Key events in the Good World program. Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: Summary of educational activities with the introduction of a component of L.L. Shevchenko’s additional education program “Good World. Orthodox culture


"Good World"

Focus: spiritual and moral development

Compiled by:

Teacher additional education:

Chitaeva Sofia Denisovna

Age of students: 5-6 years

Implementation period: 8 months



Explanatory note

Program focus: In accordance with the comprehensive modernization of education and in order to ensure equal starting opportunities for the education of children before school, the “Good World” program was developed, which is built in accordance with the goal and general principles Federal State Educational Standard. The content module implements the tasks of reviving traditional Russian spiritual and moral education. In the process of mastering the program, on the basis of introducing children to the values ​​of Orthodox culture, the problem of developing the personality of a preschooler is solved.

Relevance : The tasks of educating children’s spiritual and moral culture are currently the most pressing task of the system preschool education. This is explained by the introduction into the New Generation Standards for primary schools of a new subject area “Spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia” as part of six modules, including “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture”.

Pedagogical feasibility: Formation process personal qualities a child having a sensitive period of development in preschool age, is of a long-term nature, has delayed results, therefore, in order to obtain full personal results, there must be continuity at the level of the preschool and school levels of the education system.

Main goal of the program – development of the child’s personality preschool age, the formation of a basic culture based on domestic traditional spiritual and moral values. The program is focused on solving the following tasks:

Spiritual and moral development and upbringing of children through familiarization with Russian traditions

Introducing to universal human values;

Development of personal motivation for knowledge and creativity.

Creating conditions for creative development;

Acquiring cultural knowledge necessary for diversified development personalities

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

Distinctive features of the program:

The program is built taking into account the age capabilities of children 5-6 years old.

Children are not only given ready-made knowledge, but alsoproblematic situations are posed, in the resolution of which they themselves make discoveries, learn something new and use the acquired knowledge and skills. This approach allows for continuity between the preschool stage and primary school, both at the level of content and at the level of technology. The program is developed according to the national tradition pedagogical school in the field of moral education of children, howeversupplemented with materials of a spiritual and moral nature.

For successful implementation programs use various pedagogical technologies:

Games, as the leading activity for preschool children

is a game;

Information and communication – provide visibility,

accessibility, sustained interest in learning new things, represent new

opportunities to obtain information;

Technologies of the activity method, development of critical and creative

thinking that ensures independent search for new knowledge,

based on the child’s existing knowledge and experience.

The activity space prepares the child for communication in the school community,

teaches you to prove your point of view, on the one hand, and on the other, to be patient and wise with the people around you. Classes are held in a comfortable atmosphere in which the teacher finds individual approach to every child, helping to develop his creative potential.

Children's age:

The program is aimed at children 5-6 years old

Program implementation period:for 1 year, 68 lessons in total.

Forms and mode of classes:Classes are held 2 times a week for 30 minutes.

Forms of work: individual, group work, independent work,

Main content components of the program:

About religious culture as good and beautiful world creations of God;

About the norms for the organization of relations in the world, as a system of spiritual and moral relations of a person to God, to society, to people, to oneself, to the world of things and nature

Expected results:

- The ability to evaluate and skills to analyze spiritual and moral phenomena and categories in the cultural, historical and sociocultural context.

The ability to organize and build relationships with people around you in accordance with the moral standards of Russian society.

As a result of working in this program, children develop basic moral qualities:

a) love for people (compassion, the desire to please loved ones, seeing the good in people, not their shortcomings),

b) shame (distinguishing between good and evil, etc.)

c) a sense of conscience (evaluation of one’s behavior and its motives, based on Christian norms)

IN as evaluation criteria personal development child, a group of relationships was identified that are characterized by the concept of spiritual culture “pious” - that is, kind, caring, honest, hardworking. The opposite indicators are: unkind, selfish, crafty, lazy.

Forms of control may be variable, including analysis of the products of creative activity.

In the process of implementing additional educational program children will participate in exhibitions and kindergarten events.


Title of sections, topics

Number of hours



The structure of the world. Our beautiful good world

Values ​​of Christian life. What are we happy about? Orthodox holidays


64 hours

Organizational events, exhibition activities, excursions, competitions



68 hours

Spiritual and moral development and education of children through familiarization with traditional values Russia, understanding the significance of traditional moral ideals and moral standards for the life of the individual, family, society;

Acquisition of cultural knowledge necessary for the comprehensive development of children;

Directed to:

Creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality;

Development of the child’s personality motivation for observation and creativity;

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

Introducing students to spiritual and moral values;

Fostering love for the Motherland and family;

Creating conditions for self-analysis and creative self-realization

the child’s personality, his integration in the global and domestic system


The program consists of 4 sections:

  1. “The order of the world. Our beautiful kind world"

Section topics: “Light. Day. Night", "Sky", "Earth. Water. Plants”, “Sun, Moon, Stars”, “Birds. Fish. Insects”, “Animals”, “Man”, “Day of Rest”.

