Mini graduation for young children. Graduation script for a nursery group. Exercise “Sea water”

Tatyana Malyarova
Graduation from nursery in junior group

Scenario prom

"So we have become

one year older"

2 group early age № 13

Prepared and carried out:

educators: Malyarova T. A


“So we have become a year older”

Description of material: the material will be useful music directors, teachers, in order to conduct graduation party for a group early age when organizing entertainment dedicated to graduation of children from nursery to kindergarten. They sometimes experience more emotions than adults. High school graduation In kindergarten, children should like it, first of all, so the holiday needs to be made light and joyful! Held in the music room.

Target: Creating a positive emotional atmosphere for kids.


1) train children to perform musical and rhythmic movements;

2) develop the ability to obey the general tempo, pronounce the text of the game in unison;

3) develop singing skills, the ability to use dance movements in accordance with the content of the text and the nature of the dance melody, emotional responsiveness, activity in games;

4) cultivate love, positive emotional attitude to kindergarten and teachers.

Educational areas: musical development; artistic and aesthetic development; speech development; social and communicative development, physical development.

Material: pyramids, a set of dishes (for girls, a set of tools (for boys), baskets for games, balloons.

Participants: children, presenters - teachers and junior teacher , "Cheburashka", music director, parents

L.V. We have a holiday today, and the kids are happy,

That moms and dads came to visit us for the holiday.

The days passed very quickly, the children grew up.

We've already grown big - it's time for us to go to kindergarten!

Our dear guests,

It's time to meet the children.

Don't spare your hands.

Clap for them more fun!

T.A. and A.V. bring the children into the hall to the music and stand facing the parents.

T, A, the sun is shining brighter.

The hall is full of kind smiles.

Our sweet babies

Today is the first ball in my life.

Dear guests! We invite you to graduation party for nursery group . Over the years, our kids have grown, matured and learned a lot.

L,V, Today our children say goodbye to the nursery group. I really want this day to be remembered for a long time by both kids and adults! That's why we have prepared a small holiday for you.

Bogdan Sh.: We are funny guys,

We're already three.

And probably friendlier than us

Can't be found in the whole world.

Alena S.: Early morning kindergarten

Meets kids

There are toys waiting for the kids

They're bored in the corner.

Veronica N.: Red ball, blue ball

Dolls, teddy bears

Kindergarten, kindergarten

All the guys love it.

We danced in a circle

The pigeons were fed

Watered the garden

They taught the song.

Children walk along to the music and sit on chairs.

Sounds like cartoon music "Cheburashka is looking for friends"

Oh guys, I think someone is coming towards us

To the music, Mark enters the hall dressed as Cheburashka.


I'm not a doll, not an animal,

What a funny toy

Very nice face

My name is Cheburashka

T.A. Come in, Cheburashka.

Cheburashka: Why is it so beautiful here and the children are so smart?

T.A. And today our children have the first in their lives high school graduation. And on this occasion we decided to organize a celebration.

Cheburashka: I really love holidays.

L.V. Our children whole year We went to nursery and learned a lot. And we will be happy to show you what we have learned this year.

Children dance to the music "Chok-chok". Music is playing, children are dancing.

After the end of the dance, the teacher takes the children and places them on chairs.

T.A. Well, Cheburashka, did you like our dance?

Cheburashka: Of course I liked it.

L.V. And we continue!


We are already quite big

Look, these are the ones

We don't cry in the morning anymore,

Have fun group jumps


I know how to dress.

If I want

Me and little brother

I'll teach you how to put on shoes.


We went to the nursery for a long time

And they taught us everything

Undress, dress,

And of course wash your face.


They read us a lot of books,

We drew and played

And now it's time to say goodbye

To another group to gather.


Well done! Have you learned to play? (Yes)

A teacher plays with children sedentary play "Three Bears"

Cheburashka: Now I’ll check, you can go to junior group or not!

Now we will hold a competition: "Assemble a pyramid"

Who will quickly and correctly assemble the pyramid? (2-3 large pyramids)

Fun energetic music sounds (at the teacher's choice)

(2-3 children go out, assemble a pyramid, if it doesn’t work, they help the children)

Guys, do you want to check whether your parents know how to assemble a pyramid, because they, too, were once small, and probably played with toys.

