Where should you get a tattoo? Consequences of a tattoo. Why are tattoos dangerous? Consequences of improper tattoo care

Johnny Depp once said that the body is like a diary. Tattoos that are popular now are not an ordinary decoration or a fashionable touch. They mark our meetings and impulses, successes and defeats. Wearing a tattoo means standing out from the dullness, communicating something intimate about yourself. Let's name the reasons why the idea of ​​a tattoo will have to be postponed.

Age limits

Tattoos are not given to minors. The reason is not only in his young age (but also in him). The body is still developing, the body is growing, its outline is changing. A tattoo applied at the age of 15 may become deformed over time and will look ugly.

You need to weigh everything and take your time!

The tastes of teenagers change quickly, and one day a tattoo will become unnecessary and will only irritate. Therefore, the idea of ​​getting a tattoo should not be momentary, but mature.

Skin condition


You can't get a tattoo when elevated temperature. Sometimes after a session the body can react with increasing heat, and if the person was already sick, it will only get worse. You can also become infected with blood-borne diseases: HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis.

It hurts

There are areas of the skin that are especially sensitive (ankle, lower back), each needle prick will cause severe pain! After applying the image, you will have to treat the skin with healing ointment for a long time.

Tattoos are difficult to remove

If over time you want to remove the tattoo, then the skin cannot be returned to its previous state. It may leave a noticeable mark or become uneven. It’s easier to buy beads made from natural stones and change them to create a new look every time.

Negative assessment of others

Many people believe that tattoos are worn by those who belong to some kind of criminal group or have been in prison. Therefore, the reputation of its owner may suffer.

Age-related skin changes

Tattoo made on the hand female breast or stomach, due to sagging skin, it can lose its clear contours and general meaning! Smile funny clown will turn into a “sour” grimace, and the delicious rose will wither.

A tattoo can hinder your career growth

A tattoo doesn’t fit well into the image of a “proper” employee! What adorns a rocker will not suit a teacher or a deputy.

Not enough money

No need to go to the tattoo parlor with a small amount. There may not be enough money to realize your plan. A tattoo made with cheap materials will quickly fade and will have to be restored after some time.

Allergy risk

Be sure to study the composition of the paint for applying the image! And make sure that the instruments the master uses are sterile. Otherwise, complications are inevitable.

Decreased immunity

Doctors believe that tattoos can have a bad effect on internal organs, reduce them immune defense. This is fraught purulent diseases and hepatitis.

Tattoo mania

Sometimes it is called. Carried away by decorating their bodies, people turn into real tattoo maniacs.

Our suitable reason among this list? Then never step into a tattoo parlor! Sit at home and drink tea...

We are sure you will agree with us - many people, including readers of this material, really want to get a tattoo, but can’t decide to take this important step. Of course, we are not talking about mehndi (henna design), which is easy to apply and even easier to remove; doubts concern exclusively permanent tattoos, which last a lifetime, because temporary tattoos, as we know, have not yet been invented.

And yet, to hit the tattoo or not to hit? If doubts are too strong, this idea should definitely be abandoned. If the desire to decorate your body wins, apply a temporary design first, walk around with it for a month, feel like a member of the tattoo community, even if it’s temporary. And then make a decision, focusing on your feelings in the role of a tattooed handsome man (or beauty).

However, before applying a tattoo, you should always take into account not only desires and whims, but also the arguments “against”, because a permanent tattoo will remain with you for life, it cannot be cut off like a tag, changed like a hairstyle, you cannot change it overnight , as a status or avatar on a social network.

What stories should be abandoned?

Immediately get out of your head the idea of ​​​​painting the image of any animal on your body - such stories are used in the criminal environment to indicate the “narrow specialization” of representatives underworld, so we cannot exclude the possibility of a situation in which you will have to explain the origin of such a tattoo.

And you definitely shouldn’t put an image of a church or a crucifix on your chest, for the same reason! Concluding the criminal topic, let’s say that the tattoos on the phalanges of the fingers (rings) and on the wrists are filled with a very definite meaning, so when choosing a subject for drawing on these areas of the body, you should be extremely careful.

We are moving away from the “crime chronicle”.

Should you put a hieroglyph on your body? If you know Chinese, if your loved one is a specialist in oriental art, then you can choose the right symbol. In other cases, it is better to refrain from using hieroglyphs: yes, they look stylish, but true meaning As a rule, neither the client nor the tattoo artist knows these signs.

But the meaning of runes, magical and mystical symbols can be found out from the relevant literature, but is it worth applying them to your body? It is believed that sacred symbolism influences the fate of the person who uses it, and such influence is not always desirable - it is unlikely that an inverted pentagram will help a person on his life path.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dragons. Many have seen the movie "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", and many have taken a liking to the main character. But even without this Fincher film, the fashion for dragons has already reached unimaginable limits, and the plot, which was once an element Japanese style, began to be replicated on a scale that even the print press would envy. Still want a dragon tattoo?

