How to throw a party at home, what you need to know. Games for parties at home. How to throw the perfect party: gathering friends

Already chosen a theme, but still wondering where to hold the party? Tips from the creators of P&P especially for you!

Advantages and disadvantages of various places of “deployment” for those who are planning a great holiday with friends and family!

But before we begin the debriefing, it is best to consider some adviсe:

  1. When choosing a place for a holiday, you need to decide on the type of party, age category of guests, and your financial capabilities.
  2. Pay attention to the distance of the place from the city - this will give you food for thought about how to get there and how to leave there.
  3. Ask the administration about additional costs (deposit, parking, maintenance, tableware rental, electricity)
  4. Find out in advance about the restrictions (noise, music, age, permission to drink alcohol, smoking).
  5. The style of your party remains an important factor. It’s not entirely appropriate to spend it in an apartment, but on the beach.
  6. Think carefully about what and how you will entertain your guests. Think it over competitive program, get advice from a presenter or invite an animator for children.
  7. If you are organizing a party on your own, do not forget about lighting and music - the main components of a good holiday.
  8. When leaving far from the city, take with you not only food and drinks, but also a first aid kit.
  9. When celebrating in close proximity to water, it is best to remain sober.

House, apartment

Home is, of course, great choice. Here, dishes and a refrigerator are at hand. Late guests can be shoved into corners and left until the morning, and you yourself can fall into bed without cleaning up the mess :). However, owning your own home also has its drawbacks. Which? Let's get a look!

  • Insufficient space for big company, a lot of furniture, dishes that can be damaged or broken.
  • Noisy company is a punishment for neighbors.
  • It is not always possible to organize a themed party due to lack of decor and space.
  • Relatively cheap - you only need to pay for food and decorations.
  • Everything is at hand - from attributes for competitions to your favorite music.
  • An ideal economical solution during the cold season.

Own garden, meadow

The garden is an ideal solution for a quiet family dinner, a children's party or. Beautiful trees, bright flowers. But, as they say, the sun has spots too!

  • At bad weather the whole party will be covered.
  • If there is lush vegetation, there is a chance that the garden will be trampled to the ground, especially if there are children among the guests.
  • Option
  • In the absence of trees, it is necessary to solve the problem of the scorching sun.
  • A problem with big amount insects
  • In the evening, the issue of lighting becomes acute.
  • Fresh air and beautiful scenery.
  • An ideal place for a modest tea party.
  • Great place for a photo shoot.

River bank

Who doesn't love fishing, fun swimming and cool water? summer evening? However, when thinking about where to throw a party, pay attention not only to the advantages of the chosen place, but also to its disadvantages.

  • Danger of water for small children and drunk adults.
  • A large number of mosquitoes during the day and evening.
  • Only for the warm season.
  • Cool at cloudy weather, and also after sunset.
  • If there is no tent or awning, rainy weather will ruin the whole evening.
  • Possibility of holding a themed party - , .
  • An opportunity to fish and play in the water for everyone present.
  • A great way to freshen up after active games or in the heat of a summer day.
  • A beautiful sunset and, as a result, gorgeous photos.

Country house

Do you love inviting friends to barbecue at your own dacha? Have a great weekend! However, is this a good place when you want to have a party?

  • The “decor” of the premises usually leaves much to be desired, because our people bring exclusively unnecessary and old things to their dachas. Therefore, you can’t count on a glamorous party :).
  • The remoteness of the country house from the city. Lack of transport for guests and, as a result, the inability to leave the cottage after the end of the holiday.
  • If you have a small dacha it is very difficult to accommodate all the guests.
  • Suitable for cold periods only if heating is available.
  • In most cases, a summer house is an ideal solution for those who do not know where to hold a party. Here you can play loud music - summer residents are used to loud weekends, have fun and dance with all their might:).
  • An excellent option for - the main thing is to choose the right topic. Especially in this case, dachas on the banks of a river, lake or bay are attractive.
  • In case of bad weather, there is always the option of staying indoors or on the veranda.
  • Fresh air and the company of friends will allow you to easily drag out the holiday even until dawn!

