Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy menu. The most useful foods for anemia. Diet for overweight pregnant women

During pregnancy, every woman tends to gain excess weight, which often disappears after childbirth. But it disappears overweight after childbirth, mainly in quantities of up to 10 kg, which actually constitutes the placenta, amniotic fluid and of course the child himself.

It also happens that a woman gains not 10 kg during pregnancy, but more than 20 or even 30 kg, which is negative factor, indicating poor nutrition expectant mother. Obesity during pregnancy negatively affects the health of the expectant mother and the baby itself, therefore, during this period, if the doctor detects significant weight gain, he recommends that the woman use a diet for pregnant women. But let’s take a closer look at what the diet is and what it consists of.

Why do you need a diet for pregnant women?

Obesity is a dangerous disease, both during pregnancy and after childbirth. What is the danger of obesity? The deposition of fatty layers under the skin causes the development of serious and dangerous diseases, such as:

  • the appearance of diabetes mellitus, which is very dangerous for both mother and child;
  • a large child, which causes complications during its exit from the womb;
  • fetal hypoxia, when the baby does not have enough oxygen in the womb;
  • late toxicosis;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of swelling in the arms and legs;
  • detection of sugar in a woman’s urine.

And these are only the main types of diseases that can be diagnosed in women during this delicate period. In addition, deterioration in functioning cannot be ruled out of cardio-vascular system, as well as digestive and intestinal microflora disorders.

What affects weight gain during pregnancy?

The reasons for weight gain are banal factors, such as feeding the expectant mother various sweets and delicacies. But in the first trimester this does not affect weight gain, since every woman experiences early toxicosis during this period. During toxicosis, a woman practically does not gain weight, but starting from the second trimester, this active eating habit turns into the deposition of fat layers under the skin.

Moreover, than more woman eats, the faster her body weight grows. Many women in such cases may think that rapid weight gain indicates the active growth of the baby, but in reality everything is much sadder.

If a woman does not want to gain weight during pregnancy, then she needs to think about this from the first days after being notified of the good news. No matter how much food is on the table, you only need to eat healthy food and in small quantities. With each month, the need for food will increase and this is normal, so it is important to eat often and in no case overeat.

Affects weight gain sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy, which begins mainly after the 12th week. The expectant mother increasingly tries to relax on the sofa or sit on a chair, as the actively growing little person inside is exhausting her body.

At a time when a pregnant woman begins to lead a sedentary lifestyle, the digestion process slows down, so overeating leads to active dialing weight and unpleasant sensations discomfort.

Indications for dieting during pregnancy

It is recommended for all women to follow a diet for a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester, but everything also depends on factors such as:

  • the initial weight of the expectant mother;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • woman's age;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

Each woman is individual in her own way, therefore the diet during pregnancy should also be approached individually, in otherwise Failure to do so can lead not only to obesity, but also to problems during childbirth.

Many people believe that the desire to enjoy something sweet is the baby’s request, and therefore the expectant mother is unable to refuse the baby. Moreover, sometimes there is a desire to eat food that you have never eaten in everyday life. But in fact, such desires are not the child’s requests, but rather banal changes in hormonal levels. Therefore, you should not give in to your desires and eat everything on demand, even if you have a desire to enjoy something, then do it - this must be done in small quantities.

What should be the diet for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester?

If before pregnancy you had no problems with overweight, then from the moment you identify a new life inside you, the first thing you need to do is purchase a scale. You need to weigh yourself every day and monitor your body weight, which should increase slightly. The readings should be recorded and reported at the next appointment with the doctor.

If you notice that every day more and more fat folds appear on your body, then the first thing you should not panic. After all, stress during pregnancy will negatively affect the baby’s health, so you should make an adequate decision - reconsider your diet and adjust your lifestyle.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it is important to ensure that weight gain per week does not exceed the norm of 300-400 grams. If you notice a weight gain of more than 600 grams per week, then you should take appropriate measures and be sure to inform your doctor about it. First of all, the doctor will check for swelling of the extremities, which is often the cause of such weight gain, but if they are absent, you will need to change your diet.

The diet for pregnant women provides for the categorical exclusion from the diet of such foods as:

  1. Homemade pickles, canning and marinades.
  2. Smoked meat products.
  3. Sweets in the form of candies, cookies, cakes and other types of baked goods.
  4. Drinks in the form of soda and other liquid colors. It is preferable to drink natural juice, compote or green tea.
  5. Mushrooms are also prohibited for consumption, as they can cause poisoning of the body, which will lead to a series of unpleasant consequences. Mushrooms are especially dangerous during last trimester.
  6. It is also prohibited for the next 9 months to eat frozen foods or visit fast foods.

It is also important so that the diet for pregnant women does not consist only of water and vegetables. After all, first of all, you need to worry not only about yourself, but about your future child. In order for the baby to be born healthy, it is important for the mother to eat everything healthy and only natural products, avoiding the consumption of harmful nutrients.

In each trimester it is necessary to include a certain list of certain products that contribute to correct formation fetus

On latest dates During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to eat less, or even better, to fasting days. This will improve the woman’s well-being and will not give her the opportunity to gain weight in the final stages. If you do not follow a diet during the last trimester, then this will negatively affect the birth process.

A fasting diet for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester looks like this::

  • fresh vegetable salads;
  • stewed fruits and fresh, or whipped in a blender.

