That the fetus hears in the womb. Intrauterine life of a child and his reaction to the outside world

Have you ever wondered how the baby feels when she is in her mother's belly? "Can he really feel or hear anything?" - some uninformed people will be surprised. Yes maybe! Today, it is already known for sure that by about 12 weeks of gestation, the first connections between brain cells are formed in the fetus, which are improved by 20 weeks, and as a result, he begins to hear ambient sounds. At 4 months old, the baby can already react to internal changes in the mother's belly and external stimuli. How? Angrily tosses and pushes.

Americans wondered what the fetus might feel in the second trimester of pregnancy, and they conducted research on this issue. As a result, it was concluded that after 4 months of pregnancy:

  • The unborn toddler already has taste preferences and is very fond of sweets. If glucose is introduced into the fetal waters, then the swallowing movements of the fetus are accelerated, iodine - it begins to wrinkle the nose with displeasure.
  • If you stroke the belly of a woman at the 5th month of pregnancy, then the fetus begins to react, move its head. But if you pour cold water on the belly of a pregnant woman, then the baby begins to get angry and kick with her legs.
  • If you send a bright light to the pregnant woman's belly, then the baby turns away or closes its eyes.
  • From the second month of life, the fetus reacts to the physical injuries of the mother. If a pregnant woman is hit in the stomach, then he begins to hide, looking for protection.
  • Mom's actions, her mood are completely duplicated by the child: mom is asleep and he is asleep, mom is worried - and so is he.
  • Imagine, the fetus realizes that smoking is harmful for him. As soon as mom thinks about lighting a cigarette, the little heart of the child begins to beat faster. Why? When a pregnant woman smokes, the fetus receives less oxygen and, as a result, it has painful cramps. How does he know about the desire to smoke? The thought of getting another dose of nicotine is reflected on the mother's hormonal system. So think about whether it is worth smoking during pregnancy.
  • Even more harm for nicotine and alcohol is brought about by quarrels between parents. Scientists have concluded that they can even provoke a miscarriage.
  • The child hears the sounds of the environment and listens to music with pleasure and even reacts to it: a calm one lulls the baby to sleep, and rock causes discontent. Classical music, for example, works by Vivaldi or Beethoven, improves the mood of the crumbs.
  • An unborn baby can memorize words and even expressions, so control your statements during pregnancy.
  • The child, sitting in the stomach, is already well able to distinguish the intonations of the parents' voice. By the way, they hear the dad's voice better, since low-frequency sounds are perceived better by the fetus. Therefore, a newborn, if the father communicated with him often during the mother's pregnancy, recognizes the voice of the father without any problems.

Interesting fact. Scientists have found that the child, being in the womb, is already learning! If for several weeks in a row you read a fairy tale to a crumb, for example, "Kolobok" several times a day, then after a while he begins to recognize it and respond to reading by slowing down his pulse. That is, he learns a fairy tale.

Conclusion: information is already deposited in the brain of an unborn child. This means that after birth, it will be easier for him to learn to speak if his mother will systematically talk to him and read fairy tales.

We also offer you to watch a fascinating video in which a child in the womb of a mother yawns, rubs his eyes and dances!

As you can see, the child, even being in the mother's belly, can feel, see, hear. Therefore, try to provide him with pleasant sensations, talk with the baby more often, establish a connection with him. As a result, after birth, a child quickly adapts to a new world for him.

They say that a child in the womb both hears and almost sees ... Is this true? And what is she intrauterine life of a child? How does an unborn baby react to the outside world?How does the fetus develop and how does its intrauterine life affect the future? Polina Sergeevna DEREVYANENKO, a gynecologist of the highest category, answers these and other questions. Interviewed by Lyudmila SLAVINA.

“What kind of science is this - prenatal psychology? When did she appear? "

Prenatal, i.e. prenatal, psychologyappeared not so long ago. The fact is that the previous idea of \u200b\u200bthe prenatal life of a future person as a period of purely biological existence in recent years has been completely and irrevocably forgotten. It is now considered an axiom that the fetus develops not only parts and systems of the body, but also cognitive functions and sense organs. And some researchers argue that starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the human fetus already understands in its own way what is happening around, reacts not only to internal changes in the mother's womb, but also to external stimuli that reach it. Prenatal science studies the prenatal psychology of the child.

“Is it true that the future child hears? And how does this happen? "

- It is well known that the organ of hearing in the embryo is one of the first to form. By the age of four months, the fetus hears music. He reacts to bravura and loud music with active stirring, calm and melodic music calms him down. There are cases when pregnant women were forced to leave rock music concerts due to the unbearably violent reaction of the fetus.