Night club

Prefer to have fun on the dance floor? Let's decide together if it's suitable night club for a party?

  • It’s an expensive pleasure, because you need to pay not only for entrance tickets for your guests, but also to reserve a table and treat everyone to drinks.
  • Noise and a large number of strangers may interfere with communication. This is especially problematic when one of the guests does not know the others well.
  • Guests may not calculate the dose of alcohol and you will have to resolve issues with security, taxis, etc.
  • This is not a realistic option if the company includes too many adults and/or children.
  • Definitely a great place for a small group of people who know each other very well.
  • Dancing until you drop.
  • A solution for any time of year.
  • A real stylish party.
  • Good photos - most often nightclubs have their own photographers who are unlikely to miss fun company young people.

Bowling (billiards, karting, etc.)

Are you into sports or interesting games? Should this be the central attraction of the holiday?

  • Many invitees may simply not like the style of celebration you have chosen. For example, I don’t play billiards and I start to get bored 10 minutes after the game starts :).
  • An expensive pleasure, especially if you need to rent several tracks/tables/cars + you need to take into account the cost of food and drinks.
  • For those who are bored, it’s a fairly monotonous activity – an hour or two and the party begins to “fade out.”
  • A fun pastime for true connoisseurs - my friend celebrated his birthday at a bowling alley and we had a great time together, even though many of us were playing for the first time.
  • Non-standard entertainment for some people, because many have never been anywhere other than a cinema in their lives :).
  • Possibility of holding a holiday 365 days a year :).
  • Lots of funny pictures.
  • In principle, it is suitable for children aged 12-15 years.
  • You can arrange competitions by first dividing the guests into teams.

Children's entertainment complex

Are you planning a children's party and want to relax yourself at the same time? Read and think :).

  • The financial side of the issue is quite significant.
  • The venue is for children only.
  • Limited area and work of animators.
  • Impossibility of holding “your own” holiday.
  • Children have fun with the animator, you relax.
  • Convenient for parents whose children were born in the cold season :).

On the sea

Do you dream of a warm sea with your friends? Perhaps the question of where to throw a party can be resolved simply?!

  • The idea is expensive. You only dream about such a holiday in one case - the guests don’t give you gifts, but spend everything on travel + take into account the costs of housing, food and entertainment.
  • If the sea is too far away, there is no point in going there for just two days.
  • Not realistic in the cold season :)
  • Fun :)
  • Sea :)
  • Change of scenery, new places
  • A great birthday for any company.

In a cafe, restaurant, karaoke bar

Are you planning a luxurious holiday at a venue? We weigh all the advantages and disadvantages!

  • Expensive. A banquet these days, even in the simplest cafe, starts from $13 per person. And this does not include dessert, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • A theme party will only take place in a closed hall. And this all comes down to money again :).
  • You will be fed and watered - you won’t have to cook anything or clear the table.
  • You can sing and dance to your heart's content, depending on the level of entertainment in the establishment.

Rented recreation center, boarding house, sanatorium

Many former children's camps, recreation centers, Soviet sanatoriums, etc. practice renting out houses, sheds, barbecues and furniture for holding events on their territory mass events. But are there any disadvantages to this type of vacation?

  • There is a limited number of sleeping places - there are enough tables and chairs, but in a rented house there may be only a couple of beds. We'll have to think about where to put the guests.
  • Suitable for summer only.
  • You will have to prepare treats, transport food to the base, and also think about transporting guests :).
  • Fairly loyal pricing policy.
  • The opportunity to listen to music loudly and dance, because everyone around is relaxing.
  • An excellent option for those whose guests like to stay longer, because the rent is paid per day.
  • If the base is located within the city, then you can get to it by public transport, and you can actually get home by taxi.
  • Great place for a themed party.
  • The presence of both open area and canopies.
  • In 99 cases out of 100, there is close proximity to water.

