Scenario of 15 years of marriage. Creating an image or a “pig in a poke”. “15 years is a great age, learn, play and have fun!”

Select a Commander.
Commanders - (usually 2 or 3 commanders are chosen, depending on the number of children)
The remaining participants draw lots.

Map searches:

1) Pulling out pieces of paper. Two buckets. “One contains riddles and the other answers. One person from the team each pulls out riddles and finds the answer in another bucket. If, upon opening the paper with answers, you do not find the inscription with the next destination, then the next team member draws out the next riddle. Continues until the destination sign is found."

Fastest from fear
Rushing... (not a turtle, but a hare).

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... (not a wolf, but a bear)

In your warm puddle
Croaked loudly... (not a sparrow, but a frog).

Walked along a steep mountain
Overgrown with fur... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

In the thicket I raised my head,
Howls from hunger... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).

Like in a bus salon
Jumped into mom’s bag... (not an elephant, but a baby kangaroo).

The sun's ray has gone out over the forest
The king of beasts is sneaking... (not a rooster, but a lion).

Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one hits with his hoof (not a lion, but a horse).

He takes the hay with his trunk
Thick-skinned... (elephant, not hippopotamus).

The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head.
There is no bird more beautiful than... (not a crow, but a peacock).

Who likes to run around on branches?
Of course, red... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

A simple question for kids:
“Who is the cat afraid of?” ... (not mice, but dogs)

2) The best drawing is a congratulation. Outdoor task. Whatman paper with Spray can. “Each team member takes turns going to whatman paper and drawing a piece of the picture. When all participants have played the role of an artist, the judges decide whose congratulation drawing is better.”

P.S. There will be a draw in the competition for earlier. “Since both teams have beautiful drawings, a draw wins.” Gives each team a piece of map and a piece of paper with their next destination!

3) Eating an apple. “The team selects 1 participant who will participate in this competition. Your task is for a short time eat an apple. This is a competition between teams. The winning team gets a piece of the map."

Give the winning team a piece of the map and a destination.

To the losing team: “You must choose 1 person to whom we will blindfold. This person will be blindfolded for 5 minutes. The team’s job is to help that person get to their next destination.” After blindfolding the participant, give a piece of the map and the destination.

4) Search for coins. Team members reach their destination (Teams have different rooms). “Your task is to find 5 coins in this room to redeem your next destination. Timed task. You will be given 5 minutes to search."

If the participants did not have enough time, then give the task to guess the riddle. You are given 3 attempts to guess the riddle.

Riddle: The loaf was cut into three parts. How much did you make?

Answer: TWO

At the end of the mission, the team is given their next destination.

5) Solving puzzles. "Your task is to dial required quantity points to get your next destination. For 1 solved puzzle, 5 points are given. You need to collect 75 points. But before you lie puzzles with total number 90 points. That is, you don’t have to solve 3 of the puzzles.” (15 puzzles – 75 points)
If they fail, the team is given a riddle.

Riddle: Which is lighter - 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

Answer: THE SAME

At the end of the competition, teams are given their next destination.

6) Grid. “Your task is for each team member to get from one end of the room to the other, through the web. In this case, you should not touch the threads. IN otherwise, the participant who touched the skin remains in place without moving, and the next participant begins to move. As soon as the whole team has passed, the participant(s) who are exhausted to the skin continue to walk to the finish line. Timed task. At the end of the competition the time will be compared with the other team. And the team with less time gets a piece of the map.”

Construction. “The team captain is blindfolded. His task is to build his team members according to blind growth. In this case, no participant has the right to speak except the commander. Otherwise, the team will be given a 30 second penalty time. That is, 20 seconds will be added to the final execution time. 20sec. This is a penalty time for 1 violation. The more violations, the more time will be added. This is a task, as you understand for a while. At the end of the competition, your time will be compared with the other team’s time and the team with the shorter time will receive a piece of the map.”

The result of two competitions:

If it turns out that 1 team wins in 1 competition, and another in another, then it turns out to be a draw and each team is given a piece of the card.
If it turns out that 1 team wins both competitions, then the team is given a piece of the map and the next destination. The losing team is given a riddle.

