What does beautiful handwriting mean? What does a man's small handwriting mean? What character does the different features of handwriting indicate?

It is graphology, a science that helps to reveal through handwriting the connection between a person and his character, that reveals all the main signs that help determine the main personal qualities of each person.

Recognizing character by handwriting shape

The density and coherence of what is written is what determines the main characteristics of a person’s character. It is worth noting that a person cannot consciously change his handwriting, but over time it itself changes.

  1. Large handwriting usually characteristic of extroverts, a person whose character attracts people to him. Such individuals are not shy, they have high self-esteem, is not averse to boasting about his leadership qualities.
  2. Small handwriting usually among introverts, that is, among those who put their own things first inner world, and can fully demonstrate their character only under exceptional circumstances. This type handwriting indicates the absence of false pride and restraint. An introvert prefers spending time in small groups and can be withdrawn. Often, such individuals are quite difficult to find mutual language with others.
  3. Sweeping handwriting those whose character is dominated by notes of masculinity and pride show a desire for self-affirmation (and the larger the capital letters, the greater this desire). Moreover, sweepingness can be interpreted as an unconscious desire to fulfill main role in many vital sectors.
  4. Sharp handwriting indicates that a person’s character combines aggressiveness and education. Often these are insightful, intelligent, but also cunning individuals. In addition, such handwriting is not always found in good-natured people.
Determining character by handwriting: neatness, letter tips and pressure
  1. If what is written can be called scribbles, then their owner is unbalanced. In many cases, such people do not have a strict daily routine: they go to bed late and start their day very early, and their work is full and nervous situations. On the positive side there is the fact that such handwriting is considered a sign of genius, because in absolutely all brilliant people it is illegible.
  2. Easy, clear handwriting speaks of strong and calm person. Such clarity speaks of a healthy, stable psyche and excellent physical shape.
  3. Weak pressure indicates a person prone to compromise and susceptible to manipulation. In the case where there is no pressure at all, it is possible that the individual has problems with self-esteem (it is underestimated) and has some complexes.
  4. Medium pressure occurs in goal-oriented people with developed strength will. In addition, such people value themselves highly and are not the first to keep everything under control.
  5. Strong pressure those who live in the world of material pleasures, experiments of a sexual nature. Sometimes such pressure is typical for emotional, hysterical people.

If we talk about the tips of the letters, then if, let’s say, the “tails” of some letters go down strongly, this is a clear sign that the person is sexually active, full of passion and sexual desire.

The ability to analyze handwriting and recognize a person's character from it can be very useful. Lines of text store information about the person who wrote it. And although a detailed graphological analysis requires professional skills and knowledge, anyone can make a superficial assessment. You just need to know the basic features of writing a text and what they mean.

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It should be remembered that not a single sign should be considered as dogma. Only a comprehensive analysis of personality, a comparison of various observations taken together can give a clear picture of internal features person. Handwriting analysis is just a hint of what you should pay attention to in a person’s character.

We look at handwriting and read a person’s character

The first thing to do is look at the letter as a whole.

Neat handwriting with well-written letters indicates a person’s balance and calmness. If the letter is illegible, then, most likely, the person is afraid to open up and strives for isolation and detachment.

Large, child-like handwriting speaks of gullibility in a person’s character, his sensuality and gentleness. When small, neat handwriting testifies to the rationality and restraint of its owner.

Sweeping handwriting speaks of a person’s broad soul

Very small letters can indicate greed and distrust.

Sweeping handwriting speaks of a person’s broad soul and a penchant for a global view of things. The dense arrangement of words when writing can be a sign of frugality leading to an extreme degree of economy and prudence.

It is worth paying attention to the fields. The wider the left field, the more generous the person in front of us. The narrow margin on the left indicates stinginess. If the left margin narrows as you write, this indicates the subject's tendency toward selfishness. The almost complete absence of fields indicates that a person strives to make the most of the opportunities provided.

