KGB secret operations. Mystical secrets of the kgb of the soviet union

The KGB is one of the most secret structures in the USSR. It is obvious that not all the secrets of the KGB have been revealed so far. This creates a huge scope for all kinds of speculation and fantasy. The KGB was credited with collaborating with sorcerers, experimenting on humans, and contacting aliens. However, gradually less and less blank spots remain in the history of the KGB, and the public learns the real secrets of the main special services of the USSR.
For a long time, one of the most secret structures of the KGB was group "A" (later called the "Alpha" subdivision). It was created on July 29, 1974 by order of the chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov.
Specialists from group "A" were used to fight terrorism, organized crime and spies, as well as to free hostages. In addition, Group "A" often provided security for top officials on foreign trips.
The impetus for the creation of the group was the events at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, when eleven members of the Israeli Olympic team were shot by Palestinian terrorists. Then the leadership of the USSR decided to train a special unit capable of withstanding such threats.
Each candidate for work in group "A" passed the most severe selection. Only KGB officers with outstanding achievements in sports were admitted. Moreover, not only "fighters" (boxers and wrestlers) were considered, but also athletes, skaters, skiers, swimmers. Of course, achievements in shooting were a big plus.
For Alpha, special equipment was developed. In an interview, a former employee of the group, Nikolai Kalitkin, said that its arsenal included such developments as a silent grenade launcher, cases with built-in firearms, knife pistols, as well as flashlights equipped with electric shock.

Capture of Amin's palace

One of the most famous operations, in which Alpha took part, took place on December 27, 1979. This was the first operation of "Alpha" under the leadership of the new head of the group - Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin. Fighters of group "A", together with units of the Soviet Army, carried out the seizure of the Taj Bek residence in Kabul (Afghanistan), also known as the Amin palace. During a special operation, Afghan President Hafizullah Amin was killed. The elimination of Amin led to the subsequent introduction of Soviet troops into the country.

Capture of a school in Sarapul

Group A has earned fame as the world's best counter-terrorism unit. Alpha has extensive experience in hostage rescue.
In December 1981, two armed deserters captured 25 tenth graders in the city of Sarapul (Udmurt Republic). As it turned out during the negotiations, the terrorists did not think out their plan very well: they demanded money and flight to the United States. Employees of "Alpha" introduced themselves as employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and asked to go to the school in order to hand over to the invaders the questionnaires for flight abroad. The deserters let in the special squad and were immediately detained. The hostages were not hurt.

Seizure of the SIZO in Sukhumi

In August 1990, Alpha employees were required to resolve a non-standard situation. In Sukhumi (Abkhazia), 75 prisoners seized a pre-trial detention center. The situation was aggravated by the fact that, in connection with the campaign to seize illegal weapons in the republic, there were three thousand units of various "firearms" in the pre-trial detention center. These rifles were taken by the prisoners. They demanded money, a helicopter and the possibility of a free flight from Sukhumi.
A bus was provided to the invaders so that they could reach Lenin Square in the city center, where a helicopter was waiting for them. However, the bus was originally mined with special explosives to stun the terrorists. After the activation of the explosive devices, a shootout began, during which two special forces officers were wounded and three prisoners were liquidated. Soon after, the rest of the riot participants also laid down their arms.

Capture of the White House

On August 20, 1991, the fighters of Group A faced a serious moral dilemma - the KGB leadership ordered them to seize the White House and arrest the leadership of the RSFSR, including Boris Yeltsin. To carry out the order, under the control of the commander of the "A" group Karpukhin, the "Vympel" group and the Ministry of Internal Affairs units were transferred. However, assessing the situation, Karpukhin came to the conclusion that many civilians would inevitably suffer during the operation. Then he gathered the fighters of the group and presented them with his views. After some consultation, the group refused to storm the White House.
This decision cost Karpukhin the post of head of "Alpha". Already on August 23, 1991, he was dismissed. In the same year, he took over as head of the Security Service of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. In 1993 he opened a private detective company. Karpukhin died of coronary heart disease on the night of March 23-24, 2003.

On March 13, 1954, the Chekists were removed from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, and a new department was formed: the State Security Committee of the CCCP - KGB. The new structure was in charge of intelligence, operational search activities and the protection of the state border. In addition, the task of the KGB was to provide the CPSU Central Committee with information affecting state security. The concept is broad, to be sure: it covers both the personal life of dissidents and the study of unidentified flying objects.

To separate truth from fiction, to recognize disinformation intended for "controlled leakage" is now almost impossible. So, to believe or not to believe in the truth of the declassified secrets and mysteries of the KGB archives is everyone's personal right.

The current Chekists who worked in the structure during its heyday, some with a smile, some with irritation brush it off: no secret developments were carried out, nothing paranormal was studied. But, like any other closed organization that has an impact on the fate of people, the KGB did not manage to avoid a hoax.

The activities of the committee have become overgrown with rumors and legends, and even partial declassification of the archives cannot dispel them. Moreover, the archives of the former KGB underwent a serious cleaning in the mid-50s. In addition, the wave of declassification that began in 1991-1992 quickly subsided, and now the release of data is proceeding at an almost imperceptible pace.

Hitler: Died or Escaped?

Controversy about the circumstances of Hitler's death has not subsided since May 1945. Did he commit suicide or was the body of a double found in the bunker? What happened to the remains of the Fuhrer?

In February 1962, at the Central State Archive of the USSR (modern State Archives Russian Federation) trophy documents of the Second World War were transferred for storage. And along with them are fragments of a skull and a sofa armrest with traces of blood.

Vasily Khristoforov, head of the FSB's registration and archival funds, told Interfax that the remains were found during an investigation into the disappearance of the former German Reich President in 1946. The forensic examination identified the partially charred remains as fragments of the parietal bones and the occipital bone of an adult. The act of May 8, 1945 states that the discovered pieces of the skull "may have fallen from the corpse removed from the pit on May 5, 1945".

