Advice from a psychologist: how to take revenge on your husband for cheating and not lose face in the dirt. Do not take revenge on your spouse if he raises his hand. The "faithful wife" type

It happens in life that just yesterday, close people suddenly become distant and strangers to each other. The sphere of human relationships is complex and sometimes unpredictable. The person who just recently told you about love suddenly turned out to be a traitor. The connection will be seriously tested, and it may even end.

But even if the girl took revenge on the guy for cheating, will she be calm after that? You need to understand what you want in the future, are you ready for a final break if you decide to take revenge for the betrayal, or do you love him so much that you are ready to forgive him for it. In any case, question your feelings for your partner.

If you start thinking about how to take revenge on a guy for betrayal, remember that it is better to do this when the desire ceases to be hot and the first emotions subside. Surely you have heard the phrase that revenge is a cold dish. This has common sense: When you are subject to intense emotions, you are not capable of sound thoughts and actions. In the heat of the moment you can do great harm. Of course, taking revenge is not the best thing best deal, but we are all human and subject to passions. Moreover, the desire to take revenge for betrayal will help to let go of existing grievances and relieve the stress that has accumulated as a result of the partner’s misconduct.

Think carefully about every step, draw up a clear plan for revenge so that you understand what the outcome will be and whether it is worth the effort. In any case, the intensity of passions will be removed by the preparation process itself, cold and rational. Haste in such delicate matter can create a situation where the avenger himself turns out to be a fool. At the same time, revenge should be consistent with the act for which you are taking revenge, and not become a minor slap in the face. It will also help to throw out anger and other negative emotions, but it will not solve the situation.

The situation may get worse if you have been cheated on more than once, by accident or under the influence intense emotions, but they do this all the time, due to the character of your partner. Is it possible to recognize a womanizer, and if so, how exactly? It turns out that this is not so difficult to do if you know. that it is characterized by the following behavior:

  • behaves too confidently without having any reason to do so;
  • uses homemade preparations in conversation, suitable any a woman and in any situation;
  • describes himself immediately and in detail, so that a woman does not need to form her own opinion about him - just use his presentation;
  • flashily dressed in order to create good first impression;
  • even when he communicates with you, he strives not to miss the opportunity with other women around him - he gives compliments to neighbors passing by and in every way makes it clear to them that he is free to continue communication, but with them;
  • a lover of showering a girl with compliments, but not with the goal of pleasing her, but in order to disarm her and make her an easier prey;
  • you meet him only late in the evening - he does not mix his romantic events with you, with his other, daily life, where there is no place for you and, perhaps, there will not be.

The womanizer uses all his knowledge and charm to achieve a completely understandable goal - to lure a girl into bed. Interest in it immediately fades away after this - the goal has already been achieved and is no longer attractive, you need to look for another one. Such men do not like long-term relationships and, as a result, responsibility.

People of this type are characterized by two leading behavioral traits:

  • they strive for constant and endless pleasure with a variety of partners, easily leaving one for another;
  • easily and quickly leave communication with minimal risk of responsibility and emotional dependence.

Girls who find themselves in the network of such womanizers experience passionate desire find a way to take revenge for the betrayal.

How to choose a method of revenge

How can you take revenge on a guy so that he regrets it? perfect deed, and at the same time not to lose your dignity. The task is not easy, but doable. The plan must result in pain no less than that which he himself caused. Is it worth it to waste time on such trifles? However, we must remember that this is just revenge and its result should not destroy a person’s life, no matter how offended you are with him. Your self-esteem should not suffer at the same time. If you are looking for how to take revenge ex-boyfriend, you are no longer interested in continuing the relationship, and you have nothing particularly to fear.

There are many options on how to teach a guy a lesson for cheating.

Revenge is best if it is unexpected, only then will it be felt.