We determine what kind of characters people have by their handwriting

A more detailed study of the lines of the letter reveals Additional information. Ideally, have several pages of text written in different time under various circumstances. It is this approach that makes it possible to most accurately determine what kind of characters people have based on their handwriting.

Letter slant

A pronounced tilt of the letter to the right speaks of a desire for communication and a loving nature. Such a person is energetic and open to new ideas.

A slight tilt to the left is typical for secretive people with a rational approach to life. For them, the mind comes to the fore, suppressing emotions.

A strong tilt to the left is inherent in sensual natures, who are accustomed to opening up only to those closest to them. These people know how to make informed decisions.

Line direction

If the line of the letter saves horizontal position throughout the entire width of the sheet, which means that we have before us a balanced person who controls his emotions.

Lines going up characterize people with high self-esteem and incorrigible optimists. If, on the contrary, the lines go down, it means that before us is a person who is not confident in his abilities, subject to depression and oppression.

There is a letter with a wave-like character, when the line either goes down or goes up. This is inherent in fickle natures with changeable moods.

It is interesting that handwriting, like character, begins to form in early age, and can undergo changes throughout life. Determining a person's character by handwriting is not a myth. A science such as graphology is used in many fields, from psychology to police examinations, which indicates the seriousness of this topic.

Often, an unskilled person may also be interested in this issue. For example, for the sake of personal analysis or out of simple curiosity. So how can you learn to see character in written text?

It is important to understand that such an analysis should be carried out on the basis of many indicators, and not just one factor. To get a complete picture of a person, it is necessary to analyze not only individual cases, but also learn to see the interconnection of all criteria.

Where to begin

If you think that for graphological analysis Any will do written text, then you are mistaken. In order for your research to be as accurate as possible, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. The text must be written by hand, and in blank, ideally album sheet.
  2. The quality of the information received will depend on the amount of text written. The minimum volume is 4 lines.
  3. Don't forget about the signature. She plays important role when analyzing handwriting.
  4. To write, use a pencil or fountain pen. These tools best convey the degree of pressure.
  5. You cannot use text from a postcard or official document for analysis.
  6. It is best to use several texts written at different times.

Handwriting Analysis Criteria

So that's it preparatory stages finished, you have the text for analysis in your hands, and you are ready to start it. What should you pay attention to? What conclusions can be drawn?

What is he talking about? pressure when writing:

  1. If all the letters are bright and clearly distinguishable, then this characterizes the person as self-confident, energetic and capable of self-discipline. Such a person is always noticeable. He attracts attention with his confidence, calmness and inner integrity. He is moderately sociable.
  2. If you see a text written with a light, almost transparent pressure, then its author is a sensual and romantic person. Such a person always has his head in the clouds, withdraws into himself and dreams a lot. At the same time, he is very responsible, but not efficient. He tries to do everything slowly in order to avoid mistakes. Light pressure is often a sign of a person with a weak will.

What can it tell writing inclination:

  1. If the words are written slightly slanted left side, then this is a person who is inclined to put himself and his interests above others. He is an individualist and a critical thinker.
  2. If the words are strongly inclined to the left, then the person is very independent. He has his own opinion and answer to any problem.
  3. The most common option is considered to be a slight tilt in right side. Such people are always calm and balanced. They are happy to be in good company, but solitude is not alien to them. Their mood may change frequently.
  4. If the tilt to the right is strong, then the person is very persistent and purposeful. He is a maximalist in everything. A leader in life, he always wants to be the first in everything. If they decide on something, they follow through to the end. They live by the principle: all or nothing. They fall in love easily and tend to be jealous of their significant other.
  5. If you see a text written without slant, then its author is a person who is harmonious in everything. He amazingly combines emotionality with prudence. Makes a decision only after carefully weighing the pros and cons. Very stubborn.

