Friends are lost over time statuses. Quotes about friends with meaning. VK statuses about friends

Every person on his life path wants and strives to find happiness. And everyone puts their understanding into this word. But, probably, no one will argue that one of the important components of happiness is friendship. True, true friendship, like true love, is a rare phenomenon. And a quote from Marlene Dietrich even says that friendship unites people much more than love.

Trust, patience and reciprocity are the foundation of a truly friendly relationship. And quotes about friendship will prove it to you.

In friendship, one must learn to be human. And although no one is immune from mistakes, the main thing is to be able to notice them in yourself.

Everyone wants to see a loyal and sincere, spiritually rich and comprehensively developed person as their friend. And for this you have to do it yourself. The ancient Greek poet Euripides, whom they love to quote, even before our era formulated: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are."

Of course, this doesn't always work. To quote the French philosopher Paul Valery: “Don't judge a person by his friends. Judas had them flawless. " But I want to believe that this is still an exception to the rule.

Friendship is such a great feeling that great people have often talked about it. Poets, writers and philosophers have taken up this topic frequently. Therefore, there are so many wise quotes and aphorisms about friendship.

Great People Saying About Friendship

A true friend is with you when you're wrong. When you're right, everyone will be with you.
Mark Twain

A friend is a person who knows everything about us and nevertheless loves us.
Elbert Hubbard

Love can be unrequited. Friendship never.
Janusz Wisniewski

Don't be in a hurry to choose friends, even more so to change them.
Benjamin Franklin

Only the hand of a friend can pull the thorns out of the heart.
Claude-Adrian Helvetius

In the hustle and bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life.
Karl Marx

Sincerity of relationship, truth in communication - that's friendship.
Alexander Suvorov

He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy.
Shota Rustaveli

People can drink together, they can live under the same roof, they can make love, but only joint activities of idiocy indicate real spiritual and spiritual closeness.
Eva Rapoport

What is the life of who has not known the saint's friendship? It is like an empty pearl.
Alisher Navoi

In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls and love forms a dome.
Kozma Prutkov

He who is human gives others support, wanting to have it himself, and helps them achieve success, wanting to achieve it himself.


Friendship is when it's good with a person just like that.
Yuri Nagibin

Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows.
Henry George Bon

Stretching out your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist.

All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend.

We love friends for their flaws.
William Hazlitt

The Lord gave us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose friends ourselves.
Ethel Mumford

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

Henrik Ibsen

Friendship penetrates into the life of all people, but in order to preserve it, sometimes you have to endure grievances.

3 and in my life I have become convinced that conversations with friends take up the most and most imperceptibly time; friends are great time robbers.
Francesco Petrarca

People are born to help each other, like the hand helps the hand, the leg helps the leg and the upper jaw helps the lower.
Marcus Aurelius

He who is a good friend himself has many good friends.
Niccolo Machiavelli

He who wants to have a friend without flaws is left without friends.

The friendship that ended never really started.

Friendship is not such a pitiful flame to go out in separation.
Johann Schiller

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.
Gabriel Marquez

Friendship does not need a slave or a master. Friendship loves equality.
Ivan Goncharov

There are people we forgive and there are people we don’t forgive. The ones we don't forgive are our friends.
Henri Montherland

You don't have to be a dog to be a friend.
Mikhail Zadornov

It is better to be in darkness than without a friend.
John Chrysostom

Love requires infinitely less than friendship.
George Nathan

Friendship is a harbor to which a person strives, it brings joy and peace of mind, it is a rest in this life and the beginning of a heavenly life.
Torquato Tasso

It is not so difficult to die for a friend as it is to find a friend who is worth dying for.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton

The most wonderful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

The law of friendship prescribes to love a friend no less, but no more than oneself.
Aurelius Augustine

The best pleasure, the highest joy in life is to feel needed and close to people.
Maksim Gorky

Too much can never be done for a devoted friend.
Henrik Ibsen

If there is a place for real friendship in your life, then you are a very happy and lucky person, since in our time it is a great rarity to meet people who are able not to betray and be faithful always. Without true friendship, life is nothing.

Statuses about friends with meaning

You don't have to be a dog to befriend a person.

A friend is a person who knows everything about you and nevertheless continues to love you.

Only one person can be a true friend, all the others who surround you are just good acquaintances.

Recently I realized that true friendship is possible if you know the person well. Therefore, real friendship does not exist.