  • You can make him jealous. For example, appearing arm in arm with another, demonstratively showing close and pleasant contact with him.
  • If a man ruined your reputation or image, you can answer him in kind by mirroring his action. Reputation is very important for a man; it shows his status in society.
  • You can make friends with his new beloved. This way you will know about his life. if you still need it, and you can turn her against him. You talk about his actions without naming names yet. She is filled with disgust and indignation towards him, protecting you. And then she suddenly finds out that the one who behaves so vilely is her partner. An interesting conversation will await him at home later.
  • You can hit back beautifully for betrayal by becoming happy after he leaves. If after breaking up with him you not only do not suffer, but are also happy, he will be deeply disappointed. You will become more beautiful than you were, more graceful, take up new hobbies, grow interesting people- this will not go unnoticed. The man will regret what he lost.
  • Treat yourself to a photo shoot where you can try on new looks and decorate your face with a happy smile. Surely your ex will be interested in you and will not be able to help but notice it.
  • Remember that a car is a man’s favorite child. How can you take revenge on a guy in a sophisticated way? Damage his car. However, do not go as far as sabotage beyond the bounds of the law - this should be done easily and gracefully? Bird tracks on a freshly washed typewriter, handles coated with an unknown substance and other “amenities”.
  • Place a two-digit ad somewhere with his contact information. You can leave your personal or work phone numbers - the more contacts, the more people who want to use his services. Create a fake account on networks and, on his behalf, send messages or make posts that will expose him as a narrow-minded, stupid person.
  • Make him look like a bad lover. You may wonder how he was able to be alone with that girl if he basically can’t. Or that he is completely simple and unpretentious in bed, without imagination, and is not always ready.
  • You can have an affair with him best friend. His sense of ownership will instantly intensify, he will want to regain what is his.
  • Some girls can be so offended that they are even ready to use unconventional methods revenge, for example, black magic. No matter how strong the desire to take revenge for betrayal is, it is better not to get involved with such subtle matters, it can be fraught. Traditional methods still more secure.
  • You can repay him in the same coin. But you need to remember that in this field he is still the master and may have time to abandon you before you leave him.
  • You can try to prove to him that he is losing a lot by avoiding long-term deep connections, and show him exactly what. This method is more suitable for those women who hope to be able to change a man in principle.

What not to do

You should not discuss his actions with his own friends. A girl who tells everyone what is happening will not command respect.

Lies and lies are also a very common problem in communication. If there is no honesty, there is no future, trust, stability. This is the first step to disappointment and breakup. How to take revenge on a guy for lying? Lie yourself. But this could be the beginning of the end. It is better to show him that you know about the deception and that it brings you grief, disappointment and pain. If everything can still be adjusted, this will be an indicator for him of what exactly needs to be changed.

In any case, whether you take revenge or show your indifference by silence and ignoring, you need to remember that self-respect above all. The feelings after all this will pass and be forgotten, but self-awareness and reputation will remain with you forever.

In today's article I decided to figure out how to take revenge for betrayal and whether this should be done at all. Many argue that it is necessary to do this, that this will teach the attacker to see dirt in his actions, while others think the opposite. Let us discuss this topic today, and you can write your opinion in the comments at the end of the article, I think this will be the most correct way.

Before writing today’s article, I decided to find out statistics about who wants to take revenge on whom more often, men against women, women against men, girls against boys, or vice versa. It turned out that girls and women are 18 times more susceptible to vindictiveness than male half population. Great! It turns out that it’s not in vain that the expression goes around: “The bitter taste of resentment disappears after a sip of revenge!”, but in today’s article I’m not going to talk only about girls, I decided to dedicate it to everyone, so I won’t get personal.

Is it necessary to take revenge for betrayal?

Let's imagine for a moment that you decided to follow the principle and take revenge. Let's imagine that you decide to do the same as your other half, let's say, get closer to someone, for example, in a nightclub, having met, resort to an act. Now let’s put the question bluntly: “Will it make you feel better?” I think it’s unlikely. After all, everything that happened up to this moment will still remain in your memory; in the evenings you will also continue to miss your loved one. The person you decided to take revenge on will either not care, or he will simply laugh at you. You can’t take revenge using this method, believe me, and will you even have the courage to commit an act without love? I think if you've never cheated before, it won't be enough.

I honestly admit, I also tried once to arrive at the method described above, but it didn’t work. I have such an ideal, such a principle, maybe on a subconscious level, I don’t know. When a girl I had been dating for 2.5 years cheated on me, I invited the first one I came across to a meeting, she agreed, but, whatever one may say, it didn’t go beyond the feast, no matter how much I wanted it, my heart was against it.

And then I decided how to take revenge! You won’t believe it, but this method definitely works and it not only kills the desire to harm, but also enriches the personality!!! Let me write about it under a separate aspect of the article.

How to take revenge for betrayal if you really want to?

This option will seem too difficult for many, I warn you in advance, so if you are not ready to improve everything, I emphasize, everything in your life, then you should not even try. Now let's get started!

Remember yourself, have you broken up with someone? Or maybe they just sent it because they weren’t in love? Do you remember? Surely this happens to everyone in life. So here it is. This someone has achieved success in something, I'm sure of it. Who got married, who has children, who became successful person... Agree, you look at this person no longer as before, but with admiration or some kind of envy.

