How to find love. Sincere, mutual and real. Where to find love? Natural selection: how to know you've found the right person

It is worth considering that often than simpler people converge, the easier it is to diverge.

8. Analyze past mistakes

Looking at your past can really help you find love in the future.

All yours romantic experience should help you learn and develop.

Try to remember what was done right and what you would change if a similar situation were to happen again.

Use these lessons in the future to make your future relationships and search for love more successful.

9. What you seek also seeks you.

At some point, it may seem like you will never be able to find love.

Despite this, continue to believe that your person is also looking, and he is looking for you.

If you give up, you will never meet him.

10. Stay positive

While searching for your love, as well as constantly when you are, be sure to remain positive.

The more negative, obsessive, and pathetic you become, the more people will turn away from you.

11. New hobbies

New interests and hobbies open new doors for you. They take you to exciting places where you can meet new people.

New hobbies will easily expand your social circle. You will meet people who do the same things as you, which will be a great basis for communication and starting a relationship.

12. Enjoy life

Don't forget that true love often comes when you least expect it.

Don't make a search for love Foundation stone of your life.

Enjoy every moment, breathe in full breasts, mind your own business, and you will notice that love will appear in your life more easily than you thought.

13. Know what's important to you

Have clear expectations from your future partner.

you can find the right person It's much easier if you're clear about what's important to you and what you're willing to compromise on.

14. Don't waste time

There is no point in wasting your time in a relationship that is doomed to fail.

If your life goals and values ​​are completely different, no matter how much you love each other, be honest with yourself.

In this case, the relationship will still end, but keep in mind that a later breakup will be much more painful.

15. Don't interfere in other people's relationships

If you have a crush on someone in a relationship, you shouldn't get involved, and here's why.

You may end up spending too much time to end up with nothing to show for it.

Perhaps the object of your attraction is crazy about his other half and will never leave.

Maybe this person is completely unsuitable for you, and you are wasting your time in empty anticipation.

Well, in general. Interfering in other people's relationships is unethical.

16. Be friendly

Well what can I say. A smile is the most important component of a successful person.

A high level of friendliness increases the level of attraction of other people to you.

You will definitely be able to find love, because new people in your life will be easier to relate to you, and it will be easier for them to communicate with you.

17. Learn to say “Yes”

The more life experiences you have, the more activities, things and emotions you can try and experience.

True love arises mysteriously, and can be found in the most unexpected places.

So prepare a springboard for her and say “Yes” to her and life’s events.

18. Be realistic

Be realistic in your expectations of love.

Unrealistic expectations can cause deep disappointment because overly high expectations will result in you not finding anyone who meets your ideal.

19. Listen to your intuition

How to find love? Listen to your intuition, because it is unlikely to let you down.

Follow the sensations that arise through intuition so that everything that happens is fully realized.

20. Make an effort

How more effort The effort you put into staying fit, looking attractive and being a socially active person, the more likely you are to find love.

Therefore, make sure that you look good and are able to make a positive impression on others, and often get out of the house in search of love.

The question of how to find love interests not only girls. Often men try to solve a similar problem, suffering from loneliness no less than beautiful ladies. In fact, if you just sit and think about how to find your soulmate, nothing will change in life. Of course, this does not mean that you need to look hopefully into the eyes of every attractive passerby.

There are certain tips that you should follow in order to meet true love that can change your world. Let's look at what they are below. But the first step to such a meeting should be an awareness of what love is.

Sacrament of love

In the hustle and bustle of everyday work, when a person is sorely lacking personal time, it is very difficult to recognize the moment of emergence of a new feeling. Therefore, it is important not only to wonder how to find love, but also to be prepared not to miss it.

IN modern world, where young people easily enter into new relationships, the concept of true love is gradually lost. Less and less often you can find faithful couples who are ready to do anything for each other. Therefore, before you think about where to find love, you should realize the degree of your readiness for it.

This wonderful feeling involves the ability to compromise, understand your soul mate and not be afraid to sacrifice your desires for the sake of your loved one. If you feel that the desire to make your partner happy outweighs your own selfishness, you can believe that this is the beginning of a serious relationship.

