Towels are not provided. Why can't you give towels? Traditions and superstitious signs from ancient times

In Ancient Rus', it was customary to distribute them to guests at funerals so that they would honor the memory of the deceased. Since then, it has been believed that giving towels to someone as a gift is a bad omen. Superstitious people say that in this way one can bring illness to a person and even hasten his death.

The person who received such a gift will be sad and may be drawn into many unpleasant situations.

Why can't you give a towel?

Towels cannot be donated for the following reasons:

  1. The person who receives such a gift will be sad and may be drawn into many unpleasant situations. Especially bad sign the donated towel becomes for the man. According to signs, a serious illness awaits him or news of the death of a close relative.
  2. In the old days, the coffin was lowered into the pit with the help of large towels, and small cloths were hung on the gates or windows; they indicated that there was a dead person in the house. Previously people They believed that according to them the soul of the deceased could return to earth and again go to another world. In addition, tears were wiped away with towels at the wake, so such a gift became a symbol of grief and sadness.
  3. Another sign suggests that it promises imminent separation. And when a person is given such a gift, it may mean that he will soon have to go on a long journey.
  4. Giving a towel is considered bad omen also because it is customary to tie a tombstone cross with this item. Such a gift is regarded as a sign of disrespect for the owners. It is believed that if you take it, you can bring trouble to your family and the whole year will be unsuccessful.
  5. There is another superstition, and it is also associated with funeral rites. Towels are not given as a gift because it has long been customary to tie them on the hands of those who carried a coffin with a deceased person out of the house. This is how a sign has developed, according to which this item, as a gift, carries exclusively negative energy and causes only unpleasant associations.

However, not all signs are so categorical, and if you are planning to give a towel, then this is quite acceptable. The main thing is to choose a gift wisely and present it, paying attention to certain rules.

When can you give?

It should be noted that in the old days, special ritual towels were used during funerals, and modern analogues are very different from them. At the same time, it has been traditional for a long time to present ordinary linens, for example, kitchen or bath ones. Let's look at the signs that allow you to give a towel.

  • By embroidering a towel, the girl showed her mother-in-law her hard work and abilities. Thanks to such an offering, she deserved good location to themselves, and in general it was considered a good tradition. However, to receive such a gift in leap year- a bad omen.
  • In history, you can trace the tradition when women embroidered towels with their own hands and gave them to soldiers. IN in this case Such paintings became amulets that protected those who set out on a long journey.
  • In some countries, such a gift is a symbol of deep respect. With the help of this item the donor expresses his good attitude and goodwill. Giving a person a towel means protecting him from adversity.
  • In the old days, girls gave them to boys as a sign of love. At the same time, they spent a huge amount of time on painting beautiful embroidery, which spoke of tender feelings.
  • It is customary to give as a gift for a wedding. Parents traditionally present the newlyweds with bread and salt on a towel, and after the wedding ceremony, the young spouses’ hands are tied with the same towel. And this is perceived exclusively as a good omen.
  • Presented as a gift to a child during the baptism ceremony. After washing with water, the baby is wrapped in a new cloth - kryzhma. But you should only buy it godmother, and the kryzhma itself is subsequently used strictly for its intended purpose. This towel promises rich life and drives away illness and adversity from the child.
  • It is appropriate to give to spouses for chintz wedding. Only in this case it is advisable to choose an option from appropriate materials.
  • A set of beautiful kitchen towels will be an excellent gift for any housewife. In this case, canvases with bright images and colorful patterns are suitable. Just don’t give them to a woman you don’t know well, as your gesture may be perceived incorrectly.

In some countries, such a gift is a symbol of deep respect

When is the best time to buy?

People say that the day on which gift towels were purchased plays a role important role. And if you decide to make such a present, pay attention to the following recommendations.

  1. Monday. Giving a towel as a gift that you bought at the very beginning of the week means success in the financial sphere.
  2. Tuesday. On this day it is better to buy a gift for married couple. Thus, peace and tranquility will reign in the house, and family life will be happy.
  3. Wednesday. You will give a person joy and attract pleasant surprises into his life.
  4. Thursday. Along with the gift, the birthday person will gain new useful knowledge. Towels purchased on Thursday contribute to the acquisition of important useful information.
  5. Friday. Such a gift promises something new interesting acquaintance, romantic date, have a nice meeting.
  6. Saturday. If you bought towels on this day off, then along with them you will give the person additional productivity.
  7. Sunday. Towels purchased at the very end of the week promise sincere love and mutual respect in the family.