The fetus reacts with concern to the quarrels and screams of the parents. Sometimes they can lead to a miscarriage, and it is not known what the reason for this development of events is - whether the sharp fluctuations of hormones in the mother's body, or the threat itself, contained in the violent screams and insults with which the scandal proceeds.

It is known that more unborn babies memorize melodies, words, whole expressions and even nursery rhymesif read frequently in the last months of pregnancy. The mother of a two-year-old girl once heard her daughter repeat: "Inhale - exhale, inhale-exhale" - commands that sounded at the courses of expectant mothers.

The born children hear and recognize parents' voices react to their intonation. Doctors advise expectant mothers to talk to their baby as often as possible. After birth, such children are calm, cry less often.

The fetus hears external sounds in a peculiar way - the low frequencies are cut off, as it were, the high frequencies are heard more clearly. It is with this that psychologists associate the maternal instinct to talk to a newborn: in a special, high voice - it sounds clearer and safer than low sounds.

“I read that in ancient Greece, pregnant women were forbidden to look at everything ugly, ugly. And they were charged with the duty of systematically admiring the beautiful drawings, statues, landscapes. Supposedly, the future baby sees the same thing as the mother, and this affects his development ... "

- It is not yet known whether the fetus distinguishes between beautiful and ugly, but the fact that a born child reacts to light has been proven. If a doctor examines a pregnant woman using a fetoscope (a device for intrauterine examination), then the bright light from it scares the child. He turns over, trying to hide from the beam, tightly closes the eyelids. Perhaps the next news about intrauterine life will be exactly what you are asking about, and find out that the fetus is really inclined to be beautiful.

“Does the fruit have a taste sensation? It's hard to believe that he can taste, but I've heard that too. "

It really is. The unborn child, like all children, loves sweets and does not like bitters. If glucose is added to the amniotic fluid in which it floats, the fetus swallows twice as much of it as usual. And the introduction of a bitter medicine there reduces the swallowing reflex. Moreover, swallowing the bitter, the fruit makes exactly the same grimace, depicting disgust, as an adult.

"They say that the fetus senses the mother's mood, reacts to her smoking, falls asleep with her. " Is this all true? "

- The fetus really repeats all the actions and even the mood of the mother. He sleeps when his mother falls asleep, wakes up with her. If the mother is calm, then the fetus behaves calmly. If she is nervous, then he either freezes or actively moves. But he also has his own needs. If the mother remains inactive for a long time, he does not have enough oxygen, and he begins to move violently, jerking his legs. If the mother, on the other hand, is active, he can get tired and motion sick. By the way, the traditions of rocking a newborn in the arms or in a cradle are connected with this.

A five-month-old fetus moves its head if the mother's belly is stroked with her hand, and if cold water is poured, the fetus is very unhappy, angry, kicks its legs.

The fetus also reacts to the smoking of the mother. And not only for the intake of harmful substances into the blood, but even for her desire to smoke: a woman is just thinking about a cigarette, and his heart is already beginning to beat faster. The reason is that because of smoking, the fetus receives much less oxygen, and this causes painful cramps. And the anticipation of tobacco by a woman, apparently, somehow changes hormonal reactions.

The fetus reacts to physical injury already from the second month of life. If you hit the mother's stomach, he gets scared, tries to hide, shrink.

“I read somewhere: how the mother wears the child, whether she wants him or not, depends on what he will become in adult life. Well, this is, in my opinion, just fantasy, and not scientific ... "

- No, not fiction, but scientific research. Scientists have found that the experience gained during pregnancy seriously affects the rest of a person's life. Desired children, who already in the womb felt her love and joy, are more confident in themselves, react more calmly to stress, have a generally positive outlook on life, are friendly, communicative, learn easier. Unwanted children, on the other hand, feel insecure, often fall into depression, expect only troubles and blows from life, are distrustful, have difficulty getting along with people, and have difficulties in learning.

It is not difficult to explain this from the point of view of science: maternal experiences and emotions are directly related to changes in the hormonal background of her body, which, in turn, shapes the child's reactions, his physiology.

“I'm finally expecting a baby. It is impossible to convey how happy my husband and I are. I really want to be born and grow up healthy, strong and happy. I know that Eastern traditions count the age of a person not from the date of birth, but from the moment of conception.
Please advise: how should I behave during pregnancy so that the baby is good? I still have a very short time, I hope I am not late. "

If you are expecting a child, try create favorable conditions for him from the very first days of his existence. Of course, do not smoke, walk more, eat right.

And also the modern approach to conscious parenting implies active communication with the unborn child from the first months of pregnancy.