Competition with parents.

After the competition, everyone goes through and sits on chairs.

T.A. Cheburashka, and you know, our children also sing!

Children with teachers and younger the teacher comes out and sings a song….

T. A. Cheburashka, now you agree that it’s time for our children to move to junior group?

A.V. What great fellows!

It's really time for everyone to go junior group

What would you like to take with you, perhaps toys?

Toys are not people, but they understand everything and really don’t like it when they are broken.

L.V. But our children don’t break toys, they treat them with care.

A.V. Well done, but I’ll check now, it’s time for you to younger group or too early! I suggest you play the game "Get things in order"

T.A. Well done, kids, girls and boys,

Well, I hope everyone is now convinced that it’s time for us to go!


Come on, kids, you are big!

Wow! (Raises hands up)

Smart, obedient.

In general, in junior group go!

Bon Voyage!

Parents' response:

Parents present flowers to teachers

Today is our day.

He is both sad and cheerful.

They leave their house

Little new settlers.

The nursery is the first home.

Where there is no dad, where there is no mother.

How many tears are left in him?

And the first sadness!

A year has passed since

These doors opened,

And we all came here -

Either dolls or children.

We were met here in the morning

And they fed us delicious porridge.

Every day and every hour

Take care of our health.

Education was carried out

Surrounding you with care,

So that mothers can go quietly

Early in the morning to work.

Taught to speak

Run, jump and work,

Be able to appreciate any work

And go straight through life,

Cherish true friendship.

Love your homeland and mother!

But now we've grown up

And the time has come to part.

We are in last time came,

To say goodbye to you here.

Liana Vladimirovna:

The magic ball is over,

But the fairy tale does not go away.

We give to cute kids

Your love and affection.

A huge new world awaits you,

Wonderful, kind, bright!

Only joy awaits ahead,

Surprises and gifts.

And let the years fly by like birds,

But childhood always remains in the soul!

Grow, mature and find out everything,

Step boldly into our adult world, children!

Children go with their parents to tea party group.

Graduation script for an early age group “Goodbye, nursery!”

Author-compiler: Kozyreva Oksana Viktorovna
Place of work: MADO "DS No. 19 of Blagoveshchensk", teacher of the 1st category.
Description of material: The material will be useful to music directors and teachers for the purpose of holding a graduation party for an early age group when organizing entertainment dedicated to the graduation of children aged 2.5-3 years with the transition to kindergarten. They sometimes experience more emotions than adults. And this is where music provides invaluable help. Its strength lies in the fact that it is able to convey changes in moods, experiences - the dynamics of a person’s emotional and mental states. Graduation in kindergarten should be enjoyed, first of all, by children, so the holiday needs to be made light and joyful! Held in the music room.
Target: Creating a positive emotional atmosphere for kids.
1) train children to perform musical and rhythmic movements;
2) develop the ability to obey the general tempo, pronounce the text of the game in unison;
develop singing skills, the ability to use dance movements in accordance with the content of the text and the nature of the dance melody, emotional responsiveness, activity in games;
3) cultivate love, a positive emotional attitude towards the kindergarten and teachers.
Material: gel balloons for each child, a suitcase, medals for each child, a hoop with ribbons, diplomas for joining the group younger age. Also decoration for the music hall: these are balloons in the form of daisies, posters, banners with the word “Graduation in the nursery group.” There are “daisies” attached to the chairs. Toy dog, cat, cubes. Handkerchiefs for each child. Umbrella. Sun.
Participants: parents, children, presenter, and Clown “Iriska”, manager.
Login music hall- A teacher and two children.