  1. Organization of relations in the world. What is good and what is bad?

Section topics: “About obedience. About hard work”, “About forgiveness, stubbornness”, “About mercy, love, care. Help!”, “About modesty and boasting”, “About theft, cunning, courage, conscience”

  1. How relationships work in our lives.

Section topics: “Family”, “Motherland”, “ Orthodox church", "Our smaller friends."

  1. Values ​​of Christian life. What are we happy about? Orthodox holidays.

Section topics: “The Nativity of Christ”, “Easter”, “Angel’s Day”.

Calendar – thematic plan

Lesson number



Deadlines (date)


Introductory lesson, discussing travel, round dance


Creative work. Drawing “what can be seen from our window”, reading the story “Our World”


The story about St. Sergius and his family, gratitude, gift to a friend


Light. Day. Night. Let's talk about where the light comes from


Seasons. A story about the holiday of Intercession, observing natural signs on this day


Night. Stars.


Watching the sky, weather forecast for tomorrow


Crystal day, differences between day and evening,


Clouds. Watching the form


Russia. Homeland. Attitude to the homeland.

Clouds over Russia


Clouds, rain, rainbow. listening to the sounds of nature.




Autumn, listen to nature


Autumn. Generalization.


Water. Reservoirs.


Transformations of water. Movement on water.


Earth. Harvest


Types of plants, plant life, care for them


Defense of the homeland. Bogatyrs. The story about St. Alexander Nevsky and his family


Bread. Work. Careful attitude towards food. Gratitude


Trees. Winter. Story about the holiday Introduction. Obedience.




The story about St. Nicholas, mercy, help. Holiday.


Waltz of the Flowers


A story about Christmas. Family




Sun. Moon. Stars


Planets. Constellations.


Baptism. Water. Consolidation.


Fish. Types of fish and their home




The troubles of birds, family



Bird quiz, caring for birds


Migratory birds


Magic birds, birds in Russian creativity


Feast of the Presentation. We accept guests. Family. Other religions.


Insects. Work, attentiveness, cheerfulness





Butterflies and flies


Grasshoppers and beetles



Moderation, forgiveness


St. Daniil Moskovsky. Homeland. Decoration of the homeland. Wise and kind ruler


Type of animals and their homes.


Hare. Animal tracks


Small and medium animals.


Cats and dogs. Help friends


The cunning and harmfulness of the fox


A story about the holiday of the Annunciation. Attitude to pregnancy and childbirth. family


Large animals, language of animals


Preparing for Easter


A story about Easter


Human. Body parts.


Soul. 5 senses


Caring for animals, responsibility for the preservation of nature.


Compassion. Grandfather Mazay.


You can't slander each other, you can't harm each other


Homeland. Victory over the enemy of the Motherland


7th day of the week, day of rest


Seasons, repeat, why I grow.


Garden. Caring for the earth, animals and people. Logical chain. Consolidation.


Name day. Thanksgiving.




During the course

Materially – technical support.

Material and technical support for the “Kind World” program of additional education for children includes:

magnetic board, tape recorder; projector, screen, computer, paints, pencils, crayons, albums, brushes, colored paper, scissors, glue, natural material, illustrations, toys, etc.

List of used literature:

Training course "Good World".




spiritually moral education

preschool children

"Good World"

(implementation period 1 year).

The project was developed by the teacher:

Fonina Natalya Vladimirovna

“Nothing is so cheap or valued so much as politeness.”

(M. Cervantes.)

The formation of spiritual and moral values ​​is the most important indicator integral personality, truly independent and responsible, capable of creating his own idea of ​​his life path. Intuitively, our children distinguish good from evil, understand the value of compassion and mercy, and value truth and honesty. Do we sufficiently support the best manifestations of our souls in them? Are we paying enough attention to considering life situations, actions, do we help children understand real everyday problems that require decision-making?

After all, the living conditions in which a child finds himself (the influence of radio and television, literature, music, communication) require constant attention to the younger generation.

In the education and training program in kindergarten“From birth to school” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, there is a section on the social and personal direction of working with children, but it is not included in the curriculum. Therefore, educators sometimes miss this section as an educational one. But he is one of the main ones. If a child does not become a great mathematician, it is not a problem, but if he does not become kind, sympathetic, attentive, and helpful, then it was in vain that we taught him everything else.

The project is based on the program of Shevchenko L.L. “Spiritual and moral culture “Good World”.

Purpose this project is an addition to the main general education program preschool education, the formation of a basic culture based on domestic traditional spiritual and moral values.

Tasks: Spiritual and moral development of children through familiarization with traditional spiritual values ​​of Russia.

Educate children moral feelings a: mercy, compassion, empathy. Obedience to parents, love for family, Motherland, kindness, humane treatment to the surrounding world, friendliness, modesty in committing immoral acts, mutual assistance, responsibility and care.

Teach children to build relationships in a group based on mutual respect and peacefulness; learn to be peacemakers in conflict situations: do not offend, regret, make peace, forgive each other, overcome aggression, anger, maintain a peaceful state of mind.