It is good to tell the future baby fairy tales, rhymes, to include pleasant, melodic music. If he has older brothers and sisters (this, apparently, is not your case - at least not yet), it is worth involving them in communication with him. Then after birth, he will recognize their voices as relatives.

At this time, you should not violently sort things out, quarrel, scandalize - you can scare an unborn baby for the rest of your life. But you want him to grow up calm, balanced and happy.

Agree, dear ones, have you read it? What interesting things did you observe / observe in the behavior of the child during your pregnancy? Share your experience in the comments!

All mothers, both after and before the birth of their baby, worry about their health and well-being, well-being and mood. Pregnant women should never be upset, but some external circumstances, hormonal disruptions and changes in mood, affect the moral well-being of the mother. So the question is that feels the baby in the womb when she cries, occurs frequently.

The baby is closely connected with his mother both before and after birth. Feels her mood and its changes, reacts to them, sympathizes and empathizes with troubles. Starting from the 29th week of pregnancy, the child has already developed all the senses, he smells and tastes, perceives the space around him and even distinguishes changes in lighting. Therefore, you should not be upset and cry during pregnancy. Your baby's future well-being will be affected by your behavior during pregnancy. You should be more careful with your emotions, protect yourself from nervous shocks and stress.

There are many books on pregnancy, childbirth and newborn babies. They are written by qualified doctors: psychologists and pediatricians. Of course, you can trust them, but the presence of individual indicators of the mother and fetus should not be overlooked. And so, many experts argue that the moral bond between mother and child is very tight and close. But besides the emotional connection, there is also a physical one. When the mother is happy, a hormone - endorphin is injected into her blood, and accordingly, it also occurs in the baby's blood in the womb, his mood rises. Children in mom’s belly can rejoice and smile just like mom.

Unfortunately, not only joyful emotions are felt by the baby in the womb, sadness and stress, as well. When the mother is under stress, she is not in the mood, something oppresses her, the hormone cortisol, or cortisone, is supplied. These hormones also enter the child's blood from the mother, respectively, the mother, unwittingly, conveys her bad mood to the unborn baby. And he can be sad and cry, which is scientifically proven.

A child can also receive a nervous shock from a mother. When she is scared, adrenaline enters the bloodstream, it also enters the child's blood. The kid begins to get nervous and afraid, suffers and fights. Such stresses are always deposited in the subconscious, and affect the moral well-being and psyche of the baby.

You can offend a baby in the womb. Even if the mother is a little upset, this directly affects the baby. As well as what she tells, sings, gives to listen. The child feels not only care and love, but also disappointment and negativity. therefore when mom cries, baby cries with her... The baby reacts to tone of voice, movement and even breathing. You should be extremely careful with what you say and listen to, what you look at and even what you think about during pregnancy. The slightest difference affects the character and behavior of the child in the future. It is worth buying a reference book with fairy tales, and limiting all films that cause bad mood, fear and tears.

What does the fetus hear?

What is the effect of music on the fetus?

However, first of all, let's answer the most important question: when does the fetus get the opportunity to hear?

Modern experts do not have unequivocally accurate information on this matter. According to research conducted in France, the first "auditory" sensations of the fetus appear very early. However, they are not in the full sense of the auditory (as we - adults understand them). They are vibrational in nature. At this time of development, the baby does not hear sounds, but is only able to perceive sound vibrations as vibration. It is believed that at this stage the child develops a special picture of the world: everything around is perceived not through sound, but through pulsation.

In the period up to 16 weeks of intrauterine life, the formation of the inner ear (the organ of hearing) occurs in the child, which begins to function from about the 20th week. That is, it is from the 20th obstetric week that the sound waves that reach the fetus are gradually reborn and begin to feel like auditory. Separate sounds now reach the child, namely: noises emitted by the mother's body (the baby hears a loud heartbeat, mother's voice, lung noises, sounds of intestinal and stomach peristalsis, in addition, the baby also perceives the noise that makes blood flow in the mother's body, as well as blood flow in the placenta). The loudest sounds that a baby hears are the mother's voice, as well as the pounding of her heartbeat. This was established by researchers who inserted a mini-microphone into the uterus during childbirth.

The sounds of the outside world reach the child weakened and changed, which is explained by the presence of a constant internal noise background, as well as by the water environment.

