One breast is larger than the other. Why does one breast get larger than the other? Impact of pregnancy and breastfeeding

"Why is one breast larger than the other?" - how often do girls who have started puberty ask a similar question to their mothers, sisters, older girlfriends or just friends.

Puberty in girls occurs from 8-9 to 17-18 years old. From about 10 years old, the formation and growth of the mammary glands begins, however, the penultimate stage of breast formation ends only by the age of 16-17, and the final size of the mammary gland can be established only after breastfeeding. During this time, the breast can grow rapidly, or practically stop growing. In addition, breast enlargement may not be proportional. For a while, one breast may be larger than the other, and over time, they may change places. All this is within the normal range and there is no cause for concern.

It happens when puberty seems to be over, and with close scrutiny, you can notice a difference in breast size. And this is also not a cause for concern at all.

In our body, nothing is symmetrical. If you look closely, we have different palms, feet, and eyes. Can't believe it? In order to check this you need to take your photo. A portrait shot is desirable. Take a mirror and place it squarely in the middle of your face, at a 90 degree angle. Look, first, what happens when the left half of the face is reflected in the mirror, then turn the mirror and look at the reflection of the right half. How? Impressed? So, if the difference between the left and right breasts is slightly noticeable and does not give you any inconvenience, then the problem called: "One breast is larger than the other" can be deleted from the list of relevant.

But what if one breast became larger than the other during pregnancy and / or lactation?

It is also often with the question that one breast is larger than the other, less encountered during pregnancy or breastfeeding. And in this case, do not worry. The reason is simple - lactation, that is, the production of breast milk by our mammary glands, which is necessary for feeding the baby. And the fact that one gland produces more milk than the other is quite natural.

When you are breastfeeding, the solution may be more frequent and longer latching on your smaller breast. Or pumping. Breastfeeding experts say the more milk a baby eats, the more it arrives. Try to adjust the process yourself. You look, everything will work out.

If this simple method does not solve the problem, you need to consult a doctor. There are also so-called "breastfeeding specialists" who will not only advise you on the difference in breast size, but also give you practical advice on breastfeeding. Since the reason that one breast is larger than the other can be hidden in improper attachment to the breast.

What else could be the reason that one breast is much larger than the other?

You need to sound the alarm when all the stages of breast formation are over, and the difference in the size of the left and right breasts is significant. It happens that at a fairly mature age, in the absence of previously significant asymmetry, a woman notices that one breast has sharply become larger than the other. The reasons can be different from hormonal disruption to, God forbid, a tumor.

In this case, only a mammologist (specialist in mammary glands) can explain the reason and help in solving the problem. And with a trip to him, in any case, it is better not to delay. You should not be afraid, most likely he will prescribe an ultrasound of the mammary glands and a consultation with an endocrinologist who will check the presence and correct production of hormones in your body.

"I looked into my eyes, but I saw only breasts ..."

Dmitry Pasternak

Nature does not like strict frames. In creating man, she bypassed the issue of asymmetry. There are no people with equal body proportions, the paired organs of the body are not the same in size and appearance. This also applies to the female bust. In 80% of women, the differences are not visually visible.

But the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof the fair sex are afraid to look at themselves in the mirror. The mammary glands are so disproportionate that it goes beyond their own perception, which leads to depression and psychological problems.

Why is one breast larger than the other? Has nature given a bug? Is it an error in your system, or pronounced asymmetry - a sign of serious pathologies, health problems? Let's figure it out.

Types of asymmetry

Pathogenetics highlights bust imbalances caused by increased growth (hyperplasia) and poor development (hypoplasia). The imbalances in the development of the mammary glands are divided into the following stages:

  1. Weak imbalance. The asymmetry between the breasts is almost invisible. This degree is not subject to medical intervention. Corrects dissonance with specially selected underwear.
  2. Second degree.Breasts vary in size by 1/3.
  3. Heavy stage. If the breasts are 2 or more times larger than the other. The proportion of the body is significantly disturbed.

In the practice of plastic surgery, different breasts are found in numerous variations (the glands differ in the degree of omission of one part, the location of the areola and nipple). Based on the geometric shapes of the bust in the female body, the following types of asymmetry are shared:

  • Severe asymmetry of the areolas and nipples (appearance, direction of growth, location or volume).
  • Hypertrophy (when one gland has the shape of an elongated tube, and the other is hemispherical).
  • Normal development of one breast and enlargement of the other (the second breast drops).
  • Uneven ptosis (prolapse). Either the right or the left breast suffers.
  • Underdevelopment of one gland with hyperplasia (proliferation) of the other.
  • Bilateral hyperplasia of both mammary glands.
  • Dystrophy of one breast.
  • Hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the bust.

A pronounced imbalance spoils life. It becomes impossible to wear elegant underwear, a woman is embarrassed to appear on the beach, in the pool, in the sauna. Imbalance becomes a serious obstacle in intimate life. Where to look for someone to blame who "jokes" on a woman?

Reasons for size differences

The asymmetry of the mammary glands is explained by the influence of hormones during puberty and genetic changes in the female body. The formation of the bust ends by the age of 21 (in 3 out of 10 women, development continues until 25-30 years).

