teachers, techniques, results, etc.

    Providing a free trial in the group;

    Placing information on all sorts of thematic forums of cities.

    Providing additional services. For example, it can be a free trial or video surveillance service that allows parents online broadcast to follow how classes with their child are held.

How to enter into a contract with parents?

Be sure to conclude an agreement on the provision of services with parents of children. The standard contract must include:

    Subjects: the owner of a kindergarten, as a performer, and one of the parents of the child, as the customer;

    Subject of the contract: the services provided by the educational institution: leaving and care, additional education services, etc.;

    The rights and obligations of the artist and the customer.

    Responsibility measures for violation of the contract points and the procedure for resolving disputes;

    Prices for the services of kindergartens and the possibility of recalculation;

    Legal and actual addresses, details;

    Permission to handle personal data.

You can ask for help to a lawyer who will help competently draw up a contract. The cost of its services in this case will be small.

What benefits can be obtained?

One of the frequent questions - what benefits and support from the state can receive an entrepreneur? If you are engaged in a private kindergarten, you can count on:

    taxes on a simplified scheme (by patent as an IP);

    benefits to private educational institutions - Cancellation of VAT;

    subsidies allocated by local governments. Subsidies may apply to the creation of a private educational institution and rental of premises, the use of the premises that belongs to the municipality.

You can also get other types of help from the state - check about it in the local management of education churring this industry. Also, the yield of kindergarten can be enhanced if they take part in the municipal order. For example, the education of children from 1 to 3 years - there are significant amounts from the municipal budget.

Everything is possible if you manifest the initiative.

What expenses still need to consider?

In addition to the initial investments, it is necessary to calculate monthly expenses.

Permanent costs consist of rental fees, utility payments, wage fund, advertising costs and depreciation deductions. Of these, more than 50% of costs fall on wages.

Approximate calculation of monthly expenses of a private kindergarten

Thus, a minimum of 250 thousand rubles will be available from the resulting revenue. (After all, taxes are not taken here to calculate the net profit.

Is it profitable?

To answer this question, you need to know two parameters: the number of children who will visit your kindergarten and the cost of services for one child.

The average cost of visiting a private kindergarten is one child - 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, if you have 20 kids, then the month's income is 200,000 rubles.

If you take into account the approximate calculation of monthly costs, then for profitable business, the kindergarten should attend at least 30 children. And then about 50 thousand rubles. Clean profits you will have.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, we need considerable means, and the payback of such a project is quite long.

Choosing, what kindergarten open: large or small, you need to understand that the yield of a small kindergarten is limited to its capacity. Therefore, you need to competently calculate several options and choose the most cost-effective.

What risks in business should consider?

The most important risk that can occur when opening a private garden is the lack of customers. Therefore, be sure to conduct a market research to identify the real need for private kindergartens.

And it can also happen that next to your private garden suddenly a new municipal, who is not inferior to you, and besides, wins in price.

What else should be fearful and, if possible, conduct warning measures?

    increasing the cost of renting, which will entail an increase in constant costs and may affect financial condition. Reduce the likelihood of risk possible when concluding a long-term lease agreement and the choice of a bona fide landlord;

    reduced solvent demand. Still, the amount of 10 thousand rubles. For kindergarten baby is rather big. Therefore, there is a chance that some customers can simply refuse your services, realizing that this amount is inexperienced for them. You can minimize this risk with the help of discount shares and the formation of loyalty programs. However, it is impossible to completely avoid risk due to the specifics of the services provided;

    changes in legislation, which may entail the complication of business processes. Management This risk is not amenable. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account it and form a budget for the occurrence of such risks.

    responsibility for the health and safety of children. The presence of an unpleasant incident can significantly hit the business reputation of the institution and entail significant problems. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to carry out thorough briefing both for teachers and for parents;

    lack of qualified specialists. Leveling this risk will allow monitoring of school staff, artistic, musical and choreographic schools, university graduates according to the required specialties, careful selection of employees and favorable working conditions capable of attracting high-quality staff;

    reducing the reputation of the institution in the target audience in the circle in errors in managing or reducing the quality of services. Level risk is possible with constant control of the quality of services, receiving feedback from customers institutions and conducting corrective activities.

Let's sum up

Of course, to open your private kindergarten is quite troublesome and responsible. It can be successful only if you competently plan your business and will burn with your business. Then you will succeed in achieving stability and high profits. Simple pursuit of income will not bring the expected result. It will not work quickly. This is a business to the future, involving development. Therefore, we strongly recommend: open a kindergarten if it is close to you.

Get current payments for a business plan

Want to get topical data on income and expenses? Request estimates for the opening of a business in this area from leading franchisor companies:

100 people studies this business today.

In 30 days, this business was interested in 39719 times.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

The main costs of opening the dance school are from 650 thousand rubles. With a good attendance for the month of school, it can bring its owners from 100-150 thousand rubles.

The cost of the project will be 14,530,000 rubles, of which 10,530,000 will make starting investments in the opening, and 4,000,000 rubles. - Curvas. Payback period - 32 months.

This business is to provide services for the development, education and upbringing of children of the nursery and preschool age.


This type of service is in demand due to the intense situation with state gardens in our country. With the current growth of fertility, the lack of kindergartens is extremely acute. In addition, the conditions for continuous increase in prices and the desire for a high level of life pushed their parents to engage in their careers hard and give to raising specialized organizations.

Thus, a new niche appeared in business - kindergartens at home. This niche is not yet complete, although actively mastered (adjacent material: how to open a children's developmental center).

If you are interested in another, more serious format, then we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the detailed material on how to open a private kindergarten, from which you will learn all new butts.