How to understand that this is love

Simple enough. You just need to do a little analysis of your behavior. If you are convinced that you are ready to move mountains for this person, and when you meet him, a feeling of happiness overwhelms you, most likely this is the beginning of a great and bright feeling. But before you completely lose your head, you should remember a very important clarification.

The main question is not how to find true love, but how to keep it. After all true feeling You can’t just find it, you need to create it and then protect it. For long term harmonious relations you need to make some effort. This applies to both the girl and young man. How often do you hear the phrases “found, but didn’t save”, “lost”, “broke up”….

Selfishness and serious relationships are incompatible: if you really love a person, you want to make him happy. This is the main difference between a true feeling and ordinary falling in love, where your desires always come first.

Where to look for love

The modern world offers a huge number of options where you can find a partner:

  • social media;
  • dating websites;
  • marriage agencies;
  • public places: cinema, cafe, park, etc.;
  • place of work;
  • circle of friends, etc.

The World Wide Web erases all boundaries between people. You can register on special dating sites whose purpose is to create couples. At the same time, it is not necessary to limit yourself to domestic resources. On foreign sites the opportunity to find the other half is very high. At the same time, you will not only arrange your personal life, but also learn (or improve) foreign language, get good practice colloquial speech and expand your general horizons.

If you are purposefully looking for a serious relationship with the prospect of marriage, you can contact an agency. The advantage of this choice will be the analysis of your psychological characteristics and her comparison with a possible partner. This approach significantly increases the chances of meeting a person with similar interests, which will have a positive impact on future relationships.

No worse marriage agencies friends will help you find your soulmate. Knowing well the characters of yours and your potential partner, they can do very good choice. An important advantage of this method of dating is a single social circle. When there is no need to search mutual language with your partner’s friends, the process of building relationships is greatly facilitated.

It is also important to be prepared for a possible fateful meeting in any public place. Even just going out to the store to buy bread, you can meet your true love.

Thus, you can find true feeling anywhere and at any time. And in order to increase the chances of such a meeting, a woman, like a man, should take into account certain psychological techniques.

How to get ready for a happy meeting

Scientists have long proven that thoughts are material. Therefore, when wondering how to find the other half, consider the following rules.

  • Be open to a new feeling. This is the most important part of finding love. Until you are ready for a fateful meeting, it will not happen. So open your heart and be ready for a new relationship.
  • Let go of the past. If you have a bitter experience behind you failed relationships, put an end to them. Even if they're finished new person will not enter your life until you finally part with the past in your heart.
  • Sincerely believe that true love will definitely find you. If you believe that you are unworthy of happiness, it will pass you by. This is the first law of psychology, which operates in all areas of life.
  • Be active in your search for love, but don't get too hung up on it. It is very important to maintain a balance here. There is no need to sit at home and wait for the arrival of the handsome prince. In order for your loved one to find you, you need to give him a chance. Registration in in social networks and frequent going out significantly increase the likelihood of a fateful meeting. But at the same time, it is important not to focus on the search; there is no need to see a future husband in every passerby. Just forget about your goal while enjoying every visit to the cinema or cafe. After all, the desire to approach a girl with sparkling eyes and a perky laugh is more natural than the desire to meet a sad lady with a searching look.
  • Try to be alone in society more often. Don’t forget that men can also be timid and starting a conversation in front of witnesses is much more difficult for them. Give it a chance potential partner, often walking in the park or enjoying a book on a bench. Even if you go somewhere with your friends, try to be alone for a while.

The right start to dating

If you see interest on the part of a handsome young man, support her correctly. Of course, you shouldn’t respond with enthusiasm to any proposal for acquaintance; not every meeting requires reciprocity from you. But you shouldn’t be rude to a man expressing your sympathy either. Find golden mean so that your pride does not become an obstacle to a happy acquaintance.

Wondering how to find mutual love, consider some nuances.

  • Be yourself - if you are committed to a long-term relationship, you should not try to appear different. Over time, the deception will be revealed, and the revealed image may disappoint the partner.
  • Don't brag. You should not exaggerate your strengths and hush up your shortcomings. By trying to appear better than you are, you create a false impression of yourself.
  • Don't be rude. Even if you don’t want to get acquainted, if you want, there are always polite words for refusal. And if you are not against communication, there is no need to mask your interest with rudeness.

