Faithfulness to the word in the captain's daughter. A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The formation of the personality of Peter Grinev

The last major work of A.S. Pushkin became his small in volume, but incredibly deep in meaning novel “ Captain's daughter" The classic himself, who devoted more than one year to writing it, admitted in his diaries that the work became his philosophical and creative testament, in which he was able to reflect all the thoughts that worried him.

The novel itself primarily contains Christian didacticism. He refers the reader to the Gospel of Matthew, to the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ and to his covenant to be a true righteous man, to do nothing for show and to carry love for his neighbor in his heart, to remain merciful even with the enemy, to take care of honor and dignity. This has been noted many times by literary scholars.

Historian G. Fedotov, for example, called “The Captain’s Daughter” the most Christian work in the entire history of Russian literature. He noted that this is a story about “quiet righteousness.” There is no doubt that the heroine of the novel, Masha Mironova, becomes the bearer of this righteousness.

Despite the fact that the main semantic load falls on the idea Christian love, Pushkin does not lose sight of romantic love. This is perhaps the most striking and interesting storyline in the work, which makes “The Captain’s Daughter” so attractive even to the modern reader.

The main character of the story, Petrusha Grinev, grew up as a teenager: he chased pigeons, listened to the stories of the poultry woman and rudely scolded his uncle Savelich. Tired of his son’s sloppiness, Grinev Sr. sends him to “serve, smell gunpowder” to the provincial Belogorsk fortress. Surprisingly, this is where colossal historical events who will be destined to play important role in the life of Petrusha and other heroes. And it is here, in the Belogorsk fortress, that a spoiled but honest, noble young man will be lucky enough to meet his true love.

At first, Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of Captain Mironov, the girl who will be able to win Grinev’s heart, will not attract his attention. She was not pretty, had poor health and a sensitive heart. The mother, Vasilisa Egorovna, called her daughter a coward to her face and warned her that she was afraid of a gun shot.

It is interesting that the heroes, who initially appear not in the most favorable light, ultimately unite and change each other in better side. Their souls desperately grow stronger, and the love that arose between them leads them to true happiness and salvation.

The love line in the novel “The Captain's Daughter” is complicated by dramatic twists and turns. Thus, for the first time Masha shows her character when she finds herself marrying her lover without the blessing of his parents. She tells Grinev that without their approval, he, Petrusha, will not be happy. This reveals the amazing nobility of the heroine, ready to sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of the happiness of her loved one.

Later, the trials will become much more terrible: Masha Mironova’s parents die at the hands of vile rebels, and the girl herself is miraculously saved by the priest - in this episode the Christocentric motifs of Pushkin’s works also appear. Grinev finds himself separated from his beloved. Soon she is captured and finds herself in the clutches of the traitor Shvabrin. He demands the girl’s consent to marry him, but Masha, observing Christ’s commandment from the Sermon on the Mount “do not commit adultery in your heart,” remains faithful to another. The nobility of her soul appears in the episode where she frantically admits that she is ready to die rather than sell herself to save her body.

The captain's daughter has to seek protection from the rebel Pugachev himself, despite her previous “cowardice.” Love for Grinev enormously changed the character of Masha Mironova. Against her will, she had to become courageous, strong and brave, devoted to her lover. When he needs help, she is the one weak woman, goes to the capital to do everything in her power to save Pyotr Andreich.

It’s interesting that love in “The Captain’s Daughter” takes on a tinge of... belligerence! Alexander Sergeich leads his heroes through many difficult tests, subjects them to the need to perform difficult moral choice. And in the conditions of historical drama, the senseless and merciless Russian rebellion, Masha and Peter seem to deserve spiritual cleansing. The author seems to be arranging for them the circles of Hell and Purgatory in order to ultimately lead the heroes through pain and suffering to heavenly life on earth.

It seems that in this novel A.S. Pushkin creates a somewhat exaggerated image ideal relationship between a man and a woman - a relationship where harmony, mutual respect and selfless devotion to each other reign, the willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one. The historical background against which this love story, is needed only to more strikingly show the contrast between base feelings - the thirst for power, cruelty, etc. - And true love, to which every person on earth should strive.

