Vegetable face masks. - Bell pepper. Cabbage face mask

Each vegetable is useful in its own way, and the gifts of nature reveal their potential even when used externally. You can prepare face masks from vegetables all year round. By alternating recipes, you will get rid of many skin imperfections.

Helpful information

Vegetables different types contain a special combination of vitamins, organic acids, minerals and other useful elements. Due to this, their effect on the skin is different. With a high content of vitamin C, masks whiten and rejuvenate the skin (the leaders are fermented,). With a high concentration of carotene, vegetables improve complexion - and are the leaders here. Starchy vegetables are soothing to the skin - just one example.

Masks should be applied to cleansed and steamed skin. The duration of exposure is on average 20 minutes (if a burning component is used, for example, juice or, then the time can be reduced to 10 minutes). After washing, apply cream to the skin. Procedures should be carried out at intervals of 1-3 days (it makes sense to alternate masks so that the skin receives complete care). Before using the mask for the first time, it doesn’t hurt to do a test on a small area of ​​skin.

Vegetable masks for wrinkles and age spots

  • With potatoes

Crush the boiled potatoes, mix with the yolk and add a little cream (to the desired consistency). Pour in 1 tsp. horseradish juice Stir.

  • With sauerkraut

2 tbsp. Grind the sauerkraut, add 20 drops of vitamin E and the same amount of camphor oil.

Vegetable masks at home - nutritional recipes

  • With bell pepper

Remove the seed from the small red bell pepper and chop in a blender. Add 1 tbsp. almond oil.

  • With spinach

Combine a quarter cup of puree with the yolk and 1 tsp. honey

Rejuvenating vegetable masks for facial skin

  • With onion

Combine 30 ml olive oil and half the norm of young onion juice. Pour the mixture into the yolk, stir, thicken with cornstarch.

  • With Jerusalem artichoke

Squeeze the juice out of the pulp, combine with castor oil and thick sour cream (2:1:1).

Purifying vegetable face masks

  • With white cabbage

Prepare a puree from equal parts of fresh white cabbage, measure 2 tbsp., add 1 tbsp. cream, thicken with oatmeal.

  • With corn

Grind the young corn kernels and combine with lightly beaten egg whites.

Vegetable masks for acne

  • From zucchini

2 tbsp. combine the pulp with 1 tsp. honey and oatmeal crushed into flour.

  • From Jerusalem artichoke

1 tbsp. combine Jerusalem artichoke gruel with lemon juice(1 tsp).

Vegetable masks for dry skin

  • From cucumbers

Apply the paste on your face and cover with a fabric mask.

  • From zucchini

Zucchini juice rose water and combine the cream in equal proportions, thicken with starch.

Vegetable masks for combination skin

  • From tomatoes

Remove seeds and peel, process in a blender, add 1 tsp. olive oils.

  • From lettuce leaves

Combine equal parts of the leaf pulp and sour cream.

Vegetable masks for a good complexion

  • From carrots

Process a couple of small young carrots of the palest color in a blender, adding 1 tbsp. soybean oil and yolk.

  • From pumpkin

Process the raw pale pumpkin pulp in a blender. Combine with cranberry juice and honey (2:1:1).

Vegetable masks for oily skin

  • With green peas

Grind a few young pods, dilute the pulp with sour milk.

  • With garlic

Grind low-fat cottage cheese (2 tbsp), add crushed cloves, dilute with unsweetened yogurt.

Whitening vegetable masks

  • From dill

Combine 1 tbsp. cucumber juice and finely chopped, add 50 ml of natural white wine, let stand for a day. Wet the gauze mask and apply it to your face.

  • From parsley

1 tbsp. chop finely, combine with yolk and lemon juice (0.5 tbsp).

Cook all vegetables based immediately before use - every minute of storage reduces the benefits of the product. Experiment with ingredients - through experience you will understand which vegetable mask brings more benefits to your skin.

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Correct and healthy eating cannot exist without eating vegetables. They are of particular value for the human body, as they have a huge amount of nutrients and useful substances. Vegetables remove toxins from the body and improve functioning internal organs and much more.

To get the most out of vegetables, you can use them as face masks. Such The masks are quite simple to make, but the effect after them is simply amazing! After using such masks, the skin becomes smooth, fresh, and disappears. dark spots. She seems to glow from within. Facial skin cells are rejuvenated. In this article you will get acquainted with many recipes vegetable masks.

And so, let’s begin a small but very interesting journey into the world of folk cosmetology...

Before reading the recipes and putting them into practice, you need to get acquainted with a few simple rules.

First. Vegetables for use as a mask must be fresh, and the mask itself must be prepared immediately before use.