If an acquaintance has occurred and you feel that it could develop into something serious, be prepared to build a relationship. Even the strongest love will not withstand all obstacles if both partners do not protect their happiness and make daily efforts to build and strengthen contact.


Taking care of yourself is the responsibility of every person. But if you are looking for love, the emphasis on the right image has important. This applies not only to girls, but also to men. It is not so much the degree of compliance that is important fashion trends how much neatness and grooming.

Girls should also take into account that restraint adorns any representative of the fair sex. And on modern stage permissiveness when open clothes has become ubiquitous, modesty is valued even more. In addition, it is difficult to believe in the seriousness of the intentions of a man who meets an overly revealingly dressed lady. Therefore, instead of short skirts, neckline and tight blouses, give preference to sophisticated outfits that do not allow any vulgarity.

And, of course, do not forget that a smile is the main thing women's jewelry. It’s always more pleasant to approach a cute, beaming girl, even with an ordinary appearance, than to approach a gloomy beauty who looks at those around her with contempt.

Thus, there are quite a lot of places where you can find mutual love. The main thing is to be reasonable and strive for new relationships. Believe that you deserve the best, and happiness will definitely find you.

How to find love

It seems very strange to me that people forget to express their love to those close to them. For example, many people spend too little time with their children. I often hear: "I just don't have enough time." But I know full well that these same people spend a lot of time worrying about things beyond their control. But there are things they can do, and these activities will bring them great pleasure!

People need to learn to prioritize. People can allocate enough time to travel to work, but allocate certain time They never manage to think about work. If you can solve: “So I have to drive to work - it will take an hour. So, I can spend this hour thinking about what to do when I get there,” then you will have even more time freed up. You can spend an entire hour before leaving the house talking with your children, instead of scrolling through your head about what you will need to do during the work day.

People talk about time management but don't understand the importance mental management. Mental management is what makes a person productive. Productive people decide: “I'm going to spend some time on this activity and give it my full attention. When I return home from work, I will give my full attention to my wife, and then I will give my full attention to my children. And then it’s the dog’s turn. Then I’ll spend an hour doing something else.” This way you can plan everything - from watching TV to solving problems that arise at work. And then you need to fully concentrate on communicating with your wife, on sleep, or on any other activity.

There are people who go to bed, but do not fall asleep, but begin to endlessly think about what they did not manage to do during the day. And then they complain about insomnia. In fact, this is not insomnia, but stupidity. These people failed to plan their day correctly. If you're going to worry, at least set aside some time for it.

People often say they can't get rid of certain thoughts. This is wrong. In fact, it is quite possible to get rid of thoughts. You can always think about something else and set clear time boundaries. If you can wake up at a certain time and turn off your alarm a minute before it goes off, then you're perfectly capable of wake up from the stupor of life and stop worrying. You must be able to tell your wife or husband that you love them, and you must communicate with your children.

You need to look at your husband or wife and listen to them, no matter what they say. Even if it's just small things. The important thing is that you listen to them. This is important - and only this. Everything else is completely unimportant. You look into the eyes of your loved one, smile, look into his face and understand that you are happy, you are not alone.

It is very important to remind yourself of how happy you are. I've said before that you can help yourself by falling out of love with someone. But at the same time, you can learn to love more and more. The opposite technique is intended for this.

When people are in love, they associate themselves with good memories. If people do something that bothers them, they see themselves in that memory. If you want to preserve love (and this is an important process, the importance of which should not be downplayed), then it is best to convince that you associate yourself only with good memories.

Yes, troubles can happen - a loved one can break your favorite cup, or damage your favorite painting, or put a stain on your favorite dress. You can see yourself in such memories, but you need to distance them from yourself as much as possible. Choose any good memory, formed during the period of your acquaintance with a loved one, and bring it as close as possible. Imagine this event happening right now. Imagine that you met and fell in love just yesterday.