When choosing a gift, it is advisable to give preference to products with drawings. Plain white canvases will not work in this case. A towel made from natural linen is also a bad sign.

How to give?

To neutralize the negative effect it will accept, ask for a few coins for your gift. As a result, it turns out that you are not giving, but the product is being sold. You can give a towel this way for a birthday or any other occasion.


  • If you are planning to give Bath towels for a wedding, then you need to purchase them on even numbers of the month, preferably that this day falls on a Sunday. This gift can be given to a married couple 3 days after purchase.
  • If you want to give it to a child (for christening, birthday), then the product must first be sprinkled with holy water. Parents should wash the gift and only then give it to the baby for permanent use.
  • When you purchase a gift for an adult, the canvas should first be hung in the sun, preferably on an open balcony. The wind will take away all the negative energy that could have accumulated in the product while it was lying on the shelf in the store.

If you want to give a towel to a child (for christening, birthday), then the product must first be sprinkled with holy water

If they give you

If they give it to you, then it is advisable to accept such a gift. right hand. And if you doubt the sincerity of the donor, then it would be useful to read a prayer at this moment.

If you do not want to receive such a gift, being afraid to let illnesses and troubles into your home along with the donated kitchen towel, then in such a situation you can do the following. Wrap the cookie or candy in linen and return it to the person who brought it, and to smooth it out Awkward moment, offer to drink tea together. People say that such a ritual will help ward off enemies from your home forever.

How to remove the negative impact of a gift?

To begin with, it is advisable to check the gift for negativity. Place it on the table and hold it over the product for several minutes gold ring, suspended on a thread. If the pendulum begins to swing intensively, it means that the gift really carries negative energy and needs to be cleansed.

Light a church candle and draw it along the canvas. The fact that the negative is burning will be indicated by crackling and fluctuating flames. As soon as the characteristic cracking noise ends, read the prayer and complete the procedure.

Despite the fact that many signs do not advise giving such a gift, in some cases it is quite acceptable. The main thing is to broadcast only positive energy, and then the gift will definitely be beneficial.

There are gifts to which people attribute magical properties. Among them, it is worth highlighting towels, which are not suitable as a present. To understand why you can’t give a towel, it’s worth understanding the nuances. In fact, this item does not have negative energy and is not capable of absorbing negative emotions. But people believe that it will still become a source of quarrels or illnesses.

A little history

Why can't you give towels? A sign that came from Ancient Rus' says that this item had to be given to the guest so that he would remember the deceased. In those days, an unsuccessful gift foreshadowed separation from relatives, quarrels and even death.

Why else can’t you give a towel? In ancient times, the towel was associated with many unpleasant events. For example, after the procedure of burying the deceased, it was impossible to lock the door near the house, so the doors were secured with a towel.

Grandmothers and mothers spent winter evenings embroidering towels for their men. Sons-in-law, grandchildren, brothers received their gifts only after the death of the woman who presented the towel.

Presentation in the modern world

Many rituals have been forgotten today. In addition, ritual towels in ancient times were different from their modern counterparts. Today, a set of towels will be an excellent gift for loved ones. Having picked up good option, you can show your care and love. Grandmother, mother or wife, drying themselves with a soft, high-quality terry cloth, will warmly remember the donor.

Signs and towel

Based on life experience and knowledge, some objects acquired a unique meaning. Looking into the past, you can trace cases when, after a certain gift, the life of the owner changed dramatically. In particular, many signs relate to this simple object everyday life, like a towel. The person who received it as a gift may feel sad and unpleasant situations. Such a pattern, it would seem, should be considered meaningless, but the frequent repetition of such situations suggests otherwise.

Esotericists argue that the perception of a gift is purely individual; if you believe that such a gift will bring trouble, it will be so. There is a sign that this household item cannot be given to a man. To understand why you shouldn’t give a towel to a man, you can look at cases from the past, which are based on many years of experience. There is also an opinion that such a gift can provoke severe illness or even the death of a close relative.

Among the bad superstitions, it is worth highlighting the fact that the towel was used in funeral rites. In large sections, the coffin was lowered into the pit, small items were hung on the gate to indicate that the deceased was in the house. Therefore, such talent was often interpreted as a bad sign.

In some villages in Russia there was a custom when a towel hung in the window announced the death of a person. According to ancient beliefs, along it the soul of the deceased could rise and return to earth.

According to another version, the soul of the deceased could rest on the towel, and they used it to wipe away tears. It is for this reason that such a gift could promise trouble and illness.