This warning applies not only to plots, but also to some places. So tattoos on the lower back have become too popular among the fair sex, and are rarely distinguished by the originality of ideas. In addition, they can negatively affect the girl’s health, but this issue is discussed in the next section of the material.

Objective reasons to refuse a tattoo

1. A tattoo in a visible place can affect career growth, and it won’t always help when applying for a job. Of course, if you have already achieved a certain position in society and your status is unshakable, then you can ignore this point, but if you are young, think about it.

2. Body art is forever. A serious argument, because it’s not a fact that ten years later the plot that you liked at a young age will not cause irritation. Meanwhile, removing a tattoo is difficult and expensive, and scars will remain in place of the masterpiece, so you have to choose between two evils - the prospect is not very rosy.

3. When getting tattoos, there is always a risk of infection. In particular, the hepatitis virus is transmitted parenterally, and it is this infection that those who decide to get a tattoo should be wary of. Yes, the needles are disposable, the instrument is sterilized, but can you always be one hundred percent sure of this? And is the master healthy too? important question, even if the tattoo artist wears gloves.

4. A tattoo, like everything in our life, deteriorates over time, the colors lose their brightness, and the skin sags, causing the image to float and lose its shape. Are you ready for such an evolution of your masterpiece?

5. Tattooing is associated with irritation of reflex zones, which can negatively affect health. In particular, the lumbar area is connected to the pelvic organs, and a tattoo can contribute to problems with reproductive system. It is not necessary to believe in the existence of such a connection, but it is still worth knowing about the possibility of its existence.

Medical contraindications

Finally, there are strict medical contraindications that prohibit a person from getting a tattoo. These include pathology of hemostasis, accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the blood coagulation system, diabetes, oncological pathology of any localization. Tattoos should not be given to people with epilepsy and mental disorders, it is strictly forbidden to “fight” carriers of the hepatitis virus and immunodeficiency virus.

TO relative contraindications include chronic dermatoses, arterial hypertension, somatic diseases and herpetic infection. Before starting work, a conscientious master will definitely clarify the presence (or absence) of the client medical contraindications, if he didn’t do this, this is another reason to refuse the tattoo!

Tattoos have long ceased to exist identification mark exclusively prisoners or sailors. Today they are worn completely different people, thus expressing yourself, hiding any defects or emphasizing your uniqueness. Is it worth getting a tattoo? Weigh all the pros and cons, find out what consequences this procedure can have for a person’s health, psyche and fate.

Why do people get tattoos?

Since ancient times, people have been decorating their bodies with various designs. Of course, before tattoos were applied for a specific purpose, for example, to intimidate enemies, to define social status person and his position in society. There was also a so-called occult motivation. People could wear certain designs on their bodies in the name of a specific deity or spirit. Various signs and the symbols protected people from evil demons; it was believed that they were able to impart the character of the person wearing them necessary qualities, which he previously lacked.

By the way, in the Middle Ages tattoos were also used to brand criminals, of course, if they were not sent to the chopping block. This was done for one simple purpose: society had to see who they were dealing with. Slaves were branded, and each owner had his own brand. In the east, tattoos were previously only worn by geishas and girls. prostitute. But today tattoos are stylish, fashionable, youthful. So is it worth getting a tattoo? Is there any harm? How justified is a tattoo on the body from a moral point of view?

Harmful drawings on the body

First of all, you should know whether tattoos are dangerous. Of course, today there are a huge number of specialized tattoo parlors, where real professionals work. Of course, in this kind of establishment it is relatively safe to apply drawings to the body. Of course, every client may have an allergy to paint components, and the pain has not been canceled. However, the price in such salons can be steep, and therefore many turn to self-taught people, often with homemade machines.

Should I get a tattoo from a non-professional? Experts note that the risk increases significantly, because by doing a tattoo at the artist’s home, you can at least develop a skin disease, and at the most, get blood poisoning or, what is much worse, even AIDS.

By the way, dermatologists from Austria have found that a tattoo can lead to cancer! That is why tattoos are clearly harmful to health, experts say; they do not bring any benefit to human skin, but health problems may well arise.

A tattoo can not only harm your health, but also seriously ruin your life. So, people who have any drawings on their bodies should not carry out certain medical research. For example, MRI is strictly contraindicated, because a tattoo can become inflamed or even catch fire. For 12 months after the tattoo procedure, a person cannot be a donor, because the risk of contracting viruses is too great!

Other consequences include severe allergic reactions. The thing is that in no country in the world does there exist a government body that controls the production of tattoo ink. This allows unscrupulous manufacturers to add arsenic, mercury and lead to their composition!

