National regional component of the dhow for fgos. Regional component of the state standard for general education. Interaction between preschool educational institutions and society

"Education should be aimed at fostering respect for the child's parents, his cultural identity, language, and the national values \u200b\u200bof the country where the child lives."

The idea of \u200b\u200bfostering patriotism and civic consciousness, acquiring more and more social significance, is becoming a task of state importance. Positive changes have also taken place in preschool education: a regional component has been introduced into the educational and upbringing process of preschool educational institutions.

It is necessary to work on the formation in the child of a feeling of love for the Motherland, fostering in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and living, to develop the ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding life; desire to learn more about the peculiarities of nature and history of the native land. The implementation of the regional component is the most important component of modern education, the use of which is aimed at achieving the following goals and objectives:

  • To contribute to the formation of the initial presented ideas about the peculiarities of the native land;
  • To acquaint children with the peculiarities and traditions of the Kalmyk people;
  • Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe hometown: history, streets, professions;

In the preschool educational institution, the implementation of the regional component is carried out within the framework of:

  • direct educational activities "Speech development" (teaching the Kalmyk language);
  • project activities;
  • organizing the interaction of all preschool educational institutions;
  • organizing interaction with parents of pupils;
  • organizing interaction with society;
  • review contests, exhibitions, festivals;
  • organization of holidays and leisure.

Taking into account the specifics of national, cultural, demographic, climatic conditions, ensuring the implementation of the regional component, in the variable part of the educational program of the kindergarten, direct educational activities in the Kalmyk language were introduced. Educational activities are based on the program "Program of teaching the Kalmyk language in a preschool educational institution from 3 to 7 years" edited by V.K. Erendzhenova, and on the basis of the methodological recommendations "Familiarization of preschool children with the culture, history, traditions of the Kalmyk people."

The acquisition of the Kalmyk language of the titular and non-titular nationality by children goes through the organization of 15-30-minute lessons 2 times a week, starting with the second junior group. The duration of classes is: with children of the fourth year of life - no more than 15 minutes, with children of the fifth year of life - 20 minutes, with children of the sixth year of life - no more than 25-30 minutes

Speech situations created for educational purposes, using games, fairy tales, elements of surprise, various types of visualization, contribute to the formation of emotional and motivational readiness of children for speech activity in the Kalmyk language.

Integrated GCD "Ishkuger"

Learning the Kalmyk folk song "Ulan, ulan alchurta"

Finger game "Mini bichkn mөrn"

"Rook of Life" salt dough modeling

The mandatory minimum content of knowledge about their land for preschoolers is reflected, taking into account the artistic, aesthetic and moral development of pupils, the content in the section "Cognitive development", integration with educational areas, in children's activities, age characteristics of children. The program involves the use of a project method, an integrated approach in teaching children and a comprehensive thematic annual plan. Various forms of education were used: as part of classes on the development of speech, cognitive, art, literature, visual activity. Accompanying forms of education are included in the independent activities of children and on walks: conversations, viewing plot pictures, moving and didactic games, creative storytelling.

  • The content of ethnographic corners should correspond to the age characteristics of children in all preschool groups.
  • The principle of awareness is ensured by the various themes of the albums of the "Nature of the Native Land" series (plants, fauna) in the middle and senior groups.
  • In groups of middle and senior preschool age, there is the state symbols of the Republic of Kalmykia, a map of the Republic of Kalmykia.
  • Items of decorative and applied art are widely represented: folk toys, souvenirs in all preschool groups.
  • The layout "Seasons in our steppe" is periodically replaced
  • Didactic games "In the steppe", "Altn avdr", "Baira", "Animals and their cubs", "Biological loto", "Geological loto" in senior preschool groups are used in educational activities.
  • Information material, manuals, illustrations, books in the following areas: "Culture of the Republic of Kalmykia" (information about writers, poets, composers, artists, actors and athletes of the Republic of Kalmykia); "History of the Republic of Kalmykia" (information about the monuments and memorable places of Lagan, about the professions of parents, the heroism of peoples in the Great Patriotic War).

The integration of the educational process contributes to the creation of conditions for getting to know the native land. Since in kindergarten work with children is carried out in cooperation with all participants in the educational process, all teachers, specialists and parents are involved in the process of getting to know the Republic.

The tasks of the regional component are integrated and solved through educational areas: "Physical culture" (elements of dancing) (for example, about the healing Kalmyk tea, chigyan and other dairy products), "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic creativity", " Communicative and personal ”.

Didactic games used in GCD and in everyday life

Fragments of outdoor and didactic games

Using finger games on GCD in the native language.
Teacher Botayeva L.A.

The formation of a spiritual and moral attitude to cultural heritage is disclosed in educational projects on the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude to cultural heritage in children "Tsetsn Bulg", "Make Friends with Lagan", "Folklore for Kids".

Purpose of projects:

The development of the spiritual and moral qualities of the child's personality through familiarization with the origins of the culture of the peoples.

Project objectives.

Creation of conditions for raising children based on the traditions of folk pedagogy;

Formation of interest in the spiritual and moral heritage of ancestors.

Formation of spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the cultural heritage;

Formation of self-esteem as a representative of their people and respectful attitude towards representatives of other nationalities;

Formation of initial ideas about spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200b(honor, family, love, kindness, compassion, mercy, patience, obedience).

An integrated approach, conducting interesting non-traditional forms of work with children: folk holidays, visiting a museum, library, art school, performing folk songs, playing musical instruments, sports competitions, acquaintance with arts and crafts and fine arts, cooperation with the magazine "Bayr", "Bayrta" are the first step towards familiarizing children with the culture of the Kalmyk people, mastering the Kalmyk language and increasing children's interest in the history of the people.

Together with the music director and the teacher of the Kalmyk language, entertainments are held annually for Rybak's Day and national holidays.

At the festival "Tsagan Sar"

Girls perform a dance with hadaks

Game "Collect the bowl"

On a walk and in their free time, educators learn outdoor games with children, which contribute to the development of children's independence, dexterity, accuracy, quick wit, observation, willpower, and self-confidence. Teachers arrange sports activities for pupils using natural materials and attributes for outdoor games (teams, masks, mala, shah). Entertainment of this nature is not only exciting for children, but also entertaining. The created conditions contribute to the health of children with the help of natural factors.