Modern experts speculate that a newborn is able to recognize the mother's voice by recalling it, since he has already heard it before - during intrauterine development. Moreover, scientists have been able to prove the presence of auditory memory in the fetus. American researchers conducted a demonstrative experiment: pregnant women, starting from the 34th week of gestation, read the same poem aloud to their child twice a day. The newborns who were born to these women, some time after birth, were put on headphones and given a nipple probe, which was connected to the device. The device could switch the story to be heard in the headphones depending on the sucking pattern. Making sucking movements with different frequencies, babies could either listen to the same poem, read in the voice of the mother, or in the voice of another woman. Babies tried to suck so that they could hear the mother's voice. Newborns could also choose between several poems read by the mother. And each time they gave preference to the already familiar - the one that they had heard in the last months of intrauterine life. This experiment made it possible to conclude that the baby recognizes the mother's voice while still in the womb, and is also able to distinguish between poems, probably by their rhythm.

At 6-7 months of pregnancy, the fetus is able not only to hear, but also to differentiate internal noises. In addition, the baby is not at all indifferent to whether the mother's heartbeat is excited or calm, her voice is sad or cheerful, even or intermittent, tense breathing. If the mother is agitated, the rhythm of the heart is alarmed, the rhythm of breathing is disturbed, then the fetus freezes, as if anticipating danger. Unfortunately, this danger becomes real after a while - hormones caused by the negative emotions of the mother enter the fetus's body. And stress hormones, as you know, can cause a deterioration in the well-being of a child. Thus, we can talk about the ability of the fetus to establish a connection between the nature of sound and emotion, and then with its own physiological state.

In the last months of intrauterine development (starting from the 8th month), the fetus perceives sounds more and more differentiated. French obstetricians conducted an experiment, as a result of which it was possible to prove that a child is able to hear not only internal noises (described and listed above), but also external ones. These sounds from the outside world pass through the aquatic environment, which distorts them somewhat. In addition, the baby hears them through the noise curtain of internal sounds.

How did the experiment go? The researchers placed a mini-microphone in the woman's uterus after the membranes ruptured. The sensor recorded the intensity of external sounds that reached the baby, still inside the mother's womb. The following external sounds were heard by the fetus participating in the study: voices in the room, as well as classical music that was broadcast in the maternity ward.

After the thirty-second week of development, the baby is able not only to distinguish extrauterine sounds, but also to differentiate them. The child can hear better low sounds, as well as noises that are colored by the emotional perception of the mother. The mother's emotions allow the baby to "divide" the voices of the people with whom she communicates into friendly and hostile. If communication does not bring the mother pleasure, if loved ones or any other people make her worry (which leads to a nervous heartbeat, the appearance of anxious notes in the voice), the child feels danger. And vice versa, if communication with someone brings joy and peace to the mother, then the child also understands that he is safe with this person. This knowledge can be adopted by future parents. Reconsider your relationships with loved ones, try to avoid people who make you nervous, tune in to a kind-hearted attitude towards others. By doing so, you will protect your unborn baby from stress and fear, which do not contribute to his or her successful development.

A positive fetal experience is the key to its successful adaptation to a new extrauterine environment after birth. Newborns often frustrate their parents with a constant pitiful cry. Why is the baby crying? This may not be due to discomfort or external stimuli. It happens that the child is tormented by the memories of the difficult experience that he had to go through in the womb. Of no small importance is the benevolence of the pregnant woman's voice, as well as the positive emotions that arise in response to external sounds. This is why pregnant women are encouraged to listen to music!

The effect of music on the fetus

Let's first answer the question: "From what week of pregnancy can the fetus perceive music?" We have already written about when the fetus begins to hear. However, the perception of music has some peculiarities. What kind?

Experts say that it is possible to acquaint an unborn baby with musical works, starting from the 32nd week. It is from this time that the fetus is able to respond to the tones of music that penetrate into the uterus (however, the music must surpass its basic noises in its intensity).

How does the fetus respond to music? Musical sounds can change the heart rate of the fetus, as well as affect its motor activity. The child perceives music not only at the level of sound. The emotional side of music is of great importance for the fetus - how his mother perceives it.

What kind of music can the fetus listen to?

Regardless of the emotions of the mother, there are musical genres that have a certain, deliberately known effect on the baby. For example, the fruit gives preference to the music of the classics, folk songs, old romances and opera arias. The thundering pop rock music has a heavy effect on the child. Moreover, the negative reaction is generated by the sounds of pop music, which is characterized by the clarity and uniformity of the rhythm and high volume. There are cases when babies literally forced their mothers to leave concert halls and discotheques. In such cases, the fetus rotates strongly, persistently pushes the mother in the stomach, as if trying to tell her mother: "I feel bad and scared in this loud and stuffy place."