"Documentary materials with the results of the re-investigation were combined into a case with the symbolic name" Myth. "The materials of the named case, as well as the materials of the investigation into the circumstances of the Fuhrer's death in 1945, stored in the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia, were declassified in the 90s of the last century and became available to the general public, "- said the agency's interlocutor.

What remained of the top of the Nazi elite and did not end up in the KGB archives did not immediately find rest: the bones were repeatedly reburied, and on March 13, 1970, Andropov ordered the removal and destruction of the remains of Hitler, Brown and the Goebbels couple. This is how the plan of the "Archive" secret event, carried out by the operational group of the Special Department of the KGB of the 3rd Army of the GSVG, appeared. Two acts were drawn up. The latter reads: "The destruction of the remains was carried out by burning them at a stake in a vacant lot near the city of Schonebeck, 11 kilometers from Magdeburg. The remains burned out, together with coal crushed into ash, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River."

It is difficult to say what Andropov was guided by when he gave such an order. Most likely, he feared - and not unreasonably - that even after a while the fascist regime would find followers, and the burial place of the ideologue of the dictatorship would become a place of pilgrimage.

By the way, in 2002, the Americans announced that they had X-rays that were kept by the dentist, SS Oberführer Hugo Blaschke. A comparison with the fragments available in the archives of the Russian Federation once again confirmed the authenticity of the parts of Hitler's jaw.

But despite the seemingly indisputable evidence, the version that the Fuhrer managed to leave Germany, occupied by Soviet troops, does not leave modern researchers alone. They are usually looking for him in Patagonia. Indeed, Argentina after World War II gave shelter to many Nazis who tried to escape justice. There were even witnesses that Hitler, along with other fugitives, appeared here in 1947. It is hard to believe: even the official radio of fascist Germany on that memorable day announced the death of the Fuhrer in an unequal struggle against Bolshevism.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov was the first to question the fact of Hitler's suicide. A month after the victory, he said: "The situation is very mysterious. We did not find the identified body of Hitler. I cannot say anything in the affirmative about Hitler's fate. At the very last minute, he could fly out of Berlin, since the runways allowed this to be done." It was June 10th. And the body was found on May 5, the autopsy report was dated May 8. ... Why did the question about the authenticity of the Fuhrer's body arise only a month later?

The official version of Soviet historians is as follows: On April 30, 1945, Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide. At the same time, according to eyewitnesses, the Fuhrer shot himself. By the way, when opening the mouth, glass was found, which speaks in favor of the version with poison.

Unidentified flying objects

Anton Pervushin in his author's investigation cites one illustrative story characterizing the attitude of the KGB to the phenomenon. This story was once loved by the writer and assistant to the chairman of the committee Igor Sinitsyn, who worked for Yuri Andropov from 1973 to 1979.

“Somehow, while looking through the foreign press, I came across a series of articles about unidentified flying objects - UFOs ... I dictated to a stenographer in Russian an extract from them and, together with the magazines, carried them to the chairman.…. He quickly flipped through the materials. After thinking a little, he Suddenly he took out a thin folder from a drawer on his desk. The folder contained a report from one of the officers of the 3rd Directorate, that is, military counterintelligence, "Sinitsyn recalled.

The information given to Andropov could well become the plot of a science fiction film: an officer, being on a night fishing trip with his friends, watched as one of the stars approached the Earth and took the form of an aircraft. The navigator estimated the size and location of the object by eye: diameter - about 50 meters, height - about five hundred meters above sea level.

"He saw two bright beams emerge from the center of the UFO. One of the beams stood vertically to the surface of the water and rested on it. Another beam, like a searchlight, scanned the waters around the boat. Suddenly he stopped, illuminating the boat. Shining a few more on it. seconds, the beam went out. Together with it, the second, vertical beam went out, "- quoted the report of the counterintelligence officer Sinitsyn.

According to his own testimony, these materials later came to Kirilenko and eventually seemed to be lost in the archives. This is roughly what the skeptics reduce the KGB's probable interest in the UFO problem: to pretend that it is interesting, but in fact to bury the materials in the archives as potentially insignificant.

In November 1969, almost 60 years after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite (which, according to some researchers, was not a fragment of a celestial body, but a wrecked spacecraft), there was a message about another fall of an unidentified object on the territory of the Soviet Union. Not far from the village of Berezovsky in the Sverdlovsk region, several glowing balls were seen in the sky, one of which began to lose altitude, fell, and then a strong explosion followed. In the late 1990s, a number of media outlets had at their disposal a film that allegedly captured the work of investigators and scientists at the site of the alleged UFO crash in the Urals. The work was supervised by "a man who looked like a KGB worker."

“Our family was living in Sverdlovsk at that time, and my relatives even worked in the regional party committee. However, even there, almost no one knew the whole truth about the incident. In Berezovsky, where friends lived with us, everyone accepted the legend of the exploded granary ; those who saw the UFO preferred not to spread. The disk was taken out, presumably, in the dark, in order to avoid unnecessary witnesses, "- recalled the contemporaries of the events.

It is noteworthy that even the ufologists themselves, people initially disposed to believe in the stories about UFOs, criticized these videos: the uniforms of Russian soldiers, their manner of holding weapons, cars flashing in the frame - all this did not inspire confidence even among susceptible people. True, denial of one particular video does not mean that UFO believers are giving up their beliefs.

Vladimir Azhazha, a ufologist, an acoustic engineer by training, said: "Does the state hide any information about UFOs from the public, I suppose so. On what grounds? Based on the list of information constituting state and military secrets. Indeed, in In 1993, the State Security Committee of the Russian Federation, at the written request of the then president of the Ufological Association, pilot-cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, handed over to the UFO center I headed about 1300 documents related to UFOs. These were reports from official bodies, commanders of military units, messages from private individuals. "

Occult interests

In the 1920s and 1930s, a prominent figure of the Cheka / OGPU / NKVD (predecessor of the KGB) Gleb Bokiy, the one who created laboratories for the development of drugs to influence the minds of those arrested, became interested in the study of extrasensory perception and even looked for the legendary Shambhala.