When organizing cognitive, musical, visual, speech and independent activities in a preschool institution in working with children, the following are used: postcards, photographs, illustrations depicting their hometown, landscapes of steppe nature, viewing albums "Our Land", "My City", "Animals Kalmykia "," Plants of the native land "," Plants and animals of Kalmykia "and others, the manual" ", card-schemes" Rules of conduct in the forest "," The needs of living beings ", a series of paintings telling about the life of the Kalmyk people, about animals and plants of our region, herbarium of plants of the region, works of art, collections "Minerals", didactic games: "Collect a picture", "Glorious city of Kalmykia", "Who lives in the steppe?", "What happened? What has become? "," Box of sensations "and others, stencils of Kalmyk ornaments, animals, musical instruments (dombra, tambourines, drums, noisemakers, bells,) and more.

Parental support is essential. It is necessary that the process of fostering love for a small homeland be two-sided, therefore, work with parents is carried out in a preschool institution. Parent-teacher meetings, consultations are organized and held, folders-moving "Development of cognition and curiosity", "How to make a bird's dining room?", "Feed the birds in winter", "Obvious-incredible", "Playing, we study nature", "Environmental education education of morality, spirituality and intellect ”.

Parents are active participants in contests and exhibitions held in kindergarten, assistants during Health Days.

Investing knowledge in children, instilling love for their small homeland, we strive to educate them as little patriots. We hope that our pupils will love their land, protect and increase the wealth of our land.

Parents took an active part in the sweets fair

Mom Batyrev G.A. with their daughter Enkira, who took 1st place in the competition "Doll in national dress"

At the "Tasty" fair "

In pursuance of the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia “On the Public Council for the Preservation of the Kalmyk Language of 03.08.2012 No. 103, in order to preserve and develop, popularize the Kalmyk language in educational organizations, attract native speakers of traditions and language, the parental community to solve the problems of the current state of the Kalmyk language in the preschool educational institution, the annual Action “Kalmyk language in every home and every family” and the movement “Turskn kelndun tusan kurg! "(" Support your native language "). Each educational organization approved an action plan for organizing and conducting the Campaign. Within the framework of the Campaign in MKDOU DS "Topolek", the Opening of the Campaign was held with the invitation of parents, guests of honor, thematic weeks, a competition of didactic games, a fair of national dishes, folk holidays and entertainment, kindergarten students took part in regional competitions: "Alvn Haradas" (2 place), competition of readers (2nd place), "Bilgtu yurulch" (1st place and 2nd place), "Tegin tuul" (1st place), "Jangrin acnr" (2nd place). As a result of the Action, our kindergarten took 1st place among the preschool institutions of the district.

At the opening of the Promotion.
An active participant in amateur performances of the Lagansky district, Ulyashaeva P.S.

Dikaev Bair, a pupil of the Topolek kindergarten, who took 1st place in the regional competition "Bilgtә yurulch!"

Gojayeva Gerel took 1st place. And Anya Mangutova helped her, Mochaeva Delgir

For staging the fairy tale "Hare's hut" (in Kalmyk language), children took 1st place in the regional competition "Teegin tuul"

Teachers MKDOU DS "Topolek" took part in the regional competition "Erdmtә surһmulach" and took 2nd place.

Elvira Shabanova
Regional component in the system of work of a preschool teacher

"Education should be aimed at fostering respect for the child's parents, his cultural identity, language, and the national values \u200b\u200bof the country where the child lives."

"Convention on the Rights of the Child", article 29

The idea of \u200b\u200bfostering patriotism and civic consciousness, acquiring more and more social significance, is becoming a task of state importance. Positive changes have also taken place in preschool education: a regional component has been introduced into the educational and upbringing process of preschool educational institutions.

It is necessary to work on the formation in the child of a feeling of love for the Motherland, instilling in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives; develop the ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding life; desire to learn more about the peculiarities of nature and history of the native land. The implementation of the regional component is the most important component of modern education, the use of which is aimed at achieving the following goals and objectives: To contribute to the formation of initial ideas about the peculiarities of the native land

To acquaint children with the peculiarities and traditions of the northern region;

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe native village: history, streets, professions;

Introduce the names of famous fellow countrymen;

To form knowledge about the living and inanimate nature of the Russian North;

Lay the foundations of a moral personality, national pride and national identity

The use of the regional component as one of the means of socialization of preschoolers suggests the following:

1. Acquaintance with the native land is included in the educational process, built on the basis of the dominant goals of the basic program, into which the local history material harmoniously fits.

2. Introduction of regional content, taking into account the principle of a gradual transition from something closer to a child, personally significant (home, family, to less close - cultural and historical facts.

3. An active approach to introducing children to the history, culture, nature of their native land: children themselves choose the activity in which they would like to participate in order to reflect their feelings and ideas about what they saw and heard (creative play, composing stories, making crafts, composing riddles , application, modeling, drawing, improvement and environmental protection).

The results of the diagnostic stage showed that the implementation of the regional component in preschool educational institutions occurs spontaneously and without the concentration of knowledge of preschoolers on everyday life, folklore and traditions. Consequently, purposeful work is needed to implement the national and cultural orientation of the regional component by testing the identified pedagogical conditions.

The specifics of the organization of work on the design of the regional component in the content of the work of our preschool educational institution was that children, teachers and parents were included in this process. As a result of this work, the kindergarten has accumulated a lot of experience in the implementation of tasks of a local history nature.

Relying on the principle of upbringing "from close to distant", teachers associate patriotic education with local history. At first, the environment exists as a family in which the child grows up, then his horizons expand to the school and the street, later - his native village, country, the entire cultural world.

The implementation of the regional component in kindergarten is carried out through the following forms of organization of work with children: specially organized classes, co-creation of the teacher with children, independent activity.

Specially organized classes

Acquaintance of children with the peculiarities of the North includes the integration of 4 cognitive blocks. For each block, GCD topics have been developed, which allows teachers, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children in their group, to determine the volume and content of GCD in accordance with the general theme. The calendar plan is developed in blocks in accordance with educational areas for middle, senior, preparatory groups, taking into account the principles of accessibility, consistency and sequence of complication of the material.