Riddle: The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many

degrees will two such thermometers show?

Answer: PLUS 15

After solving the riddle, give the losing team a piece of the map and the next destination.

7) Bursting of balloons. “Your task is to burst the balloons in a short time. One of the balls contains the next destination."

8) Throwing stones. “Your task is to throw stones into the bucket. For each stone you hit, you are given 5 points. Each participant throws in turn. You need to score 150 points. The faster you do this, the faster you can move on to the next point.” (30 stones – 150 points)

At the end of the competition, the next destination is given.

9) Packing things. Memorization. “There are things in front of you. You are given a short time to remember how things are laid out. Your task is then to arrange things as they were. Task to get points. For each item guessed, 5 points are given. Your task is to score points.”

Place to write how things were laid out:

At the end of the competition, give a destination.

10) Eye training. Competition with binoculars. "Your task, holding binoculars opposite side, i.e. with large circles to the eyes, walk from start to finish, avoiding obstacles. You have to go like a snake. When colliding with an obstacle, the player starts over. Each team member must pass. Timed task. The winning team gets the next destination."
The losing team solves the puzzle.

The winning team is given the destination immediately, the losing team is given the destination after solving the puzzle.

11) Dancing. “The team must choose 2 people from the team who will dance. Each participant must dance to the music. At the end, the best dancer is chosen. The team with the best dancer wins.”

The winning team is given the next destination.

The losing team is given a puzzle and after solving it is given a destination.

12) Tying threads. “You are given several pieces of thread. Gives the same number of threads for each team. Your task is to connect the threads with a knot as close to the ends as possible. At the end, it will be compared which team has the longest thread. This is a timed task. You are given 3 minutes to connect the threads.”
The winning team is given some kind of prize.

We ask each team to give 3 pieces of the card that they won, add the missing 4 piece there and say:

“Now on the count of 3 you must connect the card and find the treasure faster than the other team.” After these words, count to 3 and give away the pieces of the card.

For children aged 10-15 years with a script, riddles, competitions, prizes.


Select a Commander.
Commanders - (usually 2 or 3 commanders are chosen, depending on the number of children)
The remaining participants draw lots.

Searching for a map:

1) Pulling out papers. Two buckets. “One contains riddles, and the other contains answers. One person from the team each pulls out riddles and finds the answer in another bucket. If, upon opening the paper with answers, you do not find the inscription with the next destination, then the next team member draws out the next riddle. Continues until the destination sign is found."


Fastest from fear
Rushing... (not a turtle, but a hare).

– Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... (not a wolf, but a bear)

- In your warm puddle
Croaked loudly... (not a sparrow, but a frog).

- I walked along a steep mountain
Overgrown with fur... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

- In the thicket I raised my head,
Howls from hunger... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).

- Like going to a bus salon
Jumped into mom’s bag... (not an elephant, but a baby kangaroo).

– The sun’s ray went out over the forest
The king of beasts is sneaking... (not a rooster, but a lion).

- Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one hits with his hoof (not a lion, but a horse).

- He takes the hay with his trunk
Thick-skinned... (elephant, not hippopotamus).

- The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head.
There is no bird more beautiful than... (not a crow, but a peacock).

– Who likes to run around the branches?
Of course, red... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

– A simple question for kids:
“Who is the cat afraid of?” ... (not mice, but dogs)

2) Best drawing - congratulations. Outdoor task. Whatman paper with Spray can. “Each team member takes turns going to whatman paper and drawing a piece of the picture. When all participants have played the role of an artist, the judges decide whose congratulation drawing is better.”

P.S. There will be a draw in the competition for earlier. “Since both teams have beautiful drawings, a draw wins.” Gives each team a piece of map and a piece of paper with their next destination!

3) Eating an apple. “The team selects 1 participant who will participate in this competition. Your task is to eat an apple in a short time. This is a competition between teams. The winning team gets a piece of the map."

Give the winning team a piece of the map and a destination.

To the losing team: “You must choose 1 person to whom we will blindfold. This person will be blindfolded for 5 minutes. The team’s job is to help that person get to their next destination.” After blindfolding the participant, give a piece of the map and the destination.