Another significant disadvantage is the unaesthetic appearance. It is enough to imagine saggy, flabby skin on your arm or chest, on which the contours of some pattern are vaguely visible, to become reluctant to apply a pattern to your body.

A question of morality

As part of the consideration of whether it is worth getting a tattoo, it is worth mentioning the public opinion. So, nothing can be hidden from the not too good-natured grandmothers at the entrance. Stuffed your sleeve? Write goodbye! From a nice boy you automatically turn into a drug addict. Religion also does not approve of drawings on the skin. Believers say: a person’s body does not belong to him at all, it is the property of the Lord. Even a hardened atheist will have to take this into account, because he will have to listen to the moral teachings of overly religious people.

Mysticism and esotericism

Psychologists and esotericists talk about the dangers of applying drawings to the skin. They believe that tattoos can change fate. For example, having applied one image, a person begins to move in one direction, while applying another - in the opposite direction. That is why, when getting a tattoo, you should consult with a specialist, or better yet, more than one.

In general, tattoos are a serious matter. They can bring fame and success to their owner, or they can deprive him of absolutely everything he has.

Age limit

Almost every teenager is a very impulsive person. Many people are characterized by so-called youthful maximalism. In an effort to put an inscription, an image, or even someone’s name on their body, teenagers do not even allow the thought that after a couple of years their worldview could change significantly, and therefore a tattoo that seemed incredibly significant in adolescence, over the years, can bring a lot of negative associations and create social barriers. In addition, the decision to apply any symbols often causes indignation among parents. It is for this reason that almost any conscientious tattoo artist will refuse a minor client.

Of course, the question may arise: “At what age can you get a tattoo?” Experts answer: you can become the owner of a tattoo before the age of 18, however, in this case you must obtain permission from your parents or guardians. However, it is worth noting that it is not recommended to do this earlier than 18 years of age, because the process is underway active body growth, and therefore the tattoo may shift or become deformed.

The role of tattoos for men

Quite often, men decide to get a tattoo with one simple goal: to emphasize their own brutality and individuality. In addition, it is generally accepted that a man with a tattoo will attract more attention than one that has no pattern on its body. Most often these are Celtic or Gothic images; birds of prey and wild animals. This is how men express their inner world.

By the way, experts say that for many years only those people who were in prison got tattoos. That is why it is recommended to consult a specialist before applying any symbol to your body. This will avoid unpleasant situations in future.

The role of tattoos for girls

Why do girls get tattoos? The answer is simple: it allows you to emphasize natural beauty. Even psychologists say that a small symbol on the body can raise a woman’s self-esteem. Of course, the images on female body significantly different from those applied by men. They are more elegant and usually less voluminous. The most popular are zodiac signs, hieroglyphs, stylized images of animals and plants. Angels and stars are no less popular.

The tattoo removal procedure is more painful, longer and more expensive than the tattoo itself. There are many methods of disposal: freezing liquid nitrogen, cleansing the skin with salt and even mechanical grinding. However, the fastest and highest quality method is laser removal. Of course, the price for removing drawings differs depending on the region of Russia. The cost depends on the area of ​​the design, the quality of the paint and the density of the filling. How much does it cost to remove a tattoo? different cities? For example, in Moscow, removing a pattern up to 11 square centimeters will cost you 8,000 rubles. The same price is in St. Petersburg. This procedure is slightly cheaper in Voronezh: here they can remove a drawing of up to 11 square centimeters for 7,500 rubles, approximately the same price in cities such as Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar and Nizhny Novgorod.


Of course, whether to get a tattoo on your body is up to you. However, before you decide to take this step, be sure to find out what the drawing means, think about what it will bring to your life, and whether you will regret it. And, of course, get a tattoo only from a professional, don’t save money by relying on self-taught skills, take care of your health!

The tattoo is done in 4 stages: sketch; the work itself; healing; answers to questions from mentally retarded people.

Tattoos depicting aggressive symbols. Shoulders, chest, back... rock art on the meat parts.
The face of a tiger in front and a leopard in profile, a dragon in full height, something even worse...

The more internal fear, the cooler the skin comics.
Imagine asking a lion on the savannah to get a lion tattoo?
Or stab the wolf at the wolf's barrel?
How about getting your own portrait painted on a person’s shoulder?

We are not satisfied with ourselves and want to acquire other people’s properties...
Is it worth getting a tattoo?

Is it worth getting a tattoo?

Who? And For what?

We remove tattoos of ancient tribes and criminal themes. Wikipedia can handle this.

As trends there are two hot reasons:

First and main- uncertainty and fears - for men.
Owners of such tattoos unconsciously believe that they will acquire the qualities of an icon grinning on their chest or shoulder.