What will he tell? handwriting size:

  1. Text written in large letters indicates that its author is a communicator. He is open to everything new and easily fits into any team. He is a born leader who can easily persuade others.
  2. But small letters, on the contrary, indicate secrecy, restraint and prudence. In his work, such a person is pedantic and responsible. Easily concentrates his attention on the process.
  3. Broad handwriting is inherent creative people. Narrow – rational and thrifty.

What are they talking about corners and roundness:

  1. Roundness when writing is a sign of a kind and sympathetic person. He is soft by nature and can easily give in or agree to a compromise. You can always rely on him in a difficult situation.
  2. And the angles in the letters are a sign of selfishness. Such a person always relies only on himself, and what he expects from those around him. He wants to be independent and doesn't like to be told what to do.

What will they talk about? lines. It is difficult to notice this feature on a lined sheet. Therefore, for the purity of the experiment, you should write the text on a white sheet of paper.

  1. The optimistic and cheerful people the lines always creep up.
  2. Pessimists write moving down the page.
  3. If the text is written directly, then this means a calm and reasonable person.
  4. If the text “jumps”, then the person is subject to frequent mood changes.

What can they tell fields. This factor can tell about a person’s attitude towards the material side of life:

  1. If the margins are wide, then this person is generous and open.
  2. We should not forget that everything is good in moderation. Excessively large indentations are a sign of pathos, desire for luxury and boasting.
  3. And if the wide fields also expand towards the bottom, then the person is characterized by carelessness and squandering.
  4. A narrow indent indicates frugality. Of course, as with wide brim, you should see the difference between frugality and stinginess.
  5. The fields tapering downwards reveal a greedy and stingy person.

Inner world according to the density of writing:

  1. If you see a text written in a neat handwriting, then you are looking at a closed person who does not want to let anyone into his inner world. Finding a common language with him is not easy, but if you succeed, you will have a true and devoted friend.
  2. Sweeping handwriting speaks of an open personality. He gets along with people easily, is cheerful and friendly. True, it is often very frivolous and unnecessary.

Connections in letters:

  1. If the words are written without a break, all the letters are connected to each other, then before you is a direct, consistent and purposeful person. He is predictable in his actions and is always guided by logic.
  2. But the gaps in writing reveal an extraordinary and talented personality, from whom you don’t have to expect prudence and logic. They would rather listen to their intuition than think about facts.

Of course, even if you take into account every factor, your analysis will be very superficial. Real graphologists argue that qualitative analysis requires more than one text. You should make sure that you have a sample of each letter of the alphabet.

Character and signature

It is sometimes very difficult to analyze handwriting. And the picture can turn out to be very ambiguous. In such cases, analysis of a person’s signature comes to the rescue. She can tell nothing about her author less handwriting, and sometimes even more:

  1. The simpler the signature, the more confident its author is.
  2. If there are loops and squiggles, then the person is cunning and observant.
  3. The more diverse elements in the signature, the more extraordinary the personality. Strokes and curls reveal an inventive and resourceful person with a vivid imagination and the makings of an artist.
  4. If the signature is crossed out, then its author is harsh, impulsive and very energetic.
  5. Enterprising people always emphasize their signature. However, it should be noted that if the trait returns to the beginning, then the person is very selfish, self-obsessed and does not know how to trust others at all.
  6. If the signature is in a circle, then the person has a timid and shy character.
  7. If the first letter of the signature matches the last name, then you have a person who sensibly assesses his capabilities. He is simple and modest.
  8. Drawing excessive attention to the first letter is a sign of narcissism and ambition. Such a person cannot grasp the essence of things and does not know how to concentrate.
  9. Zigzags and waves in the painting are a sign of activity and a cheerful disposition. Such people cannot sit in one place, cannot concentrate on anything or do one thing for a long time.
  10. A signature rising upward is a sign of optimism, energy and bright temperament.
  11. The horizontal position speaks of confidence and prudence.
  12. A downward position is a sign of uncertainty and isolation.
  13. If there is a period at the end of the signature, then such a person is very disciplined.