What are we talking about? Yes, that if you become much better than you are now, at this very time, then you will automatically gain increased attention on his own person. After breaking up with the girl I mentioned above, I became... Individual Entrepreneur, I now earn quite a bit of money, I have my own apartment, I am officially published on a label, my life has improved. Two years have passed since the breakup, and I constantly notice the presence of this girl on my websites, accounts in in social networks and I know for sure that she admires and somewhere envies. AND how to take revenge for betrayal?– this is to distance yourself and make it clear that the person who cheated on you made a serious mistake, as a result of which he lost you! That's it, my dear friends!

Portal to Russia:
How do men take revenge for betrayal?

Portal to Russia:

How do men take revenge for betrayal?

Honestly, not very cool

The Ekb Room continues to tell creepy stories about punishments for treason. This time it is men who take revenge for infidelity. It seems that in reality their methods do not work very well and cause more damage to the Avengers themselves than to their flighty girlfriends.

"I don't remember,
how he drowned her in the sink.”

Men's revenge for betrayal

Publication: The Ekb Room

In the previous article, TER found out how cold-blooded girls can be after their men cheat on them. It's time to talk to opposite side about the punishment imposed for the betrothed’s infidelity. Mustard in the vagina, a three-month absence of an erection and sex with the mother of a cheater - in short, everything is very bad.


I was always attentive to my wife: I gave gifts, took her to restaurants and prepared surprises if I came home early from work. On one of these days, my surprise knew no bounds when, instead of my wife, a courier met me at the door and handed me a bouquet of roses with a note: “Thank you for the evening, I fell in love.” I stood with this note in my hands and cried in pain. From that moment the love passed, and like a child I prepared to take revenge. I stopped communicating with my wife, I was silent, at first she tried to find out what was happening to me, and then she left. I never took revenge, I couldn’t come up with a punishment, so I remained silent.

In the end, she divorced me, and I lost myself in my thoughts. Two years after the divorce, I decided to ask her about the betrayal, telling her about the bouquet of flowers he received for her. I have never felt such an ass as I did that time. The flowers were really for her, but as a sign of gratitude for introducing her colleague to her business partner. I punished myself for betrayal that never happened by losing the woman I loved.


We had been living together for three years, when suddenly I began to hear from friends that my beloved was not faithful to me. I didn’t believe it for a long time, but then I saw my beloved in the arms of some dork. That same evening I cooked chicken in a hot sour sauce, and Olya washed herself in the shower. While rubbing the future lunch with mustard, I saw her - clean, beautiful, and most importantly - without panties. The resentment passed instantly.

As a self-respecting male, he decided to pester his woman, only he managed to put his fingers in Right place as she squealed. I didn't wash my hands after the sauce! The girl went to the doctors, and I accidentally took revenge for the betrayal.


After my wife cheated on me, I had to undergo treatment from a psychiatrist. It turned out that I don’t know how to restrain anger; I’ve never had anything like this before. I am not a supporter of violence, and I loved my wife. I came home from work and found my wife in bed with a man. I simply threw him out of the apartment in what he was wearing, that is, naked, and my wife was not so lucky. I don’t remember how I drowned it in the sink, but it’s a fact. I was lucky that I stopped and came to my senses. My wife screamed something in fear, and I lay on the sofa like a vegetable and repeated: “Why?!”

The next day there was silence in the apartment, my wife did not speak to me, and I was silent because I could not speak. Yes, I couldn’t live. She took me to a psychiatrist three days later, where they found out that I could not control my anger. Now I’m undergoing treatment, and my beloved is trying to be a good, caring wife to me.


My beloved began to cheat in the second year of our relationship, my lover was older, about 15 years, they are also called daddies. How much we quarreled and fought with her - all in vain, only promises and tears. Then I firmly decided that I would hurt her more - a man.

He started hitting on her mother (she was divorced). It didn’t work out for a long time, but then he began to press for pity, to tell her that he was not happy with her daughter, and to tell her about his betrayal. She reassured me and said that everything would be fine. This went on for a month until they switched from gingerbread to vodka. After the sixth shot, I don’t remember anything, except that I woke up in the same bed with my girlfriend’s mother. I felt pleasure from revenge and satisfaction from sex. So we started sleeping together already sober. The woman is fire! Now my girlfriend lives in Moscow with her daddy, and I live with her mother and am thinking about getting married.


