How to open a children's educational center step by step instructions. Toys and consumables. Choosing a form of ownership and OKVED codes

Now that everything large quantity parents understand the importance early development and teaching children, opening a children's center can be very profitable business project. So what do you need to consider if you are seriously wondering: “How to open a children’s development center?”

Step one. Developing a concept

First of all, decide who and how you will develop. Install age limits, think over your work schedule, select appropriate programs and methods. You also need to decide whether you will have groups of short-term or long-term stays for children, create a schedule of classes, and decide on additional services.

Currently, there are many time-tested educational and developmental concepts. Each of them has its own pros and cons, admirers and opponents. You can choose one program or create your own development concept, which will include individual elements and settings of different methods.

Step two. Preparing documents

Before opening a children's center, it will need to be registered and officially issued. To get started you need:

  • – from the Law “On Education” it follows that individual entrepreneurs have the right to engage in pedagogical activity on the same basis as legal entities. You can start working from the moment of state registration.
  • To decide on, as a rule, this is 85.32 - child care and supervision, 92.51 - organization of club-type institutions, 93.05 - personal services.
  • Open a bank account.
  • Register with the tax authorities.
  • Choosing a taxation system is the most reasonable option of the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system). She demands minimum costs for accounting.
  • If required, enter into agreements with third-party organizations for various services: removal of solid waste, disinfection work, recycling of energy-saving and fluorescent lamps, etc.

Please note that if you plan to provide educational services, you will definitely need to obtain a special license. To formalize it, you must collect and submit it to the department or committee of education whole package documents:

  • Agreement for the lease of premises or ownership.
  • Conclusion of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  • Conclusion of the State Fire Inspectorate.
  • Certificate confirming tax registration.
  • Charter
  • Educational program.
  • Availability confirmation educational materials, methodological literature.
  • Data on teachers and educators, number of children.

Due to the fact that the process of obtaining an educational license is long and difficult, initial stage It is better for business to limit itself to opening a development center.

Step three. Finding a room

There are certain requirements for the premises in which it is planned to open a children's center. First of all, it must be highlighted in independent block– it can be a separate building or an apartment in multi-storey building, designed as non-residential premises. It is desirable to have two exits - the main one and the fire exit. A fire alarm must be installed; only companies with the appropriate license can install it.

When preparing the premises, you must be guided by the provisions of SanPiN and SP 13130 ​​2009 and comply with the following rules:

  • The height from floor to ceiling must be at least 3 meters;
  • The room must have: a dressing area with lockers or hangers, a room for activities and games, a toilet;
  • The walls must be smooth and can withstand wet cleaning; for finishing the ceilings it is recommended to use whitewash or water-based paint, floors must have a non-slip coating without cracks or defects;
  • The premises must maintain constant temperature regime without sudden temperature fluctuations. The optimal value is 19-21°;
  • Sockets and switches must be located at a height of at least 1.8 m.

You only need to obtain permits and approvals from Rospotrebnadzor if you will be engaged in educational activities. In all other cases, it is enough to simply notify officials about the start of work.

When the room is ready, we order furniture, purchase toys, teaching aids, Consumables for classes, Sports Equipment. It is better not to skimp on quality and purchase products from reputable and well-established companies.

Step four. We invite specialists

Your income and the fate of your business will depend on how competent, professional and child-loving your teachers are. Pay attention to the education of applicants; take the time to check their references. Attend their classes regularly. Monitor the reactions of children and parents.

In addition to teachers, you will also need: an administrator, a caretaker, a cleaner, and a security guard. If you plan to provide additional services, you will have to look for a qualified psychologist or speech therapist. Are you planning to create long-term groups for children? Seek a medical professional immediately.

Please note that depending on OKVED, the requirements for employees to have a personal medical record book change. But in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, it is better to play it safe and undergo regular medical examinations.

Step five. We attract clients

  • Advertising in transport.
  • Banners and streamers on the streets.
  • Distribution of leaflets and business cards.
  • Own website.

Or unusual:

  • Weekly performances at the playgrounds of nearby houses.
  • Conducting a lottery or competition.
  • Viral advertising.
  • Communicate on local parent forums.

Before starting an advertising campaign, be sure to decide on a budget. Focus primarily on the residents of the area in which you are opening your children's development center. If possible, arrange a bright and unusual opening.

Step six. We develop business

Think about how else you can increase the attractiveness of your center and get the most out of it. You can create a club for parents or a fitness section for mothers with children on the basis of the center, open a children’s Entertainment Center or a special baby cafe, hold exhibitions or organize various master classes.