From the thirty-third week of development, the child selectively reacts to the classical works that are offered to him for listening to music. For example, the music of Beethoven and Brahms has a stimulating and exciting effect, while Mozart and Vivaldi have a calming effect. The child is not only selective in his reactions, he remembers music and keeps memories of it all his life. It happens that people recognize certain pieces of music that they have heard only in the womb. The story of the American conductor Boris Broth, who, getting acquainted with some of the works for the first time, knowingly knew the violin part even before turning the page of the score, is indicative. The conductor himself could not find the cause of this phenomenon. It looked like a miracle! He happened to mention this during a conversation with his mother, who had previously also studied music as a cellist. The mother looked through her long-standing programs and was surprised to find that her son "remembers" the works that she, pregnant, was learning ...

Of course, there is no reason to believe that listening to classical music while pregnant will cause a musically gifted child to be born. However, one thing seems clear: a child will be born, receptive to music. And this will enormously enrich his whole life.

In medicine, it is customary to divide trimester pregnancy:
1st trimester - from the 1st to the 3rd month of pregnancy, during this period the child develops organs and body structures;
2nd trimester - from the 3rd to the 6th month, the heart, lungs and brain are formed to the level necessary for survival;
3rd trimester - from the 6th to the 9th month, preparation for the work of all systems and organs is taking place, that is, the adaptation of the baby.

All people know that child in the stomach it is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord, through which he receives the nutrition he needs. Everyone advises a pregnant woman to eat well and be calm, experiencing extremely positive emotions. And this is absolutely correct, because pregnancy is a hormonal process, and all emotional reactions of a person are associated with hormones. With stress and fear, each person in the body produces adrenaline, which excites the nervous system, and in a pregnant woman, the nervous system of the child in the womb. Under severe stress, huge doses of adrenaline can lead to a constant need to receive it, hence the birth of restless, excitable children who sleep and eat poorly, bringing great anxiety to parents. Many dads are interested in the question, does the child feel something in the womb and does he hear his speech? By the end of the sixth month or at the beginning of the third trimester of a woman's pregnancy, the baby begins to respond to sounds.

By the end of this month, weight baby is from 700 to 750 grams, and its height is only 30 cm. At this time, nails on the hands and eyelids are formed, the hair on the child's head becomes thicker, the contours of the face are formed. Also, the child's nostrils open and the alveolar sacs of the lungs begin to form. Scientists have come to the conclusion that starting from this period, close communication with the parents is very important for the child. The baby in the belly should feel the touch of the parents through the tummy and hear their voice.

Contemporary research american scientists showedthat starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the child in the womb feels, hears and understands in his own way what is happening. Here are some interesting facts scientists discovered during the research:

1. The child duplicates the actions and mood of the mother... He sleeps when the mother sleeps and wakes up with her. When the mother is calm, the child also behaves calmly.

2. The child reacts to light... This happens by the end of the sixth - beginning of the seventh month. Despite the fact that vision is almost not in demand before birth, the baby sees light in the womb. If the lamp is directed at the mother's belly, then the child will strive to escape. He closes his eyelids and rolls over in his stomach.

3. The child learns words and whole expressions... He hears the sound of mom's voice and distinguishes it from other sounds. If the dad often talks to the child through the tummy, then he remembers the sound of his voice well and immediately recognizes it after birth. American scientists cite the following fact: a pregnant woman attended courses for expectant mothers and did gymnastics under the command “inhale-exhale”, two years after the birth of her daughter, she was very surprised to hear her daughter repeating the same command: “inhale-exhale”.

4. The child is listeninghow parents talk and react to their intonation. When his father or mother addresses him, he calms down, the rhythm of his heart is even and calm. Parental quarrels make the child's heart beat fast. If the parents are optimistic, then the child inherits these character traits already in the womb.

5. The child has a sense of taste and loves sweets.... Scientists have found that after the introduction of glucose into the amniotic fluid, the child's swallowing movements intensify, and the injection of iodine slows them down. The unpleasant taste of iodine makes the child twist in disgust.

6. The child reacts to external stimuli... He moves his head if he strokes his mother's tummy with his hand. And if cold water is poured on the mother's stomach, he kicks with his legs, expressing his displeasure and anger.
7. Child hears music... It turned out that babies in the womb do not like rock and they really like classical music. The calm music of Beethoven and Vivaldi puts them to sleep.

8. Child hates smoking... The child does not even like it when mom thinks about smoking. His heart begins to beat faster even when his mother thinks about whether she should take another drag on her cigarette.
9. Already a two-month-old baby in the womb reacts to the mother's physical trauma... If the mother accidentally hits her stomach, then the child seems to hide, looking for salvation.

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