4) Search for coins. Team members reach their destination (Teams have different rooms). “Your task is to find 5 coins in this room to redeem your next destination. Timed task. You will be given 5 minutes to search."

If the participants did not have enough time, then give the task to guess the riddle. You are given 3 attempts to guess the riddle.

Riddle: The loaf was cut into three parts. How much did you make?

Answer: TWO

At the end of the mission, the team is given their next destination.

5) Solving puzzles. “Your task is to score the required number of points to get to the next destination. For 1 solved puzzle, 5 points are given. You need to collect 75 points. But in front of you are puzzles with a total number of points of 90. That is, you don’t have to solve 3 of the puzzles.” (15 puzzles – 75 points)
If they fail, the team is given a riddle.

Riddle: Which is lighter – 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

Answer: THE SAME

At the end of the competition, teams are given their next destination.

6) Net. “Your task is for each team member to get from one end of the room to the other, through the web. In this case, you should not touch the threads. Otherwise, the participant who touched the skin remains in place without moving, and the next participant begins to move. As soon as the whole team has passed, the participant(s) who are exhausted to the skin continue to walk to the finish line. Timed task. At the end of the competition the time will be compared with the other team. And the team with less time gets a piece of the map.”

Construction. “The team captain is blindfolded. His task is to build his team members according to blind growth. In this case, no participant has the right to speak except the commander. Otherwise, the team will be given a 30 second penalty time. That is, 20 seconds will be added to the final execution time. 20sec. This is a penalty time for 1 violation. The more violations, the more time will be added. This is a task, as you understand for a while. At the end of the competition, your time will be compared with the other team’s time and the team with the shorter time will receive a piece of the map.”

The result of two competitions:

If it turns out that 1 team wins in 1 competition, and another in another, then it turns out to be a draw and each team is given a piece of the card.
If it turns out that 1 team wins both competitions, then the team is given a piece of the map and the next destination. The losing team is given a riddle.

Riddle: The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many

degrees will two such thermometers show?

Answer: PLUS 15

After solving the riddle, give the losing team a piece of the map and the next destination.

7) Popping balloons. “Your task is to burst the balloons in a short time. One of the balls contains the next destination."

8) Throwing stones. “Your task is to throw stones into the bucket. For each stone you hit, you are given 5 points. Each participant throws in turn. You need to score 150 points. The faster you do this, the faster you can move on to the next point.” (30 stones – 150 points)

At the end of the competition, the next destination is given.

9) Packing things. Memorization. “There are things in front of you. You are given a short time to remember how things are laid out. Your task is then to arrange things as they were. Task to get points. For each item guessed, 5 points are given. Your task is to score points.”

Place to write how things were laid out:

At the end of the competition, give a destination.

10) Eye training. Competition with binoculars. “Your task is to hold the binoculars with the opposite side, i.e. with large circles to the eyes, walk from start to finish, avoiding obstacles. You have to go like a snake. When colliding with an obstacle, the player starts over. Each team member must pass. Timed task. The winning team gets the next destination."
The losing team solves the puzzle.

The winning team is given the destination immediately, the losing team is given the destination after solving the puzzle.

11) Dancing. “The team must choose 2 people from the team who will dance. Each participant must dance to the music. At the end, the best dancer is chosen. The team with the best dancer wins.”

The winning team is given the next destination.

The losing team is given a puzzle and after solving it is given a destination.

12) Tying threads. “You are given several pieces of thread. Gives the same number of threads for each team. Your task is to connect the threads with a knot as close to the ends as possible. At the end, it will be compared which team has the longest thread. This is a timed task. You are given 3 minutes to connect the threads.”
The winning team is given some kind of prize.

We ask each team to give 3 pieces of the card that they won, add the missing 4 piece there and say:

“Now on the count of 3 you must connect the card and find the treasure faster than the other team.” After these words, count to 3 and give away the pieces of the card.

Being a teenager is very, very difficult. Each such holiday for her means an opportunity not only to receive good gifts, but also to be charged with positivity, the energy of celebration, fun and genuine joy. Therefore, all the details, as well as all the main points of the holiday, must be thought out to the smallest detail. To do this, you will need a good birthday script for a 15-year-old girl, which you can easily get from us.