Second. To chop vegetables, you can use all available technical kitchen tools.

Third. Before using even the most basic mask, you need to conduct a test to determine the tolerance of its components and whether there is an allergic reaction to them.

Fourth. You must adhere to the recipe and use the mask systematically to get maximum effect.

Fifth. Cleansing your facial skin is the first step before using masks.

Sixth. The composition is applied in a thin layer, leave for about half an hour. But there are exceptions, for example masks with a rejuvenation effect.

Seventh. Masks are not applied to the skin near the mouth and eyes. But there is special compounds that will help get rid of circles and bags under the eyes. They must be used carefully.

Eighth. Any mask is washed off with warm water first, and the second wash occurs already in cool water.

How do certain vegetables affect delicate facial skin?

For example, using carrots improves complexion, but cabbage can effectively fight age spots and whiten the skin.

Pumpkin has an anti-inflammatory effect, but tomatoes gently exfoliate your skin. Pea masks will help you in the fight against annoying blackheads. But ginger, like radishes, is suitable for any skin type, they rejuvenate it and even out the color.

Radishes, in turn, will help you get rid of freckles and have a whitening effect. Aromatic bell pepper will saturate the skin of your face with the missing vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on the rejuvenation and firmness of the Y-zone.

Radish will give your face firmness and elasticity. This vegetable especially provides maximum assistance to mature and aging facial skin. Beans do not cause an allergic reaction and therefore are suitable as the basis of masks for women who are allergic to certain vegetables.

And here are actually a few recipes for your beauty...

Choose exactly what is right for you or combine the formulations with each other to achieve maximum effect.

Cucumber mask

A mask made from a quarter of a cucumber and banana pulp with the addition of honey and lemon juice will help you moisturize your skin. All components are thoroughly mixed. Apply for half an hour and wash off.

The following mask is made from egg white and cucumber juice

Beat one egg white and mix with cucumber juice. Apply to skin and leave for twenty minutes. Then wash your face with warm green tea - this mask perfectly cleanses and reduces pores.

Cucumber mask for irritated skin

A composition of one teaspoon of milk powder, one tablespoon of classic yogurt without additional additives and cucumber pulp has a calming effect. Apply the mask for twenty minutes. Wash your face cool boiled water, after which the skin should dry naturally.

The following mask will help against pimples and acne

Beat one egg white taken from chicken egg and mix with cucumber pulp, add almond oil(just a few drops). It is available for sale at any pharmacy. Apply and keep on face for about fifteen minutes.

Cucumber and sour cream mask

Another great mask - mix thick sour cream and grated cucumber (without peel) in a ratio of one to one and apply to the skin of the face, rinse after fifteen minutes.

Potato mask

Just ten minutes and the bags under your eyes will disappear - peel a small potato, grate it, squeeze it a little, and apply the resulting mass around the eyes.

Milk, salt, starch to tighten enlarged pores

Narrowing of pores and normalization of secretion sebaceous glands occurs through the use of honey and milk heated to thirty-five degrees, with the addition of coarse salt and potato starch (everything is taken in equal proportions). Mix. The salt may not dissolve completely, that’s okay, that’s even a plus. Apply the mask to your face and keep it on for fifteen minutes. The composition is washed off with warm water and then cool.

A potato mask will help with oily shine

Grate a small tuber with the addition of one beaten egg white and half a tablespoon of honey. Apply to face and rinse with warm water after twenty to twenty-five minutes.

Boiled potatoes against wrinkles

But, smooth out the skin of the face and get rid of small wrinkles kneaded will help boiled potatoes, which is boiled in its peel, with the addition of one teaspoon of sour cream and one spoon of vegetable oil, you can use any oil except sunflower. Apply the mask in a thick layer. When applying it, be sure to cover your face with a towel. Wash off after twenty minutes.

Carrots for facial skin

To improve complexion, you can use rubbing with pieces of fresh carrots or carrot juice. A mask made from grated fresh carrots with the addition of honey tightens and tones the skin. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for fifteen minutes. After time, rinse with warm water.

Every vegetable can be used to make great mask, which has certain properties and will help you get rid of certain problems with facial skin.

But remember, before using this or that product, you need to take into account two main factors: the first is your skin type and the second is whether you are allergic to certain components in the mask.

Be natural and irresistible, dear women!

P.S. Sincerely, site administration. Facial care is not only pleasant, but also very useful. The cosmetics industry offers women incredible amount various creams, masks and gels with lotions that moisturize and nourish the skin. But it would be much better to take advantage of the gifts of nature - we're talking about about the vegetables and berries that we are used to seeing on our table. If you know beneficial features

these products and know how to use them correctly, you can provide facial skin care all year round, and without the need to purchase expensive cosmetics from well-known brands.