In any case, at the very beginning you should imagine where you would like to move and how to develop. And it doesn’t really matter whether you limit yourself to one studio, open several branches, or decide to completely change the concept - you must have a plan on how to do it.

Some numbers

So, let's look at the financial component of a business project to open a children's development center. Calculations are given for the following data: non-residential premises on the ground floor of an apartment building with a total area of ​​80-100 square meters. The calculations used national average prices. They may vary in each specific region, which will affect the final profitability and payback period.

One-time expenses:

Monthly expenses:

Monthly income:

The approximate payback period for a children's development center will be 2-2.5 years.

Of course, working with children is difficult. But believe me, the genuine delight, sparkling eyes and words of gratitude of your pupils will fully compensate for all the worries and excitement associated with the opening of a children's development center.

In this article we will talk about how to open a children's development center, what is needed to open it and you can download it for free ready-made example business plan.

Development center for children or small kindergarten IR- enough promising business V modern world. There are more and more children, the birth rate is rising, the population is increasing. You can often hear from young mothers and fathers that it is very difficult to provide a good home for their baby. There are too many applicants, and not enough places in such children's institutions. Of all the children who need kindergartens, only about 60% have the opportunity to get there. But kindergarten is not only about helping parents, but also about communication for the child.

What is the difference between a children's development center and a kindergarten?

Behind last years Along with municipal kindergartens, a huge number of various children's development clubs and centers, as well as private kindergartens, have appeared. All of them are engaged in providing approximately the same services with the only difference being the level of teaching, the professionalism of teachers, the methods of teaching children and, most importantly, the approach to the business itself. Specialists of such children's development centers try to help parents make their children successful, educated, diversified and happy.

To illustrate the differences, you can look at the development programs, for example, of the Constellation children's development center. In some of their programs, the mother is required to participate. These methods themselves are aimed at different goals: adaptation in kindergarten, individual development and so on. You won't find this in kindergartens.

Business plan

Since the differences are only in the methods of teaching children, then to open this business it will suit you. If it is not enough for you, then you can download more.

The main thing to remember is that your employees were professionals in their field, and not ordinary educators.

How to open a children's development center

How to open and what needs to be done to open a children's development center? If you love children and approach the matter competently, then it will not be difficult at all.

Factors to consider before opening

If you seriously decide to start, then you need to do the following.

  1. Register an enterprise, a company, go through the entire standard procedure for legal activities. Now this is not difficult to do, all information can be found on the Internet, in the legislation.
  2. Primary investments for a children's development center will be required from 500 thousand rubles. and more. Here you can take your own funds or attract an investor by drawing up an agreement.
  3. Choice of premises – the larger the better: from 100 sq. m.
  4. Find good qualified personnel to work with children.
  5. Have or acquire knowledge in psychology and pedagogy. This is necessary for screening and selection of personnel, and conflict resolution.
  6. Bank account - complete simple procedure upon opening.

If you decide to use the words “educational” or “training” in the name of the enterprise, you must obtain a special license. This is not necessary for a children's development center. For one teacher with a completed teacher education You will need to register as an individual entrepreneur, then you can do it without a license. In this case, the staff is assigned to positions with nanny responsibilities.

Choose a simplified taxation system to maintain minimal accounting without the involvement of expensive specialists.

Selecting a room

The premises must include:

  • reception;
  • staff office;
  • playroom and activity room;
  • bedroom;
  • bathroom with toilet.

Fire safety requires that the premises of a children's development center must be an independent compartment, have 1-2 exits, and a fire alarm.

The success of the children's development center for the most part depends on the teachers. Children will talk about them to their parents, and they will tell their friends, relatives, and potential clients. Of course, equipment and techniques are also important, but the main factor is always the human factor.

Features of such a business

Almost always, children's development centers operate for nine months, because in the summer there are few people willing to take children. At the same time, rent is paid continuously.

The larger the city, the more competition. It is necessary to assess the demand for the service in a specific area, fashion trends. Most often, the development of children under 2-3 years of age and teaching a foreign language are required.

The payback period for such a children's development center is from 3 to 5 years.

The main expenses in such a business include:

  • rent;
  • salary fund;
  • security services;
  • tax deductions.

How to attract clients

The main clients are parents with children from neighboring houses. This is the main venue for the main event advertising company. It should include announcements at entrances, inside houses, conversations with parents, invitations to events from a children's development center. Good to organize different holidays, concerts, competitions for kids, invite parents and children there. This will increase your popularity and attract new customers.