There are feelings in friendship too. I'm friends with you.

True friendship is like human health: you don't pay due attention to it until you lose it.

Successful people often have many envious enemies, and losers often have many friends instead of enemies.

A man and a woman cannot be friends in principle. This kind of friendship is just sympathy in disguise. A man will never be friends with a woman who is indifferent to him.

A man who has no enemies, but they are successfully replaced by friends who secretly hate him.

Somehow Love and Friendship met. Love asked: "Why in the world do you need if I exist?" And Friendship answered her: "To leave a smile where you leave tears ..."

Friendship has no degrees; trust does. Friendship is unconditional trust.

Sincerity of relationship, truth in communication - that's friendship.

To a person who betrayed love, I could find an excuse, it was a hobby, but to a person who betrayed friendship, I cannot.

Friendship between a man and a woman is a relationship of either former lovers or future ones.

VK statuses about friends

These days, true friendship does not exist, we only think that we have best friends and that they will never give us, but the day comes when she stabs us in the back with a sharp dagger

It is not necessary that a lonely person does not have friends, perhaps his friend is also a loner.

True friendship is a constant: it is not influenced by religion, dollar exchange rate, or weather forecast. Not death.

The quieter the friendship, the more true it is.

Don't count how many friends you have. It does not matter. The important thing is how many of them will come to your aid in difficult times.

Friendship is a ship, in clear weather it is spacious enough for two, and in bad weather - only for one.

Do not be friends with those who are not equal to you and do not be afraid to correct your mistakes.

True friendship abhors envy, and love abhors coquetry.

In the modern world (and in past times), the number of friends is directly proportional to the number of photos taken.

Friendship is when you send a friend out on a date and then miss her all evening.

Childhood friends are those whose home phone numbers you still remember.

A friend is not the one who will be with you in moments of sadness, it is the one who will share your success without a drop of envy.

Accept your friends as they are, do not try to correct, otherwise you will create enemies.

In order for friendship not to rust, it must be constantly washed with alcohol.

Everything changes. And friends leave. And life does not stop for anyone.

The friendship that ended never really started.

Best friend status

Do not hang yourself around your friends when they allow you to lean on them.

There are two important concepts of friendship and love. Friendship dreams come true for those who can love, and love dreams come true for those who can be friends.

True female friendships are as common as flowering ferns.

Friendships that emerge over a glass are usually fragile.

Loyalty, frankness and honesty are very important for friendship.

To find out the whole truth about yourself, you need to get your friends drunk.

The most difficult thing in friendship is to be on a par with those who are below you ... if you are able to render any service to another, consider whether it is up to him.

Friendship between a man and a woman often turns into a romantic relationship, after which you can find a loved one, or lose a friend.

If you set the conditions for friendship, then you conclude a contract, and this is cooperation.

Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.

There is no friendship between a guy and a girl. Someone will definitely love.

In fact, we love our friends even for their flaws.

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens very much at nightfall.

Friendship is a harbor to which a person strives, it brings joy and peace of mind, it is a rest in this life and the beginning of a heavenly life

Very often those who are friends become lovers, but lovers are friends never.

Love is a feeling that comes and goes, and friendship is always, do not betray friends, for the sake of relationships

If you are referring to a friend as a friend and not as a woman / man, then you are a real friend.

Fake Friends Statuses

Friendship is cheap and easy to replace these days. Enter the Internet - and you can make at least a thousand "friends".

Friendship is one soul living in two bodies!

Friendship is when you share the last candy that you yourself want to eat.

I would like to be sad that my best friend is leaving, but I cannot, because he is going to fulfill his dream and seek happiness!

Time only strengthens friendship.

There is no female friendship, there are only those who are ready to assent in exchange for the same service.

A person for whom friendship is important will never say: "You made your choice, I will not argue." For friendship, like for love, you need to fight!

Friendship without equality is not friendship, but symbiosis.

Live and fall in love, but remember one thing, that strong friendship is the most precious thing.

The gaze of true friendship is turned to the heart.

I am lonely, and you are lonely ... But we will not take a single step towards each other.

Friendship - is this concept even necessary to once again understand that a friend can be a traitor?

There is friendship, you can't buy it with cash. And it is easy to lose it, like a person in a turmoil.

Boyfriend's friend status

Love - inspires, hatred - gives strength, and friendship - both.