Second- this is the skin phase of development and all kinds of manipulations of the skin vector, for the purpose of showing off and consumption... and this is more for women, but also for men.

When a tattoo is done by a high-ranking, skin-visual female, a low level of development, or a metrosexual boy, it’s understandable that they are the pioneers of a fashion trend.

Some modern women, even anal ones, rushed to imitate, hoping to acquire the qualities of a fatal temptress. They got tattoos, but they don’t have any properties, because that’s not how it works.

What about men?

For example,

Is it worth getting a tattoo?

Once there was such a drunkenness,
I offer options for fashionable tattoos of denial or confirmation.

For some anal men having certain problems At first, it will be relevant: “There is an erection!”

For others, with a skin vector, the most active on the left side of marriage, the option will be interesting - “There is no change!”

For the weak: "There is power!"

For lazy people: “There is no laziness!”

For the unsure: “There is confidence!”

A special hit for some government officials and deputies will be: "No corruption!"
For those who still want to grab success: “There is no corruption!”

Inscriptions can be replaced with any carrier monograms semantic load confidence and show off.
If you have any problems or difficulties, please contact me, I’ll help you with the logo and place of application for free.

You understand the idea of ​​confirmation or denial, that is, it itches and requires publicity.
________________________________________ ________________________________________ __


Only a person with a urethral vector has no fear, because he is designed to return outward and his biochemistry produces tons of testosterone per day, where adrenaline is by default denied registration. There are less than 5% of such people with courage and they do not get tattoos.

The rest have a normal, animal fear for the safety of the body. If the body assesses the situation as life-threatening, it immediately suffers from jitters... - this is nature.

Courage and tattooing!

In priority: “My life is nothing, the life of the pack is everything!” When it comes to the safety of the group, he does not understand the danger, does not value his own body and gives it away without a second thought.

For the seven remaining vectors, the main thing is life own body, therefore, fear for him and adrenaline as a way of mobilization.

You can face fear and overcome it.

Success coaches make fortunes from this. They do not work with the essence of the problem, preferring investigations and monetary collections from clients during the process, without solving the main thing.

Is it worth getting a tattoo?

But the reason is the presence of a visual vector in a person, the root of whom is fear darkness, fear of death, fear... For others, horror stories also hit the nerves, but much less.

If a person with a visual vector is developed and in his realization goes out, he acquires the opposite qualities: love, euphoria and crazy joy to infinity... He does not know what fears are and does not have the need to spoil the skin with patterns?

Fashion tone modern tattoos are asked by skin-visual girls and boys in certain minus states. The rest, in matters of fashion and body design, always imitate the audience.

Imagine developed visual women: Chulpan Khamatova or;
skin visual: Dima Bilan and E. Plushenko;
any accomplished visual actor: V. Mashkov, S. Bezrukov, E. Mironov, others...
with tattoos?

By determining their state of absolute development and realization, the question of a tattoo flies away without even getting close.

Confidence is knowledge of one’s own nature and its implementation - BE!
A war paint tattoos- SEEM and the eternal struggle or compromise with oneself...

Nature is Eternal and Infinite Power, reviving the body and it is always outward...

The body is inward, temporary and finite, with the question: “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?”

Choose what you connect with and live life with?!
We're talking about fears.
________________________________________ ________________________________________

Now, on to the main topic: Is it worth getting a tattoo?

Whether or not to make portaki on your skin is your choice.

If you are a member of the Yakuza or Triad, then you are required.

If you are a member of the Federation Council, absolutely not.

In short, if it’s a member, then - YES or NO!

What if a person owns reasons?

A much simpler way is to recognize your nature, innate properties, bring them out and receive total dust and the Eternal Sun... without any tattoos.
This is the whole idea and meaning!

Nature counts to two. Choose...
Up to one, actually.

You will get to this anyway, with or without tattoos, the main thing is that without losses and not towards retirement, but the sooner, the sooner!

Nothing superfluous or personal and that’s all for today!

Written based on training materials on

Hi people! Today I decided not to write about the topics of muscle pumping, various nutritional issues - let's take a break from this already. Today I want to discuss with you a topic that has interested me for a long time. These are tattoos that people give themselves. I hope you are also interested in this topic.

A cool fitness center “King Fit” was opened not long ago near my house. There is a very cool gym, a swimming pool, saunas, a bunch of different yoga classes, rooms for children and a lot, a lot of everything!

Immediately across the street, opposite King Fit, is located Entertainment Center"Europe" and in fact top floor There is also a fitness center. Within a radius of 1 km you can find at least 3 more basement-type gyms. So my area is very sporty. I very often see here really beefy guys, bald, bearded, very fit girls with gorgeous figures - just like in the picture.