It wasn’t me who took revenge on my girlfriend, it was my dick. The fact is that I am a monogamist who believes in pure love and loyalty. My beloved proved the opposite. Walking through the park with little sister, we came across my girlfriend Irina, who was walking with another man and giggling. We walked past without saying anything - I won’t start a scandal in front of my sister. By the evening it had cooled down, I love her, maybe it wasn’t cheating at all. I talked to her well that day, didn’t say anything, and was happy. It came to sex: I was excited, she was too, but my tool didn’t get up.

They decided that he was just tired and postponed the lust until the next day, which turned into two months. Doctors said that I have no problems with impotence, I healthy man, this is proven by boners in the morning. That’s how I realized that love had passed, not mine, but that of a member who no longer wanted to satisfy this woman.


He was ready to get married, but he found out about the adventures of his beloved. I didn’t think long and went for a walk among the women. Everything happened openly, and to her hysterics he answered: “Shut your mouth, infidel” and left. Ordinary girls I got tired of it, so I switched to my girlfriend's friends. She even slept with those who were as faithful to her as a shepherd. My self-esteem rose, my relationship with my beloved worsened, but I kept quiet about my health.

I got infected with a terrible venereal disease, after which I could not look at women. What infectious creatures they are! I didn’t see my beloved anymore, it took a lot of time for treatment, and after my behavior she didn’t want to see me. Now I am healthy, single and demanding of sexual partners, almost to the point of asking for help. Sometimes it is better to forgive betrayal and live happily than to take revenge and suffer.

When a husband cheats on his wife, he doesn't think about how scary it can be women's revenge. To punish a bad man, you need to select competent, cunning and effective ways. IN old times ladies beat their husbands with a rolling pin or frying pan, modern world offers many more possibilities. So let's get started.

Method number 1. Damage to property

It is known that a car is the holy of holies for a man. He looks after her better than his own wife, swears when you slam the door and buys gadgets for the iron horse for fabulous money. Play on this. You've probably seen pictures on the Internet that show a beautiful car with an ax in the windshield and obscene inscriptions along the entire perimeter.

Buy several cans of multi-colored paint and write everything you think. Feel free to use abusive language; he is the culprit, not you. Great option punctured tires will serve, for this you will need a good knife and a hammer (if you can’t puncture it yourself). You can use an ax by driving it into the driver's door.

Please note that damaging property may attract the attention of the police. This method suitable for brave and desperate ladies. If you are absolutely sure that your husband will not write a complaint, go for it! IN otherwise, leave cruel revenge for a last resort.

Method number 2. Non-standard orientation

Give the hero-lover the image of a lustful male who is not averse to having fun with representatives of the same sex. To do this, print out business cards, posters, and unique leaflets with interesting content: “An experienced male will take you under his wing attractive man. Around the clock. Inexpensive."

Take a few hours to place flyers under the windshield wipers of your spouse's colleagues and friends. They won't know the details, so they'll take the situation seriously and come up with a cruel nickname for their good-for-nothing hubby. The method is cruel, but in the eyes of friends it will look like a laughingstock for a long time.

Method No. 3. Public view

If you have definitely decided that you do not want to continue the relationship and are planning to get a divorce, the method is perfect. Advertising companies produce large-format banners, which are subsequently mounted on a large stand. Order a poster from them with a photo of your husband and describe in every detail what a bastard he is.

Post the ad closer to your spouse’s place of work so that friends and bosses know about the wild adventures of their colleague. The result will not take long to wait; the banner will create a real sensation. The spouse will not be able to look his acquaintances in the eyes for a long time and will look like an inveterate cheater in his circles. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to place several posters - near your home and near your work.

The social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, and Facebook will serve as excellent anti-advertising. Download the Photoshop program, draw something extravagant for your husband and post it on your wall or send the photo en masse to all his friends. The method is effective if you can afford to appear in such a scandal.

Method number 4. Items on sale

Collect your husband's personal belongings, his expensive shoes, wrist watch, perfume and those items that are especially dear (gifts from relatives, awards for merit, etc.). Take a photo of each item individually and have an online sale on social media. Don't overprice, the whole point is to get rid of the trinkets in a short time.

If you are not an active Internet user, take your items to a consignment store, they will buy them right away. Many men collect stamps or knives, sell everything. As for the computer, erase the data and put it up for sale. If you don’t want to bother with selling, throw away what you don’t need or give it away for free, and hide what’s valuable in an inaccessible place (at a friend’s apartment).