True love is rare, and true friendship is even rarer.

We want real friendship, but we constantly betray without hesitation.

Together, friendship and brotherhood are better than any wealth.

If you shout about friendship at every corner, then you know nothing about it. Friendship loves silence!

Those who have a lot of them have no friends.

Friendship does not need to be sought - a useless and unnecessary activity. You can search for new shoes in the store. And friendship is a gift of fate.

Trust is the first condition of friendship

True friendship doubles joy and halves sorrow.

To be friends means to generate nonsense at the same time.

Friendship between people of the opposite sex is greatly weakened when night falls on the city.

The friendship of one reasonable person is dearer than the friendship of all fools.

Friendship is like cement, which can withstand so much.

Statuses for classmates about friends

The best friend is the sofa. You can always rely on him and even sleep without threats to friendship.

There is no friendship between a man and a woman. Because only children know how to be friends.

Friendship doubles joys and halves sorrows.

Friendship is when you worry about your friend more than yourself.

A strong friendship will not break, Will not unstick from rains and blizzards. A friend in trouble will not leave, will not ask too much, This is what a true faithful friend means.

Friendship, which is given for money, and is not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept

Love without passion is friendship. Passion without love is almost enmity.

Friendship is like love, only not inspired, but strengthened.

It is impossible to enter the country of my soul without visas. Borders are securely guarded. It is impossible to get into it without sincere love and true friendship.

Our friendship is like glass, beats quickly and easily, only wounds from fragments heal for a very long time

Friendship is an open relationship in which you are not free in front of a friend.

True feelings are not alien to friendship! I'm friends with you!

Friendship between a guy and a girl is impossible. Someone will definitely fall in love and ruin everything.

Friendship presupposes shared jokes that are difficult for others to understand.

Men play friendship like a soccer ball, and it remains intact. Women play with friendship like a glass vase, and it breaks.

Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, lasting and permanent feeling that it can be preserved for a lifetime, unless you try to ask for a loan.

They don't plan friendship, they don't shout about love, they don't prove the truth. Never leave old friends, you will never find someone to replace them. It is difficult to imagine human life without friendship and love. Without the joy of having them and the despair of losing them. a friend is one who is on the same level with a person.

New funny hilarious statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.

There are never many friends, only acquaintances can be many. And the best friend, there will be only one at all. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about friends. Some of them will help you understand what real friendship is and how thin it has a line, while others will amuse you and cheer you up. We are sure that in humorous statuses about friends, almost everyone will recognize themselves or their friend!

Friendship is a relationship in which a person is immersed in childhood. Playing in the yard, children begin to make friends, then friends appear in the kindergarten, at school, in the student environment. At work, finding a friend is already much more difficult, as a rule, by this time a person already has friends, and possibly an experience of betrayal, so he is in no hurry to let someone get too close to him. In addition, the spirit of superiority and competition always boils at work, so it's good if friends are not bound by a common occupation - then they have nothing to share.

Friends are not just people you can meet to chat and have fun. Friends are, first of all, people to whom you are ready to open your soul. A true friend will never be jealous, but on the contrary, he will only rejoice at the achievements of a friend. A friend is a person who always speaks the truth, perhaps even criticizes in private, but in front of others, he will never dare to talk about the shortcomings of his friend. A friend is a person who believes in you, who can give a magic kick and say that everything will work out for you!

Aphorisms and quotes about friends

It's strange that we are afraid to be friends with those with whom we have shared the best moments of this short life. Who else can we be?

It so happens that friends with whom many bright moments have been lived become just acquaintances ...

Friends should be valued regardless of their background. (Kate Morton)

Friends are much more valuable than diamonds.

A true friend is always by your side. He shares with you joys and sorrows. When you are in trouble, he is always ready to sacrifice himself for you, without thinking about the consequences, without expecting a reward, such friends rarely come across, if you meet, take care of him. It is your strength. (From the movie Rebel Spirit)

A true friend is support and moral support, while he does not count on benefits and always helps unselfishly.

The best remedy for melancholy is meeting friends.

With friends, the world becomes brighter and life is more fun.

Dying for a friend is not difficult. It's hard to find a friend to die for.

True friends are ready for anything for each other.

In friendship, not like in love, friendship requires obligatory reciprocity. And equality at all costs. But not in the sense of being the same. (I. Efremov)

Friends are the same in their rights, but in tastes they can be different.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Russian folk proverb)

To understand who is next to you, a real friend or not, only difficulties and trials will help.