You can maintain popularity, you can create different ways, for example, introduce some original innovative ideas, carry out promotions. But in this case you will definitely need to contact advertising agency, and this, as you know, is an additional expense.

Now the opening of children's development centers is very promising. You need to be patient, courageous, not afraid of difficulties, and gradually over time everything will pay off and bring a stable, significant profit. It is better, of course, to start with your own premises without investors.

Kindergartens and development centers are not just an opportunity to open a business, they are a very useful, in-demand, good cause. Your pupils and their parents are well organized process they will be very grateful to you.


A children's playroom (children's entertainment center) is a place for a child or group of children to spend their leisure time under the supervision of the establishment's staff.

The first such business areas began to be organized in Russia at large shopping centers about 10 years ago. First of all, entrepreneurs focused on the needs of visitors to these centers. Or more precisely, to the need of parents to accommodate their children during a long shopping trip. The shortage was also taken into account preschool institutions in the country. Both factors have contributed to the fact that children's playrooms have become a very profitable and actively developing line of business.

About the profitability of a children's entertainment center and the importance of the place

Opening a game room is much easier than a children's development center and, even more so, than a private kindergarten. No need to obtain a license to operate educational activities, highly qualified personnel are not required, the business can be organized with relatively low cost.

  1. When opening soft game room for 30 m2, designed for a maximum of 20 children per day, you will need about 300 tr. (this will include the cost of repairs (15%), equipment (65%), rent (10%), company registration (5%), salary for staff (5%). With average monthly expenses of 50 tr. and income of 100 tr. net profit will be about 50 tr.
  2. If you organize a gaming entertainment complex for children of approximately 70 sq. m, designed for a maximum of 70 children per day, then you will need at least 1 million rubles. With average monthly expenses of 80 tr. and income of 250 tr. net profit will be about 170 tr.

It happens that game rooms find their niche in residential areas, but this is the exception rather than the rule. This mainly applies to remote places, in which such a corner can become almost the only way organizing leisure time for children and adults.

Franchise on the topic:"Town of Masters" (children's playroom franchise, investment 390 thousand rubles, profit from 90 thousand rubles.

Normative base

Before opening a business, you should try to carefully study the regulations relating to its organization. You can find out about them by contacting territorial bodies Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor. Employees of these services must notify about sanitary standards and safety regulations, compliance with which is necessary for opening a children's care room. They will also provide guidance on the legislative framework of local significance.

  • For example, the Moscow Consumer Market Department has developed special “Recommendations for keeping children in children’s playrooms...”.
  • It is also important to understand the documents federal significance. In particular, with those regulations that relate to children's play equipment. It must comply with the requirements of international (EN - 1176) and Russian (GOST R 52169-2003, GOST R 52168-2003, GOST R 52167-2003, GOST R 52299-2004, GOST R 52300-2004, GOST R 52301-2004) standards security.
  • In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Art. 9, 10 (clause 2) and Government Decree No. 1025, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a sign or stand that would indicate the details of the organization, work schedule, list of services provided, the procedure for their provision, prices, company rules, etc.
  • It is necessary to ensure in advance that employees have medical records. (Order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402). Special education credentials are not required.
  • When preparing the premises for a children's playroom, you must be guided by SanPin and SanPin Daily wet cleaning of surfaces, washing of toys, etc. must be carried out.
  • It is also worth knowing about the types of criminal and administrative liability that are provided for causing harm to the life and health of a child in the event of certain actions or inaction of game room employees (69 Code of Civil Procedure, Article 79 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 118 of the Criminal Code, 109 of the Criminal Code, Article 1068 of the Civil Code, Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 151 of the Civil Code, Article 1081 of the Civil Code).
  • The “Technical Regulations” dedicated to the requirements will also be useful fire safety.

What is needed to open

  1. The company is registered with the tax office (LLC or individual entrepreneur). We recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). This will cost less and will allow the use of preferential tax regimes in the future - UTII, simplified tax system, and, from 2013, a patent form of taxation.
  2. Next you need to decide on OKVED codes. We recommend specifying: 92.7 - etc. activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.
  3. Then you should register with the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds
  4. You will need a cash register or strict reporting forms. They are subject to registration with the tax authorities
  5. The premises for the game room must be brought into compliance with the requirements of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor

Equipment for children's playroom

In order to organize a small game room, it is enough to purchase one children's labyrinth for 15 -20 m 2, which will cost at least 180-200 tr. You will also need a table and chair for an employee - 10 rubles and lockers for clothes (about 800 rubles for 1 section). The set is minimal; in the future it can be supplemented as much as the owner’s imagination and finances allow.