With this approach to the disclosure of the topic, we will clearly see echoes with the theme of honor and dishonor. After all, betrayal of the oath dishonors a person. Perfidy makes the hero an oathbreaker. “Shvabrin fell to his knees... At that moment, contempt drowned out all feelings of hatred and anger in me. I looked with disgust at the nobleman lying at the feet of the runaway Cossack” (Grinev. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"). The traitor Alexey Shvabrin did not take care of honor from his youth. The author characterizes him as a cynical empty person, capable of slandering a girl only because she refused to reciprocate his feelings, as low man, traitor, coward, traitor. When, during the assault and capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin realizes that the siege of a poorly fortified fortress cannot be withstood, he goes over to Pugachev’s side. Later, in order to save his life, Shvabrin grovels before Pugachev.

Alexey Shvabrin will forever remain a stranger among his own, a friend among strangers. He betrayed his homeland, his beloved girl, his friend, and all the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. And the attitude of “their own” towards him will always be contemptuous.

In the play "King Lear" by W. Shakespeare a whole gallery of traitors is presented. Here loving daughters they swear loyalty and love to their father, competing in the pomp of comparisons and the sophistication of hyperbole.

"How the children didn't like

Until now, never their fathers,"

- Goneril begins. Regan echoes her:

"I don't know joys other than

my Great love to you, sir!"

And only one youngest and beloved Cordelia says simply, sincerely:

"I love you as duty dictates,

No more and no less."

But Lear is not satisfied with such words; he sees his daughter’s behavior as not only disrespectful, but treacherous. So he gives the entire kingdom to her sisters. Among these showdowns, Edmund appears, the illegitimate son of the Earl of Gloucester, who served Lear for many years. Edmund planned to denigrate his brother Edgar in the eyes of his father in order to take over his part of the inheritance.

Cordelia becomes Queen of France and wins. For the first month, Lear lives with Goneril, who does not consider him at all, making it clear who is in charge here. The filial debt is forgotten. From old love and there was no trace of loyalty to his father. Goneril betrays loved one, denies him care and attention. Lyra is destined to experience public humiliation from Regan as well. And only then does he realize how unfair he was to Cordelia. Edmund betrays Gloucester, who ends up losing his eyes.

It seems that the earth itself cannot withstand this inexhaustible stream of betrayals and betrayals. Everybody died. In Edmund's words, "the wheel of fate has turned." Lear goes crazy. The faithful daughter, Cordelia, having learned about her father’s misfortunes and the hard-heartedness of her sisters, rushes to his aid. Edmund orders them both killed. Cordelia is killed on Edmund's orders. Lear cannot survive this and dies. Goneril stabs herself to death, having previously poisoned her sister.

Oh, these lying flatterers! Like rats

They bite you in half

Holy bonds of blood, please

The passions of the masters pour fuel into their fire.

And their stone souls freeze.

The main task facing the author of the essay is to determine which of the proposed aspects the given topic requires to be covered. There is no point in trying to “embrace the immensity.” Students should be oriented toward a clear definition of the problem stated in the topic and the selection of material for reasoning and argumentation in such a way that the antithesis “loyalty-betrayal” does not get lost in discussions about “how to” and “how not to.”

Cool! 4

The famous story of Pushkin A.S. "The Captain's Daughter" captivates the reader from the very first moment. In this work, the destinies of heroes with different aspirations and characters intertwine, and a sincere and pure love against the backdrop of the ongoing riot.

One of the best representatives of the nobility of that era is Grinev Peter. Peter's childhood was the same as that of his peers who lived in provincial cities. Grinev received the basics of his education from Savelich, who worked on his father’s estate. Under his guidance, by the age of twelve, the teenager had learned Russian and could tell a lot about greyhounds. The Frenchman Beaupré took over the child’s further education; he was specially brought from Moscow.

Already as a young man, Grinev goes to serve Her Majesty, at the behest of his father, to defend his fatherland. At seventeen, he already knew the value of the words honor and conscience. This period became a very important episode in the life of Pyotr Grinev. While in the Belgorod fortress, he became fascinated by writing poetry and an event occurred that influenced his entire life: Peter fell in love with Masha Mironova.