If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children even before you entered the house will tell you whether you are honored as a friend. If the children meet you with joy, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then - turn around and return home without hesitation. (Menander)

Now I'm waiting for my friend to finally have children, I want to check if he is glad to see me ...

Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and few rejoice at their successes. (O. Wilde)

A true friend will never be jealous, he will only be glad of all the successes of his comrade.

About funny, good, best

There can be no sharp corners in the circle of true friends.

Among friends there is no meta for traitors, liars and gossips.

Where is the wise and faithful friend? Become one yourself!

To have a good friend, you yourself must first become such.

Whoever is a good friend himself has good friends.

Your friends are a reflection of you.

A true friend is the person to whom you don’t need to be told “make yourself at home”. He's already at the refrigerator.

A friend and his family are like close relatives.

Friends are the people who hate your ex more than you ...

Friends are ready to break up anyone who has hurt you.

Probably, each of us has a “pen pal” who lives far from us, but at the same time knows more about us than those who live nearby.

Because he does not know anyone from your environment, and he will not tell anyone anything, which means he will not betray.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, which you can't send to FIG, because you will have to go there with her so as not to worry about how she will get from there.

Friends are not sent, because they may never return.

True friends are friends who won't let you do stupid things alone.

Real friends will either dissuade you from stupid things, or they will go to do them with you.

About betrayal

You will not understand anything in friendship until you are betrayed by a friend who was the best.

Friendship must go through difficulties to become real. If one does not endure them and betrays them, then there was no friendship ...

When you are in a car with money -
Friends shake you in their arms.
When you buy them wine -
They laugh with you at the same time ...
You make gifts, you hurry to them,
You are worried and value your friendship.
You come and help them in trouble.
You are crying ... And where are your friends today?
When not by car, but in debt.
When not above the ground, but at the feet.
Take a closer look who is next to you
Is this a friend given by fate?
And those who laughed in unison
And spent a million with you
Today they will also laugh,
To discuss you with your enemy.

The more money you have, the more "friends" you will have ...

When friendships begin to weaken and cool, they always resort to increased politeness.

They don't stand on ceremony with their friends and they don't take offense at anything, because they themselves are like that, but they have to be polite with friends ...

Friends are not capable of evil, otherwise they are accomplices.

And if one friend is capable of causing harm to another, then he is a traitor.

There is no enemy more cruel than a former friend. (André Maurois)

After all, he knows so much about you ...

The enemy is usually made of a friend.

From friendship to enmity, as well as from love to hate - one step.

Do not make acquaintances with those who betrayed old friends - as they betrayed old ones, so they will betray new ones.

Do not make friends with him, do not expose yourself to betrayal.

Why is a stab in the back inflicted by those whom you usually protect with your chest?

A friend is the closest, and at the same time, the most dangerous person, because he knows everything about you.

The statuses are cool, funny and meaningful

Mom was right. Better to have a hundred friends than a hundred toys. Especially when your friends are as funny as Petya. (From the song of V. Gromova Ship)

Only one of these hundred will be the best.

There is only one person you can rely on.
“I thought there were two of us. (From the movie Dr. House)

In friendship, two must be confident in each other.

True friendship is when the message “I'm sick” comes back to you “What are you, FUCKED ??”

After all, there were so many joint plans ...

Girlfriend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center all rolled into one!

Sometimes it is also a stylist, make-up artist and ... a spy ...))

A true friend is not one who sympathizes with trouble, but one who shares your joy without envy.

Everyone can sympathize, but only a few can sincerely rejoice.

Friendship is like a puzzle. Every friend of yours is a piece ... Some on the edge, others closer to the center, but each adds a piece of himself to us.

Each of your friends has a place in your life.

Friendship is everything. Friendship over talent. Stronger than any government. Friendship matters only slightly less than family.

And sometimes friends are more influential than family.

A true friend is someone who walks through your door, even if the whole world has left it.

A true friend will never turn his back on you, even if everyone does.

You are probably wondering if all the friends of your circle are really friends, or perhaps some of them are just good acquaintances? Many, probably, remembered their courtyard and school friends, and wanted to meet with them, but someone realized how dear his current friends are. Be a good, loyal and reliable friend, value your friends, and may your friendship only grow stronger over the years. Make friends so that later your children will be friends!

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