Educator: Hello dear guests! Today we have special holiday- a farewell celebration for young children. After all, our children have already grown up and are moving to kindergarten. The floor is given to the head of Fedotova, Irina Vladimirovna MADOU "Kindergarten No. 19 in Blagoveshchensk."
Head: The day has come that everyone has been waiting for so long, especially children and parents! Today is a magical, solemn day. Your children have discovered the first stage of feelings. They move from a nursery group to a kindergarten. If you remember that autumn day, you doubted the colored foci. You brought us your warm, dear hands, giving us your children. There were a lot of doubts. Was this day wonderful? But we overcame all the difficulties. There really were a lot of pros and cons. Is it worth sending your child to an early age group? He is crying. My heart breaks, my parents go to work, with a heavy heart, with tears in his eyes. But time passed, and you noticed how we grew up, how wonderful we became, how independent we became. But this is only the beginning of the step. And you have four more years of kindergarten ahead of you. In September you will go to your groups, naturally some will be in one group, some will be in another. But I wish our children – yours, most importantly, to be healthy. So that they never get sick. So that they please you with their successes, and looking at them you rejoice at how beautiful they are. And to you patience, health, prosperity.

Child 1 IN kindergarten Today is a solemn day. All the guys dressed up, it was just beautiful.
Child 2 The day of parting with the manger has arrived for all of us. Let's start, let's start our nursery ball.
Wave your hands to moms and dads.
The children enter the hall in a line with the second teacher.

Dear children and parents!
Today is our day...
He is both sad and festive.
Leave the group
Little kids.
The manger is the primary home,
Where there is no dad, where there is no mother.
How many tears are left in him?
And be the first to be sad!
A year has passed since
These doors opened,
And you all came here -
Either dolls or children.
We met you here this morning
And they fed us delicious porridge.
Every day and every hour
Take care of your health.
Education was carried out
Surrounding you with care,
And at the celebration now
We will say goodbye to you.
You lived a happy life with us,
you sang and played
And they didn’t even notice
How big they became.
How many guys have gathered! During the year of being in the early childhood group, everyone grew up and learned a lot. Now they are reading poetry about it.

1 child:
I get up early in the morning
And I run to my friends in the garden
To play with them
Tell all the secrets!!!
2nd child:
I know how to dress.
I know how to wash my face
Dry yourself with a towel
It's cute for kids to smile
3rd child:
The teacher meets us
He plays games with us,
He dances with us
And he does exercises with us
So you've grown up - Hurray!
Children: Hooray!
Leading: Maybe it's time for you to go to kindergarten?
Children: Yes, it's time!
The song “Thank you for the nursery” is performed(music and lyrics by E. Antoshina)
1. Thank you, dear nurseries!
We have become quite big. (We dance in a circle to the left)
We can wash ourselves
Get dressed, put on your shoes!
2. Thank you, dear nurseries!
We have become quite big. (We dance to the right)
We don't offend anyone
And we help each other!
Then the children sit on the chairs.
Oh guys, look
Someone is in a hurry to visit us!
Bright, joyful, playful,
It will make all the guys happy!
The clown “Iriska” enters the hall to the music (jumping)
Clown Butterscotch:
Hello guys!
I'm a cheerful Toffee.
By the way, I am an artist.
I love to sing and dance
And amuse the kids.
Presenter: Hello, Iriska!
And today we have a holiday.
Our children say goodbye to nursery school and move on to kindergarten.
Clown Butterscotch: Well, of course, they’ve already become so big (shows)
Just like me…
Then join a circle of friends.
Let's sing in choir joyfully,
Well, let's start a dance.
We will sing and dance,
And hand out scarlet handkerchiefs.
(hands out handkerchiefs Dance with handkerchiefs)

Of course, a holiday is good!
Holidays are great!
When I went to see you for a holiday
the sun was sad
Let's cheer up the sun, kids, and sing a song for him.
Butterscotch rejoices: - Oh, how good!
Clown Butterscotch:
Well then, join the circle!
Sing the song loudly!
The song “Sunshine” is performed music by Vitaly Alekseev, lyrics by Maria Filatova.
Show yourself
Show yourself
Bright day
Bright day
We sing
We sing
Look, guys, how the sun smiles at us.
The cloud is hiding behind the forest,
The sun looks from the sky,
And so pure, kind, radiant.
If we could get him,
We would kiss him.
Let's try to reach the sun.
After the Song - Game "Sun and Rain"(with umbrella)
The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We will clap our hands -
We are very happy about the sun.