Nobility is not an empty phrase for Grinev; the young man is ready to die in a duel with the scoundrel Shvabrin just to prevent the scoundrel from discrediting the name of his beloved. The continuation of the story convinces even more of the sense of duty and devotion to one’s homeland. His refusal to go over to the side of Pugachev, who came to the fortress, is based on the fact that Grinev has already sworn allegiance to the empress and, as a real officer and nobleman, cannot break his word.

A very striking episode of Pushkin’s work is, without the slightest delay or hesitation, coming to the aid of Masha, who was being held captive by the scoundrel Shvabrin.

But still, describing Grinev as a positive character, Pushkin does not for a moment allow us to consider that the hero of the story is ideal. Despite the fact that Pyotr Grinev treated Savelich very well, he always saw him as his servant, not allowing him to forget his pedigree. Like all nobles, Grinev enjoyed all the privileges of his rank granted to him, and did not think about the injustice of serfdom, which made serfs practically slaves. You can’t find any sympathy for ordinary people in the work either. The only person he really did not treat as lower class was Pugachev. Of course, you can understand a lot and forgive the hero, attributing the shortcomings to youth and passionate love to the girl. Otherwise, why would the genius of Pushkin invest so much time and effort into this work, revealing to the readers the soul of Grinev.

Even more, in positive image Peter, convinces another character in the story, nobleman Shvabrin. This is an angry, vindictive and vile man, ready to sacrifice everything, even his feelings for his beloved Masha, to achieve his goal.

Without possessing any outstanding virtues, strength or resourcefulness, Peter captivates with his sincerity and nobility. The image of Peter Grinev, revealed in detail in the work, will not leave even the most sophisticated reader indifferent.

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There is probably no person who does not know the name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Everyone knows that Pushkin was a famous outstanding writer, a great man whose works were read, are being read, and will continue to be read.

A.S. Pushkin was fond of studying Russian history. He was especially attracted to stories about peasant riots and uprisings.

The story "The Captain's Daughter" is a shining example historical work. The story talks in detail about the events of the 18th century, about the peasant war, led by Emelyan Pugachev.

"The Captain's Daughter" was written in 1833-1836. The plot of the story is captivating, and the characters are remembered for a long time and remain in the hearts of readers.

One of the main characters is Pyotr Grinev. I liked this character in The Captain's Daughter more than any other.

The epigraph of “The Captain's Daughter” is the Russian proverb “take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age,” and Pushkin chose this proverb not by chance. These words accompanied Pyotr Grinev throughout his life.

From childhood, Pyotr Andreevich was brought up according to strict rules and regulations. His father was a moral man and wanted to instill in him the qualities of a true patriot, to teach Peter to live according to the laws of honor and conscience. And despite everything, Grinev Jr. became such a person and remained so until the end. He was kind and romantic, noble and generous. Getting into various life situations, he behaves with dignity, as befits a Russian officer. Peter will never betray anyone, neither his beloved girl nor his friend. for his homeland, for what is dear and close to his heart, he will give anything.

Grinev was undoubtedly a positive hero of this novel; one must learn from his actions and take an example from him. And if in our time there were more people like him, then life would become easier.


Petr Grinev - the main thing actor A. S. Pushkin's story “The Captain's Daughter”. The entire life path the main character, the formation of his personality, his attitude to the ongoing events in which he is a participant is revealed.

The kindness of his mother and the simplicity of life of the Grinev family developed gentleness and even sensitivity in Petrusha. He is eager to go to the Semenovsky regiment, where he was assigned from birth, but his dreams of life in St. Petersburg are not destined to come true - the father decides to send his son to Orenburg.

And here is Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress. Instead of formidable, impregnable bastions there is a village surrounded by a log fence, with thatched huts. Instead of a stern, angry boss, there is a commandant who went out for training in a cap and robe. Instead of a brave army, there are elderly disabled people. Instead of a deadly weapon, there is an old cannon, clogged with garbage.

Life in the Belogorsk fortress reveals to young men the beauty of simple life good people, gives rise to the joy of communicating with them. “There was no other society in the fortress; but I didn’t want anything else,” recalls Grinev, the author of the notes. It is not military service, not shows and parades that attract a young officer, but conversations with loved ones, ordinary people, literature studies, love experiences. It is here, in the “God-saved fortress”, in the atmosphere of patriarchal life, that the best inclinations of Pyotr Grinev are strengthened.