If the 3rd trimester falls on summer time year, then it is important to include new potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants and peppers in the diet. It is necessary to exclude tomatoes, as they are allergens.

We should not forget about naturally harvested fermented milk products. Dairy and dairy products play important role during pregnancy, in particular, they help strengthen the child’s bone tissue, and also help improve the functioning of the intestines. Among dairy products, it is recommended to give preference to cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, milk and in some cases even whey.

Whole grain cereals should predominate in the daily diet of pregnant women in the third trimester. It is not recommended to consume cereals in the form of flakes or a fine-grain base. The consumption of rice and semolina is strictly prohibited.

In cases where there are no problems with swelling during the third trimester, a woman needs to drink fluids more often. Moreover, it is recommended to drink small sips every 0.5 hours, especially on hot summer days. A woman’s diet during the third trimester differs from week to week; we’ll find out what exactly is next.

Meals by week 3rd trimester

During the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman needs to supply her body with complexes useful vitamins and microelements that are necessary both for herself and for the baby. Based on this, a special diet was compiled for the third trimester of pregnancy, which also depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. Let's look at what is important to include in your diet during the third trimester.

Calcium is the main element that should prevail in the diet of a pregnant woman. If there is a shortage of it during this period, the development of complications cannot be ruled out. birth process. But you can eat dairy products until the 34th week of pregnancy, after which you should limit yourself, as this can also complicate labor.

Vitamin D is also important, as it is a substrate for the absorption of calcium. If there is a lack of vitamin D, children may develop the incurable disease rickets. Therefore, a woman needs to ensure that foods with this vitamin predominate in her diet. In addition, vitamin D is found in sun rays, so don't forget to take walks fresh air during the third trimester.

To prevent the development of fetal hypoxia, it is necessary to include foods containing iron in the diet. Iron-containing foods must be consumed throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and starting from the 34th week you can only eat chicken or veal meat.

To strengthen immune system The child and the expectant mother should give preference to products containing vitamin C. But vitamin-containing products can be consumed until the middle of the third trimester, and after that they should be reduced to a minimum, as they can provoke the development of gestosis.

It is important to pay attention to the consumption of vitamin E, which will help women prepare for childbirth and make it less painful. It is necessary to consume foods such as carrots, radishes and cucumbers by the end of the 30th week of pregnancy. It is also necessary to limit fluid intake to a minimum at 32 weeks. It is better to replace liquid in the form of water with tea, which will prevent the development of edema.

Dishes for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, you must strictly control your diet and avoid consuming prohibited foods. But how can you diversify the menu of a pregnant woman in the third trimester?

Fruit pancakes

To prepare them you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • oatmeal porridge in the amount of 250 grams;
  • rum sugar 75 g;
  • butter 100 g;
  • chopped dates 100 g;
  • molasses 1 tbsp. spoon.

In order to prepare them, you will need to melt the butter in a frying pan along with rum sugar. After this, add dates, molasses and rolled oats to the resulting consistency and knead the dough. After kneading the dough, it must be placed on a roasting pan and placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Approximate cooking time is 10-15 minutes until the pancakes take on a golden color. After cooking, the dough must be cut into portions and served. Instead of dates, you can use any other fruit you like.

You can cook any dish, but it is important to remember that you can use approved ingredients for cooking. The best thing is if your diet is dominated by fruits and vegetables, which, of course, are not allergens, but healthy and necessary for the body. Meat and vegetable fats cannot be excluded from the diet, as they are important for strengthening the body. The only thing that will not be useful during pregnancy is sweets, which are the source of the obesity problem throughout the planet.

Menu for the week

Let's consider approximate menu per week for pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. But we should not forget that this is approximate schedule meal and it can be changed depending on the individual characteristics of the pregnancy.

  1. Monday : you can start the day by eating porridge, but not exclusively rice, and also not oatmeal. Best to cook buckwheat porridge, which is famous for its rich supply useful properties. During a snack closer to 11 o'clock, you need to eat 1-2 fruits of your choice, for example, a banana. You should cook for lunch vegetable soup with meat, mashed potatoes, salad and compote. During a snack, you can drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. For dinner, it is better to prepare a salad with mashed potatoes.
  2. Tuesday : To avoid repeating your diet, you can make cottage cheese with an apple and carrot juice for breakfast. During a snack you need to eat a sandwich with hard cheese and fresh cucumber. For lunch you can cook vegetable stew with soup. Afternoon snack: hard cheese with green tea. For dinner: bake fish meat and prepare a salad with fresh vegetables.
  3. Wednesday: For breakfast, muesli doused with milk will be healthy. During a snack, you can enjoy freshly squeezed juice or kefir. For lunch, cook fish soup with salad and compote. Afternoon snack: sandwich, jelly or cocoa. For dinner, cook boiled veal meat with salad and boiled potatoes.
  4. Thursday : For breakfast you can boil an egg, and also eat rye bread with jam or butter, washed down with unsweetened green tea. Snack: yogurt or fruit. For lunch, make vegetable soup and a sandwich. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese or kefir. For dinner, prepare dietary pilaf with vegetable salad and green tea.
  5. Friday : For breakfast, prepare milk porridge with buckwheat. Snack: fruit salad in an amount of no more than 150 g. For lunch you can eat vegetable stew, as well as roast beef with jelly. Afternoon snack: you can diversify it by eating vegetables. For dinner, prepare a vegetable salad and boil potatoes.
  6. Saturday : for breakfast make cottage cheese with jam or fresh berries. During a snack, eat any dried fruit in quantities up to 100 grams. For lunch, prepare borscht with meat, as well as baked vegetables. During the afternoon snack, eat fruit, and for dinner, make a sandwich with hard cheese and pineapple, baked in the oven.
  7. Sunday : For breakfast, make cheesecakes or an omelet with tea. Snack: kelp salad with a piece rye bread. Cook for lunch fish soup with cutlets and vegetables. During the afternoon snack, eat cottage cheese or yogurt, and for dinner make soup with potatoes and chicken.