Clown Butterscotch:
What great guys.
I see they can sing and dance.
They can play games.
Guys, I'm a big adult
So I don't need toys anymore
And I decided to collect my toys
And give the guys everything...everything...
Presenter: Don't you feel sorry?
Clown Butterscotch: No, I'm not sorry.
Butterscotch the clown: comes behind the house, digs around there, rattles something. He takes out a suitcase with toys. He puts the suitcase on the floor and takes out the Dog from the suitcase. Plays with her.
Clown Butterscotch: Here! My most favorite TOY.
Presenter: so we'll sing a song about this dog.
"A dog came to us" Music and lyrics by A. Alexandrova
A dog came to us
Smart dog
Plays with the children
Barks very loudly:
Clown Butterscotch: What a good song, I even learned it already. Well, how can I sing it later if I give you a dog... No, it’s better that I have some left over for now, and I’ll give you Leopold the cat. So soft and fluffy.
Leading: First listen to the nursery rhyme about this cat.
Like our cat
The fur coat is very good
Like a cat's mustache
Amazingly beautiful
Bold eyes
The teeth are white.
Clown Butterscotch: Let's all play together with my cat.
The guys will be Mice, and I and the cat will catch you.
(Children dance dance - game "Mice", music and lyrics by Pogorelova).
1. The mice are dancing on the path,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
The mice put out their legs,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
2. The mice played clap,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
And they clapped their hands,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
3. The mice twirled their tails,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
We looked around
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
4. The mice heard something
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
And they trembled with fear,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
Leopold - the red cat came out, he's about to find the mice.
(Leopold is looking for mice, and the children are running away from him. .)
Clown Butterscotch: No, without such a nimble cat I would be bored. He puts the toy in his suitcase and thinks about it. So what happens, I have nothing to give?
This is wrong!………Thinks……….. Invented!!! I'll give you a cube (Takes it out of the suitcase)
I only have one - and there are many of you.
Presenter: It’s okay, we have enough CUBES for everyone. Come on, Toffee the Clown, play with us.
Dance with cubes

Clown Butterscotch:

Well done guys danced well.
Presenter: Let's dance to our Clown Butterscotch Chock and chock
Chok da chok - children dance.
Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok!
Chok da chok - the children are dancing,
Exposing the heel. Place your feet on your heels.
Our children ran
Faster and faster
Our children danced
Have fun, have fun! Children run in a circle after each other.
Clap and clap - the children are dancing.
Clap and clap - they started dancing,
Clap and clap - children are dancing,
We have a lot of fun! Children clap their hands - two claps on the right and left.
Our children squat
They squat together at once
Our children squat -
That's how much fun we have Children do half squats, hands on the belt.
Chorus: Children run in circles after each other.
Chok da chok - children dance.
Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok!
Chok da chok - the children are dancing,
Exposing the heel. Place your feet on your heels.
Chorus: Children run in circles after each other.
Clown Butterscotch: I really liked how the kids performed
I'll clap your hands.
Oh, oh, look guys
My carousel is fun!
I’ll spin everyone around, I’ll give everyone a ride.
First, the FIXICS group.
Get up, our mothers.
Grab the ribbons and spin around merrily.

Graduation in the nursery group. Scenario

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Target: creating a joyful, cheerful and solemn holiday atmosphere.
Tasks: Develop expressive speech, musical and motor abilities and creative independence of children.
Description: The script was written for kindergarten children. The script may be useful to music directors, educators, and parents of graduates.

Children enter in pairs with their teachers to the music.

Educator: Gathered in the hall today
We are celebrating at this hour.
Look how beautiful they are
Our babies now!
A year (two) has passed since we went to a group for the little ones. See how we've grown? Let's stand on our toes, kids, and show everyone how big we are! (children rise on their toes, raise their arms up)
That's how big we are! We hardly cry, we smile joyfully at everyone. A little more - and we’ll move on to the second junior group of kindergarten. And now, we will show you what we have learned.
After all, we didn’t sit idle:
Poems were taught, songs were sung.
Let's start the fun
Let's start the holiday with dancing!
"Pair dance"