After his execution in 1937, folders with the results of the experiments allegedly ended up in the secret archives of the KGB. After Stalin's death, some of the documents were irretrievably lost, the rest settled in the basements of the committee. Under Khrushchev, the work continued: America was worried about rumors periodically coming from overseas about the invention of biogenerators, mechanisms that control thinking.

Separately, it is worth mentioning another object of close attention of the Soviet security officials - the famous mentalist Wolf Messing. Despite the fact that he himself, and later his biographers, willingly shared intriguing stories about the outstanding abilities of a hypnotist, the KGB archives have not preserved any documentary evidence of Messing's "miracles". In particular, there is no information in either Soviet or German documents that Messing fled Germany after predicting the fall of fascism, and Hitler appointed a reward for his head. Also, it is impossible to confirm or deny the data that Messing personally met with Stalin and that he tested his outstanding abilities, forcing him to perform certain tasks.

On the other hand, information about Ninel Kulagina, who in 1968 attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies with her extraordinary abilities, has survived. The abilities of this woman (or their absence?) Are still controversial: among lovers of the supernatural, she is revered as a pioneer, and among the learned fraternity, her achievements cause at least an ironic smile.

Meanwhile, video chronicles of those years recorded how Kulagina, without the help of her hand or any devices, rotates the compass needle, moves small objects, such as a matchbox. The woman complained during the experiments of back pain, and her pulse was 180 beats per minute. Its secret was, allegedly, in the fact that the energy field of the hands, due to the overconcentration of the subject, could move objects that fell into the zone of his influence.

It is also known that after the end of World War II, a unique device made by Hitler's personal order came to the Soviet Union as a trophy: it served for astrological predictions of a military-political nature. The device was defective, but Soviet engineers restored it, and it was transferred to the astronomical station near Kislovodsk.

Knowledgeable people said that Major General of the FSB Georgy Rogozin (in 1992-1996, the former first deputy chief of the presidential security service and who received the nickname "Nostradamus in uniform" for his studies of astrology and telekinesis) used captured SS archives relating to occult sciences in his research.

On March 13, 1954, the Chekists were removed from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, and a new department was formed: the State Security Committee of the CCCP - KGB.

The new structure was in charge of intelligence, operational search activities and the protection of the state border. In addition, the task of the KGB was to provide the CPSU Central Committee with information affecting state security.

The concept is broad, to be sure: it covers both the personal life of dissidents and the study of unidentified flying objects.

To separate truth from fiction, to recognize disinformation intended for "controlled leakage" is now almost impossible. So, to believe or not to believe in the truth of the declassified secrets and mysteries of the KGB archives is everyone's personal right.

The current Chekists who worked in the structure during its heyday, some with a smile, some with irritation brush it off: no secret developments were carried out, nothing paranormal was studied. But, like any other closed organization that has an impact on the fate of people, the KGB did not manage to avoid a hoax.

The activities of the committee are overgrown with rumors and legends, and even partial declassification of the archives cannot dispel them. Moreover, the archives of the former KGB underwent a serious cleaning in the mid-50s. In addition, the wave of declassification that began in 1991-1992 quickly subsided, and now the release of data is proceeding at an almost imperceptible pace.

Hitler: Died or Escaped?

Controversy about the circumstances of Hitler's death has not subsided since May 1945. Did he commit suicide or was the body of a double found in the bunker? What happened to the remains of the Fuhrer?

In February 1962, the trophy documents of the Second World War were transferred to the Central State Archives of the USSR (the modern State Archives of the Russian Federation). And along with them - fragments of a skull and a sofa armrest with traces of blood.

Vasily Khristoforov, head of the FSB's registration and archival funds, told Interfax that the remains were found during an investigation into the disappearance of the former German Reich President in 1946. The forensic examination identified the partially charred remains as fragments of the parietal bones and the occipital bone of an adult. The act of May 8, 1945 states that the discovered pieces of the skull "may have fallen from the corpse removed from the pit on May 5, 1945".

"Documentary materials with the results of the re-investigation were combined into a case with the symbolic name" Myth. "The materials of the named case, as well as the materials of the investigation into the circumstances of the Fuhrer's death in 1945, stored in the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia, were declassified in the 90s of the last century and became available to the general public, "- said the agency's interlocutor.

What remained of the top of the Nazi elite and did not end up in the KGB archives did not immediately find rest: the bones were repeatedly reburied, and on March 13, 1970, Andropov ordered the removal and destruction of the remains of Hitler, Brown and the Goebbels couple. This is how the plan of the "Archive" secret event, carried out by the operational group of the Special Department of the KGB of the 3rd Army of the GSVG, appeared. Two acts were drawn up. The latter reads: "The destruction of the remains was carried out by burning them at a stake in a vacant lot near the city of Schonebeck, 11 kilometers from Magdeburg. The remains burned out, together with coal crushed into ash, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River."

It is difficult to say what Andropov was guided by when he gave such an order. Most likely, he feared - and not unreasonably - that even after a while the fascist regime would find followers, and the burial place of the ideologue of the dictatorship would become a place of pilgrimage.

By the way, in 2002, the Americans announced that they had X-rays that were kept by the dentist, SS Oberführer Hugo Blaschke. A comparison with the fragments available in the archives of the Russian Federation once again confirmed the authenticity of the parts of Hitler's jaw.