Of course, many people are interested in studying the topic of graphology on their own. And it is right. Handwriting analysis will help you understand not only those around you, but also yourself, and learn to control weak sides and emphasize the strengths, combat the shortcomings and improve the best features.

After all, handwriting, like character, can change, which means graphology is a tool for self-improvement. Psychologists, sociologists, and accentologists have long come to the conclusion that handwriting and character of a person

connected to each other.

Which hand is better for an ambidextrous person? find out right now.

Is it possible to determine character by handwriting? Handwriting.

begins to form at an early age

Character also develops and undergoes changes. Graphology has long entered our lives and is used not only in psychology, but also in criminology. Handwriting connected With fine motor skills , features nervous activity, brain function . Character is formed on the basis of temperament and external factors

, therefore also associated with the brain and nervous system.

It is advisable to conduct the study in a calm environment. Ideally, the text is written on a white landscape sheet without the presence of cells, rulers, and by hand.

One or two words are not enough; at least four lines are needed. Be sure to pay attention to the signature, since it can be used to notice elements that are not in regular text. Better to use pencil or fountain pen

. If possible, then several texts written in different time periods are taken for analysis. This can trace the dynamics of character development, detect the presence of stress factors, and sometimes determine.

presence of diseases

Why are people increasingly using handwriting checks when hiring? Psychologist's opinion:

Graphology - concept and general information Graphology

- This is a technology of psychodiagnostics.

The analysis is based on the fact that handwriting is associated with fine motor skills, is formed by the brain, and is associated with subconscious processes and personality traits. Graphology, as a science, is based on knowledge. Research and practical experience matter. However, some scientists are skeptical about such experiments and consider graphology a pseudoscience.

However, she has her own system, signs that researchers focus on. Even ancient philosophers noticed that one can tell a lot about a person by his handwriting - whether he is good or evil, whether he is capable of deception, how selfish he is, whether he can be trusted.

The learning process of a graphologist includes not only theory but also careful practice, which allows you to capture the smallest details analyzed object.

The specialist can tell you about the personality interesting details. Even a person himself does not always realize that he has certain character traits. The fact is that the peculiarities of writing are largely manifested under the influence of the subconscious.

Handwriting studies were also carried out in the ancient world, but the most famous first treatise belongs to a doctor Camillo Baldo.

The word "graphology" appeared in the 19th century in the book of the abbot Jean Hippolyte Michon.

He compared individual elements of letterforms and writing and associated them with certain character traits.

Lack of these elements meant opposite traits.

Many writers and others famous people recognized that character is reflected in the way of writing. Gradually, the ideas of graphology spread throughout Europe.

Now this science is studied in universities in many countries, in some of them there is such a profession.

Graphology is used in business, psychodiagnostics, psychology, criminology, even when hiring.

Handwriting and the main features of a person - a comment from a graphologist:

Analysis and meaning

What does handwriting say about a person's character? Handwriting has many characteristics by which researchers evaluate personality traits.

  1. Small. The sign indicates secrecy, isolation, a desire to become invisible. Small letters They talk about pedantry, accuracy, responsibility. The personality fully concentrates on the task and tries to accomplish what is planned. Traits of pettiness and prudence may be present.
  2. Large. A sociable person, has many friends, easily meets and gets along with people. More characters They talk about emotionality and the presence of leadership qualities. However, it should be taken into account that with age, letters may become larger due to problems with motor skills and vision (example in the photo).
  3. Sweeping. Characterizes people who are active, cheerful, and inquisitive. They are interested outside world, do not like boredom and routine.

    Also characteristic creative people. The person gets along with people easily and is open to social contacts.