This diet for one week in the 3rd trimester will prevent fat deposits, but will also be very useful for the growth and development of the child.

Pregnancy is probably the most desirable time in a woman’s life; during this period she prepares to become a mother and continue her family line. But the final stage of pregnancy is the most difficult; it can be accompanied by various additional stresses on the body. What problems can arise at the final stage of pregnancy, the so-called third trimester?

For most pregnant women, heartburn becomes common in the third trimester, due to the fact that the abdominal muscles that previously prevented the entry of gastric juices relax. Another problem may be nausea in the third trimester; this happens due to the fact that your uterus begins to take up space. most abdominal cavity while pushing the stomach up.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, alcohol is strictly prohibited, which will have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus, and it is also advised to refrain from eating sour and spicy foods, which could contribute to heartburn.

Another advantage would be revision daily ration, avoiding large portions of food, it is better to eat small portions, after which you need to take a walk in the fresh air. It is also important to maintain the level of water in the body; you need to drink about 2.5 liters of water per day to prevent dehydration.

During the 3rd trimester, the menu should be fractional, complete and nutritious.

It will not hurt to eat foods high in fiber, which mainly prevent constipation, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

In the third trimester it's intense the development of the child’s internal organs, and it is no secret that during this period a pregnant woman can gain up to 2 kg per week; during this period it is very important to provide nutritious and healthy nutrition.

During the third trimester, you should add about 400 kcal to your diet, and you should never go on a diet or watch what you eat; you need to choose healthy food, but not limit yourself to it.

During the last stage of pregnancy, more than ever, a lot of protein foods are needed for the development of the child. Nutritionists recommend 5 to 7 servings of meat per day and about a liter of milk to meet the body's protein needs.

Should be consumed: meat, poultry, fish, dairy products. You should resist the temptation to eat exotic fish, which may contain a high mercury content, which can have a detrimental effect on the fetus.

The body's needs during pregnancy are varied, and it does not bypass the need for additional vitamins, which partly form the child’s immunity. First of all, you need iron and folic acid The need for these vitamins increases by about 50% during the third trimester.

While taking vitamins, it is also worth eating foods containing large amounts of vitamin C, foods containing high grains and fiber. Vitamin C is very important for the body as it promotes the absorption of iron. The diet should contain a lot of grain products, meat, legumes and green vegetables; they contain large amounts of iron and acid.

Choosing the right and healthy eating largely determines the future health of the child, choosing a healthy diet during the third trimester will not only benefit your child, but will also help you get rid of nausea and. Therefore, watch the food you eat and do not limit yourself during pregnancy - this will not be beneficial. After all, there will be plenty of time to go on a diet in the future.

Video about nutrition for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

Excess weight during pregnancy is ordeal for every woman. But you should understand that after childbirth, depending on the weight and size of the fetus, you will lose about 10 kg: amniotic fluid, placenta, percentage increase in blood volume and, of course, the newborn baby.

If a woman’s weight is much higher than normal, the doctor recommends using a diet for pregnant women. What is a diet for pregnant women, in what cases is it prescribed and what menu is used, we will tell you right now.

Calculation of calorie content of foods

Products in alphabetical order

Why is a diet for pregnant women necessary?

During pregnancy excessive weight is very dangerous, because it can provoke the following diseases and complications:

  1. Late toxicosis.
  2. Increased blood pressure, protein appears in the urine, swelling occurs, varicose veins veins, everything that develops with gestosis.
  3. Fetal hypoxia (the child does not have enough oxygen).
  4. Excess weight causes weak labor.
  5. The baby is born large.
  6. A woman may develop gestational diabetes (the disease disappears after childbirth).
  7. The phenomenon when sugar appears in a woman’s urine (glucosuria). This pathological condition quite common, but excess weight also contributes to the appearance of glucosuria.

Nutritionists from Sweden have proven that a woman who has gained less than 16 kg during pregnancy returns to her original shape in one to a year and a half. And if the weight gain is more than 20 kg, then it will be difficult to return to slimness.

How should you gain weight so as not to go on a diet for pregnant women?

The rate of weight gain for a pregnant woman is different dates calculated using body mass index. You can calculate it yourself by dividing your weight by your height squared. An index of 19 to 25 units is considered normal, and during pregnancy you gain from 9 to 14 kg.

If the indicator is less than 19, you can gain a couple or three during pregnancy extra pounds. Are you pregnant with twins? Add up to 4 kg to the weight gain indicators. Monitor your rapid weight gain. In the first and early second trimester, a woman gains about 40% of the norm, the main increase - 60% - occurs in the middle of the second and throughout the third trimester.