The hormone estrogen gives rise to the growth of the mammary glands. The fact how many years the breast grows determines its final shape. In the process of development, the bust is formed unevenly, disproportions during this period are the norm.

There are four factors affecting the size and proportion of the glands - genetics, unfavorable periods, pregnancy, lactation.

Congenital anomalies

Glandular malformations are diagnosed in early childhood. These include anomalies of position, visual appearance, number of glands, nipples. When creating a female bust, genes are capable of "making mistakes" in 2-3% of pathological cases. This occurs during the embryonic development of the fetus in the 6th week of pregnancy (the time of laying the milk ducts). At 7-8 weeks, nipples and areolas appear.

Changes in the normal cycle of intrauterine breast development in a child involve the stress of a pregnant woman, the intake of medications by the expectant mother and the pathological course of pregnancy. Congenital anomalies include the following deformities:

  • Polytelia. An increase in the number of nipples (this phenomenon is observed in 2% of women and 5.5% of men).
  • Polymastia. The presence of one or more additional mammary glands. They are located along the milk line (the area from the armpits to the groin). It occurs in 1-2% of people.
  • Amastia (agenesis). Lack of one or two breasts.
  • Aplasia (Poland's syndrome). Underdevelopment of the mammary glandular substance.
  • Hypoplasia. Lack of volume, deficiency is sharply expressed in relation to the rest of the body.
  • Breast tubularity. An anomaly in which the breasts are extended into tubules (tubes) does not have a hemispherical (normal) appearance. This deformation is called "mushroom" or "goat" breast.

Acquired defects

Throughout her life, the female breast is trapped by the dangers threatening asymmetry, deformation of the glands. How does the bust develop?

Puberty (9-16 years old). The first changes occur in the girl's chest, the nipple area darkens, coarsens and thickens. The fat layer gradually grows, which increases the volume. When probing the nipple zone, hard seals, lumps are felt. This is the main "builder" of the mammary gland - glandular tissue.

During puberty, a girl's breasts develop asymmetrically, which makes the girl and the parents worry. Especially if the growth of the glands is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and pain syndromes. But these symptoms are normal, this is a physiological norm.

Early reproduction (16-26 years old).The time when the breasts take on their natural characteristics. Glandular structure, milk ducts are actively formed. The young bust differs from the adult in the light pink color of the nipples, a small amount of fat and elasticity.

The breasts are now particularly susceptible to injury. Any physical impact stimulates the appearance of cysts and hematomas. With hypothermia, overheating, juvenile (bone) cysts are formed.

When a girl begins an intimate relationship, the bust changes. It increases and drops slightly. Starting from the age of 20, the growth of the breast (glandular component) stops, and pregnancy gives a new impetus to its development. The mammary glands become fat during this period due to the thickening of the fat layer. Its excess leads to sagging of the bust.

Maturity (26-42 years old). The breasts are formed and ready for the main mission - to feed the newborn. Now the glands are coarse, hurt, increase in the second half of the monthly cycle. Such symptoms are expressed in different ways: from mild malaise to severe pain symptoms. The painful syndrome is called "premenstrual tension syndrome" (PTS).

Adult age is dangerous for the bust by the development of seals, the appearance of nodules, cavities. Visit your gynecologist regularly to prevent swelling.

Involution (42-56 years old). In a woman, the productivity of the functioning of the sex glands gradually fades, menopause creeps up. The bust reacts to aging by reducing the glandular component. The glandular structure is replaced by fibrous (connective) and fatty, as a result of which the mammary glands add volume. Premenstrual symptoms fade away, soon disappear, and once luxurious breasts sag and wrinkle.

Extinction (56-80 years old). The bust continues to lose its lush appearance. After the cessation of menstruation, the onset of menopause, the mammary glands rapidly age, degrade.

Old age (over 80 years old).The sad stage turns the attractive bust into empty pouches of skin. At this time, the risk of neoplasms is high.

Throughout the difficult life stage, the mammary glands can deform, acquire asymmetry. Protect this part of the body from shock, physical impact, burns. The sensitive breast tissue forms keloid scars that tighten the skin and reduce one breast.

Risky situations

In women who increase the bust by installing an implant, in the process of life, a foreign body is displaced, leading to a change in the mammary gland. The development of capsular contracture is also possible (formation of fibrous tissue in the area of \u200b\u200bthe prosthesis). The pathological process leads to compression and compaction of the implant, which deforms the mammary gland.

