Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus are looking for housing to live together (photo)

The fact that 40-year-old actress and model Diane Kruger is dating 48-year-old colleague Norman Reedus became known a few weeks ago, after the couple were spotted several times by the paparazzi in public places... And now, finally, celebrities confirmed their romance and they did it through social networks.

Courtesy from Kruger and Reedus

Most recently, Diana received a prestigious award. She deservedly took the Cannes Film Festival statuette in the Best female role"For the tape" At the limit ". After that, the actress posted a snapshot of the event on the Internet, which found many positive responses not only among fans, but also from Norman Reedus. The actor made the following signature:

As, probably, many have already guessed, and after these words you could see many red hearts that belonged to Reedus.

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Joshua Jackson also congratulated Kruger

I did not stand aside and ex-husband Diana, actor Joshua Jackson, who wrote a very touching post congratulating him on the long-awaited victory:

“I always knew she could! While we were together, I watched how committed you are to your profession. That was great! After I learned about your award at the Cannes Film Festival, I just flew on the wings of joy and happiness. You are so great. I admire you. The only thing that I don't understand is why it took you so long to receive this award? "

By the way, Jackson and Kruger started dating in the summer of 2006. Their relationship was pretty strong and lasted 10 years. Rumor has it that it was the fault joint work Reedus and Kruger in Sky in 2015. It was then that information appeared in the press that Diana was madly in love with Norman. Despite all this, the actress was in no hurry to ruin her long-standing relationship with Jackson, and only a year after meeting Reedus Kruger decided to break the relationship.

IN recent times good girl Diane Kruger was changed: she cheated common-law husband Joshua Jackson with his colleague Norman Reedus. Faithful companion was ready to close his eyes to betrayal, but his beloved did not even think to ask for mercy. Diana realized that she had wasted 10 years of her life with the wrong man ..

In 2004, Diane Kruger played Elena the Beautiful in the film "Troy" and has not left the lists of the most desirable women planets. Despite the status of an international sex symbol and a huge number of fans, the personal life of the actress until recently was unremarkable, correct and ... somehow very boring. This is understandable: the fragile German woman experienced dramatic moments and shocks only on filming locations.

After a divorce from her first husband, French actor Guillaume Canet, Diane Kruger began an affair with another actor - already from the USA - Joshua Jackson. The star of the youth series Dawson's Creek, popular in the 2000s, has been begging his beloved to marry him for years, but has repeatedly been refused. This went on for ten long years. Each time, Diana reminded him that she was already legally married and did not like it at all.

But Norman Reedus, the brutal-looking star of the now iconic "Walking Dead" project, quickly managed what Joshua never did. In just a few months close communication with him, Kruger abruptly changed her mind and realized that she really dreamed of getting married and having a child (and soon she would really give birth!). Diana did not take into account only one point: unlike herself, her chosen one was never married, but he was always categorically opposed. Even beautiful Helene Christensen is in the midst of her modeling career failed to marry this radical bachelor, and common son did not save this union from a fairly rapid collapse.

Meanwhile, the optimistic Diana, according to insiders, is surreptitiously, but with obvious pleasure, looks at the beautiful venues for the ceremony ... Well, why does it often happen in life that we refuse sincere love good guy for the sake of dubious prospects with a man dangerous, unpredictable and, what is really there, unreliable?

I don't want to get married!

Diane Kruger has repeatedly criticized the institution of marriage. And she had the most compelling reasons for this. In her youth, the actress was married to French actor and director Guillaume Canet. They lived together for only five years and divorced in 2006. Who initiated the break, one can only guess. Both of them immediately started dating other people, so no end can be found. Guillaume switched to model and singer Carla Bruni, while Diana hooked up with actor Joshua Jackson.

Later, his first and to date only official marriage the actress named big mistake... The star of the film "Mister Nobody" openly says that the experience, although it was unsuccessful, taught her a lot. According to Kruger, their relationship with Canet did not work out due to the fact that both of them linked their professional lives with the film industry and were constantly on the move. Subsequently, for Diana it was not big problem - she somehow managed to build a joint life with Joshua for ten whole years ...

Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger were together for ten years, but during this time they never legalized their relationship

Almost immediately after the beginning of the novel, Kruger and Jackson moved in - they lived together either in Paris or in Vancouver. The couple had a lot of fans, who enthusiastically discussed each of their releases. I must say that together they looked amazingly harmonious. It was during the romance with Joshua that Diana turned from just a pretty and leggy blonde actress into a style icon. She flourished every year, and her boyfriend was transformed from an awkward handsome man into a more than attractive gentleman.