But despite the seemingly indisputable evidence, the version that the Fuhrer managed to leave Germany, occupied by Soviet troops, does not leave modern researchers alone. They are usually looking for him in Patagonia. Indeed, Argentina after World War II gave shelter to many Nazis who tried to escape justice. There were even witnesses that Hitler, along with other fugitives, appeared here in 1947. It is hard to believe: even the official radio of fascist Germany on that memorable day announced the death of the Fuhrer in an unequal struggle against Bolshevism.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov was the first to question the fact of Hitler's suicide. A month after the victory, he said: "The situation is very mysterious. We did not find the identified body of Hitler. I cannot say anything in the affirmative about Hitler's fate. At the very last minute, he could fly out of Berlin, since the runways allowed it to be done." It was June 10th. And the body was found on May 5, the autopsy report was dated May 8. ... Why did the question about the authenticity of the Fuhrer's body arise only a month later?

The official version of Soviet historians is as follows: On April 30, 1945, Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide. At the same time, according to eyewitnesses, the Fuhrer shot himself. By the way, when opening the mouth, glass was found, which speaks in favor of the version with poison.

Unidentified flying objects

Anton Pervushin in his author's investigation cites one illustrative story characterizing the attitude of the KGB to the phenomenon. This story was once loved by the writer and assistant to the chairman of the committee Igor Sinitsyn, who worked for Yuri Andropov from 1973 to 1979.

“Once, while looking through the foreign press, I came across a series of articles about unidentified flying objects - UFOs ... I dictated to a stenographer in Russian an extract from them and, together with the magazines, carried them to the chairman.…. He quickly flipped through the materials. After thinking a little, he Suddenly he took out a thin folder from a drawer on his desk. The folder contained a report from one of the officers of the 3rd Directorate, that is, military counterintelligence, "Sinitsyn recalled.

The information given to Andropov could well become the plot of a science fiction film: an officer, being on a night fishing trip with his friends, watched as one of the stars approached the Earth and took the form of an aircraft. The navigator estimated the size and location of the object by eye: diameter - about 50 meters, height - about five hundred meters above sea level.

"He saw two bright beams emerge from the center of the UFO. One of the beams stood vertically to the surface of the water and rested on it. Another beam, like a searchlight, scanned the waters around the boat. Suddenly he stopped, illuminating the boat. Shining a few more on it. seconds, the beam went out. Together with it, the second, vertical beam went out, "- quoted the report of the counterintelligence officer Sinitsyn.

According to his own testimony, these materials later came to Kirilenko and eventually seemed to be lost in the archives. This is roughly what the skeptics reduce the KGB's probable interest in the UFO problem: to pretend that it is interesting, but in fact to bury the materials in the archives as potentially insignificant.

In November 1969, almost 60 years after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite (which, according to some researchers, was not a fragment of a celestial body, but a wrecked spacecraft), a message appeared about another fall of an unidentified object on the territory of the Soviet Union. Not far from the village of Berezovsky in the Sverdlovsk region, several luminous balls were seen in the sky, one of which began to lose height, fell, then a strong explosion followed. In the late 1990s, a number of media outlets had at their disposal a film that allegedly captured the work of investigators and scientists at the site of the alleged UFO crash in the Urals. The work was supervised by "a man who looked like a KGB worker."

“Our family was living in Sverdlovsk at that time, and my relatives even worked in the regional party committee. However, even there, almost no one knew the whole truth about the incident. In Berezovsky, where our acquaintances lived, everyone accepted the legend about the exploded granary ; those who saw the UFO preferred not to spread. The disk was taken out, presumably, in the dark, in order to avoid unnecessary witnesses, "- recalled the contemporaries of the events.

It is noteworthy that even the ufologists themselves, people initially disposed to believe in the stories about UFOs, criticized these videos: the uniform of Russian soldiers, their manner of holding weapons, cars flashing in the frame - all this did not inspire confidence even among susceptible people. True, denial of one particular video does not mean that UFO believers are giving up their beliefs.

Vladimir Azhazha, a ufologist, an acoustic engineer by training, said: "Does the state hide any information about UFOs from the public, I suppose so. On what grounds? Based on the list of information constituting state and military secrets. Indeed, in In 1993, the State Security Committee of the Russian Federation, at the written request of the then president of the Ufological Association, pilot-cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, handed over 1300 documents related to UFOs to the UFO center headed by me. These were reports from official bodies, commanders of military units, messages from private individuals. "

Occult interests

In the 1920s and 1930s, a prominent figure of the Cheka / OGPU / NKVD (predecessor of the KGB) Gleb Bokiy, the one who created laboratories for the development of drugs to influence the minds of those arrested, became interested in the study of extrasensory perception and even looked for the legendary Shambhala.

After his execution in 1937, folders with the results of the experiments allegedly ended up in the secret archives of the KGB. After Stalin's death, some of the documents were irretrievably lost, the rest settled in the basements of the committee. Under Khrushchev, the work continued: America was worried about rumors periodically coming from overseas about the invention of biogenerators, mechanisms that control thinking.

Separately, it is worth mentioning another object of close attention of the Soviet security officials - the famous mentalist Wolf Messing. Despite the fact that he himself, and later his biographers, willingly shared intriguing stories about the outstanding abilities of a hypnotist, the KGB archives have not preserved any documentary evidence of Messing's "miracles". In particular, there is no information in either Soviet or German documents that Messing fled Germany after predicting the fall of fascism, and Hitler appointed a reward for his head. Also, it is impossible to confirm or deny the data that Messing personally met with Stalin and that he tested his outstanding abilities, forcing him to perform certain tasks.

On the other hand, information about Ninel Kulagina, who in 1968 attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies with her extraordinary abilities, has survived. The abilities of this woman (or their lack?) Are still controversial: among lovers of the supernatural, she is revered as a pioneer, and among the learned fraternity, her achievements cause at least an ironic smile.