Yacht, motor ship

IN Lately holidays on the water are relevant and interesting. Does this type of vacation really have a lot of advantages?

  • High price for renting a watercraft.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the costs of catering, and in the case of a yacht, the crew’s salaries.
  • If there are heavily drinking guests, this is a dangerous pastime; there is a chance that you will spend the rest of the evening fishing guests out of the water.
  • A yacht cannot accommodate a large number of people, and ships are not always beautiful.
  • Only for holidays warm time of the year.
  • Exotic and fun.


Are you planning a fun children's party? Is there a possibility that spending it at the zoo could be fun?

  • Treats include only hot dogs, cotton candy, ice cream and carbonated drinks.
  • If the zoo is small, then the fun will end in an hour.
  • Only for the warm season.
  • A large number of people, if there is a large group of children, there is a danger of losing someone along the way.
  • The zoo can become a nice addition To children's party which takes place at home or in the country. To entertain the children with something, you can take them to the zoo.
  • At the zoo you can organize a competition for best drawing or the best animal parody.
  • Affordable pleasure.
  • Especially relevant for a children's Zoo themed party.
  • You can arrange a fun quest with cards on the topic “Who will find it faster monkey?

Private house or apartment for rent

Does it make sense to rent a house or apartment for a holiday? Let's figure it out together!

  • Many owners do not rent out their premises for entertainment events, fearing broken dishes and problems with the police.
  • Quite an expensive pleasure + the cost of servicing the holiday.
  • The need to cook and carry food yourself.
  • An opportunity to have a great time - often houses of this kind are equipped with a swimming pool, sauna or billiards (for a fee).
  • Availability of separate rooms.
  • If this is a house, there is a local area, most often there is a gazebo or canopy.
  • Dishes, refrigerator, electricity - everything is at hand.

A party at home is a risk and an extreme measure that only desperate and professional daredevils should decide on. First of all, this concerns the New Year, when a good half of friends do not know where to sit on such a night. If fate has decreed that the organization has fallen on your shoulders, and your favorite kitchen will become the scene of action, you should not despair: the main thing here is to resolve all the issues with experience and in advance in order to smooth out unpleasant consequences. On the eve of the holidays, FURFUR asked musicians, DJs and house party bigwigs two simple questions: what is no proper party at home without and what situations are best avoided so as not to ruin your mood?

The main thing to understand is that a party is not “going to visit.” No table with Olivier is needed - just a buffet! Drinks and snacks. Someone might have a minibar - great. The organizer should approach the process as if his apartment were small club. Accordingly, you need to think about what kind of music there will be, who will play it, and who you want to see as guests. Random people no need to call. But if among the guests there are people who are unfamiliar with each other (females, for example), this will still add additional interest to the party. The music should be selected based on the general average taste of those gathered. So that at some point all the drunks start yelling “van deey you gona liv in peeris...” and merge in ecstatic unity.

In general, the ideal party should look like what is shown in American pop films! To do this, the density of people needs to be a little higher than what usually lives in this apartment.”

The main mistake, it seems to me, is always the same - there is no need to entertain guests. At a good party, guests entertain themselves. Leo Tolstoy in “War and Peace” wrote that a commander can influence the course of a battle only before it begins, placing regiments and giving them orders, after which everything is left to chance. This is true for any form of home gathering, from a bingo game to an underground punk concert. There are only two things you can really seriously influence the course of events - turn off Wi-Fi and send everyone home. The last resort should be resorted to immediately after the third visit by the police; in decent houses this is a sign of good manners.”

Having a balcony is very important. It will be possible to drive out all smokers there, and even more so with cigars, so that they can ventilate on fresh air and were able to continue to decompose qualitatively.