Table of contents:

Berry face masks This section will describe masks made from the most accessible berries that have complex impact

on facial skin health. It is worth emphasizing right away that you cannot change the berry every day - it is much more useful to allocate at least 7-10 days of use for each berry.

Strawberry face mask

The benefits of using this berry for facial skin care are obvious: To benefit from strawberry mask

  1. was real, you need to know the recipes for preparing natural cosmetics: Mash the strawberries with a fork, then take 2 tablespoons of the resulting mass, mix with simple baby cream and add a teaspoon of honey. Cleanse your face and apply the resulting product in a thin layer, leave for 12-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. You can do without baby cream
    , but then you need to replace it with a tablespoon of milk. This mask
  2. Grind one tablespoon of cottage cheese with two tablespoons of strawberries. The resulting mass is applied in a thick layer to previously cleansed facial skin and left until the top layer dries - as a rule, this takes 15-20 minutes. Then the mask is removed and the face is cleansed with warm water.
    The combination of cottage cheese and strawberries will help get rid of inflammation and dry skin.
  3. We “extract” a tablespoon of juice from strawberries and mix it with egg yolk, you can add 3-5 drops of olive oil, and for thickness – a little flour. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply it to cleansed facial skin. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes and always use cool water.
    This mask can be applied to normal skin face to maintain its health, it is not contraindicated for dry skin.
  4. Take one dessert spoon of cosmetic white clay and mix it with strawberry juice until a homogeneous mass is obtained, reminiscent of thick sour cream. The mask is applied to previously cleansed facial skin, and after 10 minutes it is washed off with warm water.

Clay in combination with strawberries helps get rid of excess oily skin.

Raspberry face mask

Everyone knows that raspberries have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, but this berry can also be used to nourish/moisturize the skin - you just need to know the recipes for making masks:

This raspberry application is only suitable for caring for.

Cherry face mask

This berry has whitening properties, it helps moisturize the skin, provides it with vitamins and important microelements. This berry is never applied to the skin on its own, but in combination with other components it rejuvenates and strengthens skin tone perfectly:

Note:If your skin is dry, then using lemon juice in masks is strictly prohibited!

Sea buckthorn face masks

This berry can be used to prepare and apply masks to the skin all year round! After all, sea buckthorn retains all its beneficial properties even after deep freezing. recognized official medicine very beneficial for facial skin:

Before using sea buckthorn to prepare a face mask, you will need to knead it thoroughly. And then you can combine it with other components:

  1. Sea buckthorn (150 grams), low-fat cottage cheese (50 grams) and 2 tablespoons of cream. The mask is suitable for oily facial skin, applied for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water.
  2. Sea buckthorn (200 grams), wheat germ (50 grams) and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. This combination of products helps restore elasticity to the skin, and to achieve this effect, you need to apply a mask to your face at least 2 times a week.
  3. Sea buckthorn and sour cream in equal proportions. This mask should remain on the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water. Would it be appropriate to use this remedy for application to dry skin.
  4. Sea buckthorn (100 grams), one raw egg white, 2 teaspoons honey, oat flour(30 grams). This mask can be used not only for facial skin care; it works great on both the neck and décolleté. This combination of components is considered universal and can be used on any skin type.

note: Before using berries to prepare masks, you need to remember a few recommendations from a specialist:

  1. Be sure to exclude any components of the masks. This can be done in a simple way - apply berry juice to the skin from the inside of the elbow and wait 30 minutes. If redness, peeling or itching occurs, the component should not be used under any circumstances.
  2. Before applying berry masks, you need to thoroughly clean your face - rinse decorative cosmetics, wipe the skin with lotion.
  3. If the mask contains any vegetable oil, then experts recommend carrying out thermal effect on the skin of the face to open all the pores and absorb maximum amount vitamins and microelements. All sea buckthorn masks fit this rule - this berry itself is oily.
  4. You can use berry masks 2-3 times a week, but if you need to get your face in order quickly (for example, in preparation for some important event), then you can carry out caring procedures every day.

Vegetable face masks

Vegetable masks are most accessible during the cold season; they are very beneficial for the skin and can be used by women of any age. Here are just some of the properties of vegetables:

  • fresh and sauerkraut have a refreshing and rejuvenating effect;
  • Carrots are great for solving the problem of excessively oily skin and also get rid of acne;
  • zucchini and cucumbers will be useful for all skin types, and it’s enough to simply wipe cleansed facial skin with cucumber juice, which you don’t have to wash off afterwards;
  • tomato contains organic acids - they make the skin soft and elastic, restore its cells;
  • Potatoes contain a lot of vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the skin.