For complete happiness, perhaps, only wedding rings... Journalists and fans did not understand why the acting couple did not seek to register their union, because they are clearly good together!

It turned out that Jackson tried to call his beloved in marriage more than once, but the girl refused.

Tired of constant questioning about this topic, in an interview with American Glamor, Diana dotted the i's. “I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but I have lost faith in the institution of marriage. I've had experience and I know what I'm talking about. But I believe in a strong affection that arises in the very heart. No piece of paper will make you stay with unloved person", - the German woman defended her point of view.

Kruger was afraid of fire family life also for another reason. Her father abused alcohol and often caused scandals. When Diana was 13 years old, her mother finally decided to divorce. It is possible that the actress was afraid to repeat the fate of her parents. She does not hide the fact that this event traumatized her as a teenager.

Will it still be?

In 2012, there was a rumor that looked too close to the truth. Allegedly, Joshua made another, most determined attempt to call the girlfriend in marriage. Trusted sources claimed that the obstinate Diana was finally tamed. Before the fans had time to celebrate this event, as the official representatives denied this information. It seems that after that Jackson finally lost hope and stopped trying. The actor himself began to say that he feels comfortable without a marriage registration certificate.

Joshua Jackson resigned to the fact that his lover did not seek to marry him

“Why are we still not married? The answer will seem trivial to you: Diana and I are non-religious people. The fact that we did not exchange oaths of allegiance in the church and did not organize lavish festivities does not mean anything. I love Diana. At one time, our parents divorced, so it is difficult for us to take the institution of marriage seriously. But do not be surprised if we suddenly get married ... "- suddenly kind Joshua gave hope in an interview.

The fans did not give up and steadfastly waited for good news. In 2015, information about Diana's pregnancy appeared in the press. The eternally slender actress gained a little weight and began to wear things loose fit... As we know, these conjectures remained speculations, and the rounded shapes were the result of only the dietary reins released for a while. Soon, in German, Kruger, who was strict with herself, corrected her diet and returned to clothes in size XS.

Shattered dreams

For 10 years of civil marriage, Diana and Joshua acquired common real estate and generally established a joint life. It seemed that the actors completely trusted each other, so they scattered with peace of mind different countries and continents. However, Kruger wanted a thrill that the reliable and calm Joshua could not provide her. But desire beautiful woman - the law. The tempting snake was right there - in the form of actor Norman Reedus.

Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus bonded while filming "Sky"

Diana and Norman met at the end of 2014, when both were approved for the lead roles in the movie "Sky". They were to play lovers. Screen chemistry, as is often the case in Hollywood, carried over to life. In December 2015, the actress was spotted in a bar with the star of The Walking Dead. Eyewitnesses told the newspaper The New York Daily News that the meeting began with dignity and nobility. But then Diana moved closer to Norman and began kissing him - as if she did not worry that they might be noticed.

“Diana clearly showed more initiative, but he reciprocated. It seems that they are very good together, ”one of the visitors to the establishment shared with reporters.

Kruger decided to cheat when her boyfriend was on a business trip at the other end the globe... Jackson flew to the Philippines, where he filmed documentary with his participation. The actor, of course, found out about the infidelity. Diana justified her behavior as best she could: they say, the sources thickened the colors a lot in order to earn extra money on the exclusive, and in general she and Norman are just friends. “She swore that there was nothing, but she could not convince him of this. For Joshua, her act was a real blow, ”an anonymous source told Star magazine.

For several months, Kruger and Jackson saved the relationship. In the end, they made the decision to part ways, as their PR agents told People in July 2016. “Diana and Joshua broke up after ten years of relationship. Despite this circumstance, they are still friends, ”the official statement said.

It looks like the star of the movie "Troy" insisted on breaking up. Jackson was very upset about parting with a woman whom he did not stop loving even after her affair with a colleague.

“He didn't want to disagree with her. It is very difficult for him now. Joshua hoped to the last that they would be able to solve the problems and Diana would return, ”a source from the actor's environment shared with the Page Six portal. Jackson's fans still regard his role in The Lovers as prophetic. All because he's in real life repeated the fate of his hero from this project, who was also abandoned by his wife for another man.