Meanwhile, video chronicles of those years recorded how Kulagina, without the help of her hand or any devices, rotates the compass needle, moves small objects, such as a matchbox. The woman complained during the experiments of back pain, and her pulse was 180 beats per minute. Its secret was, allegedly, in the fact that the energy field of the hands, due to the superconcentration of the subject, could move objects that fell into the zone of his influence.

It is also known that after the end of World War II, a unique device made by Hitler's personal order came to the Soviet Union as a trophy: it served for astrological predictions of a military-political nature. The device was defective, but Soviet engineers restored it, and it was transferred to the astronomical station near Kislovodsk.

Knowledgeable people said that Major General of the FSB Georgy Rogozin (in 1992-1996, the former first deputy chief of the presidential security service and received the nickname "Nostradamus in uniform" for studying astrology and telekinesis) used in his research the captured SS archives related to occult sciences.


Few people know that for more than a dozen years there has been a little-known technique of manipulating consciousness, with which you can control a person without his knowledge. The KGB mastered this method of hypnosis in the early 70s. Secret developments by KGB officers have combined the Eastern and Western approaches to hypnosis. The project, codenamed Typhoon, has revolutionized hypnosis. In the KGB, hypnosis was used by employees of the department to influence the subconscious of the desired object and instill in it the necessary algorithm of actions. For the new technique of hypnosis, neither the creation of a special environment nor, moreover, the consent of the object was required. The manipulation was carried out during normal conversation. At the same time, after the KGB hypnosis, the victim did not have any memories, which fully met the tasks of the department.

Secrets of hypnosis classified as top secret

The archive contains references to the successful use of hypnosis by the KGB to recruit key foreign agents, to manipulate witnesses at trial. The new method of influence used by the special services turned out to be so efficient and effective that all developments were instantly classified as "secret." Only the highest ranks of the department could gain access to the secrets of hypnosis. Due to the fear of the leadership to fall under the influence of hypnosis (after personnel reshuffles in the highest echelons of the KGB), teaching this method was prohibited. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the confusion in the archives led to the leakage of information about the secrets of KGB hypnosis.

He helped me to cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Preserved from the evil eye and damage... It protects a person from the forces of evil, Energy vampires at work and in the family, specially induced damage, and the evil thoughts of enemies. View and order it is possible only on the official website

The unexplored secrets of hidden hypnosis

Not only magicians and illusionists know the secrets of hypnosis and can apply them in their work. Secretly or explicitly, hypnosis is used in medicine and other fields. It is even used in the training of astronauts. There are 3 main types of hypnotic influences.

  • The first type used in medicine is more or less studied. He uses traditional psychological methods of influence: a comfortable chair, a metronome, measured counting, repeated phrases and words, relaxing music, etc.
  • The second type is meditation or self-hypnosis.
  • The third type is suggestion at the level of thought, the hypnotized person takes other people's thoughts for his own.

The secrets and secrets of this hypnosis have not yet been solved - this type of influence has been the least studied by scientists. In theory, the possibilities of such mental hypnosis are unlimited. &1