To develop the ability to evaluate one’s own (and not others’) actions in accordance with moral standards of ethics, without judging others.

Encouraging children to decorate their souls with good qualities.

A special feature of the program is the repeated reinforcement of values ​​within the framework of various types of children’s activities: listening to texts, games, drawing, singing, theatrical performances, solving problematic situations of moral choice.

The implementation of the moral education project involves an integrated approach - the inclusion of the content of the program in all types of activities: cognitive, productive, gaming. At the same time, the use of the principle of integration allows us to fully solve the problems of mental, moral and aesthetic education in various types children's activities.

All material is systematized. The system and sequence of work on the spiritual and moral education of children is presented in the following blocks:

Organization of relations in the world.

Be obedient! Work hard!

About mercy, love, care.

About forgiveness, stubbornness.

Be humble! Do not brag!

Don't steal! Don't lie1

Relationships between children and parents.

Orthodox church in human life.

Our little friends.

Within the presented blocks, the topics of the content of the work, reading and discussion of works of art are distributed; working with illustrations; games: didactic and active, drawing, listening and singing songs.

The project is designed for children 6-7 years old

Implementation period - 1 year.

Expected results: children should be kind, obedient, caring, honest, hardworking.

The form for summing up the results of the additional educational program is a map of the level of children’s assimilation of this program (attached).

Educational and thematic plan.

Lesson topic

Number of hours



Our beautiful kind world.

Good helper.

Can we be friends?

About mercy, love, care.

About hardworking and lazy.

How can we work hard?

When it's boring.

Generosity and greed.

About my friend.

Our good deeds.

Good and evil creations in the human and animal worlds.

How you should treat people.

My friends.

Why doesn't something work?

Who is stronger: the meek or the angry?

Who is the most important?

Dispute in the animal world.

Modesty and pride.

Someone else's and yours.

My mom.

The men of our family.


Day Angel.

Our smaller bird friends.

Human care for animals.

Methodological support and conditions for project implementation.



Form of work




I Organization of relations in the world.

Our beautiful

Good world.


Find out from children their ideas about actions.

Systematize and generalize the rules of kind, polite behavior.

Reading. Discussion. "How to distinguish good from evil." Reading. Discussion. “Why is it evil?”

Learning the main rules of life for good children.

Drawing, good rules life "Rainbow".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”,

What is good and what is evil.


Develop the ability to understand the actions depicted in the picture and the ability to characterize them.

Show kindness to others.

Game “What Children Should Be Like.”

Reading “Virtue”, “Nobility”.

Looking at the illustration “Good Deeds.”

Learning the song “If you are kind.”

Audio recording of the song “If you are kind.”

Good helper.

Let children understand that people for the most part are not evil or good always and in everything that evil person can become kind, can change.

Discussion of the saying “Good will not die, but evil will disappear.”

Reading the poem “Conscience prompted.”

Reading “How Vanya did good things.”

Drawing "Tree of Goodness".

Game "Pharmacy of Good Deeds".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Can we be friends?


Reading. Discussion. Poem "Friendship".

Learning the tongue twister “Whoever you mess with, you’ll get better from.”

Play activity: “Friendly”, “How to make the world a kinder place.”

Listening to the song “The Road of Goodness.”

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Audio recording of the song “The Road of Goodness”.

IIBe obedient! Work hard!

IIBe obedient! Work hard.

IIBe obedient! Work hard.

About mercy, love.


Continue to develop the ability to think, express one’s attitude towards the characters in works, correctly evaluate their actions, and characterize moral qualities: obedience to adults.

Discussion of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, the story “Naughty Son”.

Creative work. We draw according to the plots of the works.

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Colour pencils,

About disobedience in stories and creations.

To develop the ability to understand cause- investigative connections in the text read (the reasons for the hero’s action and the consequences that occurred).

Reading. Discussion short stories“A Sassy Young Fly”, “The Sparrow and the Fire”, “Three Golden-Maned Fishes”, “Naughty Teddy Bear”.

Working with the illustration “Listen to Mom.”

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

About hardworking and lazy.


To cultivate in people hard work, a desire to help, and to be needed by other people.

Reading. Discussion. "The Wise King", "The Dragonfly and the Ant".

Discussion of the proverb “Patience and labor will grind everything down.”

Dramatization of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Costumes for Dramatization

How can we work hard?

Bring children to understand that a person deserves the respect of others through his work.

Notice figurative words and expressions, feel the musicality, rhythm and rhyme of the song.

Discussion of the saying “You respect the work of others, if you make a mess yourself, clean it up yourself.”

Reading the poem “Invitation to Labor.”

Singing the song "Antoshka".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Audio recording of the song “Antoshka”.

When it's boring.


Teach children to understand allegory, encourage them to express their assessment of the actions of the heroes of the works.

Discussion of proverbs: “There will be no boredom if your hands are busy,” “A good deed lives for two centuries.”

Reading. Discussion of short stories “The Hardworking and Lazy Brother”, “Morning Rays”, “The Little Gardener”, “The Old Man”, “Two Clouds”, “The Lazy Man and the Sun”.