Diet for pregnant women. How to avoid gaining weight during pregnancy?

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Nutrition during pregnancy nutrition by trimester Diet of a pregnant woman

How to eat properly during pregnancy?

How to lose weight during pregnancy? Slender pregnancy. Diet 3 trimesters.

If you had before pregnancy normal weight, then in the 1st trimester you need to gain up to 1.5 kg.

In the second trimester, the increase increases and amounts to 0.4 grams per week. In the third trimester, during the 9th month, you are allowed to gain 1 kg, but the gain may be higher, which is often caused by edema.

For women whose weight before pregnancy was above normal, doctors recommend gaining no more than 2.9 kg by week 20. And for a mother with normal weight – 5.4 kg. These indicators are also used when planning pregnancy.

What affects weight gain during pregnancy?

The moment the family learns the good news about pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to be fed. The husband brings sweets home, the mother brings soups and purees, and the mother-in-law brings fat cottage cheese and milk. In the 1st trimester, more than 80% of women suffer from early toxicosis, so everything adds up in small quantities.

But after 12 weeks, when toxicosis disappears, you can gain a lot of weight.

A pregnant woman should not eat for two; of course, the portions increase, but not 2 times. Our body is designed cunningly, that's all useful components even a small amount of food will go straight to the unborn baby.

After week 12, weight gain is affected not only by a sedentary lifestyle and increased nutrition, but edema may appear. Check your feet to see if there are any constrictions left on them from your socks? If they are, then you will have to adjust the menu. You may also notice that in the evening it is difficult to remove the ring from your finger.

Indications for dieting during pregnancy

A diet for pregnant women is prescribed for every woman, but calorie standards depend on the initial weight of the expectant mother, family illnesses, and chronic diseases.

It is generally accepted that during pregnancy a woman should not limit herself, because everything she wants to eat is asked for by the child. This is not entirely true, the increase in appetite is caused by changes in hormonal levels, just like during PMS and menstruation. You should not give in to your appetite, and in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, carefully monitor any weight gain.

Diet for pregnant women: when to use it?

Did you become overweight during pregnancy? Don't worry, all stress affects your baby! It’s better to slightly adjust your menu and lifestyle.

The pregnancy diet is used for medical purposes: you lose weight for the sake of the health of the person living in your tummy. If the expectant mother experiences edema, junk food is excluded from the menu:

  1. Smoked meat, fish, cheeses.
  2. Pickles, home preserves, marinades and sauces.
  3. Salty dishes, salt is reduced to the permissible daily minimum.
  4. Yeast sweets, baked goods.
  5. Carbonated and sweet drinks. It is better to give preference to fruit compote or natural juice, green tea.
  6. Mushrooms.
  7. Fast food, ready-made pancakes, pizzas, sandwiches.

The diet for pregnant women is divided into trimesters for a reason. Allowed are those products that are necessary for the proper and complete development of the baby. Therefore, we do not limit the menu to parsley and water with lemon, we simply cut down on daily calories. Each trimester includes a certain set of products that will help the proper formation of the fetus.

Diet for pregnant women: how to calculate calorie intake?

A normal diet for a pregnant woman should include:

  1. 120 grams of protein per day, of which 70 grams are animal meat, dairy products, fish or eggs.
  2. 100 grams of fat, 20 of which enter the body with plant foods.
  3. No more than 400 grams of carbohydrates in the first trimester, in the second and third - up to 300 grams. You reduce the amount of carbohydrates, supplementing what you lost with proteins.

During a weight loss diet for pregnant women, food is taken 4-5 times a day in small portions. If during pregnancy before the diet you ate 3000 calories per day, the norm is reduced to 1800-2000 calories. This does not mean that you now have to go hungry.

Eat for your health, but only healthy food, but you will have to forget about sweets, fast food, sweet soda, fresh white bread.

Will this amount of calories be enough for a growing baby? Yes, the quantity is enough; as the baby grows in the first trimester, he only needs 100 extra calories (a glass apple juice). 2nd trimester is only 150–200 calories, for example, a glass of milk and yogurt. In the third - 300 calories per day, and this is a piece of boiled meat and kefir.

Diet for pregnant women by day

Food is divided into 5 meals, and your menu for each day looks something like this:

  1. Breakfast is hearty and includes 30% of your daily calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat.
  2. Second breakfast – 10%.
  3. Lunch – 40%.
  4. Afternoon snack – only 10% of the daily requirement.
  5. Dinner also makes up 10% of the allowed limit. Have dinner not late, around 7-9 pm, and include easily digestible foods in the menu, such as fruits, natural yogurt, curdled milk or fermented baked milk.

Dishes are boiled, stewed, baked, grilled without oil. Reduce salt consumption to 6 grams per day, it causes water stagnation, which, in turn, provokes edema. Try to avoid ready-made foods from stores, canned goods, jams and preserves. After all, you don’t know exactly what the manufacturer put in them.

What if you really want a lightly salted cucumber?

Strange food desires during pregnancy indicate only one thing - your body lacks some vitamin or mineral, and it gives you a signal. If such desires arise rarely, then this can be attributed to hormone surges.

When you feel the urge to eat a jar of pickles every day, tell your doctor about it so that your obstetrician-gynecologist can choose a vitamin complex.