  4. Narrow. The sign is inherent in people who are thrifty, rational, and who accurately calculate their time and energy.
  5. Printed. The personality is purposeful and straightforward. Well developed imaginative thinking.
  6. Spicy. Shows that a person has selfish traits. The individual is used to relying on himself, is independent, and does not like when people try to control him.
  7. Rounded letters. The personality is pliable, compliant, loyal. Such people often have difficulty achieving goals and easily compromise. IN difficult situations you can rely on a person to help and support.
  8. Tilt to the left. Talks about a tendency to criticize others. A person puts his interests above all else. A very strong tilt speaks of stubbornness. The individual considers his point of view to be the only correct one; it is difficult to convince him otherwise.
  9. Tilt to the right. The most common type. A standard, not very strong slope does not mean anything, this is how they teach to write in primary school. A very strong tilt indicates determination. It is found in individuals who tend to fall deeply in love and.
  10. Text without slope. Speaks of a completely harmonious, self-sufficient person who knows his own worth. Emotionality is combined with calculation and prudence; decisions are made thoughtfully and not spontaneously, after careful planning.
  11. Strong pressure. Characteristic of energetic individuals prone to workaholism. Such people are sociable, easily establish contacts, and have extensive connections. They have a sense of humor and are optimistic.

    They attract attention, never remain unnoticed, and are confident in themselves, which attracts other people to them.

  12. Light pressure. Handwriting can be seen in people who are prone to calmness, isolation, and loneliness. Letters with light pressure are found among romantic people. A person is a dreamer, often has his head in the clouds, prefers to act slowly. Pressing too lightly may indicate a person with a weak will.
  13. According to the location of the lines. Direct lines characterize a calm, measured person who adequately responds to reality, without unnecessary emotionality or outbursts. The main character trait is balance. A line going down indicates the presence of pessimistic character traits. If it goes up towards the end, it shows an optimist, but it can also indicate that it is overpriced.

    If the lines are very uneven, float, the letters are different, this characteristic shows imbalance, increased emotionality, impressionability.

How to determine character by handwriting? Watch the video.

It is difficult to find two absolutely identical people in the world (twins are special topic). Even if individuals are similar in appearance, it is unlikely that they will have all the same individual characteristics.

Bright distinguishing feature- human handwriting. It can be neat and careless, small, large, extended or compressed. With other “tricks” and “bells and whistles”. Begins to form with school years. Once upon a time there were penmanship lessons in the first grade, when the teacher carefully watched how the child wrote the letters, corrected them so that they were beautiful, intelligible and without blots. However, such diligent leveling of writing according to the “rules” did not work. Growing up, each student acquired a psychology of handwriting peculiar only to him, and the teacher, checking school essays, even without knowing the student’s last name, he could immediately determine who wrote it.

How to determine a person's character from handwriting is the science of writing - graphology. Graphologists are confident that “squiggles” on paper reveal the main personality traits and can even tell about health.

For example, such a pathology nervous system, like Parkinson's disease, is characterized by hand tremors. The patient intuitively tries to hold them and writes fractionally. As the disease progresses, the handwriting becomes even smaller. With Alzheimer's disease, the letters are pressed together or, conversely, stretched.

People have long been interested in handwriting. IN ancient China The philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC) believed that writing can tell you whether you are generous or vulgar. Aristotle (384-322 BC) argued that “each person's type of writing” differs and is indicative of the character of the author.

IN Ancient Rome under Emperor Nero, handwriting became a political argument when it was necessary to settle scores with someone. The most august was slipped texts from those who had fallen out of favor, so that by the nature of the letter he would be convinced that this person was unreliable.

In the Middle Ages, the English scientist Roger Bacon (1214-1292) wrote “A Brief Guide to the Study of Philosophy,” where he stated that the character of a person can be determined by the characteristics of handwriting.

At that time, such statements were simply guesses that had no serious scientific basis. The beginning of the scientific history of world graphology can be considered the work of the Spanish doctor and philosopher Ioan Huarte San Juan “Study of scienzias methods, which shows the differences in letters that people with great friend from each other by gender” (1575). Later, an equally interesting treatise by the Italian physician and philosopher Camillo Baldi appeared, “How to know the nature and quality of a person by looking at the letter he wrote” (1620).