Game activity “Ribbons stretch.”

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Attribute for the game “Ribbons Are Stretching”


IIIAbout mercy, love, care.

IIIAbout mercy, love, care.

Generosity and greed.

Cultivate kindness in children, about their attitude towards orphans.

Discussion "All of us"

divide in half"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

About my friend.


Cultivate in children a kind, humane attitude towards friends.

Reading. Discussion. "God's Lantern"

The task “Light a flashlight in your soul.”

We listen and learn the song “This is what a true, faithful friend means.”

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Audio recording of the song “This is what a true faithful friend means.”

Our good deeds.

To instill in children a sense of morality, friendliness, modesty in committing immoral acts, and mutual assistance.

Reading. Discussion of the poems “On the Road”, “Let’s Sit in Silence”.

Looking at the illustration “Is the boy doing well?”

Singing the song “As friends should, we divide everything in half”

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Audio recording of the song “When my friends are with me.”

Good and evil creations in the human and animal worlds

To instill in children a moral sense of responsibility and care for people.

Reading. Discussion. “The Dog and the Shadow”, “Three Kids”, “The Tale of the Bee - “Mohnatka”.

Discussion of the saying “If you chase someone else’s, you will lose yours.”

Singing the song "When my friends are with me."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”. Audio recording of the song “When my friends are with me.”

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

III About mercy, love, care.

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

How to treat people.

Continue to introduce children to the rules of behavior. Develop skills in children good behavior in relation to adults and peers.

Reading. Discussion. "Resentment", "Forgiveness".

Working with illustrations “Resentment-Joy”.

Reading. Discussion. “How to communicate better with friends.”

Game activity “How to communicate better with friends.”

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

My friends.

Listening to music

Expand children's understanding of relationships between people, encourage them to actively demonstrate emotional responsiveness to friends.

Listening and learning the song “Smile”.

Learning the rule “How you want people to treat you is how you treat them.”

Game activity “Good - bad”.

Creative activity: “Draw a smile.”

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Colored pencils, paper.

Why doesn't something work out?

Introduce children to the concept of stubbornness. Learn to feel the figurative language of a fable.

Reading. Discussion. "Sheep."

Working with illustrations for a story.

Reading. Discussion of the fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike.”

Working with an illustration for a fable.

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Who is stronger: the meek or the angry?


Develop the ability to independently establish cause-and-effect relationships between events, the actions of heroes, their emotional states. To form a desire to imitate the moral actions of heroes.

Reading. Discussion. "Wind and Sun"

Drawing "Good sun, evil wind."

Singing the song "Smile".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”. Audio recording of the song “Smile”.


VBe humble! Do not brag!

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

VBe humble! Do not brag!

Who is the most important?


Reveal the social significance of the phenomenon being described, the relationships of the heroes, highlight the words of the author (he boasted proudly, stood modestly, etc.) that characterize the heroes themselves and their actions.

Reading. Discussion. “Who is the most important?”

Working with the illustration “What a hand looks like”

Reading. Discussion. “How parts of the human body argued.”

Game activity “Look - Guess”.

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Dispute in the animal world.

Feel the figurative language of stories, fairy tales, poems. Understand: envy and boasting are punishable.

Reading. Discussion. "A Jackdaw in Other People's Feathers."

Drawing based on the plot of the story.

Reading. Discussion "The Frog and the Ox."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Modesty and pride.

To give concepts about such moral qualities as modesty and pride through works of art.

Reading. Discussion. "A speck of dust and a droplet."

Working with the illustration “Tell me what you’ve drawn.”

Reading. Discussion. "Sea and Forest".

Riddle "How to treat each other"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

VI Don't steal! Don't lie!

VIDon't steal! Don't lie!

VIDon't steal! Don't lie!

Someone else's and yours.

Conversation - discussion

To instill in children a moral sense of shame in committing immoral acts: do not steal, do not deceive.

Learning the rule “Don’t steal, don’t lie.”

Reading. Discussion. “A thief is evil, but good good", "Bones".

Game activity "Cabbage".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

Where does the lie come from? How to deal with it.

Reading. Reflection

Continue to form in children ideas about such concepts as lies and honesty.

Reading. Discussion. "Lie".

Game activity “Lie-mountain”.

Discussion of the saying “You can’t hide an awl in a sack.”

The task “Guess what a cunning lie is afraid of.”

About the evil sisters - Liar and Khitrin.


Reveal the social significance of the phenomenon being described, the relationships of the heroes, highlight the words of the author (cunning, evil, conscience, shame, goodness) that characterize the heroes themselves and their actions.

Reading. Discussion. “How Natasha bought a trick from her sister.”

Working with illustrations.

Reading. Discussion. “Why did Petya cry?”

We compose a fairy tale “How evil and good sisters went to visit."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”.

a kind person- happy man.

Summarize the rules of kindness. Polite behavior. Show kindness to others, the ability to foresee the consequences of actions for others.

Reading. Discussion. Poem "Commandments".

Working with the illustration “Who and with what can I please.”