Three-story labyrinth for children's playroom

Nowadays, not a single children's playroom is complete without labyrinths. These spatial structures are usually made to order (about 1 month). However, sometimes, especially on sales, you can purchase them at ready-made version. Labyrinths can be of any size (from 10 to 100 m2) and configurations (slides, obstacles, shafts, passages, stairs, soft modules, climbing elements, dry pool with balls, etc.)

Foreign versions of labyrinth game complexes

As a rule, one organization is involved in drawing up a design project, manufacturing and installing a labyrinth. This game element Intended for children aged 3 to 12 years. Separately, you can install a children's trampoline, which on average will cost 70-90 rubles.

Children's trampoline

If your business is also aimed at children aged 1.5 - 4.5 years, then you need to create a separate corner with soft stuffed toys, construction sets, tables for drawing, and dry pools with balls.


Company employees must be able to work with children and understand high degree responsibility that is assigned to them. They are obliged to monitor the safety of equipment, order in the premises, and compliance with the rules by visitors. Usually, pedagogical students are accepted for such work. universities or retired former teaching staff. The work is carried out by 2 people in shifts.

Organization of activities

1 Game rooms are usually open from 9 am to 9 pm. Average fee for 1 hour of a child’s stay is 100-120 rubles on weekdays and 150-180 rubles on holidays and weekends. Parents with children under 3 years of age usually enter for free, and adults accompanying children over 3 years of age are charged an additional 20-30 rubles.

2 The time the 1st child stays in the room should not exceed four hours. The rules need to stipulate the obligation of visitors to pick up their children after this period.

3 An employee of the center must receive the child upon presentation of a passport by the parent. Information about the child and the time of his admission must be entered in a separate notebook or accounting program.

4 Company employees must ensure that incoming children are healthy. Kids with clear signs Diseases cannot be taken into the playroom. IN otherwise The organization's reputation may be damaged; some clients will not want to return to places where children's health issues are treated irresponsibly.

5 V weekdays the most visitors occur from 16 to 21 hours, when parents pick up their children from schools and kindergartens and go shopping. In the first half of the day, you can try to increase the number of visitors by offering them discounts. They can also be installed for regular customers.

6 Consider seasonality. Children's rooms are in great demand from October to April, when the weather outside is less conducive to outdoor play. fresh air. The decline occurs in the summer. During this season, they try to take many kids out to the countryside and spend more time with them outside.

7 If you are in the mood for further development center and increasing its profitability, then be sure to provide for the opening of such areas as organizing holidays, competitions, creative circles, creation of a children's cafe.

Every year there are more and more children, as the state stimulates the birth rate. And every mother wants happiness for her child. She wants her baby to develop, improve his abilities and gain new skills. It is for this reason that parents send their children to children's development centers. Such institutions are becoming increasingly popular every year, as they are an excellent alternative to classic kindergartens. More and more entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a children's development center from scratch.

Specifics of the children's development center

Before opening a children's development center, a businessman must decide on the format of the future educational institution. To make a profit, an entrepreneur must think through a teaching concept. Its proper development will attract wealthy clients who are willing to pay good money for the future of their children.

When creating a children's development center, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the age of children at whom the work of the development center will be focused;
  • principle of group formation;
  • the main direction of children's development;
  • programs and methods on the basis of which the institution will operate;
  • period of stay of children in the center;
  • presence/absence of individual lessons;
  • possibilities of psychocorrectional work with children.

The entrepreneur must then conduct a lead analysis. The further development of the center will depend on the identification of needs. The wider the range of services, the more potential visitors.

The list of functions of a children's development center may include:

  • preparation for school;
  • art classes;
  • English language teaching;
  • developmental activities;
  • dance lessons;
  • music lessons;
  • aerobics;
  • psychological consultations;
  • speech therapy lessons.

Choosing a form of ownership and OKVED codes

Having decided to open a children's center, an entrepreneur must choose a form of ownership. For the type of business, you can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But we should not forget that the cent is subject to the Law “On Education”. Business cannot operate without a license. Having registered an individual entrepreneur without a license, an entrepreneur will not be able to hire teachers for the center. To carry out work, they must also have the status of individual entrepreneur. For this reason, obtaining a license is mandatory.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is easier. But in the documents, the full name of the entrepreneur with the prefix IP will appear as the official name of the center. But this does not prevent a businessman from assigning any name to the establishment in advertising materials.

Having chosen the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must decide on OKVED codes. The following codes are suitable for the company:

  • 85.32 - childcare;
  • 92.51 – club activities;
  • 93.05 – personal services.