Over the past four centuries, many works have appeared in the West, where the authors tried to give a reliable explanation of a person’s character based on handwriting. Just listing them would take many pages. Let's just name our contemporary Inessa Goldberg, a world-famous Israeli graphologist, who wrote eight books from the “Secrets of Handwriting” series.

Works on graphology Russian authors significantly inferior to Western ones. The reason is the Soviet past, when the science of writing was considered a pseudoscience. Experts relied on books by pre-revolutionary domestic authors: Zuev-Insarov and Morgenstern, a brochure by F.F. German “On graphology. The Man by Handwriting" (1934).

Significant works were written by Soviet handwriting experts and criminologists involved in the examination of handwriting in the investigation of criminal cases. However, these works are completely unrelated to the analysis of handwriting in psychology. Therefore, criminologists cannot be considered graphologists.

It is important to know! Handwriting studies is a narrow branch of criminology, where handwriting is examined as evidence of a crime. This differs from graphology, which studies the relationship between writing and psychological characteristics personality.

What can you tell from handwriting?

Graphologists will tell you with confidence what a person’s handwriting says. After spending psychological analysis“writing”, they will give objective information about the personality: they will talk about positive and negative aspects character, will help to identify the reasons for, say, inappropriate behavior.

And there is no need to be afraid of graphological analysis. It will not only tell you about the person, but will make you think that perhaps you need to change something in your lifestyle.

If a person is overly emotional, this can be recognized by the manner of writing. Let's say all the letters are skewed to the right and written with little pressure, this is evidence of emotional instability and susceptibility to phobias. Any experience unsettles such a person.

The letter only displays stable traits character. Such that are inherent to the individual for a long time, perhaps since childhood. Constant scandals in the family, homelessness with living parents, callous attitude, trauma, and other negative impressions of childhood remain in the memory for a long time. This affects the psyche and is consolidated in behavior. And outwardly it manifests itself in the manner of writing, which can be called the psychology of handwriting.

When a person is constantly afraid (of someone or something), this is reflected in the style of writing. Handwriting becomes unclear and jerky - uneven. Such fast writing is typical for people with weak character.

If a person is fixated on his mental phobias, the letter will be compressed - letter to letter. When there are large gaps between them, this is an indicator that the turmoil does not tear the soul apart, there are no fears.

When graphologically analyzing handwriting, attention is paid to the text. Too small indicates spiritual fears. They constantly keep you in suspense and do not allow you to develop a certain position in life. Such a person is afraid of people, avoids communication, and is prone to a secluded lifestyle, which may be a sign mental illness- autism.

A “large-caliber” text is typical for a self-confident person who knows how to express his thoughts and makes people listen to his opinion. A thorough analysis of handwriting convinces that graphology is not at all a pseudoscience, as they were convinced in Soviet time. A careful study of the graphics of the written text (size of letters, width of the section between them, tilt, pressure, clumsiness or slenderness of the text) allows you to give an accurate psychological characteristics personality.

It’s worth taking a closer look at your “writing.” And you don’t need to be upset if you suddenly discover some not-so-pleasant facets of your character. A detailed graphological analysis of handwriting will help you critically evaluate your character and get rid of its unsightly features.

It is important to know! Graphology is a science based on psychological methods research. But a graphologist is not a psychic; he cannot predict the future. From handwriting one can determine the psychophysical state of a person only at the moment.

Types and characteristics of handwriting

Each person has only their own individual writing style. As a result of scrupulous studies of the manner of writing letters, graphologists have derived certain patterns that suggest how personality, temperament, appearance and even type of work affect handwriting.