Reading. Discussion. "Happy man".

Singing the song "Kindness".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Good and bad”. Audio recording of the song “Kindness”.

VII Attitude of children and parents.


VIIRelationships between children and parents!

Form an idea of ​​the family world. To promote the development of goodwill, tolerance, attention, mutual assistance.

Reading. Discussion. "My family."

Musical activities"Native home".

Reading. Discussion "The Seventh Daughter".

Game activity “Check your attitude”, “Right and wrong”.

My mom.


Raise kind, attentive, respectful attitude to my mother, the desire to take care of her and help.

Reading. Discussion. “Mom”, “What’s your mother like”, “Three suns”.

Memorizing the proverb “The sun is warm, the mother is good.”

Listening to the song “Let there always be a mother.”

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends."

Audio recording of the song “Let there always be a mother”

The men of our family.

Arouse a desire to imitate worthy behavior. Introduce works about the relationship between a child and a father in a family.

Reading. Discussion. “To work with dad”, “Father and sons”, “Father”.

Game "Friendly Family".

Musical activity: inventing additional choruses for the song “Sunny Circle”.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends."

Audio recording of the song “Sunny Circle”

The older members of the family are grandparents.

Expand ideas about family, teach how to navigate family relations. To instill in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders, and a desire to help them.

Reading and discussion:

Proverbs: “He who honors his parents never perishes”;

Texts “Honor the old, you yourself will be old”,

Poems “Grandmother”, “Mother’s mother is my grandmother”.

Working with illustrations « old grandpa", "Grandmother and granddaughter."

Game activity “Baba and Pie”.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends."

Orthodox church in human life.



Orthodox church and Orthodox holidays.


Introduce children to the temple. (Excursion to the temple). Discuss with children how a person becomes a Christian? The meaning of the temple for a person.

Examination of illustrations, images of theaters, shops, museums. A story about an Orthodox church. Let's look at the illustrations.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends."

Audio recording of “songs about Russia”.

Colored pencils, paper.


Acquaintance - discussion

Introduce children to the concept of an Orthodox holiday. Cultivate interest in the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

Looking at an illustration about Christmas.

Musical activity: listening to a song

"Christmas tree".

Creative activities: Christmas gifts, exhibition of drawings “Angels”.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox Church". Colored pencils, paper.

Form a concept about the holiday. IN general outline talk about the meaning of the holiday.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Colored pencils, paper.

Day Angel

Conversation - discussion

Form a concept: about heavenly patrons. We discuss and reflect. “Who am I named after? How to please your loved ones."

Reading and discussion of name days, playing,


Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Orthodox temple”

Audio recording: a song about angels.

IX Our little friends.

IXOur little friends.

IXOur little friends.

When did man understand animals?

Introduce children to the concept: what is good relations to animals. Bring to the understanding that human culture is manifested in relation to animals.

Reading and discussion: “How man gave names to animals”, “The language of animals”.

Creative activity: we compose, draw “answers” ​​to a person based on the plots of poems.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends."

Colored pencils, paper

Our smaller bird friends.

Teach children to treat birds carefully, kindly, and correctly.

Reading and discussion: “Sparrow”, “Hungry Bird”, “Feed the Birds”, “Good Girl”.

Work with illustration: “Bird Enemies”, Forest Doctor.”

Musical activity: listening to A. Alyabyev’s “Nightingale”.

Game activity: “Bird”.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends."

Audio recording of the music “Nightingale” by A. Alyabyev.

Human care for animals.

Reading - thinking

Show how people care about nature. Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a desire to provide all possible assistance to it.

Reading and discussion: “Find”, “Kitten”.

Working with the illustration “Friends”, “The cat looks out the window”.

Musical activity: singing the song “The Dog Is Missing.”

Creative activity “It’s strange that in this huge world there is no place for homeless dogs and cats.”

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends."

Audio recording of the song “The Dog is Missing.”

Paints, paper.

How a person should treat plants, fish and other creatures.

On specific examples(heroes fiction) to form an idea of ​​kindness, teach children to care about nature.

Reading and discussion: “Grow bluebells.”

Attitude to fish in the works “Trout”,

"The Boy and the Fishes"

Conversation “What is the Red Book”

Looking at the illustrations “Love, Spare”.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good World”, “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends."

Used literature for educators.

1. Vetokhina A.Ya., Dmitrienko Z.S. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. Planning and lesson notes. Methodological manual for teachers. – St. Petersburg: LLC PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD - PRESS”. 2011. - 192s.

2.Peterina S.V. Nurturing a culture of behavior in preschool children: Book. for a kindergarten teacher garden - M.: Education, 2009. - 96 p.

3.Shevchenko L.L. "Good World" Orthodox culture for babies. Toolkit. - M.: Cultural Support Center historical traditions Fatherland, 2012. 208s.

Literature used for children.

1. Shevchenko L.L. Good world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 1. Walks through the days of creation. Ed. L. N. Antonova. Experimental educational and methodological kit for preschool educational institutions. – M.: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.176 p.