Celebration of home kindergarten

Perhaps the registration of kindergarten at home is one of the most troublesome moments in organizing such a business. According to the Law on Education in its latest edition of 2011, any educational and training activities should be carried out only by legal entities, as well as individuals, subject to their registration as individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, such commercial organizations such as Ltd., JSC and CJSC are not entitled to conduct educational and educational activities.

Ltd., OJSC and CJSC can operate, "similar" to educational, but there is no one - for example, to open the "Early Development Center". However, they are not entitled to register the center of pre-school education.

The specifics of the desired activity should be reflected in the constituent documents and types of activities on OKVED. Types of activity in OKVED - "Social services to the population" and "Listen and Care". Since 2006, a non-profit organization has been registered in the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Documents submitted for state registration are considered within 1 month.

In addition, it will be necessary to put an educational institution for tax accounting, he will be assigned the INN. In addition, registration of institutions in extrabudgetary funds - the fund of compulsory medical insurance, the Pension Fund, the Fund of Social Insurance, as well as in the authority of state statistics.

The costs of state registration occupy approximately 1 thousand rubles, when contacting the firms that assist in registration, the amount of expenses increases to 2.5-4 thousand rubles.

When registering IP, kindergartens at home are subject to taxation on a simplified scheme - 6% of income.

License for opening a private kindergarten

According to Art. 48 The current "Law on Education", individual pedagogical activities are not licensed. This means that individual entrepreneurs can conduct pedagogical activities, as well as to carry out educational programs without obtaining a license. But the remaining legal forms require it to receive.

The "Regulations on licensing educational activities" does not require a license to be obtained by institutions that provide services for developing and educational activities (classes in sections, circles and studios) and leisure activities - i.e., when the organization does not offer specifically "pre-school education". Such activities can also be engaged in LLC, JSC, CJSC, etc. However, in the case of opening a institution offering precisely pre-school education, the license is necessary.

You can get a license to open a kindergarten at home in state bodies for the education of the subjects of the Russian Federation and in local governments, which in accordance with the law are endowed with such powers.

To get a license, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • Articles of association;
  • Contract for rental of premises or certificate of ownership of the available room;
  • Document on tax accounting;
  • The conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor, the SES and the fire inspection, indicating that the premises meet all the necessary requirements for conducting educational and educational activities;
  • The list of available material and technical base (provided in the SES to verify compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and the standards of SanPIN in the form of a table where the equipment is listed in each of the premises)
  • Educational program (in accordance with SanPine of paragraph 2.12.6 "Programs, methods and regimes of education and training in terms of hygienic requirements are allowed to use if there are sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance with their sanitary regulations");
  • Information about the pedagogical team.

Premises and equipment

To comply with the requirements of the SES to the device, the content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations and stated in sanitary and epidemiological rules and sanpine regulations (in a new edition of 01.10.2010 g) to kindergartens, the premises must have:

  • not less than 2 m 2 for each child,
  • separate room for games and sleep children,
  • medical Cabinet,
  • sport and wellness complex.

In addition, it is important for special furniture and equipment, as well as fire alarm.

Requirements for children's furniture in the home kindergarten are quite specific - tables must be no more than 58 cm in height, and chairs - up to 34 cm. In addition, it is necessary to organize a place for storing children's clothing (lockers), as well as a game zone for children.

The lighting in the room should be natural, and artificial, and the temperature in it is from 18 to 22 ° C. Since developing and entertainment classes with children are held here, in the room there must be everything for this necessary - toys, paints, albums for drawing, etc.

In addition, in accordance with the sanitary standards and regulations for preschool institutions, in kindergarten should be:

  • Toys for developing and free children's games;
  • Cabinets for storing children's clothing and things;
  • Dishes and furniture for food intake by children;
  • Furniture, economic belonging pots, etc. for sanitary and hygienic procedures;
  • Bed linen and bed beds;
  • First aid kit in the medical office;

The fire inspection will also require the presence of a fire extinguisher in kindergarten.

Economic calculations and profitability

Nina Alexandrovna Bondarenko - author of the material about the opening of a kindergarten at home:

"Parents want the kindergarten to be not only a place for the child's pastime, but also a place where it will be fully developed. And it is private gardens that are fascinating and innovative methods for the development of children are extremely popular."

So, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the cost of state registration of the home kindergarten and the cost of renting the premises. The State Registration, as already noted, requires 1 to 4 thousand rubles from 1 to 4 thousand rubles. Rent an apartment sufficient area - from 30 thousand rubles. If the kindergarten will be organized at home from the business organizer - it is possible to calculate the cost of public services instead of the amount for renting an apartment. In addition, if the apartment requires appropriate cosmetic repairs, you can add 30-50 thousand rubles to the expenditures.

Equipment for kindergarten will require costs up to 100 thousand rubles. In addition, if you wish, you can establish a video link so that parents can monitor their children - these are optional costs that make up up to 25 thousand rubles.

Advertising. To do this, you will need to place ads in the press, leave your business cards and flyers in the children's clinic, place information about kindergarten on the Internet. This can be spent from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.

As a result, the main costs of opening a kindergarten at home will take about 165 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account the salary of the staff - at least about 20 thousand rubles per month as an educator and a nurse-cook (the organizer of the business performs the functions of the second tutor).

With independent cooking for children, it will take about 200 rubles per day for children, subject to the work of a kindergarten 21 day per month and with a group of 8 people, the cost of food will be 33,600 rubles per month.

As a result, with a group of 8 people and the cost of visiting a child of a kindergarten at home, 20 thousand rubles per month profit (taking into account expenses) will be about 50 thousand monthly. The cost of opening a kindergarten at home will pay off for the year of work.

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