In any of the three trimesters, your menu consists of healthy foods High Quality. When choosing between a cake and a plate of cottage cheese, you should choose the second option. Your baby will get a lot of calcium, and you will experience weight loss.

So, a woman with normal weight can afford to break some tasty food taboos, but an overweight woman cannot. But in the process of losing weight, the main thing is not to forget about the needs of the child. Healthy food, matching the menu and trimesters is the key normal course pregnancy.

Diet during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

The diet for pregnant women begins to be followed, no matter how strange it may sound, even before the start of pregnancy. You are planning to get pregnant, and you already need to start eating right, doing light sports, giving up bad habits. Preparation for conception begins 1–3 months in advance. This system allows you to adapt to changes, the body adjusts to bearing a child, and already during pregnancy you will gain weight at normal rates.

In the first trimester, give up junk food; your diet consists of protein and foods that are rich in calcium.

This includes cottage cheese, white chicken meat, and a large amount of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Meat contains protein, dairy products contain calcium, nuts, dried fruits, eggs, raisins and oatmeal will become invaluable sources of zinc and magnesium.

Diet for excess weight for the second trimester

In the second trimester, your baby is actively growing, and the need for vitamins and beta-carotene increases. The menu is changing, but in terms of quality, and not in terms of increasing portions. In the second trimester, eat more cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, and don’t forget about meat, cereals and cottage cheese. In the second trimester to the expectant mother It is better to avoid eating sausages, store-bought sausages, and smoked meats.

Also prohibited will be flour, sweet, and fried dishes with a crust in a frying pan.

Diet for pregnant women during the 3rd trimester

The third trimester is the last 3 months of pregnancy during which you may feel discomfort. There is heartburn, swelling of the body, heaviness in the stomach, the growing fetus puts pressure on internal organs, so you can notice that the usual inhalations and exhalations are difficult.

In the third trimester, be careful with salt and all dishes that contain it. Reduce daily norm salt up to 5 grams, try to drink clean water and less sugary drinks, this especially applies to tea and coffee. In the third trimester the volume daily fluid together with soups and drinks is 1-1.5 liters, depending on the global nature of the swelling problem.

In the last three months, doctors recommend split meals, because during this period the baby’s central nervous system is formed. Your menu is rich in iron, fatty acids and zinc, which are found in red meat, sea ​​fish, nuts, dark green vegetables, yogurt and fruits.

In the last 2-4 weeks, your body craves complex carbohydrates. This balance can be replenished with cereals (porridge and bread), stewed vegetable stews. You can cook soups, stew vegetables, eat salads, egg white omelettes, and steamed fish. Any fat is excluded from the menu: lard, stewed meat, even from meat it is better to trim off areas that are covered with a layer of fat.

Avoid rich broths, meat sauces, and hot seasonings, especially black pepper and garlic.

Sample menu for every day

  • Breakfast should be hearty. Start the day with calcium-rich cottage cheese, wash down the fermented milk product with tea with half a tablespoon of honey or fresh fruit juice.
  • Second breakfast is fruity, so give preference to apple, pear, orange.
  • At lunch, have a substantial meal: soup with broth (200 ml portion), 2 slices of grain bread.
  • The afternoon snack consists of a delicious vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • For dinner, if it is not late, eat 150–200 grams rice porridge and a cutlet made from lean meat. Let us clarify that the cutlet must be steamed.

Doctors recommend having breakfast 30 minutes - 1 hour after waking up, but having dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. If after dinner you feel slightly hungry, you can drink unsweetened fruit juice, for example, from green apples or a glass of 1% kefir.

In order for the baby to fully grow and develop, the expectant mother must eat high-quality and nutritious food. Nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy is extremely important.

Features of proper nutrition in the 3rd trimester

After the end of the 28th week of pregnancy, the third trimester begins. It will last until the onset of childbirth. This is a rather difficult time for both the body of a pregnant woman and her baby.

At this time, the child grows very quickly, gains weight well and fills a fairly large space inside the mother’s tummy. Its internal organs and systems are undergoing final development. All this is a kind of preparation for the birth of a child.

Changes also occur in the woman’s body. She's changing hormonal background, which contributes to the appearance of specific symptoms characteristic of of this period pregnancy. So, many women begin to experience severe swelling at this time. Quite often, expectant mothers complain of difficulties with regular bowel movements.

In order to minimize negative symptoms, doctors advise following special diets for pregnant.

Most recommendations are made for all women, but there are exceptions: for example, if the expectant mother suffers from some chronic diseases kidneys or heart, then nutritional recommendations should be made individually.

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How to make a diet correctly?

The best way to develop an optimal nutrition plan is to create sample menu on every day. When compiling it, the expectant mother must remember that it must contain all the nutritional elements necessary for her health, which include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, as well as fiber. If there is a catastrophic lack of any nutrient in the diet, this can lead to malfunctions in the body.

About squirrels

Perhaps the most important component proper nutrition are proteins. They perform a huge variety of functions in the body. The most important of them during pregnancy is construction.

During metabolism, protein molecules are broken down in the body into individual components - amino acids. They are the ones who participate in the construction of new cells in the body.