Local lore material can be used fragmentarily in teaching literacy (work with sentences, vocabulary work).

When selecting local history information for classes, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

Local history and culture events should be understandable and accessible to the age of children;

The facts should be bright enough, emotionally rich;

Provide children with the opportunity to make small "discoveries";

To form the ability to observe the surrounding reality, to look for “the unknown in the known, the unfamiliar in the familiar”;

When organizing joint activities an important role in the implementation of this principle is played by project activities. So in the kindergarten, together with the parents, the following projects were created and implemented: "My pedigree", "Why was the street named so", "From grandmother's chest", "Victory Day is a bright holiday". And the methodological products of the project "Kizema - a railway power" albums, photographs, diagrams, art. and encyclopedic literature, are widely used in the work of educators, in particular, a detailed long-term plan for familiarizing preschoolers with the railway. In the older groups a s - p game "Railroad" is organized;

It is also possible to bring up in a child a humane attitude towards the world around him, love for his native nature, family, home, land, city, village, homeland by creating local history centers and mini - museums in the preschool educational institution. Museum pedagogy contributes to the full development of the integrative qualities of pupils, since when organizing educational work in a museum, it is necessary to organize various types of children's activities and, accordingly, an integrated solution of problems in different educational areas. Over the past 5 years, the following mini-museums have functioned in the institution: "Railway". "Russian hut", "Products from birch bark", "Northern Forest", "Our old times", "Headdresses", "Lomonosov - Great Pomor", "Museum of Bread". Conventionally, the content of knowledge about the native land in the museum can be divided into three main blocks: the natural world, human activities and the cultural image of the native village. The variability and content of such zones directly depends on the creativity and outlook of teachers. A variety of exhibits, exhibitions, corners with the use of photographs, layouts, stands, illustrative material, geographical maps - all these means and materials attract the attention of children, increase their interest in getting to know their native land, which makes it possible to successfully solve the problem of fostering children's interest and love for small homeland.

In the 2010 -2011 academic year, an agitation brigade "LUCH" was created at the preschool educational institution, where the creative team of senior preschoolers and teachers, acting on various topics, pays great attention to the environmental orientation of performances. This is the only available genre that allows you to turn to the nature conservation topic in a form understandable for children.

Holding the traditional ecological holiday "Birthday of the Earth" (more than 10 years, poetic seasonal matinees form in children love and respect for the small homeland, its traditions and culture.

And environmental actions allow you to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Independent activities of children It implies not only various games of local history orientation, work in creative workshops, but also participation in creative competitions both within the school and at the level of the district and district. (performance on the slide).

Interaction with parents.

Parental support is essential. It is necessary that the process of fostering love for a small homeland be two-sided, therefore, work with parents is carried out in a preschool institution. Parent-teacher meetings, creative drawing rooms, consultations are organized and held, and folders are being drawn up. Parents are active participants in competitions and exhibitions held in the kindergarten.

To summarize the experience of teachers, the material "Implementation of the national-regional component in the work of preschool educational institutions" was collected and issued. Educators have the opportunity to get acquainted with the development of consultations, seminars - workshops, teachers' councils, classes, holidays, entertainment. To work with children, the necessary fiction was selected (fairy tales, riddles, collections of poems, magazines, books and paintings telling about the life of the peoples of the North, scientific and journalistic literature, there are illustrations depicting plants and animals, landscapes of northern nature, collections of musical works.

According to the monitoring results, there is a positive dynamics of improving the knowledge of children on the regional component of children of older groups and the level of preparedness of preschool teachers in using the regional component in practice, which is confirmed by the presented diagrams.

A modern teacher not only needs to know everything that is connected with the regional component, but also to be able to pass on his knowledge to children, open their eyes to the national wealth of the North, instill love and respect for the national values \u200b\u200bof their region.

The essence of local history work was most clearly, figuratively and intelligibly formulated by the Russian teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky “The most important thing in our business is that a sacred object should live in a young heart. So that the fatherland, its happiness and power, its greatness and glory - so that all this becomes immensely expensive, unshakable and unshakable, like the image of a mother and father, like the eternal radiance of the stars, like a beautiful world opening up before the eyes of man. Patriotic convictions, patriotic impulses of a young soul - that is the lofty goal of education. "


Ivanova Anna Evgenievna

Educator of the senior group.

"Regional component to the basic educational program of preschool education"

Priority areas of activity of an educational institution for the implementation of the main general educational program:

The regional program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, compiled by age groups. It covers two age periods: junior and senior preschool age. The Program distributes the tasks of psychological and pedagogical work in five areas:

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development.

The organization of joint activities of the teacher and parents to educate children to love their native land has been developed. Comprehensive thematic planning for the year has been drawn up. Acquaintance with their native land takes place with the active interaction of children with the outside world, emotionally - in a practical way, i.e. through play, objective activity, communication, work, education, holidays and entertainment, various types of preschooler activities. The selection of local history content takes place in accordance with the goals of the child's development, his age characteristics and interests, enrichment of the developing environment, material about his native land, didactic games, manuals, art objects, products of children's creativity. Coordination of the topics of lessons on familiarization with the village, with the topics of other activities, with children's games, creating conditions for independent and joint work with an adult with local history material, ensuring the emotional well-being of the child.

Goals, objectives, principles of familiarization with the native land

The main purpose the program is the development of the child's spiritual and moral culture, the formation of value orientations by means of the traditional folk culture of the native land.

Tasks of getting to know your homeland

Educational area


Social and communicative development

To foster in older preschool children a feeling of love and affection for their small homeland, their home, the manifestation on this basis of value ideals, humane feelings, moral attitudes towards the world around them and their peers.

Use knowledge about your homeland in your gaming activities. Arouse interest and respect for the culture and traditions of the Stavropol Territory, the desire to preserve national values.


To introduce children to the history of the Stavropol Territory, to form ideas about the traditional culture of their native land through acquaintance with nature

Speech development

To develop speech, thinking, primary perception of dialect speech through acquaintance with the culture of the Stavropol Territory

Artistic and aesthetic


Introduce children of younger preschool age to musicalcreativity of the native land; to bring up love in their native land through listening to music, learning songs, traditions of the Stavropol Territory

To form practical skills for introducing older preschool children to various folk arts and crafts activities.