Portfolio of documents

First of all, an entrepreneur must obtain a license, but only if he himself does not have a pedagogical education. Here you will need to provide the following documents:

  • a rental agreement for premises or documents confirming its ownership;
  • SES permission;
  • fire department permit;
  • registration certificate;
  • educational program;
  • scroll teaching materials and teaching aids;
  • information about the teaching staff;
  • LLC charter.

A package of documents must be submitted for consideration to the education committee, which is responsible for issuing such licenses.

It is more advisable to obtain a license when the establishment has already begun to generate a stable income. Before starting licensing, it is advisable to register an LLC. Until this moment, the entrepreneur can operate as an individual entrepreneur and open a children's entertainment center. It does not require teachers with special education, but will generate less income.

Choosing a location

The premises must meet certain standards

The requirements for the premises are:

  • detached non-residential premises;
  • availability of all necessary communications;
  • a fire alarm must be installed;
  • the room must have high-quality wires, good lighting and ventilation.

If repairs are needed in the premises, they must be carried out in accordance with the standards approved by SanPiN.

The list of requirements includes:

  • There should be a locker room in the room, and a space allocated for a games room. The latter can also be used for classes.
  • A children's development center must have a bathroom.
  • The walls must be painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper.
  • Ceilings should be whitewashed or covered with water-based paint.
  • Floors must be free of defects, smooth and non-slip. In many children's centers, the floors are covered with special coverings.
  • Sockets and switches should be located at a level that a child cannot reach.

After renovation, the premises must receive approval from Rospotrebnadzor. There should be nothing unnecessary in the room. All objects that could cause injury to the child should be removed.

If you plan to open a children's development center in a city with a small population, then it should be located in a building located on the central streets. The establishment can also be located in a shopping center. To start work, a room with an area of ​​50 square meters is suitable.

If the establishment opens in big city, then the entrepreneur must take into account the presence of nearby competitors and the proximity of potential customers. Preference should be given to choosing premises in the city center or locating the center in residential areas. Do not forget that grandmothers and mothers prefer to take their children to establishments that are within walking distance.

You should not place an elite children's center in an ordinary "working" area. It will not be possible to find paying clients here.

Necessary equipment

Equipment is purchased depending on the list of services that the establishment plans to provide. To operate the center you will need:

  • playroom furniture;
  • Consumables;
  • toys;
  • Office equipment.

All equipment, gaming and educational materials must be certified. The certificate must confirm their quality and safety for visitors to the center.

To save money, consumables should be purchased in bulk.

Children's learning center staff

The staff of the children's center must have the necessary qualifications

Personnel selection is carried out depending on the services provided. For the normal functioning of the center, the establishment’s staff must include:

  • administrator;
  • cleaning lady;
  • two teachers;
  • English teachers;
  • art teacher;
  • dance teacher;
  • aerobics teacher;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist.

Teachers and educators must have appropriate education.

When hiring employees, an entrepreneur should not be afraid to ask questions. Not every person with a pedagogical education can find contact with children.

If an institution is positioned as a development center, then it must produce results. Parents are often interested in the success of their children, so the owner of a children's development center must develop a system for assessing the success of students.


Potential clients need to be interested. Even before the opening of the center, an active advertising campaign should begin. To attract visitors you should:

  • During the renovation of the premises, it is worth making an announcement about the imminent opening of the center.
  • The opening of an establishment should be bright and memorable. You can arrange a party for children. The entrance should be decorated with bright balls.
  • You can invite potential clients through women's forums. There will definitely be people who want to visit the establishment.
  • You can leave business cards at nearby offices and shopping centers.
  • It is necessary to post advertising leaflets not far from children's playgrounds.
  • Placing a bright sign at the entrance will attract potential customers.
  • The entrepreneur must create an organization website and a group on social networks. On the pages you can talk about the events of the center, new pedagogical programs. The reviews section will allow customers to share their impressions. The center must provide services High Quality so that people start leaving positive feedback.

Costs and return on business

The business plan must include calculation of capital investments

To open a children's development center, an entrepreneur will need at least 600 thousand rubles.

Expenses for opening a children's development center (average):

Table. Capital investments

The average payback period for a children's development center is 24...30 months. The average monthly profit is about 200 thousand rubles. Net profit is at the level of 60 thousand rubles per month.

To generate additional income, experts advise organizing various children's events at the center. An entrepreneur can organize the sale of educational toys, books, art supplies and accessories.

In the evening hours, one of the offices can be rented to a private psychologist.