Protein intake varies somewhat throughout pregnancy. The largest amount of them should enter the body of a pregnant woman in the very first weeks of pregnancy; at 8-9 months their consumption decreases slightly. This is due to the fact that by this time the baby has already developed and formed quite well.

Proteins can be of both plant and animal origin. It is very important that both sources of protein are present in the correct nutritional menu of the expectant mother.

Animal protein is found in poultry, meat, fish, seafood, cheeses and dairy products, as well as milk. Large reserves of vegetable protein are found in legumes, while their content is somewhat lower in cereals.

The main rule when eating protein foods is alternation. You can’t eat just one type of protein. For example, eating only chicken or beef may result in an insufficient supply of essential amino acids found in other foods.

About fats

Fats are an essential component for the functioning of the senses, the brain, and also help the expectant mother maintain her beauty during pregnancy. They should not be abused in the third trimester of pregnancy. The amount of fat should only compensate for the needs of the body of the expectant mother and her baby.

Fats can be both beneficial and harmful. Deep-fried foods with a lot of oil, as well as fast food, will not bring any benefit to the body. Harmful fat is also found in margarine and mayonnaise. Expectant mothers should not eat these foods.

Healthy fats are found in vegetable oils, nuts, and fatty fish. A proper diet must include these foods. When adding fats to her menu, the expectant mother should remember that they are very high in calories.

An excellent example of adding fats to the diet of pregnant women at 37-39 weeks of pregnancy is a vegetable salad made from seasonal vegetables, seasoned vegetable oil. IN summer time you can prepare a cucumber salad with sweet bell peppers and parsley, and in winter - a carrot salad.

About carbohydrates

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother is already quite actively aware of her baby. A sufficiently grown child shows motor activity, can turn over into mom's tummy. To carry out such vigorous activity, the baby needs a lot of energy. The woman herself also needs it, since all her internal organs and systems work to the limit of their capabilities.

To compensate for increased energy needs, it is necessary to include carbohydrates in the menu. Absorbed into the blood, they provide the body with a portion of energy for a certain period of time.

Carbohydrates can be either “fast” or “slow”. The first ones are tasty, the second ones are more healthy and functional for the body.

“Fast” carbohydrates are found in sweets, fruits, and some types of vegetables, “slow” carbohydrates are found in cereals and cereals. When creating a menu, it is very important to remember the ratio different types carbohydrates. The “slow” view should be given a large part. So, cereal porridge for breakfast or a cereal side dish for the main course is great choice correct menu future mother.

Healthy foods

In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is very important that the expectant mother eats not only healthy food, but also delicious. At 36-38 weeks of pregnancy, anxiety and worry in a pregnant woman increase. This is due to the fact that the nervous system begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth.

One of simple methods Improving your mood and creating an optimistic mood is eating delicious food. If it is also prepared from healthy products, then it already brings multiple benefits.


Are excellent option delicacies that the expectant mother can afford. They contain natural sugars that are healthier than regular white crystalline sugar. If the expectant mother wants to eat candy or send her husband to the store for chocolate cake, then it’s better to stop this impulse in time and eat an apple or pear.

Experts advise expectant mothers to choose seasonal fruits. Eating tropical fruits, such as pineapple or mango, can provoke an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, the consequences of allergies are more negative, since allergens can also affect the baby’s body.

Fruits should not be consumed in large quantities. You should not eat an entire kilogram of apples or bananas at one time, even if the expectant mother thinks that this is a need for her body or a “whim” of her baby.

Fruits contain quite a lot of fructose, a natural sugar that quickly raises blood glucose levels. Pregnant women who suffer from gestational diabetes mellitus, you should discuss the possibility and amount of fruit consumption with your endocrinologist or therapist.

Poultry, meat

From the 35th week of pregnancy, it is better to gradually include meat products with lower fat content in the diet. Some doctors recommend reducing the amount of meat consumed 2-3 weeks before giving birth. It should not be completely abolished, since the birth of a child is accompanied by severe blood loss, accompanied by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and serum iron in a woman.

Meat products should be consumed about 4 times a week. Lean parts of chicken, turkey, and lean veal are suitable. It is better to avoid fatty pork and lamb at this time. They can make things worse digestive system the expectant mother and contain quite a lot of cholesterol, deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

The best way cooking meat products is baking, stewing or steaming. The meat can also be boiled. All fatty layers before cooking meat dishes should be removed.

Many doctors do not advise expectant mothers to eat meat broths. They contain quite a lot of extractive substances that can complicate the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. It is better to boil the meat for soup separately. It is better to make the broth in the soup vegetable.


It is a very important source of protein and also contains healthy fats. Omega-3 is essential for good condition How female body, and has a positive effect on the nervous tissue of the fetus.

White fish - cod, pollock, halibut, hake - will help diversify the menu. These types of fish contain quite a lot of protein, but little fat. They saturate the body well without causing heaviness in the stomach. You can eat fish with both vegetable and cereal side dishes. An excellent example of a healthy lunch would be baked in the oven fish cutlet, prepared from cod fillet, with boiled rice and vegetable salad.

When choosing fish, it is very important to remember to be careful. You should choose only fresh and high-quality products. If the fish is fresh or chilled, carefully inspect the gills before purchasing it. They should be bright red. The eyes of the fish should be transparent, not cloudy.