Physical development

Develop emotional freedom, physical endurance, ingenuity, dexterity through traditional games and fun of the Stavropol Territory

Tasks for acquaintance with the native land in groups.

Junior preschool age .

Continue to form interest in their “small homeland”, to foster love for their native land.

Know the name of the village, your street, tell children about the most beautiful places of their native village, its attractions, acquaint them with the history of the village, their native land, culture and traditions. During the holidays, observe the colorful decoration of buildings, foster a sense of involvement in the life of the country.

To give children basic geographical information of the "small homeland". To acquaint with the nature of the native land.

Talk about public holidays, about the Russian army, about the soldiers who guard our homeland.

Form an idea that our huge country is called Russia

Senior preschool age.

Expand the understanding of the native land, its past and present, its geographical position, flora and fauna.

To deepen and clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Motherland.

Maintain the interest of children in the events taking place in the country, the world, show the connection of their native land with the whole country, foster a sense of pride in their country, acquaint them with the flag, coat of arms, anthem.

Show on the map all of Russia, Stavropol Territory Georgievsky District, with. Newly established

Work principles:

Consistency and continuity.

Personality-oriented humanistic nature of interaction between children and adults.

Freedom of individual personal development.

Recognition of the priority of the values \u200b\u200bof the child's inner world, reliance on the positive inner potential of the child's development.

The principle of regionalization (taking into account the specifics of the area)

Integration of the regional component into educational areas



Methodical techniques

Cognitive development

Getting to know nature:

Conversations, computer mini-presentations, multimedia screenings of fragments of films about nature, flora and fauna of the UK, with folk signs.

Collection of herbariums, collections

Experimental and experimental work

Project activities

Formation of a holistic picture of the world (familiarization with the immediate environment):

Excursion: 2nd junior groups - on the premises and territory of the kindergarten; middle group - on acquaintance with the sights of the district; senior - walking and bus tours around the area, mini-hikes in the forestthe area adjacent to the preschool educational institution, school, library.

Conversations: "Where does a person live", "The house in which we live", "My village, my district", "Small homeland and big homeland", "My native street"

Acquaintance with the symbols: flag, coat of arms; portraits of leaders, district, Russia

Acquaintance with the past of the native land:

Organization of an ethnographic corner in a preschool educational institution

viewing fragments of historical films, old photographs, traveling exhibitions of museums, a story about the historical past of the UK

Meetings with WWII veterans, excursions to monuments to the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War, watching fragments of films about the war, telling about the heroic past of the city

Spirituality and culture:

- conversations to get acquainted with the traditions of the UK; with a spiritual and moral way of life

Carrying out children's folklore holidays

Celebration of all state and regional holidays, Day of the district, the village of Novozavedenny



Conversations about athletes - champions, the pride of the UK

Conversations about sports, watching sports cartoons

Widespread use of Russian, folk games

Holding sports events, entertainment, relay races, competitions, mini - olympiads

Conversations about health "Lessons of Aibolit", "Lessons of etiquette", "Lessons of Moidodyr"

Excursions to the district clinic, pharmacy

Project activities

Experiments and experimentation

Creation of health corners in groups

Artistic creation

- Conversation about the national costume of Russia, UK

Conversations about the fine arts of Russia, UK

Examination of reproductions of paintings, slides, postcards, booklets about the village of Novozavedenny

Registration in the preschool educational institution of the art gallery of creativity of Russian artists

Artistic and productive activities: folk crafts

Musical folklore (children's, ceremonial, household, round dance)

Musical culture: acquaintance with the work of composers

Celebrations, entertainment, musical and literary quizzes, folklore festivals and festivities

Familiarization with folk musical instruments

Use of audio and video recordings of concerts, children's parties in the group; musical instruments, portraits of composers

Music corner decoration



- russian, folklore: proverbs, sayings, riddles, chants, teasers, phrases

Russian tales

Thematic exhibitions dedicated to the work of writers and poets of the UK.

Staging games

Dramatization of folk tales

Show of all types of theaters (shadow, flannelegraph, puppet theater of toys, tabletop, finger theater)

Decoration of corners of dressing in all age groups;

Meetings with artists of children's theaters, with library workers

The regional component includes:

Senior group

Preparatory group


Me and my family

Goal: talk with children about family members, teach them to call their names; encouraging children to talk about their brothers and sisters; cultivate love and good attitude towards loved ones.

My family

Goal: to bring up the child's attachment to the family, love and caring attitude towards the members of his family; consolidate the ability to determine the name of kinship relations between close members of her family.

Help understand that the family is everyone who lives with the child. Know and name your close relatives.

My village

Goal: to consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about the village of Novozavedennoye, in which we live, to pay attention to the history of the village, to its attractions.


My favorite kindergarten

Goal: To acquaint children with the purpose of the kindergarten, to acquaint with people who work in the kindergarten, to foster friendly relations between children; Help children get to know the kindergarten better, love it, understand how to behave in kindergarten;

Introduce the basics of etiquette; cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.

The village in which we live

Goal: to give initial information about the history of the village; to foster a sense of pride in their village.

Continue acquaintance of children with their native village, consolidate knowledge of the home address, the name of the kindergarten and the group, foster interest and respect for the work of adults.

Area i live in

Goal: To acquaint children with the area of \u200b\u200bthe city in which we live; with its features and attractions


My house

Goal: To give children the concept of "home", to tell about its purpose, about different types of houses, about the fact that each person has his own house, where he lives with his family.

To form in children the idea that each person has a home address - the place where his home is, help children remember their home address;

Teach children to find their home in photographs. Encourage people to talk about their home (color, size, wood or brick);

My region

Goal: to acquaint children with the history of their native area, its name; inspire interest in their neighborhood in children, instill a sense of joy for it. Continue to acquaint children with the sights of the Georgievsky district, develop a feeling of love for their native area.


To acquaint children with the riches of the UK - its minerals.


New year at the gate

Goal: encourage children to talk about the traditions of preparing and celebrating the New Year (tree, festive table, gifts). The responsibilities of each family member; to involve children in the feasible participation in the preparation of various family holidays.

Our homeland - Stavropol Territory

Goal: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the UK, about the regional center, about the sights;

To form a friendly and respectful attitude towards the peoples living next to and with us;

To acquaint children with the riches of the UK - its minerals.