Master classes with a teacher can be held not only for children, but also for parents of students. This helps to increase the rate of return on investment for the children's development center.

The easiest way to open a children's studio is to buy.

But if you still want to do it yourself, we offer you step-by-step instructions from an expert at SandLand.

Business on children in Lately is becoming more and more popular. There are several reasons for this - firstly, the trend towards early childhood development is capturing everyone’s minds more parents. Almost from the very birth of the baby, mothers and fathers think about how to develop Creative skills your child, how to make him smarter and more educated, how to contribute to the full and comprehensive development of his personality.

This issue is especially acute for parents of children aged 3 to 5 years. It is at this age that any parent tries to invest the maximum in the child’s development by enrolling him in various sport sections and creative clubs, dance schools, music schools, etc. If just a few years ago the number of offers to spend children’s leisure time usefully was limited to sections and clubs in city centers children's creativity, as well as specialized art, music and choreographic schools, then today the situation is changing radically.

Now the industry children's leisure and early development is represented by private children's studios that offer more competitive services compared to municipal institutions. Moreover, the very approach to children, their development and education is radically different from the usual approach of the “Soviet” school. In such children's studios, the goal is not to turn a child into a Tchaikovsky or Maya Plisetskaya by any means, even against the wishes and capabilities of the child himself. Children's studios use a more loyal and flexible approach, teach through play, develop creative abilities without evaluation and coercion, caring primarily about the moral and psychological state children.

Another reason for the popularity of business for children is that the sphere of children's services is quite rich in business ideas that can be implemented with minimal investment and a great desire to work for yourself and develop your business. Naturally, at the initial stage, a children's studio will have to devote a lot of time and effort. But at the same time, a children's studio as a business can combine both profit and satisfaction, and pleasure from the activity.

The very business idea of ​​a children's studio, like most business ideas related to children, primarily attracts women, especially young and active moms who, after having children, completely rethink their lives. That is why the majority of children's studio owners are women. It is they who, after the birth of a child, are faced with needs and problems for which they themselves would not mind paying. But not finding an option suitable for certain criteria (comfort, location, level of service, destination or pricing policy), they decide to open their own business.

Read on to find out what needs to be done to open your own children's studio, how to start a business with children step by step and start making money and developing.

Investment size

Children's studio - a good option for a novice businessman, also for the reason that the investment in its opening is quite small. This is extremely important parameter for your first business.

With a certain resourcefulness, when opening a children's studio, it is quite possible to keep the initial investment within 200-250 thousand rubles. Although, of course, the amount will largely depend on how much it will cost to rent the premises, how much you will spend on repairs and equipment, what supplies you will purchase, and what teachers you will hire.

Calculate all expected expense items and, just in case, set aside a slightly larger amount to start than you need. This will allow you to survive the first relatively painlessly. crisis months when the client pool is just growing.

Where can I get money?

But even a small amount of money for initial investments needs to be taken from somewhere. The ideal source of investment is your own savings. By investing your money in business, you will significantly reduce risks, and there will be much less stress: no debts that need to be repaid with interest, no additional monthly expenses(and they are already large in young businesses), no credit obligations hanging over you like a sword of Damocles.

But not everyone has their own funds to start. But almost everyone has relatives and friends whose help they can turn to. Although there is still a risk of ruining the relationship.

But a bank loan is a last resort. It is fraught with overpayments, and recently banks have not been particularly willing to issue loans. If you are going to invest very little money in a small business, you can use a credit card that gives you the opportunity to not pay interest if you manage to pay the money back within three months.

You can also count on government assistance in the form of subsidies. Practice shows that it is quite possible to receive financial support from the authorities. But for this you will have to be patient: from year to year the procedure for obtaining funds becomes more and more difficult.

It is especially difficult to obtain a grant in big cities, and the bureaucracy is to blame. Even if you are full of enthusiasm, it may completely evaporate in the process of collecting all the necessary documents. And the chances of getting financial support from the state not one hundred percent.

In small towns, matters with obtaining funds are somewhat simpler. But regardless of the size of the city, certain risks still remain. Even if a grant for your project is approved, you may never see the money. There are cases when businessmen are simply deceived.

Step-by-step instruction

After you have identified the demand for your studio and found the money to open it, you need to think about your corporate identity. This is important for any business, there can be no exceptions. Even the smallest project should not give the impression of a “sharashka office”; people should understand its significance. To do this, they need to see that the project is thought out from top to bottom.