If we talk about the main mistakes of home parties, then in the first place is the decision to stir up drugs or women. It usually happens like this - everyone drinks alcohol in the right male company and suddenly the idea arises to find, get something, for example, cocaine. Old friends begin to behave like Nils with wild geese, walking around the house. As a result, some kind of pills appear, but worse than being on pills, there are no friends, for which you later become ashamed. We are not talking about any quality at such moments, but everything should be natural.

Another one common mistake- approach the DJ with a request to play some of your music. It makes everyone terribly nervous and ends up sounding like some kind of complete crap.”

But seriously, find a place without night neighbors and police squads, take those who will not be boring in musically, preferably fifteen to twenty people and not in pairs, otherwise everyone will be looking for a secluded place to kiss or have a drink. Don't forget also about light snacks and a supply of alcohol so you don't have to run around the city at night... New Year this or just a party - the instigator should be flexible and ready at least for the arrival of unexpected guests, friends of friends, and so on.

In general, for some reason it seems to me that if your new Year party“It’s not a simple gorge of olives, and you will be ready for nightly adventures, then everything will work out for you without any advice.”

The time for holidays is approaching - from Halloween to the Old New Year - so we have a reason to gather guests. You can organize a themed party: beach, cocktail or 80s style, even a pajama party will do - it all depends only on your imagination. I've collected a few for you great advice, how to have a good time with friends and organize a holiday in your home:

1. Invite friends, old and new

Use your party as an excuse to renew and refresh your relationships with people you haven't seen in a while. New acquaintances will add surprise to everyone present - no one knows who they will meet this evening. The ideal group for a party is those you know and love, plus those you want to get close to and could very well love. To decide how many people to invite, make a list of potential guests with different interests and think about which of them would want to appear at your reception.

2. Calculate seats

The math is simple: do you have 15 guests and only 5 chairs? This means the problem will not work. Move away unnecessary furniture, organize additional seating with bright pillows and blankets right on the floor. People will be moving around all the time, so don't worry about assigning each location to a specific guest.

3. Use all the rooms

Is it convenient to gather everyone in the living room like sprats in a jar? Encourage movement throughout the apartment, even if it is small. Make the bed in the bedroom, turn on dim lights or garlands. Place platters of snacks even on the hallway table so that guests don't have to keep coming into the living room, interrupting their conversations. Each room creates its own atmosphere, which will give you more chances strangers find a contact.

4. Pay attention to detail

A good party should take your mind off Everyday life. Details are important because they strengthen faith in alternate reality. If you are having a role-playing party, then the apartment needs to be filled with all the attributes for a good game.

5. Greet guests at the door

Your guests should not be scared and leave at the sight of a dancing crowd. Greet everyone with a big smile, be sure to indicate where everything is, especially the toilet and food. Introduce new arrivals to someone present before running off to check out the snacks.

6. Set up a photo zone

A good party should be talked about bright photos on Instagram! All you need is a good backdrop on the wall, suitable lighting and some fun sayings. Place your camera there on a tripod or place a selfie stick in a visible place. Some go further: using instant cameras like Instax.

7. Organize games with real prizes

People love to compete, especially if the winnings are material. The prize could be a chocolate medal or a bottle of good champagne - the price is not that important. Avoid difficult ones board games, the rules of which will take a long time to understand.

8. Choose good music

None good party does not pass without a thoughtful playlist that maintains the right atmosphere. Select music in advance for a certain mood: it can be of different genres, from calm to fiery. Guests will be able to chat to relaxing music, and dance until the morning to driving music. Romantic songs are the highlight of the program, because slow songs have not been canceled.

You can use special selections from Yandex.Music or Spotify. Be sure to check how long your playlist will last and add a couple of “highlights” to it - your friends’ favorite tracks.

9. Menu. Simple but tasty

Make sure the food you prepare is easy to eat. Don't forget to tell people with allergies what ingredients you used. If there are a lot of salads, place cards with brief description what's in it. Remember that products should not spoil the smell of your mouth and should be sufficiently satiating. And make sure everything on the menu is delicious.