At Vlio we tried to collect only the most best works, taken from the Russian-language Internet. Wherever you look, you will not find anywhere a more extensive collection than what appears before your eyes in this section. Look, choose, add if necessary, and organize the perfect holiday for the birthday girl.

Let her be the central figure on this day. Let her get all the attention and all the care. Let it remain in her memory as one of the most bright holidays in her life!

Scenario for the birthday of a 15 year old girl

Is your daughter a fan of pop music and is going to celebrate her birthday surrounded by her closest friends? Then this script is for you. Work with your daughter in advance (three to four days before the holiday) joint creativity: make it yourself Greeting Cards and sign them. A couple of days before the celebration, send invitations to all the birthday girl’s friends whom she wants to see at the celebration. In addition to the place, date and time of the celebration, the postcards should also reflect the fact that girls will have to go through a casting to participate in the celebration. Draw a poster with your daughter with all the details, and stick it on the door of the apartment before the arrival of the long-awaited guests.

Speaking of guests, you will need to call her friends in secret from your daughter on the eve of the gala event in order to warn her about the plan of their actions at the very beginning of the gala event. When the girls arrive for the holiday, they will all need to line up together in front of the door to your apartment, and at the moment when the enthusiastic birthday girl opens it, each of the girls should quickly and enthusiastically say something like this: “I came to the casting, Can I start singing already? Oh, how beautiful you are, I so want to be like you. Well, please take me to the Factory! It is advisable that these remarks be shouted as loudly and vying with each other as possible.

Decorate the apartment according to the theme of your daughter's birthday. But also the usual posters, streamers and Balloons under the ceiling will never be superfluous. Prepare the attributes and accessories that you will need during the celebration: camera, video camera, microphones, karaoke discs, photographs of the birthday girl, costumes for performances.

Stock up symbolic gifts, which you can give to guests for participating in competitions. Clear the room in which the event will take place. gala event, from furniture, since your guests will need a lot of space to perform their bright numbers. If the size of the room allows, the festive table can be left in the same room. But nothing bad will happen if you move it to the kitchen or any other room during the celebration.

As for the festive table, it is desirable that it consist mainly of light snacks, sandwiches and simple salads. The presence of hot food can be avoided. They will simply be redundant. This scenario It is designed for an active and active pastime, so it is advisable that during the celebration everyone has the opportunity to come to the table and have a quick snack.

First round of casting of "Star Factory"

When all the guests have gathered together, invite the girls to choose the numbers that they want to present to the strict but fair jury, consisting of only one person - the hero of the occasion. For musical numbers you will need backing tracks or karaoke discs. In addition, if girls wish, they can compose and rehearse a joint dance in advance. dance number with which they will surprise the birthday girl. It will be necessary to perform it in the second round of casting.

One of your daughter’s friends will need to take on the role of a cameraman, filming everything that happens at the casting of the “Star Factory” TV show. The task of the birthday girl is at this stage The holiday consists of watching the numbers that her friends have prepared for her, and giving her verdict on whether this or that participant made it to the second round of casting or not. Girls can parody famous Russian or foreign pop stars, perform independently invented songs, and the like. By decision of the competent jury, all performers, of course, advance to the second round of the competition.

Organize a short “commercial break” between rounds. Invite everyone to the table, where the girls can relax, refresh themselves and congratulate the birthday girl: present their gifts, and also say a few warm words to the hero of the occasion. After this, invite the girls to play a game called “One name - a thousand compliments.” The essence of the competition is simple: come up with a compliment for the birthday girl using the letter with which her name begins. In addition to compliments, you can also come up with wishes. The hero of the occasion must choose the winner of this game and present her with a symbolic prize.

Second round of casting of "Star Factory"

The second test begins with the task we talked about above, the dance gift. Even if the girls performing the dance are not masters in this matter, the birthday girl will still be delighted to see what number her friends have prepared for her. Perhaps she will even laugh wildly, watching the efforts of her friends. Based on the results of the second round, all participants advance to the finals. Here your task is to organize a second “commercial break” for rest. The hero of the occasion and her guests sit down at the table again, but now not your daughter’s friends, but you present your gift to the birthday girl and congratulate her.