Goal: to consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about the city, the history of the emergence of the city, its attractions, features, to acquaint them with the map of the village, the emblem-symbols;

To instill an interest in the historical and cultural heritage, to foster a sense of pride in the architectural monument of the city.


Where I live

Goal: To consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about the village of Novozavedennoye, in which we live, to pay attention to the history of the village, to its attractions.

To acquaint children with the UK in which they live, teach them to name it;

Consider illustrations depicting different sights, instilling love for their native land.

The capital of the Stavropol Territory - Stavropol

Goal: To continue the formation of ideas about their native village, to acquaint children with the memorable places of the city, to give knowledge about how the people keep the memory of the people who glorified our city

Rivers, lakes and mountains of the Stavropol Territory

Goal: To acquaint children with the rivers of the village, where they originate from, why they call it that;

To acquaint children with the lakes of the UK. They are different: big and small. Give children the opportunity to learn about it, where it is, why it is called that, what it is famous for. To educate children to respect the wealth of the republic, to protect and preserve it.

To acquaint children with the mountains, their location on the UK map, what grows in the mountains, what animals live there, what is grown in the mountains.


Our defenders

Goal: Tell children about the holiday that we celebrate in February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, give the concept of "defender", give an idea that all dads are the defenders of their children, their families, their Motherland.

Rivers and lakes of the Stavropol Territory

Goal: to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about rivers and lakes in the UK. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the flora and fauna of rivers and lakes. To foster a respectful attitude towards native nature.

Culture and traditions of the Stavropol region

Goal: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the name of the region in which they live, about its nature, some historical events, culture.

Clarify children's knowledge about such a concept as tradition, recall the traditions of the Russian people, which they were told about, introduce other traditions


I love my dear mom very much!

Goal: To acquaint children with the holiday of all mothers and grandmothers - the Day of March 8, to bring up love for mother, a desire to help her.

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards mom and grandmother.

Nature and wildlife of the UK

Goal: To foster love for nature, the animal world of the UK. To cultivate a respect for the nature of the native republic.

To acquaint children with the variety of natural areas of the UK (mountains, foothills, forest, plain) where a variety of plants grow: conifers, deciduous, herbs, many plants are listed in the Red Book as unique.

Famous countrymen

Goal: To consolidate the knowledge of how the villagers honor the memory of famous people who glorified our region, to acquaint with the streets, squares, monuments associated with the names of famous people;

Arouse a sense of respect and pride for famous fellow countrymen.


Nature around us

Goal: To give children the concept of "nature", to consider nature on the site of the kindergarten (trees, flowers), to teach to see changes in the state of the weather, to foster a respect for nature.

They glorified our Land

Goal: To give knowledge about the people who glorified the city of Georgievsk, about the honored guests of the city.

Capital of Russia - Moscow

Goal: to consolidate ideas about Russia, the main city - Moscow. To acquaint with the history of the country. Clarify children's ideas about state symbols.

To foster in children an interest in the country, a feeling of love and pride in their country.

Consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of Russia, Russian national costume, about Russian fairy tales, nursery rhymes. To foster love for the Motherland. Arouse a sense of admiration for the beauty of nature.


This Victory Day

Goal: The teacher's story about Victory Day.

Introduce monuments to heroes

Great Patriotic War

the edges.

Give children knowledge about how people

honor the memory of the heroes who defended

our country during the Great

World War II.

The final one is “My Land”. Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge of the history of their native land, sights, to evoke a sense of pride in their land, the desire to make it even more beautiful.

Quiz: “What, where, when?”.

Goal: to reveal the knowledge of children about the Stavropol Territory and its place in the life of Russia.

Introduction of the child to the national - cultural heritage: samples of folklore, folk arts and crafts, national - cultural traditions, works of writers and poets, artists - performers, athletes, famous people of the city and region;

Introduction to familiarization and adherence to the traditions and customs of ancestors;

Fostering a tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities.

The content of the regional component in order to respect your home, your native land, your native land ..

Organization of activities of adults and children for the implementation and development of the Regional program of a preschool institution.

The activities of adults and children for the implementation and development of the Program are organized on a daily basis in two main models:

Joint activities of an adult and children;

Independent activities of children.

Team work - the solution of educational tasks is carried out in the form of directly - educational activities and during the regime moments.

OOD implemented:

- through the organization of various types of children's activities (play, motor, cognitive - research, communicative, productive, musical - artistic, labor, reading fiction)

- through integration using a variety of forms (problem-play situation, reading fiction (cognitive) literature, observation, outdoor play, play exercise, experimentation, project activities, etc.), the choice of which is made by teachers independently.

To ensure the integrity of the child's ideas about his native land, it is used in a complex a thematic approach that reflects a certain fragment of reality and sets a general contextual meaning corresponding to the interests and age capabilities of children.

OOD on familiarization with the native land to conduct from the 2nd junior group once a month.

The duration of the OOD is 15 minutes. Number of GCDs per year - 10

In the middle group, OOD to familiarize themselves with their native land is carried out 1 - 2 times a month.

The duration of the OOD is 20 minutes. Number of GCDs per year - 10

In the senior group of the OOD, to familiarize themselves with their native land, 2 times a month.

The duration of the OOD is 25 minutes. The number of lessons per year is 11 lessons.

Complex thematic planning of upbringing and educational work on the regional component in the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8" Solnyshko "of the village of Novozavedenny.

Targeted walks with older preschool children to familiarize themselves with their native village.

A targeted walk to a nearby street.

Goal: Remind the children of the name of the street that is located on it (kindergarten,the shops)



Excursion to school

Goal: Get acquainted with the classrooms of the school, with their purpose, with the assembly and gymnasium.



Excursion to the post office

Goal: introduce the work of the postman(sorts correspondence, delivers toaddresses).



Excursion to the music school

Goal: To acquaint children with a music school, what the children do there, what instruments they are taught to play. Listen to a piece of music performed by a child.


educators, music school worker

Excursion "Rural House of Culture of the village of Novozavedenny".

Goal: To acquaint children with the rural house of culture, to tell about antiquities stored there, to tell about the history of the recreation center. Repeat the rules of conduct in the recreation center.