Vegetable masks for dry skin

Vegetable masks for oily skin

  1. Prepare from fresh cucumber gruel, mix it with the white of one egg, beat everything with a whisk.
  2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add 1 egg white, mix everything.
  3. Convert cabbage leaves in the puree, add the egg white, previously beaten with a broom.

In addition, you can wipe your facial skin (pre-cleansed) with cucumber juice or cabbage brine, mix carrot puree with your usual cream - these procedures will be useful for all face types.

Vegetables that are familiar to us all help solve a wide variety of skin problems and sometimes cope with them more effectively than some medications.


Eggplant is known for its whitening properties and is used to lighten age spots and freckles. To do this, a paste of fresh eggplant pulp is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. A toning eggplant mask is prepared from a mixture of a tablespoon of gruel with the same amount of grated apple puree. Regular use eggplant masks gives the desired effect.


It is well known how rich carrots are in vitamins such as provitamin A, E, PP, C, K, as well as microelements that nourish the skin and prevent its aging. Besides, carrot juice copes well with inflammatory processes and improves complexion.

To prepare the mask, carrots are finely chopped and mixed with sour cream and egg yolk. The resulting paste is applied to the face and neck and left for 20 minutes. The course consists of 20 procedures, which are carried out twice a week.


Fresh cucumbers - wonderful remedy for dry skin. They tone, whiten and nourish, relieve inflammation and eliminate sagging skin. Cucumbers are rich in microelements and vitamins C and B. Cucumber masks made daily and prepared with different ingredients, depending on skin type.

At dry skin The mask is made from fresh cucumber pulp, mixed in equal proportions with sour cream or yolk. At oily skin grated cucumber gruel is mixed in half with egg white or lemon juice. Inflammations on oily skin are treated with a mask of cucumber pulp in equal parts with grated apples. The masks are applied to the face for 20 minutes, the approximate course of treatment is two weeks.


Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants - vitamins A, E, C. In addition, they contain vitamins PP, K, group B, and microelements such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, cobalt, sodium and others. Tomato masks have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, relieve the skin of acne, redness and pigmentation, and tighten pores. Organic acids in tomatoes make facial skin elastic and soft, refresh and promote cellular restoration.

Tomato mask from inflammation It is prepared from the pulp of a small mashed tomato with the addition of thick sour cream. The mass is applied for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.

For dry skin the mask is made from the pulp of 1 tomato with the addition of a few drops of olive oil and one egg yolk. This mask is good for aged, thin skin with flaking.

For oily and porous skin prepare a mask from the pulp of one tomato and potato (the second option is from the pulp of a tomato and two tablespoons of potato flour.)

Leave the masks on the face for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water. The frequency of use of tomato masks is 2-3 times a month.

Of course, you can simplify the process and use classic masks from the indicated vegetables. To do this, vegetables are cut into thin slices and applied to cleansed facial skin. Cover the top with a thin napkin to secure the slices. In any case, a vegetable mask will have undoubted benefit- refreshes and nourishes the skin, gives it healthy looking, smoothness and velvety.

Vegetable masks will allow you to replenish the entire list of important vitamins and minerals to preserve and enhance beauty. These are unique cosmetic products already ready for use. A variety of varieties and types allows you to make comprehensive care. Available ingredients are always at hand, all that remains is to take advantage of their magical effect.

Healthy vegetables for skin

You can carry out comprehensive skin care with your own hands, thanks to natural ingredients.

Useful properties of vegetables:

  • potatoes give softness and velvety, have a lifting effect, smooth out wrinkles, improve the oval contour, and are indispensable for removing signs of fatigue and swelling;
  • cucumber – refreshes, maximally saturates the skin with moisture, helps get rid of wrinkles and tightness of the skin, soothes inflammation, and effectively copes with age-related changes;
  • bell pepper – in its composition contains the maximum number of elements to preserve the youth of the face, protects the epidermis from exposure sun rays, increases immune properties, stimulates the acceleration of renewal processes;
  • greens - will lighten freckles, age spots, moisturize and refresh, cope well with loss of firmness and elasticity, soften, soothe inflammation, give beautiful, even color faces;
  • peas are indispensable for cleansing and caring for oily, problem skin, cleanses the ducts well, regulates the synthesis of sebaceous secretions, gives the face an even matte shade;
  • tomato – has a pronounced peeling effect, removes keratinized epithelium, improves oxygen saturation, helps get rid of age and photo pigmentation, the skin looks younger, becomes soft and elastic;
  • pumpkin – refreshes the skin, saturates it with vitamins and minerals, is effective against inflammation and peeling, is useful in the treatment of acne, stops the spread of infection, smoothes out facial wrinkles;
  • radish - used in cleansing and moisturizing procedures, a traditional vegetable improves skin structure, evens out skin texture, strengthens thin capillaries;
  • cabbage - allows you to cope with inflammation, ulcers, extensive foci of infections, thanks to its antiseptic properties, recommended for problematic, oily dermis;
  • onions and garlic - used only on areas affected by acne, they effectively treat, stop the spread, and fight pathogenic microflora;
  • zucchini - give freshness and youth to the skin, moisturize and nourish, soften, eliminate the appearance of fine wrinkles;
  • eggplant – whitens pigmentation, corrects age-related changes, tighten the contour, give a beautiful color;
  • carrots - included in many express masks, which allow you to quickly remove signs of fatigue and insomnia, even out skin tone, cleanse and tighten pores.