2. Shevchenko L.L. Good world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 2. Good - bad. Ed. L.N. Antonova. Experimental educational and methodological kit for preschool educational institutions. - M.: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.96 p.

3.Shevchenko L.L. Good world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 3. Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our little friends. Ed. L. N. Antonova. Experimental educational and methodological kit for preschool educational institutions. – M.: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.96 p.

Monitoring child development

Kindergarten group:

Date of monitoring:




Level of development of integrative qualities

The ability to correctly evaluate the actions of characters in works of art and characterize moral qualities

The ability to evaluate the actions of comrades

The ability to evaluate one's actions

Idea of ​​family

Idea of ​​society

Attitude to nature

Knowledge of proverbs and sayings on ethical topics

IN - high

D - sufficient

WITH - average

Since September 2012, at the Bolshegrylovsky general development kindergarten “Ryabinka”, the educational complex “Kind World” has been tested..

Shevchenko L.L.’s program “Kind World” is a program for the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

Included in the “Kind World” set. Orthodox Culture for Kids" includes eight manuals, including a set of diverse materials that allow different kinds children's activities: listening to texts and musical works, singing, drawing, gaming, research, leisure activities, writing fairy tales, conversations, reading, guessing, theatrical performances based on the values ​​of Orthodox culture.

Every person from birth lives in a world of relationships: with parents, educators, friends. For a believer, all relationships are determined by the law of God.

His relationship to the world around him depends on how he relates to God. How can we help modern children find their way?

Our children travel along extraordinary roads - good routes of spiritual local history, on which they learn how the world works, get acquainted with the good rules of people's lives, learn to be guided in their actions by the dictates of conscience, and to take care of the world around them.

In kindergarten, the “Kind World” circle is led by Olga Gennadievna Shulginova.

In the 2012-2013 academic year. year, the children of the senior group got acquainted with the book Reader “Good World. Orthodox culture for kids" No. 1 "Walks through the days of creation. The order of the world."

In the 2013-2014 school year, children preparatory group get acquainted with the books: No. 2 " Organization of relations in the world. Good bad", No. 3 " How do relationships work in our lives?, No. 4 “Orthodox holidays.”

Shulginova Olga Gennadievna, 3 October 2012, took pedagogical courses “Good World. Fundamentals of spiritual and moral education in preschool educational institutions" for the preparation of educators for teaching spiritual and moral culture based on the educational and methodological set of Shevchenko L.L. “Good world. Orthodox culture for kids" at the Moscow State Regional University on the basis of the Spiritual and Educational Cultural Center named after the Slavic educators Cyril and Methodius.

I visited with teachers of preschool educational institutions of the Serpukhov municipal district, on the basis of which the testing of the educational educational complex “Good World” is taking place Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery.

In the process of mastering the Program, on the basis of introducing children to the values ​​of Orthodox culture, the problem of developing the personality of a preschooler is solved.

Objectives of moral education:

1. To instill in children moral feelings: mercy, compassion, empathy, obedience to parents, love for family, Motherland, a kind, humane attitude towards the world around them, friendliness, modesty in committing immoral acts, mutual assistance, responsibility and care.
2. Teaching children about shapes moral behavior, based on examples of the lives of saints.

Tasks of mental education.

1. Develop the ability to perceive the qualities and properties of objects in the surrounding world (color, shape, sound), developing various senses (vision, hearing).

Getting to know the world around you .
1. Culturological acquaintance with the structure of the universe as a process of Divine creativity of a beautiful, kind, wise world.

2. Enrich children’s ideas about the world of creations, talk about the expediency natural phenomena, about the wonderful structure of the world.

Formation of environmental ideas.
1. Expand children's understanding of the natural world as God's creation.

2. Teach to treat the creations of the surrounding world as human friends. Teach the relationship of caring for animals, birds, insects as our smaller friends.

3. To form an idea of ​​man as God’s beloved creation, who is entrusted with the care and protection of nature.

Formation of a dictionary.

1. Enrich lexicon children with the concepts of spiritual and moral culture (good, evil, sin, obedience, shame, conscience, mercy, hard work, honesty, temple).

2. Provide an understanding of the elementary scope of the basic concepts of Orthodox culture. God. Mother of God. Jesus Christ. Savior. Guardian angel. Thanksgiving. Resurrection of Christ. Sin. Good.
Visual activities

  1. In subject, plot and decorative painting, design, sculpting, applique - development of skills in artistic display of the beauty and harmony of Divine creativity.

Musical education


Club "Good World"

Head: Shulginova O.G.

The structure of the world. Walking through the days of creation. Book #1

Senior group, 2012-2013 academic year

First walk. Light. Day. Night.

Creative work in workbooks.

Walk two. Sky.

Walk three. Earth. Water. Plants.

Walk four. Sun. Moon. Stars.

Open event for parents

"Good Angel of Peace"

May, 2013

Target. Introduce children to Christian holiday- Happy Angel's Day.