10. The best drinks come first

Serve early in the evening because no one will remember them later. Wine is usually offered for dinner, and vodka and tequila are kept at the ready. Don't forget without alcoholic drinks for guests who do not drink alcohol.

11. Label glasses

Special pendants for the stems of glasses will help guests not get confused about whose glass is whose. If possible, appoint a person in charge who will act as a bartender this evening.

12. Don't skimp on napkins

Place a roll of paper napkins and stop worrying that someone might not have enough of them. A package of toothpicks will also come in handy. You can also make some wonderful canapés for a snack with them.

13. Be mindful, but don't forget to enjoy yourself

Once the fun started, the main task hostesses - make sure everyone is having a good time. Difficult, but no more difficult than final exams. Make sure everyone has enough food, drinks, enjoys the music, and introduce people to each other. Leave the rest to your friends, and everything will go as planned. If you're too uptight it can ruin the atmosphere, so have fun!

14. Make sure your guests leave comfortably

Most likely, guests will come to your party on public transport, - which means it’s difficult for them to leave on their own late in the evening. It’s worth checking in which direction they are going and organizing several shared taxis or inviting guests to stay with you. In the latter case, make sure that they have somewhere to sleep, something to hide in, and, if necessary, something to change into.

15. Provide assistance on time

In any party, sooner or later there comes a climax. Your guests may drink too much alcohol, and some may even begin to feel unwell. - help the poor guy.

Make sure your first aid kit has everything you need to provide first aid to a guest who is vomiting or simply unwell. Place an extra towel in the bathroom for those who decide to take care of themselves. If you don’t have enough time to provide a first aid kit, catch the moment when it’s time to switch to a non-alcoholic mojito.

16. Celebrate your success

Successful parties are exhausting, but this is a significant achievement, so don't forget to reward yourself with a hot bath. And to get a good night's sleep, go to bed with an eye mask and earplugs - protect yourself from the outside world.

House parties are very popular because the relaxed atmosphere promotes relaxation, which leads to fun and nice talking. When friends gather spontaneously, this does not require special preparations; events develop according to the flow. Everything changes if you decide to invite a group of young people in advance. And for the party to turn out really cool, the owner of the situation must think through a lot of nuances. First of all, weigh the pros and cons, including your organizational skills.

Pros and cons of a house party

The undoubted advantages of home parties are that:

  • you are not tied in time to the work schedule of a public establishment, and the last toast can be made whenever the guests want;
  • only people you like and need can be invited;
  • the whole evening proceeds according to your own scenario;
  • you are the master of the situation, you have the opportunity to regulate and control the entire course of the event.

But there are no advantages without a disadvantage, which must be taken into account at the stage of deciding to hold a party.

  • In order for guests to feel comfortable, you may have to sacrifice the area of ​​the entire apartment;
  • preparing snacks is a very troublesome and responsible task;
  • cleaning up after the fun and washing a huge amount of dishes will take a lot of effort and time;
  • a cool party without loud music is impossible, but the consequence may be trouble with the neighbors;
  • The hostess bears the lion's share of organizational concerns, and the celebration itself will have to be constantly kept under control so that it doesn't just turn out to be a drunken feast.

Have you weighed everything and are determined? Then start with organizational issues. Perhaps you will become a pioneer if none of your friends have organized such gatherings before. Decide how you imagine future fun. Maybe it'll be a classic pastime noisy company or a stylized masquerade ball with a specific theme and appropriate costumes?

Theme parties

You can decide the theme of the upcoming party yourself or consult with the guests so that all invitees feel comfortable. Be sure to consider their age. And there are many options. If there is no official reason, imagine: the first snow or the next rain, read new book, which suggested the idea of ​​a costume party or just good mood, conducive to noisy fun. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is to gather friends in an informal setting. Share your suggestions with them and listen to their ideas.