1. Think about your loved one.

2. Remember when you fell in love with him for the first time. Imagine that this happened just yesterday. You must see what you saw then, hear what you heard then, feel what you felt then. Unwind the feeling of love within your body.

3. Think about what irritates you in the behavior of your loved one. Disassociate from this behavior and memories of it. You should see yourself in these memories.

4. Immediately remember those moments when you were close to your loved one. Associate with them. You must see what you saw then and feel what you felt then.

5. Relive those wonderful moments again. Strengthen the feeling of love and spin it inside your body. Now look at loved one and find yourself feeling the same way you felt when you first fell in love with him.

Once you feel the love has increased, you need to behave differently. You will have to say things you haven't said for a long time. Maybe you haven't told your husband that you love him. You didn't tell your wife that you love her. You didn't praise the children for what they did well. Maybe you've lost your temper too often. Maybe you got angry too often and didn't do anything to control yourself. The situation can be corrected. To do this, you must note the quality of the solutions you followed. And then you need to decide for yourself what you will tell your loved ones that you love them. And this decision needs to be clothed in the quality of decisions that you followed before.


1. Remember the moment when you truly accepted good decision and followed him (A).

2. Identify submodalities.

3. Think about the decision you want to make. For example, telling loved ones about your love (B).

4. Identify submodalities.

5. With a quick movement, move away from you the image of the decision you want to make (B) and move it to the position of the decision you followed (A). Become aware of submodalities.

6. Repeat this process until you realize that you have made the desired decision and follow it.

Once you have made a firm decision that you can follow through on, make yourself believe that you will do it. Now we need to switch feelings. Create the desired feelings within yourself.

Feel tolerant. Unwind this feeling inside your body. Now think about the things children do that annoy you. Make the image big. Look at the annoying image while simultaneously cultivating a sense of tolerance within yourself. Over time you will notice that similar situations began to behave differently. If you wait, you will wait and wait and wait, and then you will look back and be filled with regret. But if you look to the future and plan, plan, plan, you can do something with your life.


1. Remember a time when you showed true tolerance. Become aware of your feelings, determine in which direction they are spinning. Unwind them throughout your entire body.

2. Think about something you would like to be more tolerant about in the future.

3. Develop a sense of tolerance while simultaneously imagining your actions in such a situation.

4. Repeat this process for various situations until you feel more tolerant of everything that happens around you.

Finding love is manifestations of love. Very often we talk about love as a noun. But remember that there is also a verb “to love”. Love is what we do to find this feeling, and we need to do it much more often. This means that we must show tolerance, tolerance and love for those people who play a huge role in our lives. These people must be our top priority. And we should enjoy every second spent next to them.


1. Make time for your loved ones and loved ones. At this time, think only about them and nothing else.

2. Be more tolerant of them.

3. Constantly remember those moments when you felt the most about them strong love. Relive and enhance those memories.

4. Tell them what you want to say and do it regularly.

5. Try your best to make every moment spent together happy and joyful.

6. Don't wait for a reason to show kindness. Be kind to those you don't know. Make at least one stranger smile during the day.

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In our age high technology More and more people are faced with the problem of loneliness. As a rule, there is simply not enough time and energy for personal life. And more and more often, single girls want to know how to find a soul mate, because everyone wants to find love and happiness. Of course, you can meet people everywhere, but it’s not always possible to do this. In this case, you need to know the places where men most often go.

Try visiting restaurants and cafes more often. You don’t need to think that men go there only with a couple. Where, then, should a hungry rich bachelor dine?! Therefore, it’s worth going to a cafe at lunchtime; for secrecy, you can take a friend or a magazine with you. This will give you something to do while you wait for your order. There is no need to look at all the men, trying to find your soul mate; behave naturally. You will immediately notice your one and only one out of a thousand and immediately smile at him slightly.

Also free man can afford to relax with a glass of beer in a sports bar. These places are especially valuable during the broadcast of the next championship. You should also get interested in sports at this time. However, do not try to communicate with a man during a match - he will simply brush you off. But after the match, the most favorable moment comes to discuss the game with him and exchange impressions. You can also continue your search for your soulmate in the billiard room, at stadiums, hunting and fishing.