Method No. 5. Retaliatory betrayal

A man will not understand the pain he caused his wife until he experiences it in his own skin. Ladies who can negotiate with their conscience and have sufficient courage should change in response. For these purposes, choose not a third party, but close friend your husband. It would be desirable if he turns out to be the boss. Have fun and let your spouse know about your adventures. The result will amaze him, but keep in mind that you are unlikely to be able to save the marriage.

You also don’t have to have sex with your new boyfriend, it will be enough to make him fall in love with you and spend everything free time together. Dress nicely, put on makeup and go on a date. In this case, it is better to wait and not reveal the identity of the admirer so that the husband does not scare him away. The method is cynical, but you can’t do anything for the sake of sweet revenge.

Method number 6. Laxative to the rescue

Your husband cheated, but still hasn’t admitted it? Did you hear from the neighbor you go to for tea? Turn the situation in your favor! Purchase a liquid laxative from the pharmacy in advance. Announce that you want to throw a grand dinner, inviting all your friends, relatives and colleagues.

When the guests gather at the table, behave friendly and jokingly, serve your husband salt, salad and whatever he asks for. Be a good wife for about half an hour, then proceed with the operation. Add a laxative to his food or soft drink, read the instructions for the recommended dose and increase it by 2.5-3 times for greater effectiveness. Wait about an hour and voila, hubby will start running to the toilet, unable to find a place for himself.

There is another variation this method. The husband did not tell about the betrayal, but continues to see the lady? Have you noticed what he wears? best suit, generously applies perfume and preens himself, without telling where he is going? Give him water with a laxative, let this date be the “best” of his life.

Method No. 7. Meeting the Enemy

Have you found out who the mistress is? Make friends with her. Be patient, calm down and find a way to become an irreplaceable friend. You can call or write a message on the Internet, the main thing is to get an appointment. Be polite, courteous and sociable, let him know that you are terribly tired of him and are glad to see his new chosen one. Don't insult her, focus on positive qualities, get into character.

Casually mention that before this your husband had an unkempt and illiterate mistress, but now he has done right choice. Create grounds for suspicion, provoke a scandal in their couple, be very convincing. Avoid conflicting stories, come up with the names of your spouse's former passions so that new lover I didn’t doubt your words.

Method No. 8. Complete indifference

Gather all your strength into a fist, don’t shout, don’t reproach, don’t show emotions at all. Let him beg for forgiveness until his knees wear out, do not accept advances and do not communicate with him at all. Move away, break contact, remain indifferent for 1-2 weeks. Cry into your pillow until he sees, but before his eyes you should appear beautiful, well-groomed and cold as ice.

A man's pride will suffer if you can withstand moral vengeance until the end of the term. To the cries of “I didn’t want to, she came at me,” answer with a short “I see.” Hide all the pain, resentment, love and care in a distant drawer. Don't wash his things, don't cook his favorite dishes. Live your life, communicate regularly with your friends, be less in his presence, sign up for fitness. On at this stage you need to keep yourself busy so that you appear at home less often. This applies to ladies who do not have children together with a cheater.

  1. Don't leave home or put your spouse's things out the door if you want to save your marriage. Stay with a friend or relatives temporarily, calm down, and then make your final decision.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to cut veins or resort to suicide! Do not cause bodily harm to your spouse, otherwise you will appear in court in all its glory.
  3. If you and your husband have a child, do not manipulate him and protect him from scandal. Do not resort to cruel revenge (retaliatory betrayal, damage to property) so as not to upset the child’s psyche. Remember, children are responsible for the sins of their parents.

Do you want to take revenge on your husband for cheating? Use smart methods, they are extremely effective. Make him out to be a homosexual in front of his colleagues or give him a laxative. Proceed to damage property in last moment, remember about responsibility. Have a sale and put up posters all over town. Get ready, revenge will be sweet!

Video: how to take revenge on your husband for cheating

A man, having learned about his girlfriend’s betrayal, may become furious and want to take revenge on his partner. But you need to pull yourself together and try to objectively assess the situation. Sometimes revenge must be abandoned in order to maintain self-esteem. Some of the things an abused young person does can be harmful to him or her. At the same time, the girl will practically not suffer from such revenge.

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What were and are the punishments for infidelity?

IN modern times young man would not even think of taking revenge on a cheating wife or girlfriend the way they did in ancient times different countries. Now a man can hit his unfaithful partner, yell at her, come up with some petty dirty tricks, or spread bad rumors about her. All these actions, although unpleasant, cannot be compared with the punishments that offended young people came up with several centuries ago.