Throughout her life, a woman is trapped by endocrine disorders (an imbalance between the hormones progesterone and estrogen). The problem is identified by taking a blood test for hormones. The following factors indicate the "war" of hormones in the female body:

  • Instability of the menstrual cycle (absence of menstruation, scarcity of discharge, or long, heavy menstruation).
  • Disorders of the nervous system (the appearance of anxiety, depression, irritability, outbursts of aggression).
  • Sharp, unreasonable weight gain (it is impossible to get rid of extra pounds, neither diet nor hard training helps).
  • Decreased libido (unwillingness to intimacy, apathy towards a partner, sexual intercourse is accompanied by dryness, irritation of the vagina).
  • Changes in the condition of hair, nails (with endocrine disorders, it becomes thinner, hair falls out, nails become brittle, layered, acquire a yellowish tint).
  • Skin rashes (a constant companion of hormonal problems - acne, inflammation, difficult to treat).
  • Sleep disturbances (hormonal disruption brings with it insomnia, anxious, light sleep).
  • Problems of the reproductive organs (with endocrine disorders, a woman is not able to bear a child). Even if it is possible to become pregnant, the pregnancy period is difficult, with the threat of miscarriage and fetal freezing.

Diseases threaten the beauty of the bust, especially mastopathy (benign cystic-fibrous disease), which provokes the appearance of cysts, nodes, is especially dangerous. The emergence of asymmetry (according to doctors) is a direct indicator of a risk factor for developing breast cancer in a woman.

The lactation period is dangerous for the healthy state of the breast. Inexperienced mothers, not knowing how to properly feed a child, wearing a tight bra, run the risk of bringing trouble to the mammary glands.

"Dangerous" breastfeeding

Breast asymmetry during the lactation period is common. In the mammary glands, breast milk accumulates unevenly, some breasts are more "greedy" for milk, the other is lazier. The situation is aggravated by the mistakes of the young mother:

  • Incomplete expression of milk in one of the mammary glands.
  • Night feeding takes place with only one breast.
  • The formation of cracks in one nipple and the unwillingness of the mother to “disturb” the problem breasts.
  • It is more convenient for mom to feed the baby from one side of the breast. The "demanded" breast increases in comparison with the second, because more milk comes to it.

Asymmetry appears in the case of previous breast diseases, and the unequal structure of the nipples also affects (the baby cannot fully suck on one breast, it does not empty when feeding, which provokes asymmetry). There are times when one mammary gland is not filled with milk at all, this leads to its decrease.

Attention!Improper treatment of milk stagnation (applying vodka compresses, camphor preparations) leads to the termination of lactation. Camphor, alcohol are antagonists (depressants), they stop the work of the hormone oxytocin (the "overseer" for breastfeeding).

Feeding rules

Aligning the breasts with HB is not difficult. You should often apply the baby to a smaller breast. If the baby is naughty, briefly give him a large breast, but then switch again to a smaller one. If the gland filled with milk bothers, bursts, express the milk.

Before going to bed, let the baby suckle a large breast, as soon as the baby sleeps, change the breast to a smaller one. During the period of prolonged sucking, the crumbs will empty it, provoking an increased flow of milk and an increase in the gland.

Perform night feedings only with smaller breasts!

How to deal with nipple injuries.To avoid excruciating pain, seek help and advice from a breastfeeding coach. He will tell you the subtleties of GW, tell you how to massage the glands.

Basic Rules.Strive for more stimulation of the breasts with less volume. There will be an increase in its filling with milk and a gradual increase. The large mammary gland should not be completely emptied and should be less stimulated. In this case, milk during lactation will arrive in a reduced amount, the volume of the gland will decrease.

Once your breasts have the same appearance, make sure to empty them evenly! The process of "balancing" the breasts is long, the problem will not be solved in 2-3 days. Set yourself up to “fight” asymmetry in 2-3 months.

Special situations. There are cases when such methods do not work. This includes the baby's inability to grasp the nipple due to its irregular (retracted, flattened) shape. The use of special pads on the nipple helps mother and baby. As a result of congenital hypoplasia (proliferation) of tissues, it is difficult to remove asymmetry on our own. The baby can be fed with one breast; other methods will help to restore the proportions.

Breast correction

What if one breast is larger than the other? In plastic surgery, successful methods have been developed for performing corrective operations designed to restore symmetry. The choice of method depends on the extent of the problem. Mammoplasty techniques are used both independently and in combination.

Endoprosthetics.Such plastic surgery is recommended for women suffering from hypomastia (underdeveloped breasts). During the operation, a silicone implant is installed using three methods: an inconspicuous incision along the nipple-areola zone, under the breast and in the armpits.

Reduction mammoplasty.The operation is intended to reduce the volume of the bust with mastoptosis (sagging breasts) and hypertrophy (enlargement of one gland). The procedure is performed in a gentle way (a T-shaped incision is made around the areola, excess adipose tissue is removed). The areola, along with the nipple and blood, nerve vessels, moves to a higher position.

Mastopexy. The operation is recommended for ptosis (ptosis) of the breast. Mammoplasty involves removing excess skin. Mastopexy is performed in four ways: anchoring, periareolar, vertical and circular. The event is short-lived - a woman spends 1-2 hours under anesthesia.

The rehabilitation period lasts 1.5-2 months. Pain symptoms are felt after plastic surgery for 4-5 days, they are weak and easily tolerated. During the recovery period, it is prohibited to take a steam bath, sauna, or play sports. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to wear compression underwear.

Such methods have proven their effectiveness (in 92-95% of cases, asymmetry can be removed after the first operation). The rest of the percentage is accounted for by complex, advanced cases requiring repeated surgical intervention.