According to Altai traditions, this household item was passed down to men from generation to generation, after the grandmother died, who prepared the offering for them.

Positive aspects of the gift

IN ancient Rus' The midwife received the baby on a towel, which all family members used to wipe their hands. Dear guests They were greeted with bread and salt presented on an embroidered towel. Embroidered snow-white cloth decorated the icons. Towels were a valuable gift for the newlyweds white. On the day the newlyweds got married, they stood on hand embroidered young wife's towel. At the moment of embroidery future wife I had to think only about good things and embroider in a great mood. Only in this case did the towel promise the newlyweds happy life. For each case, there were certain symbols that were applied with thread to the canvas. Thanks to them it gained magical power. It was forbidden to give such a gift to strangers.

Types of towels

It is worth noting that today there is on the market a large assortment towels that have nothing in common with those that were offered as gifts in ancient times. Therefore, beautiful terry or waffle products cannot carry negative connotations. Terry cloths decorated with patterns and unique decorative elements, provoke positive emotions, that is, they dispel the myth that a towel cannot be given as a gift.


A separate topic worth highlighting is ritual towels, which must be used for their intended purpose. Kryzhma is bought by the godmother for the baptism ceremony of the baby (godson). A child is wrapped in such a towel after washing with holy water. Kryzhma has magical properties and helps the baby feel better during illnesses and adversities. It is enough to cover the child with it or wipe him after bathing. In no case is it allowed to use someone else's kryzhma or give it to another person without reason.


The wedding towel is embroidered for the upcoming ritual only by the hands of a young girl. Presenting it on any other holiday is considered a bad omen and bad form.

New Year's troubles

On the eve of the New Year, I so want to please my loved ones, show them my care, choose good gift. Excellent choice for this holiday there will be a set of terry towels.

No need to worry about whether towels are provided for New Year. A good solution would be a bath product for personal use or a set that will be useful for the whole family. On modern market there is a huge color palette towels for every taste and budget. If you want to give a towel, push superstitions into the background and present it with good thoughts and wishes.

How to check a gift

Some psychics recommend checking the gift for negativity. The gift is examined using the following ritual. You need to take a long thread and Golden ring, which should be hung on a thread. Next, carefully monitor the behavior of the pendulum. If it starts spinning from side to side, then the object carries negative energy and needs to be cleansed. A church candle is lit and held lengthwise and crosswise over the object. Wherein negative energy will burn, clear crackling fire indicates that the energy is burning in the flame. The procedure is carried out until the candle stops making a characteristic crackling noise.

Eliminate the threat

Some bioenergetics specialists recommend reading a prayer over a gift that may be emanating negativity. This is how you can create positive energy around things and eliminate the imaginary threat. Following the signs, the gift is accepted with the right hand. In addition, it is advisable to give a small ransom for it. In this case, the product will not be considered as a gift, but as if purchased.

If you don’t want to take the towel, you can return it to the donor, wrapping candy and cookies in it. We can say that it is not customary to give such a gift and it is better to drink tea together so that the person does not get offended. Often like this effective method neutralizes the negative message, if any.

How to give correctly

One can trace a case in history when wives embroidered a towel with their own hands, placing certain protective symbols on the canvas. Such a gift was a talisman for those who went to war or to distant lands. He was a person’s guardian from various misfortunes or bullets. Today, a gift is considered a symbol of attention and care. Great solution is to donate this household item for the birth of a baby. For your wedding anniversary, you can present a set of towels.

To remove suspicion for a superstitious person, you should not buy dark-colored products. It is also unacceptable to purchase a plain color white product. You should not give a person a linen towel. This is considered a bad sign. It is recommended to pack or buy a beautiful, eye-catching set of towels in a branded box.

When drawing conclusions, it is worth understanding how superstitious a person is and how he will react to a gift. If a towel is presented with respect, it will give the person only positive emotions.

There is no simpler gift than a towel. It is suitable for any person by age and gender, ideal for all kinds of holidays. A handcrafted product brings especially a lot of joy. decorative embroidery. But many people, before purchasing a gift, wonder whether it would be appropriate to present a towel to this or that person? After all, we live in a world of superstitions and traditions that not everyone dares to break. Let's look at the main aspects and answer your question.

Historical summary

The superstition that you should not give a towel as a gift arose several centuries ago. The fact that such a gift will bring grief to the owner is studied to this day and does not lose its relevance. The textile product is usually given as a gift on International Women's Day, as well as New Year and Christmas.