A good option could be all kinds of dating sites, chat rooms, forums, and blogs. You can even create your own own blog, where you will write about everything you are interested in. This way you can attract attention suitable man. We need to make sure that virtual communication turns into real.

Another option for finding a life partner is shopping. Men are also not averse to going shopping, only these stores have a different name from ours: building materials, sporting goods, for fishing and hunting. In such an environment, there is a chance to meet your true soul mate - a man who is not only passionate about something, but also a good owner. You can pretend that you are choosing something and ask for advice on choosing a product. This is how you can start a conversation. Remember: men really like to show off their knowledge.

And finally, the most suitable place to find your soulmate is public transport. Trains, international buses, planes bring people together, whether they want it or not. Use this time to your advantage and strike up a conversation with a wonderful stranger. If the man you like is not available, don’t be upset - next time good luck will definitely await you.

The great Russian classic was wrong when he categorically declared that “everything happy families- are happy in the same way, and unhappy people are unhappy in different ways.” If everything were so simple, each of us would not be looking for our own answer to the question of how to find love and happiness. There is no universal answer to this yet. What is happiness for one is the norm of life for another.

In addition, over the course of life, ideas about happiness change. For the majority, one constant desire remains - to find a soul mate, your soul mate, a close and beloved person. And this is difficult. How to avoid disappointments and find love and personal happiness? Let's try to figure it out together.

To find your soulmate, remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. If you are still single, feel free to strive to meet new people. Perhaps your “other half” is already on the threshold, don’t miss your love, look around. Even if you are happily married, be mentally prepared for the fact that you will have to fight for happiness again. Even a successful marriage can collapse in an instant. Life is unpredictable, and the question of how to find love and happiness may arise again and again.

The first sign of loss of personal happiness is melancholy and desire for destruction. The silhouette on the horizon of fate prevents you from sleeping peacefully, which means it’s time to give it real features.

Love and happiness are a puzzle that needs to be put together. We find close people by similar habits, tastes, and elusive, at first glance, grains of similarity. Often, clothing style becomes the first step towards two people meeting each other. After all, it is through the external image that our inner world.

Start your search for your soulmate and love with a friendly environment. Surely your friends have shared with you where they found their love and happiness. Take a closer look at happy couples who you like, what attracts you in their relationship. Try these feelings on yourself to understand what kind of person you need in order to find love and happiness.

There is often such a person in your immediate circle. Go to visit your friends more often, perhaps there you can find your soulmate - that one person you have been waiting for all your life.

Are you afraid of not being able to see your soulmate? Don't hesitate - you will recognize your soulmate right away! An elusive feeling that you have already seen this person somewhere or have known this person from somewhere for a long time - sure sign long-awaited meeting. This is your lost love and happiness, don't miss it this time.

Types of love

Agape- love of teenagers. Unexpectedly it will appear at the age of 11-14, and goodbye to studies. Such love completely captures the young heart and causes the first suffering. This is love-friendship, where physical attraction still unconsciously. Agape is love of self-giving. If you fall in love, try to tell the subject of your suffering about your feelings. Don't be afraid of being rejected. Find your soulmate and experience such love in school years great happiness.

Eros– love-passion. And that's it. As a rule, it comes in early youth, but sometimes it returns in mature years. It is impossible to resist passion. It is unlikely that she will lead you down the aisle, but she will give you unforgettable moments of intimacy.

Ludus– love without obligations or “free love”, fashionable among young people, but not only. A shallow feeling, partners allow frequent betrayals and do not seriously think about how to find happiness in love or find a soul mate. Love-game ends playfully. The main thing is not to reach the point of loneliness.

Pragma- love of convenience in a good way words. There is no passion here, but there is attachment to a partner, the conscious acquisition of one’s “other half” and the desire for physical possession. Pragma comes after 25-30 years. This is the kind of love that usually ends happy marriage.

Mania- obsessive love. Love-torment can come at any age. The lover is not confident in himself, in his beloved, depends on every word. Mania rarely leads to a happy ending, only if both partners find the strength to survive the painful manic love.