The young man fell in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Masha Mironova. Faith in her feelings, sincerity and honesty became the reason for the duel between Grinev and Shvabrin: Shvabrin dared to laugh at the feelings of Masha and Peter. The duel ended unsuccessfully for the main character. During her recovery, Masha looked after Peter and this served to bring the two young people closer together. However, their desire to get married was opposed by Grinev’s father, who was angry about his son’s duel and did not give his blessing to the marriage.

The quiet and measured life of the inhabitants of the distant fortress was interrupted by Pugachev’s uprising. Participation in hostilities shook up Pyotr Grinev and made him think about the meaning of human existence. The son of a retired major turned out to be an honest, decent, noble man; he was not afraid of the menacing appearance of the leader of a “gang of bandits and rebels”; he dared to stand up for his beloved girl, who one day became an orphan. Hatred and disgust for cruelty and inhumanity, Grinev’s humanity and kindness allowed him not only to save his life and the life of Masha Mironova, but also to earn the respect of Emelyan Pugachev - the leader of the uprising, rebel, enemy.

Honesty, straightforwardness, loyalty to the oath, a sense of duty - these are the character traits that Pyotr Grinev acquired while serving in the Belogorsk fortress.


A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter,” written in 1873, contains a story about the honor and duty of the young officer Petrusha Grinev. From the first chapters of this story, it is clear how responsibly Petrusha behaved in repaying his debt to Zurin. His father’s parting words were not in vain for Grinev; the feelings of the protagonist are filled with love for the fatherland and duty to the empress.

Peter, without being afraid, appeared before Pugachev, allowing him to decide his fate himself, thereby receiving Pugachev’s respect and pardon. Pugachev also helped Pyotr Grineev with the proceeds of Maria Mironova, repaying him favor for service. Even the dirty tricks of Alexei Shvabrin did not break the strong spirit of Pyotr Grineev. His betrayal and slander made one feel the full taste of injustice and cruel life young officer. But even here Peter does not give up, recognized as a traitor and accomplice of Pugachev, he boldly accepts punishment.

Fortunately, Greneyev’s beloved Maria Mironova decides to go to the empress herself to prove her beloved’s innocence. Maria's usual simplicity and sincerity helps her to defend the honor of her lover and the fate of the main characters turns out to be quite happy.

I think this story talks about the honor of duty and the right to choose. Using the example of the main characters, A.S. Pushken makes it clear that a person is not always free to control his destiny, but the choice always remains with the person and his future destiny depends on the decision he makes.


Petr Grinev - main character story. He is 17 years old and a Russian nobleman who has just entered military service. One of Grinev’s main qualities is sincerity. He is sincere with the characters of the novel and with the readers. Talking about his life, he did not try to embellish it. On the eve of the duel with Shvabrin, he is excited and does not hide it: “I admit, I did not have that composure that those in my position almost always boast of.” He also speaks directly and simply about his state before the conversation with Pugachev on the day of his capture of the Belogorsk fortress: “The reader can easily imagine that I was not completely cold-blooded.”

Grinev does not hide his negative actions (an incident in a tavern, during a snowstorm, in a conversation with the Orenburg general). Gross mistakes redeemed by his repentance (the case of Savelch).

Grinev's soul has not yet hardened military service. He shuddered at the sight of a mutilated Bashkir captured while distributing Pugachev’s leaflets. The singing of the Pugachevites makes a strong impression on him: “It is impossible to tell what effect this simple song about the gallows, sung by people doomed to the gallows, had on me. Their menacing faces, slender voices, the sad expression they gave to words that were already expressive - everything shocked me with some kind of poetic horror.”

Grinev was not a coward. He accepts the challenge to a duel without hesitation. He is one of the few who comes to the defense of the Belogorsk fortress when, despite the commandant’s command, “the timid garrison does not budge.” He returns for Savelich, who has lagged behind.

These actions also characterize Grinev as a person capable of love. Grinev is not vindictive, he sincerely puts up with Shvabrin. He is not characterized by gloating. Leaving the Belogorsk fortress, with Masha freed by order of Pugachev, he sees Shvabrin and turns away, not wanting to “triumph over the humiliated enemy.”