Excursion to the library

Goal: to acquaint with the work of the librarian, to cultivate respect for the book.


educators, librarian

Targeted walk to the playground

Goal: Draw the children's attention to the beauty of the playground, what trees, bushes, herbs grow near the playground, repeat the rules of behavior on the playground.



Targeted walk to the river "Kuma",

Goal: What is the name of the river, what shape it is. To talk about what the river is for and the history of its origin, to repeat the rules of behavior on the water.



Target walk to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War

Goal: Show children a monument to the victimssoldiers in the Great Patriotic War, tell about their exploits. Why are monuments erected to them in all cities and villages?



Organization of joint activities of teachers and parents to educate children to love their native land.


Questioning parents on the topic “What do I know about my native land”.

september, May


Organization of consultations for parents on the following topics:

- "The role of parents in raising children to love their native land";

- "Where to take a kid on a day off";

- "Attractions of our region"

- "The nature of my land, interaction with her adults and children";

- "History of the village of Novozavedenny"

- "Defenders of my land"








Organization and conduct of entertainment

- “Who knows their native land better”;


educators music director

Involvement of parents in the collection of local history material to replenish the group corner on local history (badges, postcards, photographs, statues ...)

during a year

educators, parents

Parents and children planning safe routes to kindergarten and back home

Preparation (together with parents) of the photo exhibition "We are residents of the UK" (photos of children and parents in the most beautiful places of the UK).





Decoration of the exhibition of creative works of children, educators and parents "The beauty of my village".


educators, parents

Decorating a stand for parents on topics

"My favorite village is Novozavedennoye."



Conducting festive events dedicated to Victory Day.


musical director, educator

Promotion of pedagogical knowledge on this issue among parents:

Visual agitation: stands, thematic exhibitions and expositions;

Conversations, consultations;

Creation of joint projects with environmental workshops, experiments;

Involving parents in organizing the developing environment of groups and sites, collecting equipment for experiments, literature: arranging an experimenting corner, designing new objects of an ecological path.

Communication with other activities.









Storytelling - conversation

about the native village:

Compilation of stories based on photographs of the village;

Goal: anchor

understanding of the history of occurrence

sat down.



Cut pictures "Attractions of the village", "Monuments

the edges".

- "What is superfluous", animals, birds, fish, plants of the native land.

Familiarization with adult labor:

Observing people

providing cleaning and landscaping of the village;

Show respect for people who create cleanliness and order in the village.


Our village;

Village history;

The village is being built;

Our favorite places in the countryside;

The house where I live.

History of the village Novozavedennoe.

Goal: introduce

history of origin

sat down.

Role-playing games:

- “Family”, “Harvesting”, “On the farm”, “Drivers”, “Journey through the village”, “Builders of the village”.

Artistic and manual labor:

Manufacturing of old buildings,

churches made of paper and waste material.

Viewing albums, photographs,


depicting the village, its attractions, nature, flora and fauna of the native land.

Crosswords on the history of the village.


We are harvesting

Excursions in the village

to the park, to the church, to the school, to the central flower bed, etc.



" Where is

monument"; "Find your village on the map of the Georgievsky District, SK".


My street.

Game - quiz:

“Experts of the Village”. "Excursion" according to the map-scheme panoramas of our village.

When working to familiarize children with their native village, the following should be considered:

Familiarization of preschoolers with their native village should naturally "enter" into a holistic educational process.

The introduction of local lore material into work with children, taking into account the principle of a gradual transition from the closer to the child, personally significant, to the less close - cultural and historical facts,

Formation of a personal attitude to facts, events, phenomena in the life of the republic, creation of conditions for active involvement of children in social reality, an increase in the personal significance of what is happening around them.

Implementation of the activity approach in introducing children to the history, culture, nature of their native land, i.e. their choice of the activity in which they would like to reflect their feelings, ideas about what they saw and heard (creative play, composing stories, making crafts, composing riddles, appliqué, modeling, drawing, conducting excursions, improving the garden, home , nature protection).

Attraction of children to participate in rural holidays so that they have the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of common joy and fun.

A deliberate selection of methods for acquainting children with their native village, primarily increasing their cognitive and emotional activity.

Organization of work with parents so that their knowledge and love for their native village is passed on to children.

When conducting classes to familiarize children with their native village, the educator must remember the following:

1. Accompany the story with visual material, photographs, reproductions, diagrams, drawings.

2. Addressing children with questions during the story, in order to activate their attention, arouse the desire to learn something on their own, try to guess something for yourself, you can ask: “What do you think, why did people decide to build our village on this place? ? Where does the name of the village come from? What can it mean? "

3. When telling the children, do not tell the dates: they make it difficult to perceive the material. Use expressions like this: It was a long time ago, when your grandparents were as little as you.

4. Use vocabulary accessible to children, explain the meaning of unfamiliar words, do not use special terminology, do not overload the story with complex grammatical constructions.

In the group, it is necessary to create such a developing environment that would contribute to the development of the child's personality based on folk culture based on local history material, which would satisfy the need for knowledge of the surrounding world (mini-museums of Russian life, decorative and applied arts, folklore, music) ... The success of the development of preschoolers when getting to know their native village will become possible only if they actively interact with the world around them in an emotional and practical way: through play, substantive activity, communication, work, education, as well as through the use of fiction, exhibitions, viewing paintings, illustrations, excursions, hikes, holidays, entertainment. That is, through different types of activities inherent in preschool age.

Building a subject-developing environment in groups:

Library of educational literature;

A corner of experimentation according to the age of the children;

Card index of cognitive games.

State symbols of the Russian Federation, photographs depicting the sights of the native village, district, toys - heroes of Russian folk tales, children's fiction, etc.

List of materials and equipment.

1. Poems about the native land;

2. Photo album "Native land";

3. Illustrated material: flora of the native land, medicinal plants,seasons,pets,migratory birds,wild animals,garden flowers,defenders of the Fatherland,

4. We introduce children to the world around them: my family, profession.

5.Russian national costume.

6. Works of oral folk art.

7. We acquaint children with nature: trees,birds,insects,edible mushrooms,wild and meadow flowers,poultry,vegetables,seasons;

8. Streets of the village;

9. A long-term plan of the GCD to familiarize children with their native land for younger and older preschool age.

10. Lesson plan - excursions to familiarize yourself with the native land.

links: https: //

My fatherland is Russia! M. 2005.