Tasks: expand children's understanding of the natural world as God's creation. Expand children's ideas about the appropriateness of the creations of the world around them. Encourage children to think. Show the significance of biblical expressions in forming the foundations of good (moral) human behavior. To provide an understanding of the elementary scope of the basic concepts of Orthodox culture: God, Guardian Angel, goodness, baptism, prayer. To develop the ability to work with creative materials as a means of displaying God’s creations. To form a musical culture based on familiarity with the works of classical and folk music. To form moral feelings in children: love for the Motherland; a kind, humane attitude towards the world around us, friendliness. Develop emotional sphere children. Production in children moral principles joyful and life-affirming worldview. Encouraging children to decorate their souls with good qualities.

Reader “Good World. Orthodox culture for kids" No. 4 "Orthodox holidays. What are we happy about?”

Creative work of children with the participation of parents.

Theme: “Angel” (craft from openwork napkins)

An angel lives in heaven.

The angel brings good things.

Don't hurt Angel.

See also:

Program for spiritual and moral development, education of students at the primary level general education The program of spiritual and moral education and development of students was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Education”

Program of spiritual and moral development, education of students at the level of primary general education Explanatory note The program of spiritual and moral education and development of students was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law


Lesson on the topic:

“The sixth day of creation. Human. How did people appear on earth?

for senior pupils (preparatory)groups

(according to the educational and methodological set “Good World”)”


teacher of MBDOU No. 16 “Spikelet”

Pushkinsky district

Rozhko Nadezhda Grigorievna

Moscow 2014

A practical project. Synopsis of direct educational activities in the older group. Topic: “The sixth day of creation. Human. How people appeared on earth." According to the program "Kind World". "Orthodox culture for kids"


Today in Russia in difficult socio-economic, moral conditions our society faces the danger of the final loss of spiritual values, and, consequently, the destruction of personality.

State policy in the field of education is aimed at reviving national traditions domestic education and upbringing, which can become a saving source of recovery and spiritual development our society.

True Education, according to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', is the formation of not only the mind, but also the heart. Therefore, an educational institution, “giving knowledge and helping to a young man to grow smart, strong and healthy, at the same time it should teach him to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies, true freedom from enslavement by instincts and passions..."

This orients teachers, including preschool education, towards the moral and spiritual development of the child’s personality through familiarization with universal human values: love, kindness, mercy, sacrifice, conscience, honor, unity and brotherhood...

When developing classes that achieve similar goals, we use L.L. Shevchenko’s program as excellent content material. "Good World"

Spiritual and moral development and education of children are the primary task of modern educational system and are an important component social order for education. Education plays a key role in the spiritual and moral consolidation of Russian society.

The methodological basis for the development and implementation of the federal state educational standard general education is the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education. The concept defines the goals and objectives of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, a system of basic national values, principles of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual.

Education should be focused on achieving a certain ideal. Modern national educational ideal is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in spiritual and cultural traditions multinational people Russian Federation.


Introducing children to the origins of Orthodox culture and the spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian people. Continue to introduce the emergence of the world.


1. Introduce children to the basic concepts of Orthodoxy.

2. Foster respect for the moral standards of Christian morality. Teach to distinguish between good and evil, to love good, to be able to do good. suppress (in different forms ah) immoral manifestations in the child’s aspirations and actions.

3.Help to gain basic experience in church life (teach simple prayers, making the sign of the cross, pious behavior in the Temple, in society).

4. Using examples from the lives of the Saints, reveal moral concepts kindness, gratitude, mercy, honesty, hard work, obedience.

5.To form a feeling of love for the Motherland based on the study of national cultural traditions.

Methods and techniques

Visually effective method:

Showing fairy tales (teachers, children);

Examination of icons, book illustrations, reproductions;

Conducting didactic and musical-didactic games;



Translating children's impressions into creative manifestations

The verbal-figurative method seems to be the most effective in the process:

Reading and acting out literary works teacher;

Reading fairy tales and poems by children, the teacher, followed by dramatization:

Conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing stories from the teacher;

Answers to questions from the teacher and children;

Conducting a variety of games (sedentary, role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, games with musical accompaniment, etc.);

Messages additional material teacher;

Making and guessing riddles;

Examination of visual material;

Children's stories about their impressions;

Analysis of everyday situations;

Practical method used when necessary:

Organization productive activity: modeling (theme “Sculpting a person”).

Working with handouts

Forms of work

Gaming: variable-informational (illustration)

Vocabulary: activate the dictionary (Main words. Soul. Body. Kindness. Obedience)

Preliminary: reading fairy tales, parables; conversations on the days of creation; listening to songs and poems about goodness.

Preparatory: preparation of illustrative material. Selection of material (works of fiction, children's songs (disc), entertaining games).


1. Shevchenko L.L. "Good World" Orthodox culture for kids.

Methodological manual.- M.: Cultural Support Center

historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.

2. Shevchenko L.L. "Good world" Orthodox culture for kids. Book No. 1. Walking through the days of creation. / Edited by L.N. Antonova.

Experimental educational and methodological kit for preschool

educational institutions. – M.: Cultural Support Center –

historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2011.