A distinctive feature of Grinev is the habit of paying good for good with the ability to be grateful. He gives Pugachev his sheepskin coat and thanks him for saving Masha.

How do you understand the word “loyalty”?

What is loyalty? In my opinion, this word can be understood differently depending on the situation. If we're talking about O love relationships, then fidelity is, first of all, steadfastness and constancy in one’s feelings, readiness to be with a loved one in any situation.

Thus, N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women” tells about Princess Trubetskoy, who followed her Decembrist husband to Siberia. The governor of Irkutsk dissuades her, describing the difficulties she will face: the harsh climate, the need to live in barracks with convicts, meager and rough food, the upcoming renunciation of all the rights and privileges of a noble person. However, the heroine is not afraid of his words. She is ready to do anything just to be close to her husband, to share both joy and sorrow with him. To all warnings she replies: I am a woman, a wife!

Let my fate be bitter -

I will be faithful to her!

We see that Princess Trubetskoy personifies loyalty and devotion to a loved one.

The word “loyalty” can also be understood as steadfastness in fulfilling one’s duties and duty, for example, to the Motherland. The Defender of the Fatherland, soldier or officer, is obliged to remain faithful to the oath and not to betray it, no matter what happens.

An example is Pyotr Grinev, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter.” When the Belogorsk fortress was captured by Pugachev, all officers were asked to go over to the side of the rebels. If they refused, a tragic fate awaited them - to be hanged. The author shows that, faced with a choice, Pyotr Grinev was ready to give up his life, but remain faithful to the oath. Later, he also refuses Pugachev’s offer, who promised to reward him with high titles: “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.” The writer emphasizes that above all for the hero was honor and loyalty to military duty.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion: the word “loyalty” implies devotion to someone or something: a loved one, the Fatherland, duty.

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What action can be called treason?

What action can be called treason? Of course, everyone will answer this question in their own way. I'll try to formulate my point of view. In my opinion, treason is such actions as betraying a loved one, or in wartime, going over to the side of the enemy. To support my words, I will give several examples.

Let us remember the story by N.M. Karamzin “ Poor Lisa». main character, a simple peasant girl, fell in love with a young nobleman named Erast with all her heart. He, too, seemed to have found his ideal in Lisa. However, the happiness did not last long. The author shows that soon the passion in the hero’s heart gave way to boredom and cooling. Moreover, having lost at cards, he decided to improve his situation by marrying a rich elderly widow. He did not say a word about his intentions to Lisa, moreover, he deceived her, saying that he was going to the army and would certainly return to her. She learned the truth only by accident. This was such a heavy blow for her that out of despair the girl committed suicide. Erast’s act can undoubtedly be called treason, because he betrayed the feelings of the girl who loved him, acted dishonestly, lying to her and secretly marrying another.

Another example of betrayal can be called the act of the Fisherman from the story “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov. The work tells about two partisans who were captured by the police. If Sotnikov bravely withstood torture and accepted death with honor, then Rybak, on the contrary, from the first minutes in captivity only thought about how to save own life. He was ready to do anything for this: to reveal the location of a partisan detachment, to go over to the side of the enemy, to execute a comrade with his own hands. By doing this, he betrayed his comrade, despised his duty as a defender of the Fatherland, and betrayed his Motherland.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion: treason can be called such actions, which are based on betrayal. By cheating, a person betrays the trust of loved ones, comrades, and sacrifices duty and honor.

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What can push a person to cheat?

What can push a person to cheat? It seems that there may be many reasons that prompted a person to commit treason. It could be selfishness, fear for one’s life, cowardice, or weakness of character. Let's look at a few examples.

So, in the story by N.M. Karamzin “Poor Liza” we see the young nobleman Erast, who won the heart of the simple peasant woman Liza. The author shows that after some time, Erast cheated on his beloved: when he went to the army, he promised the girl to return, but in reality he left her forever. Moreover, having lost almost all of his estate at cards, he decided to improve his affairs by marrying rich woman. What prompted Erast to commit such an unseemly act? This is also greed, because he did not want to lose his fortune and settle for poverty. At the same time, selfishness can also be considered the cause of betrayal young man, who thought only about himself and his interests, not caring at all about the impact his action would have on Lisa, who was devoted to him with all her heart. Erast treated the girl as something that could be thrown away as unnecessary, and did not think that for her his behavior would be a fatal blow, which ultimately ended her life (the reader learns that Lisa committed suicide after learning about her lover’s betrayal) . Selfishness and selfishness are what pushed him to betrayal.