In those days, such events were considered unacceptable, but today a gift in the form of a towel is perceived quite normally. In part, this combination of circumstances is directly determined by the practicality of the thing itself, as well as the huge selection of textiles. A towel will come in handy in everyday life for everyone, without exception.

A few centuries ago, a hand-embroidered towel was given for christenings, the birth of a child, and also as a sign of respect. Then the girl sat in the evenings and embroidered a towel, which was later given to the man as a sign of care and fidelity. A similar gift was given to the mother-in-law so that the lady could show off her skills. But in a leap year, towels could not be given as gifts.

Many peoples still have negative associations with the gift of a towel to this day. In their case, such a gift was a sign of sadness, tears and parting, and promised trouble. This is due to the presence of a towel at a funeral, as is known, a mourning event.

It was hung next to front door to signal that the deceased is in the house. IN mandatory the towel was tied to the wrists of the people who carried and accompanied the coffin. Subsequently, the towel was placed on the cross and the ceremony was performed. For this reason, people in those days refused to accept a towel, so as not to invite trouble on themselves.

Many peoples considered it especially bad luck to present such a product to a beloved man. For decades, such a gesture meant that a close relative would soon die. Some people still believe in Negative influence towel.

Choosing a towel as a gift

If you are seriously thinking about presenting textile product With such a feature as a gift, you should carefully consider the choice. You should not buy a white towel that does not have any design/pattern on it. You should also abandon the black tone.

If we consider textiles from the point of view of material, opt for cotton or terry towel will great idea. You should immediately exclude the option of buying and donating an item woven from linen fabric. Be sure to take care of the packaging, this is important.

If the person receiving your gift has negative associations, you should give a towel for a coin. That is, you give a gift to the birthday boy, and he gives you a symbolic payment.

How to give

  1. It is worth noting that in ancient times, representatives of the fair sex personally embroidered an element of personal hygiene and gave it to future mothers-in-law and grooms. In this way, daughters-in-law demonstrated their skills in needlework.
  2. As for the wives, they gave towels to their husbands long journeys. The attribute acted as a talisman that could save from misfortunes and enemy bullets. As for the modern world, not every representative of the fair sex knows how to hold a corner with a thread in her hands.
  3. If you look from the other side, then beautiful towel as a gift is unlikely to mean separation or misfortune. On the contrary, such a gift can be considered a symbol of care, a desire to do something pleasant and attention. The towel will be a useful gift.
  4. IN modern world It is quite normal to give a personal hygiene item as a gift for the birth of a baby. Bath sets of two towels will become a good present on wedding anniversary. Handbrake small size can be presented to housewives who will need them in the kitchen. Inexpensive gift will become good sign attention for the New Year.
  5. If a person is superstitious, then you should not present him with an attribute made of gloomy and dark fabrics. Pure white towels without a pattern are also not welcome as gifts. As a last resort, you can exchange with this person for a simple coin. The gift will simply turn into a purchase, and the sign will disappear.

When to give

  1. A towel can be given to a newborn as an attribute for personal hygiene. Such attention would be quite appropriate. Only when purchasing, give preference to natural and soft material. It should also absorb well and not cause allergies.
  2. You can give a beautiful towel as a gift for a wedding. Only the present should be presented by close relatives of the newlyweds. On your wedding day, you are allowed to give no more than 10 towels.
  3. A bath set for two can become a great gift on linen wedding. Such an anniversary gift is considered a good sign of attention for spouses.
  4. You can give the hostess something beautiful kitchen towel from loved one. Give preference to items with intricate designs or colorful patterns.
  5. If any significant date fell on warm time year, a beach towel would be a great gift. In the modern world, such a gift will be a good sign of attention.

Giving a towel as a gift can cause a lot of controversy. Whether to give such a gift to your loved ones is up to you to decide. If the gift is beautiful and of high quality, why not give it. It is also worth considering whether a person is superstitious or not. If this is not observed, you can safely act.

Video: how to pack a towel as a gift

Every time, thinking about the problem of what to give to a relative, friend, acquaintance and, choosing options, you are faced with a dilemma: you can or cannot give it.

The question is similar: “is it possible to give a towel?” hangs in the air without an answer. This article will reveal all the nuances of giving something so useful and important for Everyday life things, will tell you why you can’t give a towel and in what cases.