Indications / contraindications for plastic surgery

Mammoplasty is performed in the following cases:

When a woman is unhappy with her breasts. This includes underdevelopment of the glands, the presence of too small a breast in comparison with the constitution of the body, asymmetry. The plastic surgeon's job is to select and place an implant.

After surgery to remove the breast (missing right breast or left). The gland is removed for malignant tumors. This requires the installation of a prosthesis and the reconstruction of the size and appearance of the breast.

Women who have lost the volume of the mammary glands after pregnancy, lactation, sudden weight loss. Plastic surgeons perform two operations at the same time (requires the installation of an implant and a breast lift).

With any method of breast correction, there are a number of indications in which plastic surgery is contraindicated. These include:

  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the heart, lungs.
  • Low blood clotting rates.
  • Problems in the activity of the endocrine system.

With a woman's tendency to form keloid scars, plastic surgeries are allowed, but they are carried out with caution. After plastic surgery, it is undesirable to become pregnant for six months.

A set of exercises for a beautiful bust

There is no muscle tissue in the breasts themselves. But it is at the bottom of the bust. A training complex has been developed aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscles, which give the bust strength and elasticity.

  1. Pressure. Stand facing the wall, rest your hands on it at the level of the solar plexus. Press firmly on the wall as if you want to move it. As soon as you feel the maximum tension, linger for 10-12 seconds. Take a break, repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. Clutch. Stand straight with your arms raised, bent at the elbows at chest level. Interlace your fingers and contract your chest muscles, trying to spread your arms to the sides. After resting, duplicate 8 times.
  3. Contraction. Put both palms in front of you, press them together for 5 seconds. Repeat 12 times.
  4. Swimming. Sit back against the wall, tighten your pectoral muscles. On the plane of the wall surface, make circular movements, as if swimming in a pool with a breaststroke. Repeat 100 times.
  5. Push ups.Push-ups can be done in the usual way, from the floor. If you find it difficult, use gentle bent-knee push-ups. Do 5 push-ups in 3 reps.

The most important thing is not to lose heart. Modern medicine will always come to the rescue and solve any problems. All mammoplasty techniques have been worked out and give excellent results. It is important to follow the recommendations of doctors and take care of the reconstructed breast.

Asymmetry of the mammary glands occurs in 80% of all women, although not all of them are clearly expressed. What can lead to uneven breast development, and is there any way to correct this deficiency?


The onset of breast growth in girls is often uneven. It even happens that one breast is already increasing to the first size, while the second does not even begin to develop.

In this case, you just have to wait. If the size of the glands is not equal within six months, you will need to contact a gynecologist or mammologist. But, often, by the age of 16-18, the girls' asymmetry completely disappears.


All expectant mothers experience hormonal surges that accompany the preparation of the glands for lactation. Already in the second trimester, the breasts usually begin to enlarge and gradually accumulate colostrum. At the same time, the growth of glands in a pregnant woman does not always occur evenly, which means that significant or insignificant asymmetry may occur.

If, during pregnancy, a woman noticed that one breast is larger than the other, just in case, she should be examined by a mammologist to exclude any deviations. And do not be upset because of the asymmetry seen: quite often the glands return to the same size with the start of breastfeeding or after it ends.

Breastfeeding the baby and the post-feeding period

Due to her inexperience, a young mother herself can provoke in herself the appearance of different sizes of left and right breasts with HB (breastfeeding), offering the baby the same nipple. In no case should this be done, since this can cause not only asymmetry, but also the development of mastitis or stopping lactation in one gland.

Breastfeeding women should remember to apply the baby evenly to both nipples with hepatitis B. If it is impossible to do this for various reasons, milk must be expressed from the second breast.

Injuries to the chest area

Injury to the glands or chest can also affect breast growth, especially if the injury was suffered during childhood. Due to physical damage, the glands can develop unevenly, one of them can significantly lower in relation to the second. In addition, there may be differences in the shape of the nipples and areolas.

If the left breast has become larger than the right one (or vice versa) due to a recent injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Developmental anomalies

Congenital causes of abnormal breast development in women (and sometimes in men) include the following abnormalities:

Poland syndrome

Deviation in development, in which the small and / or large muscles of the chest may be absent, ribs may be deformed or completely absent, the mammary gland or nipple may be absent. This syndrome usually covers only one side of the body (often the right side). The diagnosis is made at an early age.

One-sided amastia

Congenital pathology, partially similar to Poland's syndrome. However, with amastia, the girl is born with a normally developed chest, although at the same time she completely lacks one mammary gland and nipple. Amastia can be both unilateral and bilateral. When unilateral, women usually retain the ability to breastfeed.

Unilateral hypoplasia (micromastia)

A condition in which one breast remains small with the normal development of the second breast, as well as the reproductive system and genitals. The smaller mammary gland looks out of proportion to the rest of the body.

Asymmetric hypomastia or hypermastia

In this case, either underdevelopment (hypomastia) or excessive development (hypermastia) of one of the glands is observed. That is, with a normal appearance and shape, as well as the presence of a well-formed nipple and areola, the breast either does not reach the minimum volume (200 cm³), or significantly exceeds it (in this case, hypertrophy of all tissues occurs).