You can take the currently most popular types of costume parties as a basis, and the play of your imagination will suggest the further course of events.

  1. Homemade masquerade ball in anime style. The number of anime fans is growing rapidly, so this option will appeal to adults and children. The thematic competition will also be exciting. The presenter shows one of the episodes of the film, and the participants turn away at this time. Whoever guessed first wins a prize.
  2. Party in the style of nostalgia for the past. Ideal for people who have known each other for more than one year. Warn your guests to bring mementos that will not only be a topic of discussion and memories, but also a reason for fun. It will not be difficult to find the music that was played at discos back then, and the surviving wardrobe items will serve as themed costumes. They will add some color bright accessories previous years. The Monopoly game will be part of the entertainment program.
  3. The impromptu beauty contest will appeal to both the female participants and the male judges. It is advisable that the program correspond to the real show, just discuss the swimsuit fashion show in advance. Diversify the holiday with musical and humorous performances. This theme party will be remembered for a long time.

In addition, the style of one of the eras carried over to the party is great option for home fun.

Themed celebrations promise from the first moment a feeling of celebration and positive mood.

The design of the apartment should also correspond to the chosen theme: select or make attributes to decorate the walls, furniture, and table.

An integral part and obligatory condition of such a holiday are costumes that match the theme. When this is not possible, there is no need to run around looking for a full set of clothes. Some symbolism or a few accessories related to the theme are enough. One of the proposed competitions may be called “The Most Attractive Costume.”

Table setting

Don’t panic, even when you’re expecting a big company – use all your imagination. It is not at all necessary to make enormous purchases and cut mountains of salads. Fun party will not suffer if, as an option, you take a buffet table as a basis. Various canapés, sandwiches, cold cuts, and light salads will be an alternative to hot appetizers. Fruits go perfectly with champagne and wine. For dessert, buy a portioned version, such as small cakes. If this is not a targeted party to celebrate a birthday or other event, but a gathering of friends for have fun, then you can safely distribute the responsibilities and preparation of snacks.

When choosing alcohol, consider the preferences of all guests. You can't do without diversity here. Along with strong drinks Various light cocktails should also be present. If the party is organized in themed style, try to work in this direction. For example, for a Mexican carnival, prepare tequila, and a Japanese evening implies the presence of sake and, by the way, sushi. Likewise, an Italian theme cannot exist without pizza, which is best ordered for home delivery.

When setting the table, try to deviate from classical rules. Bright disposable plates, which can be thrown away after completion, will replace ordinary dishes, and beautiful napkins choose according to the topic. Youth company will surely appreciate your ingenuity. But this only applies to plates. Champagne and other alcoholic drinks will retain their taste in glass glasses. The situation is similar with forks and knives; give preference to the classics.

For a party at home, consider lighting. In the dance area the atmosphere should be close to club style. If possible, arrange a disco light with glare and colored lights. Or leave a minimum of lamps or sconces to create comfort and warm communication. Bright light will be needed in the part of the room where you are supposed to intellectual entertainment, interesting competition or noisy games.

Entertainment options

The dance evening is only part of the event. Think of other exciting entertainment to captivate everyone present. Funny Games, everyone's favorite karaoke will help maintain the festive atmosphere. And small prizes for the winner will be a nice addition. The program should provide variety, then your friends will mark the evening spent at your home as one of the best.

  1. Competition-entertainment “question-answer”. Take two vessels, place pieces of paper with questions in one, and random answers in the other. One participant asks a question, the second answers.
  2. The classic version of “Guess the melody” in a noisy company will become new meaning and at the same time reveal musical abilities those present. The analogue will be “Guess the soundtrack”.
  3. Any party where the forfeits are not forgotten is considered a success.

More full list Party entertainment ideas can be found online. You just need to prepare in advance everything you need to hold competitions or games. Make sure that the music is not deafening and at the same time does not interrupt.

And don’t forget to capture the holiday events with a camera or video. Each of the guests will want to see themselves in unusual image after years. Everyone should remember a great party.