First you need to consider what types of towels there are and how they should be used:

  • Kitchen towel. Designed for wiping washed dishes, hands, wiping glassware(glasses, glasses) before receiving guests, sometimes it can be used as a potholder (if you don’t have one at hand).
  • Bath towel. Its purpose is to wipe dry the body after bathing, hands after washing, face after washing, etc.
  • Beach towel. Designed specifically for summer hikes to reservoirs, for resort trips. Since this towel is used in public, it should look neat. The beach towel should be brightly colored (if you are far away from the waves so it is easy to see where your things are) and large.
  • Cover towel.Used in church rituals baptism.
  • Towel-rushnik.Designed for wedding ritual and to protect the family hearth.
  • Death towel. Necessary for the ritual of washing the deceased and seeing off the deceased to the next world.

Let's look at why a towel is given as a gift in each case.
There are no questions with the first three points. Ordinary towels, not symbolizing anything, as useful gift quite suitable. The fourth and fifth points cause concern and caution. And the sixth one generally gives rise to shock and bewilderment - could it really occur to someone to give such a towel as a gift? Imagine, yes.

There are two possible situations. First: it is done out of ignorance, if the donor does not understand the ritual meaning, and gives the death towel in memory of the deceased. And the second, which is much worse, such an action can be taken on purpose, with a certain malicious intent. Let's look at it in order.

Why you shouldn’t give ritual towels

Kryzhma is a special towel used in the baptism ceremony of a newborn. This is usually a large white terry, linen or cotton towel. The godmother buys Kryzhma for the child. On the day of baptism, she presents a church towel as a gift to her godson(s). A child being baptized is wrapped in this towel after the ritual of ablution in holy water. Kryzhma is preserved by a person throughout his life and serves as a protective talisman.

It is believed that if a child feels unwell, is capricious or is sick - just wipe him with kryzhma or cover him with it at night - all illnesses will recede, anxiety will pass. And in adult life a baptismal towel will relieve fatigue and pain, and who will take it in long journey, will return home safe and sound.

The baptismal towel acquires all these properties precisely during the rite of Baptism. That's why you can't give a towel for a christening without a reason. You should not just buy it for yourself or give it as a gift to a child to whom you do not intend to become a godmother. You can’t use someone else’s kryzhma for Christening. A new towel must be chosen; there is no need to wash it. If you are afraid of dermatitis or allergies in your child, you should simply iron the towel.

Is a wedding towel a good gift?

Rushnik - wedding towel with embroidery self made among the Eastern Slavs. Meaning wedding towel great: it’s like a road that we have to walk together married couple. Embroidery on towels symbolizes family happiness, health, wealth.

On your wedding day, not one, but up to forty different patterned towels are used:

  • For the icon held by parents at the moment of blessing the newlyweds.
  • For tying the hands of newlyweds, as a symbol of unity and inseparability.
  • Under the ritual bread that the young people share to understand who will be in charge in the family.
  • The new couple should step under their feet (according to tradition, you need to step on the towel; whoever steps first is the head of the family).
  • As a decoration for a wedding procession.
  • Separately, there should be a towel embroidered by the bride, which she brought to the groom’s house.
  • For wedding tables, be sure to have large long towels with wedding symbols - doves, flowers, viburnum branches.

The wedding towel could be given as a gift by direct relatives of the newlyweds - parents, as well as godparents or imprisoned parents (if there is no blood father or mother). Such a towel, like the towel that the future wife was supposed to make, was kept in the family as a talisman and passed on to future generations. So, now it’s clear why an ordinary guest should not be given a towel symbolizing a wedding amulet.

What to do if you are given a death towel

Most likely, this is where the statement came from that giving a towel as a gift is a bad omen. A funeral towel can be a simple, plain, inexpensive towel, or it can be a large, long, patterned one. Sometimes they even took the kryzhma belonging to the deceased as such a towel. Such towels are often distributed at funerals by relatives of the deceased, along with scarves, candles, and ribbons.

It is necessary to firmly understand: the towel of the deceased or the towels and candles used in the funeral ritual must be buried in the ground along with the body. And those towels that were tied around the hands of the coffin bearers must be collected after the funeral, a hole should be dug in the cemetery to the side, poured with something flammable and burned. You can read “Our Father” during this ritual. It is not prohibited to distribute scarves, but only after the funeral, not at the cemetery.

Using a towel that was used to wipe the deceased after ablution, or the one that was tied around the lid of the coffin to move it, can, to put it mildly, be used by bad, malicious and inadequate individuals who wish harm to another person. Receiving such a towel as a gift really does not bode well. They clearly and openly wish a person to die.