Poor quality and stale fish can pose a threat to development food poisoning. Most toxic infections in pregnant women are quite severe. The sick woman is hospitalized in a hospital. Bacterial toxins that enter the bloodstream can also become a threat to the baby.

Women who are prone to allergies should eat fish very carefully. In this case, it is best to consult your doctor first.

Dairy products

Also are the most important element structure of proper nutrition for a pregnant woman. In addition to being fairly high in protein, they include a lot of calcium. This element provides density bone tissue both in the woman’s body and in her baby.

Fermented milk products contain beneficial acido- and bifidobacteria. These beneficial “agents” are involved in maintaining optimal organ function gastrointestinal tract. Experts believe that regular consumption of fresh and high-quality fermented milk helps improve bowel regularity, as well as normalize the functioning of the immune system.

Expectant mother's menu- this is exactly the factor that can radically affect the physical and mental health of the baby. Therefore, the diet during pregnancy should be calculated from the perspective of its influence on the formation and development of the fetus.

A pregnant woman needs to make adjustments to her diet. The uterus enlarges and begins to put pressure on the internal organs, including the stomach and intestines, so it is better for the expectant mother to eat little by little and more often. Replace daily three meals a day with 4-5 meals a day, and in the second half of pregnancy with 5-7 meals a day. Try to distribute foods between meals so that in the first half of the day you eat mainly fish, meat, and cereals. Leave dairy and plant products for the evening.

The last meal should be at least two hours before bedtime. When drawing up a menu for a pregnant woman, you should, first of all, be guided by other general recommendations By dietary nutrition. Eliminate fatty, fried, smoked, spicy, salty, sour, pickled and canned foods from the diet - all this, one way or another, overloads the liver and gall bladder.

If you also study special literature, you may get the impression that you can’t eat practically anything, and only porridge and low-fat yogurt can live in a pregnant woman’s kitchen. However, it should be clearly remembered: there is no such product, a single use of which in moderate quantities could have a detrimental effect on the course of pregnancy or the condition of the fetus.

Of course, there is a group of foods and cooking methods that are best either completely excluded from the diet during pregnancy, or eaten only occasionally, in minimum quantities. Thus, coffee and wine contribute to increased blood pressure, which is undesirable for the expectant mother. Beer and pickles increase the load on the kidneys, which during pregnancy already work for “two people”. In general, alcohol, especially in large quantities, can negatively affect the formation of the baby’s organs and systems.

In addition, expectant mothers who are prone to allergic reactions or have close relatives with allergies, it is advisable to remove chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, Exotic fruits, seafood, nuts. What remains? You can and should include greens, vegetables and fruits, almost everything (excluding allergens) in a pregnant woman’s diet. They must be consumed raw or heat-treated. These are, as a rule, main courses and salads, which are best seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

Berries- cranberries, lingonberries, rosehips, blueberries, currants, chokeberries - these are the main helpers of the expectant mother’s kidneys and a source of vitamin C. The berries are good fresh, pureed with sugar, boiled, in the form of fruit drinks, compotes, jelly.

Porridge- an ideal breakfast for a pregnant woman. Buckwheat, millet, corn and oatmeal contain iron, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber. It is better to cook them in water, and add oil a few minutes before they are ready. You can add dried fruits to sweet porridges, and various sautéed vegetables to salty porridges.

No less useful muesli- a simple ready-made vitamin cocktail, and quite high in calories. Muesli can be eaten with fruit juice, milk, kefir, yogurt. By the way, dairy products, both fresh and fermented milk, are the main source of calcium - you can’t do without them.

A meat serves as the main source of animal protein, B vitamins and iron. It is better to buy chilled meat rather than frozen, it preserves better useful qualities. For meat snacks, give preference to low-fat ham and boiled pork. But it is advisable to abstain from sausage products; they contain too much fat and preservatives.

Fish. This product contains vitamin D and phosphorus, which are responsible for the work nervous system child. Try to include fresh fish in your diet low-fat varieties(cod, perch, pollock, ice fish, hake).

Diet for pregnant women by trimester of pregnancy

In the first trimester the body undergoes adaptation to a new state for it. During this period, the fetus practically does not need to increase the calorie content of your diet. Moreover, the excess weight that you will fight in postpartum period As a rule, women gain weight in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, you should not listen to grandmothers who unanimously repeat: “Eat for two!”

In this trimester, all the baby’s systems are formed, and the main emphasis should be on the quality of food. The basis of the diet should be proteins and vitamins. Daily diet – no more than 2000 kcal. Do not limit yourself to fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, juices. Wheat bread It’s better to replace it with rye or bran. In the first weeks of pregnancy, protein accumulates in the mother’s body as “ construction material"for the unborn child. Bones and tissues will begin to form later, but it is better to make a reserve now.

Second trimester- time of active fetal growth. During this period, the mother’s body requires additional feeding: the daily ration increases to 2500 kcal. But this should not be done at the expense of sugar. From 14 weeks of pregnancy consumption confectionery, sweets, jam, limit to 40-50 g per day. The diet includes up to 40% fat plant origin. They are included in the structure of all tissues and help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, F, K, D). From vegetable oils, choose any oil, consume up to 2 tablespoons per day. But it’s better to avoid animal fats (butter, cream, sour cream) for now.