Educator: And they are not small with us,
And they are not sad here.
Yes, yes, yes, the kids are good,
They read poetry to us.
1 child: I was spoon fed
But I've grown a little.
Take a quick look:
I can eat by myself!
2nd child: I know how to dress
If only I want
Me and little brother
I'll teach you how to dress!
3rd child: Am I really big already?
I put on my shoes myself,
And cold water
I wash my hands myself.
And I haven’t cried since this morning!
Maybe it's time for me to go to kindergarten?
Educator: Let's sing a song about how big you have become, kids!
Song: “We went to kindergarten.”
Matryosha enters the hall with a basket
MATRESHA: Hello guys! I came from the spring fair, It’s already fun at the fair! Everyone there dances and sings, and sells goods,
I went around the fair and bought gifts for everyone -
I haven't forgotten anyone! And for you, my kids, I bought toys, so that you can amuse your boys and girlfriends at a fun holiday!
Educator: And we'll take your toys,
Let's go dance with them!
Dance with toys.

MATRESHA: This is for all toys.
What's in my basket, kids, would you like to know?
Children: YES!
He takes out a teddy bear.
MATRESHA: Let's play with the bear!
Game with a bear.

Educator: Oh, Matryosh, our guys know a poem about a bear. Let our bear rest, and we will tell a poem about him.
Poem: “Teddy Bear.”
MATRESHA: I'll look in the basket, maybe I'll find something else. (Looks into the basket) Oh, what is this? (Takes out toy sandals)
Children: Sandals!
Educator: Yes, Matryosha, the sandals are good. And look at what beautiful sandals our guys have! And how they can dance! Do not believe? Look!
Dance "Sandals"
MATRESHA: Oh, guys, how great you dance. Do you know what my favorite toy is?
It rings and rings and makes all the kids happy! Did you guess it?
Children: Beanbag!
MATRESHA: Dance more merrily with your rattle!
Dance with rattles.
MATRESHA: Oh, my cart is almost empty, all that’s left are these colorful rings. Shall we play with rings?
Game-dance: “Rings”
MATRESHA: Dear children, girls and boys.
Let me congratulate you on your big holiday.
Happy first graduation in your life!
I want to give you colored balls,
Colored balls, that's what they are!
I will give you bright balls,
I will give red and blue ones to you all.
Well, it’s time for me to go! Goodbye, kids.
Have fun, grow up, invite me to visit! (Leaves)

Educator: So our celebration of farewell to the nurseries has come to an end. We wish everyone good health and sunny mood.
Child: Thank you, dear nurseries, for your affection and care.
Because mom went calmly to work in the morning,
Because they loved us and taught us good things!

A teacher and two children enter an elegantly decorated hall accompanied by music.

Teacher: Hello Dear Parents, guests! Today we have gathered in this cozy room to celebrate a small but very an important event For our children - a celebration of farewell to the nursery group!

1 child: There is noise and bustle in the kindergarten today, All the kids dressed up just beautiful!

2nd child: The day of farewell to the nursery has come for all of us, Let's begin, let's begin our nursery ball!

To the song “Ding - ding, kindergarten!” Children enter in pairs with a second teacher and sit on chairs.

Educator: Dear children and parents! Today is our day... It is both sad and cheerful. Little new settlers leave their house. The nursery is the first home where there is no father, where there is no mother. How many tears remained in him and the first sadness! A year has passed since these doors opened, And you all came here - either dolls, or children. Here they met you in the morning and fed you delicious porridge, Every day and every hour they took care of your health. You were raised by surrounding you with care, so that mothers could calmly go to work early in the morning. But now you have grown up and the time has come to part... And now at the holiday we will say goodbye to you.

Dear parents, look at your cute children! How they grew up this year: There were little children, like chicks on a branch. They grew up and grew up and became very big. Now the guys will tell poems about this.

1 child: We went to the nursery for a long time and they taught us everything: Undress, dress and of course wash!

Child 2: We wash ourselves quickly, we dry ourselves clean, we are so neat and tidy, everyone enjoys looking at us.

Child 3: They fed me with a spoon, and I grew up a little. Look quickly: “I know how to eat myself!”

4th child: I know how to dress if I want to. I’ll teach my little sisters how to dress too!