Let’s take a closer look at what “writing creativity” is like and what it can tell a specialist. Handwriting can be:

  • With an inclination. This characteristic speaks of emotionality and attitude towards people. The vertical arrangement of the letters means high self-esteem, a calm and calm character, restraint towards others. A slight right tilt is evidence of a gentle disposition and good nature. The owner of such handwriting is not particularly restrained in his feelings. A stronger bevel of letters to the right - impetuous nature, in constant mental stress. The letters ran to the left - the personality is cold, selfish. A small left blockage is a brave and prudent person who relies only on himself. A strong “leftist” bias suggests bad traits character: rancor, resentment. The owner of such a handwriting may be melancholic with a constantly bad mood, not inclined to art.
  • With pressure. Pressing the pen characterizes the emotions of the writer. Weak - a person with intelligence, a romantic, but weak-willed, easily susceptible to the influence of others, incapable of deep emotion. Strong pressure on the “wrote” shows that the personality is emotionally explosive, experiences are always present in sensations.
  • Careless. This is how those who are in a hurry write, their hand runs ahead of their thoughts. Such people are realistic in life, they can be harsh and hot-tempered, but they quickly forget the insult, love creativity, often experience bouts of inspiration, and are skeptical about all kinds of fortune-telling about their future. A variant of careless handwriting is clumsy, rough. It may belong to a generous, sociable and sympathetic, but short-sighted person who is not always successful in life. Because of his nervousness, he often gets into trouble, but he always successfully gets out of an unpleasant situation.
  • Small and illegible. Belongs to the shy shy people, unable to overcome serious difficulties. Such individuals have a certain talent and logical thinking, they have something to hide. They are often withdrawn and uncommunicative.
  • Large. Belongs to a confident person who attracts attention, the leader and soul of the company, insightful and open, absolutely unable to deceive. Negative traits character - excessive gullibility towards strangers, impracticality in everyday affairs.
  • All letters are written together. Such a letter characterizes straightforwardness, the ability to think sensibly, and good intuition. Underlining letters, words, phrases indicates diligence, serious attitude to the assigned task. Family life The owners of such handwriting are happy, they are not tormented by doubts. A cohesive and compact letter is evidence of a proud and independent character, such people do not like unnecessary acquaintances and try to avoid them.
  • Gap between signs. If a small amount, this is evidence of a clear mind and harmony in the soul. There are many bright spots - visual-figurative thinking, a dreamy and “cloudy” personality - unclear in his actions, loves to be paid attention to. A small distance between letters indicates openness and friendly communication. Big gap - fear of contact with strangers.
  • Angular handwriting. Indicates independence, a critical mind and a love of competition in any activity, be it sports or anything else, to show one's worth. Broken and rounded letters in a letter - an independent personality, hospitable, knows how to attract people, has excellent taste, always gets his way. However, such a person is very selfish and does not like being told how and what to do.
  • Curls. Small and at the bottom of the letters - a simple personality, content and quickly adapting to simple life. With his independent judgment, he does not like falsehood in relationships. Curl on one sign - spiritual development, love to family hearth, the circle of communication is limited to family and good friends. Wide lower “curls” - purposefulness, focus on material wealth and communication. The squiggle at the bottom is disproportionate to the letter - a lot of laziness, no favorite thing to do. The same curl below and above - a freedom-loving character, a person gets by with very little.
  • Calligraphic. A person with such handwriting is very sensitive and neat, an excellent family man. In his life there are no big changes, no problems at work, everything proceeds without unnerving adventures. They like to be friends with people like that. The disadvantage of the owner of such handwriting is lack of self-confidence; this forces one to seek help from someone who is able to listen carefully and support.
  • Pointed handwriting. Intelligence and observation are combined with aggressiveness and cunning, a distrustful, indifferent attitude towards people, their way of life and thinking.
  • On a grand scale. This style characterizes a proud person, striving for self-affirmation, who always wants to be in the lead in any matter. This does not at all prevent you from being a romantic, seeing everything around you in beautiful light. Such people quickly forget and forgive insults; they have a loving, kind heart, and therefore are often considered strange.
  • Printed. Some people only write in block letters. This may indicate a complex: low self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, painful perception of criticism. Such a person constantly keeps himself under self-control so as not to break down and show his vulnerable soul. Although from the outside it seems sincere and open.
  • Changeable. When the letters are different, but the writing is fast and careless or slow and diligent. This indicates momentary mood changes. The handwriting suggests that it was written by someone with high self-esteem or, conversely, by an insecure, hidden and suspicious person. Only detailed analysis personality can give a clear answer. Another nuance: it is written arbitrarily, regardless of the situation. Here we can talk about the openness and inner freedom of the author, free from many of the conventions of life.