Remember famous phrase“whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail”? It is perfectly applicable to the business of a children's studio, so first of all you need to choose the perfect name and come to grips with the corporate style. And it is not at all necessary that the latter will cost you a fabulous amount.

Personal experience

I started by thinking through the corporate style. To do this I had to resort to the help of a designer. I found him among freelancers and wrote to them. a task on which he relied during his work. Good designer charges 15-10 thousand rubles for development. There is no need to spare money on this, especially since the amount is not so large. But people will see how attentive you are to details and will appreciate your approach to business. A single corporate identity that is used everywhere - on business cards, leaflets, etc. - creates more trust among clients and promotes recognition of your studio.

The interior of the studio should also fit into the canons of the corporate style, so it is important to think it through to the smallest detail. Only after you decide on the image future studio, you can begin purchasing building materials and renovating the premises.

After repairs, it’s time to purchase equipment. What kind of equipment it will be depends on what your studio does. In my case, I had to purchase regular tables and special tables for rice sand, a camera, a projector, and a projection screen.

Equipment prices will vary greatly. For example, small children's table It may cost 1 thousand rubles, or it may cost 8 thousand. The choice is yours. Just remember that the most important thing is that the tables meet the minimum standards, and the presence of golden legs is the tenth thing. The same, in principle, applies to any other equipment.

The amount of equipment depends on how many children will be studying in your studio at the same time. Everything we have is designed to hold classes with six children. This optimal quantity students, since it is with such a group size that the teacher can pay sufficient attention to each child.

As for the choice of equipment suppliers, a lot depends on the city of opening. It’s easier to find a supplier that best suits your parameters in a big city.

The larger the city, the more choice equipment.

For studio in small town Most likely, you will have to order everything on the website. This may delay the process somewhat or lead to unexpected results.

If we talk about the criteria for selecting suppliers, the main one is price-quality ratio. No need to rush low prices! Decide what quality of equipment you need, understand the indicators and technical specifications. You will have to do this to understand whether you are purchasing good equipment. And only after everything becomes extremely clear with the characteristics, you can compare prices from different suppliers.

It is advisable to choose monopolistic companies that produce one type of equipment. For example, they only produce projectors.

Often those who supply equipment are ready to provide consumables. At least that's the case in the sand painting world.

Finding suppliers of both equipment and consumables is becoming easier every year. In our field, demand is constantly growing, which is why more and more companies are appearing. And you can “access” them via the Internet.

If you are opening something fundamentally new, there may be difficulties with suppliers. If finding them is no longer easy, you can try to make the equipment yourself. However, there is a question of quality here.

After the supplies and equipment have been purchased, you need to start thinking about the methodology for working with children and the operating hours of the studio itself.

In our studios, classes last from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the age of the children. For longer periods of time, it is simply difficult for kids to concentrate on one activity.

We work with children mainly on weekday evenings or weekends. During the week, the schedule is designed so that it is convenient for parents to bring their children after their work day ends or their child is in kindergarten. And on weekends there are mainly children's parties.

No less important question- personnel selection. In fact, choosing a good teacher is by no means easy, if only because some of the criteria may not always be clearly advantageous. For example, extensive work experience and an extensive track record are not a guarantee of quality. The main thing for a teacher is the sparkle in the eyes. If a person has desire and enthusiasm, if he is interested in implementing his ideas, you and this person will go far.

It is important that a person wants not just to work, but to be part of your company.

The requirements for the placement of a children's studio are not as strict as, for example, for catering. However, here too there is certain rules. First of all, you need to determine where to rent the premises.

Of course, vehicle and pedestrian traffic is not a mandatory criterion for you. But to get into the wilderness, to which it takes three hours to drive from anywhere in the city, and then also have to walk 5 kilometers - bad decision. The children's studio must be accessible.

Check whether it will be convenient for customers to get to you. It is important that the studio is not too far from bus stops public transport. At the same time, parents should have the opportunity to travel by more than one route, preferably from anywhere in the city without a transfer. Convenient access roads for those who will bring children in their own car will also be useful.

But as for the part of the city where you will work, you are free to choose. Suitable for both the center and a residential area. Especially new buildings, where many young families with children live. If it’s really difficult to decide on a place, try again using a poll. Parents will be happy to vote in social network for the most convenient studio placement option for them.


From the point of view of reducing the cost of premises for large cities, subleasing is a good option. But you need to choose your “neighbor” wisely. A children's studio on the doorstep of a grocery store will cause nothing but bewilderment. Choose an enterprise in a related industry, for example, a toy store or a private kindergarten.