Child 5: Previously, they didn’t want to cry loudly in the morning in the nursery, but now we run here with pleasure, always!

Educator: Our children have become so big and independent, and they can also sing, dance, and play.

Song-dance “It’s such a good day”

Educator: All the guys did a great job singing and dancing from the heart. And now we will rest and read poetry to the guests. Poems from the cycle “Toys” by A. Barto.

Educator: But our guys know not only poetry, but also various nursery rhymes (verse with movements). The teacher calls two people.

Educator: Music plays and invites you to dance.

Dance "Kolobok"

After the dance, the children sit on chairs. There's a knock on the door. Enter the clown Klepa.

Klyopa: How beautiful it is here! So many guys, guests! Where did I end up?

Children: To kindergarten! On holiday!

Klyopa: What is your holiday?

Children: We say goodbye to the nursery and move to another group.

Klyopa: So I came correctly. Hello my dear! Both small (showing with hand down) and large (showing with hand up). I am the clown Klepa! I was sent to your holiday so that I could check whether these guys are ready to move to another group, do they really know how to recite poetry, sing, play, dance, and solve riddles?

Educator: Yes Klyopa! Our guys know how to do all this and now we will show it to you.

Dance "Guilty Cloud".

Children sit on chairs.

Klyopa: You guys are great, I liked it so much. And I also love listening to poetry.

Educator: So the guys will now recite poems for you.

1st child: I have a bunny - a very small bunny, on the top of his head there are long ears. Ponytail, button nose.

Child 2: I sewed a shirt for the bear, I’ll sew pants for him. You need to sew a pocket on them and put some candy. Porridge was cooked on the stove, where big spoon ours I will wash your paws with water before eating. I’ll tie a napkin for you - eat the cutlet, eat the candy, finish your milk and let’s go for a walk soon!

Child 3: I found a kitten in the garden. He meowed subtly, subtly, He meowed and trembled. Maybe they beat him, or they forgot to let him into the house, or he himself ran away

Klyopa: Well done guys, wonderful poems. And I just know one game about a cat. Let's play with you? I will be the cat, and you will be the mouse. Do you agree?

Klyopa: Then let's begin. (Klepa is squatting in the middle of the hall. There is a toy cat on his hand.)

Play 2 times. After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Klyopa: The cat didn’t catch anyone. These guys are fast and agile.

Educator: We also really love solving riddles. Really, guys!

Klyopa: Let's check. A tail with patterns, boots with spurs. He gets up early and crows. (rooster)

Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings meow. (cat)

He is big and club-footed And in winter he sucks his paw He can roar loudly Guess who? (bear)

In the morning it’s fun in the window The gentle light is shining... (sun)

Educator: And in order to make our hall even warmer and sunnier, the guys will perform a dance with ribbons.

Dance " Sunny bunnies» (song from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")

The guys sit on the chairs.

Klyopa: You surprised me. You really know how to sing, dance, play, and read poetry. I was glad to attend your holiday, and I see that these children are ready to move to kindergarten. It was so interesting and fun for me to be with you, and in memory of me I prepared small souvenirs for you. I'm sorry to say goodbye to you, but

It's time to leave. Goodbye, kids! Have fun, grow up. Invite me to visit!

Klepa leaves. Children say "Goodbye!"

Educator: These are such cheerful, friendly children growing up in our kindergarten. To say goodbye, let's have a fun disco.

Song-dance “Boogie-Woogie”

Educator: With this our holiday has come to an end. Thank you for your attention. And now we invite everyone to the group for presenting gifts and drinking tea.


1. Collection by N.V. Zaretskaya “Holidays and entertainment in preschool educational institutions.”

2. M.Yu. Kartushina “Notes of logorhythmic classes with children 2-3 years old.”

3. Collection dance games- a song for children.

4. O. Trushina’s poem “Today is our day.”

5. Poems for children E. Blaginina, Z. Aleksandrova, K. Zhuravlev.

Prepared the music. hands Malova A.A., May, 2016

Graduation script for an early age group “Goodbye, nursery!”