It is important to know! Graphology is in great demand in practical psychology. As a “reflection of our brain on paper,” it helps psychologists more accurately determine personality traits.

Methods for determining character by handwriting

This technique is objective for people aged 25-45 years, when the psychophysical characteristics of the individual are most stable. Several pages of handwriting are examined. On the first one the person writes constrainedly, and on the subsequent ones he “let go”, the writing becomes more natural. The last pages are of greatest interest.

Let's consider one of the graphological methods for determining character:

  1. Appearance of paper. Written pages can tell a lot about the author. If a person is untidy and greedy, they are small, greasy and dirty. And large and clean ones suggest that he was written by a pedantic and kind person.
  2. Pay attention to the margins. Narrow - frugality, when too compressed, can mean pettiness, stinginess. Wide - the soul is wide open, openness, kindness. Too spacious - arrogance, bragging, desire for wealth.
  3. Letter size. With age they become larger (vision deteriorates). Little letters - a person who is accustomed to being content with what he has, may be withdrawn and suffer from autism. It is impossible to extract any information from medium-sized signs. This is what the vast majority of people write. The expression “like everyone else” fits here. Large ones indicate leadership qualities, emotionality and sociability.
  4. capital letter. If there are “bells and whistles”, the author is not confident in his abilities, depends on the opinions of others, and tries to be noticed. The small first sign characterizes internal constraint, enslavement, and inability to communicate freely.
  5. Pressure study. Characterizes emotions at the moment. How more pressure on a pen (pencil), the more experience. Weak pressure - the character is sluggish, weak-willed. The letters are “bold”, clear - cheerfulness, energy, sociability.
  6. Pay attention to the lines. Wavy - changeable mood, adventurousness, resourcefulness, deceit in deeds and actions. Neat, even - emotions are “in fun”; a person looks at life soberly, and sensibly assesses his capabilities. If the line runs uphill, the author is an optimistic person. Moving down indicates pessimism and low self-esteem.
  7. The slant and shape of the writing. Letters can be angular, sharp, rounded, and interconnected in different ways. Let’s say that letters that are too rounded emphasize that the personality is weak, susceptible to the influence of others. Such people rarely achieve their goals. And the connection of several signs speaks of calm and restraint. A large tilt to the right indicates authority. Such a person can be amorous and jealous. A sharp tilt to the left characterizes stubbornness, bordering on unreasonableness, when they firmly defend their even incorrect point of view.
  8. Signature. Eloquently demonstrates character. The usual is self-confidence, an established way of life. With emphasis - enterprise, resourcefulness in business. Curly loops on the letters - observation, insight. Crossed out - explosive character, belongs to an extrovert. In the “mourning” frame - the author is an introvert or prone to phobias, from the timid.

It is important to know! Graphology is a serious science, but not the ultimate truth. However, a study of handwriting can provide quite reliable information about character and other personality traits.

What does a person’s handwriting say - look at the video:

Graphology is in demand today. Graphologists are on the staff of serious companies; they are involved in personnel selection, evaluate applicants for work based on their handwriting, and give characterizations to competitors. This is the official side of their activities, but it will be interesting for anyone to contact them to determine their character traits from their writing. It is quite possible that this will help get rid of the bad ones, and therefore improve the quality of your life.

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