Rules for the use and application of masks

Homemade masks have undeniable advantages, but it is equally important to learn how to use them correctly. Therefore, to make your skin healthy and beautiful, you should follow simple recommendations.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis sulfate-free shampoos, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Rules for creating and using masks from vegetables:

  1. Prepare only from fresh quality products, it is advisable to use each vegetable in its season;
  2. You can grind vegetables using a grater, blender, or most succulent views Cut into thin slices will also work;
  3. Masks made from vegetables and fruits must be used regularly, taking advantage of natural diversity, then you can achieve a lasting result - beautiful well-groomed skin;
  4. It is necessary to prepare immediately before application, it cannot be left for the next day, the absence of preservatives makes it natural cosmetic product perishable product;
  5. It is imperative to check the composition for possible allergic reaction, you need to apply a small amount on your wrist and wait about half an hour;
  6. After allergies have been ruled out, it can be used on the face, neck, and décolleté;
  7. The skin is thoroughly cleansed, and a steaming compress should be used periodically;
  8. The mask is applied with smooth movements, following the massage lines, the eyelid and mouth area is usually avoided;
  9. Depending on the purpose of the procedure, the time ranges from ten minutes to half an hour;
  10. You can wash off with mineral water, green tea or a decoction of your favorite herbs.

The best vegetable face mask recipes

The use of vegetables for the skin will provide the skin with a complex of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. Unusual radiance and softness will give natural recipes

. The only contraindication will be individual sensitivity to the composition of the mask.


Green masks help quickly deal with wrinkles and sagging, refresh and whiten the color. Maximum nutrition and hydration are ensured, turgor and elasticity are noticeably improved.

  • 5 gr. coriander;
  • 10 gr. cream.

Grind the coriander leaves along with spinach and parsley in a mortar. Add cream to the resulting mass, spread the finished mask on the steamed skin, as well as on the neck. Keep for about twenty/thirty minutes. Rinse off in the usual way, repeat in a course of seven/ten procedures to obtain a lasting result.



Facial skin care thanks to natural masks Provides skin hydration, improving its color and structure. Effective procedure against wrinkles, eliminates signs of fatigue, turgor and elasticity are noticeably restored.

Green masks help quickly deal with wrinkles and sagging, refresh and whiten the color. Maximum nutrition and hydration are ensured, turgor and elasticity are noticeably improved.

  • teaspoon of cucumber;
  • a teaspoon of zucchini;
  • teaspoon potatoes;
  • Art. spoon of olive oil.

Peel each vegetable, chop on a grater, combine with nourishing oil. Spread the mixture in a generous layer on the skin after cleansing, cover with a damp gauze cloth on top. After fifteen/twenty minutes the actions can be completed, repeat in evening time two/three times a month.


At home, it will not be difficult to cleanse the skin of acne, relieve inflammation, and narrow pores. Treatment procedure will help remove greasy shine, normalize intracellular processes. Thanks to deep cleansing the synthesis of sebaceous secretions is reduced, waste and toxins are removed.

Green masks help quickly deal with wrinkles and sagging, refresh and whiten the color. Maximum nutrition and hydration are ensured, turgor and elasticity are noticeably improved.

  • 5 gr. cabbage;
  • 5 gr. peas;
  • 5 gr. fennel herbs;

Grind the cabbage in a blender, crush the young peas in a mortar, finely chop the fennel greens. Combine the ingredients, add flour, it is advisable to steam the covers using a compress. Spread a thick layer along the massage lines and leave for ten/fifteen minutes. Finish as usual, use cosmetic procedure two times a week.

Video recipe: Moisturizing and nourishing face mask with parsley

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