Holding such an event at home imposes a huge responsibility on the owners. Collateral festive atmosphere is their good mood and ability to plan everything.

When you start organizing a cool party at home, remember that the main thing is relaxed communication and fun mood all those invited. So arrange a holiday of the soul for yourself and your friends.

Video: how to throw a party

Any person, even one who has never watched " Apple pie", sooner or later he is faced with the need or has an irresistible desire to organize a loud house party and become her king. TTR interviewed local art directors and partygoers about how to throw a party even better than the Project X heroes, and with a happy ending at that.

Vladimir Olovyanishnikov (Jeff D), art director of Gm Family campaigns (Oj Bar, Nebo Summer Restaurant, Teahouse No. 1 Lounge):

— House parties are parties that are built only on the atmosphere, which can happen by itself or be carefully thought out! Positive mood - main basis any home party. Among friends and beautiful girls everything will work out by itself. The amount of alcohol at the party, of course, is also not small. important factor(I only recommend high quality ones). Our basics are over here, perhaps I’ll talk about those moments, or rather about what is needed in order not to spoil these basics. I won't write about themed parties, here everything is clear: Halloween, so put on a vampire costume (as an example). I'll tell you about a house party with music and dancing:

  1. Only verified friends. Girls are an exception, although even here you need to be selective, because you don’t want to ruin your mood in the middle of the party.
  2. Service. You are the host of the party, make sure that you and your guests are comfortable, think through everything to the smallest detail.
  3. Music. 40% have a good party- this is a musical mood, if you don’t want to tear your drunken friend away from the computer, remote control or tape recorder, you’d better call a pro! It could be anyone: a professional DJ or just your responsible friend.
  4. Purity. I don’t understand people who shit at guests, so I recommend it plastic dishes for drinks, but still depends on the level and budget of the party.
  5. MS or Language. There is always a person in the company who will amuse or rock your guests with his stories, but if all your friends are boring, just call cheerful guy, which will not let you get bored.

Radion Rozadeev, former partygoer:

— The key to a successful house party is alcohol, neutral music, responsible friends who drink a little, at least two or three people (after all, you want to know your home in the morning), unbreakable dishes, but the most important thing is to distribute flyers about the party to people you really care about want to see, although there will be more than enough extra characters.

Vlad Revkov,event manager in the music industry:

Everyone at least once in their life has tried or wanted to throw a house party in the style of American films, but I think that not everyone succeeded as intended. I'll give you a couple of tips based on own experience. The most important thing is to create an atmosphere so that your guests feel relaxed and at home!

The music should be chosen according to the taste of the guests, since these are your friends, only you know what they prefer. Now every second person calls himself a DJ, so finding one for your party will not be difficult for you, choose from those that you like and that suit the music format. And you will also need a ringleader who will encourage and energize your guests.

The more guests, the merrier, but guys should only be invited to those with whom they know and have communicated personally! More than once there were cases when strangers ruined a party and destroyed the apartment, leaving only ruins.

An important point is the design of the apartment. It will set a contrast for your party, work on light music and garlands. Take ultraviolet lamps, or just paint regular lamps with paint. The ideal solution there will be strobe lights. I also love fog generators! At all inexpensive item, which you can rent, but it will crash your party and your guests will be delighted. The rest of the design depends on the flight of your imagination.

You need to think over an entertainment program, some active games. They will help make friends with your guests and introduce those who have not yet met. Drinking games, twister, and those where girls touch boys and boys touch girls.

Of course, you can’t go without drinks. Everything here is limited only by your budget. Buy enough to have enough for all your guests until the morning. Be sure to buy sparkling water.

If suddenly your mother comes home, pretend that you are all cleaning the house. She will be happy.

Roman Romanov, “Choose” magazine, “Radar” media group:

The main thing for a home party is to invite your close friends and everything will work out right away, and there will be activities for every taste.

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