Tubular breast

An anomaly in which the base area of \u200b\u200bone breast decreases. As a result, there is a lack of tissue, the gland can fall, in rare cases, an alveolar hernia appears. The tubular breast is elongated and unattractive.


Some diseases can also lead to a situation where one breast has become larger than the other:


Inflammation of the glandular tissues of the breast, provoked by bacteria, in which the woman feels severe pain. Usually mastitis is accompanied by swelling and induration of the breasts, and their skin turns red. Against the background of the disease, there is a chill, an increase in temperature.

Untreated, mastitis can lead to accumulation of pus in the gland, abscesses, sepsis, and even death. After treatment for mastitis, a woman automatically falls into the risk group for developing mastopathy and cancer.


A pathological change that has a fibrocystic nature. Its development can provoke hormonal disruption, problems with the reproductive system.

With mastopathy, a woman can feel small granular formations in her breast, which are often painful and slightly change the size of the glands. Sometimes blood comes out from the nipples.

Seals in mastopathy are not malignant formations, but they can degenerate into such. After treatment, there is a high likelihood of relapse.


These are pathological hollow formations filled with fluid. They are formed in the canals of the milk ducts one by one or in groups, at the initial stage they may not signal themselves in any way. Over time, a woman begins to feel pain and burning (mainly before and during menstruation).

Cysts cannot develop into a cancerous tumor, but they increase the likelihood of developing one, and can also become inflamed and accumulate pus. They usually develop as a result of dysfunctions of the reproductive system. With large cysts, the size of the breast increases significantly.


A type of cyst that contains a milky fluid. As long as the haloctocele remains small, a woman may not be aware of its presence. If such a cyst begins to grow, the gland will also enlarge and deform.

When infected, the general body temperature may rise, and nausea may occur. Removed by treatment or surgery.

Benign or malignant neoplasms

Any growth in your breasts can cause breast enlargement. However, a tumor can be noticed not only by changes in the size of the glands, but also by painful sensations, disruptions of the menstrual cycle.

Breast abscess

This is a secondary disease that can develop due to the development of mastitis or cysts. An abscess is an inflammatory, purulent formation, characterized by rapid and acute development.

Usually accompanied by high fever, intense (sometimes unbearable) pain, redness and severe swelling of the chest, purulent discharge from the nipple, as well as general symptoms of intoxication (nausea, dizziness, vomiting). Treatment requires surgery.

Fat necrosis

Death of the fatty tissues of the mammary gland, in the place of which scar tissue is formed. As a result, painful formations of a dense structure appear in and around the chest, which significantly deform its appearance: the skin on this formation acquires a pale color and can be drawn in. The problem requires surgical treatment.

In what cases can asymmetry be considered a normal variant?

Breast asymmetry occurs in many women, but it does not necessarily require any treatment.

The following options apply to the norm:

  • asymmetry is practically invisible visually (the difference in size does not even make 20%);
  • breasts of different sizes are observed in girls during puberty;
  • left or right breast enlarged during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • despite the asymmetry, the girl has no painful sensations, palpation of the glands does not palpate neoplasms.

Situations go beyond the norm when, in addition to changing sizes:

  • the chest becomes painful, red,
  • dense formations are felt in it,
  • blood or pus oozing from the nipples
  • breast sizes do not return to normal after breastfeeding.

What to do with different gland sizes?

Don't panic in the first place. If the asymmetry is weak, that is, the differences can be seen only after a detailed study and measurement of the glands, and there are no other alarming symptoms, then nothing needs to be done. If the left breast is larger than the right (or vice versa) by about one size or more, you should make an appointment with the doctor.

The most important purpose of such a visit is health diagnostics aimed at studying the causes of breast deformity. If no diseases are found, you can discuss with your doctor ways to eliminate asymmetry.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

You should visit a mammologist as soon as possible if, in addition to the presence of a difference in the size of the glands, there are:

  • soreness;
  • seals;
  • redness;
  • an increase in breast temperature and / or general body temperature;
  • deterioration in general well-being (decreased activity, loss of appetite, nausea, frequent dizziness, menstrual irregularities).

The doctor will conduct an examination and diagnosis, on the basis of which he will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Keep in mind that it is extremely dangerous to delay a visit to the doctor, as changes in breast size can provoke life-threatening diseases (for example, cancer).

Is it possible to correct breast asymmetry?

In the absence of diseases, you can resort to a banal correction using masking. To do this, a woman can simply put a soft liner in one cup of her bra.

If different breasts bring strong psychological discomfort to its owner, you can resort to plastic surgery methods:

  1. Lipofilling. A procedure that involves the transplantation of subcutaneous fat from a girl or woman into smaller breasts. Lipofilling allows you to increase the bust by only 1 size, and also requires correction within 2 years.
  2. Decrease. In this case, part of the fatty tissue is taken from the larger breast. Such a procedure requires a tightening of the reduced gland, otherwise it will look unaesthetic after the operation.
  3. Installation of the implant. To enlarge smaller breasts by 1-2 sizes, silicone implants can be used. This kind of plastic surgery is quite expensive and requires high professionalism of the doctor and the quality of implants.