Sometimes you can meet fitness couples walking hand in hand - it’s so interesting to watch. A huge, pumped-up guy with a detailed relief walks hand in hand with a fitness lady. And now in the summer there are generally crowds of them. I have never seen such concentration in my life sports people on such a small piece of land.

But you know what else I see here very often? Tattooed people, and often these are precisely the visitors of these fitness centers. Boys, girls, teenagers and older people. Some have small tattoos, others have entire paintings tattooed on their skin.

When summer comes, everyone undresses and rushes to show off their tattoos. I don’t know about your city, but I have a real tattoo epidemic here. Although I have been living here for the 3rd year, for some reason it was this summer that I seriously paid attention to it.

Sometimes tattoos look more or less aesthetically pleasing, but sometimes they are just downright ugly. When I look at such people, the thought immediately arises in me: “What made the person get this tattoo?” Why do people even do this?

For me, as a person who has never gotten a single tattoo, this topic is quite interesting. I also see a well-developed network of tattoo parlors in my city. In the screenshot below I showed the concentration of these establishments on this moment time in my city (the picture can be enlarged by clicking on it):

As you can see, it’s quite a large network. All this prompted me to discuss the topic of tattoos on my blog. Is it necessary to do them? Why do this? What are the consequences and dangers, both physical and moral. How serious is this?

I think you will be interested in this topic. IN general question Is it worth getting a tattoo is a topical issue and I will try to discuss it with the most important aspects. Let's go... Are you with me?

Why should I get a tattoo?

To begin with, I would like to draw attention to the very meaning of getting a tattoo on your body. What motives usually motivate a person who wants to paint his body?

“Although our skin is the barrier that separates us from others, it also tells everyone around us about our inner world.”

After talking with some tattooed acquaintances and surfing the Internet, I came to the conclusion that there are 1,000 and one reasons to get a tattoo. But here are the most common ones that I managed to find out:

  • Firstly, these are just decorations for many people, and nothing more. If you ask them “why?” - they will not give you a clear answer. “It’s just beautiful...” is the maximum that they will answer you.
  • A person wants to show that he is the master of his body and that no one dares tell him what to do with his body. I want to draw, I want not to draw.
  • Some people try so hard to stand out from the crowd (although there are people with the same tattoos).
  • Many see this as true art.
  • There is also a cosmetic component. Cover a scar, disguise some unsightly place beautiful design etc.
  • For some people this really turns them on. The reasons for this are known only to them.
  • But there are also those who get tattoos because it’s fashionable and many do so.
  • For some, a tattoo reminds them of some kind of joy or pain.
  • People also believe in a certain mystical meaning of tattoos and believe that this tattoo can affect their destiny.
  • For some people, a tattoo gives a huge boost of motivation. Since this is a serious step that a person is considering and preparing for, then after implementing his plan, he can feel the strength to make changes in different areas of his life. He is looking forward to changes. “I decided to get a tattoo - why not start running in the morning?”, something like that.
  • Sometimes the drawings on the body are interconnected. One means one thing, the other complements the meaning of the first and it turns out big picture or a whole story.
  • Teenagers usually want to show that they are already adults. If it’s a boy, then it’s a tattoo on the shoulder or on the calves, a gait that even the most muscular guy on the planet doesn’t have, and other funny signs of an ordinary show-off. Such “macho men” can usually be seen with a cigarette in his mouth, a bottle of beer in his hand, with a dead body, thin legs, but with very important look. In the spring, when it’s just starting to get warmer, they rush to roll up their pants to show off a fashionable tattoo on their calves. He himself is still wearing a jacket, but his legs are already bare. Is this a familiar picture?
  • In some cases, tattoos signify a person's affiliation with a group or organization.
  • A person wants to protest. This usually concerns teenagers who rebel against parenting or anything else.

This list of reasons can be continued for a very long time. In addition, you understand that if you wish, you can invent new reasons for yourself, only those known to us.

But some special reasons are revealed only in some life stories.

I read about a 35-year-old girl who works as a lawyer. She is on back side I tattooed my ex-boyfriend's initials on my palm.

They remind her that she once almost lost herself because of him. She found herself in psychological captivity from that guy and developed an abnormal dependence on him. And when he left her, she whole year I couldn’t come to my senses.

But then the girl shows a tattoo on her neck with wings. She says that this symbolizes her freedom from that terrible addiction. So this is how it happens... Seriously, with meaning...

Another girl decided to get a tattoo after watching the movie “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” Since at her work you need to comply strict style clothes - the girl likes that under these formal clothes her personal dragon is hiding.

His truck driver father had a picture of him tattooed on his skin. little son, with whom they do not see each other for a long time. This gives the father the feeling that his son is always nearby.