Description of material: The material will be useful to music directors and teachers for the purpose of holding a graduation party for an early age group when organizing entertainment dedicated to the graduation of children 2.5-3 years old with the transition to kindergarten. They sometimes experience more emotions than adults. And this is where music provides invaluable help. Its strength lies in the fact that it is able to convey changes in moods, experiences - the dynamics of a person’s emotional and mental states. Graduation in kindergarten should be enjoyed, first of all, by children, so the holiday needs to be made light and joyful! Held in the music room.
Target: Creating a positive emotional atmosphere for kids.
1) train children to perform musical and rhythmic movements;
2) develop the ability to obey the general tempo, pronounce the text of the game in unison;
develop singing skills, the ability to use dance movements in accordance with the content of the text and the nature of the dance melody, emotional responsiveness, activity in games;
3) cultivate love, a positive emotional attitude towards the kindergarten and teachers.
Material: gel balloons for each child, a suitcase, medals for each child, a hoop with ribbons, diplomas for moving to the younger age group. Also decoration for the music hall: these are balloons in the form of daisies, posters, banners with the word “Graduation in the nursery group.” There are “daisies” attached to the chairs. Toy dog, cat, cubes. Handkerchiefs for each child. Umbrella. Sun.
Participants: parents, children, presenter, and Clown “Iriska”, manager.
Entrance to the music room - Teacher and two children.

Educator: Today is a magical, solemn day. Your children have discovered the first stage of feelings. They move from a nursery group to a kindergarten. If you remember that autumn day, you doubted the colored hearths. You brought us your warm, dear hands, giving us your children. There were a lot of doubts. Was this a wonderful day? But we overcame all the difficulties. There really were a lot of pros and cons. Is it worth sending your child to an early age group? He is crying. The heart breaks, the parents go to work, with a heavy heart, with tears in their eyes. But time passed, and you noticed how we grew up, how wonderful we became, how independent we became. So that they never get sick. So that they please you with their successes, and looking at them you rejoice at how beautiful they are. And to you patience, health, prosperity.

Children enter the hall with flowers in their hands, stand in a semicircle, two children say poems:

Child 1 Today is a special day in kindergarten. All the guys dressed up, it was just beautiful.
Child 2 The day of parting with the manger has arrived for all of us. Let's start, let's start our nursery ball.

Dance with flowers. Then they sit on the chairs.

Dear children and parents!
The manger is the primary home,
Where there is no dad, where there is no mother.
How many tears are left in him?
And be the first to be sad!
A year has passed since
These doors opened,
And you all came here -
Either dolls or children.
We met you here this morning
And they fed us delicious porridge.
Every day and every hour
Take care of your health.
Education was carried out
Surrounding you with care.
you sang and played
And they didn’t even notice
How big they became.
How many guys have gathered! During the year of being in the early childhood group, everyone grew up and learned a lot.

Now they are reading poetry about it.

1 child:
I get up early in the morning
And I run to my friends in the garden
To play with them
Tell all the secrets!!!
2nd child:
I know how to dress.
I know how to wash my face
Dry yourself with a towel
It's cute for kids to smile
3rd child:
The teacher meets us
He plays games with us,
He dances with us
And he does exercises with us
So you have grown up - yes!
Children: Yes
Leading: Maybe it's time for you to go to kindergarten?
Children: Yes, it's time!
The song “Thank you for the nursery” is performed (music and lyrics by E. Antoshina)
1. Thank you, dear nurseries!
We have become quite big.

We can wash ourselves
Get dressed, put on your shoes!
2. Thank you, dear nurseries!
We have become quite big.

We don't offend anyone
And we help each other!
Then the children sit on the chairs.Presenter:
Oh guys, look
Someone is in a hurry to visit us!
Bright, joyful, playful,
It will make all the kids happy!
The clown “Iriska” enters the hall to the music (jumping)

Clown Butterscotch:
Hello guys!
I'm a cheerful Toffee.
By the way, I am an artist.
I love to sing and dance
And amuse the kids.
Presenter: Hello, Iriska!
And today we have a holiday.
Our children say goodbye to nursery school and move on to kindergarten. Now our guys will show you how they can play musical instruments.