The method of surgical correction of the size of the female bust is selected individually, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the woman and her state of health.

Video: causes of breast asymmetry and how to correct it

Most girls have not symmetrical breasts. If the difference is small, then it is not uncomfortable. With a significant difference in shape and size, the girl feels at least embarrassed by the aesthetic appearance. A change in breast symmetry can be observed at different periods of a woman's life. Let's figure out what is the norm, and in what situations you should visit a doctor.

What are the types of asymmetry

Diagnosed breast asymmetry is of such types as:

  1. Hyperplasia of one breast: a hypertrophied state of enlargement of one gland in relation to the normal second.
  2. : asymmetric enlargement of both glands.
  3. Hypoplasia of one breast: underdevelopment of one gland with the normal shape and size of the second.
  4. Hypoplasia of two glands: underdevelopment of the entire breast to varying degrees, possibly a combination with breast ptosis - ptosis.
  5. Hypoplasia of one gland and hyperplasia of the other: asymmetry with underdevelopment of one breast and an increase in the other.
  6. Unilateral underdevelopment of the chest, mammary gland and pectoral muscles.

Why is one breast larger than the other

There are only 2 causes of asymmetry: congenital and acquired.

Main reasons

The most common causes are:

  1. Hormonal disruption during puberty.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Trauma and mechanical damage.
  4. Neoplasms.

Congenital factors

A congenital anomaly of the breast leads to both micromastia, that is, a reduced size or hypermastia - an increase in the mammary gland.

With asymmetry, attention is paid to posture. The degree of curvature of the spinal column can determine the appearance of the mammary glands. So, for example, the chest may appear of different sizes, but with a bent back. When the posture is straightened, the chest becomes symmetrical. This is due to the fact that with scoliosis, an asymmetry of the whole body occurs and two breasts can be at different levels. Therefore, even mammary glands that are completely the same in shape and size look different.

If the asymmetry of the breast is not only visual, then this is due to the abnormal development and growth of the mammary glands during puberty. Hormonal disruptions and gynecological diseases can significantly affect the proper formation of a woman's breasts.

By the age of 17-20, the breast is fully formed. There may be a slight difference, which is normal. If the asymmetry of the mammary glands is noticeable by the age of 20, then you need to visit a doctor. The mammologist will examine the breast and carry out diagnostics. After that, you may need the help of a plastic surgeon. If a strong difference in the mammary glands is ignored, then during pregnancy it becomes more noticeable.

Acquired asymmetry factors

The chest can have asymmetry and for acquired reasons:

  1. Trauma and Mechanical Damage: Even childhood trauma can respond many years later during breast formation.
  2. Neoplasms: With unhealthy tissue overgrowth, when a neoplasm is formed, the breast changes in both size and shape.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation period: asymmetry after these stages is not normal.
  4. Hormonal disorders
  5. Inflammatory diseases of the breast and reproductive system.
  6. Blocked milk ducts.
  7. Age asymmetry.

In the case of an acquired reason for the formation of a difference in the mammary glands, it is imperative to visit a mammologist.

Impact of pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, women notice a change in their breasts. There is a shift in hormonal levels, which leads to swelling of the mammary glands.

Further, the lactation process takes place. In this case, uneven feeding is carried out, when the woman feeds preferably with one breast. During feeding, asymmetry can be dealt with by artificially expressing milk from the breast that is less used for natural feeding of the baby.

With the correct course of the lactation period, the signs of asymmetry disappear after the end of the feeding period.

If one breast is larger than the other in a little girl

Various reasons can cause breast asymmetry in girls. It depends on the age of the child.

Breast asymmetry before adolescence

Parents are alarmed when their young daughters have breast asymmetry.

In newborn babies, an increase in one or both glands may be associated with a sexual crisis. The pituitary system begins to work hard. This phenomenon normally disappears by 2-3 weeks of life. In this case, the mammary glands can shrink and align in shape, or remain the same, but without further enlargement. A rare exception is regression of the mammary glands at 8-10 months. This is not the norm, therefore, you need to visit a pediatrician.

With natural feeding, part of the hormones enters the child's body, which affects the state of the girl's mammary glands. When breastfeeding is stopped, the signs of breast asymmetry should disappear.

Changes in the size of one or two mammary glands can be observed in girls aged 1-3 years, or 6-8 years. This phenomenon occurs with premature sexual development. This thelarche is isolated. Other signs of puberty are not detected, such as hairiness in the armpits, pubis, distribution of adipose tissue according to the female type, menstruation, growth spurt. Mastalgia occurs with the development of adipose tissue of the ducts of the glands. The left mammary gland grows more.

Premature thelarche brings discomfort to the child. It indicates the presence of abnormalities in the body. For example, temporary cystic changes in the ovaries, hypersensitivity to hormones, hypothyroidism, etc.

Supervision by a pediatrician is necessary. In the absence of serious causes of the pathology, the girls' health is simply monitored.