Here is a couple in love. Each of them has special marks on their bodies. They mean a symbol of eternal devotion. They separated for 5 years, but remained faithful to each other. Then they reunited and live together.

It's time to consider the most important points that you definitely need to think about before making a decision. conscious decision- get a tattoo or, well, screw it...

Main types of tattoos

Of course, there is no point in listing all types of tattoos. Why? Yes, because new species are constantly appearing. Let’s list the more or less common ones:

Non-standard (in my opinion) include drawings in the style of engraving, dotwork style dotwork, minimalist style, stencils, Polynesia (the style in which Dwayne Johnson’s tattoos are made), etc. And the very concept of standard-non-standard in this developing world is quite doubtful.

Physiological aspects

Nowadays, few people compare tattoos with criminals. Yes, there is such a stereotype, but Lately significantly lost its influence against the background of blue youth. That's it now less people thinks so.

Here we can only say one thing - those prisoners who are looked up to in in this case, they made tattoos with completely different materials and with a completely different technique. Real pros do everything with modern tools, disposable needles and for a fairly substantial amount.

I inquired about the cost of performing tattoo work in Krasnodar and found out that it was 6-8 thousand rubles. for 3-4 hours of work. That is, an hour costs approximately 2000 rubles. But the price varies depending on the region of residence, naturally. In Moscow, they will charge 3-4 thousand rubles for an hour of work. In short, it's not cheap.

Removing a tattoo is twice as expensive as getting one, and it’s more painful.

Now let's look at the most important physical moments. Think about them before you paint your body.

1. “What will happen in old age?”

This is probably the first thing you hear from people who are against tattoos. Some people worry about the physical side of the issue - what the tattoo will look like on loose skin in old age. Others are more concerned about the moral side of the issue - how reasonable a grandmother will look with a tattoo on her lower back.

Well then. Personally, I fully support these concerns, primarily of a moral nature. But the truth is that the generation that values ​​purity of body and spirit is becoming a thing of the past. The overwhelming majority are people who do not care about their own or others’ health, primarily moral.

Interesting fact: pediatrician Timothy Roberts from the University of Rochester Clinic (USA) conducted special study. He interviewed 600 16-year-old boys and girls and found out that intimate relationships entered 83% those who had a tattoo, and only 36% not tattooed teenagers.

And when people of my generation grow old, they will hardly be surprised by a tattooed grandmother, because they grew up surrounded by all this.

As for the purely physical side, here you need to pay attention to several facts:

  1. A tattoo is not applied to the skin once. It needs constant care both during healing and then throughout life.
  2. Approximately every 3-5 years, adjustments are made and additional elements are added.
  3. In my life, I saw one professional person who worked with me in a furniture store as a furniture assembler - his name was Sergei. He also professionally tattooed at home, multi-colored. Using his body as an example, I saw what it means to “add elements.”
  4. Paints can fade, blur, and the skin tends to deform.
  5. Experienced artists know how to position a tattoo taking into account the aging of the skin and its sagging state in the future.

But old age is old age, and even the coolest tattoo pro won’t save you from its consequences, so the tattoo won’t be the same, that’s 100%. It's worth thinking about.

2. Risk of infection

This is only possible in case of extremely poor quality workmanship. If disposable needles are used, this is excluded.
Therefore, if you decide to get a tattoo, do it only in a reputable salon, and not in some “shabby” basement. It seems obvious, but this problem still exists.

People still become infected with AIDS, hepatitis B and C, develop sepsis, and suffer from allergic reactions– and all this is a result of the non-sterility of the process.

In addition, many dermatologists call the skin a “vindictive organ.” They warn that the consequences of tattooing may appear years later. Our skin was not designed for this after all.

3. This is for life

Since we are talking about real tattoos here, and not about children’s translations from candy wrappers, you need to be prepared for this. Are you ready to live with this for the rest of your life? Are you aware of this?

In some established tattoo parlors that have already established themselves, there are always warnings that “there are no temporary tattoos.”

Tattoos on the palms and feet last approximately 2 weeks. In these places, skin renewal is very active.

If they tell you that you can apply temporary makeup, this means either that the paint will not be pushed deep into the skin, or that they will use paints for permanent makeup.

Always find out these points in detail, let the master tell you everything. There are many cases where people have fallen for scammers who get tattoos that fade over time.

4. Pain threshold

Everyone has their own. One woman shared her observation. She said that pumped-up, rude men often get very hurt when they get a tattoo. In the same time gentle girls They often say that they didn’t feel anything at all.

Therefore, there is no point in taking seriously the words of others like “don’t you piss - it’s like a mosquito bites.” You will only have your own feelings.

According to the feelings of people who have been under a needle, the most painful thing to tattoo is the chest, back and ribs.