3. CD – disk – musical accompaniment classes. Educational and methodological set “Kind World”. Orthodox culture for kids.

Progress of the lesson


Every new day must begin good mood. And so that the mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes, and pass on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our hearts. Feel how kindness passes through our hands, from palm to palm. (We take a lit (safe) candle in our hands and the children pass the candle to each other.) Look how the spark was lit from our hearts. Let her accompany you throughout the lesson. Let's smile and wish each other good morning and joyful mood.

To the music of “Walk” (No. 1), children come to the table, open the book, look at familiar pictures and reach the topic “Walk Six” (p. 95)


What is shown in the illustration?

How did God create man?

What do we see in the picture?


God breathed the holy spirit into man.


We are again going on a journey through the pages of our wonderful book “The Good World”. The first thing I want to read to you is the story “How people appeared on earth” (p. 112)

How did God create man?

What was his name?

Why did God create Eve?

(Children's answers)

Day six

Continuing the holy work,

God created Adam and Eve.

The Lord blessed them

The horseman of Eden settled,

And the Creator spoke the words:

Man is the crown of everything!

What were the names of the first people?

Where did God settle Adam and Eve?


A wonderful world was created by God,

There are so many wonderful things in it.

But all the more wonderful from century to century

Man was created by God.


Let us conclude: Man is the best, most beautiful creation of God.



Guys, who can tell us how a person works?

(children's answers)

Educator: How does a person work? A person has a head, torso, arms, legs. Together they make up the human body. We see the body. An invisible soul lives in the body, without which the body would be dead: it could neither feel nor move. The soul is inside a person. Thanks to her, a person can think, talk, rejoice, cry, love. God created man beautiful: reasonable, kind, obedient.

Do you think it is possible to see a person’s soul?


No, she's invisible.


What is the soul for?

Where is the human soul?


Inside a person - where he is kind heart who loves everyone.


How can you find out what your child has? kind soul?


He loves mom and dad, takes care of animals and plants, and does not offend them.


What kind of person can be called soulless?




Let's play a game?

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher draws their attention to himself.

On the table there is a transparent empty vase and a box with multi-colored stones.

Exercise “Fill the child’s soul”

Children are shown colorful pebbles in boxes.

Imagine what this vase means little man who was born.

What would we like to teach a child?

Children put colorful pebbles in a vase, saying the words: I will share with him...




Love for parents

Love for nature

Good deeds


Caring for others




We filled the soul….. and it turned out to be a bright, rich soul.

Let us also do something good and beautiful.

Creative work. We sculpt a person

And now, from bright plasticine, let’s fashion the man whom God created. And let us mark in red the place where the human soul is located - the heart.

Musical background – S.V. Rachmaninov. 2nd concert. Adagio (No. 28)

Educator: - Man is the crown of everything! God's best creation.

Lyudmila Fadeeva
About the “Good World” program by L. L. Shevchenko for spiritual, moral and Orthodox education of preschool children.

Shevchenko L program. L. « Good world» --- This spiritual and moral education program for preschool children, one of effective means in the fight for the purity of children's souls. It is a content module " Spiritually-moral culture (Orthodox culture) " basic general education program for preschool education.

Developed program« Good world» in accordance with Federal Law «» About education" It has been tested in 55 regions of the Russian Federation.

Editorial Council programs headed by Antonova L.N., former minister Education of the Government of the Moscow Region.

This program created for teaching children of senior and preparatory school groups in order to achieve their spiritually-moral development, readiness to master primary school subject area of ​​the Basic Standard education« Spiritually-moral culture of the peoples of Russia".

This is part of a single copyright programs« Spiritually-moral culture. Orthodox culture» for grades 1-11 secondary school , ensuring continuity in solving the problems of raising and developing children. Consequently, our graduates will receive the necessary knowledge to continue their education at school according to program« Spiritually-moral culture. Orthodox culture».

This is my first year working with mine. preschoolers according to the program« Good world» in area spiritual, moral and Orthodox education . Like children, I enjoy every lesson - communication: it cleanses and enriches our souls with love for the world around us. Of all the methods of moral education known to me preschool program« Good world» the deepest and richest in the selection of material.

Positive sides programs(from work experience): children like it walks and activities, where they receive new knowledge about the days of the creation of the world by God; interesting and varied material: poetry and prose spiritual and moral, Orthodox and aesthetic direction ; detailed information about the world around us with love for it; lots of games, music and drawing (especially in individual workbooks); parents unanimously approve of such training. And all this creates light and good mood ! Strong and artistically designed methodological base: Toolkit, reader, workbooks and audio CD.

Difficulties in carrying out classes: no special time in the daily routine preschoolers, you have to constantly invade other areas general education program in kindergarten: cognition (FCCM, communication, artistic creativity; not all classical music, especially romances, are understandable to children.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize: we, educators, need to form spiritually-moral individuals for the salvation of humanity from destruction and serve as a faithful and reliable guide on this path for us program« Good world» Shevchenko L. L.!

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