After congratulations, you must announce the start of the competition, the results of which will not affect the opportunity to enter the final casting of the “Star Factory”. Hand each girl ten caramels, which they will need to remove from the candy wrappers and put in their mouths. The competition begins. All participants in the game must take turns performing their favorite song. The winner is again chosen by the hero of the occasion. But in this fun competition she will need to choose two winners. One prize is awarded to the contestant whose song still sounds the most identifiable compared to the performance of other participants. The second is to a girl who managed to make the guests laugh with her “incomparable” and “pure” singing.

Final casting of "Star Factory"

The time has come for the final performance. At the last stage of the birthday scenario, all contestants will have to sing with the star. And since the role of the star on this day belongs to the birthday girl, she will sing along with everyone. To achieve this goal, invite the girls to perform some famous Russian folk song in several styles. Such a song could be the composition “Oh, the viburnum is blooming.” Examples musical styles: folk, heavy metal, hard rock, blues, rock and roll and the like. To make the event more fun, dress up the hero of the occasion and the birthday guests according to these musical styles.

Don't forget to take pictures of what's happening at the party. In addition, you can invite girls to take part in a photo shoot. At the end of the holiday, give each guest a photograph of the birthday girl, where she will happily leave her “star” autograph with good wishes to her friends. Final performance theme day the birth of the "Star Factory" there will be a gala concert (disco). At this stage you should leave the girls alone in the room. Let them keep it secret and have fun from the heart, at this age they really need it.

It's no secret that girls grow up faster than boys. This is evidenced by all sorts of facts that can be observed everywhere. For example, if you look at any 9th grade, you can see that the girls look more mature than their classmates.

If girls at the age of 14-15 begin to discuss boys, they share women's secrets and every day they become more and more like adult women, then boys at this age are still playing games and thinking about how they can have fun. The same can be seen in the attitude of fifteen-year-old teenagers towards the holidays. This is especially evident when it comes to such a holiday as a birthday.

Today, most fifteen-year-old girls want to study independent organization own day birth. And this is not surprising, because by organizing a holiday party, girls can feel like truly adults. That is why many of them so want their parents to allow them to organize their own holiday.

If you are planning to celebrate your fifteenth birthday in the near future, then you may want to organize it yourself. However, if you are doing this for the first time, then you should understand that doing this is not as easy as it seems. You will have to plan everything carefully and work out the scenario. In addition, you will need to take the process of organizing the holiday really seriously.

Planning a birthday party for a 15 year old girl

If you are serious about organizing your own party in honor of your fifteenth birthday, then start planning events in advance. The sooner you start doing this, the more time you will have.

First of all, you will need to discuss the plan for holiday party with parents. Surely at that age you are still living in their house. So you simply must discuss such issues with them. If the parents are not against holding such an event, then discuss everything with them in the most important points. Let your parents know how many guests you want to invite, as they may not expect as many. a large number of your friends and classmates. Also check with them sample menu which will be at the holiday. In addition, do not be shy to ask your parents for help, because you may not be able to cope on your own.

Set a date for your fifteenth birthday party. The party doesn't have to be on the same day as your fifteenth birthday. Talk to your parents about the most suitable dates for the event. This must be done, because your parents must agree with you when it will be more convenient for them to leave you alone with your friends.

At the age of fifteen, you are probably not yet earning money. Therefore, you will not be able to organize a festive party in honor of your fifteenth birthday without the financial help of your parents. So before you start organizing the holiday, talk with your parents about the financial component of the holiday. The fact is, if you don't know your holiday budget, you won't be able to plan everything.
Development of a birthday scenario for a 15-year-old girl

When you decide on the budget that will be allocated by your parents or other relatives, and also decide how many guests you will invite, you can move on to developing the script. You will need to decide on the idea of ​​the holiday. That is, you have to decide what you want your fifteenth birthday party to look like.

There are simply a huge number of options for holding such parties. For example, you can organize some kind of cozy bachelorette party to which you can invite your best friends. This scenario has many advantages. Therefore, many girls choose it, since it is not at all complicated and not expensive. Moreover, your parents will probably like this scenario, because you will invite very few guests to such a party.