Psychological and moral aspects

And now let’s come into contact with subtle matters, which I believe are key in this matter. Neither the pain threshold nor the price for a tattoo are basic in this matter. It all starts with the head.

1. “The human body is beautiful in itself”

I agree with this 100%. Personally, I think this is true. But the truth is that now many people do not look beautiful at all due to their heredity, others are killing their appearance in the wrong way life. If it happens that one thing is added to the other - well, then it’s really tough...

Therefore, for such people, a tattoo serves as a kind of compensation. She doesn’t make them more beautiful, but at least she draws attention to them. It's stupid and sad at the same time. It’s a pity that many people focus on appearance, but this is what encourages today the world, advertising, imposed lifestyle, so this phenomenon should not be surprising.

Others fall into a kind of philosophy on the topic “this tattoo is an extension of my body”, “this is a part of me”. And only man knows the motives of these words.

2. Complete personality renewal

This problem cannot be understood by those who have carefully thought through their tattoo. Since it becomes “part of themselves,” as mentioned above, they don’t even think about the fact that they will ever get tired of the drawing or that they will begin to treat it differently.

If the tattoo was done out of stupidity, it is removed with a laser. But besides the hasty decision to fill a drawing, there is also a complete transformation of a person’s personality - his inner essence.

Few people now actually believe in such a transformation, but I can say from experience that I have seen thousands of such people in the circles where I communicated and still communicate. Over the years I get to know more and more people like this.

I remember one man, whose name is Vitya. Even before the war in Donbass, he lived in my city of Gorlovka. His body was so “tattooed” that when he walked along the beach in swimming trunks, many wanted to take a photo with him. Some threw monkeys, boa constrictors, with whom they offered to take pictures on the beaches and took pictures with him... He is blue from head to toe, he was in prison.

But then this man began to study the Bible (not read, but study). What he learned from there completely transformed his personality beyond recognition. To hide those shameful tattoos that were performed on him in the troubled times of his life and which have become hateful to him now, he even wears a shirt with long sleeve to this day.

So when you decide whether to get a tattoo or not, keep in mind that your consciousness can change dramatically over time. This cannot be ignored by thinking people.

3. "Blue Disease"

This is a kind of diagnosis for people who have become addicted to tattoos. Often this has purely sensual roots. That is, these people have become dependent on the drive and adrenaline, even the pain, that they receive while using the needle.
Some stages of this mental disorder can be distinguished:

  • First there is an obsession with the very idea of ​​getting a tattoo.
  • Then the person decides to get his first tattoo.
  • Next comes planning. How many more drawings need to be applied to the body and when should it be done?
  • When most of the body is already covered with drawings, they begin to irritate the person, he feels powerless, he may become depressed, he no longer likes the way he looks.

To avoid falling into this disease, psychologists recommend a simple method - just don’t get the first tattoo. Just...

4. Sacred meaning (only for a special category of people)

I want to warn you right away that this item is only for believers. For the rest, feel free to pass by, as this information will not be valid for you. And there is no point in mocking this.

If you believe that we appeared as a result of evolution, this information is not for you. And a believer is one who recognizes that there is a spiritual world, God, that there is an enemy of God, the Devil (not in the form of faceless evil that lives in a person’s soul, but as a real spiritual personality), that there are evil spiritual personalities (demons) that influence people.

It should also be clarified that a believer also means one who takes the Bible seriously and trusts its message (the information that it carries). Because it is this book that gives us answers to the most fundamental questions about the past, present and even future, about life, death and the meaning of everything. It is not for nothing that it is called the Word of God.

Since I am a believer and have been studying the Bible for many years, I know what I’m talking about. Moreover, not only the theory but also my own life experiences, real cases from the lives of people I know personally - all this convinces me of the veracity of what is said below.

At first glance, this question does not fit into the format of this article. But that's just how it seems. Unfortunately, not everyone is concerned about the sacred side of the coin in the “tattoo” issue. Or it worries in the wrong direction. And now, actually - to the point...

Some people don’t give a damn about the fact that the symbols they put on their bodies have magical power and are still used in witchcraft practices. Others, on the contrary, try to delve into it and apply them, naively believing that this will make them special, some carriers of unknown power.

Time passes and this man runs headlong into the same salon to remove his magical tattoo, which he recently got. Masters of tattoo services unanimously say that they often reduce magical tattoos, because their carriers suddenly realized that they had made a mistake and that their lives had changed dramatically for the worse.

This is very serious, guys. Very. This is not something to joke about. This is all real. If we consider the most ancient history tattoo, the very origins, then in almost all cases we will find that the meaning of applying drawings to the skin was closely related to either the worship of spirits or pagan rituals.

Only the peoples, territories, and the drawings themselves differ, but the essence remains the same. For example, among the Maori people, who live in New Zealand, tattooing is a whole sacred rite associated with the world of spirits. There, tattoos are made not with needles, but with the technique of making incisions with special chisels.