Very suitable for placing a children's studio shopping centers, many of which today have special “children’s floors”. However, it is important that such a shopping center is not too noisy. The child should be able to study without being distracted by any extraneous sounds.

Don't forget to provide comfort for parents too. Many of them may decide that leaving somewhere for 1 hour does not make sense, and will wait for the end of the lesson right here in the studio. Therefore, the studio should have a kind of waiting area with comfortable sofas, magazines and other things that will help you wait for your child in comfort. This, of course, will require you to take up additional space and increase the cost of rent, but it’s worth it.

Speaking of area. It will depend on whether you plan to host events and birthdays for your training studio. In this case, you will need both an area for studying and an area for relaxation and games. Ideally they should be separated. Minimum studio area - 20-30 sq.m.

As for the repair requirements, everything is quite simple. So far there are no SanPinov regulating children's studios, which means no one will fine you for the lack of tiles or linoleum instead of carpet.

The most important thing is to comply with fire safety standards. Your landlord should be responsible for this issue. Although it is still better to double-check whether there is a fire alarm in the room, whether the fire extinguishers are out of order, etc.


An obligatory stage of opening any business is its legal registration. When opening a children's studio, you have a choice between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. It will be easier to work if you register as individual entrepreneur. In this case, you will be able to choose a simplified version of tax reporting and will be able to keep records yourself. But when opening an LLC, you cannot do without a professional accountant.

The best option for a children's studio is “simplified” with a tax of 6% of income.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

With good performance indicators, a children's studio pays for itself quite quickly - in 3-4 months. To achieve this result, you need to look for additional ways to increase profits, for example, by holding children's parties.

But you need to keep in mind that clients can be different. Parents may come to you, ready to spend on children's day birthday is 25 thousand rubles, while the cost of the holiday in your price list is 10 thousand rubles. In such a case, you need to be able to offer your clients additional services. For example, introduce paper shows, which are now gaining popularity, or add quests for children to the program.

To increase profits and shorten the payback period, you can also conduct on-site master classes and even team building events for companies, if your business allows it.

In addition, you need to be able to reduce the costs of your studio. The main costs are wages and rent. In addition, from time to time you have to update some interior items, for example, children's stools, and also spend money on consumables. As for savings, you can reduce costs primarily by reducing rental costs. For example, you can use the same sublease.

Beginning entrepreneurs often face the question of what pricing policy to pursue. A children's studio is exactly the case when the main criterion for determining your price is the prices of competitors. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that we are talking about direct competitors. Take a look at other leisure facilities.

At the very beginning of work, you can dump. This will attract customers.

Dumping, when used correctly, helps a lot, but using it constantly is not an option. The client has the thought: “The cheaper, the worse.” As a result, he begins to doubt the conditions provided in the studio, the competence of the staff, etc. In short, you need to be able to handle dumping; it is important not to overdo it.

Personal experience

In our studios open different cities, different prices apply. The average cost of a master class in small cities is 250-300 rubles, in large cities - 600-700 rubles.

Long-term program classes have different rates. A monthly subscription for four classes costs 1,860 rubles.

Organizing the work of a studio is quite a difficult task, since many nuances will have to be taken into account, both for regular classes and for additional services. For the studio to work profitably, you need to have 6 groups of 6 people each. But it is important not to forget about additional services. Our studio has three types of services: developmental classes, children's birthday parties and family master classes.

Regular group classes We hold them on weekday evenings. We try to make sure that two groups of each age have time to study per week. In total, we have two groups in each (one of three) age categories. The kids come to us once a week, the studio has a day off on Monday. The class schedule is flexible. A large part of the reason for this is that young children often get sick.

As for classes, it is important to make every effort to make the client permanent. It is important to ensure that he completes the program to the end. This is facilitated by a well-structured methodology. We teach a child to draw from scratch. It takes children 1 year to achieve certain successes.

At the end of the year, we have the opportunity to switch to a more complex program. According to statistics, 70% of children studying with us come to the second year of study.

The family master class is designed to bring parents and child together. As a rule, classes are held for two, for example, mother and child or father and child. Children and parents gather in a small group and do creative work together in this interesting format.

One of our core services is children's birthday parties. This format is in great demand and is very relevant in the market. It's important to think about this entertainment program, make the event interesting, including by attracting animators.

Holding children's birthday parties is a weekend activity, since parents have the opportunity to bring their children to the party only on weekends. Our peak dates are on Saturday; on this day we can hold three birthdays.

Each of the services provided should be developed as much as possible. How successfully the services work can be judged at the end of the month. If a service does not bring the desired effect, all efforts should be devoted to its promotion.

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