The secret subdivision in the structure of the KGB - group "A" - has always aroused special interest even among the security officers themselves. Its fighters stormed Amin's palace, captured terrorists, participated in the exchanges of intelligence officers and the expulsion of dissidents.
Employees of group "A" used weapons and equipment, which were specially developed for them by secret research institutes. But the point, of course, is not about weapons. It's about people. Soldiers "A" did not hesitate to give their lives freeing the captured children, but refused to carry out the criminal orders of the authorities (for example, to go to storm the White House). As they themselves admit: they took risks only for the sake of what was really worth the risk.
On the eve of the unit's birthday, Nikolai KALITKIN, a veteran of group A, spoke in a frank interview about how it was.
Training of the secret KGB group.
"We were like space warriors"
- Nikolai Anatolyevich, why did you create group "A" at all in those years? After all, there was nothing in the Soviet Union that would portend a terrorist threat.
- This is not entirely true. By 1974, there were already several attempts to hijack aircraft in the USSR. In general, the very idea of \u200b\u200bcreating "A" was born after the well-known events that took place in 1972 at the Munich Olympics (Palestinian terrorists took part of the Israeli team hostage, 11 people were killed).
Group "A" was created on the basis of the 7th department of the KGB of the USSR, whose tasks were to ensure the security of embassies, consulates and their residential complexes. We studied and memorized the floor plans of the embassies. With their eyes closed, they could find any room, they knew which door, passage, staircase and so on ...
- Was it useful?
- Sure. In March 1979, a certain Vlasenko, accompanied by the second secretary of the US Embassy Pringle, entered the consular department. Americans at that time tried to kindness any of our dissident. Perhaps they mistook Vlasenko for one of them. But half an hour later it turned out that the "dissident" was tied with explosives (2 kg of tar - would be enough to smash half of the building), requires a large sum of money and an unhindered flight to the USA. Frightened Americans asked to get rid of this nightmare as soon as possible. The terrorist wounded in the arm by sniper "A" managed to activate only part of the charge.
- Have you tried to figure out why this, in fact, the very first male terrorist took such a desperate step? Maybe he had love in America? Maybe there was a terminally ill relative there?
- I know that the same Vlasenko during the negotiations complained to them that he was severely beaten in the police, humiliated, tortured. Could this be a good reason for taking the life of innocent people?
- I agree. But let's all the same from the very beginning. Whom did they take to group "A"? And how did you get there yourself?
- They took only KGB officers and only with outstanding abilities in sports. Many notable personalities served in our unit, for example Gleb Tolstikov, USSR boxing champion, participant in the Olympic Games. And there were not only fighters and boxers, but also skiers, athletes, cyclists, skaters. One in a minute could thrust several knives into the window frame without breaking a single glass, the other could, while juggling with F-1 grenades, balance with a carnation flower on his nose.
I served two and a half years in one of the KGB divisions, when I was offered to transfer to "A" (I was a good shooter, a candidate for master of sports in classical wrestling, had sports categories, etc.).
- How did you train?
- In any weather, we ran a 10-kilometer cross-country, after which we played football (in winter and summer) with elements of hockey power techniques for 1.5 hours. Then 30-40 minutes of training in the gymnastics and gym. Then lunch. They cooked themselves, as a rule, in our kitchen-dining room. After lunch, shooting exercises at the shooting range. We did not save cartridges, they shot, as they say, to heartburn. After that, they studied the world practice of anti-terror, simulated various situations, in the analysis of which all the fighters of the duty unit took part. When discussing the actions on the introductory task (and this is very important!), The suggestions and opinions of each of the employees were taken into account.
After the theory, they put on a kimono and went to the wrestling hall. They performed many specific exercises, for example, they trained the skills of a correct fall from different heights, used various objects in attack and self-defense. The working day was ending in the bathhouse.
- In terms of?
- The bath was a must. The loads were crazy, it was necessary to recover. The bathhouse with a huge aquarium and a waterfall was our favorite resting place, and we arranged and decorated it ourselves. By the way, we also guarded ourselves. After all, we had so many weapons and ammunition that would be enough for a small army.
- What was that weapon?
- A lot of what was developed by secret institutions, we tested here, experienced in various situations. We wrote to scientists and designers what exactly we need for specific tasks, and those without delay put our ideas into practice.
- Did you have anything from James Bond's arsenal?
- We had a lot of things that James Bond could not dream of. For example, the silent DM grenade launcher. Very small, folding (it could be worn under a jacket), it had five types of ammunition - grenades for various purposes and effects. From it it was possible to fire both a direct shot and a canopy. Great stuff! We had firing suitcases and knives-pistols ...
- In addition to weapons, what special means did you have and how did you use them?
- Yes, they were different ... (Smiles.) I remembered a funny incident in Baku, in the winter of 1990 it was. We were tasked with checking one of the city dormitories where extremist leaders could have been hiding. We were forbidden to use weapons, we were allowed to use only special means, among which there was a dual-purpose device: on one side a flashlight, on the other a powerful stun gun. And then on one of the floors a half-dressed young guy jumped out of the shower room into a dark corridor, seeing our employee running at him, with a wild cry took a fighting stance and ... at the same second flew several meters to the wall. The next day, rumors spread throughout Baku that some kind of special unit consisting of supermen appeared in the city, capable of knocking out and throwing one of the city's best fighters several meters away with one blow. In full gear, with the visor of the helmet down, we really looked like space warriors. As it turned out later, our employee on the run sharply threw forward his hand with a stun gun and touched the guy's neck. Since he was wet, the current increased many times, and he flew about 5 meters.
- And what was your uniform if you were not on a special operation?
- The uniform was not supposed to us. After all, we were all encrypted under sports instructors, technologists, etc. Therefore, everyone wore exclusively in civilian clothes. The only thing that set us apart from the crowd of people at that time was special signaling devices - multitones, with which we did not part for a second off duty. Only we and the ambulance doctors had such devices. They were a little narrower in size and longer than a cigarette pack; they were attached to a pocket with a special clothespin. I remember one time a battle alarm caught me in a winter forest, where we made a ski trip with my seven-year-old son. I had to put my son together with skis on the backs and that there was a spirit to run home from the forest for an alarming suitcase. After all, the time of gathering at the headquarters by alarm was set at only 45 minutes. Those who were late did not get into the group formed for departure for the special operation.
- And there you already changed clothes? Bullet-proof vests, helmets - what else was in the outfit?
- About helmets, or rather, armored helmets, I must say separately. We began to use German ones (they were in the special forces of European countries). Such a helmet in full gear weighed 12 kg. She was radio equipped, with a headset and built-in headphones, with a triplex that protected 80 percent of her face. Very reliable. She received the baptism of fire during the assault on Amin's palace. One of our soldiers was shot in the forehead, but he survived - the metal withstood, there was a dent the size of a phalanx of a finger. Later, this helmet saved many of our lives. The vests were worse. At first we were given out by ordinary police officers. Our comrade Vitya Shatskikh died in 1991 during the storming of the Vilnius television center precisely because of this - a bullet hit in the back, passing between the plates of the body armor ...