Breast asymmetry in adolescence

Adolescence in girls is characterized by the acquisition of forms of an adult woman. This process does not happen quickly, over several years.

There is a strong hormonal change. In this case, the mammary glands most often develop unevenly. So at the age of 11 to 15 years, the mammary glands can differ significantly in shape and size from each other. There is no reason to panic if no seals are felt in the chest, there is no pain and tingling, a decrease in the girl's appetite and weight.

Normally, this difference should decrease by the age of 17-20. If this does not happen, you need to consult a mammologist for advice and examination.

If one nipple is larger than the other

Nipple size or asymmetry is the norm, even if they are different. This is an individual feature of the body. If the nipples are not drastically different, then don't worry.

Changes in the size of the nipple can occur during lactation. After stopping feeding, the nipple either returns to its previous shape or does not continue to grow.

If one nipple has sharply become larger, then this may indicate a hormonal failure. For example, this side effect can be observed from inappropriate oral contraceptive use. Also, an increase in one nipple is observed when gaining excess weight.

If in the breast in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipple, in addition to changes in size, there are swellings, seals, then you need to visit a mammologist. When making a diagnosis, the doctor will either deny the presence of a neoplasm, or confirm it.

What to do if one breast is larger than the other: correction methods

Before prescribing a correction for breast asymmetry, the doctor must identify the cause. So if the asymmetry is caused by feeding the baby, then lactation can be adjusted. This will help avoid surgery.

In the presence of neoplasms that affect the size of the mammary gland, they are surgically excised. The rest of the cases of differences in breast size and shape are corrected with the help of plastic surgery.

Preparing for breast surgery

First of all, a consultation with a mammologist-surgeon and / or a plastic surgeon is necessary. Next, the doctor listens to the patient's preferences, the result she would like to see from the operation.

The next step is breast examination. The doctor measures the dimensions, tells the nuances that explain the asymmetry.

After discussing the operation, the patient's health is examined. It is necessary to go through specialists, pass tests:

  • examination by a mammologist;
  • Breast ultrasound;
  • mammography (obligatory for women over 45);
  • blood and urine tests;
  • consultation with an anesthesiologist (in some cases, it is carried out immediately before the operation).

10 days before the operation, you must stop taking medications containing lecithin and vitamin E. In the evening before the operation, you must take a bath. A light dinner is allowed no later than 19 pm. On the very day of the operation, food and drink, including water, is prohibited.


It is an operation to add a silicone endoprosthesis to the mammary gland. Indications for this operation may be hypoplasia of one of the mammary glands. It is also possible to adjust the size of both breasts. So, a larger implant is inserted into the smaller mammary gland, and a smaller one into the larger breast. As a result, the size and shape of the glands are visually equal.

Endoprosthetics begins with tests and diagnostic procedures. Then the doctor carefully selects the individual implants in shape and size.

Reduction plastic

Designed to reduce the size of the breast. If a woman has a smaller breast as the norm, then a larger one may undergo this operation.

In this case, part of the breast and skin is excised. A new, smaller breast is formed that is equal to the normal smaller breast. As a result, the chest straightens out.


It is used in case of ptosis or breast prolapse. This can be either a congenital anomaly or the result of improper feeding during lactation, a sharp loss of excess weight.

In this case, the chest can not only be lowered, but also different in shape and size. The breast is corrected by tightening the skin. The mammary gland is not affected.

Before the operation, the doctor chooses the method of breast excision, applies the markings. The result is a uniform, natural-sized breast that is round and normal.

Recovery period after surgery

After the operation, the body needs adaptation after anesthesia. During this period, dizziness and headaches may be felt. Sometimes the doctor forbids sleeping after anesthesia to prevent complications.

Bandages must be applied to the chest, a holding bra is put on. The doctor will then prescribe a course of dressing changes and a time to remove the stitches, if necessary. The doctor prescribes antibiotics or anti-inflammatories to prevent complications of the surgery.

After removing the stitches, scars can be observed for the first time. To reduce them, you can ask your doctor to prescribe special ointments. After 2 months, the scars are less noticeable, the bright color and bulge disappear. After six months, they become almost completely invisible.

After the operation, a woman must undergo a mammologist at least once a year.

The difference in the size of the mammary glands is a common occurrence in women of different ages. A visit to a mammologist will help you understand the causes of this asymmetry. If the difference is very noticeable and confuses the owner, then plastic surgery is necessary. It can be used to eliminate the asymmetry of the operation with or without endoprostheses. As a result, a woman gets beautiful healthy breasts of ideal shape and size.

The mammary glands in a woman during the entire period of puberty and throughout life are the first to respond to hormonal release. After soreness during the growth of the mammary glands in adolescence, the most noticeable changes are during pregnancy. Often a woman notes that one breast is larger than the other during pregnancy. Is this the norm and is it worth worrying about?

Asymmetry of the mammary glands is not a pathology. On the contrary, the mammary glands in women are almost always normal of different sizes. This is due to the structural features of the physiological part, and in this case you should not worry. But, what if one breast is larger than the other during pregnancy, what size and difference between breasts is considered normal, and when can we talk about danger?