Let us now turn to V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov”. We see a partisan named Rybak, who, having fallen into the hands of the enemy, decides to betray: he is ready to betray the location of the partisan detachment to the enemies, serve in the police, and even take part in the execution of a comrade. What pushed him to betray his Motherland and his duty as a defender of the Fatherland? First of all, fear for your life. Cowardice and weakness of character determine his post-farts. The fisherman wants to live at all costs. For him, this is more important than duty to his homeland, honor, and camaraderie. He thinks only about himself, and is easily ready to sacrifice others in order to save himself. This is also selfishness, which can be considered the cause of betrayal in this case.

To sum up, we can come to the conclusion: a person is pushed to cheat different reasons, but they are always based on selfishness, concern only for own interests, disregard for the lives of other people.

How do you understand the expression “fidelity to duty”?

How do I understand the expression “fidelity to duty”? In my opinion, the meaning of this expression is revealed when it comes to military duty. For a defender of the Motherland, this is, first of all, the readiness to fulfill one’s duty in any situation, to be ready to give one’s life if necessary. I will illustrate what has been said with several examples.

Thus, in A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter,” the main character Peter Grinev demonstrates loyalty to duty. When Pugachev captured the Belogorsk fortress, all its defenders were asked to go over to the side of the rebels. IN otherwise they were executed. The author shows that Pyotr Grinev, just like the commandant of the fortress, refused to become a traitor and was ready to accept death, but not betray his oath. Only a happy accident saved the hero from the gallows. Later, Pugachev again invites Grinev to join him in his service, to which he responds with a decisive refusal: “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.” When Pugachev asks him to at least not fight against him, Grinev again answers negatively: “How can I promise you this? ... You know, it’s not my will: if they tell you to go against you, I’ll go, there’s nothing to do. You are now the boss yourself; you yourself demand obedience from your own. What will it be like if I refuse to serve when my service is needed? We see that the hero shows loyalty to military duty: he does not betray the oath, even risking his life.

The issue of fidelity and betrayal is actively raised in the work “The Captain's Daughter”. To analyze this direction in more detail and highlight the arguments, you can divide the essay into several points.

Firstly, loyalty and treason to the Motherland are described here. Pyotr Grinev is a man who has proven his loyalty to the Fatherland and duty. He was always ready to sacrifice himself and his interests. He didn't even have to doubt or make a decision. He had already once decided to be loyal to the Motherland, so he did not retreat from his position.

In contrast to him is Shvabin, who thinks only of himself. He is not interested in the fate of other people and the fate of the country. In any situation, he looks for an opportunity to save his life and, if possible, also profit at the expense of another.

Loyalty to duty was also demonstrated during the capture of Pugachev.

Even when people actively betrayed their country and duty, there were brave men who remained faithful. These were a few, but from their example we can see what role they play in big picture, in the course of history. Such people, by their actions, can raise crowds to war.

Loyalty in the love sphere in love is shown in the example of Masha Mironova. She does not make any deals, does not choose a marriage of convenience, but waits for her lover. Masha was even ready to stand up for her loved one, to fight for him at the cost of her life. If you need to write an essay about fidelity and betrayal in the seminal sphere in married life, then Masha will be an ideal example of fidelity.

The third point is being true to yourself and your word, your principles and ideals.

I believe that until the end of the novel Pyotr Grinev was just such a hero who did not succumb to provocations and problems. He was confident in his ideals, so he did not tremble or hesitate.

All these examples indicate that the work “The Captain’s Daughter” must be used for an essay in the direction of Loyalty and Treason. All aspects of the issue are shown here. In the introduction, you should immediately show your opinion on this topic. If possible, you can select a narrower topic and expand on it. There must be a conclusion with your own thoughts at the end. Here it is best to show what loyalty leads to and what betrayal leads to.

Updated: 2017-11-03

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