Vladimir Putin, Sergei Stepashin and employee "A", participant in the storming of Amin's palace Pavel Klimov.
Million dollars and Raisa Gorbacheva
- After the storming of Amin's palace, there was a certain calm. What were you doing during this time?
- Captured foreign spies and traitors to the Motherland. Several years ago, in some television project, an interview was shown of one of these traitors, who was serving a 25-year sentence in prison. When he started talking about the circumstances of his detention, I recognized him as my "godson". In the 1980s, he served in the main headquarters of the Ministry of Defense, had access to classified documents. I could not resist the temptation and offered German intelligence an operational plan for command and control of troops from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. But we intercepted him. Another person went to the meeting disguised as a German diplomat. He was in a car with German diploma numbers. When our "client" saw him, he walked briskly towards him, in his hand he had a weighty case. Three employees of group "A", including myself, simultaneously moved out from different directions and for 5 seconds swaddled him so that he would not do anything to himself. - Besides traitors, who else were you caught?
- In the early 1990s, there were gangs of racketeers. Many gangs consisted of the so-called jocks, boxers and individual former members of the special forces of the Armed Forces and Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not cope and asked for help. I remember that a serious gang of former athletes demanded money from the entrepreneur (this was the development of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, we were used as the main capture group). When the businessman brought money at the appointed time and place (in the city center, near one of the metro stations), the racketeers (7 people), instead of habitually getting into their cars and leaving, unexpectedly descended into the metro to dissolve there among the passengers. We rushed after them. You can't use weapons - there are hundreds of people around. I had to detain the two-meter thugs right on the platform with hand-to-hand combat techniques. When my "client" was already neutralized, lay on the platform and did not pose any threat, and I was fastening the handcuffs behind his back, an officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in civilian clothes ran up and, in front of hundreds of people, with a swing, like a soccer ball, hit him with a shoe in face. Blood spattered me in a stream. The frightened people who were waiting for the train, trying not to step on it, huddled up to the columns. I remember how ashamed I was in front of them, how they looked at me ...
- Nikolai Anatolyevich, tell the story of the seizure of the Tu-134 in Ufa. You were there?
- Yes, we were alerted at 5 am, and forty minutes later we flew to Ufa. On the way, we were told that the soldiers of the Interior Troops who had hijacked the plane (it had 81 people, including the crew members) are well aware of the Nabat plan, which was precisely aimed at countering the hijacking of the aircraft. We were also told that they had practically nothing to lose - they killed two local police officers, a passenger on the plane, and wounded several more (one of them died soon after). The terrorists' weapons - the Kalashnikov machine gun (PK), submachine gun - did not inspire optimism either. It was suspected that there was a sniper on cover in the vicinity of the airfield, but he has not yet been found. In addition, they were complete thugs and drug addicts, even from the "citizen". The first thing they demanded after the capture was to deliver the drugs on board.
- What shocked you the most about this special operation?
- I was amazed by the flight attendants. These two fragile girls (one of whom, by the way, was pregnant) behaved with the killers in a way that not every man could, if he were in their place. Thanks to their cunning and tricks, the bandits released first all the wounded, and then another forty passengers. The flight attendants continued to flirt with them, sat down on their knees, asked: "Well, sing a song to the guitar," slipped new ampoules of drugs, managed to give signs to our guys when they saw favorable moments for an attack, 90 percent of all the work did. When one soldier began to peck his nose, the girl took the machine gun from him, went up to the cockpit, behind the door of which our guys were sitting, knocked and said: "Here, take it!" The second soldier did not fall asleep - this happens under stress - and therefore opened fire during the assault. Our employee destroyed it with return fire. By the way, after that a criminal case was opened against him. It was allowed to shoot from military weapons only in the most extreme cases.
- Are the most difficult operations related to the release of children?
- Yes. And for us this was the operation in 1988 in Minvody. Before that, we had already released the children in 1981 at a school in the city of Sarapul (Udmurtia). But, first, those children were already adults - tenth graders. Secondly, the terrorists were two naive soldiers who decided to play tough guys, since they were given machine guns in the army. They demanded that they be released to America in exchange for hostages. Our negotiators told them: "Wait, this is not a simple matter, you need to issue your passport, for this you need to fill in the questionnaire!" They: "Yes, of course, we will wait, let's get the forms." Like two fools, but with machine guns and full ammunition. As a result, our guys quickly twisted them and disarmed them. Then they asked them: "Why did you need all this?" And they just answer: “Well, of course, this is America! There are beautiful women, whiskey, jeans ... "
- Tell us how the terrorists behaved in Minvody then.
- From the very beginning, they calculated everything correctly - the authorities will agree to all their demands to save the lives of children. The kids were specially captured - the fourth grade. It was about Ordzhonikidze. The guys together with the teacher were going on an excursion to the printing house. Then a bus pulled up, my uncle at the wheel said - sit down. 32 students and a teacher sat down. The bus was "charged": three-liter cans of gasoline were placed all over the cabin under the seats, right under the feet of the children. There were four bandits, armed with a double-barreled shotgun of a hunting rifle, a dagger and a knife. And these were hardened criminals, repeatedly convicted. From Ordzhonikidze they went to the airport of Mineralnye Vody. They put forward demands: two million dollars and an unhindered flight to Israel. The money was indeed delivered in bags, for this they emptied the safes of the USSR Vneshtorgbank. Negotiated with Israel to receive the plane. Meanwhile, the bandits demanded that some member of the Politburo be brought to them in exchange for the children. Then they changed their minds - they said that they would only agree to Raisa Gorbachev.
We arrived urgently. The group was placed on the airfield a hundred meters from the plane in some technical structure behind a concrete fence. We were terribly worried about the children, we prayed to God that nothing would happen to the kids. We were ready for anything: to storm, and to release these scum, so that they flew wherever they wanted, just to save the children. During the negotiations, our employee Valery Bochkov brought them weapons and cartridges. This was the first time in our practice. Checking whether the weapon was in good working order, they fired near him, over his ear.
- Why did you arm them ?!
- There was no other way out. For each weapon they gave away children. Conventionally, five children for one pistol. I remember, in wild tension, we looked through the cracks in the fence and counted how many were released. One, two, three ... My heart sank. At some point, one boy broke free (the bandit counted out five, but he did not enter this group) and ran! The terrorist rushed after him! We tensed, ready for anything. Here the boy is already running up to the conditional line, and suddenly the bandit ... just kicks him in the ass, turns around and walks back. Ugh ...
So gradually all the children were taken out, after which we received a command to prepare for the assault. But as soon as we crawled through the snow to the plane, it took off. True, these bandits were immediately "accepted" in Israel. Then they wondered for a long time: how is that? That's how. In Israel, they knew firsthand what terrorism is. And they thought that they would be welcomed there with open arms ... The leader of the bandits even tried to bribe the Israeli authorities - he offered a million dollars for them to be released from the country to South Africa. But without further ado, they were first sent to prison and then handed over to us. As if as a reward, our group was sent to Israel for the terrorists, preparing to storm the plane. True, I did not fly, some circumstances interfered.