Orchestra with musical instruments. (metallophone, triangle, tambourine) Clown Butterscotch: Well, of course, they’ve already become so big (shows)
Just like me…
Then join a circle of friends.
Let's sing in choir joyfully,
Well, let's start a dance.
We will sing and dance,
And hand out scarlet handkerchiefs.
Dance with handkerchiefs

Of course, a holiday is good!
Holidays are great!
When I went to see you for a holiday
the sun was sad
Let's cheer up the sun, kids, and sing a song for him.
Butterscotch rejoices: - Oh, how good!
Clown Butterscotch:
Well then, join the circle!
Sing the song loudly!
The song “Sunshine” is performed music by Vitaly Alekseev, lyrics by Maria Filatova.
Show yourself
Show yourself
Bright day
Bright day
We sing
We sing
Look, guys, how the sun smiles at us.
The cloud is hiding behind the forest,
The sun looks from the sky,
And so pure, kind, radiant.
If we could get him,
We would kiss him.
Let's try to reach the sun.
After the Song -
game “Collect the sun” (collect rays from the sun)

The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We will clap our hands -
We are very happy about the sun.

Clown Butterscotch:
What great guys.
I see they can sing and dance.
They can play games.
Guys, I'm a big adult
So I don't need toys anymore
And I decided to collect my toys
And give the guys everything...everything...
Presenter: Don't you feel sorry?
Clown Butterscotch: No, I'm not sorry.
Butterscotch the clown: comes behind the house, digs around there, rattles something.He takes out a suitcase with toys. He puts the suitcase on the floor and takes out the Dog from the suitcase. Plays with her.
Clown Butterscotch: Here! My most favorite TOY.
Presenter: so we'll sing a song about this dog.

"A dog came to us" Music and lyrics by A. Alexandrova
A dog came to us
Smart dog
Plays with the children
Barks very loudly:

Clown Butterscotch: What a good song, I even learned it already. Well, how can I sing it later if I give you a dog... No, it’s better that I have some left over for now, and I’ll give you Leopold the cat. So soft and fluffy.
Leading: First listen to the nursery rhyme about this cat.
Like our cat
The fur coat is very good
Like a cat's mustache
Amazingly beautiful
Bold eyes
The teeth are white.

Clown Butterscotch:
Let's all play together with my cat.
The guys will be Mice, and I and the cat will catch you.
(Children dance dance - game "Mice" , music and lyrics by Pogorelova).
1. The mice are dancing on the path,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
The mice put out their legs,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
2. The mice played clap,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
And they clapped their hands,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
3. The mice twirled their tails,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
We looked around
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
4. The mice heard something
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
And they trembled with fear,
Peep-pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
Leopold - the red cat came out, he's about to find the mice.
Leopold is looking for mice, and the children are running away from him. .)
Clown Butterscotch: No, without such a nimble cat I would be bored. He puts the toy in his suitcase and thinks about it. So what happens, I have nothing to give?
This is wrong!………Thinks……….. Invented!!! I'll give you a cube (Takes it out of the suitcase)
I only have one - and there are many of you.
Presenter: It’s okay, we have enough CUBES for everyone. Come on, Toffee the Clown, play with us.

Match the cubes game

Clown Butterscotch:

Well done guys played well.

Presenter: Let's dance to our Clown Butterscotch.

Pair dance “Stamp my foot”

Clown Butterscotch: I really liked how the kids performed
I'll clap your hands.
Oh, oh, look guys
My carousel is fun!
I’ll spin everyone around, I’ll give everyone a ride.
First guys

Get up, our mothers.
Grab the ribbons and spin around merrily.

The game "Carousel" is played

Barely, barely

The carousel spun, and then around,

And then around and around,

Everything is running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after the words “run” they run.

Hush, hush, don't write it off!

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two,

The game is over!

Clown Butterscotch: And now, baby,
Let's shout to the holiday - Hurray!
In conclusion from us
Have a treat!
( The phonogram “Kindergarten” sounds, author Lev Timofeev)
Gel balloons are distributed to children.
Leading: So, you say that you have become big,
And it's time for you to go to kindergarten.
Then hit the road to wonderland.
Medals are distributed to children (each child has his own medal with a highlighted character trait, for example “the most dexterous”, “the bravest”)

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