Storge– love with gray hair at the temples, this is warm, cozy love-friendship. You are lucky if you met your soulmate with this type of love in early years, gentle light storge will warm you long years. Alas, usually this type of love comes over the years, when passions have subsided. Some people believe that storge is just love - a habit, but even if this is so, then the most good habit in the world.

Some single people, asking the question “How to find love?”, believe that just waiting for it, they do everything in their power.

Others have despaired of searching and it seems that they have already tried all the methods and methods, visited all the likely meeting places and met many potential contenders for the title of the second half, but still have not found it.

Meeting a loved one can be viewed in different ways: as fate, luck, a miracle, a happy coincidence, but you should not rely only on chance. To find love, you need to look for it and do it right.

It’s worth mentioning right away that universal, guaranteed method there is no way to find love, because despite the fact that everyone is looking for it, everyone has their own ideas about the ideal chosen one or chosen one. However, psychology can help single people find a match they like. So how and where to find love?

Reasons for loneliness

Before you start active search, you need to understand yourself and your needs for love. It would be good to understand for yourself what pushes you to search for your other half. In addition, it is important to clarify what are the reasons for temporary loneliness.

Possible reasons for loneliness:

  • fear strong feelings or relationships;
  • fear of meeting people of the opposite sex;
  • behavior that repels potential partners;
  • inflated demands on the desired chosen one;
  • lack of free time;
  • inability to get along with people, isolation, and other character flaws;
  • psychological trauma in the past;
  • postponing life “for later” and other reasons.

People are looking for love by various reasons and this need is not always associated with the need for love.

Possible reasons for looking for love:

  • desire to have a permanent sexual partner;
  • social desirability, the desire to be “like all normal people”;
  • relationships for the sake of relationships, the desire to be paired with someone, just not to be alone;
  • the desire to benefit from the relationship, to solve problems at the expense of another person;
  • the desire to be loved, to receive love, but not to love;
  • the desire to love, to give your care and tenderness;
  • need for love: the desire to both give love and receive it.

The need for love is satisfied by love. If a person seeks love to satisfy other needs (in material well-being, status, professional development, sex, and so on), the other person becomes only a means to an end.

Of course, it is possible that a relationship that began for the sake of achieving one or another personal gain will develop into love, but still, when asking the question of how to find true love, it is first better to ask yourself “Am I looking for love?” and answer completely honestly.

Preparing to meet love

If the desire to get an answer to the question: “How to find love?” becomes main goal, and trusting and close relationships are needed like air, psychologists recommend taking several steps that will open up opportunities effective search and reveal personal potential, which will contribute to an early meeting with your loved one:

  • Decide what type of relationship is desirable

How to find your love without understanding what it should be? This should be a bright but short-lived romance; long candy-bouquet period when a couple just meets; civil marriage or a family, with a common life and the appearance of children? Understanding what kind of relationship you want to have helps you determine the qualities you would like to see in a partner.

  • Make a list of the personality traits of your desired partner

The list can be either handwritten or speculative. It cannot contain all possible ones, but it must be close to reality.

In addition to the desired positive traits character, you can write two or three negative qualities, but only those with whom you can “get along”. Ideal people does not happen, but there are people who are compatible, close to each other, with common views to the world and interests. Which the person will come, will be compatible psychologically, everyday, sexually, spiritually and at the same time like it?

Why do you need a list of partner qualities? Firstly, in order to quickly find the desired love. An ephemeral dream written down on a piece of paper turns into a goal, which increases the likelihood of achieving it.

Secondly, to be able to discern your ideal among many random passers-by and not make a mistake in your choice. At the same time, you need to understand that the list is only a guideline, not a template.

Thirdly, so as not to be disappointed in the chosen one, not to place excessive demands on him and not to blame fate if the relationship does not work out the way you wanted.

  • Visualization, forming an idea of ​​​​the desired partner and relationship

It is impossible to find “that, I don’t know what.” You need to understand and realize what kind of partner you need. Without a doubt, except psychological compatibility, you need to take into account aesthetic tastes and sexual preferences. You can imagine the desired appearance of your partner, but it is not so important when building Serious relationships, How spiritual qualities and psychological compatibility.