In fairness, it should be noted that even in the current era, a person is capable of committing a crime upon learning about a woman’s infidelity, but this is an exception. In ancient times, the following punishments were common practice and were not considered abnormal.

Here are some brutal examples:

  • In medieval Thailand, a cheating wife was placed in a simulated animal where she could not move her limbs or change location. Most often they used a stuffed elephant. The real animal, mistaking him for a female, acted instinctively, causing serious injuries and injuries to the girl inside.
  • IN Western Europe cheaters were deprived of their freedom (imprisoned in a monastery), or parts of the body were cut off (nose, ears, lips), or burned at the stake, believing that in this way the soul of the harlot was cleansed of sin.
  • IN Ancient Rome unfaithful girls were mutilated by cutting off their noses. Such a woman became a slave, she could not have children and remarry.
  • And in China, prodigal wives were doused with animal fat and a pack of hungry dogs were set on them. Afterwards, they either spent a long time being treated for numerous physical injuries, or died in agony.

On ancient Rus' the punishments were much milder, but they depended on the character of the husband. If he was supportive and did not want a divorce, then the girl was beaten with a belt or a whip. Sometimes physical injuries were replaced by correctional labor or confinement in a monastery. The husband also had the right to harness the woman with the horses so that everyone could see what act she had done towards him. If the husband did not forgive the prodigal wife, then she was exiled to the spinning yard for life, after which she could not have another family or children. Very often, court proceedings took place according to the simple will of the husband - to kick the cheater out of the house and onto the street, leaving her without everything.

Even though all the above actions seem to be very cruel relics of the past, it still exists in modern times. For example, in Islam, a woman’s infidelity is big sin and is punished death penalty. In practice, a man does not kill a girl, but is quite capable of beating her. It all depends on the specific state in which the couple lives. But young people who adhere to this religion never forgive their spouses for such actions and they themselves take their behavior with other female representatives very seriously.

Husband's ingenious revenge for betrayal

What a man shouldn't do

A man who decides to take revenge on a girl needs to think about whether he wants to continue the relationship further. If yes, then you should try to forgive her. Without this, it will not be possible to renew the alliance. And if not, then you need to maintain your own dignity and not do stupid things.

What a young man definitely shouldn’t do:

  • Take revenge on your lover. It is advisable not to contact him at all. If he was an acquaintance and deliberately destroyed the couple’s relationship, then you need to ask about his motives. Maybe that guy has been in love with the girl for a long time, and it’s mutual. In addition, it is likely that the lover did not know about the relationship or marriage of his sexual partner.
  • Change in response. This is fraught with other consequences. You should not use a third person to sort out your relationship with a girl. The new partner may fall in love, and after breaking up with the man who actually used her, she will feel depressed.
  • Cause physical injury to the traitor or damage property. Such an act implies criminal punishment. And the woman, offended by the behavior of her ex, will go and remove the beating and prove her involvement in the damage to an expensive item. Then the man will suffer even more, and not only from his partner’s infidelity, but also from his own stupidity and excessive emotionality.

Also, you should not do any minor dirty tricks to the cheating lady. This is stupid and pointless, there is no need to lower yourself in the eyes of a woman and everyone around her. You should refrain and prove yourself to be a reasonable person.

Is it possible to forgive betrayal

How to come up with a punishment for an unfaithful woman?

The punishment that the man comes up with should be such that the girl cannot make any claims against him. This does not mean that she simply will not have evidence of her ex’s guilt. A woman must understand that her partner has every right to do this.

To make it clearer, here are some examples of how you can punish a traitor:

  • Deprived of living space. The girl lives in her man’s apartment and has no other housing. A young man can calmly ask her to leave his territory, explaining this as a low act on her part. No matter how much the lady screams, begs, or insists on her own, you should not leave her in your house.
  • Leave without financial support. In the relationship, the man helped her financially: he provided her with a place to live, bought things, paid for her needs. After betrayal, the young man has every right to deprive the lady of her security and take away everything that was in her use, no matter what she says.
  • Disappear from life ex-lover. If a couple divides income and real estate in half, then after the news of betrayal, the young man needs to move as quickly as possible. In such a situation, you don’t have to explain anything to the woman, just leave.

Some may think that this is not enough for revenge. Some men mean by punishment damage to expensive property, reputation, and the girl’s relationships with her loved ones. But you shouldn't do this. Even if the separation does not cause any visible reaction in a woman, in her heart she will worry that she ex-man I said goodbye to her so easily and emotionlessly.

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