Information and business equipment of the preschool educational institution "Our homeland Russia"

Soboleva L.G.

"Kavminvody during the war years, or Chitaika and Clever Tell"

Murashkina A.I., Skachkov I.M.

Georgievsky district. Historical chronicles.

Gnilovsky V.G.

Entertaining local history. Stavropol Book Publishing House.

Dyakonova N., Dyakonov D.

Native Stavropol Territory. M. 2006.

Kozlova S.A.

Theory and methodology for familiarizing preschoolers with social reality. M. Academy. 1998.

L.A. Kondykinskaya

Where does the Motherland begin? M. SPHERE. 2005.

Litvinova R.M.

Preschooler in the space of Stavropol and Stavropol Territory. S. SKIPKRO. from.

Litvinova R.M.

Regional culture: artists, writers, composers.

Litvinova R.M.

Interactive forms of work with personnel.

Litvinova R.M.

Cossacks in Stavrpolye. S. 2009

Litvinova R.M.

Regional culture: artists, writers, composers. S. 2010.-250s. (With video application).

Svetlana Khoverko

Preschool age is a favorable period for potential opportunities for the development of higher moral and patriotic feelings. Federal State Standards Consider Accounting regional componentas a necessary condition for the variability of preschool education. The basis in the upbringing of civic feelings in preschoolers is the accumulation of social experience of life in their homeland by children. We, teachers - preschoolers, have a great mission - to educate the younger generation as patriots of their Motherland, to teach them to love their country and are proud of it. And, first of all, it is necessary to give children the understanding that a great country begins from a small Motherland - from the place where you were born and live. If a child knows the history of his village, is interested in what he is living now and wants to become a part of the events taking place in it, then he will grow up to be a real patriot not only of his small homeland, but also of a large, great country called Russia.

Modern requirements for the organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, taking into account regional features cause the need for teachers of preschool educational institutions to create additional educational programs that help teachers and parents to carry out the moral and patriotic development of preschoolers.

Spiritual and moral education in our kindergarten is implemented within the educational field "Cognitive development", taking into account the national and cultural conditions, the multinational composition of the population and the specifics of the geographical location of the Belokataysky district, aimed at educating children of citizenship, patriotism, the formation of the foundations of local history, ideas about the cultural, historical, national, geographical and natural features of the native land, with the active involvement of children in various activities and involving parents in cooperation.

The leading idea of \u200b\u200bthis area is the understanding that the historical, cultural, natural and ecological originality of the native village is a huge wealth, which every child needs to learn how to properly manage, own it so as not to exchange it for trifles, but to preserve and increase, embodying it in the treasure of your inner world, your personality in further creative creation.

The goal is to implement integrated approach to the development of cognitive activity and integrative qualities of preschoolers in the process of familiarizing themselves with nature, culture and traditions of their native land.

This involves solving the whole set of tasks: educational, developmental, educational.

1. Development of cognitive and creative skills in preschoolers;

2. To develop an interest, a positive attitude towards the study of the history of the native land. Lead children to understand that history region inextricably linked with the history of Russia.

3. To form general ideas about the uniqueness of the nature of Bashkortostan, fostering a positive emotional, value and respectful attitude towards it;

4. To form a tolerant attitude towards people of different nationalities through acquaintance with their culture, traditions, customs.

5. To educate the skills of hard work, respectful attitude to work, the formation of a respectful attitude to the results of work.

Such an approach not only allows the child to form a certain stock of ideas about his native village, but also makes it possible to feel like a citizen, a participant in the events taking place in it, to lay the foundation for the development of self-awareness of a growing person as a Russian, a person with an active life position, feeling a sense of responsibility and pride in their village and its inhabitants.

The instilling of spiritual and moral principles in preschoolers is based on a number of principles that ensure the construction of the educational process, taking into account the specifics of social and natural characteristics region... Wherein "Immersion" children into local lore material occurs gradually, from close, understandable to children, to distant: from family to village and further to the region, country. Simultaneously goes "Immersion" into the history of his village, to the origins of its origin. Thus, children gradually develop a holistic picture of the world around them.

The implementation of the principle of integration ensures the interpenetration of all components educational space: development and self-development, natural and social spheres, children's and adult subcultures, tasks of educational areas in accordance with the capabilities and characteristics of pupils;

Forms and methods of working with children, ensuring the implementation of local history content, implemented in the main components educational activities.

The main form of accumulation and registration of children's experience is the educational situation. It allows you to immerse children in the material with which they need to be introduced and formulate their own social experience using a set of methods and techniques.

The most significant forms of expanding children's ideas about their native village are excursions and targeted walks. Excursion objects are memorable places and sights, social and natural objects of the immediate surroundings.

An inexhaustible source of information is the local history museum. The museum is a place where children get the opportunity to touch the living history of the village, to the real life of its indigenous inhabitants, to feel the grandeur of the events taking place in it, to experience aesthetic pleasure from the work of folk craftsmen and masters of their craft.

Of great importance for the full implementation of national - regional component has informational richness of the educational space surrounding the child. Starting from the middle preschool age, in the groups, the corners of local history are formed, materials are selected to familiarize children with their native village, Bashkortostan and their native country. But the most valuable is the mobile mini - the museum: "Russian hut"... Participants in its creation all: kindergarten staff, parents, children, which helps to strengthen integrative ties and create an adult - children's community focused on achieving common goals.

In order for the acquired knowledge about their native village to become personally significant for children, there is an opportunity to reflect the social experience: in games that introduce children to their native village.

In addition, the program provides for the mandatory registration of products for children's research activities: layouts, homemade books, wall newspapers, exhibitions of creative works, activities for the improvement of the village, our kindergarten, nature protection. Children take part in various events held by the district administration, festive concerts for veterans, holidays dedicated to the Day of the village. We actively cooperate with the children's library and participate in exhibitions of children's drawings.

An important aspect is interaction with the family, which is based on the understanding that parents are full participants in the educational process. The family occupies a leading place in patriotic education, because the process of personality formation begins in it, the education of love for their relatives and friends, home, kindergarten, love for their native village, native nature. The family is the source and link in the transfer of social and historical experience to the child.