But what to do if the towel is still handed over?

First of all, don't panic. Secondly, take this towel, wrap sweets, tea, pastries in it and visit the donor with the words: “I just found out the other day that giving towels is a bad omen for the one who gives. I don’t want you to feel bad, so I’m returning the gift. Let's have some tea!" It is not necessary to drink tea, but if your enemy drinks it with you, then in the future he will no longer be able to do nasty things to you.

The superstition about giving a towel and its consequences has been known for many centuries. People watched the fate of a person after he was given this souvenir.

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A towel can bring both positive and negative events to life. It depends on the material the towel is made from and the recipient of the gift. The mood of the donor, as well as the celebration in honor of which the gift was presented, are also important. The day you purchase and receive the towel also plays a role.

    The history of superstition

    The belief that giving a towel as a gift is a bad omen appeared many centuries ago. Now it does not have such a relevant meaning. It is customary to give a beautiful textile product for a birthday, March 8, or New Year.

  1. 1. Unlike ancient times, in the modern world a towel is often given as a gift and does not cause any disturbance in a person. This is due to the fact that now there is a huge selection of beautiful terry, waffle and other towels. Once upon a time, towels were embroidered by hand. They were an integral attribute of such holidays as the birth of a baby, christening, and wedding.
  2. 2. Before, in order to express your love and tender feelings To young man, the girl always embroidered a towel for the man. The same gift was presented to the mother of the future groom in order to demonstrate her abilities and skills. However, it was inappropriate to give such gifts during a leap year.
  3. 3. Many peoples also have negative associations associated with towels. The towel symbolized tears, melancholy, sadness, partings and troubles. First of all, this is due to the fact that the towel was an invariable attribute of the funeral. It was hung on the street as a sign that there was a deceased person in the house. It was necessarily tied on the wrist of those who carried the coffin with the deceased. The towel was hung on the cross, which is part of the funeral rite. It is for these reasons that in the old days people refused to accept a towel as a gift.
  4. 4. It was considered a particularly unfavorable sign to give a towel to a beloved man. From time immemorial it was believed that this meant the death of his close relative.

    What kind of towel can be given as a gift?

    To ensure that a harmless textile product does not cause tears for the person receiving this gift, it is necessary to follow some recommendations when choosing a gift. First of all, you should not opt ​​for a white towel, without any patterns or designs. Buying a towel as a gift would also be a bad idea. dark shades. As for the material from which the gift is made, it should be a terry or waffle towel. It is not allowed to give a linen towel as a gift. The gift must be packed.

    To neutralize negative impact gift, it should not be given, but purchased. To do this, you can give the person giving the towel a coin of any denomination. You need to take the gift with your right hand, mentally saying a prayer.

    What day of the week should I buy a gift?

    It has long been noted that the day on which a gift in the form of a towel was purchased is important. This can radically change a person's destiny.

    A modern view of the towel sign

    In the modern world, a towel does not cause unpleasant associations associated with funeral and other rites. On the contrary, it is a symbol of pleasant events in a person’s life.

    So, a towel called “kryzhma” godmother buys for the baptism ceremony. A wedding ceremony for young people is not complete without an embroidered towel, which they must step on together. On a wedding anniversary it is customary to give bath sets from two items.

    Not every girl can embroider beautifully. But a textile product purchased in a store for your loved one is unlikely to cause tears and separation. This way you can show your care and love, as well as give a useful gift.

    Ceremonial event Ways to remove negative impacts
    WeddingBath towels should always be purchased on even numbers. You can buy two towels, or a set of a large, medium and hand towel for each of the newlyweds. This must be done on Sunday. At home, you should read “Our Father” over the gift and place the cloth near the icon. After 3 days, the gift can be given to the married couple
    Child's birthday, christeningBefore giving this gift to your baby, you need to sprinkle it with holy water and pin it with a pin. You definitely need to warn your parents about this! Before using the towel, it must be washed. This will help neutralize negative energy, which could remain on a textile product while lying on a shelf in a store or after being examined by other people
    March 8After a woman has received a beautiful waffle towel as a gift, she needs to wave it in all corners of the kitchen. The textile is then washed and dried over a fire.
    Adult's birthdayBefore presenting the birthday person with a beautiful large towel, it should be hung in the sun in a well-ventilated place. The wind will help carry away all negative energy
    For a loved oneThere is a belief that a towel given to a spouse will cause a big family scandal. This can be avoided by giving a small “ransom” in the form of a metal coin of any denomination for the gift.

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