In this trimester, the role of vitamins does not weaken. So, with a lack of vitamin D in a woman’s body, the fetus develops worse bony skeleton, which increases the risk of rickets, and vitamin E affects bone growth. Vitamins “come” into our body with food. Vitamin B is contained in products made from wholemeal flour, bran, uncrushed cereals, legumes, potatoes, fruits, eggs, liver, meat, cottage cheese, and butter.

There is a lot of vitamin A in carrots, but it is absorbed only together with fats. Pour vegetable oil over the carrots, and your body will receive an additional portion of vitamin E. Calcium, from low-calorie foods, is most abundant in milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat cottage cheese. Milk should be consumed separately from other foods and drunk in small sips - this way the calcium contained in it is better absorbed.

Special attention add salt. In the first half of pregnancy it is 10-12 g per day, in the second half - 8 g, and in the last two months of pregnancy - 5-6 g. This will keep you from swelling and help you not gain weight. After all, salt retains water not only in tissues, but also in fat layers, where a couple of “liquid” kilograms can linger for a long time.

Third trimester. In the 7-9th month of pregnancy, mothers gain weight before their eyes. They are already getting used to seeing themselves as round and stop counting centimeters and kilograms. Refuse salty, sweet, fatty, fried foods in favor of dietary ones. To dull the feeling of hunger, eat 5-6 times a day. It is advisable to eat meat and fish in the first half of the day, as proteins linger longer in the stomach. In the second half, it’s good to switch to dairy-vegetable dishes: cheesecakes, casseroles, stewed vegetables. Towards the end of pregnancy, nutritionists recommend reducing calorie intake and losing weight - this will increase the flexibility and elasticity of muscle fibers.

Most main principle on the menu for pregnant women - food should be simple and healthy. For it to be so, it is important not only the quality of the products, their combination, but also how you eat. Here are a few simple rules:

  • cook with good mood;
  • eat in a calm environment;
  • follow the diet;
  • do not reheat the same dish several times;
  • if there is no desire, then it is better not to eat;
  • choose food to suit your taste. Pregnancy is exactly the time when you can pamper yourself.

During pregnancy, many women face such troubles as toxicosis. heartburn, low hemoglobin, swelling. Nutrition will also help in the fight against them. From toxicosis you can save yourself with citrus fruits - better with lemon. Also try a decoction of prunes or dried apricots, either together or separately (and it’s a decoction, not a compote with sugar). You can simply chew dried fruits.

For increase hemoglobin You can use a mixture of fresh carrot and beet juice in a 1:2 ratio. But be careful, since beet juice is biologically active, drink no more than half a glass a day and only in a mixture with other juices. And this is the only juice that before drinking it is better to stand in the refrigerator for about two hours and only then drink.

Edema appear not so much from the amount of liquid as from the content of sodium salts in food. Their number is due to increased consumption of dairy products (they contain a lot of sodium). In this case, drink a diuretic (special herbal mixtures, tea with lemon, fresh kefir). After all, salts accumulated in the body must be removed, and without normal drinking this is impossible. But it’s better if the drink is sour, like fruit drinks.

This is what it might look like pregnant woman's daily menu. In the morning, when you get out of bed, drink a glass of plain water (not carbonated or mineral) to “start” your intestines to work. If you have toxicosis, add a few drops to the water lemon juice. After 15-20 minutes, drink a glass of freshly squeezed diluted juice, fruit drink, herbal or green tea, and after another 10-15 minutes, start breakfast.

Breakfast. For breakfast, to stimulate digestion, you need dishes containing coarse fiber:

  • these are a variety of porridges (except semolina) in water with fresh fruit (possibly with jam or jam);
  • cottage cheese with grated apple or carrot;
  • a couple of slices of toasted bread or cookies.

After about 2-3 hours, have a second breakfast to satisfy your hunger. Suitable here:

  • banana (dried apricots, prunes);
  • a sandwich with a slice of boiled meat (or cheese) and a slice of cucumber (tomato, lettuce).
  • And after another hour, drink a cup of green tea and a glass of your favorite juice. Or, if you want, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.
  • It's better to start with vegetable salad: 2-3 sweet peppers, 2 handfuls of chopped cabbage, parsley, dill, cilantro. Season everything with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream (but not mayonnaise).
  • For starters – a plate of soup or borscht.
  • For the second course, boiled or stewed meat, potatoes with vegetable salad, vegetable stew, fish baked with vegetables.
  • For dessert, drink dried fruit compote or fruit juice.

Afternoon snack. A couple of hours after lunch, hunger may make itself felt again. They will help you deal with it:

  • syrniki (curd casserole);
  • a jar of yogurt;
  • sandwich and a cup of warm cocoa or jelly.

Dinner. The diet is quite large:

  • lean meat (boiled, stewed, baked)
  • baked or steamed fish
  • beans
  • the vinaigrette
  • cottage cheese, fermented milk products.
  • For dessert - cookies, waffles, puff pastries, buns with fruit or vegetable filling. After 15-20 minutes, all this can be washed down with rosehip decoction, green tea or hibiscus.

For the night. Although we said that it is better not to eat after 7 pm, sometimes a pregnant woman really wants to have something to eat “for bedtime”... Some people cannot even fall asleep without going to the refrigerator. But there is a way out:

  • a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • sweet apple, peach, orange, grapefruit. It is allowed to have a bite with a couple of cookies, crackers or crackers.

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