Therefore, the formation of an active position and conscious participation in the life of their children through the organization of common affairs, projects, actions, participation in educational and entertainment activities of the group and kindergarten is brought to the fore. These are joint excursions, contests, joint adult - children's projects to create photo collages, exhibitions. The main value of the proposed forms is the involvement of parents in the educational space and the opportunity to demonstrate by their own example the active position of a citizen of their village.

Parents provide assistance in providing the educational process with collection materials, assist in organizing excursions (walking, bus, introduce children to the traditions of their family, their people provide the need for physical activity of children through the use of folk outdoor games, participation in institution activities.

What are the results of our work? Of course, this is the knowledge and ideas of children about the history of the village, about famous fellow countrymen, about sights. But the main thing is the genuine, active interest of children in their native village, the desire to make it even better and more beautiful with their deeds and actions.

Starting work on regional component, the teacher himself must know the cultural, historical, natural, ethnographic features regionwhere he lives, and most importantly, the teacher must be a patriot of his homeland

Fostering love for one's Motherland, one's village is a difficult, long-term process, it must be carried out unobtrusively and constantly, from early childhood. Another great pedagogue - humanist V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that “in the minds of every person, childhood memories are imprinted for the rest of his life, vivid pictures and images perceived in childhood are forever preserved”. We wanted the childhood impressions of our pupils to become the sources of love for their native village and for the people living in it, the sources of patriotic feelings.

Preschool age is a favorable time for the formation of moral and patriotic feelings. Modern ones that have been introduced into the system of domestic preschool education involve the allocation of a certain time to the variable part.

The regional component of the educational program of the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at the formation of civic feelings in the younger generation, the accumulation of social experience. The work of preschool teachers is continued by teachers of general education schools.

The importance of the regional component in preschool education

When developing lesson plans, an activity approach is taken into account, which contributes to the active involvement of preschoolers in independent activity.

Projects and personal research related to family traditions, cultural objects of the village (city), contribute to building individual educational trajectories, which fully meets the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Implementation factors

The regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard involves the use of certain educational technologies and local history programs:

  • combination of different types of activities of preschoolers;
  • the formation of conditions for the full self-realization of each child, taking into account his social experience, the characteristics of the emotional and cognitive sphere;
  • application of methods and techniques to develop feelings and emotions.


The regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard in kindergartens involves the study of customs and traditions, the nature of the native land, the development of tolerance, and the social adaptation of the younger generation.

Depending on the characteristics of the region, special sections are included in the program, during the study of which the kids begin to be proud of their land. For example, programs have been developed for preschoolers in the Arkhangelsk region, the main aspect of which teachers make on the uniqueness of the northern nature.

In the classroom, children will learn about the history of the Pomor region, the sights of the region, outstanding people of the Arkhangelsk region. Particular attention is paid to introducing kids to the climatic and natural features of the region. In the classroom, preschoolers will learn about the national parks operating in the Arkhangelsk region, the flora and fauna of the Pomor land.

Special attention is paid to folk holidays, traditions, national Pomor costumes. To conduct lessons on the regional component, employees of local history museums, national parks, libraries are invited. As a result of social partnership, kindergarten teachers manage to fully fulfill the social order - to form a harmoniously developed personality who loves their land, respectful of the customs and traditions of their ancestors.

Initial training

Currently, there is a regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard. Primary school continues its large-scale work related to the social adaptation of the younger generation of Russians. Each region uses its own educational programs, which imply the implementation of the requirements of the second generation FSES.

What does the regional component mean in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard? The school has the right to independently determine the areas of activity, for example, specialize in studying the history of the native land, give preference to the flora and fauna of the region.

If an educational institution has military-patriotic classes, a course on the history of the cadet movement can be chosen as a regional component.

A special place in introducing schoolchildren to the culture of their native land is given in the capital. What is the regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard devoted to here? Moscow is a role model for the Russian regions, since from the first grade children have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe history and culture of the capital, interesting people who have contributed to the development of the country's main city.

The experience of Moscow teachers is successfully broadcast to other regions. For example, in Vologda schools, children study the cultural heritage of Vologda, and children from Arkhangelsk study the Pomor capital.

Middle link

The new ones involve the allocation of a certain number of hours in each academic discipline in grades 5-9. For example, the regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard in English involves a story about the historical and cultural values \u200b\u200bof a city (village, village) in a foreign language.

During classes, children not only replenish their vocabulary with new foreign words, but also learn interesting information about their hometown. Among those tasks that are offered by an English teacher, there may be descriptions of cultural or historical places of the city in a foreign language, videos about traditions and rituals. The regional component, supplemented by project or research activities, will allow the younger generation of Russians to form a sense of pride in their country, to get an opportunity for self-realization and self-development.

Old school

How to properly use the regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard? Biology, chemistry, geography, physics - these are subjects that are difficult to imagine without a local component.

When selecting material for the regional component in each academic discipline, the teacher, first of all, focuses on the features of the region. For example, when studying mammals in a biology course, special attention is paid to those animals that are common in a given area. It is within the framework of the regional component that it will be appropriate to get acquainted with the plants and animals of your settlement and surroundings, which are considered endangered, are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

In chemistry lessons, special attention is paid to those industries that operate in the city, region, republic. For example, when studying a school course in inorganic chemistry by Vologda schoolchildren, it is possible not only to theoretically consider the methods of obtaining and processing metals, but also to organize an excursion to the Cherepovets metallurgical plant.

In every Russian region there is an industrial enterprise that will help a chemistry teacher not only form a theoretical basis for the subject for children, but also get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible application of knowledge, that is, contribute to the self-realization of schoolchildren, their choice of a future profession.


Developers of new generation federal educational standards paid special attention to the development of individual educational and developmental trajectories for each child of preschool and school age.

The allocation of study time for the regional component in different academic disciplines contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, patriotic education, as well as respect for the cultural traditions of their region.

It is not necessary to assign individual lessons to the regional component. For example, during a regular chemistry lesson, the teacher talks in detail about how the chemical reactions discussed during the lesson are used at a particular enterprise in his native land. This approach to the use of the regional component makes it possible to rationally distribute teaching time in the middle and senior level.

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