Today, of course, no one bothers with this anymore. For example, in the 1800s, the tribes of Borneo began exchanging designs for their sacred tattoos among themselves until their true meaning was completely lost.

What can we say about our time, when people have ceased to understand the essence of even the simplest things in life. It’s not just that they can’t figure out the meaning of tattoos, they can’t figure it out in their lives.

The edges have been erased, the meaning has blurred, the meaning has been lost. Moreover, we see that people's opinions on various issues transform over time. BUT... some things remain the same. The spiritual world remained unchanged. Yes, guys. It exists and whether you believe in it or not, it influences people. Many of my friends learned this from their own bitter experience.

Now think about this. If a person puts a special mark on his body magic sign, which is used to communicate with the world of spirits - isn’t this regarded as a kind of invitation, a call? A person clearly expresses his consent to the participation of evil spirits in his life. And if these magic symbols, runes, pentagrams had their effect before, what has changed now? Fashion? Yes, she has changed. But how did it affect the spiritual world? No way.

This is about dark representatives spiritual world, demons. According to the Bible they are leading people astray all over the earth. They are also responsible for spreading the most dangerous lies - false religious teachings that dishonor God (such as the existence of a fiery hell where loving God allows the sinner to suffer forever for 60-70 years of his sinful life).

Magic is one of the methods that demons use to mislead humanity. Therefore, there is no white or black magic - all these are addresses of one office and all this is bad in the eyes of God.

Rest assured, the demons have worked hard to bring humanity into the state of mind in which it is now. Is it any wonder that there is a fashion for magical symbolism in the form of tattoos on the body? Not at all. People brand themselves with this evil left and right, often without realizing what’s what, what danger it carries, what the consequences are.

I’m not going to convince anyone of this, but I was convinced of it myself. I personally know some people who used to be closely associated with magic and communicate with spirits. They told amazing, terrible things that happened to them. And only with the help of God, thanks to their titanic efforts, spending a lot of time on this, were they able to free themselves from demonic influence.

They didn't have any special tattoos, but they had special objects that they used in the occult. The first thing they did was throw them away. So do you really think that tattoos have less meaning? And can you just throw them away when the time will come? Think about it.

For believers, for Christians (not just for those who wear a cross, muddy religious rites of dubious origin, but for those who understand the essence of their faith) it will be useful to remember that the following command is recorded in the Bible:

“Do not make cuts on your body for the sake of a dead soul and do not put tattoos on yourself...”

Leviticus 19:28 (1512 BC)

These words were spoken by God ancient people Israel. Do they concern us now? Yes. Despite the fact that now people almost do not take into account God’s opinion, are not interested in the Bible and what is written there, God’s opinion on tattoos has not changed, especially considering the mystical meaning of many tattoos. In the same way, the attitude of demons towards those tattoos that are directly related to them has not changed. And they don’t care whether it’s fashionable now or not.

On August 1, 2018, the famous “Zombie Boy” (Reed Genest) committed suicide in Canada. The guy was only 32 years old and he was a tattoo model. He covered 90% of his body with tattoos of a mystical-demonic nature. Bones, skulls, ugliness and everything like that.

Before his death, he wrote on social media. networks a poem with a mystical meaning where they are mentioned "ancient narrow gate of death". About his passion for the zombie theme, he said that it is not just a passion for horror films - “everything is much deeper”. It’s interesting that the guy himself talked about his obsession with life, that is, he wanted to live brightly and simply live.

Everyone says that the guy had mental problems, which is why he committed suicide. Lady Gaga, who worked with him, commented on this event very sensually. She regrets that nowadays mental condition the person is not brought to the fore. But few people understand what actually lies behind this guy’s mental disorder. Of course, I can’t say anything for sure, but I’m 99.9% sure that demons are behind this. They are the cause of mental illness in such cases.

What does a tattoo have to do with it, you ask? With his tattoos and other areas of his life, this guy has invited demons into his life. He gave them permission to influence him and ultimately destroy his life.

I just wanted to show you on specific example that connection with mystical affairs and fascination with this whole otherworldly topic often leads to just such outcomes. It's real! This is no joke, friends! Therefore, you should not mess with the demonic theme of tattoos. Even if you are only interested in the aesthetic side of the drawings now, in the future you may be tempted to delve deeper into it and simply get drawn into it.

Draw your own conclusions. All our decisions have consequences. A tattoo is a serious decision. If you decide to do it, then under no circumstances should you get involved with magic in any of its manifestations. Forget about any runes, pentagrams, etc. My advice to you. Make do with neutral sketches.

On this note I end this article. The decision is yours, friends... And most importantly, take your time...

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