Causes of different breast sizes

The different sizes of the mammary glands during the period of their growth is explained by the fact that one breast begins to grow faster (as a rule, this is the right one), and the second a little later. But, you should not worry in such a situation, over time both breasts will become almost the same.


Almost 80% of women have mammary glands of different size, which are not visible to others, and only 10% of this difference is obvious.

The reasons why such changes occur during childbearing are, of course, hormonal releases. Depending on the period of pregnancy, a woman notes soreness and some swelling of the bust, it hurts to touch it, some items of clothing are also painful to wear.

However, such pain does not always appear. As a rule, the most difficult periods in this regard are the first months (approximately 5-12 weeks) and the last weeks before childbirth. In the first months, such soreness is explained by the production of the hormone estrogen and progesterone, and in the last weeks the pain provokes an excess amount of prolactin, which will then be required to feed the baby.

The most obvious changes will be noted in the maternity ward, approximately on the third day after delivery. It is at this time that milk arrives, the colostrum changes to milk and the bust increases by almost 2-3 sizes.


Bust imbalances are often due to the individual anatomical characteristics of a woman. The woman has a pronounced asymmetry in heredity.

The types of asymmetry should be divided into:

  1. Weakly expressed. The disproportion is practically invisible, only a woman can know about the presence of different sizes, in ordinary clothes such a feature is not visible, it is corrected using a bra with a push-up effect.
  2. Expressed imbalance. The bust can be different by one size, which is visually felt. Of course, such a feature of anatomy confuses a woman, causing her suffering. If such a situation is observed in adolescence, it is recommended to use treatment from a mammologist. If the situation is not stabilized during the growth period, then at the time of puberty (after 18 years), the treatment is only surgical.

Impact of pregnancy and breastfeeding

Medicine studies in sufficient detail the effect of pregnancy on a woman's body, and the mammary glands are no exception. Today it is known that the causes of asymmetry during the period of bearing a baby are natural hormonal changes. However, in some situations it is worth talking about diseases that are important to identify in a timely manner.

During embryonic growth, the female reproductive system signals the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and thyroid gland that additional hormone supply is needed. To maintain the normal course of pregnancy, prolactin and estrogen increase several times, which increases the amount of secretion, helps to increase sensitivity, including the breast.

Breastfeeding is also reflected in the size and volume of the bust. The woman notes an increase in size in the first six months of breastfeeding. After this period, the situation stabilizes, the bust takes on the usual size. Only at moments of milk flow can one or the second part of the bust increase.

How to restore symmetry

If there is a large difference between a woman's two breasts in the pre-fertilization period, then this difference increases with the onset of pregnancy. As a rule, there are no lotions, herbs and alternative treatment options for asymmetry. The only chance to eliminate the difference is to take treatment before age 21. After this age, it is worth talking only about surgical correction - plastic surgery.


When eliminating the asymmetry of the mammary glands with the help of plastic surgery, the functional work of the organ is not disturbed. A woman can breastfeed without pain or peculiarities.

How to change bust size while breastfeeding

During pregnancy, any methods of bust correction are not undertaken. In a number of situations, this becomes impossible due to the negative effect of drugs on the fetus. At the time of gestation, it is recommended to use only special underwear, which will visually hide the flaw and feature of the physiological structure of the breasts.


In the pharmacy, it is possible to order special bra pads with flexible inserts. Such a piece of underwear visually hides a defect, a woman feels calm, not feeling unnecessary attention from others.

The size of the breast at the time of breastfeeding naturally changes from feeding to feeding, from milk flow to milk flow. Such a situation is natural, does not require correction, does not require special medicinal influence.

It is important to note that during the natural lactation period, the baby is fed alternately. At the moment when there is no milk in one breast, and it will arrive only after a few hours, there is still a supply of milk in the other breast, respectively, the full breast is visually larger.

The woman notes visible changes in the bust only for the first six months. At this point, the body adapts to hormones, in particular to prolactin. Milk production depends not so much on predisposition, but on a set of measures that a woman must carry out at the time of lactation:

  • it is forbidden to smoke abuse alcohol;
  • consumption of pure drinking water (not tea, but water) should be as needed;
  • protein low-fat food, nuts help to normalize the composition of milk;
  • feeding takes place alternately in such a way that no milk accumulation remains in the part full of milk;
  • feed the baby as needed.


As a rule, a woman has more milk in one breast and less milk in the other. It is also not considered a pathology. This feature depends on the number of milk ducts and glands inside .

Prevention measures

Prevention of bust asymmetry is effective only in adolescence. The mammary glands and their size depend on the fat layer: the more a woman has, the larger the breast size. Of course, the hereditary factor plays an important role.

However, you should not harbor illusions about a magic elixir, a pill that will help correct the situation. As a rule, different bust sizes are not noticed by others, and the correction will visually help correct the situation.

The main thing to remember for a woman who wants to give birth and raise a healthy baby is the benefits of milk for the baby's body. No super expensive and innovative formula can completely replace the composition of breast milk, which changes in its quality composition according to the needs of the baby.

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