What about Joshua? At first, the actor complained that in ten years he had lost the habit of going on dates, but the situation made him remember everything. He was repeatedly seen in the company of the British actress Ruth Wilson, with whom he starred in the rating series "Lovers". Jackson made excuses that there was nothing serious between them - they say, they visited fashionable restaurants together solely to discuss work issues. So we believed ... But there is a suspicion that Joshua did all this in order to annoy Diana, and Wilson just played along with him.

Joshua Jackson is not alone again. For several months he has been dating actress Alyssa Julia Smith

One way or another, nothing came of Ruth, but Joshua was not alone. In early June this year, Western media reported that he began dating 31-year-old actress Alyssa Julia Smith. Jackson's fans drew attention to the fact that the girl is surprisingly similar to his ex - Diana Kruger. According to insiders, the lovers are serious and they are already planning to move in. I would like to wish Jackson to finally find and keep the love that he certainly deserves.

"I have another now"

Six months later, the passions subsided, and Kruger stopped hiding her relationship with Reedus, although she called them purely friendly. It was hard to believe. Diana and Norman were often seen in bars in New York and Paris, where they were not at all friendly. However, representatives of Diana Kruger for some reason continued to call Western journalists and demand that the actors of the film "Sky" stop calling them a couple ...

Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus confirmed their romance only earlier this year, appearing together on the red carpet at the Critics Choice Awards. Around the same period, the actress gave an interview to the Vulture portal, in which she first spoke about parting with her common-law husband.

Kruger and Reedus only confirmed their romance earlier this year.

“We parted ways long before we decided to announce this to the press. This gap has been brewing for a long time. We've been together for ten years and got used to each other. Everything happened not in a day, and not in two. None of us sobbed into the pillow, because it was not a surprise, ”Kruger confessed. According to the actress, after breaking up, she was finally able to feel free and focus on what is really important to her.

Diana also mentioned her current boyfriend. She said that Norman supports her in everything and is not afraid to take responsibility. Is it so? Find out when it comes to the wedding (if at all). For several months, there have been rumors that the actress dreams of marrying her lover. Like, only with him did she realize that legal marriage not as scary as she once thought.

"Diana is sure that she found your soul mate", - told in January 2018 the anonymous journalist Star.

If you believe this information, then the lovers would like to get married on one of the private beaches of Costa Rica. Have knowledgeable people it was immediately assumed that the desire does not come from a couple, but from one Diana. Even convinced dreamers and romantics are not ready to present Reedus as a caring husband and father rushing to family hearth... “Are you laughing? At the sight of such a picture, he will hurry in the opposite direction, ”the insiders summed up.

Eternally single

In the late nineties, one famous person had already tried to persuade Norman Reedus to marry, but the attempt failed. It was Danish supermodel Helena Christensen. The former Victoria's Secret "angel" and the actor began dating in 1998, and a year later became the parents of a boy named Mingus. Fans of the model were sure that she secretly married her boyfriend, but in 2003 the couple broke up. Then it turned out that there was no wedding in sight.

“For some reason, everyone thinks that I was married and went through a divorce. In fact, this is not the case. We were just together, ”Christensen said. By the way, the celeba parted peacefully not in a starry way. "Helena - wonderful woman... She is very smart, easy and fun to be with, ”Reedus told the New York Post in 2014. Norman was not cunning: judging by the frames on Instagram, they get along well with her ex to this day and agree on raising their son.

For several months, there have been rumors that Diana is expecting a baby from Norman.

Reedus is likely to become a dad twice this year. It has long been rumored that Diane Kruger is expecting her first child. Actress her interesting position does not comment in any way, but words are no longer required. At the recent Cannes Film Festival, she shone in outfits that masked the belly area. Not at all like Diana, who usually emphasizes the dignity of the figure with bodycon dresses.

Many Krueger fans believe she made the fatal mistake of leaving Jackson.

Say, with the role of father and husband, he would have coped much better than Reedus, who is music festivals hangs out with teenagers, then travels around the States on his motorcycle. But you can't order your heart: it is no coincidence that Diana, at 41, decided to give birth to a baby from a man with whom she meets nothing at all. Perhaps Kruger lacked drive and thrill all this time? It seems that her new lover knows a lot about this business. That's just in life together alone thrill You will not be full. Yes, and Reedus himself is not trying to retrain from a rip-off into a premier family man, as Kruger dreams of seeing him. What will be possible to build on this shaky foundation, most likely, the actress herself does not know.

Hollywood star couple Norman Reedus and Diane Kruger, after two years of a whirlwind romance, are preparing to become parents. The couple is already looking for housing, where it is planned to build a family nest.

Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus breaking news: previous relationship of lovers

At the age of 25, the actress married the Frenchman Guillaume Canet, but after 5 years of marriage, the couple divorced. Immediately after the divorce, Diana was overwhelmed by a wave of emotions to her colleague on the set.

From 2006 to 2016, the actress was in civil marriage with actor Joshua Jackson, famous for films Cruel Games, Sky and Vegas Fortune. The couple's relationship lasted for 10 long years until 2016, when the actress again, without memory, fell in love with 49-year-old Norman Reedus, the star of the TV series "The Walking Dead".

Norman, who already has experience in family life, has been raising his son Mingus from one of the Victoria's Secret models Helena Christensen for the past 18 years.

Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus breaking news: the story of the couple's relationship

They first met on the set of the movie "Sky" in 2015. In the film, Norman Reedus and Diane Kruger played the roles of lovers.

Despite long-term relationship with Joshua, the girl invited them to part. After parting, a couple of former lovers remained in a rather warm and good relationship.

Newly made couple long time she did not advertise her relationship and in every possible way hid them, appearing on the red carpet separately and in the company of different companions.

Only in 2017, the couple decided to open up to their fans and the media. They officially confirmed the status of their relationship, which dispelled all doubts and guesses. The couple publicly demonstrated their feelings at the 2018 Golden Globes.

Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus breaking news: details of a whirlwind romance

The couple hid their relationship for a long time, but it is very difficult to hide from annoying paparazzi. Diana and Norman were first spotted on a beach in Costa Rica in August 2017 while surfing the waves together. They were relaxing on the same beach with friends this year as well.

The couple were repeatedly caught by camera lenses both on the streets and in local pubs in New York.

Today, there are many pictures on the network in which the couple does not hide their deep relationship. They kiss, hug and laugh, thereby showing the sincerity of their feelings.

After receiving the main prize of the Cannes Film Festival in the nomination "Best Actress" for the film "On the Limit", Diana was congratulated by crowds of her fans. The most pleasant congratulations the actress was pleased by her boyfriend. Norman publicly confessed his love for her.

Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus latest news: actors await replenishment

Not so long ago, the lovers were spotted on one of the streets of New York, where, according to eyewitnesses, the realtor was looking for housing for the couple. Sources close to the realtor report that the luxury townhouse in the West Village has four bedrooms, four baths and a marble-topped kitchen. On the roof of the mansion there are luxurious flower beds and a garden. The cost of housing in Manhattan reaches $ 11.8 million, and the total area is, no less than 335 square meters.

The choice of a family nest is directly related to the actress's pregnancy. The stars began to write about pregnancy in early May of this year.

Many reputable Western publications have been discussing Diana's choice for several months baggy clothes... And her appearance in a soft blue dress on the red carpet in Cannes made me look at the abdomen covered with drapery with even greater curiosity and interest. The acting couple has not yet undertaken to confirm or deny the rumors.

In 2011, in one of her interviews, Diana spoke of her skepticism about marriage, but she spoke with warmth and love that she wants to become herself the best mom in the world. By the way, the actress gets along well with the kids and she already has three godchildren.

Photographers managed to photograph actors Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus as they were looking for housing in Manhattan.

Photo: Legion-Media.ru Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus

On the Limit star Diane Kruger and The Walking Dead actor Norman Reedus are moving in! Moreover, unlike many of their colleagues, the lovers preferred to settle not far from the city noise, but, on the contrary, in the very heart of the metropolis. The paparazzi managed to track them down while they were looking for an apartment in West Village in Manhattan, New York.

Seeing the photographers, the actors tried to hide behind, but realized that this was useless, and allowed them to take several frames. Diana was not at all like a star from the red carpet - she put on wide jeans boyfriend, camel coat, sweater and boots and a hat.

In January, Diana and Norman officially as a couple for the first time at the 2018 Critics' Choice Awards. After a long silence about the status of their relationship, they decided to show everyone how they love each other: they held hands and looked at each other with tenderness, not embarrassed by the cameras. A little earlier, the paparazzi had photographed them. Lovers visited

The spark between Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus ran back in 2015, during the filming of the drama "Sky", in which they played the main characters and which presented this film at the Toronto Film Festival. However, Diana at that time was officially dating Joshua Jackson.

In the summer of 2017, 40-year-old Diane Kruger and 47-year-old Norman Reedus attended a party in Tuscany together, and just after that - just a couple of weeks later - the actress announced that she was breaking up with Jackson. After that, in December, she was seen in the company of Reedus in a bar in New York.

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