If you decide to have a bachelorette party, it should be an overnight stay. This way you will have more time to communicate and have fun with your friends. And even if not every friend agrees to stay overnight, then such an event is not worth celebrating.
Preparing for the birthday celebration of a 15 year old girl

1. 15th Birthday Party Invitations
If you want to surprise your friends, then create for them invitation cards with my own hands. In these cards, you will need to indicate that you are inviting them to a bachelorette party in honor of your birthday. In the invitation, in addition to the date and location, indicate that the bachelorette party will take place all night, so friends will need to take toothbrushes and other supplies with them.

2. Holiday menu
Decide what you will treat your friends who will come to the bachelorette party in honor of your fifteenth birthday. In fact, in this case it is not at all necessary to organize festive feast. All you have to do is order pizza or sushi. You can also stock up on all sorts of unhealthy snacks, such as chips. As for the cake, it must be there so that it is clear that you are celebrating a birthday. Also, don't forget about drinks.

3. Entertainment program
Take care of entertainment program for your bachelorette party. Prepare suitable music and movies that will keep you entertained throughout the evening.

4. Apartment decoration
In order to create festive atmosphere in the apartment, be sure to decorate it. To do this, you can use balloons, garlands and all kinds of decorative elements. In addition, you can unscrew the regular light bulbs in your apartment and screw in colored ones in their place. This will create a truly festive atmosphere that all guests will surely enjoy.

5. Games and competitions
In addition to music and films, you will need to prepare all kinds of competitions, games and other entertainment. After all, watching a movie all evening will be boring. Well, it’s up to you to decide which games to play that evening. However, take their choice seriously. Select for your bachelorette party only the most interesting and funny Games. If you doubt a particular competition, then, without hesitation, cross them off the list.

In addition, you can tell fortunes this evening with your friends. Surely everyone will like it.

Useful tips for organizing a birthday party for a 15 year old girl

1. Consult with your friends whom you will invite to the party about which films you should choose. The same applies to music, games and competitions. That is, it is not at all necessary that all entertainment be a surprise for guests.
2. Talk to your friends about food too. That is, you need to find out about them taste preferences, which will allow you to spend your money more rationally on the holiday menu.
3. If one of your friends cannot or does not want to stay overnight at the bachelorette party, then there is no need to put pressure on them. Perhaps they have serious reasons not to stay.
4. Prepare small souvenirs for your girlfriends. They probably won't expect gifts from you on your birthday. So you can definitely surprise them.

Fifteenth anniversary life together It's been called a glass wedding for quite some time now. And only quite recently a glass wedding began to be called a crystal wedding.

Why were glass and crystal chosen as symbolic materials for the fifteenth anniversary? They are beautiful, transparent and, unfortunately, just as fragile,
like love and marital understanding. Family happiness is very easy to break, just like a glass goblet.

Traditionally on festive table crystal anniversaries should be dominated by dishes made of crystal and glass. It is necessary to drink to the health and happiness of the spouses, but only from crystal.

The room in which the celebration will be held is decorated with colorful balloons, posters with comic congratulations and instructions to the heroes of the occasion. Posters are usually designed on large sheets Whatman paper

We present some of the statements below.

True love between spouses is affection, bed and stroller.

Remember, spouses: happiness lies not only in money, but also in respect for each other.

My husband is a tank, he always goes recklessly. The wife is a passenger car and goes around all the potholes and bumps.

Having created a legal family, do not forget to maintain fire safety in your relationship.

If the marital electrical wiring suddenly sparks, you need to pull the plug from the socket in time so that your family relationship does not short-circuit.

When you see sparks of anger falling from your eyes, do not forget to put them out, because even children know from an early age that fire leads to a fire in family happiness.

What gifts do they give each other on this day? loving spouses? How can friends and family express their concern?

Spouses exchange items made of crystal or glass with each other. Such gifts can include tea sets, wine glasses, glasses, vases, and salad bowls.

Small figurines depicting human figures, animals, flowers or other objects will look very original.