photo: From personal archive
3000 "trunks", 75 prisoners and one dog
- Did your special unit participate in operations outside the USSR?
- Our employees ensured the safety of top officials of the state in the USA, India, Malta and other countries. Also, our employees were seconded to ensure the security of our diplomatic missions in various countries of the world.
- What did you remember the most?
- Events in Nakhichevan, there is such an area on the border of Azerbaijan and Iran. In a remote area, a riot of the population broke out, which, by the way, lived very poorly, which could not be said about the corrupt local elite. The riot was of a pronounced religious and nationalistic character. Huge masses of people moved to the border, destroying everything in their path. They destroyed the border system for 10 km, blocked the outposts, burned several border towers, threw stones and bottles at the building of the border detachment. Extremist and religious literature and weapons were transported to our territory across the border river Araks on improvised floating craft. Even a large number of drowned people did not stop this endless stream of people.
It was decided to neutralize the leader of the uprising. He was lured into negotiations at one of the outposts. He arrived with two revolvers in his belt, with a shahid's bandage on his head, showing with his whole appearance that he had nothing to lose. A crowd of about 2 thousand people gathered at the outpost, chanting something incessantly. The negotiations took place in the office of the outpost commander. At a prearranged signal, my friend and I jumped out of the dryer, burst into the office, slightly immobilized the leader, disarmed, picked him up and carried him at sprint speed to the backyard of the outpost, where the helicopter was already landing. As soon as the wheels of the landing gear touched the ground, the door opened. As we ran, we threw the leader inside, and the helicopter took off again. The entire operation to capture the leader took no more than two minutes. And the crowd gradually dispersed, all the riots stopped. It turned out as in the song of Vysotsky - "there are few real violent, so there are no leaders."
But this story had its continuation. In a couple of months I am flying after another business trip from Baku to Moscow. Already at the airport they tell me that I need to look after one arrested person who is being transferred to the Lefortovo prison. We flew on a military plane, in an airplane, choosing a far corner, sat it next to me, covered it with some kind of carpet bales (so as not to attract the attention of other passengers). But he took off the handcuffs at his request, he drew something the whole flight, wrote poetry in his notebook. He had a big, bushy beard (grown in two months), so I didn't recognize him. And he suddenly says: "It was not you who took me to Nakhichevan?" I looked closely - for sure! He had become calmer by that time, so I had no problems with him.
- The Sukhumi operation of group "A" is considered unparalleled even in the world. As a direct participant in those terrible events, what did you remember the most?
- An episode related to a guard dog. Viktor Fyodorovich Karpukhin ordered me to shoot the guard shepherd that was guarding the perimeter of the isolation ward with a silent pistol. For three days no one fed or watered her, she was in a state of shock and could bark at them and deprive us of the factor of surprise. The difficulty was that I would have to shoot from a great height at a small moving target, and I had to kill it from the first shot. Can you imagine my condition? Among other things, I really love dogs. And so we carefully began the descent of two explosives, while everything goes smoothly, the dog is not visible. The prisoners, with the help of shards of mirrors tied to sticks, are trying to control the perimeter of the isolation ward. In the silence mode, the explosives began to mine the door of the first floor, and suddenly a dog runs out ... I took aim ... and then the soldier, who was closer to the dog, stretches out his hand in its direction and looks intently into its eyes. The dog seemed to be paralyzed. Then he beckoned her to him with a gesture, she resignedly approached, allowed herself to be stroked and went around the corner without making a sound. Believe me, you should have seen it! And I was glad that I did not have to kill the animal.
After the completion of the operation, the whole city greeted us as heroes. I saw this only in the chronicle, when we met the cosmonauts. There was one funny episode. Local security officers asked us to take a group photo. We settled down on the steps of the local government. Everyone is looking into the lens, and I'm the only one in this photo looking somewhere up and showing something. And it was like this. In the midst of the photo session, the whole family poured out onto the balcony of the third floor of the house opposite and, shouting joyfully, began to offer us a huge watermelon.
- I cannot but ask about the storming of the White House in 1991. More precisely, about how the soldiers of group "A" refused to storm it, in fact, violating the order.
- By this time, I no longer served in the group. The phone call caught me at home. My colleague and good comrade reported that they had received an order to storm the White House. I told him: “Anything but an assault. As soon as you raise a weapon on a civilian (no matter how opposition he is), you will cross the line. This order is criminal. " He told me: "Yes, we ourselves do not want." And there, according to the plan of the operation, there was an act of intimidation - shelling from the air, and then an assault, and if they did not surrender, then the order allowed them to destroy people on the spot. And then Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin (it cost him his career and the position of the commander of group "A") gathered all the fighters and said: "Decide for yourself!" The majority answered: "We will not go to the assault." It was after this incident (maybe I'll tell you a seditious thing now) that Varangian commanders were sent to us from outside. The authorities no longer trusted Alpha.
- Is it true that later Yeltsin himself thanked for the unfulfilled order, which he gave then?
- Yes. He came to the location of the group and said: "You saved the country from many bad things." Although immediately after these events I wanted to disband Alpha. As a result, they limited themselves to transferring "Alpha" to the subordination of the FSO and redeployed to the Kremlin. I think Yeltsin was afraid of the alphas and wanted the unit to be under complete control from now on.

photo: From personal archive
Group "A" of the Seventh Directorate of the KGB was created by a secret order of the Chairman of the KGB Yuri Andropov on July 29, 1974, and was soon recognized as the most effective special unit in the world. The main task of this special unit is military operations to prevent terrorist acts, and the release of hostages. The modern followers of the "A" group are employees of the "A" Department of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia.
On August 11, in the city of Sukhumi, seven arrested criminals, who were in the temporary detention center (IVS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Abkhaz ASSR, took three security workers hostage. Taking possession of the keys, they released 68 prisoners from their cells. Subsequently, the bandits occupied three floors of the isolation ward, including the premises where over 3 thousand "barrels" of rifled and smooth-bore weapons were kept, more than twenty thousand pieces of ammunition seized from the population. The organizer of this action is Prunchak, three times convicted, taken into custody for the murder of three people, two of whom are policemen.

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