By imagining the desired relationship, you can not only visualize your lover, but also set into motion those emotional disturbances, emotions and feelings that you want to feel, experience them as if it were already happening in the present, and not in the future.

  • Love yourself

No matter how banal this phrase may sound, it is still simple truth, which everyone who wants to be happy must comprehend. At the same time, it is important to understand that morbid pride, high self-esteem or pride is not the same as self-love.

Self-love is the ability to accept yourself as you are, to see both the advantages and disadvantages of your personality, but not to extol or exaggerate either one or the other, to understand and accept your uniqueness.

To find true love, you don't need to play roles, you need to be yourself. Open, bold, sincere behavior combined with self-respect, as well as the ability to turn shortcomings into “highlights” makes a person charming. Playing someone else's role all the time will not work, since this is constant tension, fears, anxieties, and, by and large, self-deception and deception of another person.

In addition, if an individual accepts his own shortcomings, he can also accept others. And the ability to accept another person as he is is one of those abilities that helps to “fall” anyone in love with you.

Every person, without exception, likes to be understood and accepted without judgment or humiliation. This feeling evokes affection and sympathy. The ability to accept the identity of a loved one strengthens the relationship between people who have already found each other.

  • Work on yourself

This step does not contradict the previous one, but only complements it. Some people consider themselves worthy ideal partner, but do not notice their own imperfections. It doesn’t hurt to ask the question: “Do I meet the list of requirements for a desired partner?”

Tidying up your appearance and inner peace, you can bring your meeting with love closer. Yes, everyone has shortcomings and they need to be accepted, but by loving yourself, why not correct them?

For example, every man wants his chosen one to know how to cook. If a girl looking for love, not good at cooking, why not learn these useful skills?

You need to be prepared to meet love. Sincere belief in the possibility of happiness, optimism, self-acceptance and openness to love will create everything the necessary conditions so that the long-awaited meeting finally takes place. The right attitude and attitude towards finding a loved one will tell you how to find true love.

  • Where to look for love

When it becomes clear that the question: “How to find love?”, about the internal moral and physical readiness to meet and recognize it, it remains to clarify where to find love?

Without exaggeration, you can find love anywhere! This meeting can be amazingly random or it can be a discovery. People meet on the street, in transport, standing in line, at concerts musical groups and so on.

Most often in our time, dating occurs:

  1. On the Internet: on social networks, chat rooms, dating sites, and so on.
  2. In the company of mutual acquaintances, friends, relatives.
  3. In places of interest: cinema, theater, club, gym, cafe and others in public places and establishments.
  4. IN educational institutions(in schools, universities, at trainings) and at work.

When looking for your other half, you should pay attention to new acquaintances, random passers-by, and also take a closer look at your surroundings; perhaps the right person has always been nearby, but remained unnoticed.

Openness and attentiveness, a willingness to notice helps to see opportunities. Love comes to those who are ready for it! Don't be afraid to take the initiative when meeting a guy/girl. Yes, undoubtedly, it is exciting and shy to meet people, especially “live”; doubts and fears arise, but a purposeful person will be able to discard them and make a decisive and bold step

towards fate.

You shouldn’t be afraid of getting rejected or making a mistake in your choice; it’s much worse to miss the opportunity to meet the right person. How to find your love without having the experience of dating and communicating with the wrong people? It is experience, the understanding of what is “not mine” that helps to understand what is desired and needed; without comparison it is difficult to draw conclusions and analyze. No wonder in the old good song

it is sung “Love will unexpectedly come when you don’t expect it at all...”. Waiting without waiting is another answer to the question of how to find love. There is no need to frantically cling to the idea of ​​finding love, it is better to let go of the situation, engage in self-realization and enjoy life. Self-sufficient, mature personality does not expect love as a panacea for all troubles, but finds and creates happiness here and now. The ability to enjoy life gives rise to inner feeling goodness, harmony and all-encompassing love , which is reflected in outside world

Every man and every woman is worthy of love, and it exists, you just have to understand its nature, and when you meet, recognize and feel it!

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