You can present a crystal figurine depicting a pair of swans as a gift to the celebrants of the day. These birds have always symbolized love, tenderness and swan fidelity.

You can also give glass candlesticks with candles and at the same time say the following wish: “May your love and desire burn like these candles and never burn out.”

A man can give his wife jewelry made from real rock crystal. Crystal products, decorated with engraving or carving, are distinguished by a bright multi-color play of light. So is family life: with each passing year, it allows spouses to discover more and more new facets in their relationship.

Rock crystal products are quite expensive and not everyone can afford them, so they can easily be replaced with a gift made of transparent glass or plastic. It can also be a large glass dish or tray,
a table lamp with a lampshade made of colored glass folded into an intricate design, a box for small items, an elegant glass photo frame.

The gift must be beautifully decorated. Sometimes the process of unwrapping a gift is more exciting than seeing the gift itself. Beautiful bouquet flowers and a lovingly signed card will complement your gift for the anniversary.

Anniversary gift glass wedding can be found not only in the store, but also at the author's exhibition of glass products. Very often, artists sell their original works right in the showroom. Certainly no one will give such a gift to the celebrants of the day.

The gift can be intended for both spouses or each individual. For example, you can give your friends a beautiful sconce with a glass lampshade, or your wife a crystal necklace, and your spouse a crystal stand with fountain pens.

Our life is full of events with which we congratulate our family and friends. You can congratulate in writing by signing beautiful postcard or by sending a telegram to the celebrants. You can also make a wish when presenting a gift.

And, of course, the heroes of the day are congratulated at the table.

Congratulations, our dear heroes of the day! We wish you to live together ten more times for 15 years in peace, harmony and love. Continue to share all your sorrows and joys with each other. We wish you great happiness, joy, good luck and good health!

Our dear anniversaries!

You have lived together for many years. Your children are almost grown up. And the years fly by like an avalanche, but is it worth grieving about what you have lived? You lived together for only 15 years. During this short time, you had everything: joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, successes and disappointments, peace and quarrels.

We wish you in your future family life have only happiness, health, wealth and that your children are always near you!

Loving each other (names of spouses)! Congratulations on your fifteenth anniversary of marriage. You have lived together so little, you still have a very difficult road ahead. The time is not far off when your children will have children of their own. We wish you to live in full understanding with each other, patience for another 100 years together married life! Good health you, which nowhere and never can be bought for any money!

Happy Anniversaries! Congratulations on your fifteenth anniversary of marriage.

We wish you clear skies above your head, so that you never know misfortune and grief, may only luck and happiness accompany you, and may your children and true friends always be next to you!

Dear “crystal” spouses! Congratulations on your wonderful holiday fifteen years of marriage. We wish that your relationships are as transparent and pure as crystal, and that quarrels are fragile, that they break on the floor, and that only peace and tranquility reign in your home!

Dear anniversaries! It's your turn to celebrate fifteen years of marriage. We wish that on your faces we see not grief, but only happiness and joy! We also wish you great, great success!

Toasts here could be like this:

Once again we are all gathered here today. 15 years have passed, but it seems like this day was just yesterday. You have given birth to wonderful children who brighten your life and don’t let you get bored. Before you know it, you will have grandchildren. So let's raise our glasses of champagne and drink to two wonderful people who were able to
to carry through all the sorrows and joys of this difficult life together and preserve what is so dear to us all, family happiness. Let's drink to the bottom for the young spouses!

Exactly 15 years ago on this day, two of the happiest hearts united.

Let's all look at their happy faces and drink to their health, prosperity and peace in the home. May they never end. Be happy always! Now we'll drink to the spouses!

None of the guests, apparently, forgot today's holiday. 15 years ago two good people united their hearts forever and were able to carry their love through all these years, overcome all the obstacles that stood in the way of happiness. So let’s raise our glasses, drink to their great happiness and shout again: “Bitter! Bitter! Bitter!”

It seems to us that 15 years have passed like one week. You are still so young and just starting to live. During this short time, you just got to know each other, saw your and your spouse’s advantages and disadvantages.

So let’s drink to the heroes of the occasion, to the years they have lived together, and let love, like a star, lead them along the rough road of life straight to happiness and prosperity!

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